Newmarket Era, 6 May 1892, p. 4

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AY an For Coughs Colds Jones used German for the past six years for Sore Throat Cough Colds Pains in the Chest and Lungs and let roe say to any one wanting such a medicine German Syrup is the best CamcviUeTen writes I have used your Geiman Syrup in my family and find it the best medicine I ever tried for coughs and colds I recommend it to every one for these troubles Schuialhnusen Druggist of Charleston After cores of prescriptions and prepara tions I had on my files and shelves without relief for a very severe cold which had settled on my lungs I tried your German Syrup It gave toe immediate relief a perma nent G SMc Manufacturer A Coughing IB Katun effort to foreign from IhS bronchial ihU and the need of an No other to Ayert Cherry Pectoral It Id ejecting the repose and the popular of cough tore Of iheminyprepwatloni before ite for the cure of colds coombs kindred there Is none within range of reliable u For I mis subject to colds followed terrible coughs- About four ago when to afflicted I to Cherry Pectoral and to all other remedies aside J did so and within a week was well of my cold and cough Since then I always kepi this preparation fa house and feel Mrs I Brown Miss A few years ago I took a cold which affected my lungs I had a ter rible cough and pissed night night without sleep Thedoclora gave we up I tried Cherrj Pectoral which my lungs Induced afforded the for recovery of my atrengtb By the con tinual of the Pectoral a permanent cure was Horace Cherry Pectoral St Dr J Co Mass TRUNK RAILWAY A A IT Toronto ByeElection The old line Torioa of Toronto were all turned oat and topsyturvy by the result of to the Ontario Assembly hero on Friday week when ham liber al with an radical name by majority over Mr Knit the nom inee while the fad and the Annexation crara candi date were completely under the latter only obtaining voir a out of a elector Tho party alto received a rebuke by unqualified ejection of Mr Rent a worthy man bat be in the band political who were deter mined to play part of dictator of political and The good tease and of aix or eight revolted at the and dogmatic of the clique and away from the left Mr Kent strand as a political wreck The Conservative parly in Toronto la not withont plenty of able and intelligent men capable of representing city in but heelers and ward to grati fy their own notions and toot the sectarian tinhorn a a really worthy and capable Reformer in tho person of Mr sent the machine repent ing of it folly and may bo Been going about the streets op portunity The gold has become dim hereafter the MowM Govern ment will have a from To made by Act of Parliament aa Mr Kent want to observe during the canvas The total vote polled for the respective candidate is as follows liberal v93S Kent Thompson Single Tax and Labor over all three opponents 163 Friday a cold dsy for Conservative ward po liticians and the party machine got robuko they will not forget for Bonn years to The Banana Among roost attractive foatorrt to thorn along the lower portion of New York Citys water front are River piers occupied by tropical fruiters tbe steamers discharging cargoes of bananas From one of tho gang of men carry bananas to the waiting trackmen on pier while on tide of fruiter lies a largo float on the deck of whlob receiving their loads railroad cart especially for carryloo bananas in good condition to different parts of tbo United States While a daily occorrance excepted there are probably but tow who are familiar with manner in which banana is cultivated and of the proportion this productive industry assumed during the past fuw years In tho first of cultivation as they are termed are planted and in one year after tree bears each pro duce from two to four trees each of which bears one of bananas yearly Four years ago Go purchased thirtyfive square of land in Banes which at that time was a dense forest and tbero wore ten inhabitants in whole district indomitable energy and enterprise and a 2 it y si j MM TO WRITS follow tog Je- to iksjs few J15 it Sew Lowell cub Holt K lug 93 3 if a O B a fi a a t- Ha a j w a tut it it to titer it Lore father ftabtt ItoUrt for el d lic of by rariiD but be mors sent by lie in S S Lesson Delight In House ll dwell House It now be determined who the writer of thtt of tad refer to tome Id life when be wis deprived of id wotibip of It fit he la bis by he Jeruu- by Abiiloms rebelHoa the pislm for wODl of is tb it wis Hod of to tie which the ilux was sung The tool of belonged lot family of They were doorkeepers the eleo led the service of worship The title would Iodic fot them to slog li tie people meet to worebipOod It Is HU sod crated by His pieseoce To defeat ool or old the sincere worship of All who their delight of who trust Him wslk blessed now will eilicleoa the the or Of math to are the sbleertke by a J J The Story of the DoedIi1od eecond article the IVommi UnloD with of their tee storey leuivla ia Chicago one la tbe worlds will be with Council- at Hotel Saturday April all of lut lead and following bills vera paid repairing taper Wells