V I Hew Advertisements Everything in J Davison Union Excursion J Dickson Wild Canadian Garden J Robertson Bond A JUNE Political Unrest it i but grows EACH the Era is Printed all at Home Our Toronto to Bra The sudden J lot ft night from of morphine administered by seat a of the He a roues barrister An downpour of rain occurred on Sunday The ditches and Ml early lbs off fait enough end pen Hooded dam- principally sod ia Almost nigM la burglarized thieves escape fir Long and Browning arc ssmvd more lads srere drowsed bat fall from Vie- tori Park pier other was bathing near Credit Valley of drown ing in day The most mysterious esse that ever Toronto detective Mon day lottos young ff found and gagged Eastern Rep Be to be old alii oat dead exposure when and tell what fail where bo cam from or how be got there At the the ewe of herd to Fall and Jat- yoaog man who killed Richard Walker a late J ae tojvl in both can a Lion tod May of cotter 4TCiiEg by Wallace an inmate SO yeara of age escaped from the Hon bit accepted ion to join ibo Home Rilea the Mr DAUon Cinby P from fc for fie goes ha Man before lh Com in ealilit of School Act of iht The and Iff officers William a Jot printer who lived at the comer of and and who was from wife committed Monday night catting throat a Hon Blake and family Murray Bay their Jake Jim coneeoted to become Hotmera Id place of in deqbleacoll race with end OConnor at Erie Pa Between and eapeeted It the city the of St John which hf on The proceedings will open with celebration of t the is within tho of probability- that Iho heated of late may have no connection political aeoiationa which have followed one after another with re markable during the certain it is the political kept In constant thennexpeoted heralded oyer the the call from Hon Ed ward Blake to go over and a helping hand to the Home and week we have an equally unexpected intimation of anticipated change in political circlea more directly concerning the people this Province The Toronto of the are that there wilt be a vacancy in the Ontario Government before next and then proceed toaute that owing to failing health Hon Roes has about determined to resign his portfolio of Minister of Education and accept a or some other office where the labor is lighter and remuneration satisfactory Should this determination prove true the announcement of Mr retire ment will be received by Liberals generally regret not only account the cause which precipi tates the event but of the of his valuable service to the Province It is further intimated that Hod Mr Gibson will take the Department and Mr or some other called to thMin- vacancy ftted- little filling up of detail an air of certainty to the fore- aforesaid The same journal gives currency to another minor in political circles at the Hub to the effect that a general election for Ontario will be in order shortly after next session of the Leg islature or at any rate some time during give these specu lation for what they are worth but muat candidly confess to a Urge of unbelief respecting their realization more especially with re gard to the general prophesy at Sir Oliver has been inter viewed respecting the story of Mr Ross resignation since the foregoing was written and replying to an said there was no truth the report This settles it and the bal ance of the yarn concerning a Pro vincial election may also be taken as pure speculation Our city cotem had better go out of the sensation riow A raT TO At a meeting of tfca National of Toronto tha of tha member for York In to railway rates cents per mil endorsed to A despatch from Hon Mr Bow- ell Minuter of conveys Intima tion that too Common In Toronto will be banded over to the for the ore of the AaeocUtiao to the invitation to Hon to accept an Iruh aeat In the Home of Commoaa as a Home the of Friday virtually thai Hon it in Canadr not in Ireland of Wednesday that Oliver has decided to dismiss Mr Myers from from position as Coun ty Crown Attorney on of refus ing to refrain fro poUHoj nnion between Canada and tha United States recent message of Prealdeot Harrison to Congress respecting of the canal toll gen- stigmatised a British lion with tha view of votes at the approeching Preddeatla eUctbo A baa filed against the re- torn of Mr Maclean the newly elected member for East York In addi tion to the usual catalogue election rins the petition prays for disqualification on the ground of personal violations of the Election Act Ox the ground of within the tme specified by the Election Act the peti tion against return of Samuel P for Victoria raepttUog the meth ods of railing standard byeelec tion that Riding recently will not bow be legally known A of limes rigor and of tha press Son of sited January baa been enlarged with June number It a bright and clean sheet uncompromising in Its Prohibition politics a hard hitter and will probably be popular an and Prohibition A cartoon by BeogougH pro- for the bane leaned monthly a year Renfrew Oat- Rates Reduced The newly elected member for East York Mr Maclean has made a popu lar move and personal distinc tion by his to secure a two cent rate railways throughout the country When the Hods- was in of the whole on a bill ctiog the Midland Rail- Way of Canada he propped to add this clause its try bylaw or regoUtiin of the