a Bib iMPraiAi Cream Tartar POWDER PUREST BEST Centals no Alum phi any Coughing I effort to expel foreign Work the Act 1U In from iho i Frequently caoses and the an ftaodyn to to It Nature In all Irritation repose a raofl all cough cons many propdrttlotts before public for cart of cold bronchitis kindred la a tow no rf ago vtoed to try Cherry Pectoral to All other aside I so and wall Of and cough I btra fcept this la Denmark A few I took a my longs I hid a anil pused JW night Bleep The doctor fire we up I tried Cherry Fetter relieved my long anil afforded my By con of the Pectoral a cure Cherry Pectoral J Co- BoldbyiflDronWa fertile Dec mi let by Paul mod to Lyilr One of the of LycaODf The piece and of the of lite ha wrctjgH tie recorded or his lisvobcea the of to rites immediately fterarAdfl vet lo by the he Tinted this be ebtiacd of his most noted lbs it in mint Bio-blr- the of the The preaching the by accompanied of the power trss Qm of God that the ma healed tsnartaid The who wars firtt prepaid to pay divine honor to lbs after to kill God His In ihey mm to the Life Bub Use new dedicate on tijndkf Dedicatory onaoa 1030 it pm t ro by Willoaghbf 3rd will be followjihlp On 4 30 to hot ppperill be I will be by Rot gin iatnpened Chub oclock The Street ii MOTHER AND 80S Packed in the Follow ing Sizes- liSiiisdownc Victoria Pius AH of quality Of different strength To suit all taste fine Millions Sold Annually DAVIS SONS Montreal illaOoQ Ola A mediate- A and Itll e effective and raUbl met lbs of Who bare fl A has than far- fc Price mall reeelp Jfc THE Standard Brands Mungo Kicker Cable Wher In A rlMU Iha for ihiia an Of lorirm- Wefc tfxup people will will bat the of the to Eltdrio to operate ft line from north city fieditB to Richmond Hill without end without some share In ill earning or far the won- to inch in one ftk to if of Look t the that tree northward during fifteen jeara fancy what it will be twenty years hence and then com pute the ft a Had the provided that after a period ten or fifteen Company be compelled to up Che entire travelled to the condition of a well road or Athf el a fiiren the the Toronto Street Rait- way a percentage the gnu re- to the county it would contain at least a re- rcdeemins bat tbioK of this sort whole present a Rive away of ery re- wo Ho not rieh to he a cppcfd to imp or far from it hut a twenty or thirty ye charter in all to voluntary ote rtway franclilfO of character or forty for all J know may be ray a direct of tbe at any rate ton yt to he charier have a In pmo say in matter and be coitditioncd accordingly thia a matter in which whole county is mors or let coDOemed and fried until the had an of pronooncraR it the a on railway one day last week a mem ber the Council observed that St looked the and tha of tnooa hut wholesale to a ninetynine yean without any or the if Electric had an in com pre power orer the cooatyi of Fortun ately i a saving the charter to ha rvtified by the Leg and to that body rate payer moat now look for protection from Wo by the Star of Saturday that the Toronto Richmond Hill Railway Company ba the to in rival the Metropolitan a atid A lite aa action the county from the hyUw and The and made One of J R wet found dead In the pasture field on Friday A familiar in to in the person of Wo Howard who left yesterday morning for Toronto where he in future to reside with family Quarterly meeting services were dud ducted on Sunday by Rev Mr Toe attendance good and the service and of fitoaffvi it baring a ttesm yacht IniU at for of of We will soon haw a flotilla of ateameia with at the making roe efficient are not taken to check North flwillimbory will ere looif find in the throes of an already that of lbs son of Frank Morton who near fellow who about four took ill on Friday end died Tuesday We understand that families in that locality members down with and it certetDly tbe of to take acb at will moat readily prevent its scat tered Herald HIGH LIVING if you keep at it is apt to upon the liver The things to prevent this are Dr Pierces Pleas ant Pellets Take one of these little Pellets for a live or gentle laxa tive three for a cathartic Theyre the smallest easiest to take and most natural In the way they They do Constipation Bilious Attacks Sick or Bilious Head ache and all derangements of the liver stomach and bowels are prevented relieved and cured Theyre guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case or your money is returned Jaffa On account of being vary bad the farmers found it almost im possible to Ibeir apples week Miss Maggie Hall Toronto Junc tion is at the borne of Mr WS having erected a addition to horn the corner of and Main street wonderfully Mr Wood is a mill Wo that it is to be the pork market Wo arc sorry to learn that Mies A asaiatint school teacher and also organist of toe Church Is going to our village We cure tht she ia worthy of the moat