-A- JULY 1892 Weir AdviirtisemetttBy Hammer Goods Sutherland Bros Removed Peoples Shoe Store Irrine Day E tort Bees lor Sale Mo Vernon Boat Waaler House for for Bale sUOBTUwitB EACH iSSVK Era Is Printed all at Home nNt FRIDAY JULY 22 Oar Toronto Hon ma of Dominion WorbDfnhATa to erect now the Worm School fl0M on it Erotyiiiie Daring itortn to power boas At Toronto wai struck by And TO will to left fox B wU1aII on m as Got Flower A whUvoanvP throe- two atft0ja Canadas Gov- General Political gossip at Ottawa it hat Lord Stanley will in of the rrsnlt of the re cent British election Ms resig nation in Lord bands be fore the 1st from the Premier ship and a proas despatch says this rumor not mere bat founded on the belief of attach ed to the Generals One circumstance which goes to con firm this notion is the fact that His Excellency has been engaged ever Perl prorogued things order at his office on Par liament Bill something he not personally supervised or attended to the po litico over years ago Under the resignation is not strange his term would expire next spring anyway so that this action would only be anticipating the in evitable a few months lord Stanley is known to have accepted the office with reluctance and the opportunity to be relieved from the position may now possibly be taken advantage of without Lord or discredit to him self Canadians therefore need not be to hear a successor to the present Governor being named before tie Christmas holidays The next one will be a Liberal the foregoing waspnt in type the Empires Ottawa correspondent state that these most capible of knowing take no stock in the above rumor and the impression prevails tun Lord will remain to the end of bin Upper Canada Saturday last completed the year since the establishment of representative government in bis formerly celled Upper Cnad and the day was duly celebrated by a grand demon- in the old town of where on September the firet was opened Ac cording to a proclamation by Governor the name of George III on the of July dividing Province into nineteen count the county of York was a very largo one from the western boundary of the county of Durham on the East to the then Thames river in the West and was divided into two Hidings hut only had one representative The following account of the day i celebration last Saturday comment of hundredth birth day wo clip from the Telegram In honor of the days anniversary all Government offices throughout Ontario wero closed and the Pro vincial given a holiday Sir Oliver Premier of the is an extract from Sir Olivers on the as reported in Toronto bad bam British British asms was all to sad on British lo oat thai abooM coat Ihsm After rasonro of Do minion Bit Oliver Saeh b sod this woo Ihs British blood and treasure bean to Its for and as in bis As ths grows In sod an sad nut be an lhv to bo Sea of bops for torn of fedaraUfe that what wsgivs to UritaVSUtM as soma hop not bow I Or when the cooes for some important as the olbar go for the of Canada Into an cation believe that gnat mass of people would ptefer to political onion with other people And so woold J As a Canadian not willing that Canada should cesse to be Fallow Canadians are Cries of Ho I am not willing Canada commit nations Are Cries of No- I am not wUUdK that aboold be absorbed Into the Uolted State Are Cries of I am not willing both British con nection and hope sHtv ball be destrojed forever I dont want to belong to a nation in which both political rattles have for party porposes to vie with one other exhibiting Ibis haired I dont want to belong to a cation In which a suspicion that a political has a friendly to wards the nation of the origin of the them his defeat at the polls Ko 1 dont wsotannuetloo prefer Ills I coffer to ills annexa tion Involve I my nation the nation of oar father and I shall not will- join any nation hates Dr for Dr and Sheriff of Hamilton slso spoke In a loyal a tain lit Society is points Kb cos to warn about A for the Commons byeelection has been Issued fiied for and polling The Crop tiic4 it Park from Aug fllol5 ad mm btaretfail gel copy dropping port card to Mr King The Mimic for on ftr So of York a lud of To- both to North tod ibscitjr- of men ud we oil of doc not into operation till ism This will giro to in the of oil who to Judge ohlg of city of To- hare added pal 3900 The nj do not perl for the politico of of who wanted rote la oor the of Sir a ha Ihtt to I lhat com held cot yet for tfaertfore clear policy to A of Ibo liojiij of will ympttbiu la the which now 355 The lo wre to go for the will gifo the a of Mr la iJ decided however cot to till after a for mat of of confide dm carried which on look for a to to to Lord at the nut of Mayor and eooa art ping at lira family art here on a Stooo of the A A- la a wk at Point Him Hernia a of in the city Rose Big Bay for fonr or fire Mr and from Brant- ford in Mr and of Toronto spent with her niter John of KawnthON lo town lavit wek her daughter Albeit Mr Andrew on a of Mr P J amending two months at Pickering with of Toronto Tailing with her Mr Pros pect ATenne for a of A- and