Newmarket Era, 29 Jul 1892, p. 1

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C r THE NEWMARKET very Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON at STEAM REACHED 2000 mm saw ME THE TO KNOW TO UTTER TO CONSOLENCB ALL OTHER I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 27 I Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday July Strictly in Advance within 3 or 60 at end of year BANK Xewmahket A QENEIUL Interest Allowed on at bat- DRAFTS ISSUED AT All Note sourn THOMAS J to OUCiIOft CONVEYANCES OFFICE flivlioa Court PER CENT s CASE Etc Klftff Street ust- a A J Unfair tit AiQStwl Vowourkett 5tolOAM2lo8PMDd I to utile Pent to Pott if lock it Ejclfactlnr MARRIAGE LICENSES At it 02c CLOCK MAKER WRIGHT Co HEADQUARTERS FOR MILK PAILS STRAINER PAILS CREAM PAILS MILK PANS CREAMERS MILK STRAINERS BARREL DASH CHURNS Will meet oof tlmo or to So Toronto IN CANADA O0LUUBIA UNITED MANITOBA ap axa UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal Oil THE BEST W No to iti House Telephone No Repairing done promptly WRIGHT CO NEWMARKET SPRING Fare gold fcnd 19 hind jO Life XT Accol Old Cor So I Terrace 7 STORE 1892 A IN Monument and neadttonei Of ami and UaIq Servo Ontario CANADA LIFE AS3UKANCB CO PSTABLiaUBD -CAPITAL- AND DOLLARS A A for Ecu Commercial Jffcli cl Tin tjgR fiultlbf it44td for niifrt4tiitiu0 all txaloi Kit- PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE CONSISTING OP Bar Iron and Steel Wooden ware and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Barbed Annealed Galvanized Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty At policies aim after in I J CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle MARKED B iLirrrrHS Non Oil Newmarket BOOK NEWS DEPOT DUNN BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND IN CANADA A AKtDlfortttMM- LcMiHtcdrJ10 WJ Bed wWniEwWi tirt not olcitd J PO til ACCIDENT lVKSlKCUOP Wall and Ceiling in Largo Variety and Latest SPECIAL ATTENTION CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE W N STARR lui1neuonniurnc and J THE KEY TO HEALTH Photos I Photos I Xl MIlW No He MUSI CI I a of Music t all clogged the Bowels Kidneys and Liver without thofts lto ail lh and of Cor recting Acidity of tho Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness of tho Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Q PEPPIATT HAVING Mr W ibt ho MAINTAINING THE LEAD tfirD oat work equal la work aod far Rheum Erysipelas win or Heart Her- 1 la crayon or on and General nli ova tl V motto lVV of f alio t Mr to flood CO Proprietors Toronto outfit to IUvdorotlcMt Wo on a lo CHASE BROTHERS COT D0mU Colbomt out FINK BEST ROLLER FLOOR Kept Conatantly on Hand Chopping Feed eto BEATTYS ORGANS AND PIANOS For WASHINGTON A tba ldi of it- into a of lb mat oldiAjtogi result of her At poor At ft nil fat a Am ijrj a bright as a weak ft rat rood a Aj u ft A nil aji a March bare Af i fair ft Aa rich Aa cross as ft a ftoge As Qeataaa amart as a trap Aaagly As as a door Ai flit as a As as a As to black as Aa brown a berry blind u a As a Aa fall a tick Ag as ft partridge ft slick As ft ft D6DLj7 As dark as ft pall bard as a As bitter as nail As ft fiddle As a bell dry a a As a As hard as a rock a poker As ad a clock as a as a Aod let mo atop weary of BBIKGtfuo tojtho presence of uric acid tho blood most effectual cured by tho rllli euro you get other and take ft till poisonous acid Is thoroughly from system Wo nutation to this testimony I About two after suffering lor two from rheumatic wing to with and- liaytug tried various Including mineral without relief I saw on moot In ft Chicago that a loan had been relieved of com plaint after long by I then decided of thW medicine took Jt regularly for months and am pleased to state that It boa effected A complete cure I have had no re turn of the Mrs Irvine Dodge Weil it One year I taken ill with Jcflawiaatory con fined to toy house months out of the much debili tated with no lite and my system every I and at once lu and coon recovering my health J cannot nay too In iiitdlcloe Mrs A Btnrk Nashua it Dr J Co Lowell Mass VtW Hi a PURE WWDERED PUREST All ftW If to attach AKTUUII j Nearly a Wreck the following tale came to direct from the lips of western and ia ad actual in the wild and woolly west We give it in bis own words In my experience with the telegraph business I was located at a piece called Medicine a am all group of shanties on the Northern Pacific railroad as operator ticket agent and express Hat could be among towns as being thirty mite from What little business on ac count of a mining village some thirty to the The entire of Hat con Id have easily crowded into the little villago station One night a day of most sultry weather that I had ex perienced for months I was detained at my on account of delayed A continuous roll of thunder accompanied by sharp Dashes of light- iti the warned inc of an approaching storm