Newmarket Era, 5 Aug 1892, p. 1

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ssa THE NEWMARKET Every Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON nan STEAM PRINTING HOUSE ME LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AtfD TO ALL OTHER LIBERT BANK MR t A H NORTH YORK AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Aug Terms 100 Strictly in Advance within or t end of year- A A Interest Allowed on sun DRAFTS ISSUED XT All x Drift Not to tt SI J BOBERTfiOJT tTVmirkcl Loan tfooJ SOLICITOR CONVEYANCE CASE w King Wei Toronto eat ham ax cam t A J il Sire to IMHVBELLfHpOH iu J topm St Church 1750000 PERCENT WRIGHT Co HEADQUARTERS MILK PAILS STRAINER PAILS CREAM PAILS MILK PANS CREAMERS MILK STRAINERS BARREL DASH CHURNS Will or No 170 ToroDtn IN CANADA COLUMBIA STATES PACIFIC COAST MANITOBA Size AI OLLXSOSHED removed lnlii vitalised Air for JlATUI ACTION UCAKASrXID LICENSES At Ibe UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal OIL done promptly WRIGHT CO THE VERY BEST No No 30 IN and Work on Walter S of men who od rotpeqt road uoh Walter A we Mtoen it a to to oar readers through jotiroal Mr No Oat where Ma first ex in bulimias behind ft gonial store ft iniiiin was ft ImvIUx tot iu wbich vtmlurti IritU until ho ttccepttrtl ft siuiiUr position with employers A Nelson Sons ft of years he covered the on all lines snd north but Utterly that section of west flf Norths West Territories and British Hero ho is undoubtedly the known on goods trade and enjoyed the reputation of credited with doing the volume of io fancy that is on this ground Mr has been a travelling man for eighteen years fifteen of has been served faithfully in the of present employers ly acquainted with the lino ho represent and is every inch Hit firm may well bo proud of friends in are ever ready to welcome him with a grasp of the call as ho is know a and MR Mr Blakes roused intorest and the general opinion was that he will be of groat In uniting the Irish party and of great uiUtauoe to Mr Gladstone in framing a homo rule Mr Blake will also do Canada incalcu lable service by the new Got more familiar with car and iu results on our people and also by explaining the resource find of this so that the general British will have a more correct of than at Mr Blake will also able to dispel the idea prevalent many that this is a country of ice nod oow the Dominion Liberal convention Mr Davis says it bis hearty approval Too much stress he be laid on the of orgabising early for the next Dominion campaign strokes ho conies faU feet to touch the ice There is no in his notion he straight on calling to the boys to keep up His eye with the light of high He had to do or die In one hand he bore a long slim pole to one end of which he had attached a skate strap that it formed a loop The heroic boy came close up to tbo edge of the broken ice and dropping on so as to offer the great est surface to the ice he the polo out to the drowning They bad just enough strength left to pole and hang on until they were drawn on the ice The cheer that went from the group the shore waa like a cry f victory The two were so lhy were helpless and had to be carried to shore They were taken to a gas and rubbed until their GREEN CORN 1 UISOBLLAXSOVB rAtCH AND CLOCK tftar Pure sIWAfs on sd IS J sod SPRING 1892 rut loiDianfO SD COXTBACTOH to if 1 Alius Time AOEXTfor Cidian Scotland fcog All riock Low ion Fun Town I roper If Shop Newmarket garAUL13UKDlS37 Triuai per day il tor JW ilia aaaa J PROP DEALER HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE CONSISTING OP Bar Iron and Steel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Bakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Barbed Annealed Galvanized Pence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty CANADA LIFE ESTABLISHED CAPITAL AX DOLLARS J Newmarket BOOK NEWS DEPOT CAUTION m EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle ISMAKKKU DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA For ih bra The Landing sight it our bay All a And 3Jojj with pompadour lie to think parted for Li ill writhed of thought tbcii Neil stately form Oil on the ihbiuii frrd Then will Upon eu Could with for And thoughtful brow Oft full of you to Now cor dad bo We every and Li He doe lhn op roqd of our In in a croud youll notice Tbey tike a seat I go forever praise to But will To their Ill If you Youll fiod of would the ultimate effect the the