Newmarket Era, 15 Jul 1892, p. 3

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i i JA J ii j HA JULY tel U Next Sunday J- Thompson address the aki Nothing lire it trip from Bar Hi la Pilot nan tie eft Tiy Killer gay bo Why is who bare good MOM la almost wart la life no mora than to horse to I It is to make a mm do to in a which reqoJre Evidences or cancel rid la any direction Ibrifly fields neat and fum and otter el en aad vrilylhowwhohaw hire it lines la pleasant These artists are fait each as lo fccawa A from Aurora op worried standing Si to la to clear cat Jew U I od Soma rtiut wart anjood torrtoo Tea to dlJ lift wore to ft lor boor and a a l north and won In A pickup fctWiot avaalog for KttK la not meat- There only apF S ttf J5 for Newmarket and that on dij W for bat fan Ha haatitrd bat J wm mora than threw off li IKCO fcbe remain Crofs will bo ficiihed Id dating The was two or Hot la parte of the fall will be com- tie cloae of another week week will be piO now The at a bow to parties thai had neglected dog for upon toiana aammonaaa for cum next seltTed The has a lilt of abed that will follow as too a ha satisfactory Qq Mr J Isosiag it tie pood Soma time in a Urge of water came down into Lb pod in and no being on to lift the galea toe away a portion of Enters J earth iiyy Hit will It besides a delay of two or three verb la the Bag ttiLVATiox 16th CtpL Scott Ihe juirti Rtoff Tctvttv Vivi of oat fe I Mi belief a KicbiJn of Id Iowq from lb a Between one sal oclock night a walked boor back and forth in ft ricicity Mr much i tin family weie aroused fellow Tor lime being and him tie doer tha faooaaoo occupied by Sir Mr ac wo started 1 1 bio he grabbed rsa far all be wcrtb The now getting in work an of Pacta green baa letted were the market last Saturday Any who not fin frwh ahoold Geo Partridge a tapajtmMTiKa- thaOoapel meeting la the Hill Sunday Mr Sawilon the fair and profitable For three peat coal bean in en the 1st of ft stepped op oothar eta If It la ton he by time th fltaa baa been definitely allied to ceremony on of month The the A the and the Join wish she Odd- Fellow In making one long to be It hoped genersllv iU u effort attendance are indebted to Mr Partridge town for a couple of baskets of grown on fall of the with- the fi bare anywhere most of Ibsen measuring four and nearly five inches Thy only large but fioeflarored and bare no in Mr strawberries to tboM firvVdu THK JnHB who slag praUeo of Jqoe will have to adopt another month thia year a record maybe Oat of passable of there ware dosing the past month only rained to a or tibial and air of liquid were precipitated Upon the drenched country Thla la about the usual share of Jane a decidedly wetmoalb and July is record Rack The Bicycle bare a ten team race on Ihe race track here erenlognerb oclock Each vide will have 9 men tact will hi by points and will be ran the as the road race All those who did not the pleas ure of race trill be able to see this one from atari to fioiab The team are well matched and It will be an exciting The Bait Bead will likely be present free and the grand stand will be for Had jo of East made for to the NorthWeal recently and proceed by Monday train leaving behind to His game waa beore effect could be given toblsporpoee and he was made to antinp to being ted no debtor It la said the larking and about the on the eight in question between the debtor aad a town waa as good a small Hot To land locked citizens a day the water is more Invigorating than a bottle of patent medi cine It is pleasant to take and dont coat anymore that trip on the a Spboojv A log took J the mil for Judo with fttUDttjos of vcooaai of lor to Iho vll to to paid to for model of being laid on to fire lull fa new bitUiox- to Iw in jtiUrdij of from b IstscrUkui sin- I3iviic0 hiss Exams for at High School I hit The papers an to harder la to man or wo- boy who a fur to the hot call on lutitoto Library and by good Will road which of two at sow good and pacing that ara well with will a a Tag Bio Mr from work on day and pot aboat holt a In the aad of pip that below flo lhaa aflarown they had a baring got below aomo war Rat Monday one of oar bti to a friend to go to Point to obh op job At be took and then did not gel back here till night and than could not tell who he had traded with The ovoerwec obliged to strikeout morning 10 try and Bed Mi bor be large crowd assembled the Fair