Newmarket Era, 16 Dec 1892, p. 3

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I s DEC 16 Cab bought Work One far -Vf- far Jr ffiUrf barter In and ran morning ffton from to a ha ha MAW- Jfl vt berth before but b to jtfTIrtiiM wa ft I w IT nm gc yiijMtb The of SSf il School JXrt Mr ha lh TVjionrt Kflinfl it after Si Wore separated ij ime lb 1 f a ftxurvis The rail- prfWtgifiog adnof ats than fcfcs coming to nd Day Aajdi at Single lbathnd26lh fc andalioBeoaiitaod till 3rd For fare and ara good to pjCieaa lacatioa a J ftn4 psJtiU of crowd ait fcfClca l it is said a woe from the door piicf a forcible rerrooa from fie of Son ao- things gologon about the Sunday School decided instead morning the ill tinging at tfie for next Son- ftjTKJg On the Tramp if There a prfrM citfcst last The fcciii ao3 went too thaqnality allkioda nnai foUoni batter 16 to 16oegg Sod to 8 to t iotii to per pair to 50 per potatoes Cc The expect that will be a regolur A Is nothing about pop they bat a nagon wont mora a firm er wagon when you ran into ft with a boggy Ed tried lat day hot the demooitratioo a are for him Broken hot not boggy folwatehdog at no frmtratibd too plant of gentry hurt night The lock on aba door pried off hat the dog i- ajiwtraieiUaaiinitli hop to ploni v- Tod ha opened with Mr Salman which roach fa Canada and United for toy Out fiiltog out an application tod for tti rate cheaper than Foot era while at ihe same Urn they it receipt the pojchadng making pay roant Hat Too Carpal to work right atOowWa Hard Deaths Pro Mr and the Robin ion at Niagara Fall died but Friday a fternooo expected something fatal a ah wrote a letter on the day to bar ion telling him aha a boot to is and gars to him what be dona with the property after her death The dooaased her year and was diitsntrelatireof Mr Fred of town- of Presbyterian School to Friday of am men on the pay roll at North end tannery and theyhaTa work The of th AtIiom on la tharexsonao and roan and block the night Get in In ticket and to read be mora broke through on pond Saturday hear the boll- John Dolan was kicked by a on it lay few day Gospel Tempera no meeting be the ainoaa of of V Mary gonial old who tna ihop on North fend dipped front door liep one week while topping Oat far and bar badly Boxing noon hour yerterdaya man took a Aft on Timothy upon the atdawalk faa taken into and for Flood at the atation night The water they got witn Crowbar BoMnas on fa bank to town and into MEbflan again of A Co They hare out Mr Martin abop and taken ton- They are patting in stock of and and expect In a few with a stock of new good Mr Robinson left for Toronto on Man a Cjiakcb We ft letter for publication from ft resident ccTipTAioinj ft few property owner do Dot ftero to ft md Iht his Id put Mr A J- Town will to fini nd lhjilnth to yon fire i lWBHItTMiwdajTm est Mem ltd fry and AmrUni to jy Lloyd drill iditiyj tfw of Coroplfiinl biog of toy catting each other principal to thereto he it be extra fine nainco patent iroMittTB tali Wright A Co At hi for holding jDCpS8llir Mr Tfae fJicftudHorrijpofQted Mr John to go into his Toronto axeri rigiged lor itCMUhfV Iq this On Mr Gibson got a bad cat at Canes Factory He was on one of the pail operating a caw that a edge on the when a taken off the vide of hi finger bound on and hoped that the of hand will not be ho will be laid up for a of or which very John Gibson will not likely get to work for time on account of fail own band Tbkt ABBloyTTa c o a are children at in Home and it proposed to bare the annual Chrutma Tree and on Friday even ing Dec Any toys picture hooka or of character to brighten their lirea will be re ceived by the matron and any pfereoo who will contriboto reading or to the entertainment will be heartily welcomed We trust the will delight to tend a ray of Into Home on this ci ion The Aurora Satuikr of week baa the following paragraph which may be of to people this town We are Informed that the authorittea of of the Grand hare recently diacoTered that a large number of pervoni holding tickets are In ihe habit of allowing to bo by who are not specified on the ticket and therefore not to the reduction In fare- A watch la about to be kept