Newmarket Era, 1 Jan 1892, p. 3

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V ERA JAN lily Local it OS IS A ABOrjtttJWaV p a pier will en Near Yea 1 on mil attended Collection of Ibe ChriilUo till out en Interesting illcegio As ysly a lexR at- ti if rifled A anaoQBced Id Torn Hill the of January jj oclock Sereral Uinta Ibe person In ifare Johns Cbokch- Special wen mid In fliit of attempted here It a mta- other In and greatly admired rrriciwero we etUoded If you sent nsewal to tho for end do cot a rteript la bo oitoos aboni ll fibre hec crowd with work tad eo pilots dropping we not liiatowriU hop to op cut aw cntliOSealelte acd el Then only a tela so p a On the day toe la Dirui of the Haiti School on- a program of recitations a to to which the teacher aliai Ron with of aBVc- J in which ffu highly Recital Let remind once more of tho Bed til Song EL it and ftdmhwJoD hot a freewiUl offering be crowded the door end Mr ehoold he to drew th other rigo and home Miss so The James will a The jid Coming of Cbriit the The fint meeting be held Sondiy 3rd 230 to A coUectloa will be op to The flnt will be A wry simple A The resident of North of iIJo to have bat cot with If UttOD to It will be til Tte it p id timet which to a tick Ballot Box The mQDicipal wilt all Ibii lh ballot box rsiijki cud the tad fiDdlog out well to pledge a rote palling day fxodoni i tetter Giro do the moil acllTa Your rota I tot reward of Ij cid or for It bo to tf ballet a secret oaf Too That on Ij plriog hit aiiJcilUniahoald fco on A In St Ward tub two another Id St Ward the of wot a tfj Jiraoj will lead the eoorlctiod and tba tallage Of will not if ha fiefcl la fiaJiug Cash Will a nice bed Jo It Call w At noon an TOMwaj took at A of to a Sharoa wrecked to which tbo of a fima Slog- Newmarket Pauls Tho annual San- day School and maat Ton attendant about An program tha of by to merit On Christ dog If titer by the he ping him brother diitribqle left u Sly aid to daatroy dog for a order ho it by the neck till It dead BtItAW to the wordlogoftha law It almost the raddeot rote to carry Loan Br Law la all human probability Town a at By- Law la dona and protpeeta To cany bylaw meant to mora men or Royal had twolnJtUtiaai last and four were for night which new will be Inatallid for next quarter In Friday the and Id J Bill of Hamilton will gin by the aid The pupils of School were to a tea night but which heartily pirate pet a Mat their latter It they them cent If not tealed The program fortheBeitoa Kow to order for ISM comaeaco year rigbt at the Bow try next Saturday Deo 16th Sodty of tho Newmarket Chris tian held ban- only retiring a of After the Tavriooa wero following ware alacted followi Ff Mr Flo P Fletcher Trtuurf Matt PcOtter Sptrrs On St Johns night Monday Lodge W A F A XL a wht the follovriog wero duly into their by Bra I Bro A J J Bro Treat Bro I- JO- Chta Row A vetlegtf York In- will be held Town Hill Monday Jan local who will take Pro if the be dorlog All are i to attend A the In jUlo anaogeuiecila for the Industrial The Mr Jered dtelrca to tie of Mesne J Roche Lowe 8 ffrxht end and fiteircasoe Prog end J of were to tree as mail at the h for tilth they to their Tad lj will be The Board of tl Home snd closed the tie rear will for the Coootjr the third The following of the la the -it- ih kno term coding Deo art arranged rotrit i vho CO tol Au Watj ho WX4 Wca Fred tew Mary Alice Ethel MM who Ida Aroil- who nude jufcf The election of latt Moaday for the year at follow Peoroio OTmrJ Recorder 1 WTyeeiM J J Bock Grand Lodge Alternate Irwin tbrw yeara Cole to the A good attendance Grand Temperance Lecture abort notice a gocd Cbarch to hen Sicn Saiill preacher tell the of bit Ufa entitled From the barroom to the For two heart he kept with bit pit boa and of and manner made Iinpteetwoa for good tbat wilt never be Hecom- maoced of law of gambling at Atlanta Georgia Shortly after it that arocattona did not agree