empire Second they that the wioority id Ireland ia le oppressed by the Catholic majority He therefore En deavored to point out to them had been to the lame caber meat of the empire he showed that after our long of was more to the ever r Divia ays he to T he lire were raked over with a love than for his native land if aaoh and with the hope that in the near some wiser legislation may prevail with to trade and which will the development of this great lie alio more than ever with the and of the empire of which we form a part a In have bean earning a loas of Twenty men en gaged in the building are now on strike in New York Oily KT a killing In Montana Wednesday and a cold wave over British tl At last week Comins fined and con for piddling without t3 There are a large of aatrfoa wine for the coming exhibition in Detroit From beneath the retort end drawn them the from pore Neither of them took cold from the docking the water A t time after Mr to this city and he never the boy who life until bo him herd told Mr immediately went been a to a book and purchased that view deep- ho could find and and u a JoaB on trip of 7 Vewmarjrel llo York Chattel not J at J Wall Border and Ceiling DocoratiqiiB in Bug Variety and Latest DIAL ATTENTION CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE WN STARR ftllj nut What further could I Mr Davie Talks About hie Trip kOUOlIT NOT TAINBD TUB CANADIAN LOCAL BEATTYS OROANS AND For f- WASHINGTON I CDE saS Aurora- flic Photos Photos MUSIC all joltho lb Dyspepsia and of lb a rectlng PEPPIATT A VINO the Mr to lhal Intend MAINTAINING THE LEAD guarantee to turn out work to a p HUM v v MILIEU sa a iSeU to Iho influenced BURDOCK feLOOD BITTERS CO Proprietors Toronto AGENTS to flood ho chilli In liatonco to Wid lie Old hcJvrllbcl hi I loo Write tar 10 CHASE BROTHERS COT Wo emptor on oa out PORSALE 0fdJiTua for work FINE PRINTING J Hills ROLLER FLOUR Kept Constantly on Hand Chopping Feed IN successfully checked by promit of in llo later of Is by medicine bnvo used my practice This vuutli preparation life I 1 greatly In and given up by my Ouo and alkali of cured J fleveral years I isovexciy HI Tit doctor J w and thftt do ltotlilu for but rueas a try Cherry After two or thrca mouth and my health to day from by I bo ftevtro a cold Dial for I pu confined to fttaterooiUf aud a board in lo a of Cherry 1 It and my soon restored to then Invariably J- IJaChaodler Junction Cherry Pectoral Chimin Dr J- Co Lowell Mill PURE PUREST For FARMERS EN Una jt to attach loaoy tlod of plow ho Aganta Aurora Mr J P for North York libs from a trip to the old object being to If market could not bo opened up for leathers Ho waa accompanied by Mr Newton Richmond Hill lie was fairly he that a good may bo done in other of leather nolo leather which is the only kind now eent over there are many prejudice to bo overcome Mr ho impressed with enormous trade of and noted the enormous additions to the at Glasgow in a measure the ox- plosion of the shipping trade there bo examined the system of municipal government which that city ia excellent He came into contact with many leading business men throughout tho kingdom who had all the warmest interest in the Canadian trade and urKod thu scaling down of doties I upon British In all his ex perience ho no one who would for luooteot admit tho of Groat Britain over putting a duty on tho food of her favor of any or all of the colonies MoKinley Bill had boon found to injure certain lines of goods exported to the States but it was viewed as one of inci dents of trade The made op mind to push their wares more vigorously elsewhere in meantime believing that in time United States would tiro of such a is satisfied that 4 Urge trado could bo dooo In hey with England And from obser vations made in Now York and principal cities of ho Is fied letter for it inonny In the street railway than any of citirs TUB The British he says were hardest fought for years Homo was the main Issue tho only one la pub- lib meetings a of attended In Glasgow ho was intro duced to Sir James one of Liberal Candidates who at one Mr Gladstones secretary When Sir James hoard that Mr Davis was a member of the Ontario Legislature bo Invited him to go 00 platform and tell tho how home was found to work In Canada Mr Darts did so found expression la favor of home rale was cheered to the echo Those who objected to it any were by two fears First the felt here was duo not to any dis loyally