THE p Friday Morally 1 fO Fi2c ri j MVrSSfi Pi fca TO TO AM i I BAHK NORTH YORK AND A North York paid in advance Vol Single Copies Cents Each P on U warm Newmarket Ont Friday Jan Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year LEGAL sacanii DB a TO Fagged Out Ioorl jtUM KID a i i bit I RAOr b ft flUlJffdJWrrPllM naff ROBERT KOBE HOW DO YOU DO w HAT tired Worn out of which so a vnWi3 demo viih by who OK WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR Labor Saving WRIGHT CO Telephone 30 done Without Hard Waging Powders Try AUd tray tied J will not Do do Tor for R U IN IT I York d WJ Ontario Zpbrr IF NOT Come in Out of the Wet A SEE STOCK OP FINE GOLD SILVER WATCHES Novelties in Jewelry New in Silverware iBSh WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU AMD QUOTE YOU PRICES L MAIN ST ATKINSON NEWMARKET WEAK LVt Have you tried the cms EXTRA CIGAR The poem in school by Lottie Main School while her luou few crooks ago lu the year one thousand crowned good will Ho fix a battle on Hill He had to Uaito to On ih a of he swore And William wei sure that would reign the crown Poke was rore dying Bid As they hie Tin wllbe For he has ell the peoples good Edward tho very day He was Harold crowned And him the In way Now oath broken down When heard the broken oath He fierce in wrath quoth he Jly ha I the crown will I will bow lo me lie an army jpeat to behold And in ihuy to in Fovea The fiRht was long thai Harold And the flee cry treat dead IIive he decayed the English down the bill By pretending to turn and flee turned and put them to the By Got I bare said he He to London with all hie men And the people bowed their will For the flower of the English Lay dead on Hill PURE A Boy GEO J nisi OOle Private rfs J lyalCH AND ora J ntf Lift torn arcoMitT aiTKH BE lawbib Affect Of ncjKAt Ore Main WE ARE SHOWING THIS WEEK What DUdT proa mi iUod to Modal School or ftttito WedMUt AD ruuUM mock AUIUX fcS NATOtT tiui loa A BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF HANDKERCHIEFS SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON J STEPHENS CAUTION EACH OF THE Myrtle Navy IQ MARKED T B in me Tour Hail Aaron tad Photos I Photos I to UVB ft BOW tO Con J- K 0lIJ Mtho US1CI Vigor a clean cool healthy and the color eiul of the hair rapidly bald pray two or Qaix Vigor my CT and glow and the original Centre I lost oil hair to of After due waiting no growth need Acers and my Thick and Strong It to Bie Vigor evidently a jret aid to need Vigor lor the paat or five years and find It a meet for the It all I could being the hair to natural color and requiring bat to rtDder the hair to arraiige A I hare ralng Halt for MrrcraJ and believe lhat it G my hair to retain color lira J- o Hair Vigor J Co Mub c4 CANADA LIFE AWUHANCE CO CAPITAL AND- FUNDS- DOLLARS oa 1 ioifl am J ifcrmoUd HA VINO Bean And Mr I to ltimita Lht LBAD THE VERY BEST Mm Bout Toreto of at d A Voetfradaata of lUiIr at Tonao of JaxfUBt re to work la work and tax to most of It- s UJ le Crja or OIL ASIC will the atlfbbof- hood wort bet La entire W SC01TS Simple M We employ MUry 4 Write Jot limn to CHASE JOT At the Bank TbU la to you that your I count at the of it over at this rate you you take will toon be a a e eeei pedal BEES la EMULSION Of Norwegian Cod and to build you up it stop a covaa elf ft matt a a by For lbr WNatsthe matter called Mrs Chumley her as the boy passed the open door of her chamber just as the daylight began to manifest itself one summer morning Nothing the matter mother re plied Pinky as he was usually called Are you sick my son persisted the anxious parent Never was belter in all my life mother answered Then you are up to some mis chief 1 exclaimed Mrs Isnt it time to get up J Time to It isnt four oclock yet Go to bed or Ill tell your father as soon as he gets home What are you up to Pinky demanded the mother when assured that the boy was not ill Up to bed if it isnt four oclock replied Pinky as he went up to his chamber leaving his mother to wonder why he was up at that un seemly hour Pinky had the reputation of being a goodfornothing hoy and it was certainly true be was often in mischief His father worked for Deacon who besides be ing one of the select of Pine- point kept the village store carried on a large farm ran a sawmill a gristmill and cideimiii He was the great man of the town father was a good soil of a man but the deacon had a mortgage on his cottage overlooking the mill- pond and he was wholly under the influence of the magnate of Perhaps it would have been better for the boy if his father had been more independent His em ployer was a pillar of the church and interpreted the Scriptures very literally especially that often quoted prove of Solomon in regard to the use of the rod The deacon emphatically insisted that Pinky was- a goodfornothing and that hi father