Newmarket Era, 24 Jun 1892, p. 4

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s i 1802 We selected two or three lines from letters received from have given Gnnfln Syrup to their children In the emergencies of Croup Yon will credit these because they come from good happy fading la a med icine containing drug which mother can administer with coo to the little ones In most critical hours safe and sore that It will cany them through Kb of Mr J as Km Abbs Nth Sj bit I Croap bare depended aw anr it la attack act It simply ml- tar and find It an remedy Fully onehalf of our customers mothers who among their children A to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child hood whooping cough croup diph theria and the dangerous I Jons of delicate throats ami lungs 9 Coughing IB effort to expel foreign tub from the pnqTjectlj cu ih need of an No other or It equal to Cherry Pectoral St Niton In ejecting end If the of ell cough cores the many preparation before the for the of and kindred Hera Is none within the range of experi ence reliable as Cherry Pec toral For jeers I was object to cold followed by terrible coughs About four years ao when afflicted I was ad- to try Cherry Pectoral and to ley all aside I did and a week was well of my cold and cough Since then I have kept preparation In the and feel secure I- Brown Denmark few yean took cold which effected rar I had a ter rible coogb and passed bight after night without sleep The doctors me up I tried Cherry Pectoral which relieved my lungs Induced steep and afforded the rest for the of strength- By the con tinual use of the cure was ted Cherry Pectoral r Or J C Co Lowell Mats Bold GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY v ie Pastoral a cure ted Horace HI- k a ftB A Bad Precedent Gran yea to the of the lata of the OoUrio Aaafmblr aa Involved a roiiQM of more bea the object of the Governments favor bad only one dis tant relative and to whom the said clerk had already bequeathed ram of Nay relative not a proper of chanty being abundantly able to for have trained their conscience obligation when voting the appropriation and ft to be hoped the province will be pared the spectacle of seeing another vote of this character repeated for a more flimsy pretext for raiding pabHc treasury we have seldom had to record The of granting this pension stands all the more prominently from the fact that Oliver baa aa a role been exceedingly and economical in administration of oar Provin cial affair Let hope the Ontario Government will not repeat thia pension Membera of Service receive as salaries 11 aj earn and should not be a bur den I future of If they fancy they can earn more at her employment or calling go at it No- one to they Thh principle underlying the pension is a wrong to the people of future and bo totally abandoned Special case may dmsnd special hot even mitigating in case we have here sllnded to is wanting to justify donation lis Editor is An it that of Cottons will to the officers to share in the jrocd sad finr A of the press to the the origin of the trouble and Mr Blaine bit Secretary of was a snob latter in the of CansHan It Is to know the Alaska assl Hiking is the of Lord Hannah and own Sir John hire been named Great reptesentiUreaio the log Sea SrkiKlso of Dr t lod a probable cooing Seoalor for Niagara district Ttttgram mates He li too a piece of timber to be piled to a Sen ate that loo often natJ as a for of political cord- wood are to be and latest from Baltimore Slates List Cot the United States and a Kolxbtof Order married to a lady Baltimore ltd of patent i- Tho Losson MESSIAHS IWoilnii Mm alt Pa Ixzii aothorhip the seTotyMcon4 Psalui Its imagery aud fit into the time eitcouslitifrs of SdloitionV lifter rj- the tittle filial The Hie bt lil3 anil sj1i1I ittcied bit wo llr 111 Im hrtn iuitavtl lb trii of ii- of by nil and iry fvT tb ChiUts If l- subjects tautt now who and despise the poor sod ralJMtlef llit king dom It Is doty for the sl- of kinKdcm of all the world Hamilton mikes the following to a The quiet of the la my The will notice Oar a lot of soldiers to to coerce the tbf lojaty A proposed to the spder Uiolcenie lbt chairs In politic in the Ontario to go to the former sod the Utter Mrs who is to rcceUe the inter est of the daring her The ides is a and should It enlerM will lbs liberal support of all the community Tornado That Swept Over Quebec Or A Ottawa Jose 14 re ceived in the show ibat the which over shortly after noon developed a veritable cyclone a few miles down the Ottawa In the dis trict great wrought The storm seemed to cot a swath about balf a mite wide trees barm and outbuildings Jo its and much damage done Mr J of East with bis wife and family were seated at dinner when tbe storm in all its far track their There was to break force of the storm and beneath the terrific the gave way was by falling timber and hi head waa so badly crashed that he died shortly after the storm bad spent and the son escaped with severe while a daughter was lifted off her chair and