toward the mother country but to the present Government policy to the majority he pointed to tho of the minority in the Province of Ontario and the Protestant minority in the Province of Quebec as beat possi ble refutation of such on argument TUB At the request of the Liberal he meetings in in favor of Mr lie had tho pleasure of knowing that both these gentlemen were elected by large majorities Mr found stronger feeling of sympathy for Canada than he ex pected to find He was introduced at each meeting as a Canadian and that fact always cheered to the echo One enthusiastic meeting closed for Grand Old Man and Canadian But he noticed at meetings that people never cheered for side appeared to hold its own meetings and there were no joint meetings of both parties auch as are held in Canada The Liberal council of Glasgow provided Mr and friend Mr Newton with tickets for platform at great meeting in the Theatre They were seated only a few feet from whero the Grand Old Man Although expected much they were surprised at power and eloquence of Mr Glad stone The old man years of age pleaded for an hour and twenty in a lofty and patriotic manner for Ireland declaring that grant- of local rights would consolidate British nation by uniting Ireland with and Scotland in a real and not a paper union The recep tion which the Grand Old Man re ceived in tho of Glasgow enormous crowds everywhere and mounted lioe had to clear way for his car riage wore sees only Mr Davis wonders how in the of home role Imperial Parliament can get along at all with publio business- In ad dition to an Imperial House causing of business and groat ex pense a gentleman of Bristol in stanced one of an expropriation for some local work which the coat of obtaining the was about onethird of the whole cost of tbo un dertaking TUB QUESTION Over labor question Mr Davis a ays three or four seals were lost to ho Grand Old Man Mr Gladstone ltd not to make an of tho eighthour question simply declined to do so until the laborers themselves should an of it It appears that a Urge propor tion of that element are afraid that reduction of the hours of work to night would moan a proportionate re duction of pay they desire to any that may reduce their remuneration In a few cases whero Liberal and Conservative can didates put up they drow votes from the liberal dates to defeat them The Irish split also caused loss of several Beats but that is now practically over all the Irish will bo Mr Davis does not think there will be a reconcilia tion between Liberals and Unionists The Unionists will appear by absorption into other par- The Liberals feel very strongly against Joseph Chamberlain always referring to him Judas Mr Davis was In National Liberal London the night the the defeat of Richard Chamberlain a brother of JoBOpb The result was p calved with satisfaction considerable curiosity as to what coarse Joseph will take when Mr Gladstone torn a Government and crosses the floor of House Ever since the breech Mr Chamberlain has retained Ms teas the Grand Old Man The question is will Mr Chamberlain cross the floor also and take Us seat on the front benches near the Mia- Nearly Drowned la Lake Too Grand Michigan Democrat following which will be of quite as much interest here as there Of U the noble deeds of men the risking of life to savu another is the noblest Any by not can never be repaid by the one whose life is saved Though years may pass and busy cares may to blot from memory faces of youthful and aohoilraatee one face always remains in the mind of the saved and care or toil no grief or disappoint ment is able to that face or the spirit of thank which it On last eve Fred employed in office of the Carpet Sweeper stood on corner in thia city waiting for a car when two Salvation cadets hurried post him Ho caught but a glimpse of their faces but it With abound he was at side Of one of the cadets and had caught his arm and much to the surprise of that young soldier was wringing his band 11 Your name is William Cooper it not asked Mr It is was reply- but I do not know you My name is Fred Macey Dont you remember me now The handshaking was mutual now and gave to the other a brief sketch of lifo for the past ten years The last time they had met was on a branch of Lako in Ontario ten years ago coming New Years Day And Mr Cooper then a fourteen rescued from a watery grave Fred and a companion who had broken through ice story of the will prove of