iS vtf AUG and Lungs I have been ill for Hemorrhage about five years have hid the beat Yaw medical advice and I took the first dose In doubt This edin a few hours easy sleep There wasnofurther hemorrhage till next day when I had a slight attack which stopped almost immediate ly By the third day all Irace blood had disappeared and I bad recovered much strength The fourth day I sat up in bed and ate my dinner the first solid food for two months Since that time I have gradually gotten better and am now able to move about the house My death was daily pected and my recovery has been ft great surprise to my friends and the doctor There can be no doubt about the effect of as I had an attack just previous to The only relief was after the first dose Adelaide- a Iter watt warn It announced a will bo held In cm lit of month Cabinet John will to on A fvtrt from it will lb mot and Important held Ihera Ox from the Eighty Hen antioanoed to Brit apewh in Bight- expected to addraa Iho Home Union next The which lait wl held it it reported bare beta decidedly attendance exceeded expectation Letter from India- H IBaoomplAiol from which offer and few are entirely Its indication ft tbe cum for which readily found In Pill ad for ick headache by disordered condition of the rills are re liable Samuel After tie of for many yearn in my practice and family I am Justified in thM they are cathartic medicine- the for A- P Railway Co Texas Oyers Tills ere to ice the for all tus by a and lire I for digestion and I bad no and was weak ami nervous of the time- boxes of Avers Fill at the time was completely Philip Kansas was troubled for years witb constipation and A few boxed of Tills used In doses la arc and St rout Pills Dr J a Co Mat fc1l DrtiiitiSfil Deaden The Apostles In God Aug Text- They the Word with Acts before the Jewish Council the Peter and John were coDeeroioja of lb healing the at the the Tern The had tt in with Ktt At The fact the it So it wis neither pintle for Ihr to the nor politic to pQoiib ui John fur the of a KKd So eouht to feu Ik the of the tubal by threatening iff It to follow what we to of The threats of cannot the truth God Id times ol and dinger it is the btt the course to lay all before id prayer At all it ii oar duty to Godi truth with and Is a copy of a letter by a Isjt week 1S92 Dear of Tha order came to baud week so you see it had been a long time on Ax exchange worl the liquor as to profit and loif all round j follow A of corn feorv of which sells for I Out of Hits the to be able to hand gets the the the rtpenu ten dent vendor the farmer and the dtiokex the delerium In op the question Is What the gained by the transaction f Ctoryrr appointment from the of this looked closely at present than at any period In history country Initesd of masters they are to they are public fimellns Irving has recently been detailed to Investigate charges of neglect of duty preferred against A- county attorney and clerk of for Victoria What county be is of this age of progress and Recently the patifying announcement of a tele phone attachment for that will are calling up Central and save the delete and ice- dent thereto new device will enable every telephone to make his own without the nd the New York World will be a great upon thousands of A named Tolen was of forgery before Police Toronto about a month to a year q Central was to Rail on that the Ontario bed no power to Invest a authority to persons charted with forgery The High Court this appeal and Toland was released He was soon rearrested and trite has sent him for trie at next Court In county are warned not trail travelling genius who comes along offering Inducements of a speculating character A slick ludWdoal been go with to handle their butter at 2d eta- per IN The agreement out to be a note for If farmers wermore that were written with Ink kept in their of the ink carry them they not to The hotelkeepers of Toronto are an crowd aomettmea It ia now that they threaten the city with ul for damages If more meatures taken the In They aiy places are rapidly to Injury of the licensed trade latter maybe true but the Idea of city Id all rot There a not a Why the taxerokeepera themselves the who Interfere with trade Why dont they appeal to iospKtnr or the commissioners Here is where they strike dear year that they hare had bard work to get along bare been apendiog a few weeks on the so I bar weather It is so pleasant up here that we cannot how hot it below It is a beautiful place among tbo hill tops thousand feet the of thft There ia a of tropical flowers with nearly all of our old at home many of growing wild What do you say to heliotrope and hedges It so strange to have lisb roue and dahlias blooming at the same lime This abundance of has been a regular