Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1891, p. 4

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l RHEUMATISM Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache Throat Frost Bites Bruise Burn Etc gala anil Fifty Genu a DlrtrffcoaJn Depot GRAND RAILWAY i fflR ftfl J toe anil do on and Society month i hefcce foil A mora Friday P pyramid Tanadar- and hi the A IT A Monday In end the mouth- Albert A A lib Friday In Irt A In month A Monday lo moPtb A 3rd Monday la or Every Wadoajiay and Select la Saturday Aurora Monday tcdliETeryFrlday Thursday night Saturday Every Plot to fcb No- In at Hall Court each S S Lesson AT THE Golden Text If j lei to We lime bid jrvacbittf tl bad It was of fail at the earth bad itt It tight fiiat t J Inter- as holidays- all ccaclrf Hied la of Ibe oaa ft aa to to lib of 0 la la and m bo with bid frialat Ha la la Hi at to how oil Him to a4 at Ufa CbHallatha lir log for of l oat to rial mag aaad tba Hoi laTp it to profit of and tarn to of Apt chapter of of Bot Mr to do dogelui memory ud back to At he them In the Infant of wag born in county U being now yoAff old He it cow en routs for on a mho old and atoppinfj the piett T Sawyer of Ml own rtmerobtfr George bL I him only when they brought the body of Gen back from defeat Ho a fine fellow family bible give the date of Mr birth bat At ih at time he gUtee driving An or team in army the of that period He an old which he reorfred daring the war lor a and he it riooa After war he went back to Virginia Ho waa well acquainted he with Daniel and other mm of their when fint to after the wart ho atoned a living bat way Ho to the aalt at Ad The bnly battle he remembers bar ing pat ted in ft Point t He knew the Mingo chief chimney of old cabin old man a place back in Virginia Mr waa well SAmmy helped Mm to the till the principal in those to Wpplj food to the fightere andalthooflh he was pioneer and bun be not re member baring been in ny other battle except many with file in bis A reoeipt from rmy in bis capacity as flintlock and the type even before that in the shape of a giant matohlock Sis wife died years ages Qd be now a daughter liviog in 80 old and a son-in- law in About tho same age A ftOUj who died some fifteen years ago known under tbe tide Saal being quite good And having been in famous expedition This was his old est and waa over yean old when he died Mr fau never either tobacco or whisky and has never been so sick as to bo unable to walk He has taken coffee all his life with milk but no sugar except during the civil war for a time the coffee rap- ply was cut off For many years he has lived pretty much by himself on a squstterfl property in and had neyer been in a big city to stay until he came to Dearer two days ago Mr Sawyer having bice that he would take on to California to se Ms soninlaw He was completely aatooUhed at the blocks and a sad many other end exceedingly of elevators He bore the journey well retiring about and rising soon after sunrise s is bis has lived very regularly all bis life His memory quite good when he feels that ho is among friends at home be has half a dozen perfectly being the third set well Jits is failing bat his appetite is hearty His is long and of a silvery hue wrinkles bis face very deep tut fats skin has not the tint noticeable In ex treme old age Ho walks without a and stands over weighing over Carpenter gave the reporter a he Arty grip of bo hand a good day in and steady tone and appears to hare as yet an iudefiniti- leave of life not think of fhp Rocky mountain it difficult- for to that range of back in is not on the now Talc- Mr altogether and con the fact that he has not sleeping it may safely bo laid that Rip Van Winkle was not in it Nothlog to There are about tons of refute to be of in Loudon and many expo- been resorted to in order to do tie well Much of the down the barges and spread on tie A new company is now trying to better of this material by a systematic process Upon at the works all the refuse is sorted by pawing through cylindrical and screens of size ranging from threeinch to one half inch mesh- Paper and rags are for paper- making for and fool wood is burned in is saved for scrape for bottles and glass are sold or rem el led andstoDP and animal rubbish coal eta ere ground op and mixed with dust thus being reduced to a a harmless dry poader The and coal are burned under the boilers or they are saved anjl sold to or