interest The crisp cold air of a Canadian had covered Lake with a glassy sheet of ice that formed a for youthful skaters It was lirat freeze of winter and the ice was thin but so perfect in its surface that to glide along its bottom was a pure delight mingled with an effort of propulsion On Hew Years Day in 1882 boys and girls of Barrio near Lake Simcoo were out in force to test the ice Moat them near the shore but a of the more bold ventured out nearly a half mile At last one of the boys challonged young pre sented it to Mr Cooper The leaf of the Bible contains follow Presented to William Cooper in remembrance of his heroism saving my life at the great peril of his own At Barrio Jan tat Debts of this kind can never be paid and this Book of LHo is giv en only because it is characteristic of the life of the receiver Very tUBI Grand Mich December The whose life was the same time is in British Columbia and neither Mr nor Mr Cooper have seen him for years Eighty people were seriously injured by the of a tier of aeats at a theatrical performance France Burglars at stole gold watches and other prises were Intended for a bicycle tourna ment to bo held next week A severe storm amounting a cyolone swept over Harrisonburg Va Friday night unrooting houses and tree No lives were lost ran of six miles down tho lake Thocballcoge accepted and the boys started away with long easy strokes at first then faster and faster Thesharp of their stoelshod feet was music to ears They wore gliding now liko meteors in a each bound to the lead Their bright eager young faces lowed In the frosty air their sparkled with excitement and energy they racing For near ly a mite tbo raco was closely fought And than a gap appeared between them took lead The strife had been watched by thoso noar and thoir cheers wafted on the breeze to the ears of the two racers Suddenly those cheers wero turned to groans and sobs came a sodden breaking sound followed by Macey was struggling in the ley waters In moment he was curried beneath the waves by the weight of his companion who had followed upon heels Both boys wero good little did skill avail them now The marked severaldcgrees be- low and moments In the water would bo chill hem that they rDdprod helpless Aa they surface they for life Belling the broken edge of the Ice they had nearly palled themselves out upon the fee and the crowd on stood breathlessly watching when weight of two hoys proved too much for the strength of the ice gave way and left them struggling in the bit terly frigid waters Twice the boys partially pulled upon the Ice only be precipitated Into the water again Their strength was faBt ont Their breath came In gasp Their teeth chattered with cold and they had about decided to give the hopeless struggle the of death was preferable to the pain they from the awful cold Suddenly a cheer breaks from tho near shore The nearly ex- boys turn their eyes that way Qui rota the crowd comes a form With swift loo A that Failed to Work About three weeks ago this adver tisement appeared in the Toronto Oft ial SO yui by a wealthy widow lately to struct two boys aged for two while i aonum add fur proof of moral ability July to Address Lock Hot Simcoe Miss Taylor of Toronto Junction the advertisement and shortly received a letter sigued by Norton pur porting to bo a real estate agent and in intimating that Hon Mrs Jones the English lady for whom he was acting had chosen her from among a score or more applicants The tetter request ed that Miss Taylor should meet the writer at the Queens Hotel Toronto on July to at enter upon her duties By way of postscript it added it would be necessary for Miss Taylor to send to lockbox Sirocco as a guarantee of good faith letter also warned Taylor that position would only bo kept open for her until July 17 that if the had not been received by that tho position would be given to the next Appli cant An agreement with seals af fixed was enclosed whioh wna to be and forwarded under which Miss Taylor and mythical Hon Mrs Jones bound themselves several ly and jointly to remain tho parties to the and second parts for two years Miss Taylor like the sensible girl she is recognized the ear wigs of the ancient and instead of forward ing the promptly handed over the to the Attoroey- Department of also lucky enough to be chosen but the letter ho received from Norton name of the wealthy lady Hon Mrs It re- queBted to meet the writer at House on July