apposed it by of or cot be a to allow any late farr f war than two per mile charged or taken the track or tracks of aucb Hoy In making this motion Mr Mac lean urged Its adoption In a clear and and when ho told comrmUfe that ho propoaed bring up this every time a railway is until the principle of two rate it showed lusl- rural throughout coon- try will largely support yountf member for East York in this action which followod furnished an Indies of the of ihr House and although for the time being withdrawn at the request of the of Railways it only on that It might be renewed when Government Mil cornea up for consideration re specting the General Railway Act Tola will allow amendment to ap ply to all the railways of the Domin ion deriving charier from Feder al ft poaiibly may La m the alterative for- York a arbitrary rato for the whole country iy ho impracticable especially In sparcely settled or districts but tbe older Provinces where country reasonably well populated and tbe traffic yearly on the In crease a two cent rate Is and It adoption would only a boon to men and the publio would largely augment oaswnger traffic and thereby also Increase the receipts of railway The country will look forward with Interest to the action the House- when the al Railway Bill up for con- Meanwhile the has to enquire fully the The move la in right direction and Mr Maclean he for having the ooursge of In bringing thb matter to the attention of country Aoaik there b talk of increasing secslonel to members of aalary grab Aboluh have a and there will be no aeeassiry for indemnity An additional to each member and mesne a draft upon of extra it soma of members oot of awe and as it is Luxuries at Four women have been danger- by the fall log of at Mute street Off For Ireland The political gossip of the week has been in relation to the invitation of Home Rule leaders in Ireland to the Canadian exLiberal leader Hon Edward Blake requesting him to ac cept a seat in tbe British House of Commons as the representative of an Irish constituency invitation was so unexpected that it has taken political clubs by surprise Public opinion for a few somewhat divided as to the ultimate of the gentlemen even promin ent leaders of political sentiment on both sides entertained opposing views a to the ultimate course be would take and also in reference to the wisdom of accepting the offer but in a to the city papers on Satur day Mr set apecnlatton on the point at rest by intimating that con ditionally he had decided to accede to the Macedonian cry for help The expresses misgivings bat con vey of acceptance all the same No doubt considering the and downs to which he ha been sub jected in life in this country by friends and foes alike a seat in Imperial Parliament of Britain lias charms for him Cana dian too will rejoice in thought independent of politic altogether that this country ha produced a man capable of gracing a seat at West minister with such dignity and ability a to honor to bis native coon- try Here Is Mr Blakes letter Though I would have preferred to await a nasi conclusion before soy with to the unanimous latitat loo the accept Irish Imperial Cornrooos yet view i it and of the many loqolibs I bat It better that I a brief before baring Oft I cabled to effect that I was deeply of the honor done we tot feared los old too with lb to yt If to bi In any drgtee the I accept a it at but that I could a or colly and would be ma to and certfla which to the time of baring and the proposed seat on the lima of Irish leaders are called on to deal with so many matters of moment that 0 immediate reply to my could not be I bare no fur ther on the not the time to giro for a which I may after all- by Ineffective I may be spared of Canada now It be my to I can be sosUioed by be lief that I go In the discharge of doty sod by hope that I may before long return to borne and friends Blake flatoiday June morning at oclock the build ing occupied by the postoffice Gardner books and also J J crown attorneys law office were destroyed by fire Moat of the mall saved June heavy cloudburst passed over the section of the Grand Trunk Railway near Montreal morn ing and caused a bad washout which damaged the line to the extent of feet A local train ran In to It at express baggage class and pars went down carrying with them The carriage remained suspended over the and the passenger In It were not In- Four men were Wiled and several badly Injured ToRoxTij papers of Monday cootain a notice of demise of Mr CbarleaScaddiog eldest brother of Rev Dr Sceddiog In the year of bis age Deceased was a resi dent of Newmarket along in the thirties at time of the rebellion 37 it said was among the Militia who stood guard over prisoners confined in old Kirk on in Greet changes bare taken place in since deceased Ibed to mo the time when des cendant of the domicant party or that day admitted the wrong of end good bad accrued to tbie country through that uprising Personally deceas ed was a man highly esteemed those acquainted with him in this neighborhood will hear of hb demise with regret York Council must have got the brain teat week when it deputed of its Members to visit Ottawa to attend to duties that two easily have discharged The Reeve of PtoMcoke Tyrrell Richardson be a committee to be- for