Newmarket Era, 16 Dec 1892, p. 2

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r dec r If Advertisements Binf Co J Work Goods Starr Ordered Clothing A Bod A Boa Bolton J Hear To lbs Electors Lad Mrs Horn for Partridge Dwelling for Bale Notice to Creditor 3 Woodcock a sot KITS At Ottawa British test tbe apreB that to the Dominion Iba of and of the matter In therefore the win Era It Printed all at Homo ft rem sum FRIDAY DEC from slates that cot felt raic to to caw So Mr wafted imdQJrlnUttMtotoocib4tttftdd his resignation Hon I the NerihWort Assembly Monday Ibe optlitotlbg aw board of Advisers to carried by tote to The party la again to vilb Messrs Tweed Md Mitchell as again places the party to power in Our Toronto Despatch Bra Deo- 15 The Board of Trade banquet will be held John Hon Mr Oliver How Hon Mr roan be axooag it It axpeotad be new IotDnfoa will outline Qorerameat Policy tbe It i Mayor at ap Two lanodrynua were mttrdar- aaaaltod week on track between end Toronto A fire Weat near comer Bey ejed ran by a delirery and killed on 5L David Itfi now be reelected for Waal York without It that in order to the pang to a pledge on At court yesterday powere were for a of East died an A conreniioo a for the Local to fill the will- bo held one week from I report coining from be a change official not boon decided any too for the good It said that during the flecal year United State paid oat for more than TO called all hollow Acoraaiw to retnrn made by collector to retali atory toll on Can adian freight through the Boo from of to the cloee of nun By that were at the of per ton U freight lira J rclnrnM on of fire with andfriradaat Petrol Wldo Chat- ham and other place Mr Albert of air Swain town who baa bean work- tog to for ftbme time got badly cat laatwwt He fell from ft Ink- that ftre The rery good lithe main doe not what of hew ft few dare haloing her pareota pack dp rented on Park Are to of and Mr- and wiU make inalr In Toronto with Mr They left on Mr of town returned from Lake Han ft law ago He baa been engaged miniger a creamery for part year or two mods of batter tome cUya It be well for some the Farmer to get an toterTiew with him on this might give s Mr- back from the North- week He left Brandon Sunday morning arrived hero Friday night be left tfiere was foot anow and good Ha by Bt Paul and spent a day- with Mr- Coryell He a jo day at Chicago and took a glimpse At the Fair Building The main oarers 30 acres and be was told that rt took flre carloads of to lay the floor He to go back to Bran don to a of months TO ft on of Ihf AppoLaltd Tat to-morrow- mil yretlimttJon for defiptteb the l9tboIJwinaury othe PP report id chug atgftixlil At no re- bat record the d4 report flboror Cmn- firttcliM concert in the received by good ln od MpedtJlr Mm of iif pJtlii J fcy Tiiltad ytmIc S9beiiif1g HERE fciwawwieieeifiiieifififivaww Are aware that ffeto ftdbeHisclijeijfSa a T H GREAT BARGAIN this Tar appointed cf Qaebeo Hon- A- was duly toitailod end took Bpeo- on The program about First resigning has Tre cable announces that the has decided on a penny the British Empire Including all colonies The Canadian will hare to come- to a Utter rata the tamo as now In the State Quit reomtly the Ottawa Frit ftEDOUOcd that tori had been to all employees in the civil the Government Intended to strictly enforce tba that employee ahall fill any or to the gift of the The this en tirely tocorrect There Is no such rale and there la no Intention making one In this matter the latter Journal ii the ft contest the costs no one pretends to know A Boston dee- patch to the The Committee of Mease with which to ran Its this year and nearly all that mach the spent not giren bat they expended ft like ftmoant total of New and some other to tbe Union more than those figarea what local organisations and private expended then the by the number of States to the Union add hate a sum that seem almost incredible in securing an ftxecutlre head of a period of four abort years is lis Ml Pine Dumber A real good time is expected Mount Albert died oo And on the Mr Sit- op Toronto Church member getting their Xmaa Oar a Mr John Rosamond coming Up from the with the sad off the bridge