NEWMARKET Every Friday Morning GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY LYMAN GEO JACKSON At STEAM HOUSE 9tniwt V BEACHED r NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANE t000 hud r SIR Newmarket Vol 25 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday July IB Terms 100 Strictly in Advance within or at end of year A Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT Sterling American Draft Coliec- aiuoded lo- J J Notary 10 Loan on food aecartty OUCIXOR B A CAKE Etc to Ontiioalso Sattoo a DB A J it Street A J loS P and CAMPBELL and Beauts to is 10 and to residence No St AI Hit removed Office Block ExlruUor fiinir ACTION GEO LICENSES WRIGHT HEADQUARTERS FOR MILE PAILS STRAINER PAILS CREAM PAILS MILK PANS CREAMERS MILK STRAINERS BARREL DASH CHURNS PERCENT TO AT iSit will Mart- for tempi C4llln 7 RICHMOND A3 Will meet parlies any or place to loan foes Office Toronto IN CANADA OOLUHBIA UNITED STATO MANITOBA UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms Baskest all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal Oil Bla THE BEST i to Ih Telephone No 30 Repairing done promptly WRIGHT CO NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE FOR- PURE JAMAICA RUM AND IN nod Of Graolte LIFE ASSURANCE CO J 8AXTOX AND CUCK store Pure gold riogi and IS J WAS AT HOLLAND GIN P J MAIN STREET NORTH HE OriCcAtOWHegiiirxOmceCoraMiUj CASH GROCERY STORE for CAPITAL AND FUNDS- a Li ftler in force iwo years- TE Til OH A0K Ekllmat GIveDlFree to So I Aim ly So the people say p omalleiv 260 MAIN ST NORTH CAUTION m A EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle Navy MAItKKUJ IN BRONZE foHE Genuine AGENT tot Commercial Union Union Canadian Scotland All Stock Companies Low Rites oo and Town Tlo ALBION St Mtrtfa Elecuicilht iWbe4 lor meet all NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT CAPITAL REST TORONTO ESTABLISHED fcrttCitatorYork will Hardware titor Newmarket T1CKNHKU Kt ihc CvUDtln of York and Wall Borders and Ceiling Decorations in Largo Variety and Latest SPECIAL ATTENTION Ipentraltelerhone W STARR TORONTO BRANCH Cor Church Wellington find up and allowed at DEPOSITS IIATKS allowed for than can to made at l or J 1 Zcphrr WORKS i THE ACCIDENT AMERICA fl AlM Id America l mine Aacy loan aud loiaranc i MAKING from to do yaablonaWe KMKikirv-ciiidrcDadieuMafpecUlir- eiaaret BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND Largest sale in Canada For JodiipeDiibla In of life Bat l to be aiigbt Soon u a Object I Or spoken to lime to begin to taacfa in yon AtMin Yout to For assured each littla child Will hat sew As Ufa So vital led effect of steady effort To may bat Of result and Yon cannot alK Yon know not what Child la the approaching aow the M with diligence And it with Be a greetings As tbe children ran and in it beneath faulty To romp with them now and then in their presence And Ox washer at aide Will be to imitate chastise In each little child To whereto tie fault lay And fa mild Begin to fonn their habits As soon they can walk Teach them to pray at mothers As as hoy talk Be sore yon direction From Him who rait above Talk to childctn Of Jeans and His lorn Rule them with gentle Soot ha their childish Heal each with tender loach And kin them off to alee p Slake home a to them While yet they linger there Soon thej will the nest And la lires straggle When follow them With each night and mora And yon may lira to the day Each darling child wis born A I BUGGIES AND REAPEfS S OP FIRST QUALITY Buggies MOWERS I I WcaVali la of on And other Machllery ON SHORT NOTICE at ore right At mAQHI i I I THE KEY nlat t V VHILXRB ineotal twtfc iOMrt W 7U6 u7TT or ColIe all win UU7 Bowels Kidneys and Liver and tool Acidity of Dryness i of the Mills THE ROLLER FLOOR Kept on Hand Chopping Feed eto p Kino FINE BEATTYS ORGANS AND PIANOS NlWMlrm- yhdigestion 18 net a itMlf bat by caaslcu blood Co the aysUm v Is tbo of Tint Is beet euro tor when coca pi with la proved by from Mi Liver and made my We a and came near ending toy For more than four years untold reduced and about Ml of food mo and tho most delicate could bo at alt Within tho mentlonw several treated me giving Nothing that I took to any permanent good until I common d the nee of 1 wonderful Soon after commencing to take the I could my and with It came the ability all food taken my moved each day and month of faithful attention to directions I found able to attend to all The has given mo it Hew lease of life Sarsaparilla Or J A Little Girls Adventure The drama herein related was enacted a time ago when I I- was a boy but seven year of age bat I well and grew almost aido by aide with them I am in a position to vouch for the entire of the tale the scene of which was a partially cleared farm Dot far from one on which I myself was born This farm was owned and occupied by a man named George Morgan who three years before the date of my story had removed with bis wife and two children from the State of Ohio and bought the then wild tract put up a log and barn and to work with tbe iodomitablrj energy of a backwoods pioneer to make himself a home All went well with the sturdy he now had thirty of fer tile land cleared