lavst Friday trading to the mi race fot A at oclock a race The cod- leitaati AS V Lloyd lit A Biontii WKoidhoaa150ydi Jafnw Carry yds Art The crowd week and the more Ekjot the heated term coat a holiday Some cannot the coal of a lengthened trip from home but there are few who are notable to The trip of Wednesday is that any one can tike it in a there anything it to be by a maxriage notion since log the we hare it last week John Arm that is no truth Id his marriage and is frith that knows his good his note the notice was to the office by a of lira we made it and that it was true It as qui notice by a para graph to a false to a newspaper for knowing same to be raoh and that Mr I lends to the person It Is oat wish that and all others forniah anything for publication would thcEnselfts to facta and Defer drw their Imaginations received for the anil Weekly Papers snd famished at prlcea I Lehman To one who a the of rarely which was broabl 1 by iu Is of irteteat By a freak of two a fliwer were nulled into ki tie Resit the most beaolifol ever saw It a cream sat the two ttiwera back HA lifjrutl a ball It la Mr garden all til flwrs ate on slogle Is not a new Hi a tike never again A Hint to There the effect of weather on heat bolter Sabbath Sabbath seta of soy other day for heat or rain or cold on a tea will from hie Ww We a Sabbath Almanac for oar churches that will show J wha it will be for JkwiehiUllan lo himself on Wlaii going to Old would and WUtttdrtsof to on Inchotch Mr J is making decided the ge nerel repairs around the old familiar cor A team of horses were almost un manageable the lest even ing about chotcb lime The 12th Bali Band was good and at the city on and report a big time Railway Co euchred them though Red were selling In town Wednesday at per lb An agent Scotland and another of the Friends re town thla week try- lug to lodges here The men with pole and brashes era transforming the as well Inward of the old depot Hard Luck had downright bard lack the Sutton race Pit at boon loan for the li no wheel until a few days before the to train the track a few of before the race a got a had fall which he did not get over Shortly after alerting be loit a weeka before the while attending the meet at Kingston of the rice he left bis at home had to tide In a pals of lacrosse Taking all the above In the were luekj Retting place log first place by only two Obituary The of week published In the deatb of Mr Henry Proctor brother of Mr Hairlson Proctor of SI and Mr Proctor of Keltleby The Henry departed Ufa on July lb at bom In York Co Canada Weal on Nov 1820 was 1811 to in Lake Co Ohio Some five after their marriage they moved Wisconsin Pour children were the frails of this marriage who all survire him except Francis who departed this Ufa June Uncle Henry as be was familiarly called came Co lows In Feb wis to Mary A Hill the mother or lur children by a former marriage who all survive him but one pill In the winter of Mr Proctor and family left Jasper Co and removed to Ringgold Co lived lu and the time of bis death He was a kind father and husband of a sonny looking upon the bright side of life from his lively cast rays of brightness those with whom they came coutecL He was honest mem bet the church for many one whose delight was and deeds of love Tfao for the haying and the have been to get the of it in without being damaged Mr Ira aod family of are at Mr Rodney aona for the Saturday last from a weeka the city In the Era of July wo noticed in so mo Sharon Items head ed too late for week an account of an accident bedel three while driving to a Garden Party We wonder much from what source the information waa ob tained as the whole sffair a fabrication There was no accident wfaaterer as the horse they were driving was quiet enough to insure safety to moat timid Miss Joey seriously ill with diphtheria hot medical treatment we hope soon to hear of her convalescence Of Newmarket was the guest of Miss last Sunday and kindly officiated as organist at afternoon service in St James s Mr Manuel family left for the Prairie on Mon day night Wo understand Mr Terry school teacher has collage f Mr Iprd Pius of Toronto was the of Amos last and very croquet party in her honor on Friday Mrs of Toronto of for a few days with his usual presented our village with Union Jack and which first unfurled to Do minion Day His liberality is appre ciated by all our citizens