I rotted and fumed wanted to get to my boarding shanty about a quarter of a luiln up road the storm broke I was leaning back in my musing over the events that had brought me west a voice broke upon toy ears Hold up your bands up saw a huge revolver pointed tbroogh window in the well through which I sold tickets and behind it a weird mask with terrible shining eyes In endeavor ing to comply with command my chalrswungarqund my head struck edge of tadle and unconscious I rolled to the floor When I regained my senses I found myself lying on the floor of the outer waitingroom bound hand and foot with a bad looking fellow standing guard over toe with a Winchester The storm had broken over us and wind lightning and thun der something terrible All at my trained ear caught the sound of a sounder and turning my head perceived a man at my desk working away at my key Ho wore a but this did not the that ho was young man A the characters were off and came to my ears I know ho was fooling his way as to tho location of the delayed trains I also noticed that he frequently arose and made use of ground the switchboard which cut off the main in which was tho train runner of division At frequent Intervals sharp cracks of would reecho through the room as they struck the arrester on switch But the man worked on totally oblivious of his Suddenly I the drift of what bo was sending over tho and was horrified to that ho was trying to manipulate the train orders so as to cause a wrack Trains and passed each other about five mites the road from my station and he was sending oat orders with a cool steady hand to train siding about ten miles east of Medlolne Hat and to train to pass at place These orders havo thrown the two trains heavily laden with passengers and ox press matter together ysry near my station could easily bear the sounder and from bis orders knew the would bo wrecker was an expert tolegraph thoroughly familiar with train rauolog Every now and then the would raise bis hand from key as a more severe stroke of woald in over the wire but he was too Intent on his deadly work to desist tramp of boots on the platform outside me that the contemplated wreok was an organized scheme for robbing company and passengers Muttered curses frequently came from the man at plans for wrecking trains would meet with obstante la of from the line would not follow the new order of without folly their import My J was iu a terrible whirl I frequently strained at my bind to get my hands lav age from my warned mo to bo careful or my life not be worth On of the train being behind I they be poshed to their by the to make up for lost time and if they to gather the wreck would ft horrible continued to iocreue in force ftud peal after peal of reechoed oyer and the little Still the at Che key kept steadily at work won v tug web of destruction Sudden ly he out a of mingled action and glee that fixes tho in utter all right baa signed at the wafer tank and in ten theyll go together Tell the men to spread oat up- He never finished the A at tbo a shriek from the wrecker and the appeared to be on maw of My guard rushed from the building and with a mighty effort I my and pulled myself through the little was as dry as tinder oil from the trainmens lamps added to the combustible nature of make up and a moment were out In every part of it With loud cries several of the confederates dashed toward little room to pull their leader out but heat drove them back and were heard op the country road coming toward the atatiou thuy all disappeared in darkness A roan Humpy Logan untied log us hands were on account of the groat urea occasioned by the tightness of thonjpi and quickly situation to hunted up a lamp end dashed down tho track and the curve in opadireotion while swung tho lantern upon the train coming down straight piece of track to station in another rection My lantern not seen by the engineer but station acted as a danger and train drew up at station engineer totally ignorant danger they were escaping and only intent upon helping to subdue flftinea words or plained to engineer and of pasfiengera that gathered around and as train rounded curve from the substantiating my story or of a prayer meeting there and then would have been an easy mat tun engineers of both trains with their conductor bald a consultation and finally becked to next fiiding followed by end was straightened out next day tho rem bid of would be wrecker found in ruins of bouse and railroad companys physician after holding an autopsy declared that the had only been stunned by the lightning while had smothered and then lo a crisp In all my experience with lightning that holt that ever hugged a and the lucky stars of tho people on those two trains were undoubtedly in ascendant on that terrible night The identity of dead roan was learned and no to the gang was rediscovered but there was neve another attempt at train wrecking