Railway of the ConocHat crossings at nod Toronto was a reasonable proper It embraced nun who could secure the good olticei of for the York ability to couuty side fifth before the proper authorities but before the resolution patted that depu tation was enlarged by the addition of the Warden and by tbb action addition al or made to county taxes would farthering some Iocs improve ment We here no personal objection to any of the named j but object to foolish watte of peoples where there no particular purpes tot gained The two first named gentlemen were alb sufficient for the duties and a cbocy simply needless the Ken market la criticize the County priotlPgVccently turned out at Aurora to eay of lima occupied Iu getting the of the sea- before taxpayer It would all be laid at the door of local But what Park Ot all the public documeDte thaCouoty of York las the etc frf first inietlog of pub lished by the Aurora office are the most slovenly yet on The paper b the log Cheap the character of publication from to Why even tbe fa by coonty not la the of tbe page Take page as a specimen say page where sig nature of a chairman as William end that of si A For- On page W oimu of two out of committee sis misspelt and alas oo page Wllsons printed Journal and on page similar or worae be l be of on printing and and notice that whta tenders Invited It was re- that the work was to be done a satisfactory manner and be glean for That llurslly bow tte reads u printed by office got the contract June Yester day during a severe thunderstorm the general store of Ryan Co at Wayne county struck by Two kegs of powder exploded throwing a heavy Iron through the roof and wounding all the of room above some In number Not a single person escaped being Injured Many it thought will die John a farmer residing the township was this morn ing to In Jail at hard labor Ho was found by the jury on Friday of a neighbor with a gun with Intent to do bodily The resulted from a over a Moo The neigh bor the shot JOISTS CanwtU of Bond Head paid Rev J Bell a visit P of Toronto visiting at Mr Dr Campbell and daughter go to Port Stanley week for the holidays Mr Driffll of Bradford was visiting frith Mr Boo last Sheriff WiddifiiW who b oa a trip around world b expected to return the 1st of July Rev J Gardner son of Mr Thos Gardner of town located brook Tor the ensuing year Mr McNeil dropped In to see us on Saturday and everything b bloom ing around MoHllbne Corner and Minnie were In on Monday and Toesday attending funeral of Keiths soot nurse at Hospital Toronto visiting her old home on Queen last week Mrs Stuart b over from for a vbit with relatives Her hus band to be for tba 1st of Joly Mr who baa been cob- fined to house exclusively for focr months just getting oot on street again Mr A of was in town mi a calb that rent striking the fall wheat badly north Messrs Amos Elmer and lieu- Lip eons of Mr all at the Asylum were home over Sunday for a few Mr Harvey Snider sou or Mr J Snider of King left last week for Marquette Mich to accept a as In drug in that city Mr Toron to formerly of Newmarket accompanied Mrs Simpson left on for a three months trip to tho old country Mra J sod children have gone to Thorabary for a couple weeks after which they propose to go to Kingston for a vbit where Mr at present located- Diphtheria b sorrow and In On Monday a fiveyear old son of Rev J Stewart and grand son of Mr John of town to the dreaded after fllceea Mr and Mrs Mr Albn Cody and wife Mr Lewis the Hisses Cody and MbtLambb left Wednesday foe prince to attend yearly and to be gone a I Mr Oliver reference to son Mr Byron Oliver last week arse a little too fas I it was the of the who is tbe best in Europe the hire read At the end of which time 1893 the Pro- expect him to be a fsiry Mr A to Toronto Friday to relieve tha teller of the Oottrio pleased to see the promotion be greatly by of the Bank u well by the boys In the Club The change may not be permanent and place in- the Bsokhereta fitted at preneot by Mr of Toronto la en honor to Newmarket that bare in a wbse liter ary genius have won for a the the We to Rev Smith bare now bit a en- by a New rt firm Funk all for of a Scotch new Standard Dictionary which xjctl To the Sir Walter Scott Bobbie an appendix really IS lived in the bud of the nI we if a better that put of wwk could be round the the The Sutton baa tbe following complimentary regarding two for mer Nerrmarket Mr b one of known among raeo 1 would be bard to find a belter one The proprietor having the ad- long experience uoJenlamla tie the store up to Urns of great importance to a town b a wellconducted hotel respect Sutton is well basing a fiabelataftjblc to lUr obeef beat In the Mr Sharp the for about fio yeaielnilig tbe of be made a of friends and the leading commeclaI of tbe Rev Jo writes on the Origan date of loth the following Utter which was Father Point Wet hits a delightful beautiful St I do not wander mi their Bribe For of in and valley lake and riser it while her workers are the of cur race You I a In fact I teamed to love Tbro the klodntsi of the whiee heart prjmpled to give me valuable present the trip been renders lucreariogly alike to my wife as as myself feel to the of so flue a Field- Claw protect our boy Remember me to I em Id good com pany as will by the