Newmarket Era, 26 Feb 1892, p. 2

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fc T FEB How 1 892DtDford Go Goods J Daviwn for Bale Alfred Stereos Straw for Sale Thompson Mousy to Loan Reynolds Bile of Short Georgft She DP BUT AMD WITH FRIDAY FEB W fa a Toidsto an who for sralcUe yesterday it hi bougie cutting throat with ft John the and a of city connection UffiliUriil bu tif petition if lh lo lit for of the Ftctory Act will nuke on the til tod of In both mm employed to Id ftctorfu dob tod Coo by irembarvot iha of tire party woipleriont A trilled Monday on the to of additional for protection of obitdrto in lb nutter of employment to and of befog I Me fa streets at The Premier a hope tho might be with In the Auembly eyOenertd stated a liens at on to Into the of dehorning of cattle and meanwhile the fine to the recent London not be collected of the of Id for Ontario opined In Toronto when the an Important The will for a few In regard to financial prosperity They cannot how a which only a email modicum of its by n Moaal for invetmeDt bat ex- It not to leek the firit wo not by a wood nd expense is Secondly a great many local which form a charge on the in other are borne In Ontario by municipal taxa tion The mm annually raited locally for works as bridgeo eto u large while in thesa er- penEdi are for the most part made a upon the Provincial exchequer If the other Provincial Governments would follow Ontario example in these they would bo laved the of frequent appeal to the Central Government for increased One promised in the Lieut- Governors speech that ia greatly needed consolidation of the As sessment Act has been introduced a copy of which reached this week- It not propose any very radical changes bat it is of much importance to have the Act placed In good form with all amendments of late years embraced therein and cleared from much that was hitherto obscure and Every ratepayer whether assessed on property or income is deeply interested in this question and the present consolidation aims at removing doubtful point Of coarse the BUI as introduced will be subject Ik on Hon J defeated Mr by Tbe me day two were elected to the by large Htity for Kingston by and Ban for North Renfrew by ore Lout In Sim It that U for Eut been to move the reply to from In the and Mr for The cabinet at Ottawa if holding almost for the meeting of Parliament l A Few dyi Dr Spohn made of concerning for the marine on Bay The at took notice of charges and have noli ed Dr Spohn that the Judges Hill have been notified to nune a to mike In ligation and alio him to forward to department and enquiry may be pro ceeded with at once The Acton Fn makes us Newmarket on of pioneer country of On tario celebrated couple Eba one of oar wideawake exchangee end cornea to ibis office and many hundreds of read- era crowded with and gen eral reading matter every week tbe publisher Is popular throughout hit and paper a Ink Drops Convention at next week Tueaday lit of March meet today to further amendment but the en- 1 school Beard evening tire code will be in more workable shape in the future and better under- stood 11b Editor WHIT El SEES TO WRITE AT Hall week a councillor for the Cramab who wu elect ed in unseated of being for a tax collector lut year Hon- Mr- Blake to Fore An unconfirmed received throngh the Ontario laat week to the effect that Hon Ed- Blake to re enter life prodded the Liberal party abandon Unrestricted Reciprocity and Oommereial Union as a cardinal in platform- Grip appears to have caught on the rumor and the same In a full page cartoon- Liberals throughout the Dominion will be glad to have the intimation confirmed and hear of the partys acceptance of the condi tion The of byeelections indicate with considerable certainty that a good many Reformers are tak ing sides with of a foreboding conviction that Unrestricted Reciprocity means a gravitation towards annexation but with Blake and Commercial Union as the watchword these Reformers woold return to the Liberal camp and along with them not a few in dependent Conservatives There is no the fact that a strong undercurrent prevails throughout Dominion that both Mr Blake and Mr opposed to Unre stricted Reciprocity becaose of the apprehension that it means the adop tion of a discriminating tariff Great Britain and so long as this feeling obtains the chances are that the Opposition will be fighting a looking game and continue to grace the seats on the left of Mr in Parliament But by accepting Union which moans the adoption of a trade treat with to without the Mother Country the next general election will witness a in the relative strength of political parties mental goes a long way in determining the political action of voters at the ballotbox but notwith standing this prejudice those who create wealth both in Canada and the States firmer mechanics and generally would rejoice to see a largesized demolition of existing high tariff wall between these two countries It is the politicians on both sides of the lines combined with certain monopolists who foster ex isting tariff