Newmarket Era, 5 Aug 1892, p. 2

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I ERA AUG 6 W Stephens Solid Ob Son for T J Wilson I i UP I BUT WITH SUCH ISSUE fit Era li Printed all at Home run FRIDAY AUG 1892 Our Toronto for retocripUoai or for Toronto forth ft prompt Arid J- ChUcnrft of tie fixing of light Friday ih and to and gone at and the nominal banks lower the of oo bank from foot to throe and a half per cent street war about J p on Satnr and of lb coco put row of with foundation and wtU built that roofs were too It weak In ho that canted all the wwoootopJrjuly ll kww being made for new frVtO to bo at the corner of Front and It be proprietor of the World left tarda to aaiwer cbarga of criminal libel by Mr There Ij expected architect iractori- A lot of talk tbe editorial ofclty Itut Ir John A or tin- a editorial writer IJorW tMoed of Gfobt The of J ud report ha Mr made a nam for t propfelcv the been on charge of el the of for certain had been uttered In to Mr candidate for end the death been made of remark death of Mr Geo ex- P P for end late County Crown Attorney la He at Buffalo- on Sandaj while on way from a health retort fa Statee York for yean He then of Crown Attorney for York bat ill health compelled him to abandon the of Ma He was a prominent member of Ancient Order of United Workmen baying been Grand Muter for Canada and robqaoUy of the entire remaloa wire Interred on The Privy Council Decision 8BPARAT1 ABOL ISHED on to the Toronto the Council morning bid delivered on the Manitoba Senarata There were two caiea to be decided that of the city o Winnipeg vs Barret and city of Winnipeg vs Logan In both oaaea tbeir Lordships allowed the ap peals with coata thereby giving a for the Govern ment and confirming the Act of the aboliahiog these school the Dominion Government and Parliament now settled at concerned much a it of the Prof ince la with school matters special to the World from intimates that an impression there that the Dominion will ask Parliament to provide remedial legislation on 3rd will a of Atbeoa written Comto J Hon aod TbU will paper in important aerie of of now iu other attraction in the fame will be of New York Watertower of the New York Slat at Colombian Ex- portion of tba attempted of Prick at and of ioff of new Columbia cnuaer No IS of American life An EanUj Paragon will booontlnnad It appeaji the eflSeU bill into retirement and lrini back to Ihe At any rate AnatnlU will feel comfortable A cablegram from London that tba of had tbe import doty on Oregon pine 645 per and be on canned frail to per or about per tin A telegram from San that action of Ana- had roach excitement there and regarded u Grit goo fired in the figbl BUI barred AuitraHan wool from Stat The blow fell to be a one to the frail of California and that will make a kick in title new venture by Toronto the fint number of which before In d egmi appearance it ririli the but of American while la character and itaiunteota it scoria a decided anguine to science and general literature and in the of pnblio place fillei in Britain and United Statea by tba leading of The greater portion of Hag will be to aitldea fiction and poetry kind to contenU to literary The political article will contribute by leadiogatateimen and of both po litical putlog and the name of at foil timely topics of public concern will nnoanal interest and id feet no Intelligent of political affairs afford to neglect reading In camber ere on and Imperial Filtration Edward Blake and Ireland a and from of Gen dun and arlklae on Land of A Canadian SeoondSight Along tba Wire Aft Can ada To-Day- The Doctrine of all lot retting and well written- Two and two of id addition of com tbe of con ten What is thia point wo apprehend the Abbott will to effect a friendly arrangement inch aa now in Nora under which the Roman In large centre of pope I a lion prac tically enjoy the of rather than an attempt to enforce Manitoba a to which the ere op and which they have declared at polls this the defer flgbt the local by theoonrte baa been retnrned by majority while pledged a body to the national If by the Catbollo tie- tbe population been weaker the An other whether the of will to come to the aid of tbe minority paper dealing with