Newmarket Era, 29 Jul 1892, p. 3

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Writ Mr A A bare tot op which Of Sfreer ih of Mr Fran It or ten from lb Lienors Mitch return Match a of iMfcDJorolDgndRT Smllb la day Mr Geo of hit fir gar Ike ftsiorr- beta pretty u cue of Mr bat ft before It eealdad Ton day bat cow batter Point QimD A oat lb Oat boar etch moil amptojad faMig T ia amy to m thai in carried oal About ballet ted gn on Saturday and a of red tad black were ilexes the owner to iitsd that if again aba would There were eight la race leal for Frank i ranch tot them and earns In Tim a Tbi make fox him to t Mario by the Bui for When good loiwia piling pre- want to know where to pat cauette bell at lb lowest price telling Qua Sagar at per lotra They alto bare at Next It tfwtiT Heeling la of Anrora will at irtlb a at lie It oVlcck preaebleg did not tile fit tlruek by Some time curly in a by ice Hit OH it ft for lite Id the fit tat Dp Cccubh A Wasted A shot Son lilt and colored Iwkej can it In jKdkud a cool tommer of in the lave Wen folio Snndaf SO A few mora like aill tike moat people Co down wide width tinea to that acre 5 and choice of an lot down to and alto re duced of In for a redaction In Down A bridge Sec- Mr a load of brick it for the wagon wii drawn est ly we had called 19 the condition of lb Era A bridge la now w and ad afternoon and In a to weather of Bind the cinrob good at eat oat a Mr Aaron of fndecaal the Parka tie laid as coow- Ibt and floed The WaterWork In good Tbt Helot era Mr The men are now galling to iba fllockpipeop at Raairofr wllb All pipe la col I will the work tome fn bit It kilo of It frpmToroQq to TOiuminc moral bo by the to mo tort It rtcco from wx Twist Tin ftQ in llivrtlwtuo Startx a fisMog la Sinioofl a lb delightful oporl or ft Ihit nob to onatMo uJ It fclil ftlwg hit of editor no to Hod Id mh dI do fan bo In ftfUtcttllogit book pre- not V ft fiib Kobt of bo bod to toll ooapToof to blai Kettles For Heed call it Meets Tie Canadian of coming to now ftdTtitbod iniogM u Qcb form ft circuit fox oar Suforth off on is ft of mile ad put into bo Huuilloa AH flyer feftod for Ibe of Hotailtoa dab la of ftDd of of two of ftt ToKDto on fut Mtdowa for SoraU and lew of la Fob the Bill odd la toira go to Store Death to no tbo world AdqIo Cuihj from la J Sb ft of if d ilUr by oil faacrftt Ultioo mil Id Church oclock Jw to ft kadi it jutt cot to go to To Whom it Mr Jlrfonioonrgtnt nod to o will of tbo ftod ftdjoiolog ltb Mr- It la cut wo iiblcoul farultbiuii gutruleo of lb dktrlct t tn of Go Ltd A em many lit mucb than but men pd cttoioerr ftrok Co ft Cub of tity to Etc to thai focHtUto Lvegt I la thttf ftod otoiU tbo veil lit to A a a yoaog Mi la tbo tdoolfOttbooorrtoiodeU foe wo f her not for thf prltoto ptrllco now by proildto fey of tie who or roillcloctly of bat wo In ftad VtkrSoil till lit of TnutfitKn for ft or 4cteitntftglS of ftf otliii ttblifKdai It otw ie bid lt nddeoly Vlfoifi Ave wu two opplo lo down I leu to Ufa Jobn fell o torrhk bell ibower oxer Vtdtti Day woldecoftlloodoy View Com oil war per bright bat op- fttUodeace both from town and foreaooa tttny plotownero groaado ftaddecoiftt- be of deported with floral offrHngi tome of being exceed Tbo program ly oat very BeoeToIintSocIetloo of ftbbatS p a Squire tad la from beaded by the bead of the tb Yolk they proceeded to com or of their Mcbmetflhtf beoriog ft of flovero In the bod a two loaded with Urge aroi of foliage pUoU am of which the proceed they depooiled the reeling plow of each member Arrlrlog the tut ajuembled rockery Id centre of when Rot chair moo of committee with fotlowlog brief ftsdlnrcootloo ft for Older of Odd devote a to memory of day they bare made of mem hens ond of their bright flowen AgoodeiampleUbfKitoiii end other the day too tbat It ft for different to their floial on day to tot urtbty place their Tbla year ibe a good example fottber tod to gather good of mark of to their Mo It often remarked that funeral ore doleful In to deepen the grief of thin to fill them with hope of It la well wo hare day In the year to memory of the dead which more of the of ft feetfol to In oar mUda ft belief In the greet ChriatUa doctrine of the of the body We ore back fa kKdty to the place JeenaCbrUt fa ftoepalehrela ft garden areprood that oar t place tod day to our for tbo dace are laid Oar take way the from to ft piece ftteoclatod with of their bat It help faith Him who It and who like their In ftgardeagrafie wboaofaitbralaetfanteeball bloom p Iba tower of Heaven the of earthly forever pLMd Among the ay era offered fotlowlog from- Iba of Great ftlOodonr rother ted of the look do iro no In of day- Olio no to of oar on In the aileot while wo poy tor to may we wm the dead tut by for the lo cc- to to with fonja At dec of lb to fiowera bad en departed