and requested of good faith to be forwarded by the or otherwise another of tho would bo engaged The case put En the of Detective Murray and he visited Sim- con and learned that box was rented by E Kelly a lawyer of that town ostensibly for one Norton The box innumerable peat- orders and registered letters addressed to Norton but no person had called for the mail for days Murray obtained mens of Kellys handwriting and was that Kelly wrote the Norton letters hot In order that there might ho no mistake left for Toronto to have tbo two examined by experts- He left instructions with the County Attorney to arrest Kelly and an ex- school teacher named Chrysler the event of the men calling for the let ters Acting on these instructions Kelly and Chrysler were arrested Kelly was released on bail Chrysler is still in jail tbi Potato Boo farmer in A large potato growing dis trict successfully tried ft remedy for potato bogs He secured some boards and laid them here and there among his potatoes and on these hoards placed raw potatoes sliced At noon on the first day of his experiment he and Ma hired man foand every piece of potato covered with bugs He killed this crop and at night another crop killed though not so Urge and ft week not ft bug could bo Been ftxid Mi trouble with bags alter this was com paratively small Dip tho placet of potatoes In Paris Green and save falling bap The appearing In of our that Sir Oliver is a stockholder and director of Qlobt is incorrect He is neither Rev P Story Johns Newfoundland Is in Toronto collect ing to restore Methodist college recently destroyed by fire In the former city Kb Augustus of Bos ton supreme the Endow ment Order of the Red Cross has been arrested charged with obtaining money under faw The trouble with annex ation is that moat ot men who undertaken to trans plant halt a continent dent enough to transplant a Geo chip sold the first load of this sea- tons wheat London Friday Tho wheat weighed to and yield bushels to acre July 28 Daring the hours at noon to day then were 190 deaths in this city Of these were from heat and were of children under years of ago July Thia city was very hot today with a maximum of Four teen deaths known to be caused by the heat are reported with a largo number of prostrations At sailboat capsized out of a party of nine drowned The vtotimn are George Stevens wife of Mr Stevens two staters of daughter of- Monde of Montreal has sold for to a syndicate Mr interest It i said that it purchased in order that it might be withdrawn from the field of competition with the organ Jos the Rama boy who was supposed to have commuted suicide in May was foullymurdered Too body was exhumed and sustained last week It is believed that father of the boy knows more about it than he professes Hon Chase At torney General of sworn out a criminal information against Hon Charles charging him with having accepted ft in connection with the provincial to the Hereford Railway Com pany in An ingenious took baa been invented by which doors etc may bo locked from It is specially applicable for doors in ana business houses and offices absolute is or desired The look is by simply ft twitch Bull Jr of tribe in Northern Dakota who went among Indians of the In- clan Territory a yesr ago as the pro- the has juac the Comanche arn to- Id home The a in Ms honor ho left A French authority for the statement that ft cigar Is about to bo pot on the which enables the to not only an excellent smoke but also excellent TU novel is In the usual manner and Boon as begins to burn fto melody steals forth from Its interior At this of the year parents cannot be too careful to prevent their children from eating green apples The other day Irnoo of Highland Creek ate a quantity of green apples and within two hours he was a corpse This should be a waning to that ft proceeding Is extremely Jolj John about years of age son of Dr a Walton Indian superin tendent of this place was killed hero today by ft stone thrown by the oper ations of blasting for the water works He was struck on the head whflst sitting to a wagon about yards only breathed ft minutes after the accident On last succumbed to the received In the runaway on May On that dar ha was driving his fathers with other children and horses becoming fttthe comet of Bayfield at and John north All serious except George -ho- internal In wbkb fin- ftUy io death a is i

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