vvivd A THE NEWMARKET Every Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON IT BIS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE REACHED ft id aiaat GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER TO ARGUE ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ALL OTHER ONTARIO BAKE CAPITAL SIR P HDilASD NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Cents Each i Ont Friday Aug 1892 Terms Strictly in Advance within or 160 at end of year AQRNBRALBANKINQ Interact Allowed on Deposits at aiints DRAFTS ISSUED QEtrllag id- foci J- Manager LEO Ah on food Farm LLOYD Eta Court A CANT Solicitors Eta Jf a Kin Ontario 1 r- CAM DB A J AT ft and Q if 46nw oJ AT C P firtfW titv Hoars- to A to n nil AN and Obstetrician At J id 10 a toS to St Cborcb- A rENTlHT Has Denial Roam to the Port Black A IGHT Co HEADQUARTERS FOR MILE PAILS STRAINER FAILS CREAM FAILS MILE PANS CREAMERS MILE STRAINERS BARREL DASH CHURNS 1750000 PER CENT Mr or by RICHMOND Will any llrao o to No to 170 -s- Toronto IS CANADA UNITED STATaV PAOiriO MANITOBA wforfr UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms Baskets all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal Oil dona promptly WRIGHT CO Bla THE VERY BEST No 14 Next to Telephone No 30 NEWMARKET TAEALETIS IN itmcofA nod Finest and od Work Corner of aJ Queen Strcot The Baby In the Case- hid good to For foor long Weary tired to When lone tod load moot hi With enough for And bj ihit cry Then omo to com And from the With the child Confoaadthabrmll paid to gel Borne to both the little face Still op od down eljIog The trmmpd Then a cfuity With Bant forth la temper Al the to She the none in car Asleep without Whew its mother I Bat idV- My wife in her the the Then a hub fell on the Go ait with her my frieJ And io me Utile child fe The Ice LYMAN GEO LICENSES ASl CLOCK Store upaUlrt gold odl SO SPRING STORE 1892 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS J Fir and Life MONET HUE D LAWRIE Of At Old Cor U promptly attended to tlti No Alma AOEST for Norwich KcotUod Keg Ail Slock Companies Farm Town Property A Mil ON AforJUf ICO bed for meet AiontfortbeHu ita Newmarket York a Ulei not eolkttd- can bo h P In AuoUft PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE CONSISTING OF Bar Iron and Steel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Barbed Annealed Galvanized Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty A Li force J E SOUGH Agent CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle Navy IS NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT B Nil GSE PAPERS Wall Pnpers Borders Ceiling DccorationtJ in Largo Variety and Latest Designs SPECIAL ATTENTION CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE W N STARR DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND Largest sale in Canada ORGANS PIANOS ftiMr ft AKTItUH J Aurora at the lotD tDlurinc office of JK THE KEY HEALTH JAricjttt rob Hamilton to do 6tit I lon totor of ri frvi Photos Photos I Unlock all rfogped KIdnoyfl and Liver without vcikiaiDg I of Cor recting Acidity of tho Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness of tho Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Kheura Erysipelas fccro- Fluttering or Henri Ner vousness Debility tbo other oUr CojngiJ PEPPIATT llio not only complain bat by the blood to Is parent of Innumerable maladies That A to beat euro foe la proved by tito IwUmony from Joseph Lake or Liver complaint and my life burden came For four years was bad about yainli to BURDOCK Din CO Toronto WO MILKKB Pt or Hi v I WTf To tell to now Wo on fox on to CHASE BROTHERS COT OdI AT ERA A VINO Ilovarl Intend MAINTAINING And KuarAntett Co turn out work even work ad of It nil to lljvprlucllQD of ad Cow Inn ana In or Oil Ill HI IN not bo tbe nclirbbor- cheap work but fnojtrrlquncco complete nod Wills THE BEST ROLLER FLOUR Kept Conatantly on Hand Chopping Feed etc kinds of food only moat could bo at all treated Itl that I took alined tod which wonderful Boon offer to take I could an Improvement In My appetite began to return find Willi It Canto tbo ability to all tho food my Im proved each a mouths of faithful attention to your I a to alto to all household Tho baa given toe flyers Sarsaparilla Dr J f Cot Lowell PURE LYE BEST ftU AH The oa tbo of ice is based exemplified in the relation of heat to conver sion of water into i A certain amount of is re quired for conversion of any into a beat as we a ay latent is is being em ployed for time in producing violent of gas mole- coles Whenever a into a gas heat come from some where In the making of Steam it courts from the fire in ordinary evaporation of water out of doors it cornea from the son When there is no heating arrangement but the conditions ere favorable for gaseous change in fluid heat will be taken up from surrounding Bob- stances if they have any If you dip your hand in water and then wave it the air water