and any with commuta tion to which they are not may get into or Tie of for the county of ail the court on to In attendance at the Newmarket Cote A Demy Martin Frank Miller ltichrdion Uses Allio J A a J A A A all fiew were 4el for before leaving Attzsirtel bitRs All alio for nice hand at township clerk it the duty of or the legal r to prejfc lie ihoold he not bo paid extra In we not aware of Jl pioriion in regard If cot tiic ajveial doty of the Ilkil doubt it It the nieri duty by the J tot ho tan On IhU point the monthi ago Wt tie clerk the r re- for appointing fcYl tc and Je any apecft bylaw J by instance a bylaw e drairjie cliute of the coincide with joint a ST SwatS Bod W iijm under the ana- thfl Ml the JJJe Idling fiat anna loVjSrr nei1 the al oclock to There Imiulon but ijwrtt Wi y iwothi nil ihe folk In 2iih Bind hare up a Variety of Mfil oi tMa S J able for gift SSL will be a m the 2JJF to p lend- en- XWM rtLttlIf children or Would probably like a new itoro for Wo aro giving special price on our month Wright Co a Thero more definite In Newmarket than last that Alderman to land for another year An teem almost certain in King who will be ire have not heard The rumor In Whit church that appose air without foundation and matter are In Townabip that ft not likely Gune will be an election to be walling fox somebody to Mr hot ho ita no theyll get In against for wore and Mr Silver and Ira Morton axe mentioned And loll grown people fa it At wed the Works hid ISO order which bad to fill In to been in or 37 the i hid to fi applied- to til order by date demand month been to much to call their The of imported direct by tho Company rem fa amounting to of BOO Attivcd att They arc lovely aod will go ho of Yean Company to their now Without a Doubt cutlery for tndo was a Company Firemen Lav for tbo the of Friday ft rich treat to of merit direction of Mr ftdbytboUterwiththo l whI aa to and Ho And a Chopin of the Ethel iho vlolfolite ppcered la and l enoored Of ability- Her do Add difficult well If fihe lechofcai dlfScultfc of th number ewe double stopping nd Ivei- with nr facility her other were and do Venice nod wme that for her year a prodigy la Do Angela with her teach- Mr- AH her were beard with and very en- cored of piny alto ryplcietog V an of order and great capefaUIlEoi and the tbooompaoy Mo- Cartney In he honored Hoi voice and arc reminiscent of New with obligate very well li an One and gica a concert The effective acogmpantmenti with by Mr A a at a Old have paid pot of dollar for old pott- ago rtampa- Have any of the home or can you procure any to Hani up I pay from cent to to let children their time over in it will bring pocket and pay them for trouble procure any hare them on the and to me or send prices I pay A A Station SOBPflMt of a party of took Bow Lawn by riorm da- to do honor to the company were called to order when Mr Marion P on behalf the mom- hew of on of the Mora lag in the Church read A flatter to their lead r daring the of which Mr- Stephen Stewart Mr L with a Century a token of high In which he held The recipient uid pleasare it gave blip to receive the bat gift that he had not merited it him to luojnreejao D0 feel of the amber greater were alto made and ta boy jour BMroom and Parlor Bo tea Cheap for Cash Special to lit afandary 193 A largo stock JLAEKgy ThM a very the Town Hall tart Monday Hli gave a program Then aa than to inanherJn were able to which carried with them by a colored with probably the floett which quite leogthy be to thenumer- The Ma bio of the will clear m JRlMBMBiBThft and Power Co Chopping every day Chopped grain for salami For nearly Iwo hare been at the bat the domestic baa no been While the pomps were being replaced by the new one a temporary pump all day long to that the supply not abort- On Wednesday night the new pomps were connected to empty the loiver Yesterday the inch feed were replaced by inch and Engineer Warren peeled to have work so far advanced by six oclock that the water lot into the asin new pump are nearly the aire of the old once and hive a capacity of pamping gib of lifts gallons By the end of next week the works will be to receive visitors Co- are making quite a