at that point w Interesting Items From Everywhere Pa There Is church in the town of Bergen Norway is built entire- ly of paper It can set one thous and persons In comfort and has been rendered waterproof by a solution of quicklime curdled milk and white or ejus A ma Ho tube connects Paris with Berlin it is used for postal purposes and makes it for a letter mailed la Paris to he delivered la Berlin la thirtyfive minutes A cold brick recently from Arizona to tisn Francisco Is said to bo worth In a In West Virginia recently the hailstones like great chunks of loo and smashed windows and made targe holes la the tin roofs of the houses that their way If these storms would bo more and atone In summer time the Ice bills of of some of us would be largely reduced Clocks regarded as curiosities by the Hindoos and for this reason half a or more timepieces are often found In apartments of the wealthy Hindnstanees They are not used as timepieces but simply for ornament since the oldfashioned way of telling the hour of the day in India by calculation the number of bamboo lengths son has above the horizon is entirely satis- to natives It Is said hat In the country police stations in where European division of Is observed time is measured by placing In a tub of water a copper pot in which a small hole has been It Is supposed that It will take one hour to fill It sink It When the pollcemsn sees that the pot has disappeared he hour ona gong If ho it or the pot may have disappeared several minutes before he discovers hut the hour Is when be strikes the July A lad named in Hough ton while working with a grass scythe managed to cut one of his aojJ the half of his other foot Women as Although glovemaking Is not so universal an occupation as teaching or dress- making nevertheless it sop- ports of women and is in most an exceptionally pleas ant employment The stronghold of in America is in New York on edge of- the Adirondack wilder- and it to a woman that tradi tion gives credit of its The early settlers some whom were tin pedlars wnro to fiodauso for alt the deerskins they took in for their goods it occurred to Aunt to trans form them into gloves and mittens These proved very durable and sold so redily that soon the tincarts were converted into first men did Utile beyond dressing the leather and selling tho gloves tho laborious task of making being monopolized by tbe women A wooden pattern was aid on the leather marked with a pencil cot with sheers and sewed by hand The seams were then pounded and the gloves laid between two boards open which maker fiat while pair The inven tion of heavy dies took tbe cutting from women and gave it to men that women have never lacked employment is evident from the fact that of thousands of grow of gloves and mittens manufactured annually every one bears womans work in some form or other The most peculiarity of glove industry today la the great of small shops in place of two factories seen in other manufacturing centres It is perhaps largely on account that the girls and women employed are of so high a type Pretty re fined ladylike are adjectives fre quently used to describe these work- era who Buffer loss in social standing from their devotion to sewing Indeed wives of several of wealthy manufactur ers are former shop girls the now laws have gone into effect and a woman is employed as factory inspector are not ad mitted to shops undor fourteen years of ago Their first work is usually ends This con sists in drawing through from right to the wrong of glove the of silk or thread left by the workers and trying them to prevent ravelling cents day is the moat that can be made at this work and bright girl soon leaves it to run a The various styles of machines used are placed together in a largo room aod in smallest shops all run by or electricity Fifty cents a week is paid by each worker for power which Is more than good by dozen prices somewhat with quality of the work foreman always speaks of the great in individual Two girls may sit side by side doing kind of work and yet will finish twice as many dozen as tho other ordinary workers a dollar and a half a day those who put silk stitching on the wrists and backs of the gloves average two dollars a day The overstitch workers those who sow the parts together with an overstitch seam on the out side can make three a day highest wages paid to women These seem great wages for shop girls but their expenses reduce amount somewhat Each newcomer must purchase generally in stalment plan a machine at an aver age of aixtyhvo dollars Anxious to get through as many dozen as possible the girls ran their machines at tho top of their speeo and break downs frequent Then pay for repairs which are al ways expensive white needles are broken so that a girls needle bill often tea or twelve dollars a year A women we kept busy in sorting pasting and mending gloves come from the cutting room various