Newmarket Era, 27 May 1892, p. 1

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r THE NEWMARKET Every Friday Morning BT LYMAN GEO JACKSON at PRINTING MUX JO REACHED lf0 EL LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTBANDfo TO ALL OTHER J v NORTH YORK ONTARIO CAPITA jo SIR P ESS Vol Single Co Cents Each Newmarket Branch DRAFTS ISSUED Newmarket OntFFiay May Advance moB or at end of year old t leodtd to J Notary lo id food Finn COSVEVANCBR A CASE Solictors Etc tfOBPJ SO Arced ME DIG AT IB A J V ft gain Street id P a Pharmacy S Chuck A nfflOTd bis ftoomi tolbBPortOCBco K it ite Air for GEO LICENSES At J AND CLOCK Book AoitricAB- Pow gold on life AMaritocCompBBlM TO WAX AT KTM ma 0AtOCHfiir70fflct Glvca fcitcDdtJ to No Aim Tftraoe Ttm on REYNOLDS RICHMOND THE BEST Bra Be Kind to the Little Ones A poor Jo bed tor tod With to or And sod in of Ion DMT be thai CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS and aLor In fore l wo j Eaouon TED Most R Record Ever Made by any Sewing Machine In Mechanical Progress THE DOMESTIC THE FIRST THE FIRST high armed family machine THE to Introduce the large bobbin FIRST to the loose pulley to wind the bobbin THE FIRST to tho necessary drop leaf THE FIRST to develop practical device for doing decorative art work THE FIRSTto introduce the THE FIRST to the prefer THE FIRST to have a self JXUftASCBAOESTOf En CommercUl Uoloo CnadUn Eos A3 Stock CompnIta Kara Town Shop a ATarJUf 160 Wei tor TheFirst Light Running and Noiseless Machine The First to introduce adjustable conical bearing that attachments to introduce a steel Pitman in improved styles of woodwork to provide a drawer fitted for attachment to make chain stitch without change to a ButtonHole The First and Only Machine Today to Please Every Purchaser B H MILLARD agent OrjTjosite Forsyth House Newmarket fiogarttown Mills THE BEST ROLLER FLOUR Kept Constantly on Hand Gristing Chopping Feed etc faooit the poor fa Where re In for With lit lit to bat iatL A ftw wlu before hit no in whom to poor liltU Urn boy to Though Iorlog tod In with ujd P CAUTION EACH OF Myrtle IS Nil CAPITAL BAM TORONTO ESTABLISHED TORONTO BRANCH Cor Church A Wellington SAVINGS DEPOSITS In of AS WKra0naiateret tfactcoa at rales up SPEOlAIi DEPOSITS HATES sllowed or not ADd fur mine NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT WJ LKWKUAtXIJONKHfl lie York IUn Mat I J- KWJTKIl THBACClpKMT AMERICA Hilt fufiwidtbb Wall Papers Borders and Ceiling Decorations in Largo Variety and Latest Designs SPECIAL ATTENTION CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE W STARR WADSWOETH left loproTidafat from And often Into of Bat allowed for her toll By who grow rich tbo poor Wo to And when far the dip will for oou by the Of tho tod who gold Of lb manifold of her thus bereft To a told world o cbtritj left our to Iotp not 000 friend earely her end The poor little fellow of aid With Borrow end laid In grief hit mother he the bed left he knew the bad died One day those in the room where ho etayO and liatmed hear what WU 31J They entered and him with bed the of Low talk had been heard in before y By of hit neighbor on floor They thought tome In It room To lit lor awhile brighten gloom So the ajar In the to fir loii jail u toon they left iloae In mother it Are you right there my do you my little boy I am eUqdiog near Are yon goze away yet why yon I tohearetftoUUOod A boat my dear Harry ct With little ltd tell to let lbe iky 1 did my dear by and Hi you Him Jut all atonl me I like good to ear I told Him Id like if toy Kerry Hed To hear faow the children heaven could That would him down here if ho w fhil there a lent Ala mm Im to tired J too I want to go with tod yon For there waj alienor then And the by hi door where At they wont In with a the little on them he died went to home To fad bicceLy had toe Ql ut Over Six Thousand Instruments up r who Uh ittt left Ihilr fit Wbsl ye Jo auto It be unto me Hill ot iitytinionuarane for Aurora and rtelolty loxo and I MAKING- the No t MUS1C1 KtllTIC IS op i1i AT JOHNSONS 75 MAIN ST and nearly all would be to the of to examine of Toronto before lotreliowhere Hidicbe IS LScli I Its fa tj the v In readily to JO AytVft Illlt I for Ayra ore Samuel 1 Allr f Mile for family liver P Co- w mo he at to by aim- Hat I lljic ytara n I bad no mid weak a na throe of Ill I completely cured Kantu troubled for with tndb ficttlon constipation A boxes of In email mo to health arc and Ayers Pills Dr- Lowoii Geld The Little Jean roendor of I tut meets a well la life a widower with six children his hoods is them oo bis