and be Bud m axcoedjogly pro- gramofotered After work of denotation hod bean the umblage to uoiwdtho rockaiy whan Mayor Lloyd poke the fallowing to or embrftdog bio not ftftenjoon by uiy I to to many bit end to the Order of on being the meant Id rwtiog tad other toko port No I and deeply Even iboogb not bo rallied by Ilea of loony whose be afoglod lo be by ooma menicrtalof froleioal of world u meand women we the to goei of Wo by tbllo area tad ere reaiembercd ImpUnted la breul of every ft ahrtakbg from the the ftnd to iweeineu tad attrMtlrvneaa of To feeling of fa bo re- not floa compliment la common wblcb bu affirm by cor today every mtft who Id be fidelity doty fawaja faratber title to re- or hie Ia the growth of each I for men to- In of tod good Tbere uo tbrvo which aicred than ill home temple of ud grove When wo remember- bet it far oil living we wonder from time immemor men laid on their log placet the gray Abraham the field of with cave tad all tbo fithit round for a place In to dead year before were la of coming giving coat of whiiewoah end tod idtCM tie to my why wo ihould community eeOnpftift fat ft day Is taken the it apt fa be of the eigne of good la to the that given to bo cemetery By a eel day of memorial and brought fa as tad we keep neat tail tidy reeling place of deported that we ob day from tbe fact that we ore fa We ore debtora fa dead They our navigated cat down broke tbe toll and oar fcr the boon of iaaa liberty the graven of the deed the effect It well to remember oar dead wo them out of and forget them Wo feel better we come fa cemetery end think of have Standing by grave of falber mother or friend wbal ten crowd oar Wo them of yore good true j Who walk with no more la fa the here 1 would believe every every lover of kind will echo Uty yoa floarlab In entire mu of la leavened with your till every an example of fidelity truth helpful- tad brotherly love which your aim Rev Mr follow la ft brief bat prtyer end were fa never looked many were of approval be- on director for cue at tention tbey hod in dly of the dead Ink Did you new moon next So hot ink wont drop Newt too late lh Ih 111 of p3t I iTiJr relumlni fcpmp TBlA TV eft flh lb- ERA polled Fa lb tfr Mr ppirdleS UoOorOIek a beta family with imh nee returned lb Tnbat by Mr of Pent Hi Mr Mr of Iflofc ib new on oi Tolai- SheppirJa rake of lawn la Lett 20ih to he- many At en early hour of were our to North- lake to of 30 by rio of ihtt The accaojwal Very ud pervaded the entire were tod raoetly The large crowd attentively to an able oik the at the water tide We doubt but ho of will leave a lasting for good to the who enjoyed and On the aarno Rev baptized fit Alton Morgan 2 at Sneak are prowling around Last Friday moraiog tome per ton entered Mr cellar at the tooth end of the town and a crock of butter con- forty or fifty pounds Mayor left for Siturdaton a trip with firm He expected borne about firtt of August Rev Richard who preach ed at the church list Sunday baa accepted th cell of and Aurora churches bit labors immodiatoly He will reildo in Aurora Although large of money has been spent this year in nowsidfiwalk and repairing the old there is much more in a very iafactory conuition would bare been sfttjafactory if tbe forty dollars spent in building the and altogether useless grand stand in the park had been ex peuded in repairing Vide walks Mr went on the trip last Saturday Mrs J Newmarket fathers Mr Bay City Badly Devastated Bay Mich July 25 The greatest which ever visaed Bay Oity broke out at oclock this afternoon In the lamber of Mill or A Turner on the side of Water street at foot of Twentyninth street Block alter block was swept over with astonish lag rapidity which en sued beggar description of men women and about all engaged In removing fur niture and other household effects from before the advancing flames At oclock about blocks bad been burned over more were supplying fresh fuel to de vouring element Flint and Detroit were telegraphed for assistance Saginaw and Flint sent one engine and a quantity of hose Nearly all West Bay Citys was present and lent anco But on the flames pur sued their course up after home until at oclock up wards of dwellings has been des troyed the coalUraUon was still sweeping toward eastern limits of the city While the major ity of the buildings burned belonged to people manyfine resi dences have been consumed Two churches four hotels about stores of all varieties are included among structures destroyed and children of viaiting at her this week At the of the prayer meeting in the Presbyterian church on Wed nesday last Mr David John- on behalf of the ladies of congregation read an address to the pastor in which gave expression to their and regard toward him They also ejepretted their sire that he should take a rest of a few weeks