and partly under crop his son Robert at this time fourteen years of age was daily be coming helpful Baby Madge years old waa tho de light and pot of the household the middle of in this year 1831 all tbo produce of the fields except Indian corn lite and potatoes had been safely harvested and very early on a cer tain morning tho thrifty fanner set out with bis oxteam and sled there being no such thing as a wheeled in the neighbor hood to convoy to a smalt gristmill ten miles distant a bushels of wheat order to provide the family with enough flour to last until the early snows should come This grain bad been labor iously threshed by means of the ancient handHail and winnowed In natures fanning mill the free winds of heaven and It Is not that bread from it should seem to taste as strenuously in sist far sweeter than any which can bo produced from our modem doable- re lined patentprocess out of which in truth ia too often ground As Mr Morgan would have to wait his turn at the primitive waterpower mill he waa not to until Into at night perhaps not before day and his wife was thus left with only Rob and for company- But so far as she knew there was nothing to be afraid of tbo few Indians remaining In the county being nil friendly and none of the wild ani mals abounding In the woods being at all likely thought to make a upon the clearings at this season Besides Bob himself a strong tower of defence not many grown men the todlgert strength alter a few tout lad in woodcraft or ad dress in the of flroarms Ho all that day In a field close at binding up Into sheaves a quantity of cats pre viously by Mi father about flvo oclock In tho afternoon He broke off for purpose of hunting up and bringing home three milch cows which were allowed to roam the woods at will Before starting on his how- over ho turned Into- the for a drink and was taken quite aback when his mother said What all alone What have done with I have seen nothing of baby since dinner tlma mother replied boy Not seen Why Rob sho went out nearly an hour ago to help poor cruder work as the said must have lain and dropped off to sleep Supposing that they would find child taking a nap as she had or twice before done under the shade of soma fatal bashes growing between the and the barn mother ion trolled to bring her in but to their great surprise she waa not to be nor did repeated calls elicit any reply The little mischief must be feat asleep in too hay mow hopefully ob served Mrs Morgan walking on to ward the barn But neither here was any sign of the wanderer to be seen and now really alarmed searohers separat ed and took different directions and mother going down the bank of creek end Rob along a rail fence leading to the edge of woods about onefourth of a away while from both reiterating but alas all unanswered shouts of Madge 1 Baby Baby 1 broke in upon the peaceful bush of the quiet sum mer eve Now at many places in the cor ners of the snake fence mentioned there had sprang up dumps of wild raspberry and blackberry bashes and as many of the latter were stilt laden with ripe fruit Rob expected every moment to coma open the missing in nocent her little bands and mouth stained with red juice lying asleep after having eaten her filL oughly exploring he went every patch of vines and bushes the boy finally arrived at forest without having seen a trace of bis sister and greatly ho sat down on a big tog at the margin of a blackash swamp to think the matter over Although far from imagining that any real harm had befallen the he naturally felt extremely anxious as he thoughtfully scanned the ground on all aides Suddenly he sprang to bis feet with a cry of horror for there two yards from hie seat were deeply impressed in the moist marsh soil foot prints of an evidently enormous bear end close beside the tracks lay a tiny bit of blue ribbon with which ho had seen Madge playing with noon Poor Rob could hardly refrain from shrieking aloud aa theao ominous signs met his eyes but he was not to give way to despair ao long as any thing remained to be done end on carefully examining the footmarks he was somewhat relieved to that they did sot penetrate into the awamp at all but were presently lost on the hard dry trail which led by a great circuitous route to an almost inaccessible rocky fastness whore a number of bears had long been supposed to harbor Nor could he detect a sioglo drop of blood any where about and with the discovery of this fact was born him a wild hope that possibly his sister might be carried off at least until reached bis cave and this tho gallant boy determined be should never do For Bob to resolve was to and now he turned and ran with all his might hack to the house fervently praying at every that his mother might not returned as indeed she bad not On the wall of tbo kitchen hung his fathora old Hint lock rifle al ways loaded and to secure this with tho powder horn and bulletpouch waa the work of an Then away across the diameter of tbo great bend sped tho young hunter Every inch of theaurround- country was familiar to him and knew enough of lazy bear nature to feel sure that animal now as he believed bearing Madge away would if not disturbed or alarmed