rates not forgetting and it is within the range probability that wlib Blake and Commercial Union the Liberal party may be able to enter upon the the next general election campaign with of success Wood of BrsoUord will a bill into Ontario Legislator a i lbs present which will make it impouibla for any to grant a boons any industry under any whatever of Soon be off lima is St- Davids day eye open for the first robin all oar oonTalescing Big in town Saturday from afar Heavy fogs the past foot nights Co meets afternoon Fire at near Aurora Tom Roof of dwelling badly damaged day last week Woods of Niagara Falls was arretted and to Wetland on a charge of perjury in connec tion with Germans election trial It was mainly on bis evidence that late was unseated It announced that the of the Inland Revenue Depart men I in cooes- of adulterations of coffee in Toronto Hamilton London Kingston Halifax Winnipeg and other placss decided to offenders This is all right people of Canada do not want to be chested by grocers who adulterate their HSOSAL The special meetings in the ian church at cooduoted by Rev hare been very successful converts are reported of whom joined the church last Friday night It was announced to last meeting but the interest was bo great the pastor thought best to continue it another wees This Friday night will probably close these special services when others are ex pected to unite with the Mount Albert Some of the threw a mow- Mr- J Summerfelte fthop window on Saturday night If they dont come and replace it he going to make an example of them Fax it to ring here on Tuesday eight next The Board of Trade if bringing turn A fall boose expected Some kind of show the Til lage night Lecture and Quite a lot here on Monday all with fur Whats up m the Fatrona of Industry or- an association this place the members have been unable to hold a meeting account of the iuclem euoy of the weather The School baa been closed for a abort time owing to the amount of throughout the Mr of delivered a very instructive sermon on Sunday morning to a small congregation Several from this place attended Holt Sunday School party on Wed- evening Mr Milter is suffering from an attack of Diphtheria end Quinsy Master George a severe affection of the measles Mr John of West Toronto Junction is spending a days at hie home here Mr Isaac Cook of Aurora paid our borough a flying visit on Sunday last Mr J Miller was visiting with sister Mrs A of of Cedar Valley on Sunday last Mr Colon Hopper of has been spending a days with bis father Mr Geo Hopper of this place The Concert which held the house Feb although the night was very cold proceeds which amounted to about eighteen dollars and a half are to be for extension of the library A little girl named William- fell into a pail of water at and died of her injuries from that the bye election in beta Oar readers Kickelit a Kittened Sir Hector at election bat he beta for another re- when a lowed In return Mr a and now a protect entered by Is the Dominion for Soolh last Mr Smith defeated late member John Liberal by majority the ms day Mr CoDterratiTa defeated Mr Liberal in East It expected In South Ontario be hot gate a when the ballots were counted A Wood lock with propped atpeadmeutf to lbs Act liw now power to a license when a of tbe rate- pajfln iuVdTlion in which favor it la to be to so that a nujoiity of ha by renewal of that jear Laskay Mrs Jatnea Gordon was about two weeks ago with that de vastating la grippe and al though two skilful surgeons are in attendance they entertain but slight of her recovery Mr Dan one of our popu lar and you farmers has gone over and joined the Bene dicts the object of his affections being Miss ceremony was performed by the Rev A Campbell of Maple after which the happy couple left for a trip through western Canada We extend congratulations Invitation cards are out asocial time at Mountain Homo on Friday A pleas ant expected The teachers and scholars in con nection with Schools intend having a sleigh ride to the Industrial homo on Saturday Among visitors are Mrs A Ryan of Toronto Mies Willis of Holland Landing Mr J of Barrio fatty into of tag lcecrop of the in Issue of a foil and a iooiidtrable pace to it front pig Is lo the of a race between tee- yacht on the end the Ceofrit the train in the world The picture entitled A Mite a Minute There the mail of of at J eltotibtr this la an number ten To be had at The Ontario Legislature The debate on the addreaa in to from the throne at the opening of la about only matter of importance that attention of the up to the present and tie chief feature of that debate had rela tion to chronic surplus In the Provincial claiming they have ioMUona on- to the credit of the the con tend are oooked that the La now an unknown and that yaar by the expenditure la greater than the Fortunately for Ontario Provincial not cause trouble derivable Crown the Dominion anu utcreat at Is sufficient to ftl lster to bo very at to envious of On elgiietLn matt go fee of are Mr Mowt It It that be will introiacea Bill at the of prohibiting