A Terry attended CboniicQ at Toronto last and over with Mr Mr C Belfry Mr Wen and H Smith iltK Sea and Mr Phillip wife and two children Toronto are a week Mr Mr pit of the Chnrch hew Sab bath morning U preached an Mr Albert of who holidays tho city with Mr Oeca on Sir and wifo of been Mr of Toronto wajfdaowith them of King and her daughter Hall of Toronto a of this Water St Miss Edith head milltoer of firm of Stephens of home to dropped off hero for a abort visit with her Mr Moffat Mr end wife of Newton Brook were week Thay were on trip to yirit Collingwood ud and dropped off here for a of Cody teaofaer in the Primary here to to tbe remainder of the with Ellen Cody her young stater who bean very id at home La now ant T and two children from were at They will apend three week with in Newmarket and Bradford Mr formerly worked in the old Hat Factory Mr P for North York and family to their residence Street for the genial face of the lawyer fanoer ha la called may now be al most daily on oar greeting old friend Mr of writes Cnie orer and see friends sir and Mr J now ia Old are good and In good expect them yet loIy Mr RtfoYtl the Gotham lis our for a coaataat supply New In lbs World Bat It a cartoon on the political is as in the notice Wasted a chairman for my national committee Secret politicians in a lift- tost away from the while sod Piatt are flutiotf In the like sIiumI Centre Cook homo from her visit at to bare enjoyed It Mr Fox has returned after fats Va cation aod reporta a time Mrs John is on ft weeks visit at her fathers Hiss la was the of Miss Letitia Tate last week Miss Arnold and Miss Thomp son were at Sharon Sunday Indications are not wanting fore shadowing interesting events in this neighborhood Boulakobb f Master Henry and Annie and Maggie Emerson are spending a few weeks with their Mr Emerson Miss has been spend ing a few days with friends in vicinity Mr spending a week or two with his ion Mr J Mrs J has returned from her visit with her The farmers have commenced hay ing in this to the rains the fruit looks backward Rev Mr Allan occupied pulpit bere on Sunday morning and deliver ed a very instructive sermon Mrs Means has returned from her visit with her Wash ington Territory Mr and Mrs Treviis Snnday at their fathers Mr John PROCLAMATION the Free sad of the Town of Newmarket and vicinity First- Class Pair of Boots or Shoes go to the PEOPLES SHOE STORE For Style Quality snd Price they lead No bankrupt stock no Job lota Their goods are bought direct from the beat ana factor rs Yon will God on hand foil apply of Ladies sod Footwear from old reliable For 8quara Dealing and they rank firat In We call your special attentia to oar man tori department We uie none bat choicest material snd employ but Workmen can guarantee to those treating their orders In hands the most entire sstlafsctioo A call solicited PONT FORQET THE PLACE Opposite Main St Newmarket IRVINE CO To Main Street the building formerly occupied bv Messrs J Millard Co as a Furniture Warehouse There are four floors feet wide by 100 feet long which we have packed with goods from Basement Roof And now for a Queen St Chit Chat to to oar Life Around lis Bui Tub to South Kit week la the return of Hon Iwsrd by elmott The j sf as follows Hod Home 265 Mr Miller 3t7 bee now natfvsboin In the l ii and as the will bare a the House be will have the of a sest on the enabling toh an adviser to of the office It bow Mr will have a majority of not lei then was early oa the Col Hamilton la bis fall regimentals as of Hides sad a whole of veterans every corner York and Peel At oclock however the passage was saoceufallv begun and the part on lauding was met by the Mayor and Town Council- to gether with the and So cieties who visitors a Niagara party at once proceeded to the embattle- meats of Fort where a pro- cession was formed to the town park At this point lUeatQovernorSlmooes proclamation of exactly a hundred Years ago was reread and Canon acting as cbsplaln read prayers the Identical book used by John in 177 livertd a atirrlbe and speech and rededication closed with the tbo Nation al and three cheers lor the The owd was enormous and the rf at IU pitch was followed by a in the a which trlotio by Hon- Ikes Dr anIr some stlrHmj maainJby tie Army nod front rVisi of Monday ffitta the following of a fatal accident at Alfred Patrick firt or the Commons is at the hotel fiveoolockthlsinoroiag from Injorlea a fall on afternoon Mr croued the If ke on Friday to Caoada health On he had loochaualth Kfikpatilcka Jo the While the was a he to the leading to the platform bat and falling Mi head Strange lo say he back to the hotel alone do one the accident till ten he was of hi Collision on the St July occurred on the division of the Grand Trunk Kail way between St Catherines and near the the new canal this rooming the express colliding with local for Port Four per sons are reported killed and about twentr Injured far throe dead bodies hay taken oat of the wreck and half people are more or leas injured killed are of Port the of train head smashed and he was in stantly killed Hunt