parts wbioh form a pair aro laid together In packages of a dozen or more marked with the stamp of various cutters These must all bo looked over and any takes In cutting or defects In discovered and corrected A stiff lining is pasted to of some styles while others need lining flannel The finished gloves show poor work In some rips must bo sewed up or careless sewing over in others thumb pieces which have been put In the wrong way must be changed These handworkers are paid by tho day and though they cannot earn as much as who ran the machines the work Is easier and the room quieter and more pleas ant Harper Too lata for last weak Strange trustees of No en to make new school Ho I of the and for this pur potu have engaged Wiles sad Mo formerly of to do Geo Sinclair also of received contract for brickwork and plastering The trustees say second to none the Dominion A feather In your cap A and M are the overseers Mrs MoOallam after a long visit to Mount Forest has returned homo J and Rolling shown pleasant faces alter ten months of bard stody at Aurora Messrs MoOallum and Wiles also received of a barn belonging toT K Ferguson of bis former being struck with lightning and destroyed by fir a short time ago Mr Murray of this is at ft stood to get this summer or wait four long- or He says ha hu had several pro posals J Sinclair and Will upon becoming tired of farming through the hot summer bought an awning sod deserted our village for Bands Like camping grounds It hoped by the surrounding commu nity that the boys will return in few weeks with rosy cheeks as they look ed very pate whoa leaving Mr I McOtllam has joined the volunteers and every day is teen travelling the streets looking for blood Everyone he will make ft one WHEAT I Ttirre is always moral flueooo about a piano If It Isnt up right it is square Municipal taxes In Barrio will be levied at the rate of mills on the dollar The Beat Meats for sandwiches should be boiled tbo day before than after re moving skin and gristle they should be pot in packing tins heavily weighted set in a cool place over night writes A Lewis seasonable article on Lawn Parties and Oat Door Fetes in July Some Journal in very slices Bread day old is beat and a very sharp knife Is needed for cutting it into thin slices not over three inches square These buttered may be daintily filled with ham salad sardines or what ever likes Then cut pieces of confectioners paper just large enough to cover the neatly Place them side by side closely packed and they will preserve their shape without breaking paper is not to bo removed until served most also be day old and for picnic a little extra dour in stirring an extra five or ten minutes baking will ensure a firmer crust Frosting if put on hot doe not crackle and fall off are more desirable than loaf cake as are also and gem cakes Jelly and cream lions are seldom nice for serving- made of jellies fruit or sweets beat cooked turnover fashion the pastry covering filling entirely Lay them in paper covers and they thus carry very conveniently orange strawberry rasp berry or corrent juices be extracted then sweetened when well dissolved bottled can then bo prepared by adding two of the liquid a tum bler of water All juices combined make a delicious drink Strong colfeo or tea may also be prepared and in the same way Bright tin mugs are more convenient than tumblers and there is no danger of breakage Hampers with several trays aro more desirable for packing Ordinary lunch baskets are a difficulty White oners paper should bo used for lining the basket and for separating the different kinds food also for covering neatly individual pieces crackers must ho put in tight boxes Plates too heavy bat bright new biscuit tins the square shapes best are very useful in packing and with fringed napkins laid inside they servo well for in handing food Paper napkins are boat Whatever is to be eaten last should be at tho bottom of hamper and that to be served first at the top Fruit pickles and cheese must not bo forgotten According to the London Daily the total vote of stands for Home Bate and against it is increasing in Rossis and private letters state the disease is raging along the whole of Trans railway Turpentine applied to any bruise or severe out will give the suf ferer instantaneous relief and In every case will prevent an attack lockjaw A sneak thief entered Levi bath house Barrio and ab stracted the sum of from pocket of a vest which on the wall The Minister of Justice pardoned a Toronto boy named John Lyons who was sentenced to five years in the Reformatory about 12 months ago On Thursday Sept 1st the first county convention of the Peoples Societies of Christian Endeavor will be held the Church Barrio Out July Tfae voting on the Toronto Hamilton Buffalo Railway bylaw for took place today The bylaw carried by a majority of The Globe has commenced an agitation lot adoption of the registration