and to make their desire morn the address by a Very handsome of money Autos replied thanking the ladies or their seasonable kind ness On day evening Mr A Fetch tendered to the his resignation as chief constable engin eer of the water works and general corporation employee the resignation to August 1st Mr has decided to go into another line of business hence the cause of bis resignation He has held the position chief cODBtable and pit poration employee for the past nine and the water works be Was appointed engineer iaring his term of office ha given good satisfaction The on evening decided to tho date of the holiday from Monday Aug to Tuesday The cause of change tbe Impossibility of any of societies in town to obtain can from railway for an excursion on the 8th Tho persons left on Monday night excursion for the Northwest church and Mr Mr and Mrs Baker of Whit- of King JULY 1892 TELEPHONE CONNECTION LIQUOR TO INVALIDS Iiland Wine St Registered Unexcelled for building up a run down constitution GIVE IT A TRIAL P J MAIN BTKEET NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE MAIN STREET NORTH Preserving Season here again All those requiring SELFSEALERS Should not fail to call at the above number it they to aave money A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient PJ AT THE Light Coats and Vests Ladies and Gents Cotton andiMerino Underwear Fine Value in all sizes of Stainless Black Hosiery CHEAP LINES OF STRAW HAT GENTS BRAZILIAN PANAMA HATS A Great Drive in FELT HATS at worth 125 Parasols Prints Satteens and Lawns GROCERY DEPARTMENTf GLASS SELFSEALlNGr k Pints Quarts Imperial Quarts and HalfGallons Lots of our INIMITABLE JAPAN TEA it that downs anything in the trade Terms R J CLEARING SALE OKPRIHTS WE have a lot of Short Lengths that we at cost and under sooner than carry them over If you want the Best in Shaker Flannels Cottons or this is the place to get it Gem Jars Quarts and Half Gallons Try a package of the Celebrated Monsoon Indian Tea Lots of Granulated Sugar on hand We have nothing but best Our Blended Black Tea and Blended Coffee are still unequalled WWPLAYTER Telephone Connection Main St DONT FAIL TO SEE OUR a3beHiheijf5 Mrs Kellr Toronto while a lit to Mr A ayddiily III on of Inst km died the following day Daring Friday efteroooa lut velasble horse belonging to Mr Joseph Pow ell Richmond Hill wet One July The on Qulate Kail- road of e far the sent out from here cut the probably foot and a one to be found oa the whole line the la at feet high to a cemetery well lined loft aide has a a of JO killed end end this place Michigan left on for the Canadian in will be levied the rate of on dollar t A despatch from Portland Oregon e in the grain crops of Oregon and On aevon car loada of from tattoo for vetoed at nearly A 111 Monday cnd 200000 were by wind lifted profited rif Inn if a of le Mi kin 0 111 Hid fp b flto it i i Attenion lilted mi ill x BIG SLAUGHTER Under and Top Shirts Summer and Vests LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE We MUST SELL to make room for Fall Call and secure a bargain while they are going LUNDY a tot of b Injarod Some of 1 nlpi the bur i quantity iinlii of Friday ate fuopii M- nit and mall No Lobl Mr Robert quits a day Hot aid and a croud turn ed Tho was applied ood their mob on of a 10a was held evening A lOR AT A BARGAIN on by undesigned- new Lot fcvroaodUonootihoiiidc UK AUCTION SALE nd Township of oiihoK- late ib I tor by day of A at oclock la Forsyths Hotel BY JO In flra tollowina pro that the Ute and Mala and kti aw nwd ihUpacsel barn any Parcel D IJONEY for to VKBNOK lot J T4 POWDER PUREST STROKBEST BEST DO up Uu or ixrrr and tool tor eater D A GOOD cat all 4M bait Lot lag aaatfratD8biD anew etc About Bay half lo la tatolog one acres iho ballot Lot In the Fourth KtnjMnilDtnj hundred properly ar a with AUiaamouototitumputgbabeen various Term oat the pur chuomoaay la and tea per two month data of la Up at alz per wol per aonuwoQ tbo money J1 will further apply to lbs or to King treat Toronto Agent for the MILLER A Vendor Dared day July AD- as 8D a MONEY TO ELECTRO- PLATE CALL AND EXAMINE r Will be pleased to show goods and quote you prices L ATKINSON NEWMARKET IF YOU WANT SD RELIABLE BOOTS SHOES AND- ORDERED CLOTHING LOWEST PRICES You can always be accommodate at MONTGOMERY ISON Our ISM fl with all the at sell with or moderate OATH hydra power tot lhapramueato I Qocmloy I ll David tor KV Fir a ioa tor Ijuhfl 8ptlngWhMtprbMl W CO a a a a 0 a 0 oco 10 a CO per Im Ken per doi biff ApplMperbAai sV I a an I Wool per lb a it air CO on caw 13 CO a Oil a 015 a a OCO a a a Toronto Wheat per i aooWh6lprbuihl4aa teuptf par 82LoepilMa ore Oil Off oco OS too If I I 0 OS aw too OS a Wool oar m Hamper ton J J Port per pa pair r Oft

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