Newmarket Era, 2 Jan 1891, p. 2

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j 4 1 IN A JAN 1891 w New Hippy Year School Starr Overshoes Brbnton Bros Jacobs A- Co School TJ Robertson Onrd Thomas Silo J Tamer J Smith But A Blafc Marie Mrs J 152 Acre r Site UP I GROWS WITH USD JAN Our Toronto Despatch i ft Of iru sprang to on of Aid HI a of from all lbs to Modern O all mm 12 candidate for Mayor cd u foe West Of a mors thin will 10 Afrlc to leeJuM tin on toe ha been notified of tL it of in Germany lbs Don of ajCrditiog Mm not decided JUST BEFORE BATTLE Who la la the Field r- For fint timo in of the ud Public School took place In the evening and election mitten bad etir there Mi large of the present on the The Town Mr Lloyd the following candidates at when nominations Ccniitialt J Sttendtr R J lAR4r tis Wilw J ff TJRobfrMon ttC Belfry St Georxaa a Belfry St J Trri PatricVi ff Scott Chix AH re by Si A Si St Ward Cheer were then for the the Officers when ilyor was voted to the chair I Worship with ftppUQif for ftCDe tod daring til that time he hid or other the of one lo which 1 el ididtt tod hit tb the the tod the town mrkcd prog- the A Com fat tony daring the for In Mm work for the Jove He the the euttriog be pit la bite beta Durioglbeput litw tolidtted tod the work It of wehtregreit toftelprood wttotje the cttiartll tod on tod WO for The hi IrcrD lhe the loiinlcli to The prwt light tt d lltt tgrrd foo If rf AC -i-krr- He be Wv1 rf the Fife fln tod be t f col for the the the of the f do tad flVd a With etd fa peat WtwmpUle the ft til dope by tod lb dote by fetor the Kftwr lot the Mil tiring tb09t aw th tod ply tad the wlmtWd Mil It tod til ptiedpaj of doe abort the fint There now At ft to -M- 1699 tod debeMardblolNVniirkit for Dew model from which It fur la which tnitilbfoff Mr oat end umbo lower tisveeed other lire He Awi aWOSAO 8Sd9 790815 the to the mad by In for an Iwtnty jWfbttirdrtwiDgiatcrert Coat of the wipd oat the ba ud now PsutT beta the I tie for the rotdtto to to the to wblob they to be other lid tod the To o to which Mr- voted it tod to the roookiptliiiw If be the ttme tt other In the I role to keep the wq- Mr he hid no desire of he hid inWd to the of of bat If be to dlKbuge the to the belt of hit Major thro told whet he to toll 9iT t id the to HU1 tad keep their their own he of the Committee to of end the for Ibo wu tubruUicd ad ttrried the the ihemaukeUj la he united in of for by effort got the home loctted which it for the tows Some dUpirtgiog here been with the Waterloo home we dont to ibo people There they batter week bat we batter day offer bltfkitnpihtt bat we them here been pool In Another nutter tionoa of the town lio tad the wu pat through we farce of here He tbit the of hit byooiide ftim bat he wm not ffrd toy price to he I wis opt ego by ACcUaitiion tod tm not the nine yen I bee jo the have done no thing tod you will cot me oat I Woodcock why he la working of cues of Itw he were aooducript tod the it to of the Mayor the here been end now they got til they Mat he eta torn woaTd sty la Coaaty Mr IJoydhtd in 1869 Tote in reference to School which lhe town he did not the motion- The York of the Jtqatry eetiioo wk be ia the when he threw them upon the they belonged When the Com he wd be tept bat when I put in protest they thet the to the u It 1 Mr if be would Mr Lloyd tod log rely Io the negative Mr Lloyd 1 When Llojde frieo foaod I likely to fomd comblositloa 1 cat- Mr been cUcaltted gt1ut my which are KOTO For J elected 3rd P Fax and E For Coancil Jar Cherry and BttcV All the old con elected by clomttton a Beker J and A Haloes GWlLUMBOaV Reeve A- Charles lat Dtp 2nd Rears Aaron John A- Peignne Belfry Jacob Smith John Gurry A For Thomas For i Morton Glover J For Earl Draper John Hamilton li Morton North Mayor John reelected Arthur and Jotpph Davie Deputy Goo and J DEvaost STfiErTSriLLE John Gray- don Wal lace a For Thoa and Donald McDonald For Deputy John Kay and t For Biker tedious j lis Editor HE TO In the city we notice a letter from Prof It to from Berlin Be to bis of good retailing from hie trip to the The eeotttoa of tnjone rtilwty Si Meaner the be Mr wii for year fEn of Earl