spoiling him because he spared the rod- Un happily for he did not spare It neither did the schoolmaster and poor Pinky was the victim of frequent flagellations Nobody could Bay that he was any better tor the wales on hia hands or the stripes on his back He got used to the whipping and became quite a stoic in the face of punish ment Me was not a bad boy at heart though he was often in mischief When the deacons cow was found one morning on the roof of the cider mill was a matter of course that Pinky was the engineer of the fun as he called it Hut his father offered to let him without a whipping if he would loll how he got the poor cow on the roof for which the great man severely reproved the indolent parent He and his companions had rigged a sort of gangplank to the low roof and coaxed the cow to follow him of corn Not a few enterprises as this had been carried out and guilty or innocent Pinky had to father them all Hut there was one affair which was still a mystery when the youth left his tied before four in the morn ing The deacon had a shotbag twenty silver dollars in his drawer They disappeared one day about a month before Pinky had never before been accused of steal ing but he was promptly charged with the theft He denied it with all bis might and main Deacon insisted that he should be whipped till he confessed his milt He was whipped till mother interfered and a family quarrel impended but Pinky did not confess and declared he would not if he was beaten to death The circumstances rendered it plain that either Pinky or Fred Ben der who boarded in the deacons family was the thief Fred was not lo mischief and roguery but he tut the reputation among pointed at him he protested that he was innocent pinky went back to bis room at the command of his mother but he did not go to bed again He placed himself at the attic window from which he could see the pond Things looked strange to him He had been waked by ihe sound of rushing water in the outlet He looked out of his window but could see nothing till daylight Then he discovered that the pond no longer contained any water The next thing he discovered was that Fred Bender was making his way over the bottom to the middle of the pond He was examining the sandy earth very attentively After a search of some time be picked up something put it in the side pocket of bis sack coat and hastened to ward the house where he boarded he understood the matter perfectly and taking off his shoes he crept down the stairs and went out at the back door His mother did nor hear him ibis time He reached the road just as Fred came up the bottom of the pond near the outlet gate by which the water could be drawn off He saw that it was hoisted as he knew Iwfore that it must have been See here Fred Bender what are you doing out in this time of the morning demanded as stiffly as though he bad a perfect right to ask the question None of your business replied Fred but anyone could see that there was not much heart in his words I know what you were doing at the bottom of the pond without ask ing added very decidedly It was you who stole that shot bag with in it Fred Bonder Who says so asked very tamely I say so and I am going to prove it you are twenty seconds old I have been whipped for taking it Served you right for everybody knew you were the thief If I was how happens the shot- bag and the money to be in your coat pocket at this moment Who says it is there J demanded Fred trying to gather himself up in his own defence I say so When you were sus pected you took the shotbajr went out in my fathers punt and dropped it into the water Last night you hoisted the Outlet gate of the and got the money again Thais the whole of it Now let me see what you have in your coat pocket I guess not replied Fred moving toward the house I want any sue fooling its this Pinky seized him by the collar of his coat and something like a fight ensued It was a sharp struggle and in a moment more both were squirming like eels on the ground Just at that moment a gentleman reached the spot but Pinky had al ready won the victory and rose from the dirt with the shotbag in his hand 1 am glad to see you Mr Thorough Pinky gasping for breath to speak after ihe encounter I wish you would take the bag sir The victor held out the bag to him and he took it The gentleman was the new school master who bad been in the only six weeks He knew all about the theft of zo for the deacon had insisted that he should the al leged culprit He declined to dp it and at present he was in great danger of loosing his position But he had talked with and he was satis fied of his innocence In fact Pinky had turned over a new leaf under the influence of the new teacher He had reached the heart and soul of the boy He did not whip him or any other bey and Pinky had not been in any scrape since he came