repalKogculrerti Cod Sao J s error 3 JL error Patterson salary J Irwin as John Sheep Sheep A was passed appolotlog Fence Viewers for the ending May Slit r were to re- the highway to re Hill Coo com J Hall end 8 Atmltsga to repair Piiikertoos Cou com It Armltage to repair Hill Cop opposite Lot Mm t and Campbell to repair IxUaud d Coo com Later A Campbell CoQucll to at on Saturday May of capitis rduoua work of cloariug away force laud in a proper for purpoaos road from 60 width have laid out so a a I can bo over the en tiro plantation company baa foot railroad ton oiled long and an extension of eight now in They built pier feet from tbe hard saw mill and water work d of New York received contract furnished In improve ments tho company the modern and no espenst in not only furthering growth of but in order to it a credit to Island of Cuba- One thousand five hundred fcr on plantation during crop and a population of rapid that has boon and it bids fair to bo of the finest and most thrifty ports in Cob moat important fruit center world is a beautiful port favorably on Bay of six and fright long to port miles long but very narrow being at point ooly ISO feet wide but having 16 to of water at tho The company has about one half the entire laud cleared and planted with 400 WO fruitbearing trees Theix twentysix in banana trade plying between Cuba and New York all the year round It d control Urge especially for their trftde run to Pier which pier the company hat leased Hot ween months of April and July n steamer arrives at New York daily and during season each will her cargo which averages depart day in ballast The demand for anas has reached auch largo propor tions that who control entire banana crop of will this year export frotn Banes to United States about bunches The steamers of company each of abont tons When it takeu into consider tson brief period only foor years since I Co commenced away it may bo and not only tilling land but building the entire town streets stores dwellings and a rail road and giving employment to the inhabitants cultivating enough bananas to keep nine run ning the year Id supplying demands for that fruit it is wonderful to contemplate and it is an accomplishment that has probably been Am Ship Builder The Editors Shears A mirage of Lake teen at night of died worth His applies for ft plot Uvea of Prince Ferdinand and Premier has been at and his wifr with eighteen dynamite bombs in their were arrested but subsequently managed to Mr James Taylor of Man- attempting a of four blinding storm which prevailed throughout Manitoba on tho rail and being compelled to remain oat all died of ex haustion and exposure Two men wero arrested lut week and soot to gaol for trial on charge of work ing a f scheme upon em ployer of one of them in advancing 00 a note to be in wages and then skipping the town was in and in hi for Webb of having with Kans USA Aug George Patterson fell from a striking a fence found him using i He It freely all over bruises I saw 1 him next mornlngst work All the blue spots rapidly dUsnpeared leaving neither scar swelling K M ail oil did it f NEWMARKET TO Lit LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Of far ft SPRING 1892 AUK NOW TO WITH a DOORS SASH AND BLIDS JOU8E for Saj PROP whirls justice day ha append Mayor lliioiliun on tbu charge of abusive language prefer by Charlie Arm- lie and wet aasoFod On Friday afternoon ho Appfard rale Char on pt gAtubing in hi liquor during prohibited Hi guilty to both and fintvt ftud tiro bo act The said that he had the aft light possible on letter tut for gambling ha iuipoStKl the by the act He added is too weak to for a gambler IN I HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE CONSISTING OF Bar Iron andSteel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Galvanized Fence Wires Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF THE PAST SOLICIT A OF WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK TIICM SALE POSSIBLE PRICES THE WSJ CANE SONS MFG CO Two Flower PUREST STRONGEST BEST so Alum Llmt or say Toronto f John and Frank who left North West a short time ago In J an annoying on At the discovered the had got down with feet entangled in a dangerous position and they for time to of things out and tho horse This at tirat denied but they finallv in getting car ia a convenient place for unload- and proceeded toatraighten things up They had not got through when cars wore down track and they had to start to carry tho balance of the goods to the oar train moved before they bad finished Frank In the car and Johnnie outside with teat of tbe goods ho applied to station agent in his dilemma and was advised to take the express train until caught the other When tho ex press came along ho commenced at one to pile goods into bag gage car promptly piled out This was by checking and eventually ho got through all right It la rather amusing to hear of troubles but boys dido much till they were alt over WRIGHT Co HEADQUARTERS FOR MILK PAILS STRAINER PAILS v CREAM PAILS MILK PANS CREAMERS MILK STRAINERS BARREL DASH CHURNS UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms Baskest