morning the building in hieh Port Offica was sltaatd just of aa to be on sooo A of a are at present engaged op has been koown as ths Yankee Lots oh the fourth concession of Bang The lots scits The land to be cleared and two dwelling and two barns erected Mr Henry Marsh has the contract and we un derstand to recoiTo about for the jof besides one seasons crop Holland Landing looked ita on Day the walla band tomely deoorated with congregation a Large one The choir bytha excellence of rendering of the Christmas Anthem bow they had boon preparing for tho happy The collection at the The north wing of the was crowded to the on Tuesday evening for entertain meat of San- day School An excellent program rendered Lloyd on behalf of the congregation presented the Rev Gannon with a parse and of the will of hit The were then to the children of the Clans and hie wife officiating and causing ranch merriment by their comical antic Three Roevea and nine in the field Acclamation it a thing unknown tons- The only thing cer tain is that will be left at A from the platform Mon day evening- Why the thinks he should be returned to tnrn a extension of Electric road and lights Civil Service Re- form Home Rale and Indepen dence 2 Why ExReeve imagine ho be there to have a Un restricted Reciprocity Ireland for the Irish Beverage by Gravitation and annexation 3 Why aspirant No 3 thoald be elncted To Grand Juriea to have a Can Gov Gen Land Purchase Bill and d To improve our Copyright laws A passed off quietly A num ber of the old village boys spent it among friends here A sleighing party goea to Roachs Point on Wednesday night to sur prise Mr Taylor TBB new terra the Rvt mil be hi It win be with on top for vehicle- and will be erected on piers the caw petition without coat tnl ifltTi Mr I SiDth duly elected u a of awsst of tlecMon to officii Mr iritj in South Victoria 135 Prom friend of the tiked when DigiDglbtistae of tbe writ than at bntjadgiDg Irom to a dtfett through the potent of an for greed in the tbipe of J- A fau catered in for til to of for tod woodcok States to the pro Station of Act a etch entry i coma in here Mr will retime gtme tn to extort on I of atoo tod tod I read a Irlter from to contradict ibr Mr then read Mr letter he bid been In hi and bad taken a touch bote prom jttx tutu lit then tht wit higher thlt year on stccoaat of in to Id an drawn of for the IodottrUl Home bo was on ao In with tht tod if resolution liooi out be with ft bad been the hivlog the brt fn tod to thegocd of the people htm County Mr Case to that rKolltcthu of tUtlng toy lot tf Wuoitixk bimtt time tt had whatever of a LtJto School on of hi mttx todlhtttbt Com tteuoeU of ablaut blcli bid Scott John lntjrat Ev Brown and tt Oliver tbe meeting which Woke up at oclock with for Around lis Hub Keswick Mr in a of ahmpey on the ice and bis Mr and Win spent Us week with friends in Torouto Etction re rather excit ing Monday tale after will probably down to buintta A remnrkiibt of or to light this After being under stck for days Mr Prod Walton cimo aerobe Mr Win Hoovers sow which he bad the and the none the worse for Us fast Mr Walton a sheep the stack bed it was straw for of tilling it camo were on imiay 1st to bear Kennedy preach the anniversary in the Methodist church The in the morning to the older members was from the For all things are yours I Cor III and and the evening more particularly to thoyoong The on Monday evening a success the Revs Hill and iAve excellent choir sang well and everything the tea was in excellent order Pro ceedB after were to dollars Mr and John with their daughter Mrs Bedford of Bertha Land and Miss Martha Large are spending a of weeks with Miss at WoMbridge i Mr Turner of Clifford also Miss Turner of Toronto were home for Mrs of Toronto is Dr Pearsons Fogg of Brandon Man is home on a visit after five years absence is looking well Mr and Mrs Hill of spent with Mr Peter Belfry Rev McKay has been visiting in He mutt have a largo congregation in that neighborhood Fred Evans has been odder the care for tho last week We ear soon of his convsleaence Mr T J had the to get one of his toes broken while shoeing a horse last week Ho does not gut