Newmarket Era, 16 Sep 1892, p. 2

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tijv- J ffHA iVMLri Fail J Boot Fell J Atkinson Wash born Card of Frank Firm a but rauanrmm with MiitirtiiytbMffl look- KB Mil by of peasant cm the last to party Ontario branch erf to Dominion ku to ask the Oct- amnect o of votsonUw of la mm hi tiro A wA atr Ray J IL a WW new In tfUl Ll ft tows with It V Is Prints at Homo r toil Mr P for Caidwal fcboot tad finn of Montreal In to for Mr Meredith to al to a contradict ad FRIDAY SEPT Toronto Tonovro Sept A AdcWd rtrwt by early doming of Trow aiMP for in Carletoo tmt Saturday on ay to Tint Trow of City war tnta bora Toronto grounds from of lb Dr A at tt a of Cauda has leal mttIom of Id to in for plan on Vadncaday and draw a big crowd Barrio defeated Herbert a to go a ud not wttb own ran It that Order- ifiOoBDcil up- annually to tba Royal to meet pari of Incurred by that Id granting re ward for caring of life in Canadian in land Th death of ex- MP nd Liberal Whip for soma yean In the the lad flection which at of too la Toronto on Friday lut of bear disease circle of personal and political A Deputation to London mi officially the Government organ at Toronto that Premier Abbott accompanied Mr Foster of will proceed to England id about a fortnight important in connection with the fintQcial of loans Id London Hie intimation also tost op the Home of last on a motion made by Mr DAlton P for North in regard to the betterment of diplomatic with Wash ington and other will ettention and the will a conference with the Col onial and Foreign office with the of securing If the oat of the desire of Parlia ment on toll Important matter In view of the conflicting interest and question of moment ever and anon arising between United State and Canadian no It would be of decided advantage for Dominion to have an accredited diplomatic official at Washington tfaroogb whom to approach of re sorting to the kindly offices of British Ambassador- A Canadian imbued with the of this country specially charged doty of watching Dominion interest to render valuable ser vice in inch a relation At least this appears to be the mind of Parliament as expressed list session and it is quite possible there is more sen timent in it We farther learn from the organs Ottawa correspondent that other im portant matters will engage the At tention of the First Minister and bis while in England also that Mr Foster proposes to pay special attention to questions particularly with the view to the far ther development of a market for Canadian in the mother country may mean if Mr lads tone lends a willing ear that next session Parliament will be naked to make some important change in tbe fiscal policy of this country been for years possibly the farming interests be Speaking of reasons for Prem iers trip to England the Ottawa of the Montreal and Toronto place quite a dif ferent construction upon motives prompting tbe same The statement regarding John health being precarious ia repeated and the farther intimation is given that be is In conaequanc unfit for as a public man Cabinet meeting last week he strongly urged to at the bead of the and this was accom panied by a guarantee that he should not las to do a stroke of work In to this his advisers also recommended him to take a trip to Europe and make an effort to regain bis lost health before the meeting of Parliament a final result the contented to remain at the head of the Government their version be trae we are forced to the conclusion that the resolution pro posed by Mr McCarthy above re- to was as an made to do daty lq the shape of tar nishing a public excuse for the Premiers visit to Downing Street The correspondent farther intimates that sboold John go to Europe lion Mr Bowel will be Acting Premier daring bis absence Other people however the notion that John Thompson who recently mentioned as com ing successor of J Abbots will be asked to take the helm Sept waa with a very disastrous ore this about oclock the Parkin lumber Companys dry kilns storage and Tight being burned to the loss is insured for flro to a sWtLT itMttikram foitcd jpillly of far in April MJjtaJitxd to of win la the inatdtr It Es npoiwd Jodfi xpneeJ Joiy a of mtm- iDilsd of ttorfer Tub Union Co of has completed Its Directory for the of Ontario Slmooe and York It makes shoot pages will be of valuable to work represents mercantile snd interests of very fairly with the that the Novelty Mfg Co is omitted from list hut in serted under the heading Mount Albert were and Mr Marsh has adjoining octn- owned by the late James Ho is renovating the em tiro and the boose when all repair are completed will add more to At the Point John Taylor of she firm of Taylor Bros of is In charge of work It rwtvai eons beat c- Baj had so be a far A the can saw statfon ftottbo the Mr eras or other wot who take- in a the residence of bethink more of than say of j Esq to Mr Is