Long ho reign Sffiit to The return match between the the ground- hero oq Thursday the last OrillU was greatly the previous match by too of two from St who took tha place pi two Ottawa men did riot give From this the reader will consider that the Oriltia lacrosse club run Yankee team greatly by the of Lennox who went to the North- and Moore who had not sufficiently recovered to take part old place in goal valuable addi tion Barrios defence of Van- sickle and Clark pat up a grand game but the home very weak such op ponents Williams and of St CAtboriaea two senior several years standing The was that won four games to one Oar boys all played wells but the youngster Wan ring Campbell Moore Clark played all round their opponents though they had such men as Thomas of Ot tawa the Downey and Lob of St feud Header- eon to contend with stop ped many shots indeed were lb not for his many brilliant plays the been of short duration Though were many ice exhibitions by the of cither side Now irtrkt old reliable Hob Manning curled the palm Your bss seen Bab put up many a fine game has seen him on innny fairly mystify his opponents by his clover dogtogaud stick twirling but on occasion he it the of bis life On one occasion Thomas and the Downey brothers united in to the of the rubber bat it was no use be all three and sent the sphere up field amidst rosra from throats When sprinting psrt of the program was reached and curried off all the honors Our liouo too weak wo hud intended plnylug and another who was barred out with in match wo fear no opponents NEW ART MUSLINS ftSbettiKtoesfs you want go RELIABLE BOOTS AND- 4 GLOVE J V All Competitors Knocked Out on ORDERED ORDERED CLOTHING LOWEST can always be accommodated at MONTGOMERY SON a Best Value in Town at the Light Summer Coats and- Vests Ladies and Gents Cotton and Merino Underwear Value in all sizes of Stainless Black Hosiery CHEAP LINES OF STRAW HATS GENTS BRAZILIAN PANAMA HATS A Great Drive in FELT HATS at 50X worth 125 Parasols Prints Satteens and Lawns GROCERY DEPARTMENT PRINTS I NEW DRESS GOODS i NEW SHIRTINGS We have a full Hue of the above now and invite you call and them before purchasing elsewhere In Dress Goods we have some very pretty patterns in Suits and other lengths have a Large Assortment of FirstGlass Shirtings just in and as it is well known that alt cotton goods have advanced in price and are likely to go still higher it will bo to your advantage to purchase now For a Nice Jacket or Mantle Cloth just call and see what we have to show you New Parasols just in Our Groceries are as usual all fresh and well assorted Our Blended Coffee is still without an equal Call and get a sample of our black Tea Its the best that be got for the money WWPLAYTER Telephone Communication GLASS SELFSEALING JARS Pints Quarts Imperial Quarts arid HalfGallons Lots of our INIMITABLE JAPAN TEA At that anything in the trade Terms R J We as s ficaJsy v That Yon object to 011 eiilbs no crowding on the trip to 6t tie Minulltee are for J if 1 oclock If going Civic that day and WfsBtiM to have wlU he aypll the its of 14 tin bcic prtJkt Judge Morgan An took recently from to Niagara and Tails The teas arrangement Ibe would make els or adults children to Toronto and returr week an ax place from Toronto to market and cozed a rate being charged only sO els for and cts for children Why Is this shoe I Here la agalost the country with a vengeance No rural with proposition lor a rate la the only way people get with Jn- Jostle heaped upon them by discriminating rates and those preaUUvra who failed Maclean motion will hear from the towcahipa on It a to charge people a rate th for city Now It the time to York to pamphlet form he this month to all name are on books by when government have to be made Jo another part or paper covering the of horse the will folio lasou The la now vavUed and persons aho have work and floe arts notify Mr as aooo as We the money prltsa will the largest aycr offered by the Aaaoolatloo admission to the grounds will be to eta and eta year The Directors have the to and till Hon altaty the great Organ and Piano manufacturer la building and ship ping more Organs and Pianos than ever In Realty left Lome a plow boy and by his will be Jits nay op to far nearly of Butty Organs end since seems to him obstacle laid to way would any ordinary man for aver be torn to and comes out It brighter Ill Instruments