about as spry as usual Mr driving the stage from Newmarket now No danger of runaways Walt could manage a four In hand on Tuesday morning was thankfully received East Nomination making every time with the exception of one or two ahota which Mr fired set Kara all right It vat tarn now and he brought Iota of which ha used well a shot at which brought to soon recoreitd said that they on hand Johiuoii wanted to know how pay back to Clergy and hare a to ran townhip machin ery Hit waiwbaft knocked the oat of roe how they coold pay oat of lie next Mr He loaded with powder He thawed from the bylaw reeve and clerk had fall control of and could apply it to what they saw fit without the council Then Mr- made his ap pearance loaded with Harveys which KBt every place- Johff told them lota of troth He said your Reeve promised large expenditures hereon plat form year he has carried oat hit promise and if there anyone be blamed it is the Yon want grant here and that grant there and to carry pat oar promises it has to raito the taxes and that effect which a very tender touch The Reeve hit feetand said iSv why did you not object to Be cause you to do he replied wet the people that you to do bo and now they are the that are kicking Then Mr Hopkins said that expend was very than last which made Mr I cell Mr editor John were felt every time he fiivd and think that John will get the Mr Peregrine thauked the rate payer Wr the liberal vet hy htm last year and said he did to be cominatedi However he wae in the field and if elected would do beet he could to keep down the taxes The chairman called on Mr but the crowd was tired stand ing and began to move around which caused quite a CQnfotion and tell yon the truth I could not hear one word Mr Doan He is a gentleman that is well liked and if be baa the chance of standing on that platform again I hope he will use all the air lungs can receive Mr said he was glad to meet o He bad made out a hut there was not any nee to waste the time as it had all been gone over James if they thought be would be of any use to return him and if not to leave at home Mr Belfry is a mild spoken I could not understand what he said He has good judgment and no doubt would make a good council- Next on was Mr Jaicoh Smith I saw him standing there and saw his mouth but could not hear one word Jacob would mike a good councillor but would advise him to take the woman fitst township matter occupy con- John Carry said it was to to the platform but did not think was much it Mr Austin was called to but was absent He has a good interest at stake in the township and if elected you will bear him speak and act according to what ho says Now we men from which to choose and hope they will bo men which will discbarge fearlessly and without partiality Romort reached of threatened trouble tho Indiana in It it armed Indians have the frontier Mounted have been sent from Retina Children Cry for Pitchers flchj fi8beMwcheiig WE WISH YOU A MOTION to fa UualcH alto on birr lichool Happy New Tear 125 loi tor In Rood of 15 all O for crop ROSE to towards who ffaTt -isstst- of the death of that they account a I accept my heart clt COATE3 black pop whit on of now white breast til ft and while dimple oo till Howard for It j torn- Vs3 OR SALE I J a Very docirablo homo for a wlti to rot Ira being half a of Ten acte brickclad Hoe orchard lot of nil jjlciu J TURNER J TO THE fori FOR 1891 LECTORS to Of fctonila I Oer a a l elected I to the Inlenwt TownitiJp Your audi lereit for A T WAS THE I m Pays Trade on record in our Business We make good efforts to carry a Large Stock sell cheap and please our Customers and we got just what we deserved 1 i ROCHE CO CASH AND ONE PRICE TO ELECTORS -tor- r p a Inrfle to allow to for I consented field honor to elect of il -r- illimbury East HA VINO been land lb COUNCiilOR FOR and In If should yon do mo luo I ahull do lu COB BSMITH J J The British Shanghai caught at boo miles above Nankin and Uvea were loat nearly all natives i Great Bargains I THE abora will rcopoa on Wednesday Jan IB31 It lsiirfled all who at- to bo present on the dn Of t the work of will then be Improreroeatt been in Heating arid Of the building