keep to a walk along easy path rather tbau break a harder and shorter one for and bis somewhat uu- weildy through the thick underbrush Thus the bear in order to reach cave would have to travel fully two miles while Bob following an interesting could by fast running intercept him provided he bad not gained too great a start and for tho rest ho would trust to providence and his own nerve A year or two after this event when I myself had become old to put such a question I asked Bob what thoughts were as ho ran his race against death and his reply was la strict with his character I hardly know said he whethor I thought at all I just prayed prayed that I might be time And now resolute boy panting from violent exertion out upon trail loading to tho bills and which at this spot was slightly covered by dust Almost fainting anxiety ho stooped over close to surface of the ground dreading to that the bear had already passed But no not a was to be seen and with a great sigh of relief ho stationed himself behind a largo llndentrce on the edge of the path time of suspense which followed seemed hours long to him but was really a few minutes only before his sharp young ears caught a gentle rustling sound as If of some moving body softlv braining against the thick bushes bordering the trail on either Whatever might bo coming seemed to be as yet fifty yards away around a of the path and Dob pan of his shook out the priming replacing It with fresh powder stood waiting without a thought erf fear for but with a heart loudly beating that seemed like to burst A moment more and a grey squirrel frisking about the grounds somorods away ottered a quick chatter of alarm and scurrying along path scampered swiftly op of a neighboring tree Ap prised by- this timely warning that the was at hand Bob peered from behind his shelter and hardly suppressed a yell of at coming slowly along the trail he saw an immense overgrown bear walking with head held high and carrying In his Jaws the limp form of baby Madge In the fleeting glimpse the boy ventured to take he saw that child was held face down- ward In brutes mouth sad as Utter shambled carelessly along her littlo hands and feet tooobod the ground j but he saw no stains of blood and a thrill of re newed bops ran through body as it bnt he was well aware that anold bear as well as will often even after the heart itself is pierced by a ballet work the sound of a shot so bred would simply mean his sisters death knell presuming that she yet lived No if he would save the child his first shot must either pene trate the brutes brain or sever the that death or loss of motion should be instantaneous and yet he dare not fire from one side at the bears head less by possible mis hap he might strike tho little girl hence he resolved upon the desperate risk of himself of squarely facing the brute in open fight And now the supreme moment had come What slight breeze there waa blew directly across the path toward the hunter and thus no betraying scent wafted to the bear which to tall unaware of danger had arrived with in three feet of the tree biding his watchful enemy when with a loud Hello the latter sprang out and blocked way So was the apparition and commanding heros mien astounded animal came to a foil stop dropped his prey and wavered for a breath or two in a kind of stupid indecision as to whether he should attack or fly That instants hesitation sealed bis fate for Bob throwing the rifle to shoulder with an inward prayer that the flint might not miss fire placed tho muzzle within six inches of the brutes forehead and palled the trigger The bullet striking just above the line of the eyes crashing through the brain of the black mon ster and he Bank dead to the ground with scarcely a quiver of a hair Then the brave boy trembling like a leaf now that the fearful ten sion waa relaxed knelt by the aide of bis sister and examined tbe mo tionless form as best he could To his joy no of a wound be seen nor were the childs garments torn except slightly at the back of the strong waistband by which bear had evidently ried her apparently without once touching her tender flesh with teeth It seemed to bo almost miraculous but Bob even in the midst of bis gratitude remembered having read of a similar escape and ho now hopefully direoted his efforts toward restoring little to con- This task however proved beyond hie skill and a great revnlsion of feeling came over him aa the thought flashed through his mind that perhaps fright alone had driven out the sweet young life Ob if mother were only here he cried aloud and with wish came prompt notion Leaving bis rifle lying across the bears carcase the young fellow lifted the cbild in his strong arms and with all possible speed bis way to house rather than half a mile distant So soon as ho had emerged from the woods and while yet several yards from home he saw bis mother after her own fruitless search standing at tho open door and wringing her hands in impotent caught sight of and ran swiftly to meet pair But so deep and deathlike was babys swoon that even to her ex perienced eyes it seems extremely doubtful whether life yet remained In the form and poor woman broke Into