Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1893, p. 2

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1 S V v5 y I i rV si ji6 r- Bate D Koch A Oak Sutherland Sale a A WUoqA Co To tin Elector IT Dr Washington Notice to Creditors A omul Meeting A Soon Boom for Watch Lett Ju Load Timber Thoa Seder HonePower BttTut Wanted D Lloyd She nm dp ftUD Tad En La Printed ill at Horn wnn FRIDAY JAN Toronto Despatch Sftaat to Bra Toronto from Bwlwij Co IBM old company moat Board of ttiw ioujbM in It be a tended men Including the Do minion and JProviiKA trimLatJ opened la weak Mr Rom to for Mayer Hood Pronndal office into the new Par- 7d Mriftl iha ibo CiuldffiO the Tli opening ariSfilft Cry of Children lb ihcIniitutiaot Wind deaf fcbe only open being lhat they bo Pergonal from bow wide are Caeca of d of Ihedeepert of tram the London from provincial aid from abroad ben find exem plification In are a In their any from the noreUrte pen One etory that of a into the altar ha bad beanit adrift from a Lifer- pool lad Kid signature aooompany an aome of Khartoum where be when General Gordon killed- he placed in a land of and Fastened to the top of a long pole Nearly five thousand children lit now care of the foodbill alone ajnovnle to leee than day- fail is WHAT TO YAIT1 from Ottawa etate that Mr Royal baa been appointed GoTeraor of the North- Tern Tbx new of Qavboo week was anticipated bat filled to on Toeoxto Toted on bylaws last inctadiag favoring a change law to exempt properly from taxation bat it de feat by a majority of more than to one being against a of extra clerks in the Railway Department at Ottawa were to Last week these extra were reinstated however only draw the fy of per annum The list in cludes A who formerly re ceived over Bop- IP The Municipal Last Monday was a beautiful day the grand coupled with the hex it was both election day and a holiday made things lively in town and there was only two candidates for the council and Mi Woodcock got there by majority The in Ward was as follows Eves Woodcock St Georges St Andrews 6 St Patricks 4a 64 Tuc council for will ore be as follows Mayor Reeve H S Cane- Deputy -T- J- Woodcock Councillor- St Georges Starr A I- Trivettjr St- Andrews T J- Robirlsun C and Roche St Patrick s Sooier- Cbas and J P Hunter The election for school in St Georges Ward resulted in favor of Mr Pretty by 57 majority the vote being to RISC This township hid the fight in the ding having ft and three deputies to elect successful candidates were J for reeve majority A for 128 McCutcheon for and and S Lemon for 3rd The vote was as follows VititomwiliJ town Monday Mr vie week lor tho with bis with Bradford to Mr and at Mr Mist Porter of Tottenham it rioting for a with around Mr spent bis holiday rutting with faU in Montreal Be Mr had a from St- with turn hut week The Toronto of Praatfoa New Year At with a ing Mr papular bad a trend visiting with him waek Maggia of Toronto is hero visiting her the MUsei A social party was given at Mr Chaa St on Monday Mr saddler last with a bride from of Mr J A- Pales of Michigan former ly merchant at the North End Teas in Ibis week Geo Bolton op from Toronto write lb at lbe two if Try fyoW aero Mr Ho en evening a ibe form- of RhroD bait discovered remedy that to doctor will it Mr Well to he mi the in the my promises a for by out which fa Mr write from Han that tU well and having weather Mr baa our for a pretty tho of a folding the of a photo of bit get- op the and Will MuWiMVm J ba 9hMpklui iv jj i Ta am fiM to 1100 IT in T4 House TLBA9AJ4TrxY altttatCd on a a a IT M ti a- II n I w A i otol A SINKS ffft9bepiimeDf8 TENDERS CEDAR and STONE wUl W Oar Toronto Jan of of mill a aavlauf vtoclc on burr of cent tow at one J SatvroiT Mr will a ail of timber lot in Jan Fall per Wboatperboabol par per per bubal Rotter troll per lb per per to tat the iiii day itmi of Good Hemlock lor lb Newmarket SALE LOW WATERWORKS will etate the price per cord fur tod dry can iha tamo will be rocotrcd for viB The to the North Im to fill the vacancy canted by the nomination of the late