display for Christmas in their Basement and In fact through all departments on each floor lit and 3rd This ia indeed a City Store as the stock tbey carry large had Newmarket a tton of prices will with any city in Canada a w I i my it it or If Too a ratepayer I atntl for The do lKtilo airaoa lain- Wildcat called Toronto a ImpmremiiL Cor- and what by Jot and Mr Jackson and the of the evening was spent very and pleasant A Andrew who recently returned from the reports being an eyewitness to a lively eeDsatlon in a train on the Northern west of Minneapolis One of tho gera was in respecting western farmers when passenger id well known and hat of a cowboy denied aeertions of No and that the should be To this the boaster passenger No pulled out his ehoottngtron and drawing a bead on the offender com pelled him to retract Mr- Dickson says some of the became greatly excited and several bustled pretty lively into coaches of the train The diatnrhsnee ended however almost an it bad sprang op bat It was quite a while before Indulged in general and free con vomation ton of and frails for trade at a On even ing a coram it lee of and J- Belfry waited Smith who with his leaves Catharines Mr acting as referred to the reverend residence us for the past years and the willingness with which he had Ha services and public enterprises In the various of town- and a of hi friends felt thai they not let depart iJiow Ing their esteem In a way A presented to whkh he acknowledged Id feeling terms Mr Smith will be greatly Id Is not Only an preacher hot poet anlhOr and walking of hlitbHo events and and has and filled up a op a moments EfTLiaoiKa the year the to feel the need of some feasant place spend and en joy the evenings Pew In Ontario of a room of blghilandicg the one by the men of Newmarket Everything la kept dean and tidy and may well feel of their cosy room In Post Beside the dally pipers lbs best weeklies and monthlies Add their way to the room The dub Is one of best in town and the inotlcal evening in are very en joyable- members were ad at the last monthly muting- dab has i necessary to tike front which will fitted np room sad when in to lb Mr for a handsome easy chair Last Wed- nceday the had a novel en tertainment in the form of a match with riflea distance SO yards fan was alter which the side winners to an The boys aw dtler mined to their rooms not only a very also a very profitable to spend the winter it lets below stock of and well standard remedies Special to Road In before uLtnrrorairm IhoCom- mUtcatowbom It was on teat loo Into the at unworthy their pat forward tfaraogh who as pokes man was that It would be protection to the Uko nnoo or twice waves of lbs and Bat road need be or very to Tut Railway Co bound to maintain the MeoonaflthsToUlatsUramored lbs to obtain for time ami aaaucao the them k Tea Ln Jaae we Had the ltNTe at appoint a of the members to a trip to to Induce the Hallway 16 do power to do vis to ihaOounty to to in iho of York whore the York ltodjoa point itieilaluioli clear and the aU by Committee Is l It gates necessary at for the protection of life and property be bo by Railway Company aod wherein the roads lUatte and lo epriloa of one of away and iff am any of matters cost be double thai am lo all a to git an flallwsy years lease of Vous limits io were from pssslog a to will to aside- Toronto badoatill a to that la SO eitenj nitles wll ray Toronto to Bill will man rwldenls permits to be- In years now leitv will be as for at City Is now noli any Corporation a lor years to any enterprise J In Infancy at lj Is now Jud Us np of trade for unborn lo holp along a One mors matter Mr ant I am dona of a bails of airsemont bfj taken from York the city fees Ism that sboaM be think loltjalee rellaot io lUe an of an hot at lbs aaroa time be arrived at Ibal Ju illce would be done lo as rectlvs ho bsnsfils from the sod believe If such to tho County Council to deal with ihaBon would be do all sod to that no In future arlsi make say Is ten years and as are will Inlrniionoyouipsoa lam Yours eta Our Deo MM Tall per bathe 1 Wtl wr froabel QdoaaWaeatbarbtuhal falaprbaabl I battel down Boiler per lb Apple per flhoopala too Port per pair a 0 