the tile of cigarette Cigars any the age of 16 and tog ft an for youtbt to to found in public or to bare Id We not Intiuiastton on the Mr la any of the other piper hope It Mr ia visiting at Hamil ton this week in Bertie a few week Reeve Cane ia in Chicago more new machinery Mr and Mr Powell of Creek US are at Mr ft A Miss of spending a few with friends in town Mr and Mm of Toronto Friday last week at Mayor Lloyds Mr Martin family over Sunday in Toronto with Mr and the Dr were At Home with on night week Mr J and bride from at Mr lut and Mr on Yonge St very illness but at are Carrie who been here on a viait for three left for home in Dakota night The of Hell bare been with their Murray durjog the three or fonr Mr and Mrs De troit were in town Friday They at tended the funeral of Mr Kennedy at Aurora previous Mr Andrew J and wife form of Fine Orchard on for San California We with tbtn a who been ecu- to the the Utter of November baa ao far recovered from her to be able to take a on a Mr A P attended an 8 CouYsatloa at day to bring Normal work before the atten tion teacher In Helton Co- on the inritatioQ of the Samuel who has ill with la grippe baa recortied to accompany her daughter White to her home In Toronto week where aha expecti to remain for a few and try tbe of a change The Mr of Toronto on appelated Master of A for Mr P Cole of Sutton was alto Grand to Ontario from the Supreme was badly under Mm Dixon who has been ill with lefftfppo alt winter bad a ago J ay which rendered her la very comfortable now not at all and ration al She In her year Joy of It still thriving Mr Joy a former of town that Moses Knight keeps great many men employed tbia winter Keswick The anniversary in connec tion with the Methodist Church here are well attended and are times of power Rev Mr Wilkinson of Sut ton West preached the anniversary sermon on Sunday to a large and ap preciative audience Mr also preached on Monday afternoon and evening Mr Peregrine of the services on afternoon and Rov pastor preached in the evening It Li expected that the meetings will continue for some time The funeral of the late Mrs Peter was largely attended on Tues day Elder of Newmarket was to the funeral Mrs got a bad fall on Sun day at the Methodist Church She was getting into the cutter off of high platform and stepped tha seat but as she did the borso started suddenly throw on her head and shoulders It wonderful that she without broken bone Draper Esq is very poorly this week Leap Year in connection with the Christian Church to be held at Mr Francis Mortons on on account of so much sickoeas and the terrible storm of that date it was postponed until Monday next young ladies of are sparing no pains to make a very successful affair It hoped that it wilt well patronized Elder of held missionary meeting in the Christian Church here laat Sunday Elder was at Little Britain Mrs Elijah is very ill suf fering from la grippe Miss was married on Wed Miss has returned from a throe weeks visit at Little Britain Whitchurch Council Met at McQuillan Hall Saturday of February lie rubers Jit present in chair previous rent Mr Mr Biker the trustee of Union villa were beard portion the tax that be paid by ilio of action Tho Iho report of Township or year IS91- arrears of 3- of tatintc bid tochiru pKAtiit laud were promoted by A Davldnw I Clemy fund Jacsto Ballot Poll do- and application for certain printing Auditor and finally audited the Clerk to procure blank order for tbguso of of Council of bills Appointing Deputy Itakor and Clerk to re School or Union StnurlviUe and report at neat met tin of Council Accepting Racier for Printing A appointing Township for current year Council adjourned to Council Climber Jlallacitrae April ANTED- General Scrratt at Good Cbok HALE In barn or TUOX1A8THOMPSOK 6 Holland for Office and Post night a Fur Muff iho iiiii at op to b purchase or root on Park wilt It to to call on ALFRED STEVES3 FOB SALE- NEW SPRING loch 1U Id perfect CanoflUc Tire JOHNSTON Louis A Son from tn do MISS Newmarket T between Fob on Seed- Finder will Win Lard to and on regarded by or tending Mantles I- ML DISPERSION SALE op RlT baa received from without any at Lmv1V Oik Hid- on Saturday March valuable herd of of by Mr Milter VtcoCobtuL to bo bull ever Imported Into On Jay and Ih will bo old mu entire colt Prince aititatadcr by Kentucky l red IIkOh Shropshire It nut and lli Sl of aSIuo Credit on approved jalut iiiforniAttii Aft will be by plication to proprietor at Liberal 59 MAIN ST CASH AND ONE PRICE NEW SPRING ODS E FARM PROPERTY FOU MORTGAGE SALE OK Valuable Farm Property In the TowuOilu of Tuwiiiliiu it Sharoua who attend Christian were very much disappointed lost Sunday in the of the expected minister It Our popular Mr Terror wag suddenly called homo father lining very ill hoy of bio recovery Percy of spent a couple of at Dell There was a rousing tafly poll here on Friday One of our residents since been have gone oat bangs are latest stylo Quite a number attended Convention at Quconsyilto last week and report good time Ono evening last week