will evaporate is be cpnverted into gas and yon will appreciate by cool sensation that heat has been ab stracted from your hand If yon uao instead of water some fluid more readily passes into the gaseous state such as alcohol or ether sensation of coolness will be mora im mediate and Now this is the principle which Is applied in of ice Some fluid which evaporates readily ia forced to do so each condi tions the beat which It most have and render latent in its vapor will be from a limited quantity of water and this process being made continuous so much beat will finally be abstracted from the water that its molecules can no long er stay mobile but fiy together into crystals the water freezes evaporating fluid used in prac tice may be ether or sul phurous acid or ammonia The last is perhaps nowadays most often used These fluids kept in strong close pipe and receivers and can under no conditions come into contact with tho water to be frozen Suppose we consider the ammonia freezing machines very briefly only for into tho details of the process it is not necessary for us here to enter Hut in order to understand this operation more physical most bo stated is that the of pressure to which a substance is exposed has a great influence upon the temperature at passes from fluid to condi tion Water at ordinary alti tudes boils that Is Is converted Into vapor at centigrade Fah renheit But on a high mountain It will boll at a lower lemperaturo than this less there other hand if you put a gas into a and it to a sufficiently heavy pressure by a pump or In other way it will In most cases becomo a forthwith and beat which had been latent in it will be given out Now this in a general way Is what is totheamraoola in getting It ready to water Pare liquid ammonia bolls that passes from tho liquid Into gaseous state at a of about Fahrenheit lower than water docs ammonia a substance which at ordinary tern- Is a That which we buy drug stores as ammonia Is simply a solution of gas in water and from as every knows It readily given off It Is volatile fs it tends under ordinary con ditions to got Into gaseous form Now In factories powerful used to ammonia gas by pressure into the liquid state and heat Which Is thus sot freo off by cool water pouring coils of stout Iron pipe in which Is This fluid ammonia kept fluid by the to which it Is subjected a varying from 1 to pounds to tho Inch carried In pipes to colls in the fretziotonks tanks simply great vats filled with brine and covered over with a floor Into brine cam filled with the water to bo frown are placed and carefully covered Thetn cans usually be tween three four feet deep about one foot nd nearly two feet wide of pipe communicating with ammonia pipes are Immers ed In the brine which is kept In motion by paddlewheels moved by The brine acts as ft carrier of heat from the water to Its mo- to ammonia pipes Brine used because it doe not readily frecta as water does and as a good conductor or distributer the beat Now when alt is ready ammonia its great pressor is allowed to escape the coils of pipo which brine and in which tho pressure is so much less that the ammonia as it rushes it becomes at once a gas But to do this it must have heat It must have it From the walla of the pipes into which it rushes it seizes lb first These take it from brine which- them until its temperature goes down down end it begins to draw through their iron walls the heat stack of the water In the cane And bo the bat relentless warfare goes on ammonia vapor is constantly pumped away from pipes in which it had expanded to be need over again while liquid ammonia is as con stantly forced in from behind Some hours pass and the heat stock in water is growing scantier and scantier It can aland it in this way but little longer it is down well nigh to zero centigrade and the wild insatiable vapor raging for host in the pipes not far off is still Book ing it fttray The only thing which be now to furnish more is for water to give up its heat and that is to sign its own deathwarrant as water for if one may nee such a torn of phraae with out its latent heat water is ice Well at last there is nothing for it and which is happen ing this winter night on which I- write at the edge of every lako and pool and pood hereabouts little transparent spicule shootout from surfaces and water slowly as if unwilling yields itself into its crystal bonds Tbo layers on all sides slowly thicken and at last in about sixty hours lb Is solid The watchful at tendant with a beautiful ice block still in its galvan ized iron cm out of its cold bath and trundles it off to make way for another molecular battle and another victory From Approach of Mars planet Mars on August Gth will bo close to the earth but not to endanger cburoh steeples or oven to the tallest of earths His dislancewill be say miles Bub great telescope on Mount Hamilton California will bring Mars within miles of and