a of Esther of this tors J at Mr of WW trio re bis the with a of apples sight of which make a town boys mouth watse any day Thanks By last weeks we notice that of the circuit three in ona day and ha at no lean than six weddUjga the same tstne Lob of pin money for and Cody attended the meeting of Sxecotlra of Women a Foreign Mbaoouaxy Society at Coliega last week when a selection was made of a to Japan to the place vsosted by Wright owing to IHoksoo of Toronto Dis trict Passenger Agent of the T made a friendly call oo Tuesday when ha left a copy of Pen Sunlight faaodaomaly Ulojtrassd golds to all places of Interest and pleasure where their railway will lead to is well written snd contains much shoot Canada our be loved Mr Holmes 3 writes from Royeraford Pa I look forward to a Wanda morning as it ma the news cot only concerning town id progress etc but also the welfare of those I whom I spent many pleasant hours am I glad to see progress of the N snd or patronage it it recelriog from the people of 1 am doiox fairly well bare in not Id of for icR portfolio Istfu we find the followinic for In bo bidding down portfolio of tub biro bUrriow with Bra tboni Kttw loom This from Now York Starct Ibis in now ft good Immd Tb CTpoHraoo u one too Be- ben their thay for boil wm but Iwentj Out of bit lowest tad bow liked n from Topper of now for counter to cltlca In with The ftiwer from the United 81am will Undo Sim up the pic ft Ukftie m UbenneD to the Atari- by The British aw Will is Doing POINTS PARA GAAP HE J Mr sod Mrs are shading this week in city gone to Orillii for ft Mr of Toronto been A with Dr StQfttt wen At Hon Mod Jy fsJDg Jae OJetr wen from lut I of Pott Percy st Hr the of North in town Fri day Sun Alfieti of of Nellie Tetfe J of the CbrUlUa thu Life ftaeeniviHe His Annual Exhibition of the East Society will be bold at en Tuesday the Posters have been issued and lists will follow in a few days Oo Saturday last the King Sunday held a meeting here and decided to bold their first Convention at King on tbe evening and all the following day A very ioteresiing program pre pared Executive intend to visit every Sunday School the Township before Convention mncb of work is done already Keswiok Mrs daughter of Mr Patrick is spending a few weeks at the home of her childhood is away for a few weeks visiting with friends in Orillia and Quid Water Mrs John from near Detroit is home for a visit at fathers Mr Joanna Constable Savage of Newmarket accompanied by a detective from Toronto passed tbroogh here on Wednesday Mr family leave for theit home in New York next week Tbe Corn Social which was bold last Thursday evening in connection with the Methodist was a very fair soeoess tbo receipts amount ing to The com and refresh were served la the adjoining the- Manse after which an wm given in the presided over by Kenny consisting of addresses by Rev Dr of Strange and Ray J Watt recitations by Mis Kenny and Joe OBrien soloa and duets by Hisses and Mr Fox of Kiug Miss and Miss Kenny of Mr George Gordon has sold his trotting horse White Prince to Mr Andrew Harris of Frog Lake Last Holiday while Rev J Watt was driving to one of bis appoint ments some part of gave away which frightened the horse so that be became and ran away no doubt thin that if it coald not preach the gospel it spread it and left the Rev gentleman with his lying on road but fortunately he escaped without any serious Professor George Rolling wheeled to Frog Lake on Saturday evening and delivered his popular lecture Side and returned ssme evening Harvest seems to be a this year on of the wet weather Many of the farmers not having finished yet It is with sad regrets that we record demise of Carson of Patrons of Industry which not unexpectedly passed peacefully away on Monday evening of lost week and as It a busy time with the farm ers mourners hod to be hired to make the cortege orthodox imposing Mr Henry Gordon worked up a horse trade the other day between one of our Tillage preachers and a livery man got the beet of it the future will reveal Visitors Mrs of Wood- stock Mrs J of Mr A- Eade of Little Current Island and Mrs Brown of Rich mond Hill at JeaHas Motmt Albert A very sad accident happened on Saturday During a thunder Mr Jos Pringle was killed by light ning He and Mr Vincent were driving along road at tbe time near what called Evans corner about miles from tins place fluid struck him on top of the bead taking the crown of his hat nut going down one side and oat one of bis boots tearing It all to pieces Mr Vincent badly scared but not hurt The remains were taken to Uxbridge on Monday for burial Mrs Rosamond and daughter Florence have gone to Meek oka to see parents dogs have a great liking for mutton Dr Forest had two more beep killed Sunday morning but the dogs escaped Mr Juho baa on alek weeks and Is much run du Bob has obtained of and to Chieaiw Mr Pott of bight town A and wife with Muter Andrew