A JULY 1892 Flower I been with biliousness and constipation fifteen first one and then Paine was suggested tome and tried but to no purpose At last a friend recommended August Flower I took it according to directions and its effects were wonderful reliev ing me of those disagreeable stomach pains which I had been troubled with so long Words cannot describe the admiration in which I hold your August Flower it has given me a new lease of life which before was a burden Such a medicine is a efacrion to humanity and its good qualities and wonderful mer- Jesso its should be known to Printer everyone suffer- Humboldt with siaor Kansas lr ii Save Your Hail BY of Vigor bu do equal a dressing It keeps too clean cool- healthy and preaerrea the color and the hair I becoming and hot two ox three of Ajexa Half Vigor my thick and and too original color was Centre Some time ago I Wat all toy halt In of measles After due appeared my After no new growth appeared I then Acers Vigor and my Thick and Strong It has apparently to stay The Vigor evidently a aid to nature J B Williams Texas I hare used Hair Vigor for the post or fire years and find It a meat aailsfactorr for hair It Is all I could desire being causing the hair to retain Its natural color and requiring a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange- Mi M A Bailey Charles I have been using Hair Vigor for several years ana believe that it has caused my hair to retain it natural Sirs J King Dealer la Dry Goods Hair Vigor put assist Or J A Co Low and TRUNK r IF Biff S lull S Lesson John Before the tut mi to Ibt crop for the dories put of hb growth wheat it ten jus it i cl Tbd and it in In 1891 SFEiEiKaclHoo EdwirJ In Infuid tha Glcb proud of In mitM in Inland to him high only that he has cut la with a bo Hit opinion will do great weight with England and men who amecablo to reason tit how homo role has In he that far from of of mi- it been to to bo a of complaint KAKS USA George Patterson fell from ft secondstory window striking a fence I found him using He used it freely all over I saw him next morning at work All rapidly disappeared leaving neither pain J scar nor swelling KNEUMANN MP j ILL ST JACOBS OIL DID IT to be Awarded at the North York Fall Fair PHARMACY LLl Turn Toronto If the threatened tax en Canadian through oor will bo to refuod paid resell Sag lika fan they will played oat We iht remark that work en the canal on the aido moat to giro an independent nut whether wo then retaliate by blocking both tha Sk Clan and againit every the Stripe or apply golden role by male leg an allowance for Undo Samfl fviMJ the King miking year is for fart her contdeiAtioo ago but while In it urged than Pail lament instead of of aollon In policy and the of the Liberal Party of the ion grand couTentionahoald bo and a codo of principle adopted which Liberal required accept thereby the of on leading the country a of promi nent Liberal jooroala bare pronounced in favor a and It nnder- a tool that will be made far of a Provincial Reform ler in Toronto in tba star future a platform of principle will bo rating the policy of for tha election Tub unnal meeting of the of Canada held in London week The ballot for Grand in the election of Hon J of Hamilton Bid J Roe re election la of The flowing were elected forth Jell Rodney No Dr A No- Best St 3 Beck GoJericb No J A Morton Simco tf Alfred Tay lor Gilt No No J drill No A- Celliof Toronto No J Pott Hope No Dr No George Somtntit No No- 15 A No 16 We Heuit Senlt Slo- No Iliac Rracebridge No IS olcn Text There no given men by be Acts 12 the hue t temple bad the among great number of worhfpire aiitznbled the temple al the time of the gathered Peter John and the man bad been healed eagerly to explanation of way which the core had been effected and by the of Jean of While Peter waa tbe of the tb the captain of and tbaaectoftbe upon ibtm- They by what had dic avl to to A07ICAL elTctcf troth acme and The mind ought to whom truth become Holy to bo the troths the only and By their courage and the power of their look of Peter and that they had been will of parliamentary represen tation la an in Canada and Sudford