aired with pitch end pressed into or fuel Prise List of North York Fall Fair TO SB and Ootobar fe Ram two ahaan and Doth for one year given by McLean Toronto with by Society rf a Bam oca shear by Lowe Newmarket fa and added by Society given by East Q By Society pen of two pan 6 Swa Lambs pen of i m i b 1 ifiviiFin mini Hi I l CAIN ONE POUND A Day- A CAIN OF A A DAY THE CASE OF A MAS WHO HAS ALL RUN DOWN HAS TAKE THAT ZLaKABLB EMULSION OF PURE COO UVER OIL WITH of Lime Soda THIS HAS DON 0VB1 AMD again Palatable as mux- J- w Physicians Scotts EaVUION IS PUT IK SAUK a thunderstorm last Monday a in by lightning and set on firft bat speedily by the fire men- A flash also unroofed Jos driving shed sod he was for an boor Other pranks wens played with the and telephone wires Never of the fail ings or peculiarities of Snch are hat not the admirable I f a joke is levelled it you do not buffer tempter to the worse of yon join in the Isoh good will bo beaten in your apod humor- Jests are not vulgar are without personality or ill feeling On last the of the Canadian at ion met in Toronto to consider van matters to them which was the of the Barrie lacrosse against the The match was disallowed on two the playing of and they having played matches with Heatings clnb and matches- will now have to be played over again in at a date to be named by Steven- Son and were suspended but owing to extenuating were reinstated a recent Eogliih newspaper we that according to late report of Jewett the fattailed sheep of Asia Minor u replacing breeds that country a short reference to which will perhaps make some of North Ontario farmers they bad a of the woolly tribe The tail is a of fat and sometimes weighs lending credibility to the story of Herodotus sheep hud little carte under their tails to help them tail appear to a reserve fund of nourishment for animal like the camels tramp for id baa been observed that during times of drought pastorale cheep grows little thioer the body bat tail becomes grad ually smaller fiheep Bam two bears and over Ram one shear Ram Lamb Newmarket for one year given by proprie tor Si with added by Society Aged pen two 5 Yearling pen of wpiii- Ewe pen of two i Ram two and Rihmtr for year given by with 3 added by Society I shears S Ram Lamb goods by Sons Co 3 3 i J VrfTr i at Aged two- Yearling Ewes pen of two Ewe pen two Class Oxford or Ram tiro a Ram ope Aged Uvea pen two- Ewes pen of two pen Pen two THE KEY TO HEALTH all the clogged aveouea Bowels KIdueys and carrying oil gradually without weakening the sya- tern all the and foal humors- of the secretions at time Acidity Of the Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness of the Son Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Rheum Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of tho Heart Ner vousness and General Debility all these anil many similar Complain la yield to happy BITTEkS all CO Children for pitchers ORGANS beat- Write for Jonas Carpenter a Virglntau Who Was Born Still VBLL1K0 ACHOSTUBCoXTIKKfTOA a or the Colonial Wasmixotox fl qui J Mock Blood doe by uVIotf tried It ruclr Id euro of cooHp of Mood Baby iff olck with lit of WUdgtranbcrrr a euro John By Wootford by I rem canker of and acd bod I Bur- dock Blood flitter lha flntdoaooocaaloobd but and after fkiPKnTabotleJbocanieeorDpttIcurd J powerful koowo lu i- Mot of I cad Or of Wild for There it lo iDTtteatcaata P I New Lot S3 2od ONE ONE STEER trpylOK TWO YEAR OLD HEIFERS Mostly and nDk la color In body will be FARMERS lOWli is the way the B 8c C corset if you want ease and shapeliness you buy it but you dont keep you like it After two or three weeks wear you can return ft and have your money FOR BALE BHUH IN MYERS For by f j Hotel EXT OF Si cures RAMPS IARRHOSA YSENTERY AND SUMMER C0MPtA1fJ3 Or THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOE CHILDREN OR ADULTS Denver that a curtail place often people of all bat were knocked oomplctel oatlait week when of took a etroll the nd the might proportion Of There it no politic eteel perpetrated Mr ler to make neither did e ever ran awa with a wealthy wife or the a one of noblemen of nature who grow Into tame a ago be had acblevMl for when father of tod were little uife Mr Lad full a cent Mr of bottling and turmoil which known now the fiction which the dim ft0dt the e a of J wonder think of ah m a aha ft Caakcta door Lad ft LUMB LATH SHINGLES 1 bare mod lri Kitract Wild Wrawberrr