Newmarket Era, 8 Jan 1892, p. 4

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MARKET ERA JAN 1892 f Flower been troubled five month The told toe it was chronic I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach I suffered from a Water Brash of clear matter Sometimes a deathly Sick- Bess at the Stomach would overtake He Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic At times I would try to belch and Could not I was then for Thomas Druggist Cor Irwin and Western Ave Allegheny City Pa in whose employ I had been for seven years Finally I used August Flower and after using just one bottle weeks was en tirely all the trouble I Can dared not touch before- I would like to refer you to Mr for whom I worked who knows all about my condition and whom I bought the cine live with my wife and family at James St Allegheny John Cox Sole Jersey A as MM felt I HI ff s a a I 9 I that the Indicator call her up again in hi most voice Let him pat little tenderness and in hi and we will vigor oar new gold pencil that her reply will to him like a of home to a far country TO Th appointed to enquire Into Mr of North- Police will at the on the to tile the el John for the of John Ilia of ego the Indian turned crown and he present when fired the fttal Ax took in North Lanark on the Slat oil the the Abbott waa formed and in the of the candidate Mr a ISO greater than at the elec tion year w is in circles at beta GdTcmment Toronto at will fc for of month The pre li not cund bat it is the be It vill be by cor it Mr far was court bat of to in Bofftto for Mr an a Society AwFaftAaaB lit fcfoltcn on or for faLI moon w 111 A ftrd Tnedajr and Id Ibo 2nd A And In AlbertIt A In month todAitb Id the month QnewifTUIe 3rd Monday a month bomtrgTaMd7 TenlD A In month ASM Monday In R tod Select fcbiroo Saturday HopeEvery orT night Ink TDMday By an by Ontario on the 23rd Git the adopted by in November new medical health officers of an important veil as chancier re diphtheria ease reported on considered a micer in the town Bunt found a care containing a of water feet from tha entrance On the walla to CATfcd the Mining were fonoil and wonderful of ill were op Greeting I am La Grippal Grip for abort Bat I get ther jut earn 1 And the way I get there the Oat of of I am no ret pec tar of And or IVoadelolh bo mora with mo Tfcao a width of I lay for woman Who around bareheaded Or ahod And the way I a man Without an orercoal Am m aitopUhJnd I air la foil of mo And a microbe I may wtthoot contradict That I beyond competition I got a corner on tbe Hunan it And working It For all worth I I and doctora Are log a With alt the gate money I not in it For boodle And I dont Car a coal What Im here for People fiad oat whin they take me And no telling How many hare oat In the part few day When I get left And we are not having cold daya winter He Bat why multiply word I Yon know m And If dont yon Item All want to By reference to Which and in which hire worked Mighty few of them Dont ma cane me For all in Bat I aint a word Let her And Sheol What the Old Man lias to say Tut Montreal an eventfal career of year had to aQJer finuiclildifficoluea Of late years the been iin far Innate been burnt twice and each time losing heavily A few ago the to who tried to continne the of the piper bat failing to meet it week night SIS 2nd In each at Hall Court Friday in International S S Lesson- A SONG OP SALVATION Jan 1802 110 Goldon id Lord for for in the Lord ever- lwiog I tilth of grand now be dettrmiutda The which it bat doea not in degree Eta It rtfcntu the kingdom of God tad the the pertain to it Tho foreieei and fore the of which it the the to bring xtmJnit of mind and aoil I cnl be time ed tf lolly low fcl the in whom the iwudeuc of and for the beat abort bofAorooa article poem narrative or wot io before March The prizes will awardtd much as the Pro writer debarred there a field for all of a liitriry turn chance to their lipa See announcement Collins of deiedadMUtm dccUrbg tattoo tbe alien land aw act pmed by the lllinoia in ran continue to buy own land in State without to be come captured and by tie of a of to hint nt and force all who not become to dupefd of ibtif iitdl and a1 a of frlout die tate that acacdil Premier been It that Mr la official capacity hot by en and of the Crown a contract Mr to fat- all goods required Id every public office Id the for the apace of four ye art no coofrct price being Two credit for each were gif eh to LmgUtaand by discoooted at the bat op to the present he had faroUhed only worth of gJcda Ac cording to ahead and reported to only the what to follow not ide of bat of coutw there ere two aide The Merrier Ufa but Lie op- dectue too That Telephone Someone amusing about a The and her ctrcuuittancec anuiuacu the Indicator a on the sub telephone girl of tho poor cioryuiaa with the ltrgo the most to the world And how her head and how sore her and how monotonous are the to Mi to light or ftont her Still Yea know she for we ring op the along the wire to and wo feel happier riht away Then give oar and It to the of last named figure dying away like