Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1892, p. 3

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J J KB r i 1 w mm Us Weeks Local owl Sunday It to- b lb of Urn Mtt ioMfTiH A lift mealing at da M Onion bu and fell frnn ribs- Whoa Van ihw i The kit P It Is not to them ot Hit Honor th Mr A ioJe of win by Spill Ob Spring v0naie osiJD lw doL which in and nat Fortunate tf not ooxo oar bear iupnffileJaftwaoiiraiport ilyro if n of them with a mm In or a raid a pan had Monday and ft By matter no jrif thai it Iraaiii to K hi apprwditad by to will niut now till Jn lit to tut in It good mfihainfl let vbik a of Mr of milking ft cow the jard rip tit one liig rallied met ihfl do her t3 wry It Tfte in j jit t utile 19 1 Few people if gg th ftT6 in rr jdcirtlal luttNit tbrt gad- price of are worth For Two or mJ om OUT got fill- Mr slipped urn firmly or ibree cnolued- Vtxr ii SO riipped In front nd Oa kit on the church tf3ilwmr slipped on tk1 diitocatcd out of her f I jAii wit for old c Hate yon ol jour IhQ any to bring ton to ft pic looking ifrvtrifa old Inmtt ittic ooie tor their If yon on lb i mail to sue Mod for itietM A A The stun of a In oUir- or J Hit met Mr was Mr J Randall matter iRiitiS adjacent to Saw oiirMtwa lUiI1 or the ilifi Hiombei of Iba and at to report at the next which iiicv hi Chamber the lint ivms town arn Wo be a about the mo it I and bvr jiit and iry Kuiraatood- To ttt u- market ha lnr about farmer Axx4Kr- aclfy f J J that other Mwmmritt are d a will ha J fiartflraub from fUitweak J n room I or jt- it r to b j- The crop diftVrenco in J flatot lo I In Ke will not but will iha lo record f J are to get akatea that Ibey will 5 4rtoa trom older people tvo young ibe heir day ore would Dot keep Tohira- at the flniabed UnrH Friday and in lha lernoon bad to a 0 be by all coa- til t the got week weak are a of Principal and next morning will the written Mamiaton will depend of They finish all nh- by of next week The election of officer Ant quarter of place last Mr It 2nd Jackson Keith fit Hn Mr I taarar Mr Acoa has and and tegular are A OK At the meet ing nearly were to attendance of Mr A an of trip to lb Old Country last ho did in a vary inter Having the he WO sheep cattle and a Taw be spoke of Ihn JJarthrn of Belle lite with whales a and landing at A map wbEch hi had with him was of great in the ken and rittted The reatarea of Liver pool u were Wait a to Ayr was bora tod it ws easy to sea thai Inspector has a warm in his heart for the Scottish poet Bonnie the region ol Bob Roy abridge that Wordsworth has wen all indebted with in- to our literary traveller Then be to Oban a great catering place Fort Fort Ben in Scotland Inver ness Banff ilftDntr native town Balmoral and Ster ling He should liked spokeo of London Paris and Londonderry bat time would not permit having then occupied over an boor and a half bat he promised ihii on some occasion Davidson bad his ayes specially open to the social aspect of the people and he can see great changes in the daring his absence of year A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Rev Fern comb snd seconded by Rev Bell for very address The nomina tion of officers for will take place at the oast meeting Thirty Niks Roche Co offer two pieces of Colored Satin and Heliotrope regular raise for cents Only Two pieces a be bete at to raai acraisgwnent for con o to cm liai a on irWniiig anotsaehoof- In 4helbow him to limb father to take to injiirtd toke Id Bi- by A flUsd to will faro Jon- Abu A of Wood Cook to tall Wright A A bonnier dlamnnd pin ftrtnlag Two from lh tbriue in fc an tbMO think u moth yoqr with your bit on u yon your yon will leu of tbri it ft bM Mr- J- on Hi town a tittle on TtiM- day by A- nd introduction for him to ft ftudicDCO Mr fltonffia- Anilcd in Mil ftad flrldw of ma to of tbow hi jobJeoU com- fliflfit Tho of Wit gins A prominent botb of her wmrmlj pplimll took prt utd qpirutte lth Mid Nettie Fen ttr not j fti the with but ftlto to ft Mr J- Stephen ft marked impraveinait in his dngiDg bat too Muter took by Id B ilMin J ftud ffm Low alio took part olo mala And presided t ftrapaMd to add to become ft citizen of Newmarket in about two recks bean engage by tha ih Church lo choir not year We our lock of ftCboota will find tt to their to give ft a Tire The vote which track to BO ia connection the of keeper final in tba and we raqnaatcd vote for adoption report when It came to Council