I I is i892 Flower I had been troubled five with Dyspepsia The doctors told me it was chronic I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach I suffered fre- from a Water Brash of clear matter Sometimes a deathly Sick ness at the Stomach would overtake inc Then again I would have the of Wind Colic At iirvs I would try to belch and I was working then for Druggist Cor Irwin Western Ave Allegheny City Pa in whose employ I had for seven years Filially I used August Flower and after using just Lottie for two weeks was en- relieved of all the trouble I cat things I dared not touch before I would like to refer you to Mr for whom I worked who knows all about my condition and from whom I bought the medi cine I live with my wife and family at James St Allegheny Signed John Cox GREEN Sole Manufacturer New S A WHAT TO aBOOT Make a for It In Ike criminal by the Common church In Quebec A of u of Vaughn- fin brother in the Bo- Catholic two WITHOUT AN EQUAL RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA LUMBAGO sciatica Sprains Bruises Burns Swellings THE CHARLES A VOCELER COMPANY Baltimore Canadian Depot TORONTO Ta or Mr fthsc scheme for the of tb High Schools of with School of from the opposition to lie it cot be it when left for homo rein Ottawa Friday list bo it intention to perron from politico The will not lucent much if tho ramor tru A now id forth of Voted State John BidwtU of California of the Prohibition Arty and like Harmon and bo on the l BIG FOE ORDERED CLOTHING I IN its first can by prompt use of Alexs Cherry Pectoral Even In the later of that disease the cough Is wonderfully relieved by this medicine I used Cherry Pectoral the beat effect in my practice preparation saved with bid constant congh night sweeU greatly reduced In flesh A mono the spesken the Upper Canada Celebration at Toronto on the 16th lbs following hire promised lo be present Lieot Got Sir OUrer Col Dr and physician One Peel bottle and a of the Pectoral cared me -A- J SeTeral ago I The doctors said I was in coDSomption that theyconld do me bet advised a last resort to try Cherry Pectoral After taking medicine two or three I was and my health remains good to the present day Jamea Conn Several years on from California by water I contracted so severe a cold that for some days I was confined to my end a phyBklan on board considered life danger Happening to have a bottle Of Cherry Pectoral I It and my longs were restored to a healthy condition Since then I bare invariably recommended prep- J Chandler Junction va Cherry Pectoral Or J Co Matt TRUNK A K W At oo who occupied of of the for a ntnry and food of the Grand of for aom over to the aged Ho took an In and will bo miastd In the where ha raided The dealer in ardent at Par- liorant in Ottawa was fined tod for bis license ftfterhonraoa Satarda night be hid in Parlia ment of the Dominion be in fincy that he not amen- to the law of bo hare known that if it was to obtain a It waa tbat bo the which the was obtained It may be a coincident bnt Itit the GoTernment at the bye- election Welt the Vic down to a of bare ell in laro kindly with railway It like the with own money all the if a the political fiogerboard end anpport- raof and Goinci- Although to roach for the of the decision not observed report of the trial wo fol lowing from an exchange Tboae can op the An It appears from a recent when an anclioneer employed to 11 farm or other good of a party he coast a cartful in the proper to fm cot if any one a chattel inurtgtK or other lien or the he will be liable to any one who may inch a claim and are interfered with Ho tew the title to all goods Kid by him ThU pretty on the aQction GOOD BLACK WORSTED SUITS FROM UP TWEED SXJITS FROM UP It la the contem plated of I labor for the of twine has taken definite form A factory for the of twine will be erected at the Central prison by order of the Ontario and the labor of the utilized in the iatket of with all the twine our farmers require machinery bat already sod will as it placed in shape CUT PLUG PLUG No brand of Tobacco has ever en- joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco Oldest Cut Tobacco in Canada Full Lines of Caps and Summer Underwear A Fine Assortment of Colored Drees Goods and Special Value in Black Call and see ua and youll be to call again CHAS PHARMACY HI LU DC CO rn THE LEADING DRUG STORE ATTENTION to Family STUART SCOTT PROPRIETOR 103 MAIN ST NEXT POST OFFICE city Ghbt made a break recently in blinding to the duty on strawberries It The Yankee doty the grower hit to or J other they mminl a e fir the latitude of There no Yaulteo doty on sni all that to do is ship f Buffalo and