Newmarket Era, 22 Apr 1892, p. 2

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f i I ft I ERA APRIL New Dr J AtkinKc- O O J U0lut To it BCToROwSBBionTsn AID WITH SUCH IBS OS F FRIDAY APRIL 22 Our Toronto April Tbs of Hob Sock so far ao4 was net only rosy bat aJmlrwi lbs from ail lbs cad fax Mit lb coil fits will fa romor of coving la tit OoUrio Mr Id and lb Works portfolio So Mr Mr to Ilia of od Mr of Hill baa aac- to Dr cd aarflO- of doctors first srif claim I bll 11 daring WoJdmJj aftarnooo oat of to lbs lata Hod con- It Hod will to Sir Qortnxmtai Hour bfrt to las affKt boat Dj forfeits of ft Id Cordon Brown of lb no York It Brown id Hod Alex Maokenzios Death rvr3tM la If fl a il to Hi iHdtnblp of pty At rowalt of for York j and already the fxMiihf roentJoncd Among th named on lid of wo that of Mr Smith tbo for com ta rn tba Ontario alto Mr of Toronto of flinndera of In atito circle It to bo Ij that Mr Maeloao who came to near winning t last gcnpra election will be party nominee bat York end two or prominent legal gentlemen of the city are on the more Co capture the nomination Riding em brace a of Toronto on the are evenly divided and the remit is What- Mi is is rLKASAKTXT la Iowa on flood Cole of Snltoo town Mr for Mr la Toronto era town Mr J Mr 0lo of flood In Flo la it Holt and Walter for Dakota on week left for on morning Intending to a time Mr Jt baa been roialog part of hi When flnkhed It will add to Wo bod tbe of llitentng to two on at oclock end Mr of Franklin at oclock m Holland Landtag The bare nearly all left the for School reopened on Monday Dr Hon Alexander who for the twenty year baa occu pied a Urge and prominent place in the of Dominion no more Shortly after the on Eaatermorn death closed bis earthly career For many hour to he he over to the majority white sorrowing relative v ere keeping their vigil around hi bedrid By hi death Canada u bereft of one of her noblest son Parliament of an hon est upright conscientious and society at of a true man Hi personal integrity was prover bial and so distinguished hi every transaction that his presence influen ced the and private cir cle In which he moved Baring the long year of hi useful life although not sorrouuded and brought Into intimate political rela tions with men lacking that high sense of honor and integrity which ever marked hi career no breath of tarnished his fair name no suspicion ever connected him with transactions oven of ft questionable character Conscientiousness was a loading characteristic- of the man expediency had no favor ruled His unyielding to a fixed conception of what he believed right and in the true interest of hi country was exemplified in marked degree when he refused prior to to yield to the strong pressure of powerful political friends and to readjust the tariff in some de gree In favor of protection theories Had he allowed a policy to prevail and expediently yielded in measure to the pressure then brought to bear by he might have retained power for year longer but he conceived the notion that to comply with the demands made meant a sacrifice of principle and sooner than destroy his or do violence to honest con- even at of office and power his stern courage refused ft noble of true man To mark Majestys appreciation of fidelity to bis and coun try the honor of Knighthood offered but for reasons of ft personal end patty character he declined the distinction was preeminently ft self- made man By untiring Industry and conscientious regard for troth and honor in both public end private life ho raised himself from the bottom round to the top of the ladder and although political scandals marred the character of many public men all along the line of hi life no breath of suspicion him with seeking advancement by intrigue or of treachery or selfishness to gratify vaulting ambition Wot he gone hi day of work over He leaves behind a stainless record worthy tbe emulation of noblest sous and ft heritage of priceless worth to bis Our space too limited to attempt an the deceased statesman whose demise nil Canada mourns to day but we copy following brief synopsis from the city Hon MackaaxU was third sou of tats Scotland iimUy tbe and saran ana cam to Canada in 1811 was bora January and at schoola of Moulin Dankald lo yontb ita sad arcbltacl altar arrtva Canada bMama a con tractor soma years ha aditod