to andean ro- for dlajrhcca WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR WITH SIDING MOULDING DOORS SASH AND BLINDS hard 0lt Of WaUhaa CotM9pUara Hon tiwatcej fitljtta avN hyoaaof Sold ICeltc I been bothered aod tried all rcraedft A friend tl luaUal Ja i A 9ALE A JARM TO aorta HOUSES FUR A8S5STaL ihej are la ore IwU WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW i a a a nd ft 2 -V- is Any Breed of Swine OrlllU high and 13900 from the town council Del lor a i a a i a a a e rruj- rt S I IS IrA Brood fr Aged Brood Sw by Col V By Society 3 Bodr for Bow Fig for 1891 I Suffolk Swine v iavv BroodBoir Pig fur Sow Pig for Class aw Light BrthmiLa pair given by A By pair poultry by t By Society- aM by By Society Handsome in all its Perfect in all its Details SIMPLE IN ITS PARTS DURABLE STRONG TO LET- J ililStori Wiia TO RENT- ifOarreLoir7 An axtra fod Apply lo aw J JAWITOBA 180 acrea fo UOR SALE bead- pump and a good Harden FARM FOR SALE r inBai OPPOSITE FORSYTH HOUSE THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL OF PAST CONTINUANCE OF SAUK WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CAKE CO a Hamburg pair- Spanish pur a pair Brown leghorns 9 White Leghorns pair Red Fowls black Etc Game any other kindpair 12 pair Any other of not rontioned lirwiV It 1 QiiiriViMiiiiit-tfM-iiiiiV- Ducks Any other Mod Docks pair fit I 00 I Turkey pair pfttr a CO f V 601 rf and While Winter Wheal two variety to be named on entry ticket given by Red Winter Wheat two variety to be on entry given by Bjcriff J y a a J a a a Scotch Wheat two given by J a a a a 4 Wild Wheat two given by a a a a a a Spring Wheat any other hind two variety to bo named on entry ticket given by Peter Toronto i a Six Itowfid Barley two bushels by Toronto yCQ a ar4 Carter two given by Imperial JJ a a a a J a a a a a a a a 4 A 4 a given by Oate two given by Peter a a a a White two variety to be named on ticket rgiven by J K County black eyes two given by J A Toronto tj j t White Marrowfat Pea two given by J A 13 two given by J- K p ti tit it tt ti ti Buckwheat the Newmarket Era lor one year given by Jackson 1 t- Corn twelve Coru do IT IOJi Corn do if ft a a Any other kind Clover Seed pock Land by Toronto at barrel Laud given by Terry Timothy pock given by J K peck given by J K ii a 3 I if 2 200 too 1 60 00 I 1 bo I CO GO- I- rowirtiF ft to by the the iturerLy to by the Ibe Coun cil caws be for part lot eon pail oud Ptj Li Hod of be aaldTowniblpor il -V- v J jnd thereoilon the an eianjlnjloQ 10 be Towutbip of the sard locality to be Untitl ed and of he work and an of the at property by such early can Ilia bfcb bl opinion by every road lot or portion yfmadebirln the meat hereafter by to upon Iba lota of lot that act tortb aud he report of tbe In thereof audofthaaaldLtriUakice betas and Councillor with a by a of Interested Id the of luuts 3rd aod4lh of IbeTowoablo tbe or Act Of 1655 ami the Council to procure an therein lnit will receive a a view of same and to plunofcarfylujE application of the I have ex Ma And and dud 3H and mat frill a The plan I have adopted and to me and thai villi ihe leUttSPUMt to have a drain tbe Hoe tbe ti half lot hi centre the North of he 2nd then following ibe wd Id afcoulbwutorly to outlet fcallfd or known and moat outlet for apply to OF si and fret Excavated oil lo bo tb wo leave a of ibe drain Ibe on either tide notion to be left and free from or other drain on the it In on vide the hot- torn the p except between and ava the top will to be a feet the arc raj depth feet Through of laTel been but In the bottom of the which be 8 feet wide on op aqd extra work on aide and thrown About of the la the baa drain when the direction fence Ateraca depth of work to old to at the at end In ibbtforih half it the level have bee rut from to to and the on the profile according to work been located of the fence the old drain at South end which of All the be with plan andMttak- onion toe t a curve feet on main drain far SB and the Baal branch While the tor la to faced on be mutt be prevent dam and alt ibe work bare to be done action of the engineer or luipeclxr or person pointed by Council toluipc accept the work the bury Ulkfk to lb FARM TlbRENl OH A either to lull tecum rf XUrck la A- ARM ORJ Mori Coo of Town ISO Acre Hood and Ou J Lit It of Lot hip build Ion la IV BTEP1I8S DESIRABLE FAB Near For th talcs Ion of about one ioilefrcaXi and known aa the a lead and far