Newmarket Era, 26 Feb 1892, p. 3

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1 NEWMARKET ERA FEB TT Lively Local Laws WHAT IS OX ABOUT Rons op Promise The Bind mrow afternoon at St Baser Tba choir took ft aWRhrWaeat to ifca of Mr Richard Row at Holt on debt an report a Ship In tart been In Legit- regarding the Railway Mr North of original The wrecking op sssarftl la op lo freight cars that vera la pier North complain of a good deal hfch thought Works Orders continue for IKS ftod ire lootog at Sooth The teen night till nice to keep op with lbs aa the they ftell or T The interest in the Royal Templar council to grow Fire tea members wert edJed Bra J Own York t the Grand in week and giro encooraiiog sod In The There was ft Urge somber of bones to lf oolj lcnia id good bat for On Tar nut lit Ur Trotter Trotter are to b at the for be nAtket Now is the true for oi by atmtt io ill obscrib- ft irprly list of local iti the by I for Ita Dr of Toronto wis Ml Audita list follorfojtoSocn jnra for Jit 0 Km Low or Out- finrtt for a of mlrallca put ra from ileoSdwUx of firrt by faom of t foor nd no when In Come a A it the town bill on Uld It A not out of ftdTtiid to Ixfori public pot la in After ud Court an InriUUoa to of order to la an Tbi wirt iljli my timo en- 0 down Bimdfoid and Major P a iho and were with and for to boil- op In a to iboaU red Tbi might ft ixii in for Gubatt and ttpdij in and fond and will in- J bll tiiron ind Union Ent TboconRrtga r corte Other will la fa in TheHto B W Eq of But lift an iiyd at whtoh Id si ud i long hi llfttali for benefit of widow nepbowi and put of block on leading from Main distance to obtained thereby to itu tod of tha property of the AT ALU rrotaifd in which ili cf wu acting to- rut taring I of JJ two to an Hi wu locked op all wo lip when bo fiood ic9tt to Hi wu neceuary CO down for thirty day ft maa wha Iet aJoae ftftvd b ff It of authorities u jry A Up Trice away bio it a it b li Dr tw Iu lb- filt- rii 1 A iral riitAtiiA icJ ill alMiiry it a- m A Tho will of granted pro- bate tbi It dated Oct are da- widow and Mr and the Dp book debts by bank cub in bank and making a total of ii long and filled with many for the eitat ly Irarea It all for tho benefit of widow and a fori fox widow to cue marry The quantity inow which fell the month trying of the which it has been allowed to last rink Timothy ilreet in a dolefol Sitordty a at Lumber Yard bad followed by a a oo Mfg Co property which Mr Robertson for ics in alio and left a wreck The big on Monday the aoow down wonderfollf On afternoon afoot half the iheda it the the CbrUlun were wu nahinIed only fall Shot with a Young now thai he not know u about a u bi lie one on afternoon when it la bis band fitter tenant on Mr place took him to city on Monday morning to bare the bill extracted bat band had to inch an extent that the it nowise to probe for the ballet till and Cbulie bad to wait Toronto two or three for the operation Whin will to If are thue weapooi Not op toy for their children which in nicelynice ahnndrcd la point of yoasg people to a at Bradford Friday night Pint then now you mlr and then yon fmie now and then idm the mercury bop and skip- not Aleak in the water main on Niagara Street about the of little figer took the Engineer all to repair Kelt Mon day tut day for conncili to change affecting for 1892 young In the CbrEslltn Cbnrch had a bee telegraphed torn to bo a hoax headed Hop lut week hare read Holt are to But not far It in two or three weeks that i drawing for a took at the Hotel Mr to no drawiag took place on bit atbe would not allow anything kind Who is Right of Wii In town and He Iftifttctor reported la If ami to the lata of their doth that an inmite from Scubora had per to for of children and hie report on that In they had been placed In Home leuni aloe tbat they were admitted to the to Toronto wonld wtlrtated week matron winter bo to know wbrra the Two more deatbabaro loiUlntbn week On Tneaday Wchard Col- Hot a boy from four jure of died from chronic croup and next from Vidgban an old man who bid parsed the allotted and ten by thirteen died from natural One new Inmate taken in week Wii con ducted on the Aurora and on by Mr Newmarket The are looking forward with for from The meet neat to monthly at Queens- A Sdnday School Convention held the Methodist at QoeeMville on Friday week 18th and 19th interest and attendance ex ceedingly good and moat have greatly the there who bad planned And promoted meet- log Iter J Bell of Newmarket gave the opening on Thursday night fall of ioepirtion and practical presided Friday Mr of Bradford first was iatroJocid by Mr Albert Mr to the great he had seen from ioducinfc to prepare questions on the firat only a single question at a The was