prac tical of for a by a prize of for tbe beat which if made a law would tore Canadian people eual Parliament and each tor due weight In through Accordingly he invitee on electoral re present and tho by a draft of a applicable to the country and with extern In to that of He which iii half tbe pjuUli i to The it dimply to determine a pha by which tie 1 1 elector can form a among lo and direct national affairs there in the hand of a committee cf a party not acnimitUe of the DC CO TO BR IT S1WM1BKT Spring Coll or Filly got by given by 8pecial by Joacpb for lb twit fix of ba get Entire Carriage Hackney or owner being a member of W ElUe Roger Co Coa dealer Toronto for beat Hora in any other barred Spring Colt or FUN got by Prince of given by Uriah Short Horn Prize I Aged Boll Turnip rained at IIS winner to pay K given by J A A Co ewinafkat Given by A Dixon A it Toronto one of Mall Vinegar at 5 Bull two year old given by Miller A Co King it Toronto Cattle Food at theleadincdruc ATTENTION to STUART PROPRIETOR MAIN ST NEXT POST OFFICE A RANGE OF Both Felt and Straw going out at VERY LOW RATES HAVE YOU TRIED OUR J W STEPHENS BENTLEYS PHARMACY PURE PARIS GREEN I Ob apUtUnir brow ftnd aiaj lltttrs at And all and 1 wic m Mia treats the and with at at by agietmtAt T withdrawn hla nit for and ftltowt loJQQCtloa toU coDctuloDf to the objtotioQaU atoft which aichUxt and to Kit on tta to bo la ffoot Ibacily titration of la of withdrawing the of a pub- lie on on borrowed bud to do tho new court to No fcae re ported Id of the on Adelaide afreet over been made liable to legal procHdlpK tot the flol a ftraod or a Connty Crown eqaal the of a writ to a to when county of York The ia nice whole boil- Den a OQ a DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR I English all bard Mlior Lumps And Wood CurbafipllaUiiiangUono and Swollen Throat by lirug lit think yuur cm ot be ft a jiarf to I a cam rum auU auw Had owe oillUureow if- fiM hud of Will dtiawUirry Atd ifc it the fc- Out WwtttttaV Uj riaoiuy For Era lie Churchs Neglected Duty Two aftiocica on we moat da or of Cbrlit aod tba aim of lb law of two firt la If far xitatcr We In of as J which cot aim of all Cbrittlao lo If to ahoot tba of traffic all tho I to axUtlea aa4 In pat Wo a la of thraa aoclatlea and ato a moth of work which hire or to do Tho lo lham thoroogh tho agency of law to aril aril ataya It la to of If can with a good to pot out of- If led that law can do Tba Qua and It a to tare a newly of a and odor- with of the go work tot let it lo work wUlda too A July A old of of playing fa gran when a at work on fathers farm and was Dot noticed by older brother who i l J I i A Mure tho had a fatally of cut off his left foot and have tolled Dr Ki- ot Wild for too la all tun diarrhea Never up and J too Oat CUT PLUG OLD CHUN PLUG No other brand of Tobacco has ever joyed such aa Immense sale popularity in the same period as brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco Cut Tobateo Canada Notice in puriuaoco of x v 30 that all and A Estate of Joshua K In the County of York Judo died or about of pott to Widdlfleljla for the of mid full their clalrut time lo bo a or MM And will proceed the thereto only to tho of which they ad notice and I do be Ita loo MONTREAL CbtHuffJOc trtbu cat Am mo late or any part to or MraoaterwDoaat aim or ahail time of dU- iaQi Solicitor Agency for out li a iVee of of any pun abOttlflTe Weak by Co Toronto Daily Niu for on Ball Good given by Wo Can A Bono New- market a By Society MUob Cow by tbe and Art Toronto a Modal Heifer two yean old given by Wright Co New market at fayrags Toronto iiiv Yearling Heifer i 9 an by Btoo Toronto Heifer Calf Vr- Newmarket Bull Calf t4i 00 a Cattle S SKtion Ball any age 00 00 Herd of one Bull and not tbao OO Bull any Bond of one Bull and not than throe Females 00 Hereford Cattle Section til Prist Boll any ago a 2 Herd of Ball and not three n StiMon 1 Street Railway Co Toronto I lit 3rd Given by Co Front at Toronto bags Cattle valued at with edded by Society By Society i Fat Cow or Heifer given by J Com Merchant Toronto with added by r a a rtn the World Newspaper Co Toronto