Newmarket Era, 8 Jul 1892, p. 3

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a ERA JULY 8 Bargains jjrnnton Bros Sugar and Tea A Smith FaraitarA J Millard Voters A J Notice fisher to Rent J Coat J A Collins U VSTEB UP I BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE fatCTdtcjfll fcothpo parti Id lb s to for of la foar will tap out of bo Toronto on of tut to bo of Ha dottrel notoriety ud bid do The of to tend to Asylum Mm to r The Era Is Printed all at Home FRIDAY JULY Our Toronto to Bra Tobosto BlojcU Cloba town won Hit it Kingitoa on Jm a formerly of on Sandty night into the Don Ho bid cat of work ud despondent He letree ft wit who ill In bed ud two children oJred he trying to In notoriety He Hamilton end worked the scheme ueietnca The body of ft of wae foand in the of an oo morale He bed been be by the of n in the brain the dogh- of John B ran over and killed morning In SSI according to the wore the born population of Ontario orer oat of Increaeo of tbrw per In the bora nncober of en of one per 1831 The total inert of na lite born the Dominion Ax into certain charged pre- fared Sheriff Solton of Walk erton baa been ordered The of an to la the of write la criminal and J ban been namM by the Attorney of the and are now doing Not as Represented Ox the let of month Sir Oliver bill to of by into the Suinkoflul aetata are not yet to the the End it to a cue in the of la expected tbe fiutntoe for 1802 will be for dirt In the of the latter of May last it wag heralded the country that a deputation had waited on Premier Abbott at to pre the claims of MethodUt Indian for aid for granted that meat of the purpose of the deputation true and without waiting for facta and particular quite a number of aired their views re specting church and state connection not forgetting to denounce tbe Methodist denomination for attempt ing to get a pull at the Dominion treasury for sectarian It now turns out that the Method ut church has never received one dollar from the Government for its missions has never applied for aid for the purpose stated and not Intend to do This declaration is made by the organ of that body and alls tbe agitated fears tot alone of those oppos ed to the principle of church and state connection but alto of those church organization who went so far as to Government public funds for sectarian purposes The Outlook furnishes tho following supplementary facts to the patches published some time ago and which we doubt not will be regarded as satisfactory to the general reader Canadian Government is under with the Indians to maintain on the reserve and in pur this treaty has provided Industrial Institutes at certain places his developed the fact that in instances this work can bo more effectually carried on through the churches thin in any other way Hence where schools of the requisite grade maintained any denomi nation Indian Department pro vides for part of the coatinstead of- the whole as they would have to do if the did not cooperate So far as Indian in connection with the Methodist church are con cerned the situation says the is tUis the vast Import ance of having teachers whose moral influence will be good and so for privilege of appointing the teacher we to pay half his sslary but the school in instance is a pub lic school open to Government in spection and under same Jaltonsas those carried on Ly Indian Department This statement of the situation places a different upon the question and a true knowledge of facts would have saved many of the homilies that followed announcement of the proposed Interview between a deputation from the Methodist church and Premier Abbott lint as touching tbe object of tho deputation itself we may sav the only purpose they bad in view was to urge upon Government the early completion of two a North- West now being built management of which is to be under named by tho Methodist Missionary Society just as is done In other by the Catholics the and the of England this Is the whole story writ for an election for to fill the by lbs Wilton In local on Saturday Semination Is ficd for and day one weak later Hon Senator Ot tawa for and report It that no Liberal la placed la nomination the candidate he pupofts redo- seat la the Senate and contest election as a free trader Is the only wait of Ontario in the Dominion that returned a the general election A good deal of inter est therefor taken in this contest remarks Welcome I Hay you enjoy your Dominion Day in Buffalo Whereupon Hamilton tfcnaly Ye wel come