with tbe former and be up entirely to and Georgia Interfered an bad to Waib atrrant Bat tbla hit wort of better poor place for reformation to am bnt that Hit tent back to Atlanta and hope of becoming a man abandoned by Ma and even by He got Into an In the hot made a poor fiit of It Aboot that time Sim came to a town near there and Small decided to lake three and go for the day to He had that Joaai wet a whanger and did not like him- tat weat and to girt The wu crowded that he hid to tit on the platform Soon he and went away Hut Jonea talk haunted Mi mind tried to get drank to bit mind the liquor for fint time failed to do work brain excited and grew to that he almost a After ipeot wandering In the acnte mental be repaired to library to fight It alone Agony it no name for what be Religion already it work upon Mi mind The wu beginning to gift place to a dawn of beaten and filled with light from day of joy and From that boor ha felt drawn to become a preacher of rlghUouneu and given bit whve life to It a Monday Hall wee packed with elector who were aoxloqt to hear what the rioaa candidate for municipal honor hid to At town Clerk announced the following lilt of MAYO MOTH- J A E Brootoo J A- J Brown Bradley Johnson er Ritcliff Johoeoo D If a the on Baal U 801j h- Ink morning I A new jeer to ell joa Wee to I Did deeetre ell gjt open Bind of Hone weather Fine Monde on Skating Pond light by the forget to tote Moods Two Sonde night Bicycle of rite Mr of the firm of HamlltoD to death Bat- morning clothe from a Sale ted f 15 Mr Prank ato i 7 ft In Vh I e off dUabixp SL Ward Starr Ward SammrTllle Trariu Brown A J J Clobtne St Ward a a Tbo Snmcoerrill J Bennett J 3 P Hooter SCHOOL St Ward J P Belfrj and reelected St Andrewa A- re- elected St J re elected Mr J A then named chairman for the remainder of evening After alladiog to new Model School and of by acclamation he introduced the Major Lloyd the present Mayor had dooe nothing tbat he could find with bat had for he wu to face hard ho to beat He thought tha bonori be and bo would leave it to the frea will of they did think toa He had arranged not to enter Mayor Jaeltwo by op- to hit reelection vru altogether nnexpeoted Had the been girea him a week or two ago of a do tiro for change by a he woo4d not bare again offered bat that prang upon him there no other open by those who for many yean had by then at comiog year leo the clear for whoever tie people might chox To decline to now wool the man only yeirago Mr hat told them he had no faolt to find with he Mr J had or done ted that ha to charge of the office especially that pert relating to work jet in the face of these he aik tbe to dirplace a com petent for an offiUL mayor dnriag the put year he bad poaedof by finei for trial u mora bad been by aoi by of or monition etc of which only and the know anything of the ul part of year Mr J noticed a BUI bad introduced in the affecting limiti of toirna aod prejudicial to Corporation He brought the matter to attention of the and by them wq appointed to attend Home Committee whan the BUI came for He had in able that on bit of oar he perlencl no In having that acre changed to With regard to the town finaccte be desired to make a taw of a general char acter chairman of Pin Committee would mora into detail than woald looUerreJ by the audited we commenced the year with In hand rep- reaented alt we hid in the meeting all tbe money dne on account and other which we of debenture of J with there wu still a Dot ing the year thepteieut bad pall off two If School debentures and to or on capital account for further equipping and extending oar and had a balance the placed of towna year In of the baring more or leu the tbe attraction of waterworkt ft wu to make a targe appropriation therefor bnt It If to Coaocil will be able a 1000 to neat will leave debenture Indabtedueas the waterworks department ad about Capital account other working There need not be