Pinky told his story of what he had seen from his window and Fred was convicted on the spot The went out for his morning walk and his presence was very opportune What under the canopy does all this mean stormed Deacon rushing to the spot though he had only discovered that his mill- pond was empty Who that gate and let all the water off It appears to have been done by Fred Bender replied M Thorough very quietly Not a bit of it protested the magnate looking at Pinky Fred wouldnt do such a thing Water is low and it will take three days for the pond to fill up so that can run the gristmill and the saw mill It was the same thing as taking out of my pocket Then perhaps this will compen sate you Deacon added the teacher handing him shot- bag It was that goodfornothing Pinky that drew off the and whats The very that young rascal stole from me You ought to have flogged the young whelp within an inch of his life ft was Fred who stole he bag and drew off the water interposed Mr Thorough If you choose to flog him within an inch of his life it is not my affair though I should not do it The migrate was too much for him He sent bis boarder away to his home in a distant State Amos apologised to his ion for whipping him on account of the shotbug He talked a great deal with Mr Thorough about the good- fornothing and the Deacons brutal theory was at a discount In Pinky was flogged no more and there isnt a better behaved young fellow in the pUcc lib Around lis PINE ORCHARD The following officers of S of were elected last Tuesday blood flow profusely he TOO fat far fait irllk FRANKLIN One day last week Arthur was cutting wood in Geo woods on the sirth line Accidentally tbe axe slipped and lodged in his left foot Seeing the night P P Sis Wilson P A A Skinner A Sis Fred Hall A Sis Edith Case S- Sis T Bro CoaprBto Con Kate Tool I S S Bio Organist Sis P Delegates to District Division at the of Jan Bros T A A Skinner Hall Hunter Duncan Sister Wilson and I The closing exercises of S No King took place Pec The chair was occupied by Rev F Hcathcotc and an entertainment consisting of songs and dialogues was given by the children In the extempore speeches given by the visiting gentlemen the Children ere highly praised for the very in teresting programme Before closing the pupils presented their teacher Mr J Saigeon with a handsome hanging lamp accompanied with an address The Sunday School Anniversary the Methodist Church oft Dec was a decided success notwithstand ing the very cold night After a very Sumptuous tea the wag pre sided over by Dr Norman who filled the position very creditably The recitations given by the ladles whose names appeared on the bills were well received arid were heartily en cored The solos given by Brown of Strange were highly ap preciated Before closing the mem bers of the S school presented their Superintendent Mf J with a very beautiful along with an address Too an KESWICK a distance of two miles When he reached his boarding bouse he felt queer he said and suddenly fainted After a time they got the wound dressed and he is now limping around on crutches much to his sor row he was fond of hunting on holidays Mr Alva Parks is lying very tow very little hopes of his recovery is terlained His strength has been j gradually giving way for some lime the result of a fall from a barn on which he was working some eight years ago He bad his left leg brok en in the fall Since that time he has been a cripple although not suf fering much from pain He is pa tiently waiting the Lords time for his removal Mrs I Rose has been quite in- disposed for a couple of weeks but is slowly recovering Mis is under the care with inflammation of the throat Pansy of being a meanfellow the boyi He was rather with little in him and he a favorite with mag nate of the town When suspicion John P Rockefeller has given another million dollar to Chi cago University Since December lit bands have been discharged from the Chicago packing houses owing to ft scarcity of hogs A child of Mr John Coociets died of diphtheria on Monday There are two more cases week another child of John Cromers and Mr little girl Both are doing well Miss from near is visiting at Mr Marretts this week Bay is frozen ever and will soon be strong enough to hold a team up A brother of Elder Dudleys is spending the holidays with him The anniversary of the Keswick Methodist S S is to take place the Sunday and Monday in January Mr Day of Toronto the secretary of the Provincial S S Association will conduct the services on Sunday and in all probability will also be present on Monday The friends of the school are looking forward to an un usually interesting and profitable anniversary The Christmas family gathering at Mr Isaac Manias on Saturday num bered and one branch of the family not represented Mr and Mrs Allen Stewardi of Toronto spent