turned down Mr- his While from church on Ik vIiHiog her Mr Sidney Barrett wife beta gone to to a with Will feisty is Tor writ or holding North On Saturday flied for the polling by the ot lata Hon- Mr Bowel to a Id the pokes fun the new Do minion Cabinet on wile No wonder hired mm are when John iovorcrowdliig Cab in with who ought to bo month bourdon the farm the round- Kjwa wmti rom Ottawa that Mr White of and of tha Common In place Mr Cameroon son of the late Hon Toronto the ant accountant Mew York the Canadian with to that rncuftgo wm roafordo- raeatic lor export- Judging from the Utter remark fa no doubt true By tnewu keep it for domestic that the resignation Mr tor Foal has been by the Govern meat and a writ Itaaed for a to vacant seat in Provincial Nomination la flxsd for and polling day one week later Bbort and If ibe comment of Brampton Ox a rote for and ftgalnat the of Society under the latt aetsionof the Ontario decided to to women the privilege of and law and to as It la aeld hit Oliyir was at the and made the molten ftUowtog women the the confers Tut Ontario an3 Expert mental union will In on Hon John of Agriculture James of Unlock A fowl Brood end others rlgnifled their to be present A very program has been pre pared Ian before the esse of Preston was of for defendant Ac- cording to the way the trial fa reported appears Preston lor sliced to to defendant and which was repaid after protest of P for In denied ft loan Iron the plaintiff and elated that any had receiv ed earns from and wire paid over as election fexpeuca The Jury appear to have 1 the of the aid live ft yum fcwrdiy was in town last week Lewis spent at il Im Settle spent over at Isaac Silver in town Tuesday Mrs Dr was At Home last Friday Ur of Barrio spent Wed nesday in Unto A was visit- log In town week Irwin of itEng with Si Toronto over Sunday In fllas Kate of Keswlckspont last week with friends Entowi of Toronto spent over with Mrs Mrs of Toronto making ft vttUat father Mr Mrs It Brady end two children at her Mr A for Detroit on night where a wae ftwaltujg Gallagher of Toronto formerly of town spent over with tils friends Mr Andrew formerly of thla has from Barrio to Weat Toronto Sanction Annie Campbell At Home one night week with a nnot- of her friends Junction Morgans and family have goof for ftsik months trip in Europe Mrs of spent three days In town kitweek with her sister Mrs Robinson Mr eon entertained ftnamber of young people at their homo evening were added to the of County Constables by Judge the other day Mrs Wallace and aon Mr Her man Hell spent ft few days lait work with her Mrs taienby Warner who Is si la laid up with end brother night to wait upon biro Mr Andrew Mrs of Toronto an Mis of vre at Mr over Mr Allan jr this town was chosen rotsman fit the Jury In the city test week and be has been oonrt- ng again for ftftw days Met ton of Loudon Is at Mrs It rests for ft days baa been very not to live Sunday but la on mend Sixteen of mens Bible Class Methodist School apeot last Friday evening In a social with their at 81 Mrs Kelly and two children from Co arrived ftrd spend fug ft woek at Mr Daniel Mrs the elicit of the The Soda in hall here evening of program of and TIjom who it laid it wive good Wo of Bon of at the ttaeetiugoftti Grand Templars at Mil hold on Thqrnday and Friday It week Elder and children of ia the neighborhood with It 1ft havo E A- teacher lor another year That well lor A band op prvr a Joe tlojattog Patron ot Industry aro yet alive and active with addition of a new member all fled They meet At the Tuesday night to arrange for Bogarttown Band Hop having by Widdiflrtd met Saturday opining with and axereiaaar following and elected for term Emma Vice 2nd Starr St4 ftea See- Elmer Starr Cor Roy ilolliUan Starr Bertha Carry Program Com fan ny Homer CooU Sim peon fixecative Com Ooix Frank Bogart iltsa Mabel Miss Leu Homer Miss Mo Alter a short program had ported of and had boon round the Iciciiera treated the members feed- of taffy which was eniojed A vAp move by and sec- by Esther Starr ff then ten dered Mr and for their which the meeting closed by sieging the ftueenBvllle The annual of Ko be given on Thursday evening A good program is