pricei to International by flQ MONTREAL The Christian Text The Lord addtd to such as Id Acts uoecdfl to the that the Holy Spirit be fulfilled fttcd by lh in the upper the Arties and Crst by as of a mighty wind and tonga of fitine each one Then thy tot4ak In a picfouod on the and rcCyxulxed them Home were incredulous and what bad sod it fcjtipdsto the of to VtU the wrmou lie the It mis the early too inebiUty He testimony to the grvjt forte of the l il to bis thai It of the In 4r4il Si leads to the in bflivrcr to are iu grow and new law of inllcttVe and to years and to a not who or Allows under for the purpose of recording or registering any bet any or who keeps any Me- on his premises for recording aoy bet or or who became the or depository of money property or wagered or pledged or who records bet wager any pool upon the of any political or of any race any or trial of skill or en- of manor makes bet ting somewhat for the log crowd tut there Is a proio and hack to the sporting fraternity nearly all tbe takes away It The of this aecttoo shall not extend to any by of his becoming or of any money property or thing it ktdj to be paid to the of any race or to of on rice an incorporate the actual progreuof My beadache aching and feeling can bo relieved and cured by blood Hitter the beat remedy for and disorder of the stomach liver and blood Jjkah hare Fowlers tract or Wild and Hod a hat proved Itself to be A Unit PURE PUREST BEST Beady for For nthiLoamt i NEWMARKET SPRING 1892 fiALZ on TO ACRES all cleared crop In sale cheep at WowmarVet SALE AT A Northerly IS of Mil No M Of APPlr J OR A two Glory on now hard acre of land It would make a This Is a chance for J FARM FOR SALE lot Con Ion 3 kooI bo bury A acres In to A- J F OR OR KENT- School lielctr NUUcUrd it HI WlIlUuu Ante Jr II Wtlktr dv- kjt AutUo Jim J a a owjcLJMtunr Charles Jr WrtrAt aVullar Jr etd Jeaale At r jot lull of perfect Wwa Good tin your vIuaUo iutdlclne not to benefit I ro fioui suiTerloK heed- and Iota of nearly four I the Inrf 4VOiue natal relief and Suw health which owe to your medicine- Minnie A LLbernl woWJcu who have prejudices to idled lb in to the merits of now use this for Mod nil KO Aorta being lot No lo About 100 acres ood auto or cultivation and part or of late Alien For further particulars apply to amoil8 lit Albert FARM Near Newmarket For FART Of lots 31 and In of about aituete about one mile from known u the farm and residence For apply 1 FbotOfcrapher Newmarket Una I of ritfawberry for m It to toy lth fur cbltdrto adults with the beat result F Clear JLfnlaaenu hard soft or Bono tfprOts tfwolUa ato iaraJMbyoaeoronaUiae Wold by A Keif have a of seven ana bave Fowlers or rears ail of and auaiiaa bin J too One FARM FOR SALE first con of one mile Booth of Aurora About IK are and a Rood state the balance swell wooded ThoproperrylewcHwatered bouse all Jotfi Also a good Orchard above property rnuit be sold before first or Marti next For Terms and further particular apply on premises or to t til Aurora I O SALE PROP J DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE CONSISTING OF Bar Iron and Steel re and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty PURE PARIS GREEN s- DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR THE rJaoUay Mia tfUd by fcWa acres of the North WacMsorrM0iolhe6th Coo ttto Mb iw to n am This lot has ft a Cleared Mltb ofl barn erected he Town yen lb 111 a thai All are trtrtU and te Alan Lota In Town Of New market to jj Graduated In lI at YlclorU Jolvtrtlty Villb same rear tho nation of College of Bur Dr bis Whole lime to specialty or Throat La a Thecal to the St fc will Newman fromSlO to 11 Be aura call to make more largely ard also el ki to be Awarded at the North York Fall Fair TO AT AND PHARMACY Special Prizes for Horse Ring on First Day Commencing at one oclock pm winning any in Clasi ineligible to compete Second Day horses competing and not win ning prizes may In proper on Second Day Becilcn Team of maroaorgeiaLngj for speed In given by Lemon Clyde Hotel Toronto Stogie Driver Mara Gelding for In harness mile bests in given by Thomas Dominion Hotel Newmarket Given by James Wellington Hotel 8 Roadster Mare or Gelding atyle and given by Eli Vernon North American Hotel Farmers Driver or Gelding attached to a buggy to be owned and driven by a farmer residing York worked a farm horse during season of horses having won public money previous to 1st ineligible- given by A Evans Royal Hotel Newmarket Lady Driver pair of Ladys Boots given by Harvey A VanNorman Toronto ana added by Society Given by Lloyd Barrister Newmarket Saddle Horse given by Sheriff Toronto 7 Horse given