wonderful discoveries are ex pected has already been settled to the of minds of astronomers that wate exists on Mara Brilliant white patches seen on the poles of Mars beautiful objects by experiments of Mr Hugging have determined to be i This tbe great discovery connected with Mars and follows that of Prof Hall in Wash ington who in made the splen did discovery of the tiny Moons of Mars of earth better acquainted with Mars than with any of heavenly bodies with tho exception of the Moon and the presenb approach of Mars is rendered especially Interesting be cause since 1887 last of our neighbor who bears such a striking resemblance to earth magnificent Wok telescope has been compbtedBuffalo News a The of Canning Food A destruction of germa and tho exclusion of air the principles upon which canning of food baaed writes Maria in a artiolo on The Canning of Fruits and Vcgotablcs in the Juno Ladies Home Journal If things properly done no preservative ho added except to give a flavor aubstancea re quire long to a high tem perature before all germs de stroyed whilo others need only to bo heated to tho boiling point and then bo boiled for a or two Nearly all small are easily pre served by thoroughly heating and canning larger kinds re quire a longer for tho penetrate part veg etables such as peas etc rrqulro long exposure to a high temperature Meats still more to keep and It fs prac tice to add a chemical to tho water in which cans stand that tem perature bo rafted to a oven higher than that of boiling things in ctnnlng fruit to have jars and covers hot and the fruit boiling hot should stand level lit them with fruit and juice pissing a silver knifo between the and fruit that space ho filled with juice Now pour In syrup until It over at top of jar seal at once When j are cold set thorn In cool dry dark place Fruit la hotter flavored when sugar la put with it amount a matter of To preserve fruit syrups prepare tho fruit as for Strain juice and put on to boil To each pint of jufco add half a pound of sugar boil for fifteen minutes alte ring will and seal while hot St Thomas Aug A of thunder and over tho city night Wore midnight but accompanied by little rain During Mr E McCarthy conductor and wife were standing on the steps of their resldenco when a flash of light ning seemed to ground In front of and Mr McCarthy was knocked down and slightly soon recovering Mrs McCarthy rendered and re mained so than an hour the worse today but the physician who was called says on the targe of death Terrible Earthquake LOST TOWNS AND Additional details of eruption on Great Sangir Island are now at hand Without any warning signal with out any sign whatever of Impending disturbance the vol cano blazed forth on June and within hours the whole of the prosperoua surrounding was devastated The location of the crater lati tude 3 degrees 39 minutes North longitude degrees East Western of Great Island is washed by the Celebes Sea with the Molucca passage on Southeast Island one of a chain of islands near the Philippines The first report of the eruption was heard about in the morning and for four hoars there was one con tinual stream of tire and ashes belch ing forth After a alight relaxation a flood of fire again continuing two days heavy being heard in the mountains The town of Toroana on the south ern side of the island suffered then Dwellings and Other structures crum bled under their heavy load of dust and ashes the inhabitants fleeing for safety perished in the rains The coooannt plantations which covered the whole aide were completely destroyed The country west of was covered with thick mud and ashes thunderstorms had followed earthquake Hob streams of mud and lava running down the mountain side rendered travelling un safe and thoto who were overtaken in their flight perished Reports From all over the island indicate tho moat disastrous conse quences Whole villages are sub merged and cocoa and nutmeg plan tations everywhere In the northern part of island lava streams were tunning with force Among other villages obliterated was that of famed for its beauty and wealth mi it loss or loss of life is something fright ful bub no accurate estimate of It can yet be made Some it high A thousand bodies have been picked up on tbo shore and many were found floating in the sea Tbo alarm reached the Netherlands warship immediately despatched from the British steamer Hecuba was also sent to render assistance and carry supplies The whole island completely de vastated and although the violent has ceased volumes of are arising accompanied by steam and lower lands and valleys are covered with I ay a which still pouring down cracks in the mountain opened emptying volleys of streams stones and mud OP Property worth millions upon millions is destroyed forever For many years the Inhabitants of Island living within the of a crater had tilled soil and prospered their chief industry being the growing