sincere of this fu unity was read to helping hand to any au teacher class in the school and a devoted member of the Sons of Temperance The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the yield to Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy So certain is it that its j offer reward for an i ease Deceive Be to in whatever in life yon If a buyer doa imagine the Only nan buy cheap in a a that could not he made otherwise hat in the end loses ten many Just treat moat to employer returns largest and in almost every faithful Promptness Integrity and often enables employees to become employer your dont imagine that slwayarlght And never that yon are en sable Enquirer An Old Game Kittle Mr bad left bad I gave bar and It Oat- Covad In ih Our far and ndJcatlv core la I to Its otuU Den A m to Dumber watt and locoaed- lnavstwJtoaed and OH and on armluK Kb applied It wart- did Ibli lbeMtondJtclilns bad had to cad mr with but the oat and I bars never bees troubled elnra Oat- the Needle a good game for the Ion winter evenings and hero the way ta play it All the players join hand and form a line The two players at of line begin the game with following dialogue A How many miles Babylon Three miles and ten A Can get there Ob yea again A Then open the gate as high And let tanking his men pate by and player next to him then raise bauda high as possible led by A pise under the archway formed The dialogue then repeated now lha question er and threading the needle in hi This game a old dialogue frequently varied bat two lines often given rhut Then open without more ado And let the king and men peas through firstrailvay lion in Syria and f Jff with opened Hop a by of Envoy PMha Aide dnQtmp Imperial of the of Public purposely to the event and to in work to sen if ba llae were with ift plena and tha the presi dent of and and engineers arrived also from Parts for the lion AIL the Inhabitants Jeru salem and neighboring gathered aear the railway station meat of them were struck with A banquet waj given by the railway company The line is open tor traffic two trains ran every day to lem and the opposite way paaatug by the of and and several village Intending may now be assured of find fog com aocomnyodatioa on their to Jemsslsm- Starting from r in the at two oclock they reach In three hours and a halt arriving in the Holy City before at oclock in the evening these Biedeker who informs that J a a town with tome export trade in wheat sesame grain orange silky and soap a landtag a see course for of nasal man Jewish and the residence of a Turkish subordinate to Jerusalem The harbor for amall vessels only is a basin formed rook under water and by the remain of work of ft entrance hy be mole or pier it endangered by sandbanks and that from the north west is narrow larger and ate solera anchor in the roads half mile from shove are I the boatmen The town built of with narrow lies on a yellow beach at foot of a rock to the north are orchard and palm trees There is a Greek on the quay a founded In to occupy of one Simon a tanner but the Mohammedan claim this distinction for the aite of a near the Armenian monaatery too in whtah Napoleon when it was a mil itary hospital ordered the plague patient to be pot to death poison At Jaffa also tour of war by order were de liberately massacred Its the eighth century there was a Greek of on the supposed site of Tablthas A colony settled at two from the towo in the hy the 1 orcusdero and the scene of on- flicts between and Richard do aouth- by ordinary road is about Ram Teh and were town of nolo in time of the and of the Arab ruttr of Syria The city of Jerusalem be often Ittutfrated London suit of Ill t alel I the peiiUcntiarv ml fficUtt will go on of coal tor I vu it ova wrfltl d Full of will known until CUT PLUG OLDCHUN PLUG No other brand of Tobacco bas ever en joyed an immense and popularity in the same period aa this brand of Cot Ping and Plug Tobacco Oldest Cut Tobacco in Canada i r A as fcftfts yw a GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE full of Good Cheap Comfortable OVERCOATS Calls try on and take it home with you CHAS fflAIS at S Society Register Cot lb Hug A I I- a rrnw1r3 -MilrtTliJSa- alUtnlil ir vinuQt Albert A XT AltrtUt ASril i loMnTUtlil a Id M ffe CANADA STATE S DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturer in Canada mz FAUX AND V 100 BOTH for 100 Enlarged and Improved A Family Paper KACJI WILL Rev Camass Aoriivlt fMiE A ia- Stew WfJ lPaXrr i liij auii is an rA1 Suit all wundtiiPttl nod tint can mil it Mi- iiliMn l Kuif if it 1 AliiT in in it ui liutU of -tiT-il- I 111 1 If DM i Praaa Priming columns Tins i cannot I i I y id anil ihcn to to a dollar ltlif fir or fiiVfa ihim I ho a or a or a of tiue kind woo Id for ft who merely might and prevent mHDt In world do not fiive noth ing raonej out of who thick which urn uked to thtin on to the who thlok Chef