carried by the wind for more than au acre The bouse of B Mad ore waa also destroyed and be and bis family were badly hurt by falling timbers Wra Albert her leg broken and is not ex pected to live of tel egraphic coiumonlcation prevented news of catastrophe which happened in Rose on reacbiog here un til now Rose is a pretty little summer resort a few miles from city About two oclock the air sud denly became dark and an ominous wa heard iu the west Many devout thought the Inst day hid come and they knelt on tiro tttreeta io prayer An awful toroado struck vil lage It carried everything before it torn from their foundations fences obliterated and tree uprooted Provident ally no one was seriously Not so fortunate wire the of village school which stood a mile or so outside the village The building was a light of frame and two seconds after the storm in its fury had struck it was ripped into kindling wood There were twentyfive children in at tbe time in charge of the teacher Mia The God little were scattered all over the adjacent some of them be ing carried almost incredible distanc es by the wind Miss was found scions among debris her head and spine being badly injured She was carried to the house of Farmer where she still lies scious her recovery being doubtful Of the two were found dead one died in an hour four are expected to die and all of the others are in jured to a greater or less extent Tbo scene the school build ing heartrending when of children heard of the disaster Bad as was the state of affairs In the village in the open it was worse buildings of Farm er John Thomas and wrecked Mrs Kimpton being so badly in jured that they will die Farmhouses were destroyed everywhere and crops were ruined to prop erty will exceed At St the destroyed two children being killed and many others seriously injured Two children killed at Upton by the collapao of a barn and it is feared that all along tho track of storm disasters will be heard of as soon as telegraph communication is CUT PLUG OLD CHUM PLUG I No other brand of Tobacco ever en Joyed each an immense Bale and popularity in the same period as this brand of and Plug Tobacco Oldest Cut iurtrt in Canada- f A I MENS ST JACOBS OIL GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN lr RHEUMATISM Braises Cats Wounds Soreness Stiffness Swellings rafQla 8iras THE A VOOELER Baltimore Canadian Depot TORONTO A RANGE OF Both Felt MONTREAL a iiim luan of Out was drowned while bathing at Spring water Mills Sunday He took cramp t What iiyoariecrot J a frieod of Turner ttia painter replied I but bird work Sya Dr Arnold 0D9 ana and another it not to much In energy si a is denied well direct ed and nothing to be obtain ed without it aoj department now ho obtained by the labor of a life but it is not to bo purchased at a pried There is hub one iuothod say Sydney Smith that is hard labor by stop reads the French goes very far wonth of is expected to important if not wonderful and sensational develop ments in the study of oar mysterious heavenly little On the of next will at point directly opposite this which it reaches but Once in 15 years where tbo distance between two planets will reduced from let Upon that night will be which will in refulgent in southern skies and thousands of eyes will to pierce the veil of distance which the knowledge for science continues to thirst and Straw going out at VERY LOW RATES V Im a HAVE YOU TRIED OUR t J W STEPHENS BENTLEYS- PHARMACY Tur new flostxl on the last of 260 cent by Is to pay Jqtlpjr tie two tot to inert i fT htok witljilrawsalt for uidk the of the la on sod public How to Drink Milk A COOP many ago rei in Ni agara a Mired a for ioo Atafiatrrw and told hi tbat ha law ft was to Lit from Ccitain at now Id tiled to work so old bat w we to tiro Tba Netei of on to a cbcmeattba It to aaara pot on the roll and tbu to so It Navy which Myrtle Navy tobacco has with public because it composed vi the vorj Virjitiialcaf grown and ia with most care at of cost the for and suit with Vaugbiu Road with out the suit and an appeal baa to Supremo Court which calls for a further amount to cover costa in said appeal which amount motion of Coun cil been ordered to bo paid into court The at point on Dominion Day promises to ha of unusual There will bo junior and senior ball matches junior and senior foot ball hi for boys and Iris and for men nud also and tub races the grassy pole to walk a tog of war between whoso auspices picnic Is being held will bo by the baud and altogether a big time is expected PURE FAMS GREEN York County PAT most but Msvloa roes Mr a li of for of lbs Railway At Bulbars sod sad tba city and tow whip bad of writing so fix or from ocsmd with mi tie r It lbs should In tbt of liability York soy lbs of To It of York John A ilticJoniKI sa otr- Of tbt a act of county TyneU Klcb- sad rtMftd author- to a of Road oolite of a rttolutioo for tbolitlon of tolls on oiler ell the of a of to of Toronto Ktrclrto Light tad Tone Mr in wltb of jtiltiotj the ntrodofre by- Co 1 1 the with Mr Tyrrell No