member lion Mr to a in the Senate the re torn of candidate Mr over Liberal opponent Mr by a decided majority ii now stated that id delay in the Chamber of the Toronto the Ontario will called together or till latter part of by which time the wilt be completed and all the Departments located in their new qosrten Tug Comity ically la decidedly but politico dont coon io selecting a Warden At if potitici govern it if the reefe of Vaoghan or of la4t will the hot if party doc not itiutraiie the reeve of KiiiK or may cure coveted The ballot however sometime duping oar to hold the evenly and administer lav with cqoity by tho Monday that two parsons were at the in Toronto Ian Tor suiting a liicycle oue get days the filter sllowed to go on sentence white ait uiuiher a poor fallow who stole a turkey to liim was to jail for four months It intimated in last weak that Mr Flemings election to the Mayoralty flbeppard was a foregone the being as to majority There salt the polling on Monday verified this intimation Mr majority Is given at 34olthe largeet ever git an to any where there was a or aldermen and ware all left nut to the clearly proving that he electors are not favorable to tads or to allow class interests to dominate In mat- concern It No Norman si at a 5 US as 0 Campbell- 20 3I fiftH275720 ftOM Lemon 8157 Total vuies 1079 EAST Messrs and hvl a c fihl for ill the being circled by majority The two mttuhs of the also reelected The vote in divisions was as follows lW a Total Pgg 63 Crone S 0 10295 Mr McKemie was elected Reeve by majority over Mr The to For the Council die first four were elected Shields An ttahin Howard Lane and 1 Voting in was for councillors and ton and weie elected oris was result in the several I Draper Kenton to Hamilton Motion Silver 40101 S 34 will remembered by readers expressed In a couple of ago that on important tariff changes tat did not a peel to see direct till met The beginning of end is commencing ihsn we Last a the oparstioos of and of the Act rsspectlnK easterns dalles The re- salt will be says Otlawe to tha that daring the of time named the the dalles upon and Into Canada by Indirect will be Inoperative that Is say all and of tha grades named la the acts Imported di rect from the coantry of production or in directly- will hats tariff treatment daty on sugar coming Indirect shipment was heretofore par eat of the value Is abolished by the referred to and daty on of cents per gallon whan not Imported direct is also abolished The be to take away the indirect shipments to that benefit the deemed In inter- eat this at present time owing to made the United fates that It enst their rates while the States mad nation m roQfces and the it best Is order to Any of to adopt this coarse ef good- will end a Reeve Sanders councillors J Armstrong Armstrong II reeve A S Russell reeve G Heigh at S J ArnolJ John Slater reeve Scott dep Rcesor 2nd J 3rd York S de feated Majority Welsh John A Macdonald and dep Charles Peter- man 3rd John Fogg 4th dep Woodbridge Wallace reeve Weston William Tyiell reeve Toronto John Fisher J R Miller for mayor major ity J- defeated A Wil ton for reeve majority A defeated George for 1st majority George Pears 2nd Etobicokc John reeve John Bryans 1st dep John Card- house Matthew Canning 3rd East Toronto Village John Hague Toronto Juncton WiUlaju Pears mayor Village John reeve one and one ballot disputed councillors Billing A Campbell Fleming Wm Robinson Bradford S Graham reeve councillors J S A Thomp son Campbell and J It for Years day Mr Harry Meadra of Toronto of Mr Martin spent New with him hlsggls TCeddel organist in the School vary kindly the other day Mr and Mrs Walter Sutherland were A Borne to friends on Thursday nigh of but Mis Ella has retamed to the city after spending and New Years with her mother Mica Montgomery of niece of Mr- John st is spend ing a flf weeks in town A- was spending aooople of week with her mother Mrs Morton Mr and Mrs Cyras Clahinealtended the wedding of his other King last and report a very pleasant gath ering Qoerno at Monday as so loist at a