Canadian to when yon go to spend money and make the shopkeepers ihowmen and of felo rich But If one of you with dinner- pail in band went over there to earn a of dollar the machinery of the nation on earth would he put In motion oat of the country so quickly you wouldnt know how Ik done Welcome Canadians when you to us money out when you want money a street to be opened wid ened In Toronto or Toronto Junction the Council paieee a bylaw cost thereof to the and premise mors or If benefited thereby- The or aa a report naming owner of land and a day ia fixed for hearing by the court of from lo bo aweeed Thli Li the only way of opening streets where land- owners do not do their duty in laying opt their properly We this action to consideration of our council in deal ing with similar applications whole lownhtano to be attested for the ben- of special interests It takes three pages of the Toronto Junction to the Treasurers of landa for taxes and this only arrearages tot years The list embraces different lot and apart from the tone of In which the Triton allusion to this sale affords ant of the boom effects in lie The Intimites that many Interested are thetstelTM which would be the cheapest pay the taxea or lbs Tend When It Is remembered the town has a population a list lota to be a old for taxes lea pretty commentary en land specula in that POINTS rLEASJLhTLY J PARAGRAPHED Hand and of were a few den week Mr Prank rice of Toronto of wu to see the on Dominion Pay Asa Rogers and of Toronto were at Mr last week Mr Angus Is back from for week om school room Inspector and bis granddaugh ter Miss Mabel returned this week from Marl Oct Mrs Rowland dangbter Mr Allan Sr and children from the on a Mr A J writes from Bah Fran- they are baring lovely weather and of Mr Will and wife Youngs- town the of July at his father Miss or Toronto formerly of this town gone to Blaokwells Island for a couple of Mr family of To- rent are at Mr A Mr Is expected up tomorrow Mr Bert wife and child To came on Thursday and spent over Sunday at Mr Alfred Brimmer Bradford Witmu Millard and bar brother Mr Proctor of Newmarket ware at Mr a week Vernon of Oxbridge and Smith daughter of Mr John are vlsltinc at the old bomoitead on Mr Mark Graham formerly of Sharon is In the land of the Tiring We got a paper from him yesterday from Seattle Territory Mr John and sister of MIm Mabel and the and Madden boys were among the visit at the last Friday flbii Warner and Lloyd got beck from on They report the largast ever pro P of Toronto will to the turn on it nut week when to we Id ft Jo who from a Hot with Mr Thj no etch other for to McCotej home from Struct whero the fall been on 3rd- to take mother at the High here eUr the end try foi ft B of The Accident Toronto end we thU week of Mr mud Mr el their enm- TheCodert George Hachlneon the agent for that wtk The Lia of Bon Alex Mao- humored from Toronto and taken In Aim Terrace Ho ii agent for all kind of book and will be at home Mr and J a Smith f Toronto the former a brother of Hi JH the let and following few at Mr young medical Toronto also a Scott went to Toronto week the Army and maetloga to commander Herbert end Mrs Booth the third of been Commander- inChief of Canadian foroei Commiaaioner Bee The 8nadey School Convention held In the Central Cbnroh week was a grand We clip the followbg from the report not to the Bar Scoltb of New- market w lo and rendered during the He la an worker in the Intcreat of the father of it with we notice tbatboth Howard Millard hare pasted are now through t the Model School In- Toronto Geratdioe daughter of Alex formerly of In QoreroerOeaeral Medal which la the award This make four years In that she head In her class a of the late of Street of Brentford people ware returning from a garden party In the try on Wednesday night of week When driving along the liver road the embankment gave away sod the rig with lie occupants to the atone long the rlr tan feet below There were eighteen and they were all more or tea Injured two or three In- Union Street Owing to continued rains hay ing will bo greatly impaired end a a result a lot of poor hay will be etored Mr Jacob Smith Is erecting a now bank barn oh took nearly four days o raise Mr Long of Toronto calling on old friend one day last week ago alt Sunday night an unoccupied berooging to on fifth burned Oar street can now boast of a painter la tho person of Mr A young lady of this street took in an excursion recently in company with a young gent from Bang While the train