ivo that the of the would be lor It before to the of turn of for tbe of end her throe children to the Towoiblp of fit a one John She J ACRES- soil all with crop lot at v IT SALE AT A BARGAIN- Northerly of tt la of Kaal Apply to J A on Qorham Street Dew pump and acre of It would mike Chinee for I will sell It J Newmarket Five Prominent Canadian Statesmen farosof our sWeisi at CM tiort or wtlw Ml imiCJua- by sjsf fiw qw at will to Jot tic J v ta I MAIN ST NEWMARKET r til r LATH SHINGLE5 FARM FOR SALE PUB Jul 3 bury In apply IO i CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR A nuouKa OH OR TO RENT the flih Cdo About too la cultivation and Id part of tbe of Allan or further apply io ML Albert are now to our with SASH AORES OF LAND- NEWMARKET PUREST STRONGEST BEST or lajuiUal E STORE SPRING 1892 a practical biota about diction Do not swallow milk and id big It Take four at latt to finUU that and do not take more than a good at one alp Whoa iniik Into It It intttntly curdled If you largft qaaotlty at it Into of which the of the work I you drink St la little little la curdled up by and the whole finally fincSi lueK In lomp made op of little through around and among which theatomacVajntoetmav and whole speed- and Many pftoph who like and know valoe at a atrength think they cannot nee It became It thf in Moat of them It freely If only drink It In way we have or if they would totter drink It Hot milk to low a good and one would think It bad been watered and It to tote much of Ita cloying to ppUt what when the school with the act by In to the sot the ft a umIoq a to a It con so sod stated ttu tbs by now air oat of all to York op for rsflsotIan sll rigbt socaftb from MIddmiIIs and lis ltd fclUrs a hols up tod to If of J did not sacars bat pittas tbs ihi Prut fate Has is a from Tbs sttlM to la of Flower and ws Tip by thscta of fcDl IV dttcralns Ticamiby or will oat ahead In Business brow and IrrUsbtsttelloMCAa by Burdock Ulood for and all of bo blood Jfothlnv tiood have vied Dr Fowlers It- tract or Wild to my number at dad tick as It has proved to be Mrs at imo- lUdloy Ooiu jour Up ujtJwdaocordloa o lbs I It After from lou of near four tried wlib fled- It if areat good 1 good which I owe to roar vtlutllo Lou don Itch cured la tr Wooitorda Never falls James 4 liberal vihobavoQlwajs prOuJtcet lo it now and as kaowo for blo flummu Comptsslstsms4 fuwtsrs of for bore adulu beat Creek Oat Lamps uid from ftad taveObuiootaie bottle KcIojad SO LYE tor 12 at Victoria year the Of INMIcko Dr bsuderoicd bis whole lluio In of the a patient In ad of and Lung S 8t- Toronto Dr will July Co aura mil hat been compelled to miko lor practice of Catarrhal Si roau a knife- Vol LOST yoo bed will be lost If you are want In lit be lost If you are anything ft Tinware addonotglTeusa call tbt DOWER PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE OP Bar Iron and Steel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and ail kinds Garden Tools Annealed Galvanized Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty lbs Jib Cod of Bury Dwelling House Frame other School atnUs from railway Main ibe farm Apply Lot No lMlhCoaof Qvrllllmbary to the OMAN DESIRABLE FARM Near Newmarket For In the Whitchurch about acres situate about one ami known ns the Philip home- farm and particular apply to I FARM FOR SALE GENTS FURNISHINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY Safety B A Heir hare a family of railed Dr tract of tiuawterry for tec Id oil yt Never falig and Km doctors bills J ton BEST GOAL STOVES In tbe market at low BEST AMERICAN ANJJ- COAL OIL Sartxhoa and Qebcrol a specialty CO Everyone purchasing goods to the value of will receive a number F J WARNER THE QENTS FURNISHER FARMERS IldJlerer lo Aurora mo FARMERS- A Boll will be kept Half In lbs of fltveeb drat of one mile South Auroral About acres are cleared and of tho well wooded Is well watered barn all loirs on premises Also a good orchard property mutt be sold before lbs Aril of March next further apply on or to Aurora SALE and In L b bflos of to Id SO 1W S fiilj 1 iib lam tot acrea THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL PATRONAGE WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD ri oh at ik LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES i THE WM CANEit SONS MFG CO WINES I AND alfron a road ibaToira ship All af 0W- pay will Lola la of for prices aad to Maw market I Property For Sale BELONGING TO THE CALDWELL ESTATE IjUlM of Lot a of over itU under a balance floo ilmbor landSUuata I from as Cborch Lot Alio a acres nicely andnobetar loll for All will sold liberal Older of apply to Box ill Newmarket COLIC- NEWSPAPERS EXCLUSIVELY McALEER arge Stock and Right PI A CALL SOLICITED FOR BOOTS SHOE I have the Largest and Most Complete Stocf our are for ot chooee from and Lowest Low Prices Good Quick Relume and Quick Any person w should not forget to Any person wishing anything in the line oil all bio can on i S H GRIFF NO 77 MAIN ST

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