pitiful moans of grief as snatching the little one to her bosom sho rushed frantically to the house But pretty Madge was not dead nor even hurt and a few minutes of mothers skillfully exertions sufficed to kindle to a healthful glow flickering vital spark white both children in her arms tho happy woman sobbed out her joy and thanksgiving and the Innocent told how bad wandered off along the fence picking berries and when down to rescue dropped ribbon had been caught up by a great big thing and then- she know nothing more When told what had carried her off and how she was rescued child with that touching faith which girls ever in big brothers artlessly exclaimed Oh Wob can kill moat any thin I the bear would have ate mo all up for his supper and then would have no baby and poor fodder would be awful sorry Mr Morgan having got early 11 tarn at tho mill homo that same evening Just before dark and with In fid to horror pride and joy tho wondrous he and Bob went out with the sled bo- fore unhitching the oxen to bring jo the boys prize Mud quarters of which wore valuable for food though tbo pelt at this season was not of much account So far as writer Is aware there but two other instances on record of children having been carried off by bears and rescued unhurt One of these oases occurred In Switzerland In the year and the other In Western Canada in tho early part of this century Bat mast bo always borno lo mind that bear is not essentially or purely a Bradford Rev A J of Trinity Church has we in his resignation to the Bishop and will with his family for British Columbia at an early date J Long who recently broke into the jewellery store of Mr cooks hero pleaded guilty to several charges of shop breaking and larceny and was sent to the Central Prison for six months Too for tail utek Mutual Corners Things fairly around these Crops are looking very well and farmers are at their haying Mr is raising an elegant bam when finished will look hand some Mrs Lewis has bod a large bee which proved a great help to her Mrs Vernon and two grand daughters visiting at the resi dence of her father Mr John Wil son Joshua Wilson is visiting it her in Pickering The Corners Bible Class gatherings are becoming interesting in more waya than one OS The Evil In Feminine Drew Toe- evil in the feminine dress of today lies not with our rich women but with pur women of means writes Edward in At home with tho Editor in July Ladies Journal The wealthy woman rarely overdresses the average wo man far more often and she stamps herself by that very indtsoretion It hi not the mistress who overdresses so it is her servant who tries to imitate her The nice and refined women the women of to are not the purchasers of the showy dress patterns and misfit hate which we Bee in the show windows Just in pro portion as a woman is refined in her nature is she quiet in her dress A refined woman never dreesea loudly The present in red is not followed by girls and women of refine ment It is effected by those who forget that red is the most trying color which a woman wear becom ingly and there is no color of which one so soon tires Only a few women can choose a perfect shade in red and these are as a rule not the women who wear it Mount Albert Methodist choir on returning home from Quaker Hill got a bad shaking up but all oat without any broken limbs Miss Laura and An nie Long are spending a few days with Bronsoomb at Manitoba MUs Maud Brown of pronto la spending a few days with her In our village Wo ore glad to see Mr Billots smiling fans In oar midst again Gat Out of the Ruts A very explanation of the proverbial bod look of many farmers is that they know too much We have in these columns that the man who has always been in some business in town or city and goes on a farm to make a living will sometimes make more of a success at it than many of the men who have been brought up on a farm The boy who has been raised on a farm is thoroughly familiar with all farm operations and does them mechani cally his father performed them without knowing or asking reasons lie early gets into the rot stays there viewing with all new methods lie bo knows all about farming far moro than aide- walk editors or who attend stock breeders meet ings If he happens to be the son of a progressive intelligent farmer ha probably is pretty well posted but even then it is a good thing for him to over every year or two But if he happens to be the son of a farmer of the old style we will boy against him every time The city boy who goes on a farm doesnt know anything and he knows It Consequently he is willing to learn and naturally will prefer to take advice of men who are prominent as and Block breeders In preference to bound neighbors Western Farm Journal Mr John a Wade P for dead lT Two young men were to death in a stable fire in Now York City early Tuesday morning An exhibit of red Fife wheat grown in Manitoba has taken the gold medal at an international ex hibition In London s Print a four- master of tons largest schoon er yet built in Canada has been launched in Nova Mrs Elizabeth Sunderland Woodstock aged took a doss of carbolic in mistake for ginger and died in half an hoar It was