more than or next year thereby 300 and with economy cm be aired and ihoald be from and printing acooonta will make a total of to applied debenture account without taxation one cent abort the ordinary of put Now add what the bylawa call for on the u roll by and oor treuqiy will be able to demand AUorloa been made to the fact had been increased tilt year Thtawutrae all the Increase made by controllable taxation wuC or Wo of mi And for this expenditure three of new bad been laid be tween and rallea repaired broken placed on Halo at- from at to the Orso and from Park eve to op- petite the American Also part of it and part of at gravelled and repaired a permanent chimney con structed at tbe new cleaned ox on weeds cat c Altogether wehtve nearly sidewalk of which bad been or during the year and of Con he had of hit time for over two months In personal rectton Would his opponent glre this attention Mot If we judge of bit demand for put service the year lbs consolidation of tha Town ByLaws bed been completed and snob of them printed u of a too that time and patience bat will be found of great public The Mayor then refined to the Town Wot which he con from 2nd tail sboold be main by both If a mutual aaiUfactory could not be effected would favor would and reasonable he would state that Lloyd had called on him and that neither should do any canvassing had been agreed to And be took this opportunity to them for a renewal of fie felt sure they would not In his stoat years of continual service either rre or to gratify ambition of opponent at of Mr delighted luge aadUnta with Me realy wit and a to accept poli tic to conjunction with other he decline the honor Happy New Year fcaAaV a a a a a a a til II Following Lines RAISINS Hack pa Imperial Quarter Box nhoECv for table fruit VftlenelA Vdlriucln olio a special or la at Of per irjo4 CURRANTS A Voallxia Currants lu EVAPORATED FIGS Pino Florida Boat Lemons NUTS and lira ill Fine CANDIES special rKvi toiler over heard PICKLES am lotufQooil Mix 10 per Java aland try TEAS lijft Tiger of Tea or both are forget my Japan lxt hi the market for CHINA For all the Customers who have so Liberally Patronized me since I bought the Bankrupt Stock of Julius of Newmarket rfrfTT For hi mid Now Take a look at our clearing out all try TOILET SOAPS of or per above are tbe vorj beat money can procure not Iraab or R A SMITH Leading Grocery China House with lbs of 30c Japan Tea total purchase 250 This Tea is sold by Pedlars at per pound JOHN DEALER IN BANKRUPT STOCKS I CO m if hotfog on soiue oeuloo lo fill Ibe be rat notice reer be Intended to Mr J for lbs ciplsiofl soto the Imd sslait of Iio BLiir sod while he wiilioK ebcold ot lo hie be a eery ia of fogtbeUllot For tbe Mr 8Csoe et to fab while In Coandl for jean It be hid no charge orer which he via chid for three tax eoae He lb of the Treuoitee tooted the worth ead end coritr wee la end still good aeUhfrchetrmsa of the Com nor head of the Council he did he had eoj responsibility Id the mslttr Mr the a went lergety the pillion of the town from showing thai he the sstlifsctory of the Ihey occurred end how they The of hie going eo the were counter set the he Hire Ho referred 10 the two of which he had also to end If elected to serve the fally la the put to efficient ecocomlcel In Town end T J Woodcock took li himself the the credit of t the electors the of the laallon In inch Urge by the time of the as It he who hid proposed It He County first In the appointment of Co Solicitor by was a eaelog of with the psymcati by fees Wsrdeo not commLuloatr of Co property bat for eerrlng epaclel com sad third dtps who their time to tbe of cases fee sis entltltd to the of to per for them of his pocket panted cski where the old were name ly fighting radioes the street and He then went Into the floseooe Iks to there of Be that the ehoold be for year and no report He ssld the paid a Urge portion of towards porches of the bat