feast to toe Ten misxicn a furnished house hare kept house much and than bearding and We have bad a very pleasant time How I am to get back to my work and I will be glad to hear rainfalls for the cooler weather will come and it will be safe for to go down It la so cool here that we have grate err and often all day and find wool clothing I had an English letter from boy a few days tinea The wording of it very quaint but writes a very good band and hope that when be writes lo yon again it will beau letter In my next letter I hope to tell you some thing about my work at God Me yon all and keep you from that wonld Yours in the Masters service I For th Option Editor Barley In receipt of a letter from a large firnef which fa cur opinion will InralOabla to your vicinity and would ask you to kindly insert asms in yenr The of lb letter is as groat objections with your Two Rowed Barley Is occasioned by your farmers being entirely loo to secure an extra bright article and In order to obtain this harvest It whilst too green the consequence Is that gTmin Is flinty and will not produce the yield to the which would allowed to ripen properly We would much prefer a little color and have and full of starch than obtain a flinty while barley aleo It la Important that the grain should allowed to sweat well in the shook and you gWe your Term ers Instructions as to the of the Heretofore then have many broken grains your barley which will not when on the floor and am perfectly ruinous to the malting of the grain that all the other good qualities have been and only a or third class article produced Now this stste of affairs could be easily by your threshers opening machines and and you can see the advantage when we tell you that It will the value of the grain at least fire or ten per bushel And lastly yon moat careful thai there Is ooadmlxtora of ai rowed barley as this is very damig iuc indeed to the If our will cany cut above guarantee them a handsome figure for all the barley they can grow and we earnestly hope that will look after their interests carefully in this matter and make profitable both for themielrea and the By inserting the above you will oblige truly It McKaxACa Toronto REMEDY ST JACOBS OIL THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN Bnlici Cnlt BtHheu aweMaaj Bwktche Bint THE charts a VOQELER Baltimore Canadian TOR cifs Sk Md TRUNK WAi K HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKET TO SEE OUR NOVELTIES J FURNISHINGS PLAT CALL AND EXAMINE Will be pleased to show and quote you prices ATKINSON E WM ARKET TO BE GIVEN AWAY i S B a 3 ft p I I Si- Shall a Convention be Heidi There one feature connected with periodical Presidential the United worth consider ing Their nominating conventions to formulate platforms for each tad enables each political party to and avow it particular views on leading issues be fore the country by legates from the electorate instead of relying Open leader repre sentative position in the to the sentitnentt re spective parties into a policy In this Dominion la the absence of national party gatherings at stated we are quite in favor of hold ing regularly political composed of a given of delegates from the various throughout country These gathering could thoroughly the leading politi cal of the day and adopt a series of relating tbereto embracing the of a vast jnrity of llui whom it would of into contact with- delegates embracing every shade of feeling within the party As a result of sentiment and of opinion would prevail the rank and Particularly would thia with Liberals who pride in being able to boast of their free dom of opinion aud liberty of lion A platform thus evolved would have an educating And very materially contribute producing by tbe party Toe resolution would embrace principles they could urge and enforce upon Intelli gence of the and by rallying local around the party For these and other cogent reasons yr endorse the Idea of a repre- political gathering and We are pleased to notice that the leading liberal press throughout country fa calling attention to the that widespread and feeling on the part of party for snob a The favor It being Toronto but the wants it In that metropolis Either city would salt j hot the to the weat however we ahould favor Ontario KlNov mineral exhibit at the World Fair will of of slices of mtmtar of lbs British of Commooi sleeted number 16t The- pnvilfgsd are still in pt fct with 105 lbs navy and forces sons sod ud Bonnes ere by shipowners brewers IS fstoiers scd even if the journalists alt of tbe ants it will be Montreal I Urate ssys wealth hare lost little of their l to lsm of militia who on the news of ths attempt on qisusger Pricks life by shooting for thres for man who committed most and That Isms was