stopped at one of stations on the line Johnny got off to get a lunch In too meantime the train started and as a result Johnny got left and had to hire a man to drive him to the Landing and walk ed the rest of the way home King Christian intends holding their annual teameeting in Mr Barradalls grove near the on July 16th band wUl furnish music are glad to see Rot- Mr Stew- artin the pulpit taking charge of bis again Mr reoovcred from his recent illness new brlok church Is progress ing rapidly Tta masons to the brick- work done this week The Baker Hill Sunday School held their annual in Alfred Bakers grove on the afternoon of of July 1st A pleasant time was spent farmers are anxiously looking for bayweather Brown and Mr- Henry Smith were made last week They were each presented with a young son KF Upward of Orange men to take part to tho demonstration on tie Twelfth sailor son Victor of ha captured a to trout in the Oases st3 Montgomery a farmer worth has been for trial charged with robbing the Grand Trunk LOST- mxro rao flUr on lot r of whllobarcbt on Jalr L lQonntlon will bo GOING NORTH TO MAIN STREET IIS HILT P a St Obit The annual Garden Party and Strawberry Festival in connection with the Presbyterian School held on Tuesday evening and termin ated very successfully the proceeds amounting to The grounds were tastefully decorated with torches ohlneee lanterns while the entertainment was rendered from the verandah of the Manse presided over by Her Dr of Strange were by Revs of Wesson MiUar of and A of Maple solos by Miss Scott and by Mr Brown and J The brass band whose popularity loch that comment Is unnecessary was present and made the evening a moat enjoyable one Rev who has been pastor of the Methodist here during the put two years preached his farewell sermon on Sun day evening to a large and apprecia tive audience Mr left on Wednesday morning far bis new field of labor by the good wishes of bis many friends around A OBrien left on Wed nesday for About men met at the farm of Mr Joseph Redman and with their combined forces erected the frame structure of a Isrue barn the dimen sions of are 96x46 with ft poets on a stone wall ft high When completed it will be one of the finest barns in neighborhood Among the transient visitors we notice Mrs S of Toronto Mies of Toronto at J Her Miss of and Miss Colter and of J Boys J A Da- a Coat iho get at paying for this art OUND- Owner can lh WHIT It Is expected prorogue now for eeaaoa of jnde of York mi a two cent passenger Ontario was voted down by a of to SO Only member with Independence to withstand tbe seductive of a freapaas Tax Imperial was dissolved a general now on A of the QoulU orders Parliament to b AJgoat election will defeat of the Tory It that the Belt Woe Halt- way to be open for traffic next a auUe that the of the Town North of Siring double oat fare to I tcilil Dr Campbell a pent over at fiL Rev Mr Auo of Auioca wa In Friday Mr Oliver of Toronto was Op for holidays Hash of la town J Mr Silver of wu In town this week of Toronto In town lest week Mr A of In Mr Dr Norman of King visiting town yesterday Mr Edgar was horn from the city over Sondy I Mr Savage Is asking her mother a weeks visit at Mrs spending a week with at Rev of was been two or week Mr Win AlUstoo spent the let at the horn of his parents Mr end Mr Crown and Mrs epent yesterday at the Bowery Mia Reynolds of wu visltlog week with Mi Jut Mr J family In town way to Mr Malay of eon of Mr Hiram Matey koine Day Madden Kelly of at Mrs Mr sad Mrs- T left on to la of the Mackinaw Mr of Toronto Day her old home West Bald of few weeks la town with her mother Mrs J Mr la home from Colling- wood had a air month Mr John teacher In Separata School goo to for the Beth Crone from New York City over on a making Mrs his Willie of Buffalo and Mr Funk of Toronto home for Dominion Day Mis of logs Mrs Lewis Clara also a well u a of geotlerueo who were riding on Acooog ladle Mr Joe Belfry of Mr J town who Is now wilding Brentford and she had her put out of The bus completely wrecked and several suit for are likely to be entered egetnet the Life tail Bull Point Every house at the Point la fall now with summer campers- It reported here that Town sbip a bylaw to the effect that campers will not be allow ed on the roadside in In that case what will become Aurora King Mission Mr Alfred Webb of Toronto Is home for his holidays Mr and Mrs Boss of Toronto spent the 1st at MrtV Win on their way to Barrie They expect them back this week Mr Scott preached in