Christmas at Mrs John Union St On the afternoon that the public school in S No closed for the Christmas Holidays there was a large attendance of visitors at school house to hear the children go through their oral examinations and the program which was to follow As soon as the first patt was disposed of Mr Ceo Rose of Newmarket was requested to act a chairman Recitations dialogues and readings were then given by the pupils when speeches were in order- The chair man Messrs Gibson Starr and Mr their pleasure in listening to the creditable manner in which the children passed through the examination and other wise entertained them as well as our admirable school system and the advantages enjoyed today in matter of education teacher Miss Hannah Starr of won golden opinions and before clos ing the program Mr John Curry chairman of the board of trustees read the following address We nti of thin can not lot Ihin in tangible form the high in which you we held in it community During your sojourn of four amongst ok it baa your aim to the well being of under charge while ihe mind in various eiudiei of the day you liavo by precept ami example Implanted forcibly within hem great necessity of sorvenmcein all work 00 rath end in order to attain suc cess And we would our high appreciation of in all local social manor yog bars ever been ready tend a helping band or contribute in any to the happiness of around We shall feel greatly pleased if yon will accept chair as a token of oar Add now as you work si a success may your effort and that may return with Increased power to flgbt lifes battles and to a field of and wbn the Matter cIIs as to rut may we and all meet there fulness of joy ana happi ness for evermore Slgaed on of the Section by the The other two trustees Messrs VYillion and made the presentation to which Miss Starr replied in appropriate terms The occasion will leave a luting impres sion for good all who were present The Presbyterian congregation of this intend holding their annual tea Meeting and entertainment on the evening of Monday January 2nd On the eve of his departure to a school in Esse county the pupils of our public school presented their teacher Mr Grant with a writing desk and an in vhtch they thanked him tor the patience and them during the two years He has been their teacher Sir has been engaged to teach in our school dur ing the ensuing year He and his family arrived here last Saturday He wished to secure a home in where he would be convenient to the postoffice telegraph office and railway station but there being no house vacant he was compelled to pitch his tent towards the suburban Village Of Church Hill R Toronto has con tracted with the people of our town to have his supply of ice taken from the abundant harvest of pure ice how covering the sparkling of Musselrnans This beautiful sheet of water has one outlet but no visible inlet hence its uniform depth Of water is maintained by springs which explain its waters are so pure and cool even in the warm sum mer months Last Friday evening a number of friends met at Hills and present ed Mr Grant with a valuable gold watch in recognition of services ten- by him as member of the Methodist church choir and teacher of the Bible class in the Sabbath School The gift was accompanied with an address in which the friends stated that made the watch the exponent of their appreciation the interest he had taken in matters per taining to their church and Sabbath because the useful gift would often remind him that his many friends in were not Tribune out last EGYPT The old council all by in Georgins- There was strong talk for the Tut month of an election but finally decided to leave well enough alone The old council were all nominated by Mr John Kay seconded by Mr A Riddle A large number of the voting peo ple of this neighborhood assembled at the residence of Mr Martin Bailey last Monday evening to enjoy a taffy pull The entertainment consisted of both vocal and instrumental music which was furnished by Mr Andrew Hunter of Newmarket and Mr John Simmons a local comic singer All seemed to enjoy themselves immense ly Another party took place the same evening at Air Smiths Crowded out last week- J HOLT Mr Leonard of Stivers Comers ate his dinner at home Mr T Montgomery of school has been the guest of Mrs for the past few days Our school was closed on the the teacher having been grant ed a holiday for the Mod to attend a Public Exam held Toronto Diphtheria has again invaded the neighborhood Mrs Geo being confined to bed by the ruth less disease The entertainment given by Mr Hunter in the Church on the evening of the was fairly well attended and proved to be quite in teresting and instructive Mr A who has attending the College is at home for his holidays We are pleased to see Charlie again and to he Is making good progress