system the same as is now ued the United States in preparation of both provincial federal voters lists What Old Man to say What absurd little things people quarrel about I What trivial matters cause illfeeling In families 1 The mutton being roasted too little or the beef too much an opinion about the temperature of the home or the style of curtains that ought to be bought for front windows the definition of a word or its pronuncia tion are things that might be pteaaantly about but are not topics worth ft quarrel when peace end good will ore of so much Import In the A littlo Illfeel ing Is like a seed that may grow Into a large tree which will shadow tho whole house Many a man and woman must look hack with regret on the hasty word or cold reproach which was the entering wedge that split a household in two and yet how make a point of uttering the soft word that turn- away wrath I Quarrelling la one of the original sins for the babies sitting on the will fall out over their toys and one will push down tho block tower that other bit built with great pains and there will be a name called and a made and a slap given mamma will bo to settle a quarrel no truth can be got at for each Is right his own has been wronged by the other So It is through life A reasonable quarrel about great matters may be settled and tbe parties mado friends again but little tiffs about nothing are such foolish Intangible things that reason cannot overcome them Wilson Star The aroma of the tobacco leaf Is so completely conserved In the manufacture of Myrtle Navy that age no effect In diminishing It even after tfae plug been kept for years It elves Its full flavor under the in the mellowed In tone by Its age and making the most smoke which tobftooo can be mode to give Age too hard ens the structure of plug and gives to the tobaoso when out thai almost granular appearance in which all dough The United States Senate Friday of the bill passed previous day by House of Representatives providing for retali ation against Canada it the matter of canal tolls Tho measure into on August 1 Whan Fall A dispute over the division of plunder resulted in the arrest at of John Milton and John Smith two men who recently robbed a hardware store in stOck A large number of rarer end ilber articles proceed of the robbery were found in the men July 22 The 7yearold ton of Stephen a farmer on the concession of Luther who wee on a visit to his grandfathers Mr William Clark on the lino of went out to the hay field which his uncle was cutting with a reaper and stepped In rent of of his feet being cot off at ankle is to have a agriculture fair thousand dollars to be spent horse racing adds Additional pritea are offered in fruits plants fioe arts etc The fair managers have evidently learned how to draw a to a purely agricultural fair fair proper is to be what tbe menagerie is to the circus an for pious people A satisfactory arrangement has been between tne Gov ernments of United States and Chill respecting the to be paid by the latter on of the assaults made upon the crew of Seventyfive thousand dollars In gold is distributed among the families of the two men who lost their lives and he surviving members of crew who Vera Wounded J VVT maritime province delegates arrived evening from Edmonton express themselves in terms of most unstinted of the Edmonton district say that on whole they were more then pleased with British Columbia whet they had seen Manitoba Tbey think Edmonton tbe finest and prophesy that before years Alberta will contain a popula tion or There is now on exhibition in Paris a boat which it Is said Is as a reproduction eon be of the caravel which took Christopher to America The ship floats around in a large basin whose edge is mode to represent the shore of Island on which lauded and there are Indians and other to give realism to the picture A pantomime represent ing the landing of Columbus on the shores of the New World Is given A Lindsay paper says Local and foreign frog catchers are doing big holiness at present In Ibis district and large quantities are be ing shipped by the buy era to Toronto and Now York The paid the catcher averages about shilling per pound but when served up In a fashionable city res- large prices are paid They have become an estab lished luxury and fully five hundred dosen are eaten In Lindsay rsnts weekly The Minister of Railway Canals has returned to the Capi tol from Marie thoroughly satisaed evidently with the progress of work upon the canal There Is an Immense quantity of material on hand and the contractor hope shortly to begin building He found the upper and lower approaches In a forward state with every pros pect of their completion this season The lock excavation Is bow nearly finished and a large of sand aid lumber for the is on the ground possible that within few weeks will bo made log i

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