I NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1890 I I a a la I a a urn mm Society Register on or fall roods a- v St- sit- A- fit A ID Anion- Mood J month Industrial Holiday Hum nd lug of liter- DlbttiBfcp It cm bo td ibeoffiw of for of toft d lu In lid rotflnfictQW of all for Petition in all vtid will at liberty rfgo It ltt tnwUoRi in TOoptfiitioo trtffio ufuniljn 4odiDf of and Bet Now of lmptrtnw Church biro of tte work- oat to rfeaorainiiloDt it for people 00 import ul Hill is ft villi Ibin Anything yet bit perfected foe od bo to it will bo difficult yl of will bo in mf if of wcdw them to of tbo Ufa I under tho of the Young Gab Mr flpocch oh Tba Trade Que ftrgamentft- he of which be J- Davit Eeq Mr Br Berlio Noes of ck the rtport of the Waterloo Home in detail average cost per inmate the to fc hU report tbeinetitotioo bad ftrerfle of inmates all tha year including the keepers TotleipendittrcforthereftrSnO- 71 hut from most he for on hand fat 155 and fofl dry clothing etc in hind 08 pro duce of iria other earnings of or agreed total of leaving a balance of a the actually ex- for opport of the J tome for paat year We find the following which we to of Count and managers on and farm ac count an labor team and aalarjea inclodins keeper and reniira and fuel eoMjij- making a tot a of and by deducting received for certain inmates by we barn the total of maintaining the Home above given of of the only 7 ten the coat of keep above the arerage York taxed 19 for the of the Home upon Yongo and there are grave rumors that the torn levied will not the rears expenses that in fact the rat payers may anticipate an rather than decrease What makes the York all the more perplexing further fact hit average per Inmate greater not only of Waterloo but of St Thomas ltnd and other places- make a note of figures and then go down to the Council with firm determination that the in of management York and other in stltotions shall not longer continue appoint a commission of independent men of the Council so as to re move them from Influences sometimes upon public men and report upon wt isnsgeraent and the working of the Institution generally together with ucb as the commis sion may deem important fa the di rection of greater economy in future Counsel and advice rosy do a great deal in this direction and the pockets of the ratepayers without materially affecting the efficiency of the Homo Christmas oil witb faith earth AH Sow Siiicnt bis His No jomp Tuc tU lo a a the Come Him look Him Iaesroata Went wo mUodb Do not Ah I the in wetkoesi Jtal to helplew Bom nl CB Mighty foil years lb of I the fiaiata and bit J lesions wbtae rigi1 With the Ik lill the h b ptsn fifedui height in ahip Tight wll V It It vh here All ilfiry in Trlcir cut TJntf fc Ml tnjce en High 9 Mas to to In Qf nil rt fwr KIok Ho J hat to ion wl Hi In lnihViU h West Toronto and of the Who e iba next tk still ncC7d DMV vmta parti still bold rood lately and a t5Upcd or Co looking for a site Co IcxatO Mr Of hundred Of property to pMitle- from Ii Id Franklin- Miss Jennie in the city her Galloway of Toronto xiajj with and otter friends Sanday Quite a Franklin and Mount Albert ftiteuded the meeting at Saturday Sunday lice Isaac ftoe ill with of the in thia place has closed for winter montbs still ft large inter Wo held each Sunday at half virion oE Isaac and Toole Christmas bells for iho fa- tore of the day gather around And cmloroi are again and family roado glad and bright by mi I and rraponiro of dear to let no man bo or so in bis not to join with heartfelt A of a in Township ten mile from ha been rifod The aa ar areas