Lacnbtoo Skill J a loamal Ha a f KxaauT and of Ontario from to 1S72 with Mr lb iha bo with lha of dTottns lblr to nl In ha apvolutod of lbs lu the Hook of la Sir John Mtcdanalis bo to a took of and fejtd It until In until Prince Edward The little sea girt Isle of Prince moving in the direction of economy and reform From given in the Montreal we Icam it to abolish It Legislative and create one legislative body In which however it differs from Ontario in that two of legislator shall sit in Assembly on term It to be composed of thirty member thirteen less than now forming its two chamber one half of whom ball be councillor and the other half assemblymen all of course to be elected by the existing fifteen into which the island is divided The qualification voter to remain as at present high er lor the election of councillors thau for assemblymen but no qualifi cation for either class of members By this distinction councillors are supposed to bo conservative ele ment In House and are guard ians of the rights of real property and vested interests Sitting and acting as they will do in an Assembly along with an equal number of assembly men will not have as much power to control legislation ft they now have while acting as a Chamber with tbe powor of rejection On the other band however they will have more control of money bill ft they will have an increase of two their number in the joint House In order to make them safe it is further proposed that no change shall be made except on a twothird vote of the new ly constituted assembly On whole the effect of the changes sug gested by the Bill will be the aboli tion of existing Upper Chamber above stated to lessen the total number of legislators from to and thereby effect a correspond ing reduction in the cost of legisla tion WRIT TO WRITS It baa snegrattd that lbs Oovcrorornt ongbt to add statue of Mae- dooald Brown and to thai ol oa at Ot tawa Very lew woold object Central not nits- op hold on fistbt A fiM ii who Hod Mr- til tlKtton log of Mr IL A Kent lor la the Ontario by of Cliike to for of tot Hod Mr to of coatptrlotf tot ciot of to wit W0000 with to chut aJ Her thtrtof aIdi crowo of jly will till ftaTr to a The tod of North for which they very low fore roknrf will mII it from to sKr whta lb to bo paid Eo of firm biro of collie vod boiisaM tod tUrMdy Tbfrj ftlM will tod to would Him to m for to wrill ud to EulM oil of Roiob In Iowa oa Friday u In town Ur Ed ui bttr Id oily Bolton to Tot lo of Urt ftpswdtogo Dr ud a of city Ctntt of ipso with Browa Vat Brtdford sad too of Toronto pool Mr J rt la tbt city of UIm floadf ba from of tome six or Uisit of Toronto tad a of it bit bit from bit to Ur Hill of of Hill lu of tad of tad Vtaa of vert it itsrtoQ9 tad of To- tiro or town- Kit bttbMO bom bit KM for to charge of for Co tad Spinet Fox and Toronto it That A IXsldt Ed J too of Toronto for Friday Sir tad J la or tbt Tic of it foroatrr with of A Mr of Toronto a of whilst Mr Albert of tblt tow uia of much pramiie tuterod clerk Is of fro A Toronto Gawd Friday on the with bis a of city with tod ill Ibt it bit Mr WDstktiu picking bout killed on Tuetdty of prxt a A pig it tad In tn who has bit wllh moroiog to a Binder lit of all bit and aa4aVnUUCeJ Sir II D IX O paid official to StoaffTillf a ftw there wu a to a tod lto on of mem- to tbey oft Rev A Love formerly of it ptsrptriogto Gtorwtoiia at of Templirt of that invaded bit a and jftit with of of hit ffffbrtton behalf of retIdtQCs then E killed his and at Brooklyn Y He bad and Into a bit did no him John for at on Monday a year ago a in a girl bo a wife and children in the of J powder blew op at man ware killed among thou Smith The report of the ex pic I tor rifio mala of torn at under of timber fly ing and landed ban fee distant from wrecked fieHIaehKftff- M Vlciocl I Mltgt aldhlt of a rbrsMtaiag Tkrotl and SqrgtOfJ Will Dr bat d to frvQaobiTltltsiovliii Uriel Inert- log an4 wintered bat cold end are bar ing bad effect upon It The firtt of the off on Tueeday end eoiro it a day a gala day for people of plaint and la holiday heart and attire found their way to The under of Elliott Macomb Will Mr the brewer eons on a trip to England We trait be may hare a and Mr it applet roan in Ilia danghteri and their from Toronto and alto Mr are with for a few and nothing to do but iht youngetert We are to report