everything to a entertainment entertainment of Qoeeniville public Reboot to be held on Wednesday Slot instead of the as listed in the Em two of diphtheria in Mr little girl and little boy Both were doing nicely at last report been closed and thoea- bo or not Remem ber i JL school on eve in Also the It KhvA on Friday evening Tin Qiivajilj mike this at lbo si I day at the aehooL The date of the nqtertaioment at been changed from Wednesday to Mr Milne teacher for Pleasant ohlnear for another year We had another here on Wed ncday f at the riileuc and showed their and good lor the Bail by a Offers a better value In Made V Ordered Clothing Thau any other establishment LUNDY flf Air STREET FINE PANT MADE TO ORDER FROM 250 CHRISTMAS GOODS COME AND SEE IT Cash Plain Figures and One Price a Pit and Workmanship Guaranteed MONTGOMERY SON Mens Felt Boats 2 sold elsewhere for 2 mention A and spoon from Mr Bell of to have f HAS doty- Of will not think it too high a price to his name enrolled among its Sale There will be aa tied 1 of farm fomHura eta Id lor D Term Four Bate at a TOWELLING To Let to JACKSON BOARDERS Terms per MRS- School- lis- THE the lion at Council lor for St- Ward I for alcollon for luportora In the pail I poll that to yours Notice to Creditors of of Of on good lorldoor Una Iitr tfrnDril urpoes I for a ftttner J TOR IN Hope a vicinity why hat been lately la yoax from KnlghVa Hollow and Hie Lake a merry do of Hope Sabbath School Inttnd holding their anniversary on Friday owning Rev of Holland Landing ami Rev ilr Largo of QnosiTlUe be on the program will con- rial of rocitatloiw dialogue andmnci along tilth ipeoahw from men roantloned aboYOr John Tairri Frank Br ill John Torrf- alalia Br Powell fr j Aliina Stony A J CHINA HALL In the matter PUBLIC NOTICE hat to mo 121 IhOenoral of all bit A coDTCQad and No Mala St Friday Daombr of appolnllntf siLTlnKdLrectloat as to of ill to lopir ihetauiotorue fitdlbulr with tire tbodaloof will prtclodod from the leading SHOE HOUSE WOODCOCK la the Surrogate Court OF COUNTY of in of the Quanlianht pf fonurti iVtHO Leonard Leonard Ityftmtj the of year given after twenty Oral application iboundtt of Per fclxnod Leonard of f3clionibertrslnlboOooQly of Mr lor a week with friends In of and Square last week Mr A Lehman Mrs two and at and vicinity to her Mr Milters on anient In the church here on Tuesday evening last in the form of lantern that Wore there We are glad to learn that Miller been Model ally sad la now ft pedagogue Mr Or Bolt has moved into his new the concession A event In the Church on the ltih when David linker of was in marriage to ToroperaowviUe Mr Barker of Toronto as best man White the bride lie Rev It the nuptial knot ud Mr gave the bride ftwsyJ To church as fiJltd and among the invited gnest a were Mr and Mrs Mar shall Amors Mr and John Toronto Mr and Mrs Mr Mrs John Mr and Mrs Gilbert Mr sod Mr and Mlsa Mhu Miu Mr Kltchtoand after happy oat Mr on of the officials of the churchy presented with a Bible The happy lf amid a show of on too noon Iraia tor ft short visit Mr King had a no belter by a straw Black falling on The cluck it tight days Mrs is her re paired And rjiiilcdi Winch was up west visiting la he neighborhood of he week group of moo ilist wcnl up to- the lumber woods are Keep on dont giro up boys David J is home from to Alice was home from market high school fur a dry or so Mies Morton home severe Toronto learn she is recovering Mies flora in her brother at Montreal Mr ami home from city Mr Morton is 111 at present Morton got two front of hi right hand cut off in cut tin the Invinit between and Winch to Boon a The and agjnt for IhoToronlo Ntt through lait Nancy hat Iho poWIo hero for nut year w council meet for IhorattinRoi Iho and other There are bakers passing here Holland The of the English ftre bard work for their tree to In held during Xmss supportlog a quw number of is would bo better for parente to li these colds fa the bud thus save tba trouble of mote serious disease of at Promotion Exam hero on Friday and teacher goes to her school the Bradford road There Is to hive been rather ft DensaliensI elopement in the Northern of the burgh Tuesday A buggy was teen rattling