refers to the Act which appeal to the from any act of the any right or the relation to dotation and that the ttanlOl Canada may make for the of theae or It clear that he meant to hope that la the fl afeotofanadreredecUloolntheeourt4the4 Tilly left yeeterday aid of Federal authority would be to Totted Bat It la to ace how are applicable to the prevent The hare In effect declared that the not prejudicially affected any right or privilege of minority and there aeeme to be no for the opera- of remedial no be In the Federal that may oy be racked the In wMohtheoaeeUooli of Toronto We Toting at and ttra- to Barrio a A for a of of Toronto spending with her Wright been for with her Lloyd of To ronto are the week at Hie a J and A Hiokling camping at Point Mr Gray of on Satniday on a and great Reere Stoked of King wra In town en and report everything In that Mr WJ Low and family bare re turned from the city and hare taken their reeldehoe here Mr and Mr- Geo of Toronto are with Mr and Clarke Han- mer Park are week and htm home Jut weak after pending two montha at The Chief Sarage la keeping batch fori few week while Mra- on a to bar mother in Mra A and her three little to on the of July to a few Mr Height a Chicago paper with an article on Gall on girls Mr Angni 9- accompanied mother left on Monday morning to brother In Ohio K Dudley of who been ten with Roas left for home I Mr Ohio a of here with old It 19 be left Wright Fogg and her grand daughter Mabel Andamm of are the week with Mr Win Cunningham and daughter of Philadelphia ie on a to brother of Holt Mra a Sing of with and grand da ashler are at Mr Erargrwo week Mr and Mri- with their Utile daughter of are home on a aw weeke with her and Terrell Queen at Eld of Sharon expected to preach in the Church here next Sabbat morning and and alao Sunday School in morning Mr was here a few daya with hie and left week by Harry to other eon Fred who la on operator on P of much at the Canadian Lawn Tennla tour nament la Toronto week by her pit from The Empire of Set- who jut at the end of her la a and Her work before the net the whole tournament arooaed the admiration Mr paid a high compliment to her and with a little more coaching and experience would be a fit riral of the American champion lady player- Speaking a Trade at Chicago to say of two Newmarket Herbert Caldwell repiaaeut- bee been doing not only city bat every lie He not attribute to the healthy of trade which tbe but much lb j Hoe he him- Clarence A Caldwell a brother of Herbert Caldwell li at the Palmer Henry Philadelphia formerly of Longman Green Although a he of the trade of with hie at New York Mr with the beting at tbe la tbe Mr tha and got running order in Toronto on of the death ot her M Thornton ft took three to the crowd that attended the of railroad employee at Point the other day Mra who been here for benefit of her health taken bad that her for left for home Wed En Porter la away the faolidayg The Band Mr Miller and bride eerenade on Monday night Albert a monopoly in lemon eqneezera Why didnt Man Enow All tell more about cry at wedding at Sharon Dr J had a runaway on and he waa into Have of jt REDPATHS i GRANULATED m CLEARING SALE PRINT To 67 Main Street the building formerly occupied by Messrs J Millard Co as a Furniture Warehouse There are four floors feet wide by feet long which we have packed with goods from Basement to Roof And now for a Sale f Belhaven Binoe I wrote been very buy our little Burg not in your paper lor three ago School held heir at the reiideoce of Mr P Mortons and to say the had a good time would be putting it very mild Proceed about There been quit a number of around but it too late to mention name boo by the EaA that several neighborhood re troubled with thlarea and we are not Mr Stephen Winch bid two bells of oil can and wrench taken off his binder a week ago and on Sunday evening lut some person helped themselves to uncle gooseberries Harry bat been limping Around for ft few days the resale of ranning honeshoe nail in bis Mr J Richardson Reeve of spent with bis fiister Draper seems lo be sickness around Miss and Mrs M were nndnr of Dr week Mr at present suf fering with inflammation Mr Sid Bennett with pieuriiy Tbe P of are increasing rapid ly