torero of Mra Lane and Para ham eacb from ttrok who been if aittaut of the to her new field of labor with beat wiahet of the village engaged for a abort time ah excellent teacher and left many warm Ward of fake ber place after Liza Morton it on a to Dr Morton of Toronto A detcriptive legture and lantern are tilted for tin village April and at Hope on April lit in aid of tbeauperannaation fond of Metboditt Church pawed Off on Good Friday On Sunday largo both The Eog- liab Church was and ap propriately with many The eonuodi auitej to tide and very do pert of hat ERA not of burgh They were bare few day and for to the joy of villagcrof Maggie Mooro bat gone to spend summer with in Sams domains -cvtttttt- LEADING FURNITURE AND i Opposite Royal Hotel ST JfftWMARkBT BARGAINS IN FURNITURE During the Holidays Lot Vtca tfof of io ltd vapor with lttptmbtT not to curt mho Mm la a of lion It If if euro of la pracllct It mail that nho ha btt to ttoily hung tod bat bulH fan all ptoiiiUy whjJty lo for all who with olliw- that in very lafRt iho of In W all IVumnipiiVnbtTt their la of and A will St found aod lot who haft in lit Oral iiiAgta hci If above la Got ft of to out Valient until too Today It wtroln La tlnit Onion for Undertaking J Embalming a Specialty MILLARD Colli St xh at a Aurora of Coulter of a April vt ilt- At North tbovrlroo Mr a too Queen St Chit liar Mr KIJa of Jo- at or Ha Mr Hch Mr lb J W f J of North ilti Ot tb 5ch of i of Cat tar tic A aympta tiorvtpULlHiy to of of DVttltb aVOLlltltol ISA 111 of tL3 tMjtb of li OF dOpt A D of lh iht of hoJ- At liiii Id tytsv Of A Really tod a doll of bro oIloo Of with alicut la iiud art dUcbarcd with In art hick Of lts throat foil of J a dilft to it of or It Ufa art art bird hart bid who took towotblp Plaoir from to Itjctof to tbt let for a net cbaoged Mr now Cotuujitltt on Utttiog of day School- art at work hi of J NY Ha of Acton Mr Barton tad Alfred Day of Toronto commits iwot to ao bill of fart for lttof and chltdrtn Is all rtiptKtlafi possibility at of a In of in towtrdt two In order lo wit for that tbt of lut to Catholic a who will and who will rfstdy to florirataaot rttari for By thlt It It party tut and teoariag of Sharon Fine Orchard a abp From bo WpUla at J j acil oats Ii wilt txjatha i Jb biro ha sod bad la la l a year ajo Is a addition to bis boos sad brick Post Kataoagb lbs Starr lot loteud to that rs dont bat trill bars built a now Now will td whisper Is cot fall slater la lb of ImproreutDts in Hall lut Uoadsy a decided bait wu filled and Mr Harry sillier of Woodstock apeot la oar of Toronto lrci3 rota Iowa ala lister Mr Stroir fcailcg tho shop by UrtoT for to back of his Mr of Mount Albeit Is Job la villas 00 A T days Taffy Pull at Mr Brown on Saturday Tom must par tial to tbo as there wore more ol them there than of young moo Perhaps Tom is yoii to take our advice to Ah Tom jour a sly old to you tin the general question among the lovers of that of Graham helped entertain the of Albert Baud Conceit He Cornet Solos report John has not forgotten hi old time skill in that line of mosio While one of our men gallantly some young ladies home one dark night ho tripped on the end of a plank falling flat as a pan and didnt those young ladies laugh I Cruel girts you nearly killed him George had better fix those or somebody will be the township for damages Wheres bay seed of Sharon be gone to gross Should think the Dr would be glad when all sick get well as he has had a yery time of looking after his patients Most the sick are improving Geo is said to be in health Why did the fail to to time Friday last at Subscribers felt cross Ed the first we beard of it and will make enquiry Farmers are very this week Old Dobbin is kept going early and late Hardly given time to eat hi hay and oats After a successful entertain- in the ball at Sharon Monday evening both you up old bad a jolly time There does not to bo much news week and tho get much remuneration for hunting new I ho got what nigger preacher got for tortuous nothing which ho said was a they wore worth To wind up Ill tell you a true story I Many years ago titers lived here an occentrio individual named Payson One ho arrived at Holland Landing in a boat by way Holland River He he while coming up the river heard a remarkable story saug by the frogs One Yog began to a rich tenor voice to say