were visiting friends Id the city week It doty at the Court Toronto daring Sessions John Blokes of Toronto was bare with bar daagbltr Kan els week and Mrs wars At Home with a of goats but erasing Hi Ho fats returned from rids Roachs Point to facr Nrwrnarkat home for or and Mkw of flonday with to Toronto last from bis lengthy trip through sod flonthern Williams who teen Mailvced at Is now on with lib whom she was last stationed and Lint with wQt city this week to attend the being held Hiss Ess wcwk with In the ally Her Mrs is doo a Mr Frank sends Union giving an of trial of tat and sir Pod and ails Toronto and wars on fathers Caft tasaa and Jackson lbs hTortb tha lo Monday Kingston of will part in tivo drill the Worlds Harvest is over in tbls vicinity tbe farmers enjoying a well- earned holiday many of them having gone to the Exhibition As mentioned before Mechan ics Institute concert was held on Friday Sept 2nd- The was well Oiled and everyone was delighted with Mr who gave an ex cellent entertainment assisted by the Hart man Quartette Club Hie union picnic of the school and Methodist Sunday school took place last Thursday in Mr J grove The day being fine a large number were pres ent and everything passed oft very pleasantly We are pleased to see Mr and Mrs Alfred Snider again They have been visiting friends in We are sorry to learn that Is We trust she may speedily recover The congregation of St James Church here will hold their celebrat ed annual Garden Party and Concert on Friday evening tost No pains will be spared to make the en- flrstoJaas every re- pent There was a special service Meeting House fast Sunday evening when Elder discourse was listened to by a large congrega tion- Elder of Grafton officiat ed in the morning Mrs Jerry Graham of Sutton West and Mies Thorpe of Egypt were wel come visitors to oar village last Mr a Drivers Infant daughter waa christened in Br Church Last Friday night Quite a crowd In toe village last night to witness but wore greatly disappointed at of the lights Mrs and wnUle are bore this week St- Chit Chit The Song Service at Methodist Church on Sabbath even ing was very good As usual a large congregation was present The side walk was out on parade in foil force but as usual made no con quests Really boys its too bad in a while perhaps one may pluck up heart enough to edge up to a bewitching young damsel and shy ly ask may pa and see you hornet Mr is the proud daddy of a bouncing boy Rica Boyd also rejoices over arrival of a young dishwasher in his family Seven boys and one girl constitute Richards little nock A greet many are complaining of chicken and fruit One man who has no chickens of bis own been observed to dine off chicken pie frequently consequently neighbors are auspicious Rey Large informs us he had a large and pleasant Silver Wedding He kindly showed us a large array of valuable presents among which a most magnlfloent lamp which all goes to show the popularity he has attained among his parabiont era It really makes us envious We were not invited as we are on old bach Married couples only were present Wo would quietly tiiose boys in Sharon who are destroying temples interior to desist before they make the acquaintance of War den of tbe prison people are feeling much put out and would not hesitate to adopt vig orous measures and parents would perhaps themselves much grief by keeping boys in after night Dont say its not yoor boy likely you dont know The ringleader of mischief doers is known We ore glad along with all other boys old and young that an old time circus is coming to town As the little boy said who crawled canvas while the watchman was out of sight they are welcome to my custom every time In the com pa tab Is a com mon complaint We like corn too well to submit tamely to snob thieve ry We keep our gun loaded and our open for Mr How Is It everybody seems that Sullivan got licked Seems as if everyone would tike to bit the poor fellow a belt on the nose though none of those ssme persons likely have ever seen If wants his hands full be better tackle the pug We hear that Mr Rich Boyd of Sharon intends moving to St Sorry to lose Richard Mr A Dean had a tumble last week Ho turned too short with a lond of grain on ths wagon over went load Fortunately Wm landed ribt side op with care excitement for a time etc A young laid lat week hat Obit Chat no wbifh made us feel sad in whet it lacking be no about lh la surely wo most do better But it sometimes happens if you them too much the dear little creatures will feel above to country beads So wo to be can nip Mary and Miss Thorpe late of Sharon both like new positions though they would scarcely care to spend a life time Wact smother to the Mrs Mcctiraore left store when It fcemned It si very narrow of a vac his Men v Mr Tate returned from trip to- England as if his voyage has done him mncb good Sbejrpard oo a trip to Place to visit aunt and brother Mr and