in number around bore secretary distributed about three tons of binder twine among them the last two weeks They expect five of coal in the near future jj The quarterly meeting in connec tion with Sutton circuit will bo held at Sutton morning next at batfpaat too crusade seems to have died out AND Of Summer Goods We are determined to clear out this seasons stock rather carry over until next if low prices are of any use Prices are marked in Plain Figures- customers can judge for themselves On many lots we loose money- prices being less than they cost You are invited to walk through the basement and each floor above and find out what we are doing Basement and each floor lighted by the Electric Light The- Crockery and Glassware Department in the basement is 100 feet long Where will you find such an assortment outside of a city We will surprise you with the Prices marked ou Dress Goods Straw Goods Beaded Wraps Parasols and Tweeds- We have given up the Tailoring Trade consequently clearing out the Cloths but the Clothing we are in larger than ever and a better stock than ever Mena Straw Hats Mens and Boys Boots are cut in price and many lots in each Department DURING AUGUST JWSTEPHENS IF YOU WANT SOLID COMFORT IRVINE COS Oppodite House and place your order for a pair of Reliable WaterProof Boots GUARANTEED WATERPROOF OR MONEY REFUNDED They also keep the largest assortment of Ladies Gents Misses and Childrens loot wear bought direct from the best manufacturers for cash and will be sold at close prices Our Motto Small Profits aud I Returns Dont IRVINE CO Newmarket nit TO of Geo lie difficult lo of ftppoloiicjf Ur l tad Carry for Growo beta lb bare for of World Sir Olht UskhMt to Co In 1UUoc11 to o- lb port got ralzd or Mr Yum Tito mix- with York Town Jo QloU of la road of York la in 14 j paragraph Ml 1 at act of iAnptoU fa provlcoa to at to uaaa and oat ticftcaaa in to bo at on of for IU bold to Beit la home from for log town Dr Hove la motber it weak Mr A away a trip tb Mr of la lag at bom for a la a few a la at at Toronto Mr of la aptad- log bolidara In Newmarket ClaMoe of la adlog a week or two ia lows Anole of Toronto of Or hire of la rliitlog villa week of Toronto la log a few at J IoDtgocacr fa week aad at tble weak Ted baa retaroad frow North of fa with ukSoacb of father of the Ontario Beak a few daya In Newmarket relnrelog boms Ilia of of leal Laau of Books and No- contained a poitratl of Ur Walter fl Crone with ptrnta wa let page of tbla Imi tot for dry paper doee not print very wall on oar Walter aii a great with who will leant of aocoeatfol Berrte lArga Fred both from from Buna on ba fnat for a on foot Their la of and to Iba of la Lb floa of arrow and and other relic which Inked at of the flra bare vary to la with their Life Around Hub I a to nil bnrvMlCog la thUiootloD Boms field of nre irlth raib Among Mr nod of Philadelphia and J ot Toronto Mr for on to joia bin- band having decided to nettle So country Point- Mr Dentist of Lloyd- town and fain daughter remained over Sunday with Mrs Jesse while friends Christine Winch her ancle Rev J of Mr P Atkinson of is visiting Mr is bricked and will mark a great improvement to tbe neighborhood The Sabbath School here getting very crowd Splendid opening for church aerfloee Colt Tamers in week They are said to be from Oood Apply at tea J Apply IOYOLE FOR SALE lb Apply to DAN FOR ALB MANITOBA LAND flQA ACRE Acre ACRE4 on cool- One day last week A E Roe and A went to Fox Island and home weighing from to Ibt A couple of gentlemen from Aurora got 2d tbe off the same Island Mr J Robertson of Toronto or four at tbe Point last week Several Newmarket people spent Sunday on Lake shore more Aorora people are camping here this week Another held lut evening by the light of the camp flee There a good on the Bradford on Monday boat did not call at the Point Harry Woodbarn had a runaway week with a spaa of and wu badly shaken The wagon and were badly wrecked Maggie made In descending the cellar stairs a few days ago and a she been mining a apralned ankle Lewis Bartholomew having dis posed of boot and shoe business inKnds with the cooperation of his father John Bartholomew to forth- with erect a building on Edward in which to place the evaporating