ngcntleuiaa missed bis and cutter from hotel shed It soon restored but were very pale bad tried to tafeo them farther than wished to go We bear whoa whoa I on Edward Yollowhead a Indian started to walk homo on railroad Saturday night bat reached bis destination and a search being made Sunday uiornintf ho was found on tho side of track hav ing been struck by a train His ribs were crushed to and he only lived a few minutes after found It is supposed he was And Indian accent has a reward of for information showing Yellow head got Liquor is the second Indian killed between here and Rama with in the past year and both were drunk at the time Letter -THE- FURNITURE AND of lut The svtae stcttoni of I York and Oat con Botcf tie la Aoror and iter a fttrngte for or font years Watt To where it died long and u to It Is now tilts of Mr Ctus a but a u alto bid a for a bo to a short tiros and s bat It Uit4 that Atd thai Vet RtQrmif gift op lbs ghost til York tan years thtt and Its Quanthn it BSjlUt iwt lbs Tenon the ftfJ ago to Alms TVrrtM on St Model bool who art announced to slog in sscb next week hire voices acid going miles to hear Mies Amy Hunt In tba following from Is antics of of tut tjnt a lut 2nd In city Mr of Amy Hoot of vers united in by Mr- and a man of My tedto lbs altar It of Iowas fair and friends will units In bath a long sod married lift- The was at of lbs who It an old personal former of groom Whig follow log report of Member down Mr for York to for of was called at this stage two on aids to follow lis pleaded for British fair pie In or a right of closing raply but chairman d tit wars Mr tor half an hoar la logical atjlt aod of tbs ban ho hand ith great aod He gay fins edition of polity of the boor Mr the 13 A pldemlo la In A wedding at Wed nesday grippe has not slighted our village most of our have had or having it Mr Albert Woodcock has boon very low with of the lungs resulting from grip hut is getting Mr and family and Mill spebt pleas ant day at Eider Clarkes lag their basket with them Mtia of spent Thursday M merchant Mr and Mrs of are spending a few days with their daughter Mrs Knight who ill Elder Percy of is to preach a Missionary sermon q the cburcb hero next Sunday welcome Mr Herb Rose back In our midst again also Miss Alma Draper j The Patrons of have Oft a society here and selected Clarke to sell for them Mr Knight Is building anew blacksmith shop on Mill What we would to know Who the young lady was that Into tho Why the was not Jit Thursday night I When young ladles aro to their leap year party 1 Who wedding party was at parsonage last Wed nesday Tits Hat Opposite Royal Hotel MAIN IN FURNITURE VOIR During the Holidays Orders for UdortakiDt and Embalming a J Calls At St Specialty Prop and by ior of IwJikh IHlioiiioJiiceJR lime of Ml fur Ii Public Auction AT TUB- HOTEL In the town of A oclock noon AH or I Met end hnre arid being in of KM nil Mux 19 In Inr lhrt ftnlil way ThfebrOpMlV l very odventnteeouMy ll- two end from Albert a station rtbout mike from town of About ISO ecretctewd On properly end kitchen two ft lost and en neighborhood I flettlcd Ten con of money to be end thirty It ho of a firAt for of th on ebld In In ha at and a bell ier cent annum parable yearly bo to a rt- Further term end of sale or application to Kirn Pitman Toronto Vtudoro Solicitor Or aT THE BY TE of I Tssn dcMtoHtllor Kent Hi 1st Day of DER art Far No be rcirhast up la A violent hi tux ffhe IniU the vrlfo of J of Ontario In on the Inst the of Mr Waller the urui of a West tho the of IVrcy VerooD daughter At the of bridge irente forth February by A I J ilclnAld Jamot W eccond of Key the of Caerooo the of the by the of ftUKbterof J Moore of Queen At on the lib Jtev to MM A of Of Whitchurch Slit William T Cemetery morning la on roo- 4totiTlP yvrm J ST AH U1 rocclro prompt Apply to Main St OK SALE A Iron or will for by W ANTED at to il It I Prints Princess Cloths Charming in Style and Fast Colors m Fancy Shirtings Regattas and Checks Table Linens Sheetings and Pillow Cottons all widths and Tickings every desirable grade and quality all at Lowest Cash Prices is King and is banished so come and see our new goods and get our prices I In the rcattst you sr loU 1 waiiUc Stove ft a call sV BEST WOOD GOAL STOVES at low prices i R J DAVISON OIL MONEY TO LOAN At its on DAVID LLOYD for taking Affidavit Mar c th follow Cotnimlca of ltOn4oo and Mutual ihoCoofodtrallooUfo r BEST AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL I LAMPS Work and General Jobbing a HODGE CO THE BEST to Forsyth House OH A law now inflrlkf Am OHSALK- wUhlnK comfort in abto tfowl woulilqo 25P WILL A BAY MARE In fluttUM been In all Mice DO for It fc CO it JLJL1B TON CLEARING OUT FOR The Latest Improved SEWING MACHINE rftntcd by for five JOHNSONS Music Store MAIN ST Are Host Writs litSHj LYCOMING OVERSHOES AND HEAVY RUBBERS Every pair guaranteed or money refunded UWT ARE CLEARING OUT ALL FELT BOOTS AT COST This includes the Celebrated Felt Boot WE ARE TAKING STOCK AND THESEGOODS I i

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