all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal Oil Telephone No Repairing done promptly WRIGHT CO IU Burdock yiooJ bitten tin ill ud core U Wood ud from lo wont sKrvyfitnnd with AorlrftUodrcyuUllAaU ixjgliiAutfDadOQ render Mm mo for all of tattle will ttHUttAib urf UniJi wo to four curt ooit or ocxvtUA run- EsIuk aid All old It WKlocssabto from dlcuo ltchUitsbattUqQUUtuUld cm dbOsUCsl ocrofttU proof Uiruio sUTbjr to will offoot ft can Two Wj ot41l7 one s to vQloaT7i of lo carry of cry blood of of Ibo rvlblood of fcoy flnt wo will OPpllMLloa to School APB1L NAMES IN OF NO Br- Ctts Ads J Hi Jr CluiJuo II CVitta P Class- Ft Jm Bnioiur Preheat locud Cbi J Caul Jo Avenge for April WaslbTj a a lo Order of merit Joejhfo DfAilu Willi Dsatht Jr Fourthlet EMU Mstj Ciff4 Jr flwlaa Us Shi Jr AsjjlsBhiw Key foil lit Gertie J Tbrvii soma among ouryonnger readers who food of flowers and of having a garden by tack or room and so seeing themselves ahlo to achieve anything in way a garden which would compare favorably with their Idea of one they discouraged do nothing Let snob if there lie make the to get at least two pack ages of flower aeed one of seed other of chryaanlhemumi of mixed Boris pansy bed will bo in bloom almost Incessantly throughout the and will Deed little more attention than that re quired to keep wecdi and grasi oat and to cut all the blossoms once a week If you would flowers I well remember how the most beautiful I ever bad grew the northwest angle of a stone wall bollix shaded from the mid day at in an excavation out of a hopeless ground of stout and mortar In labo riously in I admit with dirt carried from- another quarter and rich as I could got it The variety and richness of color- log afforded by ths chrysanthemum bed In tbo Utter part of tho season is simply beautiful grace and beauty imparted through the during the Bummer by the flowera especially when their loveli ness enhanced by the sight of terns afloat In clear water placed soma of thodelioitely tinted transparencies now to bo had la the way of flower bowls and of all Blender crystal will richly repay you for your effort GENTS FURNISHINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY CUT PLUG OLD CHUN No other brand of Tobacco has ever en joyed such an Immense and popularity In Vine same period as thin Wand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco fc Oldest Cut turers in Canada Safety Bicycle Everyone purchasing goods to the value of will receive a number F J WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER GARDEN SEEDS Last Clark and Mr of tbo Department 250000 fish In A quantity was placed in at Barrio aid OConnor havo just arrangements with and Twiner to row champion at au Juno of May si MONTREAL PURE CO Q en to PHARMACY HAS JUST OPENED A FULL LINE OP NEW SEEDS OF ALL VAHIETIES From the most reliable Ordsra taken for flowering bulbs and plants ST NEXT POST OFFICE L PUREST BEST FOR SALE ALWAYS on hand ShetpadUnlnoof NOTICE NOTICE hereby sppHoitloQ raideiothsPsrttaiaeot Can- lit for an to time tor tho nd com- of Bl Cathirlica od sod for other WOOD i on fltrwl now FARM FOR SAli a A J 1H ho Jt li id wn WW OP LAND AND EXCLUSIVELY AT Slo1u llo North Ho p to a flu sad mi si Li or sta TO LET W I Large Stock and Right P A CALL SOLICITED FARMERS SUPPLY STORE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW OPENING NEW SPRING GOODS POLL LINES OP CHOICE GROCERIES DRESS AND STAPLE GOODS BOOTS SHOES ETC Which have been carefully selected will bo AT TO SUIT THE TIMES INSPECTION SOLICITED Kinds of Farm Produce Taken Exchange OH AS 1 SPECIAL NOTICE- Owing to whole dsaltra allowing torn to crodi totiw that lb will for Spot Cieeif all BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS THE GUIDING STAR TO HEALTH A CONSTIPATION BAD BLOOD HEADACHE FOUL HUMORS JATJNDIOE and all diseases arising from disordered condition of STOMACH LIVER BOWELS and BLOOD acts on all organs of body to produce regular action to strengthen purify and tone and to remove all impure accumulations morbid matter from a Common Pimple lo worst Scrofulous Sore Thousands of reliable men and women testify to its good effects in the above diseases Is it not worth at least a trial in your case Price per bottle for or less than a dose J A ALLAN FARM FOR SALE of mile About aji of wooded thru all i prim- a l til flritof iUicliLBit Ob ilo to CANNON Aurora WacreiOfliHioiha Mb North of bait TO acre of fi to 9 100 fiih ICO 13 lot liiUfiuftpfH Utitx4 iciaiDSiadittrUitiithTGws AH Ibew vicy fctJ meat will Several of aH For i Da VLcToflA of of Su- Since Dr Ihft fttd The Porous d la of Throat fttd Suraeon of A Toronto Dr will May from A a Only Hotel compelled to log ir Act DMfneu Voice KnliriMT of Of an Scientific America Agency for CAVEATS DESIGN MUNN A CO SfAjJoADWA fa i klTca ut dcatlie la lM to u HARDWARE MAIN St NEWMARKET the Boat Mjaftra la y will bo Ion you Jo SliTSilii in do it ft of BEST WOOD In at tow prices BEST AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL LAMPS Em Work and General Jobbing a CO BEATTYS ORGANS AND PIANOS ftddreas DAX1EL NEWSPAPERS sat it Jirtflf 500000

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