baggage man on the Erie flyer head swashed instantly killed A of Iron Works Buffalo head smashed Instantly killed but body taken from tho water An being held The Wright of of srriyed lutowoyesUfdsy sndwUlsrtaiMasekssl A Street North Mr Will 8 Cody is hie father Allen Cody who Intends tak ing a trip to the during holidays Wo are pleased to Miss Mary Phillips back to street again also Miss Cody who has been teaching Mount Albert Mrs Frank Jenkins who been away for a visit for time has returned to etreet where expects to remain for a time We have a now keeper in the person of Finny Mr Bell has removed to the residence known Ha- lie pry property Holland Landing The of a cordial reception to their no clergyman Ho v A- who officiated for tho first time lest afternoon vestry of showed somo time ago a strong to be separated from bat the new arrangement by which Hol land landing and Mount Albert congregations are now united promises good rrsolts for concern ed Mr la a graduate in Arte of college Montreal he distinguished himself In natural science and has won high honors daring his divinity course at Trinity college Toronto The Sunday services at Holland will be at 11 oclock la morning week when time came serve op our weekly dish of bash Era readers we were earning bread by the sweat of the brow in hayfield Hope yon were Dot disappointed at the nonappearance of the items remember that too of a good thing is good for nothing included Am to hear that the binding ladies liked the taffy we sent them through this column Figuratively Breaking we like to catch the girl who didnt like either taffy or com They would be a rare bird Practically we would have no use for such useless an ornament to our cage We used to like taffy alio when a little kid When oar Sab- bith School teacher patted as on little cranium and said were a good boy we thought it was so but now we know it was taffy The good die young i Friend do you know this street boasts of beat the town ship We know to a where of we speak haying proved it by sampling their provisions Ill not specify when there are so many good ones If you have any doubts of the troth of my statement attend any garden parties on street and have practical proof We remark with pleasure the im provement in the sidewalks of hot there is stillroom for more Go on with the good work boys and thus earn the gratitude of a long- suffering public and maybe save a suit for damages Last week one of Toronto burly peelers was at bis fathers Mr Jonathan Bond of Ibis When bis massive proportions sud denly towered over- wo in clined to doage and declare wo bad not done but observing the merry twinkle of eye we know he wasnt on warpath If wo ever are we hope to be gathered in by as fine a cop as Bond Some of of are too fly They need a bell on their necks A bad littlo boy placed a stone wrapped paper on the walk hoping I suppose that someone would It and thus ratio a howl of agony Wouldnt kick It oh no cant fool old bird with chaff Try other dodge bub Poor Aurora Let hor croakers crow We wonder if they have sub sided yet or do their howls of delight float midnight breexe like the yowls of tout cote or like let loose Wo im agine we hear editor of Banner joining In the wild ye a of victory Hoop her up again Aurora Tiger I Its your last perhaps In reading of the coutret of it called to mind lines When meets Greek then comes the tug of war No doubt worked like Trojans to win Did you see the anrora on Saturday night It was really mag- It Is beyond mans po produce anything equal to natures wonders Looking for pointers 1s a common salutation to always Whats Oct of genius tramps travelling our atrcet this season who required use of two canes to anlst bit found the use of Ills vary suddenly chased by some boys in on Saturday night Mr of Second at The Garden Party on evening under the of the I a grand Rev Largo the chair in a very efficient manner and hi story of the degrees was a good one Speeches were given by Mr Card De puty High Chief Ranger and Mr Ratoliff The other speaker announced Dr being io the United States was not present as expected excellent songs were rendered and a good time gen erally Lots of good was sop- plied by the Band Before the close of the month a considerable pert of the fall wheat in this section will bo harvested Farmers are busy haying For some reason there not been quite so many private parties passing op through here on their way to Lake dar ing last but there plenty of time yet The weather however not been the most favorable for Several members of Court went to Sutton on Wed nesday to assist in in that plaoe Card dsoghters also Miss of were in the villftge on Tuesday Wright Fogg left on Tuesday night to visit his eons in Winnipeg Some time daring Tuesday night the stables at tbo were entered and part of a of taken Wo understand guilty parties were caught at Sutton Walker Hoi born a bike Casey getting If Know all would get one we would have quite a Large and Fred are spending their holidays picking op Indian around T Pocket C leave this reward OR SALE CHEAP- to for light work J FOR Si Of