tho most ftpproradilrlearebelDxdditL y tho ma bo entirely and for III II Class Certificates And Junior been work lor I CUm Wrv Dress Goods Carpets Curtains Cloth for making for men to buy Selling at 60 and cents on Silks Plushes Mantles Mantle Overcoats Ladies HatS Mens Suits Pants Overcoats Cloth cheap and we will cut trim and make Mens Tweed Suits i t AST 3irayrl from lot mirk oh coni lending tame AY the St It Con 1 In recovery of JR IN FOR CASH AT TUB LEADING FURNITURE I House A i in For Mayor Dr and For and J Lloyd and Election each Ward for council ion- will without a contest Hillary and bare leaving for reejected and Councillors In Ward and Baldwin Read and Linton and LSKB1XO For and For Shields Marie- Bell Wright land Mr llia4 t sow or jrttfOvio School us wca School IXttle snd Lack sorrow For and Two more of those feasant which causes a among the aspirants inttrinonl hi A tit snfk wo are tills to Young of c-r- Mi oiling tun couple on tie rain tor where In tend to spend Emma fourth daughter of Joseph Wood was united the hoods of mat rimony to Walter Shaver or Wood stock was Miss Al OBrien the groom was supported by her Mlllon Fox was the officiat ing clfrgymsn happy left sold showers of rice old boots Ac on the evening train for Toronto We extend congratulations with wishes for unalloyed happiness and prosperity We fxpet one mora on which will make seventh wedding this neighbor bod Inside of one Among this and daughters of Toron to Ferrlir of Wm arid of and Mr nod timfh at Owta Sound After nomination of candidates the clerk raid hnhad hen Mr moved that Mr Hughes occupy the chair which was carried Mr Hughes de serves great credit for trying to order and giving each gun a fair chance when It came their turn They all bad their pipers pre pared for wadding except Travis and they no paper only shell and bullet was first called to try his strength but he objected as ho had two to corubat against Wilfred had to the first shot which he did with a steady in fsct he the best shooting I ever heard of biro making The few vollfei were at John bis opponent not without then started to west of township east and told them what had been done with their money t c0Mr to try did It very lly must worst shot I heard John was that the machinery without railing the taxes That was very good though be forgot to tell how nice It waa to suck the mouth of the Clergy Reserve purse- There consider- able cross firing at cash other which was done la good order The of January will HI which of them powder Mr next He told us a lot of good things which he did not tell us when he was in something about the Clergy Reserve money that had been spoiled to purposes He knew was but never said a before about us being behind It was always friend we base lots of funds on hand Ezra on looking very pli ant He said be coold not find much fault with what the council had don they had too libera with Bred very steady dIpl will til WssltHeiMitd of Undertaking a Night cMU to ftt All quietly are bound to It takes up too much room and see how we have reduced Dinner Sets Tea Sets and Toilet i ANY PERSON frootoaepAlrlOrt cue of the and Shot mudsill Ibo IXmiEuloucai at MONTGOMERYS J mm J What JOS u 9kMtaot Jc Lukes or a 9 St Toronto on lie wife W of soiCKlitcr Scott the wlfs of Ur Itubcl 4 aa Wat IN CANADA COhUUDTA tKlTKI COAST MANITOBA S la Bradford on ins brides filier tf Mr usium to UIm His Her Mr eiiwol sir of to of J He It jciMim iiQiia Mr Mr WU Nor Mln of to Mr Jobs D of Toronto Mr of to K- Welberafl of Deo- Mb at lbs boras thabrlds br Mr to Win lllioh- TAMARAC WOOD FOR SALE DRY OR GREEN by tub on conn AppLIOATJUKtf up to by JAMBS IhotidComof KlnicOld ID i h H J y t T H EC NEWMARKET I S BROS ri ftRT a BELOW COST a v Rob ffomb O qDw tttfa ST K0K1H tonpt WHY BOO ARTS always 1st 11KOAUB bo brfap their friend our nonaction of ayt bo BRpCrtpla work much of Mens Lycoming Snow Excluders reduced from 200 to 160 Mens Lycoming Buckle Arctics reduced from to Every pair guaranteed or money Refunded hey wont lasfr long at those prices A sS SsVSa We have also a large stock of celebrated Star Brand of Bacon and Hams J

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