la well known are very popular and ate be found In all parts of ibe world We era Informed during the neat year he intends to sell more of bis make that a of If w average them at each It La already the largest of the Uod In Send to Daniel Washington Hew Jereey for Cat alogue Ink Drop atWfaaU mater Und I lorely neither for bog liWtag vt coming Id Half I gone eight -V- W itV u dolytoi- Jit frc2itiu JJWtJJ WttJ Oca tad J U tut Blur wl te fcbt lit people killed tad Injured by the of a boiler at tfoo who footed to tho of for one of the the of oar Governor General He act to for eighteen months and then re turned to England her baby In a her at North and a tmndgo to away the and The child it off of falling on flame con- with the end infant on the blaring ember 1 only a lew ahonrt Local Editor of Era 4bot will hoard to My It ft vry owI but I much about reason I ttould of the meet feitorft of our prohibitory t to not to too coach of your one The lew In foroii put Act of tod of be in fall by tot with A iH by the of Dominion Alliance To- Hut tht of yoor tpeoplt Mil Ytfty not tike look np oi for for with to before an be without Itcabte I I the of Apicrntiliy will t to trouble to lid com iriQlc Id Ihe tiriuojilr And About tony jurist Munltl Act of to ting of tn the ucb ihiti thirty aVhd bat 5m At bid In amy the to u to old did The tot tin Apical ocd it toy twofhl or aAjJriw tin vie by of by- Iti the Now eiy few would to rattaH the If llaOAcd to do it reel with to whether wilt 1ijaot gold In their cot It ehodld be bere widow tod the to tote Ucenie on fire of following He fioai puling bylaw until after ibe of the of corning Into Id cue each appeal not by the no other repealing caa be fiubmlttpl for the foil term of three If the doftaied bow there to pieventtbe from soon they Our Newmarket Markets 111 a i I a The drought in Manitoba terminated on by throughout tbe The crop tint year to be yet pro daced In that country A terrible occurred in Savoy the village of lea Bains Over J yiourporbarwle A per bushel to a Ts Spring Wheat per Wheat per bushed per to per doe Butter per lb oases Wool par lb ata l w TO oeo oca i I pair a a 0 10 a a a a 003 a a on a IS 00 Oar Toronto Markets The election protest Mr Jos at Brampton ok Saturday by Street and No evidence offered A bill been by the United Statea changing date for the dedication of the of the Fair from the to Wheat per Wheat per Wheat per Barley per hostel hag per bag Wool per Hay per IK July s0T9 see mi i i i site It Ott 1 1S3 oto JO 087 033 000 1 on IM OS IS CO a 005 a TO ALL HORSE BUSINESS MEN you walk and lathe inAtket with a tot of and whip all for A a No Mala tit Photos Photos RANGE OF Both Felt and Straw going out at m m J VERY LOW RATES tir HAVE YOU TRIED OUR a SEAMLESS J W STEPHENS 10 A Stratford young man mo to young to whom wedding failed to off to he if now her for obtaining goods coder also pre of Gordon Rouble and on action brought to damages for a arreafc the Appeal upheld the of the lower courts awarding the plaintiff dam ages and costs to An application was then by the defendant to Chief for permission to appeal to Ihe The application was relutod on the groand that the proper had not been deposit- On the not bare had ihe time of fasten 1 Executors and other Ttog I of Joshua Of Whitchurch la the York ttUenian who died or about Judo are to poet to or Kxacutora of thfc aetaremeot of their of their claim the to be by on before or August ISM that at the fceotota the to the tad the lor thereto to cot bo liable PEPPIATT HA VINO purohaaed the He beat to that ho Intend THE Aod to tun out work equal In reepectto city work tad to the of ao picture Oopjlor eod Knlirafiyr or ova speciality My aim will not bo to flood the neighbor hood with cheap work but la to sir complete eatlro w Pomp and Derrick flrsVeUsa order or sale cheap fl Thai new ho holt warm aod well app water d and DONT FAIL TO SEE OUR NOVELTIES ELECTRO- PLATE CALL AND EXAMINE Will be pleased to show and quote you prices ATKINSON NEWMARKET J Ualn bond was filed the Is lo a of Court of Appeal and wbrre lo will waa at Ihe will now go to the banal Id til- irtbuUoo- sWC Their MONEY TO DAVID for Fetchs to to tar plow is ihloaouL wanted Address J ruse Mar Aft- fee loilor Hie ofor IM oca ear Jt A and a lathe tor C Press For A GOOD with all the with eell Terms moderate rtohi or FARMER I a V

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