of nutmegs cocoa- nuts and grapes tho product being regularly shipped abroad With no political or national dis turbances semisavage natives were gradually becoming civilized The villages end were well built and had schools and churches OP AND devastation at on the morning of June There was a terrible rumble a column of ruddy flame ahot up from tho crater high aa the eye could reach and immediately afterwards hot aabea were falling liko snowflakes over the whole country Dust was flying In all directions and from the time of explosion until oclock that evening fiorco volumes of Jhme end smoke and showers of largo were belched fortbj followed by rain which fell in torrents bringing down with It the clouds of ashes that were Hying through air This continued all night and the whole of tho next day VILtAOEfl AND IKllAMTASTS LOWED UP Earthquakes began Juno Vil- after village hun dreds of people dropping iuto groat in the earth The wholo country is under a layer of mud ashes stones All veg- burned by the awful heat of volcanic fires or hue destroyed by dose showers of and dust- country around and sides of hills were still steaming and smoking on numerous vol canic jots throwing up columns of mud and stones which fell In showers over district forming into hot streams in their downward course carried before them The dlatrlct on the North aid of Island la destroyed nut and cocoa plantations being laid In and In casos completely burled under the ashes mud and lava from crater Life Around the Hub I Owfog to ft defect in the of the new the toot spread tag walla nd it ftry to remove the roof and have it according to a different plan The School of the a brunt bind la dance A Ml ItDCfl of and I Op Ha lag but wonder oido not What might a of aWo at Bfoa- ittoryon of Jut whUft t It aoppoaKd a fn faroaca lriitloa logics room fu run aod bad It not aoto good facial It wait wattr Found Dying on the Roadside AirrrL PROM ORCHARD I On Monday last James Chapman of died under so auspicious the of his death will be Immediately investigat ed had it alleged been a heavy drinker for years On the Friday night previous to death he was heard quarrelling with some other plod In front of and an hour or so afterward when the proprietor went out he found lying on the road Thinking that he was drunk bo him carried to the stable where be remained until morning The on- fortunate man was well oared for but despite all efforts ho never rallied and on Monday breathed last An inquest was held The jury out for a consider length of time finally bringing in a verdict that deceased had met death by a heavy fall which cauaed of adding the rider that they were unable to say what had the fall Mistake He knocked at the kitchen door- timidly end asked for something to eat Yon can it if youll saw some wood for me the lady I shall only be too happy he re sponded but I must ask that you give me something to eat Brat for I am weak from hunger She had her doubts about a bargain of that kind but took him in end set him before a large slice of left over steak lie attacked it at once with knife and fork but after a few minutes laid dowo his implements of war You will excuse mo I ho said ruing Whats tho matter she inquired in surprise I made a slight mistake lie piled as ho wiped from his brow with his sleeve I thought I needed to eat the steak to give me strength to saw the wood hut I find I need the wood to glvo mo strength to eat the steak and if you will be kind enough to show me to the wood pile I will John Wood of has been engaged by the Bolton band aa teacher He will remove to Bol ton The damage from the fire at the Got ton Mills on Thurs day night estimated at from to FrenchCanadian papers threaten reprisals against Quebec I Protestants on account of the Mani toba school decision On Aug 3rd Geo Taylor cat the record from at Springfield He rode a safety wheel Wilson the thirteen- year old son of Thomas Wilson Pick ering was ran over end killed on his fathers farm on Monday The Stratbroy Knitting Fac tory and Roman church were destroyed by fire night Lou Many employees were injured Mores who re cently killed Mayer iu a due and the four seconds who have been committed on a of manslaughter a A dwarf residing at In Japan 35 years old but soventeen inches high He well educated and livelihood by penmanship There ate fifaean national tanks in New York city whiob have deposits exceeding each the largest amount being in the National Park 3 Albert Parker aged of arrested last week Mary Lenny aged daughter of a farmer in Wood The son of Win Severn Bridge waa drownr in the Severn River Tuesday and boys lost her life to rescue him Bat she didnt wait for htm to con clude his peroration swooped down on him and he went out the gate he breathed a algh of tlankfol- that he bod escaped easily Elf Municipal taxes Id Barrio will be levied the rate of mllla on the dollar An tire at tho Agricultural Works- day last week