enclosed list and we are a family You matt writing for are that way we to broad now kind from myself Mm and to all kind and loving friends of Newmarket I am yours very Town June I3i ineetlcf PreeectHeevA Councillor Starr Some Brown J and A wera Ret Officer for John A Moore wood SSITS polling booth S J repairs re Fir at Water J J Pearson Rubber Fire Water account Wo Jas Morrison Water Worse sans Holmes do j do Pay Sheet re Roads Bridges erf Co referred to ft W The Com for 5S5r flrsl distribution of Fund for from Mr Meek for new but was ibstructed to reply that the Council Intended to offer the same by leader ft Bridge Com reported the Huron bridge was unsafe recom mended a bridge also that tender of Central Bridge Works of be price being complete Report adopted was to en gage Mr stokes to punch the pipe the well the W- W- The tender of John for taring aide- was accepted also for cutting woods etc for iba three Wards Robertson for lead at tender of Lawrence Foundry for pipes end fittings was accepted provided they guarantee them to bo tested to Ibe per square Inch The tender of Smith for hy drant and valve was The for reservoir Cora with power to purchase The Clerk wa to for tender for now was to order pipe at once for Water works Extension Council adjourned LOST L a dark Mure about Til last seen Toll below Aurora to bo rewarded same bo DR REMEMBER GARDEN PARTY Attn J Residence of ESQ Monday of York Band In attend and let by ocsl Vermont has been by a flood and many logs been swept away Manitoba corner aay they are sure of carryiog oat of the A Aelephone company In oppo- lition to the Bell company has been organised at Montreal with a capital of The P Company have announced the location of their district and a of settlers began Mr Beer old resi dent of Brentford fell dead on Mon day while pumping a pail of water He was years old ATVUkeabarre Pa despatch says the mine employing men ought fire tonight and is now burning furiously A occupied by a fam ily named on street was strack by lightning Tuesday A young woman in the upper was badly scanned of at Francisco was robbed of on by two men him point of revolvers to He was on his way to Emory- vitlo station to pay off the companys employees robber escaped JiCt THE LEADIN6 FURNITURE AND Opposite Royal Hotel Br BARGAINS IN FURNITURE During Holidays Orders for Undertaking executed promptly and Embalming fJC- a Specialty MILLARD Prop 15th Mr a daughter Bradford on Juno the wife of fiierensooof a son In Bradford on Juno the wife of Mr Jos Kcwrcil Id Egypt iO Mr John on May flth valley of Rhone near Hi Maurice la being strongly The King aod Queen of Italy were formally received In Berlin Mora- Three people were drowned near Detroit by of a sailing yacht lightning badly damaged til John tho church in Ham ilton on Monday Ka aged twelve was drowned at on Satur day evening bathing la Grand No were tost by the bunting of iho water company si da at but dam age waa done 3l The wife of Mr J Bell Division Court clerk at Potfrboro returned home from church Sunday evening a aofa aud died Mr Patrick of playfully shoved by a companion at Indian River station on Saturday evening and fell off the platform on tho rails A freight trslu backing cut off and crush ed his bead killing Mm Instantly He wile and fita children J on CfaAitci Dent to JonoluTorbctl at of of to eldest Win IK Mr i to Ulu both Of KIok at for took Jiuffklo to spend the or onlcii will All Stations In Ontario CANADIAN PACIFIC Ry TICKET For p JUNE 28 1892 to rotura until AUGUST JULY 18 to return until OXBOW MOOSIJJAW ALBERT EDMONTON 00 toh lo ad th tod BitdopoQ for to to An JonoltriLh will mot loo In Una CO Ibe Mlat fifth Grand GRAND Union Sabbatb School EXCURSION FROM AND COLLINaOOD Schools of Aurora nd School of Union bold on lothoOooTKlaii Park A SPECIAL TRAIN Of Ten with cat for basket Sec will lea to Aurora at am and at at tho train will pm at about Georgian Bay la a beautifully aboro of town conienlcnt to depot It specially fitted up for ceo mod at on of been erected for bathing ood aro of hot on Id addlUoo- Town Park In caw of weather will will taken comfort aafoty of ihooxcbriloa lata Fare tor the Round Trip ADULTS CHILDREN J DIOK80M of Com LEHMAN Secreurr- CHINA HALL tWSfflKrlaO SNAP IN TEA just a Bargain in Japan Tea regular lino my or lbs for Always bear In mind Staple Line Japan Tea At or Ibf for acknowledged to be over offered It has strength and flavor For all who prefer Toa I some fine lines in Congous Pekoe and a Blond from to all teas and fino flavored Evaporated it in Above goods sell for regular CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Peat Corn Peaches Peart Qalnoe and of other lines all of best opened some very Water Sets designs are and price low Toilet SetsNow the time to get them at tor piece printed R A SMITH Grocer to Timothy I i i 4 i j Carpet AND ONE t r- a st r i HATS Mens Mackinaw Hats worth 75 Cents Boys Mackinaw Hats Af worth 60 Cents f Best Quality Swiss Hats Of Mens Womens Chip Hats Cents Cents a Cents Cents SUGAR For Two Weeks we will Sell Granulated Sugar by the barrel for 460 perCwt ORDERED CLOTHING i If you want a nobby suit of Cloth cut in the latest fashion and of the beat material you cannot afford to miss looking at our stock BRUNTON BROS B GOOD COOKS use Baking Powder