discussed for the re raaiader of the hour Mr Whitchurch than a Bible composed of the whole Convention for The that for last Sunday There a amount duopKrion more than would be con- advisable in an ordinary Bible of young people so that while was pretty thoroughly gone into it was perhaps leas a model for Teachers present Mr Will- son was complimented on the excel lent way in which he conducted the The idea brought for ward both then and afterward that a or M with a teal of intermediates would be an ion tractive feature at aome of our a more exact Model of Work HINA HALL SPECIAL flolahed to or a fairly year A find 1 CHINA CROCKERY GLASSWARE AM SPECIAL PRICES IK- China Tea Sets China ami Common Dinner Sets In fuel- In Fancy at ALMOST HALF Pit ICE to A SPECIAL LINE TEA POTS my will you TAKING WE March lit Mr- Outlay dioclc on lot Id ml Cm It over tortfki Sale Smith Mr a cite on lot In Terms mo- on over or bay lufu or 6 per cent for oclock J- Mr JohoOrooo wilt a Aiock So I tbcJth Con Kail near Mr Albert TiniiSiiiw on SaIo one oclock to vt the late Toole will tloio Smith March- Mr lot a fatin Credit till Not on over J ID or and at SPRING J GOODS HAVE ARRIVALS YOU LATEST STYLES Motto la A Mysterious River- AN a J p d by It a to io up volar take on a lire tea ray be lit Mr and f and so HI be taken op is rty to note patronage of at tbe lceU town ball J- Qierititeti4ent p fl perforin- t HIr nabaldirKtor for ttni data of thi of 0ur Siticur by icb a rteaolc taken by and of and oil ete well and were a of W if it aerca all tbeine and each was a fcvix VWon on the Vfriiloa and probably on that acconot England frienda to excel In iltsa It Have yon teen Ye oa J of month called Much If cot yon for Institute The of a knowledge of tbe material to a knowledge taught from baa given riao to a demand for work School To Ibis need in an waa oondnoted to Model School oaTaeeday and of which aaoeaerfoL Tbe the fire to about After explain ing of 4eveoplni Mr P ft into for A htiiB who took part felt tbat they In reat to ioalyalog leavn by of a placed on Ti ii wlc on ill tor convquently only a few at examination the boor of Inatltnte The feet to op winter Great Now for T at thoeo atft a MMn4cc4bv dH dipt JCU a Ik will alaply torn rum rfoMt tvatiaUacoibt ll if bar ftid j re jmp4r ad ftfcaUIPftS MMDdje ftt4 In of atoPgtfgalon and UI Galled of older will remember Mr J ftoo of Mr of with Mr ro Mr oat Weal palmy of gold and finally located at Waco where with wife which got at acultd pro- of a harpy life bat for Dearly 20 year hit wife hat an Day of Feb pabUafacv ftt ftaoaDCM her death In wordt At hoot yetterday wift of Mr J J died sCter ftofftriog which ftht bora with a moat wonderful W Wed accident sod for de cades this had beta by lbs rtmcualsas of that period lonchlog her lift tbe teal Her was Attended by and the Oikvcod tu ftorroarftod tm with Lowed lowing tha hearts A feature of pieces- Ion wae tha faot that all of tmptoyect of mora than a hundred tad Mr Is ft reined mem- bet of andthla ftkprewattm w vary fol to him In hit deep affliction och example baa a knows In cold world of met by lore and proverb la all the region ftbooL If plae for the fm wot bright with prate tod lore tbt tool of Mr It there loo will go I Folded hands so was in the first place with verbal Reports from Schools Then Rev Cbldley of Keswick Intro the Relation of parents to the Helping chtldra with the Lessons and attending the at Em hoar hen I far as pos sible can attend and contributing to its were brought forward important The subject was then farther discaesed The convic tion is evidently growing very general that parents should be in the as well children The meeting was then addressed by W Smith of Newmarket Several illustrations and facts were brought forward and considerable made of tbe board The children seemed interested and answered readily to the questions put Mr Jackson of then brought op the of Local organization showing the advan tages of combined effort in general and the particular application of the principal to Associa tions two great advantages I thorough visit ation of all the from these fl Tvilip for resolved with the lowihg Wright Fogg Vice John Horace ll ill Com Messrs J Miller Mil ijamud FRIDAY Rev Bradford gave a very excellent address to Mr Smith alio answered the question drawer which was mors than usually wellsupplied with ques tion The only question not related to work and which a little of amusement was what do you think of the chairman Fortunately Mr Smith able to answer the question in a way tbat satisfied He thought very much of chairman giving several good reasons why col lections were enough all expenses An excellent choir at all sessions and they were deservedly thanked by resolu tion as well also