Soma one going to be married Another In a treble voice Wbo Still another in a baritone voice replied Another voice loudly cried Who to to which another frog replied in a deep boss Mother Erne The individual spoken of had ere he started out on his journey procured some Oh bo Joyful and darkness overtaking him he lost hi way wa thus compelled to pus night on river It Is not possible to produce on paper pe culiar style of his recital of frog story I year IH visa- A I Toronto A VOL of of jilllu J MAIN SI NORTH sasttJltftUN All IU prompt On St lut FIELD to Town J a Park Ave 0 US- sow lias for Hollaed Landing- newm Mechanics mstitutl btrtby ylva tbovo Jacksons Hall -ON- lb Sua of Ufwj 1891 At A It lti MisXiaiiiy lo or iKklutf a ahiJuLit I It hud Co 1l NH Wjiiii lit ory iliKl I for full ft bid aulJ at JbtMsaJ bid kit Of I fttu 1111 I Willi to I rMfoJ I lb of li Ud labt ud I fed la loot lo tvtcfy who iiy hll Ij very to to IhfoiusiHouOiiUsttUulcCl Your lTKa WICK Issi taouiuifriiilsjJ to Ibvis but lkod tod uUuotUte Word iheai or ilski iotlfl how luuuely tha of too Of 1 dbAxio Iblt the to Otuvticr- Feb llth now t word lauy woM vliUed li At ilf froiu of thu throat wbco ibK Invited city them Tho and about four ttulitu lQCrOld to to tXtQllblt LOW bit of a trt to toujibl lived li other for of their bo by for ihroAt iron whkh tby latfctxJ but of their la been lipid rd krjr entirely cured bat bU txasUuiIcu from it bo bit from who from An bid rut of After All ihepatitM on of luid It over ISM Or nod Surgeon wbljto let you Ibit treittueut of of I with 4 local fr without all until for tut to iwiilow ifiUto sMtloit tint wtt down root the Iookuo Off order Is ATKINSON Si 10 Sand At oclock I in cm bo no hop Of Dr It bid op your Voder entirely healed Sermon Presbyterian Church April Xtht A MOBTGAOE SAtE OP FARM LANDS which at timoof oaloihara School FOR MAMK3 IS at kit of Fifth Annla S3 81 Not Iooith Oku jr Louis Sbappard Kood IkU wr o l Auction at North Araorlcan In tho Town be Slot day of May tics Atllockxk tanas I South W Ml or Lot Id the flrat of Id coucoQorthoTAwothlpoiUjtOfliai burr TV r ii- per coat at solo ana balance quo month April mi For Silks in all Shades for or Dinner Wear Street For Door Drapery in Shades price only 375 and cheap at Boys and Gentlemens Fine Worsted Spring Overcoats a nice color well cut an and worth If ordered ami perhaps yon would not get near ai good a lit which to most men is annoying a a A good Suit of Clothes for the price V A China Dinner Set just less than Toronto Price Theirs is 3000 the same set DANFORD ROCHE CO BROS a 5 BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER D f Never before have such real values in Dress Goods been fered in New market BEAUTIFUL BAKING POWDER IS FORE bruntons T bettor The far mo to bur IU I eat I trirpM wit 1 Am IXrfsictljr tabid lo do in own icIq doctor v whit thty your dew but which they pronounce All at To any who be Jtalcoiii at I will wtued to A Mow cDtrAdicih rporEs that bat ho aaya etc Creek Nov lfablL WxauisotOX to and would to my la I oarer felt ibn at fou to It publish It do my Hirer la n 16co two bare cover the of a Your very truly MRS PR ai a ypeclalUt of i anil by from from York and Mr it Fourth New York wbowaacot but doctor I you but for a decided from friend to for daughter for trouble I finally coo MQl by I ould bio for If aht wasnotcurcL I now fiocloMioua tho full amount alter months It heard IMr lawtk of A D V a pi at We are the only house in section do ing a real fine trade in Tailor- ing If you want a First- Glass Suit take a look at our Stock Cut and finish guaranteed BRUNTON BROS GOODS FROM- io mi BRUNTONS BOOT DEPTl UPWARDS DRESS TRIMMINGS Buttons Latest Styles AND Qualities AT Lowest Prices We are showing Most Elegant LOW SHOES FOR LADIEl LOWEST SMALL WARES very Pair DEPT a for sale Apply cowieson la to do Third RANTED- Street coo IreaiaioaL I is head leads ttwi to thiols woull it boot ar ibai will cote her and I SOU will a Mr a aal follow I do oat any mora aod tiki your M look for a ear alx I SiysToJitSS Two la We are selling COATES Yard MACHINE SPOOLS EVERY GOOD USES BAKING POWDER the best Spool 30 Cotton in the world Spoftli for ANTED MRS CLAYTON I SoJYosoSt Oood Cook Oaoral Servant at KajrJ Ovarii at iuiiu IkyWaMfiilooJw Jam SMvMMtiVMss BRUNTON I

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