the refrain of a Now she eon and we and And the watts and wai watts dear ool How can she koow J Bat she know for soon a soft and tweet come over wires and there It aometttng that rising Inflation fn syllable that makes as feel to comfortable It thoogbU of home and mother and a bright fire and singing tea and warm hands and warmer hearts We neatly forgotten where we are when the atkt at slowly and ently at Did yon No we didnt and before we It the hat helped nut of difficulty we are selling that lot we or ordering a of coal or a box of yea there it a deal that it tboul the telephone girl and we why otter for AbeOlitUfy con- nut Linn to blood etc Or- A locum of Oil If of It by all A badly with In- wo In having curing theirs wo and to our joy cured and are now the of perfect all bard Blood Bora and pollen eta by uooboUlo Bold tor Jatiuta U Weather inter I had medical avail I at B one hare not fait tiny flap family Mao tub boon with Jiack month and thought would try which ma aid Oil Ujchly Vaimzh A Vantlctf well and Bod tor and wealcntaa It ha do curct alck and will not fall whan I I have been thinking all the roornbg about thing and the bat chiefly about one thing I was thinking old neighbor Jones He died last night at age of 87 Good old neighbor that he was Died too Joel stretched oat bis weary old limbs gasped a coaple of time and then left Peace to honest ashes Bat I thinking of the great amount of labor that man performed and the great amount of he created with two fitrong hands greatest had did not perform half as hard labor or produce much wealth real genuine wealth as this unas suming old neighbor For years he worked at everything being a sort of matter of all trades Jack of none and finally he purchased a little farm and spent the balance of his life cultivating And yet through all laborious life of toil and I dis cover one instance govern ment rendered any benefit He worked so many days for so many dollar performing day labor and when bo many ended so many dollars had disappeared also All day laborers his merely and barely a living and he didnt oven timet to lay down and die during the first of his married life without distressing his family Baring the lit war be gave two of his egos to fight and die for tho government war for everything be pot in mouth or on back paid tariff duty on all his clothing and im ported goods and medicine and whis ky and tobacco and yet the govern- never rendered Mm any benefit or gavo Mm a fat job Washington The railroads came during his brief life and enriched a certain few farm implement and farm machinery invented machinery took the placo of men in factories Mo graph was invented the telephone and light and power were discovered rich mines of gold silver and coal and iron and oil were found men who never perform ed honest day of physical labor rich and fcristocrattCa and pol iticians snapped up Jl fat and yet government never said to the speculators poHlkJans Do something for old neighbor tabor Is more respected now than over Wo have our labor now aside for the of the attention of the world to tin fact that proud of thcIr callingj and demand that govriimiLnt shall do something for thffii besides collecting tax and allow fug them to vote ia candidates la Habit of Heading- TO BOYS fat Ptcptt The of reading not Minerrslike Like everything else we do for advantage whether we are men or boys It needs usually to be cultivated boys naturally love to read You dont mind I am certain whittling with yoar for a whole day if wish make a tagboat or you work vigorously to make a kite It all very well to do this but you see it require cer tain amount of work to secure your triumph and joy with these things I am sure there never a boy who would to do this work when ho thought what the result of it was to be Abraham Lincoln of whom you have all heard laid the foundation of his greatness ha was a boy by taking time to read He did not have the great variety of good books and papers that are to be bad now tut he found the beet he made the most of them As gas and kerosene were not in use io the tiro of his boyhood and oven were not to be obtained by him he was glad to avail himself of a torch made from a pine and sitting over the fireplace on a in his home was a rude cabin I dare he enjoyed- what he read better than anything ho found to read in later life when all the modern books and facilities Wire at bis hand I know this is not new story I am telling yoa but it illustrates so well what I want to say that I be glad if yoa could hear it over and over again so tbat may never it It supplies for all of in fact a very good lesson to remember It makes emphatic the troth that what we get through difficulties we get most thoroughly and retain loosest You will learn when you get older that into alt your and question enters which we 11 cost- In other words you bad to give something for them time or money At any rate either you have given it if you have obtained the object you desired or some one else has given it for you Do remember the story of the King who the great mathema tician for easy method whereby bis