follow Robert found Richard an old roan of year in barn hid broken in two and arm frozen him was an iron rod that had been taken from a It was covered with blood evidently used by the murderer to beat Ufa onto poor old man lived for some boar hot regained roardeiv or and are on his rack i e A FOR SALE OS if iMitlQO the T I- AND SHOP To oo JACKSON j F- Jr IkiJO WaihjBjtcn ib1 f fell SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE TOILET SBTS AND LEATHER and Hair Toilet THE FINEST GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ABE SHOWING A OF SEASON SPECIALTIES -INOLlJDlNQ- pi nurd a A vco took and from the of or If htm Blood bitter It ooa U tick w a aba vrttortis b9 to U oyster supper in connection with the Lowell Vita Football clob gassed off on Friday all tbe inner man to the old a interesting was reo Dr Norman of King City ably filled chair The by Messrs violin and Armstrongs was excellent was concertina music by ami tho violin by Mr Coins Mr J at ton a Were i d well of- club out of the But probably the most part was the of a clock to Mr Edward the Lowell Vica with an J of the junior team was presented with a aitk Iscrohitf and on The expect to a famous record next put market hero fall was paid were not ex ceeded in the larger villages Sever al carload of potato also hip- A vauablo to Jacob Iyuaticr very suddenly As it a recent purchase Mr very Our Gospel Twnjwfrancn Society will their next in tbe a church hero on evening Dec A ami program A ball and In Hi on evening of lic Council met in halt hern on Monday All present and hope to for the that if can from nod that in out strong and a lively to Friends of church purpose jiviiijs nnd in church hem in nftr which will M by my oral capable peiaona wilt a trte loaded with tiling of wll occupy swXI tit vsill la of iis til snrrAiftuatp ft JIM lalsi la to lilt tfdf3t fcs sj jVr f of ainrifi stllilu wjits1 is ii- GLANCE AT THE FOLLOWING PUT IN STOCK FOR XMAS HOLIDAY TRADE Bottled Wines BAKES and F0BK8 r Hay and Straw Mechanics Tools Building Hardware TABLE POCKET CUTLERY PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Examine and J A ALLAN CO ACRES OF LAND Bsanllfollr fc l of QwHllmbarj for V ife now J d to r FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- Northerly li of In ma feb of FOR TnEnoaMiiod Lou lioLtadon of U Do to If 1 ORGANS ltr wilful Hon lritJF aoHrWaaLitcoNcJner Co- ffrtiWe the fully its utv J lidSpital Ih a a XL D Bottled Porters Stuane Carltogy Copland Brewing Ontario Coy A Stout it Chaiiipgae Native Wine Light Sherry Wine Brown ip Fort EjceJsior Port Old Old Claret pints quarto BOTTLED LIQUORS Irish i Wheat Irish A Worts Scotch 3yearold Gos Tom Imperiat OUR IN- DRAUGHT WINES LIQUORS largo up to for quality A rurof Timothy HIT I ppn J ROLLER MILLS then of iMm Kite people of knwn yollowOU bo had at I prom ivt and f ihoit cold Is by A MUtoa or t- Cert cooiilpiUon in lr aocM- chfuIUrpOTicr very cored MM- VAL Jit cart in MOM lO I Mi Jtit a I f4 til in f Mllta a of J diicsxMWlrow It ft 1 ftod Iih a arm a we MU4 Opt J kst flfr Up alio inc in John tk A- Trdti- I of fisttM to mud A Co HOI Imp claim Win si hitp clulio to of Too re ftUtKstlfriiwaj lntrtiU44brll2-Vl- f referred to It report for A to r iii at Xilllo lO JMofrv WJtlilHpf A rf ft tn I tT ffsurea pa A tied Yoic If flu i lie for 1 1 pi Well liipojiJitrji OF OnWEClAN I lit the lire mi tnio It fill of -sfilrfi- It find lit on pier A BaND p NOW and Stylish STOCK MILLINERY in oil its Depart At COST PRICE At Ibis ERfion of when value ia a chance rarely to bo found Hats all colors at 65 cents the place Forsyth Alain St for Now also