guilty of gross by openly of the at ifmpt at assassination Homestead eipeciilly In view of lbs fact that as a soldier he there to order protect property will be generally admitted and that he mads matters worse by refusing to what he said when to do so by a officer will vacationed hut for bis offence and to for twenty minutes by thumbs have ens side of bis shaved andltommtd oat of the regimen was an In modern In country the OF LAV- hi Karros believe my two weeks tfaat keeping of liquor forssls a license an the law whether the liquor is sold or a municipality the Local Option law comes fort no licenses wilt be granted it will he for to liquor for Now it is welt people who are oppose to a prohibitory law will tty in wsv to it the ques tion How is to be aictr- tained whether a liquor for sals or not I The act any officer policy man or inspector may at any time enter any inn tavern or other place of public entertainment shop warehouse or other where liquors are sold or reputed to he sold and mike Frances part of it who iff a or obstructs such officer shall bo to the realties if proved of selling liquors are found during search they may be seized and upon prod that they were kept for sate destroyed If appliances for selling lienor as keg pumps decanters tumblers etc are found they shall be regarded that liquor kept for the defendant when prosecuted can prove the contrary and the of ths thill he wondered of keepicR the liquor for sale When an liquors he may demand name of any person whom he Godson the premises If person to or fined or tea- prisoned In proving the sale or disposal of it will cot be to prove that money actually pasted if the police or ccutt the cat ears satUfid that a trsnsaction of the nature a sale or disposal took place or that liquor was or about to be consumed When ia given to any con stable policeman or inspector that there is to that a certain person is via the act It shall be bis duty to make diligent into the truth of such in formation and enter complaint the proper court without revealing the name of giving the Information It Is the duty of officers toaes that the severs of act are carried out and to prosecute for the pun of any offence it Is also made for punishment of cue they wilfully neglect their Watchman SCOTTS PHARMACY 3D or CD a DISPENSING A CO 33 On id Interview members of eminent speaking about caul tolls quesUro a of the said that the United Staler pot oli bill recently la force on August 1 view of tbe Canadian will not ratio the tulle on the but will rtftr matter to rntnent that the Gvrernment had violated a treaty with Canada Canadians will ask that tiry or other words that be to ply Canadian vessel damages tbey may sustain AKash lbs of the This Wilt be the of arbitra tion to ascertain If the Canadian gorera had vessels on the St are guilty tbey will to to people have had pay tolls If the reditu is will to stand the social problem of day and Iatbeques- of dealing the vagrant population comprised of men add commonly called tramp bogoaboot the country the iodoatry of other At present they only bo dull with by legal authority j and as this expense to taxpayers and a lot of time add sre In no therefor It strikes should give municipal empowering to pat bylaws to compel tramps to do a certain of work upon or la breaking stone for repairs and pay tribnte to the sod feeds We mske no an ordinance of this character the tasy vagrancy extant and check the tramp nuisance It is no or crime to poor but it both in of those able to walk who go listlessly from to and lira the public Oh My end I brow and Irritable tan bo relieved and permanently cured by Burdock the best remedy for headache cooail and alt of liver and blood Good Dzitt I used Dr tract or Wild In my family fur number of years aod nothing good sick stnmurh as It has proved Itself tube Mrs A Appellee I your valuable medicine can not bo to the benefit I re ceived from It After ftn head acjio and loss of nearly four years I tried 1L11 Il with the greatest success flud- ig gave me great relief end good appetite Now I enjoy good health which I owe to your valuable Drown London A of ruea and women who have always their prejudice to to merits of now use Ibis wonderful tonic lbs boat remedy known for dyspepla i Ion and all blood diseases PUREST STRONGEST BEST Contains do Alum Ammonia Lime Phosphates or any Injuria Chicago July During days of unusually hot weather Sunday morning and clos ing tbe looked for rata last night were deaths in Chica go from Other cases may yet terminate fatally number prostrations wan not of Mr will probobly be the oldest prime minister that baa taken office in An ft rule retired active leadership alter seventy if they attained that age and for part they have not lived- many beyond it