on which yearn md nays wore recorded as follows were ftudTittalty ftmoog iptci Mr nJghl for Md jwn l good iff S which he A FootBill Concert Friday night yon aamalimea read about bat seldom end we have to be of and talent of Newmarket stage was decorated with flagi and hnntaDgand the aoeoto tbe curtain rose the tightscMtiDg their pi ttkihadw upon CO la the opening chorus Half young ladies in ba other in and gentlemen In Mack and whit and tbo to whole Utllcr and sang better and aurpataed herself was with hot tbe chorus by the Bicycle with Mr Bert Cane 1st brought down the bouse Mr In which whole company of joined in InatrumenUL with her and bared honors accompanist with Hiss Miller ArtU and The Wand by the Citrus of was in and were applauded Match- by the ladle School under ft of J A Ber gen CUM Many of movements were entirely new and Mr- Bargaas u as the great praise FootHall also gave fc good preceded of athlelfoaport-r- men In action Oar artist la re- for the socona- article- for a couple of mo- of bad to taken by and not like to roach for accuracy The act in with by ladies In uniform all together the high top ad of iha ihay fatly by which they ware greeted J pled ft faw mlnntea with to tbo of Newmarket High compared with edncaHooat Province- Dur ing the which been well awl baa rte Avcragt of dl together webave ft the only and in to S3 ttadtitU Commercial Thtie one mora muter of mention with the order wee Ibe that baa been Cor on- seemly whittling wd of fee- Both of radantu hare marred prater in- re a Anderson Arnold Batrd Campbell Brown Caoe Chester High Cowieaoc Fog Hall Statsr Stokes Lemon J A- Fears Hr Will Allan Andrew la hack the of was homo orsr Martin of Toronto la a with Miss J F Belfry has had of SfTwwk Miss teacher In the Van- do School reengaged or another year who School Infantry Toronto home cm a the other day Mils J ha been for mot than a weak with grip now tboot agin Brown and eon Harry Bands bet Mr- Lehmaij The Mr been spending a coop of at Mr John who had burnt by Iran soma three weeks a felon on bis finger Mr- Pa who was of weeks ago by ft thai waa In the ftlabh aW to bo arwmd Mr Bert of Wbitchnrch Is prostrate Inflammation The Or report hie case we go Hie many friend will be to bear this sad tiiwl IftMlgmnory lilt forflttd- on Saturday night to brother George to jampEhto double bar- Tie wadding art for and the bridal party are expected her couple and Joins friend in them l roirra industrial Home tit Editor km Dun Sift In last week Eat yon In fer that the keeper of Home baa a and In doing yon a leek of moral by biding under Ibe the Public stating I a from a Now Editor woold be if yon and clearly bow or In what one of my many duties I have been a failure I frit took charge of I f a mass of and other and a teat of or failure as a fanner I a comparison fsroi then and now Prom a foil totilly for gardening In growing enough to lapply the Home no besides selling over per alone I also call attention to appear- of front Can the man who laid out ground roads etc be oalled a allow 1 prove a single charge me tried to do If J had been failure any point bai I not chough in to find it out the above as a position as yon did of last week and also by allowing to what doty failed yon will oblige Yours Truly Industrial Home Nov 92 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i the mm OUR GOODS ARE RELIABLE I OUR PRICES LOWEST a WD AD SfflfflB NED HOLIDAY GOODS IN STOCK Whiskeys Brandies and Rum Ales and Porters in Quart and Pint Bottles also on draught and in small kegs To those require anything in this line for the holidays they will find quality and prices right P J MAIN STREET NORTH TELEPHONE CONNECTION IT WILL PAY YOU to trade at MONEY SAVING ESTABLISHMENT OF SUTHERLAND BROS Not editor away from home bat we cant allow the above letter to pass without a remark have no to criticize Mr- Irwins man bat considering be had all the help he wanted all the appliances the id for years an unity to boy all the porchase an dfrporlunity do all the drainage it to us no Pngsley Stephen Altogether there are members and vote recorded for the folioTing Daley and Tyrrell From fact that Mr Irwin hat given a explanation of every by appointed by the CoontyConacU daring term of office and the remarks tboaa beat acquainted the manner In which he dally to the effect that he taken the farm if be owned it riling at 4 oclock during and in the winter strongly of the