spoke of them as such tut in truth four of children corned as much ho did On account of his fifth child perhaps ho had occasion to groin and com plain child was a bo Heron years of age Francois name bub called his father and older brothers Little Nothing Strangers that way or bringing Instrumonta to be repaired marking stolid of Jean Ids fi vi deo ignorance wondered his children could Inherited cLcif brightness Ah I if they had mother they would found no for wonder earlier years of his life while engaged In patching up scenery for a theatre Jean acquainted with an her from afar who occupied a leading position on stage had been an actress of the first an accomplished singer also A by which sadly marred her face de stroying beauty foroyer and which would caused her death had not poor risk of bis own life saved obliged her to leave the stage short ly after which moved as much by gratitude as by love she became Jean wife Jain loved her devotedly and he had been sadly broken by death Francois at the age of seven had grown to be a tall slim boy with flaxen hair a pair of largo brilliant bine ayes inclined to bo yet sister the oldest a good mother to him yet sho did not appear to love him alone of all tho family seemed to take entirely the habits and disposition and like the father she regarded speculating boy as a Little Good- forNo thing The instrumentmenders poor cottage was in the of old city of Blois waters of the flowing near to its rear porch while the grand old castle of the of when- the son was setting oast a shadow upon it One dismal rainy day found her little brother lying bis back on floor of garret seemingly asleep She called to him before he answered Francois what you doing there O I Madeline sister hark- en Co tbe Is it not grand Yon know not what delicious dreams I have had yon think are in raindrops She gazed upon him in blank His rhapsody was an un known tongue to and she asked him what in the world meant Re looked at pityingly Could she not hear jpiuiio in the rain drops as they pattered softly on tiles of the roof No she could hear nothing of kiod it would be much batter for him if he would wake op and tare his atten tion and his energies to occupation Do yon know she said with sorrow in her voice how you are worrying poor papa Why will yon not arouse yourself and do some thing to help him She left hi in sobbing Nobody sympathized with bim but blamed him because ho could not loam to work with his bands But anon he caught music of again bis were dried away Patter patter patter Ol how aw pet melodious rhythm On very noxt day after this Jean entered his shop and Francois seated on floor with violin in his hands At that particular moment the fellow had the mottled old in strument hogged to his bosom a mother would bug darling babe With one hand father grasped the violin with other he gave boy a blow upon the that came very near knock ing him over How dareyon Good-for- Nothing youll worry my life one of these fine days I It is Mon sieur bis Strati- I you into the house tell to put you to bed bark ye Youd better keep your bed for I cau see no use that you will ever be to anybody or any thing out of it Away you was chief organist and musical director of great catho dal when he came for bis violin the archbishop camo with him It was a beautiful day and the twain hod been enjoying a walk the bank knew that Jean owned a very pretty wherein grow ful flowers and white violin was being made ready he led archbishop oat to seo and admire This flower garden had of Madame chief delights and the pinks and tho lovely and fragrant flowers of description had been planted by her own hand and on her dsathbod when had brought to her a bad to promise her that whilo ho lived owned the hi would keep it in ordor as sho had kept it He be had kept faith but ho never ac knowledged to nor would acknowledge how touch LittleGood to wards keeping garden In Ah I bat for fear garden would have suffered good archbishop was a dear lover of beautiful and ho his organist for having brought to garden enjoyed atop of way By by ho stopped with his band to bis ear and did My what la HI It sounds robin your grace Them are two of them they confabulating Tho twain pursued tbo sound and presently upon a boy etrotched on velvety award warbling a bird Thoro had evidently boon a robin In the his head hut it had flown away at thoir approach M fol low ho had arisen as son of Jesn and Introduced him to the archbishop aged prolate seemed most fav orably impressed In the Thoro was something In the look of the boy In tho truthfulness of great bice and