Christian on 3rd Sunday afternoon Where was the usher a week Sunday night that he did not Invite those two Into church Mr Joseph of Toronto Is spending a few days In King Mr Silas Day lost a fine colt Monday morning Mount Albert- The garden party held on Friday was a grand success Proceed There Is a looked for this week Mrs Hubbard died on She was great uTeror for two weeks remain were taken to for burial on She two sons and two daughter Mr OBrien is ly log at point of death notice a man from the west pays our village frequent visits There most bo attraction at the Two thoughts go well together the Dominion and the Sabbath School our national hopes slumber in both and grand gathering here last Friday a loyal celebration of our anniversary of Confeder ation We are exceedingly thankful that Providence gave us suob a de lightful day making the a grand success About noon the various schools began to on the grounds Linton Presbyterian first Methodist second closely followed by Noble ton with their brass band Then came Tottenham- Mount Wolf line Norman 8th line Proctor line King from Beeton Bond Newtown Rob inson lino Lloyd and Among the man superintendents present we noticed Mr Wilson of Pino Orchard President of Whitchurch At oclock was a rush for drill shed and some timo was required to seat children It is estimated that over scholars and about adults were present Rev W the president called mooting to the was song led by Nobleton Brass Band and ton by Short addresses by looit and Mr superinten dent of Moth School well received Mr Alfred Day Secretary of Assn then gave a most timely address on Childhood the Battle ground of the Kingdom His illus trations wore and elo quently put and the address all through will bo very to progress of work Rev J of spoke upon The coming Renascence and acquitted himself most admirably It was a very able address Both speakers wero greeted by hearty ap- pi bubo The singing by the Sabbath Sob children led by Band under direction of Mr J MWood was exceedingly well done Mr J M Why to of the celebrated Why to Bros sostalnedjiit reputation as a flratolau vocalist giving several fine selections and Joy quartette acquitted to the of tho audienoa The whole program met with approval and before with Save Queen a col lection amounting to Was taken up The afternoon was loyally by some 200 remaining over for evening meeting groups from Beeton Bond Head berg and Kottleby Both the lecture and singing wero a great attraction for evening and ticket selling did not till sold the crowd was gathering Bsud played sev eral very fine selections lecture was by Rev A Bald win of Toronto on Pointers for People and be kept the audience In continuous laughter The singing of Mesa re Why to and Brown and the wa de servedly encored Proceeds 996 A unanimous vote of thanks was given to the speakers singer and also band for their services The committee end especial ly tho is greatly Indebted to Messrs Tertb Ham- Mills P teaober and local in making things comfortable for the visltlog schools The throughout was most successful ever bold In From the way thing are moving It as though people expected a hot ware to strike us and right they are Look out for it next week the weather prophet says How does the pleasant change of weather catch you Queen Street seems to be a favor ite drive with the codfish aristocracy of North York and It really does present a fine just now From the proud air with which the postmaster surveys the progres of the new office we take It for granted he is satisfied with the way work Is progressing Sure enough It doe bogie to show Oar popular teacher Prof has decided to cease his instruction and travel for a and Organ Goodbye Prof for hes a jolly good fellow While trifling with a revolver on Saturday night farmer near Sharon unfortunately shot bis wife in the hip The doctors failed to locate ball The patient was removed to Toronto hospital this week As Is the case the innocent have to suffer from the folly of others Ben of Sharon north has added a veranda to bis residence so he can now in the shade on hot days Our Queen Street dominies Smith and Large were severely hurt at foot ball at Holland Landing Arthur badly hi knee be ing severely wrenched With friendly aid of a crutch be is now limping around By the way the ladies gathered round to see the boys seem to be popular with the fair fiex Together with many others we ac cepted the invitation to celebrate the 1st at Holland Landing Consider ing at Newmarket and Aurora there was a