the hospitable householders of for their the visitors FOR THE Prof vritb a glance a frantic maniac sentence is hidden name of a celebrated river and the successful discoverer of it may make For first correct answer The Weekly effort in cash second 75 third I give that eye a treat by looking at some of Print valuable prizes besides which and Flannelettes ftb prices to suit all purees and offered for the first and from each province Fifty cents for a months trial sub scription to fireside must each solution Thirteen num bers of the beat family paper in Can ed a for Fifty Send where and scud in early Addes Fireside Weekly Out PURE INDIAN TEAS I MONSOON TIGER BRAND are cup auJ aid to loo of my eulftri EVAPORATED EVAPORATED QUALITY Before starting to take Atuckjwc to clear out all Winter Goods down prices Ladies Under wear at the lowest possible price Mitts and Gloves the same All remnants to be cleared out any price An usual our Groceries will be found and flint class Teas at id our Try a pound ol our Iflrnded Us sure to you Telephone Cominuuication COFFEE AS USUAL- 35s THE BEST R A SMITH ENTL THE OLD RELIABLE PHARMACY ESTABLISHED A ttMOttaTa PERFUMES OF THE BEST QUALITY A OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB DISPENSING ONLY J I Our Toronto Markets Toronto Feb per bushel 91 per per Iclj per bushel dozen Pot tori pi sMg Wool per lb Ilftj ton W STEPHENS Accommodation Store North End J a a I dick Clover per MIko yel ii wr 31 x on Jit Sti OM u 1 CO ii a 4 a NE MORTGAGE SALE VILLAGE LOTS Holland Landing NO 260 MAIN ST am pm pm DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR Ut Market I I I i f Kb i barrel SI Wliul per ir per per ton per ton QulUt roll prlb QuUer lb Pouiocprbaif- per Wool per lb liar per ton Pore i Cbtcktcuper is ialrtaa til ISO l IB 0 to OS CO CO a a a 0 a a a 23 a a a SO a rt Domestic and Foreign St Oporto both for medicinal purposes P J CASH GROCERY STORE FOR T TRY OUR Japan Japan Japan Gunpowder Indian Black Indian by ho power In ft will At lliua will by Auction on or At hour of oclock AT TUB NORTH Id of follovflo All SloguUr it In parcel or land fttiJ aluuits In of lvuillnj In of l minion Canada by be Of J1fsStI in tin Con of the of In tit of of J And fuliow I Ik of the yiuiK- cm limit of limit Pino Klit in lOaSdtothiJ WcJt biok tho tort point sold South boundary of Morrlaotoiiihe wvn And Sewn llnk limit of Strict if limit of and link or loa limit of Sirect td If mil of nl or of known aa fclxif Oaf lyour ami Sixty31c of land and aa aljownon Na vlll revive bid Twenty par tent of a purchuo money to bo paid at Iho Unit to bo la fifieoo ihertaftar For further of Vile apply to Klo Toronto NEWMARKET HOUSE FURNISHING STOVE DEPOT CLEARING SALE As we have a Large Stock of Stoves on hand we will Special Bargains in the following lined COAL HEATERS PARLOR WOOD HEATERS UPRIGHT BOX Wood Cooks in Vaiiety SEE THE BULL STEEL P J OM ALLEY MAIN STREET NORTH NEWMARKET tot word written to ratios The filaolloba meats or March St Feb Mr a North Yatmootb U victim of a somewhat bold robbery Saturday had recent ly receded some rent of one deposited It Id a drawer On Saturday family were all except and a hired whom It Mr McOoll had up while along the road three or ago He Insisted on remaining la the house even after being told by Mrs MoOoll to go oat Finally she contented to bis remaining In and started to sweep the bedroom floor doing to the kitchen for a short time she on her return to the bedroom that the fellow bad gone and on farther ex amination the bureau drawer had been broken open and the money On return homo Mr and bis sons the was SQOffbtsJter but nothing could bo aaaJUdcfft CO BANKS ESTABLISHED TORONTO BRANCH Cor Church Wellington St SAVINGS up- at cur eat ratoats DEPOSITS SPECIAL allowed not ihrco for aamf NOTICE- X Ihal all affAlnit ESTATE Of KLIZA WawmarVel York widow iltcMd who died iho lit day or I89tj ara tiled to or do- to lha of before of ifrcb full and ihoy may hold day of March tha Mid win IN CANADA MANITOBA S6AUQHTER SALE OP SHOES SO DAYS Ldl French Old but A OllOwal In M cheap Come and lint JjHJR short to tt txatiiy of two WW to entity to of which ha and ho aoI for or than hi had a For Sal HOUSE by Tender Bulla ALKWIS fit WEI- ht mi Main St pud and fcrouilci AIM ara at moot tot It JACKSON tars TO BREEDEE8 lulls P ALWAYS on and Bulls Baskets all Varieties Chop Bowls Butter Tubs Cinder Sifters We are making a Specialty of Furnace Work Estimates given on Try our COAL OILS of and American WRIGHT CO a Telephone Connection RIFFIS IS SELLING AND SHOES Cheaper than over Every thing MARKED DOWN To out andjmake room for Spring Goods INOW IS YOUR TIME Thanking my for their past Sign Bed Boot V

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