by J J Coulter Armory Hotel Toronto Given by Mm or Lloyd Newmarket 8 Saddle Horse for given by Robinson County Solicitor Toronto Given by Keachie English Chop House Toronto Driving Pony hands and under in given by County Crown Attorney Toronto Given by 8ulUva Leader Restaurant King at east Toronto 10 for boys under years given by How ard street Toronto By Society Glass Imported Draught yesrs old and over given by SJohnson Central Hotel Newmarket 5 and added by Society Brood Mare with evident of having bad a this year given by A Toronto Filly two years old from imported stock Spring Colt from imported stock 3 Spring Filly from imported stock 3 Canadian Draught Horses lit Span in harness a Wilkinson Improved Turnip given by Ross A Co Aurora valued at By Society Brood Mare with evidence of having had a foal this he Dairy one year Fit f 4 00 00 2 nd 3 By John Fisher Mayor North Toronto Gelding or Filly two years old given by Co King west Toronto A NeckYoke given by Coy Is Newmarket By Society 1 Yearling Gelding or Filly Soring Colt Tea given by P J Nowmarket Given by RJ Fields Front st east Toronto By Society Spring Filly Brown and 40 Wellington at west i t J i tit Horses Span in harness a Plow the wiooer to pay 85 Given by Perkins Co Front at east Toronto 2 Brood Mere with evidence of having bad a foal this season given by the Toronto Rubber Co King st west Toron to a Rubber Coat 00 Given by Newmarket in 3 00 Filjv two7eara old Given by J Imperial Hotel Yearling Gelding or Filly given by Frank Dukes Hotel Adelaide cast Toronto 1 Oj Spring Colt or Filly ft Cane Rocking Chair given by Toronto valued By Society fe 1 DO Agricultural are to be too small lo with Draught hut too Urge for General Glass General purpose Horses SecJtetK Span in Mower valued at given by Mfg Co Toronto winner to pay W0 by J Newmarket Furniture Goods Goods given by J Davison Brood Mare with evidence having had a foal this year tit rail gallons Peerless Machine 2 Ointment Axle Grease given by Samuel a a By Reeve of Whitchurch 1 Stallion over throe years old not loaa than band high given by St- George Oak By Stallion two yean old Eagle Newmarket By Society Yearling given by the Rubber Front east Toronto pair pure gum Kneo Boots Hon A Rosa Court House Toronto Span Id harness given by Ma lock Toronto Single Carriage Horse in harness given by Albion Hotel Toronto 0 Brood with of having had a foal this season given by OJ Front Toronto Given by Hotel King strict east a or Tilly two years old given by Christie Toronto a Yearling Gelding or given by flolicltors Toronto Bering Colt or Filly Class in three old given by Peter Toronto two years old given by Kilfiour Wellington st west Toronto and added by Society Yearling Stallion given by John Co ton st Toronto M tad A In given by J Edgar yP Toronto Given by A Toronto 8inglo given by Wilson Homo York street Toronto Given by Cooper A Front at west Toronto Brood Marc with evidence of vii had a foal tide a Clock given by Frank A Co King west Toronto valued at or Filly two year old given by Morgan 1 a Yearling Gelding or Filly given by one year a a a a a Colt or Filly given by J K Korr Solicitor Toronto Society Spring Colt or Filly got by given by Joseph Forsyth House Newmarket 10 3 HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKET FURNISHINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY 00 2 SAFETY Everyone purchasing goods to the value of 150 will receive a number J THE GENTS FURNISHER LUMBER LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH FLOORING SASH AM CUy Co Toronto by James Morrison Adelaide west Toronto 3 Gelding or Filly two bid a Head Light Stable Lamp by A Campbell Newmarket valued at Given by J Brown Toronto 2 By Society t Gelding or Filly a Neck Yoke given by eon Newmarket with addod by Society Given by George Lemon Aurora Spring Colt a Nek Yoke given by J Newmar ket with added by Society 3 Given by J Stokes KiitK a- eat Spring Filly a set Tallied a Given by A THANKFUL FOR THE PATRONAGE OF THE Pi SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WOKE L0WEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO Wl ES AND LIOUO EXCLUSIVELY SLOSTI AT Stock A CALL SOLICITED you ever hud will be 1041 If yon are SBB and do not it a call the BEST WOOD COAL STOVES Id the at low S FOR SALE ALWAYS hand Hoists BhroMblf fthttD sod awiu If ok BEAT AMERICAN AND COAL Oils LAMPS Eta KT Work log Jobbing epceUIty HODGE CO ydsw Largest and Most Complete Stock fa for choose from and our Prices are Lower Lowest Our Motto is Low Prices Good Goods Small and Quick Returns Any person wishing anything in the line of Boot should not forget to call on s NO MAIN H I