opinion ex pressed last weak that change do- is more the remit of personal prejudice than otherwise- We tinder the bit soooesior Mr charge on the tad January he ought to have made entire forty pulverized garden bed he has we are not the regard bat we be allowed to tell him that bad shown more affabil ity and conrteoomesi leu irritability of temper and of all the and respecting Home not hare been confined so to esteemed matron The same bad In the above tetter bos done roach toward roaring the county towards the Home keeper OF MoB Wo an of and Intend ctcaringoatcno that origin ally sold for now for o right A Co- W Ada Kirby and Minnie Bell and Mabel III Chepman Chapman and Br Daley and Ernest Jr amd Walter Moore l Becond WlHia Irene Ursula Book Mazy lot Chapman Owen Willie John and Stanley Boyd We have this made a Specialty of Ready to Wear Clothing showing a much more extensive range of styles and sizes than in former season Our Aim is to give the Best Value in Wear and the Best Style in Cut in every class of sizes of Boys Youths and Mens Overcoats Suite Vests and Worsted Coats and Vest PIECES AND CANADIAN TWEEDS 16 OVERCOAT PATTERNS All to be cleared out at a Heavy Discount November sale TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J DAVISON aod ihii toss mark aalfSCpeo or at Mill On lbs 1Kb of Not la torn- flttnuJ Com nju d rapH re r- I Eloallb ratpKtLas Iwo at Con Cttrk SAW Lots and Coo- tea ftakas ill yd- OB MUbar at Itoio while RaavibaUcaollaSTBiaoifDtaf ms4 of fflUierlyjwlaShp am J tin claimed a la passed ifas TrMSOisrlopaTlbBSdiSfftL hilts i for killed by tor do TOOT to A passed to make to too award a at Hall M NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT DINNER SETSL TOILET SETS ilk tt GREAT VARIETY Class s Jsslo Br Ill Tojjfr ill Class Williams Dawson Clara IE Alms sad Uinta Maty Walter and Mary A and PalKison If and flr Ella and Lota nasal and Clan PRICES TO THE TIMES op fJirlriafl J- P ftWaqa P Ho P Kay P No fl A MAtiBak to at Rail no Dr father Mr ftk Not Two of Mr aged Bnd yearr abaente iboir patent a cbmch yesterday went on mill with hand Tbe pared oapposed that the gone to their two miles aod theft passed on parents and on wSrflWog wore fouad on od farther op a hole the be showed where Ihey had broken through Their bodies wore red barrels been from Port too read Mont- Elgin fail for and V JwaMfwfl Bate later at SEE THEM Before making your purchase CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE WN STARR LEADING BOOT SHOE HOUSE prepared to do all kiudft of REPAIRING Of Shoes WORK A SPECIALITY By First Workman SIGN OF RED BOOT H Our Newmarket Markets I floor per barrel Pall Wheel per bushel bushel lease Wheat per Bad of itreptrbQfbel per do per dot Apple per beg ON Wool Hay per ion- pair 10 on it 10 iw a a a 0 It a a a CO all Do a 13 CO a a a SO a 10 a to CASH GROCERY STORE Our Holiday stock of ia arriving daily and will be found SECOND TO NONE Everything new and suitable for the Reason Leave your orders early and cakes and puddings baked in good time J ALLEY TELEPHONE MAIN NORTH FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES Now IhotitDSo when people want supply of lad we a of fhkt you will surely bo pleas viih both in regard to quality end Call wd Bee A Winter Mentle for you to choose from you we did Ordered Clothing Well Weal a euii or call end Beo our end Ret prices before going- It will to do no A of Mens Underwear away down prices HORSE BLANKETS TO We have now on hand all the New and required at thin time of year and all our Groceries will he found Fresh and Nothing but the Best Flavoring Extracts kept TRY BLENDED TEA At OUR BLENDED COtfFEE BE BEAT W W PLAYTER Connection Main St The Latest FLAVORING EXTRACT The Delicate Quality of the ROSE Combined with our Toronto MaxketHa I ISMa Spring per battel vu bllihaaltfaw aayaa a- ApplMIMf Vvntpirlh tflilMlHmTii W7 on too JO a DM a Oil OS on IS 1 on EIaT WD- fllSO aa4 a flm I ftftiIMlHa44li Ml a O DO Duck pox a TuTrttrr1ix NOTICE A of notes thai bi BaOSNfltMllt will bs pist a Laths OrtsSTea in laths Court for HOWARD Try a Bottle J W STEPHENS ACCOMMODATION STORE R U IN IT IF NOT Come in Out of the Wet AX MONEY TO LOAN arm DAVID LLOYD SEE STOCK OF Novelties in Jewelry New Designs in Silverware for SIT U davits Mat i fat thafallow of WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CAM AND QUOTE ST

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