Summer Goods We are determined to clear out this seasons stock rather carry over until next if low prices are of any use Prices are marked in Plain Figure- customers can judge for themselves On many lots we loose prices than they You are respectfully invited to walk through the basement and each floor and find out what we are doing Basement and each floor lighted by Electric Light The Crockery and Glassware Department in the basement is 100 feet long where will you find such an assortment outside of a city will surprise you with the Prices marked on Dress Goods Straw Goods Beaded Wraps Parasols and Tweeds We have given up the Tailoring Trade consequently clearing out the Cloths hut the No lima to DM PR WESLEY ANTED Country girl pre- as No St July Clothing we are in larger than ever and a better stock than ever Straw Hate Men and Boys are cut in price and many lots in eacli Department ens th 1892 IS OF THE 10 i Tuesday fife boroby to moil at their ON- July a 130 AT A Proceesiou Societies FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking p lsvllet market A tho bo hold Iodic ftfo cor AN D- Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Royal Hold Telephone Connection In iho tbo wHo of Mr- It- of ton heir Allied Id vrlfo of Mi of July to Alt- JkNHiNOtt July Jstcob Jcontoifj on Iho last- tho of Iter- a ooii Of Of WANTED girl At to poison WANTED- A once- ivagee to A UOURISON lECORATIf DAY members of Ao to lioet at Hal July at In onlcl to take part In the services DUNCAN sfellnxllir coil ray of Mount Albert Dr Forest had a on Fri day Ho was home driving a coll It reach rig Dr was dragged some distance but not aerioaily hart Mr J is friends ia this locality Mrs How Is ill with in- flemmattoo Mr A from his sredditig trip bat did cot bring bis bettor half with him Wo may expect her tome time this week oat or a warming The went to on He The report a grand time and Mrs Porter are at Toronto vjsltfog The Her his arranged to hold services In the at p who has ill with typhoid fever is reported letter by hi medical at tendant Bill cor will find our is ail right If we dine with him times and do justice to Lis vrowV pics and cake J Thank you well call timo end exchange greetings Mr John Wright of St jait returned from Wilting with his father I Geo Wright of Queensvlllo John Is one of oar clever boys Whom the Americans anxious to secure as cltltens hero In when any one gets any new the you hear is has there been a re In a Now can get all they like and wo hear of it even If dyldg for the to know It editor pose thinks they are to speak for Just send something good to p to the sanctum Von bet yoa bear of It Aaron has a town lot somewhere in tho preolnots of bat think it will s searchwarrsnt to find It It Be does oot soon cut If they wore sou bet theyd bo oat them down Aaron they look bad Old All Julrfitbbr Iter 8 oo of Gray of to Aids Bradford on Julr at idencoof Mr Jo Mr of to to If J of Bradford on loitbrtbo Bmltb Mr Slick of Pollock lis- At tho of Lbs bride oo by Rider l Mr llob Pollock to J of North Owllllmbury July by Hot J Archer at tho Methodist sua Port Charles Poller B A Principal of Hah School- formerly of Newmarket School Alma J of senior do- CHINA HALL to Wu tat Of Public School Port Church by X to Mrs fc WioTomb- Id of P usH J deiughUr JetiV on I ho luLa KlUhJohosvofltn IboTWh of OihhaOT At Hi Mr lit fcROADSOirSE MAIN NEWMAIKCTi All will prompt NSnOKrJ OK BALE at a BARGAIN a West oca Won Lass most tovro p WlUEip nearly Lot about aero aod is one the fiBf to Peas at a tad wo SALS and tools for sale at BUoasa Jut Folly for preserving SUGAR Do you know tfacro sovcial too I have and St Lawrence ftakes Thoyaro the beat made containing coat Sugar Boo that you got It I OF IT Brown Sugars fOgSS prices i gals plots prices TEA Is what I a specialty of as my Japan at or lbs for proves by its largo sale Also Ooogous ami Hysons I give extra fine value or your money Valoo In CROCKERY AND- GLASSWARE SETS TEA SETS TOILET 8ETS The Leading Grocery for Reliable Goods A SMITH Main St Cor Timothy COME And see the GoodB and find out the prices they will talk for themselves CASH AND ONE PRICE a a 67 MAIN ST i BROS a BARGAIN S r I Wo are still selling that wonderful value in ten it equal lo any tea sold in town at cents or refund your money OUR PRICE IS ONLY CENTS PER POUND BRUNTON BROS BOOTS AND at st WM i SUGAR We have sold tons of GRANULATED SUGAR and still have plenty left which we are selling at PERpWT BRUNTON BROS PRESS GOODS Sensible people the fact that it does not tojbuj are priced If consider tin quality of Boots and Shoes we are sell- ing them WT than any house in the trade and guarantee every We buy our Bootsfind Sow- direct from the makers we buy only from the reliable manufacturers Price and quality teed right every time We have the most A ten- of Clothe and Wo are offering the Choic Tweeda of Toron0i est and Most Complete Stock of Dress Goods We ira- ported these goods vou and can and do save you up the best style as middle mans profit BROS cheap as others charge for slop made clothing BROS icy- I- I CI t fa St tic lis