on oco K woe TOO OH on a ISO IT WILL PAY YOU to trade at the A V I Q ESTABLISHIV1ENT QW XMA HOLIDAY AT THR This Store jusfc lull of goods suitable for Christians Presents in this practical age What could be nicer than a or Persian Lamb Muff or Storm Collar or Capo to a lady or a fine Fur Cap or Gauntlets to a gentleman or an Overcoat to a little boy or a Grey Lamb Muff to a little girl Then thoc ate Lined Kid Gloves Mitts and all sorts of pretty Handkerchiefs and Scarfs Wool Shawls and Warm Overshoes and a thousand other articles eminently useful We have not neglected the Inner Man for we are abundantly supplied with First Class Fruits in RaisinB Currants Figs Dates Peels and Nuts Our Fragrant Coffees and Exhilarating Teas will give zest to charms of Christmas The Compliments of the Season to All R J DAVISON Ink Drops Promotion today fa drawing Santa can almott be hoard Ho mutt he hit trunk Shortest day Town Council neat Monday evening The Wave last Bunder after people of this the of one ortoraof Co Blip of faruo si well United If eloquence bo by the effect pro wbUh Inrtocd not only of of of ait of Col Bain as a seoond only to Addicted at one to drink and the tiara of power Col tbe hit wordt tbe bis eloquence not only for who fill hcoeatb the flsree temptations of In hut of tbst lothe hearts of bit appeal toyouaameajsitflaadsy afternoon In the the writer stveoae that Irons lbs of lbs late John Anecdote follow In sue and thrill the of pic la re after la wllh flaetl of poetic dtcrlpt1on with powerful rhetorical feet pathos ralagle 1q lhareotatlon ihle without the lean of the or lie prefers and fait of life and hit own fiLoeioOieilj fltnrejof lUlfitlo to later lnflanos In This too the lbs that completely Ailed tba floor and of the a most men by tba iibered aiovmd be labia In front of lbs and then srMpediheoUirekbsdhaadof lbs warm hearted Mho with to wltnsaa A tbstablrrijnfd was lifted to platform by Cot who with hand on tbe childs head tioopd to Win- boms fifty princi pal I7 Toon man moat bars lbs afternoon and who knows how many by that act may be tared from a drunkard world bsusr yid Is and If any are Wiled that Sum to man who that bad kitted fall town Bleated they iw the SOME DO BUT DONT YOU WE SHOWING THIS WEEK A BEAUTIFUL SUITABLE FOP THE HOLIDAY SEASON i JW STEPHENS FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES how the time of year when people their of Flannels and wo a stock of them will surely be in regard to quality and price and A Selection of Winter Manila Cloths for you to Perhaps know we did anything in Ordered Clothing Well if you want a salt or jut call and see oar sample and get price before going It willpay you to do o A Luge Stock of Mens Underwear at away down prices FROM TO GROCERIES We have now on hand all the New required at thia time of year and all our Groceries will be found Fresh and Nothing bat tbo Best Flavoring Extracts kept here TRY OUR BLENDED TEA AT OUR BLENDED COFFEE BEAT WW PLAYTER Telephone Connection Main St LIQUOR STORE HOLIDAY GOODS IN STOCK Wait until a day or two before to make your Our stock never was never will bo better than NOW Now you can make deliberate selection THEN you will be hurried Now we can give you careful attention then well be hurried STARRS BOOK STORE CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE Win Whiskeys Brandies Gins and Bum Porters in Quart and Pint Bottles j also on draught and in small kegs To those who require anything in line for the holidays they will find quality and prices right P J 0 MALLET MAIN STREET NORTH TELEPHONE CONNECTION CASH GROCERY STORE Our Holiday stock of Groceries is arriving daily fa and will be found SECOND TO NONE Everything new and suitable for the season Leave orders early and have your cakes and puddings baked in good time TELEPHONE P J 0W ALLEY MAIN STREET CHRISTMAS GOODS flflilflf la Sale Sharing nOUDdl Collar and 8aU Work Seta and SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE R U IN IT IF NOT Come in Oat of the Wet SEE OUR OF GOLD SILVER WATCHES Novelties In Jewelry New Designs in Silverware BE PLEASED TO HAVE QUOTE PRICES ATKINSON- NEWMARKET 1

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