Mrm ore the guests of Mr A number of our teams folk are the Toronto Exhibition this week a We are glad to hear that Mrs who baa been undergoing a surgical operation in To ronto ia recovering a at the park on Friday lost was well attended con sidering the busy season All seemed to folly enjoy themselves Revo of Newmarket and of Drayton were visit ing at Mr this week Mr Jno paid his a flying visit on Sunday There is quite a force cutting sea grass prices run so far this year and a good demand for it Nearly everybody has been to the Exhibition and some have not re turned yQL Mrs Wash Winch presented her husband with another thousand dol lar legacy on Saturday last Its a dishwasher A baa been a two weeks visit to the child rea owing to the illness and her mother at near Almost every one in this vicinity would famish a rope to hong that fiend that killed bis in of weeks We trust that be will be put away for the re mainder of bis days Mr Joseph has decided to quit farming and Intends selling out and moving westward in the future Quite an enjoyable time was spent one evening last week by the young people at the of exdeputy Messrs Draper Herb Winch went to the city last to resume their studies at the Time filet so fast if a fellow dont write for a few weeks some of those get bo be an age Wm has a three weeks old boy We noticed Mln Alice Winch In town last Sunday Newmarket to agree with her Rev Mr Campbell pastor of Free here preached his farewell at Maple Grove church last Sunday evening Diphtheria seems to bong on at the bat Is now confined to one family There are four of Charlie Robinsons children with It at present fe 7 afaiSV J OP to who both to a rt4ptffsjrtd txx of git Booths -OWTJBTJiKaOWOROimD- THE FAIR rt ill to No silloUiKJ No it XUij Usd Ion JAOKflOK I i MM M 1 I T But just take a look at our BASEMENT Electric 1ST FLOP R Electric Light Electric Light FLOOR Electric Light Each feet long by feet wide Coma and take a look at each floor you will be surprised we think Another violent thunder storm bos passed over Parry Sound and again a building has been struck making seventh or eighth summer Daring tbe storm which raged furiously on Tuesday afternoon house of Mr W Kerr was struck by lightning and Mrs who was in room where the fluid entered rendered insensible by the shook bolt struck the chimney passing doom Into the room below and spread and escaped Beyond knock ing a few bricks off the chimney and a little plaster no damage was done to Parry Sound Star FURNITURE CHEAP FOR Undertaking AN D Embalming A JHMJLLARD Telephone Connection Tho Id town on Sane tod at No f wife of A- Brown a Si on of Sept- tha of It g St CbamUty AarlooJiQral Of Ml of a son lost at gov to alary aideat of lata Jos Tomb Booaarr inownea tn loth teat ass St Bast loat A of sir- A Bart tin of kauin OS of Ihaiownsaloof Mark bwoaaad tfioatos aod Cays fa nit as In I View to S J srdars THE BEST HOW ON EARTH No Host Ins A Troup Bieam Lady- Aer world Inches Grand Street Parade at A M One 25c Admits To All la tea CHINA HALL PREPARING FOR BIG FALL TRADE i BROS Large consignment of LAMPS In Hanging Vase Parlor and Stand Lampssome handsome de signs See Stock Buying DINNER SETS In Dinner I never bd Urge or complete A took will tee with in tbe month give you set with any number of piece from op to TOILET SETS Some very nice Toilet to open shortly Also a choice assortment odd pieces In China Salad Bowls Flower Pots Plates Ac JAPAN TEA This seasons arrive shortly 10 of my regular line or lor best value yet offered- Special price In chest tots GENERAL GROCERIES MADE CLOTHING We have the Largest Stock of Suits and Overcoats Men and Boys ever shown in Newmarket and at prices fall per cent cheaper than any house in the trade fa ORDERED CLOTHING Our cutter is acknowledged to be one of the best ii Canada We use the best trimmings that money can and all garments are made on our own premises by expe workpeople Notwithstanding the superiority of our our prices are as low as are charged for inferior goods BOOTS AND SHOES We carry the largest and most complete assortment Boots Shoes and Rubbers and we guarantee the price lowest and the quality highest or refund your money evei time You run no risk in buying Boots Shoes from us DRESS GOODS DRESS TRIMMINGS We have special facilities for purchasing these direct from European manufacturers and are offering newest goods at wonderfully low prices My stock you fresh and reliable will bud Iwaia UNDERCLOTHING We have always taken the lead in the Business for Men Women and Children and this year better prepared than ever GLOVES AND HOSIERY People know by this time that they always get the value in Gloves and Hosiery here Our Kid Glow fully equal to any glove in the market ana guarantee satisfaction or refund your money A SMITH Leading Family Grocer Main Sit SALE USE ONLY BAKING POWOB TO W W IV BRUNTON BROS

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