apply to FOR SALE- 1ml that the dralnaieo St Councilor the eat lit That the ate be adopted are of the locality la by the of to tbe tal report plana and eatl- connected herewith be made and lo 1 ft Bow to a locality tofdcHlti North pacta of lute A I have located fr and litltl numbers lot the 3rd Noiib ibalf of the the her lor a a drain which old drain under award of lha viewer to end ot tot old drum will have to been Thiamin have the away wllb old drain If the proprietor Iwlli In with I herewith the of the to 3rd branch u lot aa Mr of wiilbebvaeditod draining of the Eij part of I have on the Wet aide of fll local ter la for your ocaUouof before mentioned Al with flcatioiiol of Fort July a ho and branch a profile of each of apct- to bo done muni to what fully i a i a a i a a a CO CO tit Early Ohio Potatoes Valley Potato J Potatoes do Any other Hod Potatoes do Early Horn Carrots 0 or Carrots ill Carrots six Winter 9 alx Haul no or Turnip Beets ill Blood Boots ill la Sugar Boots six 18 six by Dr Campbell Newmarket a pi a a a U Turnips six six Long Bed Collection of Roots three long Red Wnrtxels three given by Dr Campbell 19 Collection of Roots six each Long Red Wortsoli Field Carrots end Swede by Scotts Pharmacy Newmarket cash 60 60 00 i a 1 60 for and feet wide on frojnilaUonWloTI off a a feet wide at hot- top from feet aibolluia CO and6llnlalalouat Irani aJ acettfeetwUe aud limber La to out from a for a luhf WU1 and from WtoTJaeoihe feet wide bottom auJl37tet u ioparcrae abd II leal on lopi A i cedar fiihKxcavailnj a lUb up ItjoraervlogllyLri flUiLetUif coot work each branch aa tut as a drain on tent I a to li I Citrons two Citrons any other variety two Mammoth Pumpkins Yellow two Table Bquaah any kind two Winter Cabbages three Newmarket Era for year Red Cabbages three Red Peppers Tomatoes six Celery three heads Caoliflower awo heads Largo White Onions Red Onions 16 kind Onions I Extras a a a Frit 00 00 100 00 I 60 60 to Tlio drain fro fevt wide on top Its Junction at Hie are to be made In sou to 4 I cod frJ WW W W WW WW icoto mar borrow on lb credit of the corporal of of 2nd That the of Townihlp ratio pot the fundi for the work of the cor for that at lit not Jea than from the date thereof Interest at of t per that la to aay In annual Such to be payable at ilnlon Bank In Toronto and to them coupon for the payment of latere 3rd That for purpose of pajlnc of the charted iha J be W the ifunlclpalltr and the there for at ie rate of i per cent per annum the follow and be and 1led u ard levied the Iota ahd parte and the amount aifl apeclat aa atalott each part Of lot into aud one part he aa aforesaid Id each after the float of half of lain Coo of and West Coo of Old Sutra lt jl failles or lb mbaredaniJ luilljbfl or iau Mi TO LET aDdUvl for fifteen Schedule I which the value of drain ft ft ft SS828S8S88 a a a b the aum and feet from wide to creek fret on lop The with the thrown on each aide of and tbe of atone and roou to be removed ihd bottom and Idea to he even there la or It rauit ao a clear apace of foet I a lobe put one dfiincroawi the between 3rd lib other where tbitd fceiween ihe Sod aod be made of rood cedar Halted on two not Incbea at aod feet to on aod be plked to 8 mud alU The to down foot Into tba the bottom of to be left and free front all the apfctd together at the eudi and middle with loch iron a feci foci feet wide to be put in a or kitten pec I matt wall aAlntt the water in the to with loch into the top to Ide the total at aforeeald ftjaintl of Si ty and luurctt tbereoo for fifteen of percent- rate of tbooaaodiba of a mill and above all other ratev be the manner and at the time are upon wo whole rateable prop erty in the of he Mrlcd after the date of the ihla which the have to ran hereby that the copy of a of Towaihlp of on the J AtiaM A Ml To hereby that a of to at the fin will held at of he lOoclocka floUl neat a for part the provided the Act of fcSdJ a on the of aald Court further hot auyooe Inleodtoa Law or any la rxUca In hi cat ion for Dated at to at hereby that iohTauch rfquaabdaConat iwJotf ihartof the or tiie to make aoh io punoje to the Anal Mint of Ihla ByLaw Clark ill 3rd TWO OF THAT CLOCK Of Splendid BrickClad Eagle Furnace and Domestic In For auk FARMS FOR OR TO BENT l good grain farm ft Sod Jen of amo If 1Mb a of Apjl ALE THE follower SSliS Mb M t iu Hat baa laoa payment Hi toe- y INS

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