blood poisoning that killed Premier of British Colombia His finger had been smashed in the door of a hansom Hon Edward Blake was South Longford Ire land on the for the British Com mons He is opposed by Mr Miller LiberalUnion fc4 Senators Warren and of Wyoming who against free silver in United States were hong in effigy at Utah Wednesday night The Ionian Line steamer which went ashore on the Irish coast near was to tally wrecked by a gale on Wednes day night The crew reached the in safety Chief of Police Jaoksop when putting a pris oner in the cells on the of slipped and fell down the stairs fall ing on head on the atone floor causing terrible injury to bis head There is very little hope held oat for recovery July James OConnor aged a worthless scoundrel locked up on a of outraging Jennie Marriott aged OConnor grabbed the girl as she was passing Collegiate Institute last flight about dusk carried her into the grounds and after placing his hands over her mouth to screams committed the offence July Alfred Brown foreman of the woodwork department at Eogiuo bore was this afternoon using a when belt slipped off the pulley Mr Brown on the leg and throwing him with such force against the brick wall that It him The top of his head completely taken off causing death Instantly London July The Asso ciation says Salisbury baa in structed the British dAffeira to ask the United States Government for explanation in re gard to seizure in Port Etches harbor Alaska of the British by the United States reve nue cruiser The incident the Press Association adds will not delay Bearing sea arbitration A Terrible Fire a St JouMSDurraOYstD moat dis astrous fire in history of tit Johns Newfoundland broke this afternoon during a heavy gale It originated In a small wooden building on Longs hill near the top of tho mountain This street runs through tho heart of the city to waters side Tho supply was in- at heights where the fire originated and there was nothing effectually to stay the progress of roaring elements The high wind carried live embers In all direc tions and soon a score of tlons spreading destruction Threatening flames swept toward tbe harbor licking up everything In a wild awath This tho Method 1st College the Masonic temple street Methodist church cathedrals of the and Roman churches two finest places of worship on continent built at a cost of over Orange hall the palace of Btahop Jones the Patricks ball and Christian Brothers schools the Presentation convent the Supreme Court bouse and police headquarters Government offices logs Bank the Athensurn the Union Bank the Commercial Bank the Presbyterian everything in the path of the flames was swept be fore them The whole centre of the Is one mass of ruins Not a building is left standing in too path of the devouring element down to Water street where great factories fish warehouses and wharves soon yielded ready the roaring flames At oclock the telegraph and cable offices wero burned The fire was still spreading southward towards the historic Par liament buildings and Governors palace It Is impossible to estimate the loss but already oyer are bonnes fire wss In when threefourths of the was Taking experience to the test there be no question about superior quality of the Myrtle Navy tobacco From the first year of its manufacture the demand for it has steadily grown Even in years marked by our busi ness depression there was no pauses in the increase of the sale of It dull years of the sale of it were vastly greater than In the prosperous year Pittsburg 6th has bad another experience with labor riots and this time as daring fearful scenes which were during tho railroad riots of 1877 blood has been shod life jeopardized and valuable property placed in danger The force embraced all tho employed in the extensive plans tho Iron and Steel Com pany at some eight miles of Pittsburg and a battle which for bloodthirstinesi and boldness of execution has not been ia actual warfare was waged from oclock In tho morning till this afternoon and only- ceased when the foroo of brought to the placoto suppress the strike UNCONDITIONALLY BORBBNDBB8D leaving their arms on the barges in which they had been transported to the A complete list of kilted wounded was not obtain able at midnight As far as can bo ascertained workmen and detec tives were killed and workmen and detectives injured in the battle In addition to this at least 100 detectives were seriously Injured by the strikers while on their way to tho jail this if B I f I I J I f If You to he Dont find fault Dont contradlot people even youro aro right Dont be inquisitive about the affalra of oven your moat intimate Dont underrate anything because dont possess it believe that everyone else in world is happier than Dont conclude that you never bad any opportunities In life Dont believe all evil you hear Dont tope Interest a crowd in sootal position Don over or under dross Dont express a opinion unless you perfectly what yon a talking about Dont get Into vulgar izing lib by making light of the eon- It Dont try to bat a gentle woman and that neons a woman who has for whole world and whose life to governed by Golden Do onto others as jo would bo dot