when tfan ftro hotter Am- rfollavr- Dm 1x4 hilh lrtcti jmS I A lut by ih I iapd3rule too Uibr tun in so Br Aulurr Bold Voodat rto euro tor nod plnwcirr ltoabaWFUiriabrjj nd uid Of fWwTITlr hat ID a Cor of tin I hcogbt bottle illail amy I lacur Wo- waslvUc FiHiP IdVuIy J J J iid Ptiaruna Sly or bv KvtrglttUtu hwJ uatjl wllilfO I ho il out I whliunl fabu In aftyih Mr J went in but It In be brjuLj fur vf Wat liitr IVq on now It It a lUftlbotttloLlt Lamp llleznUbn flnlrt iae tir MaV Dial Mh IfOUlw flold try of Barrel for Sugar- Philadelphia Record with for to place of for of The will bo delivered la New tod Boston at well ai ia Philadelphia This by far the 1ijj contract made lbs it the centra of The for from barrel to bag thai the bug cuato and weigh than oldtime competitor The weight of tho bug only I J that of barrel tho in freight for toiU deaMoa- tioo would pay for big In view of the bag realty Tmit tut to hand with a profit ready made The barrel a plain burlap bag with a light rauallo bag worst blow local cooperate in dustry baa and moat out that in Phil now to in Imgfl and ho way here from the come ex in after are op for paper 6rU to Intro- ihice in Trait the ad van tags at one and took to have It in ftii if of the Itfr- uixda factory at over pa bolters and at the lit ha largely about He hotter In Europe and many of tent aovaral to aoo for Wakaiv AMaaiOiM imoolhij Co fna flO Ea CO pelt for a year Wa will teodiho on aOdraaa in Canada or for of Addrs Tax mo LU I Id Sraty Story ojrJlowa try DiieHi- lwya1M TbQfJjaJclji riu trj Wft2o4 mouth Fourth Of Mficab II ft llio Hull SHINGLES lC lira Boar QWhiiubarr ftpri NOW TO SUPPLY OUR FLOORING SIDING MOULDiiaOa SASH YOU WANT A HOUSE Aart mo ACHES mo Your choice of Term Awli her a a Lot burets mil of 189 Harpers Weekly ILLUSTRATED u tfrflDrflrtL It a Dupju a a that et y II and anrj wTliheqriiJ and folic OTyaDdtheinMiUi of ooaunt el of not ttnldw to Up Ottloo Every JloeToi of fiouflrml to Id all puUlcaLtaaj Harpers JPer Pi all wrlian It will coDlloat aoflUloirtoM FOR SALE TOEOROB Shropshire Rams and YOURS SHORT HORN BULLS THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL OF PAS A OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT Mil with W If OR SALE AT A BARGAIN The Northerly of la Ihe of J tftl LET- LOWEST PRICES THE WW CANE SONS MFG CO nice private corner of rd Wain ftfl School Apply OR SALE Also a lew am alas Sox Apply to HIVING I a to fa Af J- ih was a good year for lb of market In far Canadian was at vnry beginning by the producer in hfppiog an artlolo Our export apple Irad reached soch proportions Is now threaten ad with by a article mother 1 sTv a good prion lor nl- e hut Interior It wanted at Tbi la a leason that csnnot la too Impressed producers and shippers of tali HALFYEARLY The Ctmtaatetr offend The ID IlLaflHMI Kill wJiaU out it- THKJliliXlcLWlRlarfaLWiftwiW TWA p MOtrsJ Lh Ih 0d to ie ifc Ifefbwi liLl ifciiponlj Apt- IMaUt l rli riLI IHl A llMdMtlra IJCO with liroialionedj Hani wTlHea Hie time of el lloTird of far will or praMd 4cit set OiMDa per ylUsJeOoI For Ctotb for tech LrtanlUaniMLMld be Order or Draft il ink liable far M itatvlalUi LLWaLaXTtntrplLWd ibt MLask Ll4 bLxnit A wed ibip q two of Jinan foxm LOTtaTLJsdLttawp rnfL l LTLTJ aixwrfau colli ha itiapH LLlfm J naaSiucvi TOiurtOatne iittU LWLJ lad fQ MaU ta flrr tap MO wjrTatti ft arlrcfat New York Executors Notice all arils Estato of Mann In Co joomidi rirrjeucal who on Hie bf pott Joan Be Lha to or Elijah Proton Wtiiifiihea Jo on or before a Ihtlr apiI r0alini auiure of jKir Med itaxKvatiucu notice after aud Eo LtlurLtiuie the the en lha tlLiM lb will not bo far any Lfhtch ool MANN u vi To tell la line new Cooirol OX la IV rf ito tor io CHASE BROTHERS COT DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND Canada ill mm JrwMw-AAlVtV- A iwO5iory on irftet nearly 0W writer uinp on aero Unit- li pw la wtJIIftellltthedp FARM FOR SALE 1 lot Com R bo- A I 1 HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKET THE KEY TO HEALTH DR WOODS Aanay for all of FOR SALE OR TO RENT KEY SMITH about for or era quarter aero gran Jp1 eod nod Would ioU VALUABLE Town for Lou tclpuol JIuuU on trrI I oat ip the a Ufa of arr liraifi ia0bt 11 A raaususka an at lima of Biliousness Dizziness Heartburn Dimness of Constipation Dryness of Dimness or Vis salt Rheum Norway Pine Syrup Drops dteo of the and General I ion Soro- and to BITTERS For Salt all SCO j and axptclorant I A rojf AND THROAT to BOO- I P E I A L Ill VERY TOWN FORALE opD A M ill J S AvBVn jOVK SALE UK aLlal Kuril ftiacfLaitLii h 1 f I ma a Lin li 1 lou For ERA Readers This Paper and The Ladies Journal Monthly Of Torcnto lrge teat to any One Year for for the Two Papers aad a that vU a af The Ladles Journal woman ia lld vrRalsr The Journal paper Is get the two tor ft f t w ML WASHINGS VirlufU IVru of 111 mo Tf 11 j a a 8aod J drew to Office ia