far ilia British American Orders taken at HOUSE USE DAUNTLESS BRAND FAMirY BEST ON THE MARKET Satisfaction Guaranteed or Refundad Leave your Orders at tho Mill a More Prompt Delivery NEWMARKET Onset the la tor nit of th lt of Aumn the of Town oll No tour of for flMfTooa to Her Out firm dI iitSEsz fiih Cop W fcii am- ICO ftth fool hip All ifctin very nj Id For Sale by Tender pHK 10 ho JESSE tuthoCoanly est York following Sou lb And Cut South lot iblrtyfoiir or WMtcfiutch A kit ftcrci ilnf triple And H la Iho corporation of lltu t ills ho WW Aurora A Best and Cheapest Fence STEEL FOUNDATION BUILDERS IRONWORK Office failings lawn Furniture FOUNTAINS ETC ONTARIO FARMERS While lkr wlUbo on cents at tins of vie W Agents Wanted to Sell- Oat In Erery a J THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West Choice of Head of lnOlQdlttlbreplFUnUjIli by lara ID 1 IT- filUBALO WMTED UK from swfa iotWo fur a sot atrtlc vita or H7 It to lo Ilb U It sk Mr cTsIa srktof a ot of Mr Tart lo sons of Mr lo mi to iu rf of Mr l4 P55 a fct r without a hen- rnuit Mr Ms wif alihout ainr- Imperial Tartar Mr eat IU7rd torsi ylMoi for a u4 It tootb Mai K J Ooamsa ad Pao4 la bU by Kut sabMooiry lbs of pr cars of tad alto a radical fcsrfrrooliMlitr II aUi ibc- lbl to QfivilwiUscirMofharBioaUwba or vitb lor mot by a ssfrw sow Two of land a years of aod a It abopt In a room their grandfather Jto bad at end bud a of which he for Just sod patterns in English Scotch Canadian Aleoan of to from Strip mid urn for flnc bring with you All matin on Ilia it Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage Solicited MUTCH- Book Store fJonta own dodo and cheaply 00 FARMERS I AND OTHERS RIGS AT THE TO BIT would Inform Mount Albert tad I that of lllicWirrltlt nd wtUDftd after ho MietuUtht Painting Done Promptly arid Cheaply DUSW BAKING POWDER FRIEND A Mi W It Adlcfti JJaVtr Mount bti jtjstt EXECUTORS NOTICE a IS of of salt m Myf Estate of itisTOwasnlpflf V wbo of ifnday of Jan PUREST STRONGEST BEST lbs bis sbouldVr y got hold of end la ihe girl liir of it Two doc tors worked with htm for hoars hut not the lads lire Tht- re it an In Parr Bound for fi to prevent tho of tavern or shop end the town council bate refused to submit the to ratepayers A of the electors hid ailed to submUod but In arbitrary refuted their re quest An course as there had some as to coo- of Ihe Iocs but Jrjisl opinion of Mr J J McLaren Q0 of the clsuse to bo perfectly HO Ammonia Ml luutw TiS3 OF ROY AX Mala Cry for Castorlr Jill eit 1st jm nets a j is ivf Ml tirf- Jf ftlJMi iy ri qdh a of by in after a in Mtilciilirotiiftr j Of Jt5U4fT IWI lh fcVFU iflho tUff fll And or theear to of Ultonh WILLI tl VlrloiM f and ifcfl W Mat Lota Throat ml In ho net of win OMjhlfoaii net- oclock ji in liOOJ ftt lo lr 1Url ltlb llOJtJi Chronic Ailbfili wH4styf Voice- j is ViiMCt finis SSUMSr W III MrrffHii tolsvittlMeMsf Hl i 1 lie fc FARMERS l Hotel 40 Boar will fcl it COOK An OB raia Standard WlHtto Collins Chul d FO I liIMITKD Preserve Your BY WEARIKO THE FRANK LAZARUS flats of the firm k Morrill RENOWNED and In lomUuco iro Tin life nd last SCOTTSPnARJIAUV R I LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUH WITH SASH ARD OF THE PAST SOMCIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES I THE CANE SONS MFG CO thgri AD sir r lr IVOonlei Dion EshTng Co FOB R Bulls iron ROM TO WORM POWDERS- it a r worn la or A JJ the Stomach Liver nd Bowels Blood and removes oil If purities from a pimple le v BILIOUSNESS HEADACHE SALT RHEUM SCROFULA HEARTBURN DIZZINESS DROP SKIM Wood or Stave Bolts wanted OR TrS THE Wit CANE MeDofaeltulniOo iv