boy whom he inclined to favour be enabled to obtain a know ledge of mathematical But be was told is no royal road to geome try Neither is there to any deiir- able success It would not have been a favour to the Kings son if there had been and he bad been al lowed to travel it NEWMARKET HOUSE FURNISHING STOVE DEPOT As we have a Large Stock of Stoves on hand we will offer j Special Bargains the following lines COAL HEATERS PARLOR OVENS WOOD HEATERS UPRIGHT BOX Wood Cooks in Great Variety SEE TEE 111 ML STEEL PLATE J ft NEWMARKET STORE HEAVY AND SHELF yRM TO acre flnuiu two ICO iJ23 and Baskets- all Varieties Chop Bowls Butter Tubs Cinder Sifters We are making a Specialty of Furnace Work Estimates given on application OF EVERY DESCRIPTION School Jj 4 J Street pomp o4 ior PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Try our COAL OILS Beat brands of Canadian and American co Telephone Connection Largest Stock of Glass in Town J PROPRIETOR FARM FOR I aici I apply to rent- to a Isaac SCOTTS PHARMACY The and Wm- and together with moat of their copUDt were destroyed by Saturday a upset by a dog on the bam floor THE LEADING STORE JUST OPENED A Fall of Toilet Set id Leather Silver PERSONAL ATTENTION TO DISPENSING IK S SCOTT D NEWMARKET LI To do well and tliatjwhich worth doing all is worth doing in this way It is just as well to be deliberate even in the matter of getting married also in that of selecting the first housekeeping outfit but when the question of the finest sewing machine comes up then the time that you can do a thing well do it at ouce hesitation by buying the DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE V J HOLIDAY STOCK received comprising some of the Best Brands in the market Ales Porters Whiskeys Wines Brandies Gins in wood or bottle Leave your i orders early and avoid the rush P J OMALLEY MAIN STREET SOUTH CASH GROCERY STORE PUREST STROHQEST BEST ft CootalnjnoAoni Ammonia Lime Or WooUorta LoUon Sold Mf I ho and tram M at a aarara to and tm did her good any other aha aver tiled Mai At Oat tie old copyrighted parties Home of you ought to be any rate When you op to Peter end he you labor down here It will take a good deal of cheek to Ob we done We let looked and forced tbe com mon people to do all dirty And Peter will Who do you by the people And will have cheek to reply Ob the people who had no money or aoclal or political And Peter will pull down hit eye and Walk in walk I One of the golden harp broke anvil laat week and he Die your for one A coach between Bon ner Perry and Kootenai in Idaho held up Monday night by three men who went through tbe and se cured quantity of jewellery and money The yet heard of been at Richmond Hill While Mr and child ren were charch at that place recently their In aotae cut the martingale ring from the or an BETTER Thank You TIM XOyyof irlio hare from COVOU8 coi03 on of after tty SCOTTS Of Pure Cod Liver OH and Of ona AH AS MILK IS A It fi nit or it Or NEW LEMON PEEL PEEL PEEL NEW RAISINS CURRANTS ESSENCES Teas Sugars o A Fine Japan Young Tea at worth 25c Can Salmon for Peas Corn Tomatoes Baking per lb A call solicited P J MAIN STREET NORTH NEWMARKET agent W- NEWMARKET ONT at WI ES AND NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT easy enough the Ball corset be cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides They clasp the figure closely but yield to every motion They give but they come back So does your money if youve worn a Ball corset two or three weeks and find that you dont like it BALK PURE V A A jgj ixi all t fed EXCLUSIVELY a m AT McALEERS took and P A CALL SOLICITED Central W STARR AT THE- tYE BE PRINTING RED BOOT You will find a Nice Assortment of Ladies and Gents FANCY SLIPPERS Also a lot of Small Trunks for children something good and useful for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A Fine Assortment of BOOTS RUBBERS OVERSHOES TRUNKS VALISES All at the Lowest RIFF LUMBER LATH SHINGLES ARK NOW TO OUR CUSTOMERS WITH sash and bunds THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF THE PAST A CONTINUANCE OP SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK PARTIES Good Warm Brick weather call aol CorChaSi gQ OF pi So a la lib Co rf DESIRABLE Jt ibj acroa Mi and ia farm aoj iJl9OffTtfifSB3 FOR SALE fiacreaolt iialnf 9 Sis 1 7 Ah JO lot a goal All Ijo ite market For r FARMERS MYERS ROYAL Br For Sold by I nuaXm Notice to Creditor JOHN WRIGHT It btrbr tiAvhis Estate of John lalo of Did Vilipt of QcD3iU on or ores on lforo Mud by W Wwj 1 tfHinKpifiiMUfrlilJicciltf 4 hi irnyhfli ihtcr proceed ibt wj LcHcd notice then any frt ltirtvr3 ID any fcfcff Mid lltrf At JAMES 4 THE TO VnlecUMl Dowels Kidneys and vitfiout Wo- all w tin lie rectlngf Acidity of curing Biliousness Dizziness happy iailuacocIP BLOOD BITTERS DR QradufttfdJu it Vfctoiia loifjliF wiihuonnrjt I Mr paired fchokl time to the ft ptilcQl In tic of btMtbUga I tv p Doctor J AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES TH WM CANE MFG CQ 0NX gos from ibo Throat em it I a a ASLOOUVJJffVjr i tfdt

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