In tho beauty of the whole facethat charmed him He sat down upon a wooden bench a and called hoy to his sldo A few questions with lads reody answers a man of wide and varied a Insight Into diameter Do you think your father would lot you go away from homo to and with rani tho archbishop asked taking lad klodly by tho hand of what use I That question Do yon think your father would let you Yes air I am but a little good- fornothing here at Home Dupont said you wanted a boy for our chapel organ Why wouldnt this lad the liked the Idea It pleased him But would the little fellow got Would he like doing the What should I hate to Francois asked eagerly would to work bel lows whsn I the chapel organ and also bellows of the arohbUhopa own organ In the ranelo- room his palace I should ax perhaps occasionally you would run errands for ma The boy clapped his bands tbe exuberance of bis joy Oh yes sir I I should love to do that Oh I I would be very careful and would never do wrong knowing ly and I should heir you play I should liyo in the sweet realm of The archbishop looked from the boy to the organist He was wonder- stricken The body of a puny boy with the soul of a fond of my boy The answer was not in words Speech of tongue could not express the boys feelings but he clasped his hands and lifted his eyes heaven wards Jean ooold believe his ears when archbishop himself offered to hire little but he was finally msde to comprehend and bis consent was not wanting was cheerfully willing aye even glad but he feared they would find him of no However the archbishop woold as sume the risk and the arrangements were bnally completed from that day it could never bo said of again that ho wo good for nothing He was prompt cnergetio in his new calling seeming to but one desire and that to please and the good archbishop organ the was so ar ranged that the boy when bo worked at the brako which filled tbe bellows could watch the fingere of the organ ist as they rested upon the ivory keys and often found him self forgettiog his in studying of Francoiss face One day when the boy bad been with him a week was performing upon tho organ in chape tho of a now oratorio which was to bo Bung in an oratorio of bis own composition One strain a solo which ho particu larly admired he repeated several timaa and by and by he was startled by hearing tones which ho was sure were not produced by yst were as soft and sweet as purely melodious as any note organ was cipoblo off giving The wonderful tones increased in volume- and presently the musicians ear caught sound of words Sudden ly ho stopped Bpoke With this organ tho out of sight Oh good sir Pardon me I Par don I I will never do bo again Was it you Wore you Yes sir I did not think Tut Bo not afraid dear boy I have no You charm ed me If I will call another hand to the bellows will you stand here and try to sing f As soon a the lad could bo made to understood organist was in bo said ho would try Then go and hiui I want was a man about the chapel Ho and took bis place at the bellows while Francois stood by side Then the organist gave into his band words and music of a solo for a femalo voice He had not learned to read at sight tut he had heard this piece played until be knew It by heart knew every tone and every intonation The effect was wonderful pont gave but softest tones dul- cot strains above the voice of the boy arose rich and sympa thetic minor passages of exceptional beauty and pathos and very ditucult were exeouted by the tittle the of ego and experience At tbo end player leaned back and wiped from his eyes Then he threw arms around the boy and him You will sing for If ho would care to hear me yes sir But a to happen the boy could sing again Tho archbishop was absent at time and would not return until tho following day It was on second morning after the scene in tho chapel choir The prolate had oaten was on his way lo Ma study when In passing of room ho hoard the tones of his organ Ho stopped In a startled and listened Ho had never known to be there at that early hour could it bo 1 a sweet musician There was no effort at execution no grand parages but a of sweet soft tones celestial whisperings In harmonious concord How long ho stood entranced by the ho could not tell but and by ho softly opened door and looked In there ho saw little Francis at tho finger board whllo a servant of tbo house hold was at tho Drake of bellows An of surprise from tho lips and the boy started op from the organ seat and In a moment more was on his knees at prelates feet Pardon I did not know you were here Indeed Pardon