sot the of right the of the town though the society koowlsdgee asms the Municipal he claim thst the pow er to compel But share of a portion of et for which this corporation got a un til ho lols office He then referred to the of Registrars books the Lake Shore Road end baring occupied three quarters of hour he asked for Mr John Ere that If elected he would do all he coatd lo serve the ssid he was not a end glad that so faithful a lo hare oppoaltloo Pretty Scott and Ben nett followed In brief end the people left for home Several of the have elnce with drawn and remit a foltowi Mayor Jackson end Lloyd Cane end Woodcock Deputy Eve by eceleroelloD St Starr sod Johnson by St AaIrewa Ward J Robertson A and Brown Patricks In the field TO THE A famished RutBitn killed men la order to got money to buy food 13lA blizzard out Kftntae Col orado and the Dakota on Daw Heavy of etock and great interruption of OS ELECTORS THE Town of Newmarket decided Co altoi of IUove tour Vote am I my name to aUnd for for tan and request Influence Mo ml nail Woe loo Moo da j Jen j Oar Floor barrel rail per par JlarlorttrbQAhcl par bubal par fikariaprtOaia par lb i4 bag- Bbc4paUu Wool par lb owl Mlte4Mm er e Ml I 1 1 ftM f e It mult fl CO CM 030 ON to TO 066 i a a a ft L331 a on 003 a CO a COCO a 019 IS CO a If TO THE ELECTORS Of THE Town of Newmarket A I bare lo oflVi ro- flocllooaa REEVE FOR And solicit your Vote and Influence WOODCOCK at pm Jan ISM AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Lands East by law will offered tor public At Hotel ibo pay oclock In the forenoon follow lot land and iOftct4 No In ltd of wld of IbaSoulh atd ICB acra of ibo IcL or Of Kail of No Win lib aouio cedar alroEOpUr ttrtin lhai K toe li aro erected a Urn dririobouw aod and atood orchard on ibo place part of Ox ralla of It A of tho In a very air Uioof la about from Town of about I from VllUgo of a a and a church Tan percent of aaltf daya of uauaJ one And High Court of For to 1MNIKL Or KNITTING I the to get done fine aod alao Stockings and Mens Mine made Price Uo Also for the Hoys Co good IP P All goods warranted the Call board ata Also two rooms to 11 From Lot la the ftboait A YEAR lied with a Utile Mr Information Con of lo lu wLeroabouU will P NEW MANTLE CLOTHS NEW DRESS GOODS NEW FRUITS FOR XFilAS We have received this week some of the very latest styles in Mantle Cloths bought tit the right price In Dress Goods we have Home very in Plaids Stripe and with trimmings to match Now is the time to get your Christmas Groceries Raisins Currants Peels and all fresh and sure to you fine Mixed lbs or eents WW LAY Try Babbit Coup Powder only eta a package Telephone Communication r AT li We are now prepared to show our etistomorrt all that ib New in Style Attractive in Appearance And Fine in Quality Ladies Caps tills Storm and Shoulder Caprs with Storm Collar We have these goods in Finest Canadian Beaver German Beaver English Persian Lamb and We also show a great range of Lined Gloves and Mitts Ladies Cents and Childrens sixes in Genuine Napa Buck Kid Curled Lamb Cloth and article mentioned above we have bought direct from the manufacturers and guarantee satisfaction R J DAVISON NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT warn rl a A Eg it TO ALL I I feg Central W STARR AT THE RED BOOT You will And a Nice Assortment of Ladies and Gents FANCY SLIPPERS Also a lot of Small Trunks for children something good and useful for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A Fine Aeaorfment of BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS OV TRUNKS VALISES All at tho Lowest Cash Prices S H TO LOAN flretclAastsr by DAVID LLOYD Comaluloner tor tiling AffldSTUs ftco buUAiint Issuer or- las and So gland teiiaae t lAtUict ltor Toronto OrncaeOld Mala to of ted hi it by Ihi posaravd to lk6i BJid on will be at to from to to MtaruTL J- WO NICE ROOMS J IS

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