fiiiy World ior year Dociety t Cow given by Co i1b Toronto one bag Cattle valued with added by Ovciciy j Given by three Cattle valued at with added by Society y i two years old given by the Provincial Agricultural and Art Toronto a valuable to Medal Oiveu by Co Toronto three amaU Cattle valoed with added by Society Oj Yearling Heifer given by Jobber Co Toronto ii Heifer Calf by Barnett street Toronto Leather valoed at Given by A Warden of York Sheep -S- 1 Ram two and given by Toronto i Ram one given by J Newmarket in valued at i By Rem Car ruth era Toronto 8 Aged Ewea pen of two by John Hallam Toronto with added by Given by Bull Clerk of the Peace Toronto J i a DOC I Ply Yearling pen of two given by A Dixon Wellington street Toronto 6 Lambs pen of two given by Sutherland Broe New- market In By Society Sheep 1 Ram two and over given by St George Oak Wrfi a a a a as a eee e aaUal 1 Ram one shear given by J Davis P i a ti a a Ram Lamb given by Newmar ket with Newmarket for one year ely a a a a a tut a a a a Aged pea 5 S Ewe yen of two by the Wool Mat a a a a tit ird Factory lj Sheep a i Section 1 two and given by Co Front it Em Toronto bag Cattla Spice valued at with added by a by three and added frit IS a a GO 3 3 by Society By Society Ram one shear by Ontario Bank Newmarket Bam Lamb by Wm Cane A Bone Newmarket In a Aged pen of two given by Cane A Sou New market In Yearling two pen of or Shropshire Sheen i prist Ram two and over 00 Item one Bam AgodEwe two j Yearling pen of two 2 Ewe pen of two 2 00 a I tWO Given by iV a a mint a a in tX Class Any Large Breed of Swine 3rd Aged Ho it Bow Boar Pig of 1892 Sow Pig of Class Swine pedigree lit Hd 3rd Boar goodi given by Cane Bona In y Bow Boar Pig of 4 Sow Pig of given by A Co Front at Toronto one bag Cattle valued at with Hi 92 2 1 added by Society i i a a Given by the three amall Spice with added by Society W By flwlno- Prist I aai tea Brood Govt I Pfg Of 189 mil 1 1 t Poultry c Light pair It Rod Cap i pair i a a a a a a a Plymouth pair alx boxea Poultry given by 1 1 till o 4 1 1 100 if mo at Rod Capi pair by the aame Poultry Lit a a a a a a a a a a sfctrt I pair Brown pair 9 While patr pair Bed Game pair Game any other kind pair pair Any other breed of Fowl not above mentioned pair pair a a a e pair aoyia pair a a Rabbi pair a a a a i 100 00 1 76 60 60 W 60 OR for work W Pump and In flraVcUaa for Newmarket a odAroaellaaia Jafaey HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKET gQ ail wits crop In JOU SALE AT A BARGAIN Lai we to Of POR SALE- A on DMrly now rfsior pomp and It Jen fl far GENTS FURNISHINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY I will aotl It cheap tor t y FARM FQR SALE bur In Kl city io A- ORi TO It EST OAeKab3lnBlot2fo In foe ot Km About ooJ at ate and in part IMA For further to- Safety B Everyone purchasing goods to the value of 150 will receive a number GENTS FURNISHER Albert on I- butt lllll pfxlo ht warm ami well aitlfitd Ii iq J FARM ftllrll Of attitrC ilaiut here frntn Jiuint ftol For DUMBER I LATH SHINGLES WB ARE NOW PREPARED TO OUR CUSTOMERS K- vf POORS SASH AND BLINDS FARM FOR SALE Ktcif Eo of Aurora About loro fcfitft Li wdl ivUWtTcrcJ bint rid mil above h b flntcitMwIttev anil iply b FOR SALE mill -Mi- sdacroflifo in iri On xttliwv 41 AH Hi- iro 3iai ad J ikUrrmivo lSevcMl lo I to WMOANKASOSrt FOR SALE FOR PATRONAGE OF THE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG to r M WINES AND LIQUORS EXCLUSIVELY AT McALEERS Stock and Right P A SOLICITED is SIGN- RED BOOT FOR I SHOES I have the Largest and Most Complete Stook in town Tory choose from and our Prices are Lower than the Lowest Low Good Goods Small Profile and Quick Returns Any person wishing anything the line of and Shoes should not forget to call on S H MO MAIN AMVAYaonhand Sheep and Swims illh In at VlctciU IatrtnUr IdO ysr Hid I Sci r irr I- W till it a of ThrfK vblilnv Vat return will of hi nci villi bo of nod Viarrlial w I AM of Voice SoioTlire Null A- fcfo will lot 1- l 111 III- J IS I al- BEST WOOD ia market at BEST AMERICAN API AN COAL OIL LAMPS Bits and Jfllolc- ahf TO ALL when I in V act ImtorvKinl SH CHILDREN or