bust- nets We hope this business will be of a success to him to start also a fruit aud table canning la connection will bo a boom to farmers in vicinity who to i Owing to Quarterly meeting ser vices being held at Keswick there was no service at Metho dist In the morning nor at Sharon in the afternoon A caasod some who came to Sharon in afternoon to go disappointed Listen close ly to announcements next time Rev R Large wife loft on Monday morning to visit in Listowei and Kincardine The wilt be supplied for tbe two Sabbaths The Bachelors good time went to a garden party at Sutton on Wednesday evening in their society rig Even the horses driven in bat the beys made giant efforts to catch on they got there From the happy of their countenances on their return we have no doubt tbey did tramps would like a prlxe to offered at fall fair at Newmarket for beat relio collection Mr Johnson of Is busy this week delivering Belt Pianos and Organs hero and at Kes wick this week Mr Love of has one of the finest camping places on the shores of Lake Sirucoe If you dont believe it go and lee Our baker finds It to keep three horses Is boom ing Any time before tho Worlds Fair with those entrance reports Dont harry for fear yon get tired are paid by the day arent Laddie in faiaoaa Viol Data on Oak In a 23 Wait figure la ft Hi value are lo A CO TT Mania CHINA HALL Folly prepared for the season preserving IIS Wett Lot A to flo plowing Grand Buildings LAND IN Apply lo It front Toronto 3wX8 POSITIVE fi SUGAR t Do you know some too good I have and St Lawrence Makes ONLY are beat made containing per cent Pure See tbat yon got it I have TONS OF IT quality and Pop ular prices Brown Sugars Application ted AUf preparation lOOgftlt nO from Brett w from It ih bttbett merit lo toil more mot ttntlclpillOaii of IhotM It la KONB IB A POSITIVE to or receipt feet ft FRUIT JARS Gross comprising J gats quarts and pints Popular prices ANTED girl At a month to is vine a Mrs Rape Mark- ham was very badly by the opsonin of a boiler of on of last week Fall Wheat and Barley harvest Is over with In this section and the farmers say the sample will be very good of mornings some one will by the toot of the threshing whistle Mr been potting an addition to his barn and otherwise improving the general appearance of bis farm In last weeks of the tbe Old Man styles a family party as a If ho had been fortunate enough to be invited probably he not have given so many Private picnio to the- Like aro beginning to move We are to Mist back to LonelyDell again for a short time Emma who been In Toledo Ohio home on Saturday night The appears to have agreed with her as she Is Her brother who is her and will remain a short tfiqe ANTED general Apply to fitd pro- una No Mala VACANT Liberal wages to girl for work una Ids Notice to Creditors ISAAC to Of lorandaHolwrpsiLrUaVhftTlunrorslcaoa UU of the of Us oo or Ob day or April A p lo Mod Id to CbrliUain sAd decreet ihofal of of ULocaaDt of tboisjitarooftMAoctirlliMpli by tin iier to part tnUUod lo LboM of hleb Ihwi fitspeq tor will It for losnr or whew ivthaYtbJiaDoUc5 MrUea lo aaid aaUU iolrtd to to TEA Is I make a specialty of as my Japan at 30c or Iba for proves by Us sale Alto and Hysons I can give you fino value for money Special in crockery AND GLASSWARE DINNER TEA SETS TOILET 8ETS The Leading Grocery Notod for Good R A SMITH Main St Cor Timotby JTfi Hit of ticn ApfUy tut FOR SALE Hot Bow p Sir Lot J a COME And see the Goods and find out the prices they will talk for themselves a CASH AND ONE PRICE MAIN ST liasjjjjjjj r RUIT PINTS QUARTS HALFGALLONS BEST QUALITY BRUNTON BROS sugar THIS I Because we are selling Sugar cheaper than any house in the trade there are men so devoid of honor that they insinuate that our sugar is infer ior in quality or we could not sell so cheap We denounce such disreputable conduct and boldly announce that no house in the trade adheres more strictly to Quality in every department That is the chiet reason why we are doing the trade of the people who want only the best We are still selling ft i REDPATHS EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR F 450 PER Empty Sugar Barrels at cents each l j

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