knowing him so long we could not expect anything different SBVEK- SCHOOL REPORTS roa nroasiaor a a a Br Ins Mary Hoi born Jr Clifford John Mary JrSrd Ida Shaw St 2nd Binary ft Stewart Angus Jease Pari Aggie Edgar Part Roy Roy ton Tablet Satan 1st TabletQoy J Tascher Examiner has Notwithstanding the direful calam ities which witches and wise heads declare will a marriage which takes place in the last month of the year notably DecemberMr Herbert Stevison and Miss Minnie Smith were united in marriage at the residence of the brides grand mother Mrs John Hamilton The nuptial knot was tied by the Kenny Miss Lou Watson acted as Bridesmaid while the Groom was supported by his brother Mr ol Niagara Falls South After the customary congratulations wedding dinner etc the happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto correspondent ex tends congratulations and best wishes The municipal elections promise to he very lively here and the candi dates are on the war path and grasp your hand with a feeling that can only be equalled by a shock from one of Prof- Kents electric batteries The Anniversary and Tree held in connection with School on eve was a decided success physically mentally and fi nancially The receipts amounted to The first part of the pro gram was given by the juvenile mem ber of the school consisting of dergarten songs dialogues etc And the latter part was rend ered by senior members of the school assisted by outside local talent The tree was tastefully decorated with presents not only for the children as the older ones came in for the lions share Mr A McCallum appeared to be the who re ceived domestic equipments enough to enable him to start a provision store We take back our assertion of two weeks ago about there going to be a wedding at Strange They were only taking stock of another couple going to Canaan We only wish it was a true report Among the visitors during the holidays we have Mr of Wyoming Miss Wesley of Newmarket Mr G HolUngihead of Mrs Dr Rupert and daughters of Toronto Mrs P Diion and J OBrien of Toronto Misses Brown and G Rolling are doing quite a rushing business- Their display of millinery and dressed dolls on the tree proved quite an advertisement for them Wheat jumped up from to cents per bushel id Manitoba last week Wheat prices jumped up from to cents per bushel in Manitoba last week- The Baffler Examiner has endeav ored to explain the hard limes everybody seems to be growling about at present It says among other things Farms arc mortgaged to build large houses to keep fast horses and fine turnouts And because the income from the farm is not sufficient to keep up with the expenses the cry is raised of hard times Then the population has gradually been leaving the rural dis tricts and crowding into the cities crossing the line dissatisfied with the slow and sure life on he farm till now farms have decreased in value fully one third another reason for the cry bard times And while tie influx of population to the city lasted an unstable boom has gone on there till now the react on has come and real estate in cities of Ontario is away down then another cry is raised of hard times Then the restrictive trade policy of Canada and the United States is against a large majority of the people but ihey do not seem to see it So much is it against that the market value of much that is raised for sale is below toe paying point hence hard times But all these draw backs are brought about by the peo ple In this great agricultural coun try where all the wealth comes from the soil people will find out to neglect it means poverty not only to farmers but to all En every business and profession Then our young men and women will come took on farming as the most noble of oc cupations which it realty is and manual labor one of the most honor able Then if speculation were dis couraged sobriety encouraged the foolish demands of society frowned upon reluctance to work with the bands overcome once mare we might look lor a contented and happy peo ple with different views of what life ought to be and striving to lay the sure foundations of true national prosperity She Diamond I cannot accept recommends Sir said a lady to a to a package of Inferior dye of the reliable Diamond I bare the Diamond Dyu for year and know from experience they are the beat if do not sell the Diamond I most look elsewhere lady got the Diamond Dye If all were as for- there be no faitarea in ho ma dying A runaway team in Carrie last week broke a large pane of glass Tbe heaviest snowstorm in fire years prevailed Tuesday at Au gusta Georgia- Snovstorro continue in Kansas and thousand of cattle are perishing while railway traffic is paralyzed The Methodist church at Burlington Oat was burnt on Cbrisimu day Loss in sured for tm- Ten thousand been to spreading rebellion in the province of the