through the village early Tuesday Boon wsi teen look- lug through the village for a young whom ho calls his wife After ft few moments id the of the ho seems to forgotten wife and Iu a of Thing robnioipal remain shout the ssme with a alight raise in aratlons sre on for a grand Orange Ball and Supper iho of LOX at the Hall here Friday night of next week Oat of most interesting events took place at the home of Mr which his daughter ras In to Mr Chss Weal of this place The Iter lied the silken bow and bis did the work In good style After dinner the happy couple took amid a shower good from their many were numerous and Our march onward has been steady sure Oar motto of of only proved very trade A grip with jewellery I thought of China and carat hort Erie Ibis Art Haogiog at Tilbury were Friday By at llaiclton two men wore and fatally Tsak bit for a term of to Mr and to go to farming liThulOjoW son of ex- mayor met Wk scoldnfc at the 3rd from the of fa dud FURNITURE OH A P FOR GASH A A SPECIALTY JHMJLLARD ftodTlioiDtoa Mb pi l Vouuly ftfomwli IbdtUUar of ftbtpmay bo to ftcoonllajclj Ml Itetd Air Of Dll3 la clearing otlt a lob of lines in anil Mens Shoea tit it Big Now is your time lor a bar gain- ftepairing Siativ Custom af Telephone Tho pudlo on co lba of Mr r 1 ihle town a son the wife Mr Kit Vernon of the North vo Altar Idas lhtr on the of I lev Tui tu u Large sa to Mita JaSOewefODjKei the Th father 1 actjopbeu Wood CTTiKo On le a Tib leal- at by iter ne4uaitrvintsni Wood to both of iho Tho en lb list John la Tina year stted Parlor and Hand ChinnOup andSauwrn Motto Mugs Soger and Cream Dinner Sets it Toll Sets not bo improved on but wo far cited in Variety of Pattern and Booty of as our efforts of the year wo are right abreast of ttojpa and intend to be top Our away down so Ilia tail a Present for Many of Fancy bought very low and Our Customers will got the Bon oil and see the Novelties it ft to your Interest well Grocery Department wo make a specialty of keeping only Beat Quality and price to compere with keenest competition Our Ceylon Tea at DO is Extra 1 having a Jnpftni for equal proved by we tell Wo jntfc received the at Tea at CO and our Blend Rivet perfect We to lb two qualttlot of Choice 7 Crown Figs Orange and Feel VorF Pino All Pure Id loot just what yon want to make your Cake and Pudding Special value in Toilet fiabyt Own and the beat In town And nob least New Red Herring price it going lffo por BOX Leading prompt Delivery In the Mailer of Ann Ktma nd of of Sehombtrg in iht County of inaolztnti la Ivea that the Ana anil loD have an meat of their late to me In of the Ira I for creellcre A nf Alary and Patrick Kew to held as upon tbepremlsesoo Thursday lBth Dec- 1892 AH for of to- lttoraMdkiTliiL In 1U jyrMlol to wife me verified Of Nth lUrcf after I proceed IH9U Sard inch I lhrn pa1I of than tut AMt40t Claim not filed I lit 1J IIMftdr Mill Now in ABaortment of n A I I Baskets Finest I I IN J anil CURRANTS PEELS TEAS Finest- Lemon Orange and Citron that can be procured on the Have you tried our mixed Tea or ear Blended Black they are CANDIES We always take the lead in this both and Pike Special Qnotatioiia to Sunday Hit FRUITS J WEDDING CAKES Made to order on J O tlie ftt ftM A f BRUNTON BROS i CORSETS Ladies if you want comfortable fitting Corsets we have them and we guarantee every pair or refund your money- We have a special line usually sold for cents which we selling for cents per pair bod- WAS lol Mtt Old inmrcf Alio a la lo no to the fe J MAIN All rtcelrt and ti RA Main Or Ay SMITH Our Floor par kartell Full per per I Bran t WOO do ii CO I lb per Wool per ft Oft to ISBL- a a a a a a a ft on on ICO BRUNTON BROS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS It will astonish you to see the large assortment of Sift Handkerchiefs we have in stock hut your astonishment increase when you find out how cheap they are BRUNTON BROS I FINE TAILORING We have added several firstclass mechanics to Tailoring Department and are mow able to keep fully up orders We make only FirstClass Clothing BRUNTON riz Sole Agents for Lycoming Rubbers and Overshoes The Best in the World t

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