Some of them have been cut down their like Pitt Peel and others Mr Gladstone is also only instance of an English statesman forming four July tank No 17 of the Pennsylvania Lino Company six miles from Washington yesterday afternoon The tank barrels of oil and it buret burning spread to iu tho vicinity soon all The conflagration was still at oclock morning notwith standing efforts of men who have been fighting it will bo very heavy There was a at closing gathering of the great international convention of Christ inn Endeavor in Sow York city Ira the of gospel melodies an address in which ho referred to plea nut relations of England and America end said that war between tho two nations forever out of question The Canadian delegates sprang to their as Mr and electrified ths by striking up God Have the Queen convention broke into checriu and all in waved their handkerchiefs When were through tbe audience continued the song the of 1 My Country of Thee It was now turn to cheer and wave handkerchiefs replied to Tie that Bind the whole audiMica joined in and was scene of wild THE LEADINCJRUC STORE gPEOUL ATTENTION to Family MAIN ST NEXT POST OFFICE Everyone purchasing goods to the value of 150 will receive a number F WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER TO AGUES soli all with crop In At W I IAIN OR BALK aero or No JA Ihft of to J OR SALE on now pump sat It a market Is a for will sail T J ItOHKRTgOX LIMITED LATH SHINGLES NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS V WITH SASH liquor store TO INVALIDS Use Native St Augustine Registered Unexcelled for building up a run down constitution GIVE IT ATRIAL P J ALLEY TELEPHONE CONNECTIOK MAIN STREET NORTH THANKFUL FOR THIS LIBERAL OK THE PAST WB SOLICIT A OF SAME AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK -AT- CASH GROCERY STORE SCO MAIN STREET NORTH Preserving Season here again All those requiring if they wish to Should not fail to call at the above number save money A Word to the Wise is Sufficient P J a CUT PLUG of Willi I have It both for children And with ths but Qui Mlnate Ua- by Kelojao New i the fefat it had tit font LiMicnf ltoaHvesUbsrdsoUor Lumps from Sprains Son Throat Coughi Sold Jsujw gist A Hut QfefUHus Irsct Wild tor tho Et cum of and soramer complaints us myM bills J i ii There am of the United to pu the world time authority a loch toll to OLD CHUM PLUG No other brand of Tobacco lias ever en joyed such on immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco Oldest Cut turert in Canada PHARMACY FEE PARIS GREEN u r DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR f CUIteJOc J lb Hi a I SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM is township or EAST udbr a power of slo la two Ich will bo tbert bo sotd by by Hot l of it hour Ihd follow log bssbold liTho oriel Ip of I Couolj of ACtfM more or vstdr and for purposes too Iho soft wood A and a The roads Rood Mb TERMS OF Mot In on thsr In V3 t for of to tt OLD AND LIQUORS EXCLUSIVELY AT McALEERS Stock and Right P A CALL SOLICITED RED BOOT BOOTS have tbo Largest and Moat Stock in town for from and our Prices are Lower than tbe Lowest Our Motto is Low Prices Good Goods Small Profits and Returns Any person wishing anything in the Boots and Shoes should not forget to on 1 i s H NO 77 MAIN 8T 1 FARM FOR SALE loll Con L burr W In good bo- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO NtiWMAKKET ICllc A J llUUUEd aiiiron OR OR TO in Cop of About ICO acre la state Of cultivation flna In of the lvr further particulars apply to Albert mo RENT brick on lron SI Hilt well appoint ftad cist era water Immediate st DESIRABLE FARM Near for louSlandJ3 the of Whitchurch About mil- from and known Philip Mead Una for apply lo -A- i W FARM FOR SALE lot flrit con- of King South of About mo and under ood I veil wooded Qood barn and all necessary out-build- ihoprsmUoE A ho a good wd before flrttolilarchfcoxt further particulars apply on Che or to I FOR SALE lit following and In Id Cod North of 70acreaofIxitSn tbe Cod SI Mb 100 aa has j aorta good born find erected HI a If aolp AiitaetoMufji are low and good will Alio lotbo Town of Now- and to Graduated In at with Iho hunt the of IhQ of km devoted his wholo 1 mo to specially and Disease The cut represent a Porous lleictratortipl In of Dr Throat of Toronto to bo par- poses vhltlotc lendlns Throat Lung In London VJchus return will bo about when thodaUiof villi i wilt bo Announced Diseases Catarrh of Head And Chronic and also of Volco Throat vged tboNoworanr other Nasal Ob without a Itnlfo run ever I wilt If want noTthlnr in SSEISS hinds of the BEST WOOD GOAL STOVES BEST AMERICAN AND Kit LAMPS Work E-ttJib- iog and General fc mo a man about circulation of IqUo OR SALE ft boslobu and CUM AH DAP