town of Barrios bank account has been overdrawn to extent of toe past weeks two Alliaton been broken into and ransacked backed out of rowing Jake on Lake for General Field peoples party candidate for Is confident that bis party will North Caroline South Georgia Texas Kansas Nebraska North Dakota Booth Dakota Minnesota Colorado and It isnt one or two rainbows that Field sees Its a whole sky fall of em No man ever Myrtle Navy tobacco for a fortnight and then took to any brand In preference to It It bears Ita own testimony of Its qualities and It is testimony which la always convincing The amoker who uses It la never annoyed by getting it sometimes of good qual ity and sometimes of bad The ar rangement of the manufacturers for keeping its quality equal are very elaborate and complete and are the results of many years of Hid close many other places Don- das going to have a purely Agri cultural Fair thousand dollars la to be In horse races and the Sanner adds additional prizes to bo offered for fruits plants fine aits Tho fair managers have evidently learned how to draw a crowd to ft purely Agricultural Fair fair proper is to bo what Menagerie Is to the Circus an excuse for pious people Judging from present prevailing hot weather of coal may seem out of place but still the question may be asked the coal kings any consolence It Is said that during the past six months the Goal trust advanced chestnut per ton stove egg cents end grate cents Prices of transportation by rail or canal not advanced and the wages of miners have not been materially Increased the raise being only per cent I It Is reported that price this necessary to rich Is to be still further advanced next Monday sou to make a general raise of per ton over last years prices which Is calcu lated to take fortyone million dollars further yearly profit from pockets of tho people Is it to be wondered that there Is talk when capital thus combines to rob ins people The Market Record of St Paul estimates that Minnesota and will of wheat year if weather continues favorable A BArrie livery man charged for driving tho OrilHa from the station to grounds Business had probably been bad fort while before says one of tbo papers r Isaac drove into a shed in Scotland on Thurs day night and in jumping from rig caught on a meat faateoed to the side of the shed He was able to lift himself off but is in a precarious condition While J Ratner and Mies Samatitba Hilt were driving alone the airleroad from homo the horse took fright 1 to one side threw the pieces and ran towar- home Mr Miss Hill were both badly hurt William a former res ident of Toronto died in Bay City Mich on Sunday evening at the ago of Ho was for many years rep of King in- the county of York Ho was appointed Justice of ihn Peace when only year of ago by John Gov and in for West York A darlbg piece of robbery was committed on Monday afternoon Of last week at the of Webster who resides at lot 2nd coo While family were away attending the funeral of the late Wilson a young fel low employed by Mr Webster enter ed tho house and forced open a from which he took In money and about 600 worth of notes silver watch waa also taken When the proprietor returnee ho missed hi property as well as the boy Aug Yesterday after noon Mr Samuel living near Station came to town to attend the funeral of little grandohihl Ho took dinner in home of daughter whoso child died and after on complaining of a pain in the hood- was taken by a son to office of Dr W A Ross Intending to join procession on Its way westward to Cemetery But funeral cortege had scarcely a quarter of a mijo when a r the physician threw the already aVddened group Into Intense grief by the announcement that the aged- grandfather had died In the office The deceased was between CO and years of age was highly respected and is mourned by Urge circle of relatives laud friends Very few individuals can be aald to have accomplished anything notable for civilisation The discov erers of the law gravity of thr place of earth In the universe of the practical uses of and steam at once occur to as Next In rsak to the men who have harnessed nature for mans are who have new applications of great forces and among the chief of these was Gyrus W Weld who died on alt The Indefatigable energy and sublime faith with which he Insisted on the practicability of the cable hot only gave him a high among the great men of history but was an admirable Illus tration of the finest traits of the race John Bright said of Cyras Field with the true poetic ImaguvHoa of the orator that ha wu the Columbus of modem times who his cable has moored tho New World alongside the Old Mr Field leaves ft great name a precious heritage to the snr- his family It has been a long time since the World knew auch a the man who laid Atlantic cable It will donbileu be a time before knows smother He wu one of five or six living men who have done something for