I pray took him by tha hand and lifted him up Francois it you Yes sir But truly organ was open I did not It Is well Do not be Francois I am delighted What was the air you were playing It was no air only a poor weaving of atrongo fancies Ah If I could play I can Oho I you strike very keynote my boy And I think with that voice of you ought to sing By the Your grace shall hear him It the fU who had poet yon to keep the the and the white keys Has he been staging for yoot he added as be advanced towards where the aged prelate and the blue- eyed boy were standing The archbishop shook his head and then told the story of the strange organstrains that had held him spell bound beard after he said to the boy can remember words of Marys Lament Yes sir perfectly Then you shall sing that solo here and now we will give his grace an entertainment Now I Be not afraid Open thy mouth Give thy thoughts to dead Christ the weeping mother Raise thine as tbou the and of nothing else under be sua If anything was different the sing ing of the boy on this occasion was better than it had been archbishop was like one declared that it seemed to mm more like a dream than like reality At the conclusion of the perform Dopoot leaped to his feet and smote hands together My faith I I shall change the Score of my oratorio That solo and one other I shell put into the mouth of an attendant spirit I will make a seraph attend upon the Virgin and ho shall sing these solos Will it not be grand As the musician said so it was done He made a satisfactory arrangement with the lady who had been to enact part- of Virgin Mary and little Francois went into training for the new char the author gladly intro duced Though tbo boy not read muiio from the written notes yet bis memory of musical sounds was so wonderfully acute and sure thatouoe- he bad a piece be could not forget it nor could he mistake And thing in our heros favor Tbe singers old and young every one of tbem fell love with him and gave bim all the help in their power At length the evening for tho singing of the new oratorio in the greet cathedraL It had been an nounced that a new singer had been engaged but tbo name was not given- The cathedral waa filled with a loving audience the first people of city Jean bin three elder children were there because free tickets of admission had been sent to them Well said the old instrument- when he had received the tickets our Little-Oood-For-Notb- hos dona us so much good We get these tickets because he works the brake of bellows oratorio commenced and the opening was well received By and by tho requiem of the seraphim with a solo by the leading was a hush upon audience people seeming to hold their breath for ear a no to of wonderous might bo lost It was sublime it waa heavenly though tones but as evening in volume yet they were sweet so pure so entrancing in qual ity that they reached to the utter most parts of vast auditorium When the song was done a dead si- Unco followed a silence lasting until the could regain tbelr suspend ed breath and than thunders of applause forth And Urn- pes- continued until the boyish seraph came forward nnd bowed to and resumed place for a rpntition of tbo piece Madeline aat pale and quivering that be broth er could not believe it until he bad come forward and made bis bow and then she knew him She csught fathers arm and whispered into his ear O father it Is our Fran cois 1 Seel Tho old man saw and effect upon him waa wonderful He saw again his beautiful singer of the long- ago as sue was before sad it befell He saw again his own and worshiped as she was before became wife Strange was It that he had never be- fore soon how ranch the boy looked as mother had looked In her youth But he It now and from that moment the boy was taken to his heart But never again was Jean to have boy under and keeping The great publio claimed him Yet it was a blessed hour for Francois when his father clasped him to his and kissed him It brightened life and him now strength for the work before him In after years when Francois had become known and loved and honored not only throughout native France but through Southern Europe when kings and princes deemed It a favor to pat ronize late evening of the old instrumentmakers life was made bright and blessed by tbe untiring and generous devotion of the child whom ha had once found heart to bis Little 1 USED LIB RATI SO HSR trees were planted Id Richmond Hill on Arbor Day The Australian scullers and Kemp intend visit to America shortly Awful fire at Oswego on Friday elevators and millions of feet of lumber