fairly good days sport All the worthies of the vill- town council and all including Mayor were there The old residents teem to enjoy living oyer their childhood again they sit on the logs beneath anchor and dream of the days of yore when was a town de Oh fallen Oh departed greatness Would that we could recall thee again seems to be their wish The childrens races conducted under Mr teacher who seemed to have the love and confidence of the little ones and the football match were the chief amusements of the day Junction boys who are a gentle manly lot won from Holland Landing player three goals to a duck egg worst feature of was two gents who made them selves by being with the charms of a of swamp angels unsavory reputation Boys you cant play with a without getting black yourself Your friends had their eyes on you We should judge by the reports of jolly jokers of that some of the natives bad been dining on sour mash and green cheese to moke tbem dream such awful things Ask the joke cracker If a fellow attended every excursion garden party and other entertain- pperSetofFaUo Twin paring tot this UBS FISHER Barber Shop I IT f p many lots of goods in all I 11 1 the departments before and while removing to the store formerly occupied by Messrs J Millard Co Main Street THE BUILDING brick Bt Oar bait School Room warm ImiDOlto Apply to J Main contains Basement and Three Floors which we will fill with a stock of 30000 Dollars worth of goods marked in plain figuers at prices not to be beat by any City Town or Village in Canada each feet long Thirty Thousand VOTERS 1892 JJTY OP THE of courrtY or DURING THE UPSET Napkins among the many lines reduced in price to clear out- of the way Come early in the morning you will find a lot of Very Cheap Irish Table Linens and NOTICE here mentioned to pursuant by Mid to at of Ltfitjtatlre to Vetera a tho required or of Act M rarlMd to rote eftaaenibl and at Matatcipril Kioeilou and that first op at tnr at E burf on ara list If an then toga 10 to Dated at law at ad to cm or arrora to take Immediate A A J HUGHES Tp Notice NOTION Ij fflreo la that alt Estate of Bogart I at of torrnabtp of to County of York who died about day of Juno ata to Mod by to Newmarke for the of BoCsutEatatOjsXtateniontof and faUpaicufrsn of their aim a to bo or before of And take notice that at oaoe the proceed to tribute the Eftttte moajcit thereto roaiard to the claims of which notice and the bo liable for atd thereof to or of claim or they not hare bid nolle it the time or trtbutloDa J a STARR And Now market i Ivxcoutora B A R A I N S CHINA that It would big It in a Old Know Ait n defeated In a threemile at Hartford Monday evening The time given Is 18 minutes See Our BARGAINS IN FURNITURE JHMILLARD Telephone Connection radio on Joi a A Tho on Of of Toronto WW of Bharon to John of the ML Albert to daoithtejof Q- Id John the iMcItUIu con of mot iU4 J tlTUlpBiout con of and ST asal UT All order U1 alleatloo Folly prepared for the preserving season SUGAR Do know nro dodo too good I and St Laurence Mattes ONLY They are best made per cent Paro See that you get It I have IT Brown Sugars FRUIT JARS 10 Gross comprising quarts and pints Popular prices E A what I make a specialty of ray Japan at or lbs for roves by its large sate Alto Congou and I can give yon extra fine for money in CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE DINNER SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS The Leading Grocery Noted for Good aoodt I We are still selling that wonderful value in tea We guarantee it equal to any tea sold in town at cents or refund your money OUR PRICE IS ONLY 21 CENTS PER POUND BRUNTON BROS AND R A SMITH Cor Timothy SU6AR We have sold tons of GRAN ULATED and still have plenty left PER I recognize BRUNTON DRESS GOODS Wo offering the Choic est and Most Complete Stock of Dress Goods We im ported goods ourselves and can and do save you the middlo mans profit BRUNTON BROS Sensible people the fact that it does not pay to buy shoes simply because they are low priced If you consider the quality of the GAR Jll Slices we are sell ing per cent less than any house in the trade and guarantee every pair We buy our and Shoes direct from the makers and we buy only from the most reliable Price nod quality guaran teed every time We most exten sive of Clothe and Tweeds of- Toronto for cash direct akers and we can a suit of clothes the beat style as- others charge for clothing all boug from TON

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