destroyed A man whose business affairs are managed by his wife deserves more sympathy than he usually gets l The who paints her face forgets that the world is full of who have good oyesight The older a man grows the more convinced be becomes that he will have to bo his own best friend Men are doing what they are not thinking about thinking about what are not do- A devastated a large section of country near Coney Iowa on Tuesday night No lives were lost The worst fieod ever known in Iowa occurred yesterday At Sioux pity a number of lives were lost Lord Salisbury In a at Hastings ou Wednesday said free trade had tainted Britain Ha ad- vocatod retaliation In tariffs against other countries The has caused a sensation In England in The ot hers of our populace aays the furnish a startling spectacle just now Thoy are In the throes of boose cleaning and tho Queen on her throne exerts no more sway than these ordinarily amiable persons compel within their realm during We men without a murmer best carry water slide down on a of enjoy a dtbner of cold turnip eaten off an barrel in tbe bar pick crooked leather beaded tacks of our heels hush babies that fa those of who have them to sleep one of this years bell skirts In Ilea of a cradle in fact wo practice the most punctil ious obedience It Is dangerous to do otherwise during house The Canadian fine arts exhibit the Chicago Worlds Fair will occupy nearly square feet of space Midland had a big blaze on Wednesday morning of last week Five business places burned to the ground aged seven teen fatally injured while at tempting to board a car near Montreal It is alleged that the Pope is aiming to establish a in Italy thereby securing the Independence of the Holy See In a battle between horse- Marshall T two of the former and one deputy were killed What a world this would be if a woman bad as much confidence in her husbands word as she usually has in the word of a peddler s- A festive reader wants to know why a lawn mower is a bucket shop and answers his own question by it shaves the green Turpentine applied to any bruise or severe cut will give the suf ferer instantaneous relief and in every case will prevent an attack off lockjaw The remakablo plethora of money still in London Gold is literally rolling in and the the of England stronger daily Tbe French forces in Tonqoin recently attacked and captured a pi rate stronghold Tho piratea lost killed and the French includ ing fivo officers -J- When woman fills in love cant her believe that all men when she has been married ton you cant unto her believe eve not people of the world have hen well divided by aomo thinker into two clashes those who go ahead and do something and who ait aill and inquire Why wasnt it the other way I In several places Io America Hour is now being from bananas which under a chemical analysis found to contain more nutriment than rice beans or corn Advice from Mauritius slate that a unprecedented in violence passed over that Island on April causing a heavy loss of life and immense destruction of prop erty Mr of King the proprietor and inventor of on automatic which Is said to bo a moat Ingenious contrivance It feeds tho stock at any hour re quired by an alarm This feed er was awarded gold medal in January last by Parisian ore Academy at Paris France KkMr Brown of the second concession of Whitchurch had a gen- surprise while opening a pit of potatoes last week In course of bis work a containing- tight yonog was unearthed They were little more than halfgrown and wero easily captured Tho old were not found Unfortunately for Mr Brown tho season Is to far ad vanced that the for is of no value Had he captured them earlier in season they would have worth from two three each l From the of its until now not a ounce of any but Virginia of the tineat quality his been used in Myrtle Navy tobacco Th manufacturer it a settled be lief the nuot he misled oo this point and any tamper ing with the quality of rhe brand would a mountary to lnm Thousands of dollars a yeftr by mixing with an Inferior leaf act for a doubt on the part of tho public as to quality of their tobacco Jones Whitchurch Jacob cf Baker Hill driving from Intbo of the former and when poalte where Conner is erecting a atump near the swamp be- tweet here the made bolt and top buggy throwing out both Both had their right d- considerably Injured crossbar and top of the shattered Mr Jones was under tho that so had one quietest horses or but he baa new ideas regard to horse nosh part where tho sadden side jump fc A

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