concert aad was given hearty reception rMjss Line Roberts of Hillsdale spent the home and left again Tuesday morning to charge of the same school Mr Smith of North of Barrio writes that they have SO inches of Sleighing good and snow has not drifted any yet Mr- hid finite ft irjlh injured loo confine for bat bo ii ftgikia cow Fred Foster hem W- wife of in potlJog wi her Of the Timothy Rogers of St a Jfttt with ft carbuncle the him op on by ft chill He ft for week Mr as ftt Out returned by Mint Maude Hairy Wood ftrrived from Win- on flsitnrday on two Ho ami report nice weather in Prairie city Sir Clayton the law Arm of Ray A Toronto in ii brother Frank from Waterloo Frank ihelL of to that not of new lodge of Boot bore and Intend to be he at proMiit ft member or ft of T Mr W- of Lowell day wan wry and WaVfiry hare and it would been or far iho boy the day me namely and Yon have n them grab for when It Saturday afternoon Mra A Cartel of fiudbury and Jhtr Van Norman who with her for wme time arrived In Friday morn lng in for old homo in xpecta to remain with friend In part of for three or four Mr ton of Mr who had hi arm broken at a camp In the pitting eUiatrict a Utile two ago came homo week arm from always at the boulder by applied by an old Indian auil ie now iiiito Mr nmTrUd lady of King To and going to with trie bride By Ibe remotal of J- from to Qoodwood of York lotea ft faithful and devoted worker Poring hi Is that locality be of Dakar for seven jun during which lb at- lendano increawd from to GO While at NORTH The Is abating and patients improving Owing to the dues at Keswick several families were quarantined Mrs Win Purely and children arc re covering from its effects and it is hoped it will spread no further Mrs John fa dangerously ill and under the of lipid of physicians with diphtheria We have great Citche among the A large in the jce from Point to Pi Grasl Point rcndcis Irani not vciy We have heard of one or gelling rigs or in hut no ill results The result Election was a surprise to many The sale of the effect ft the hie Drape was yell attended and reatircd 8rirAAt GUI Ttoiutby HORSEPOWRRw a a Dtf Alt OS on OP E I On Oft a 30 posts 16 ft long id at small en J a 13 12 or whole or Tender Order LLOYD clerk DOWN PRICES 000 00 Good aa rot EMLOCK TIMBER length to flDaVb Rati Cowl with black Tbo NOTICE hc life a Of stale lb la Becked f Letter From Dakota Mb itcs to lieevr borne ADrt many a and cornea to at we by our fireside and the for La lha when farmers a I do Dot think that fivo fl woiM it of ft r3na tow bead bones aheap the winter still is to read During lb it Menu that wo cannot get enough done fall aver- bushels per day lot 2i 4syr oar- fifth of Quantity wheat Nothing to a fanner here fat from to acre of not very distant who acres of uL to the of and stock is worth a They have think of into a field of Wo acre in before all up hi shook is way In country We am tiro will rtvo fhia March we left and have never Wen struck with bailor frost yet are from rail way atattou f tS4tf of lit of it ia not very high No 1 hard is per taw wheat ih theid ft hara it would bo worth that is twoGOQutriea we have ilri and that la To IloK at it on the other of who a belter right to it the hard man We pay ft5 to Jooptfi for or for a laborer ant me- from to per day rand Koine much higher according to ability 10 tea a now either r other Soma will bm better hard but however time will tali you all a happy Year W FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A A SPECIALTY ar ffiM5qfflj bo at sot lr lie lowa of SALE FOR- REDUCED PRICES in Ladies Wear as follows Mantles Furs Millinery Sealettes Wool Underwear Boots Shoes and Slippers REDUCED PRICES Mens Wear as follows Overcoats Fur Coats Mens Long Boots Fancy Slippers Fur Caps REDUCED PRICES in Basement as follows MONEY Crockery Glassware Flower Pots SAVED Lamps Fancy Bronze Ornament We are bound to reduce the size of our stock if Low J will do it Come and See COME AND AT- day of Jan iet afcamootL IT Violin A formerly ib to where he to prepared IMraettcu In vioi a wide fiqil hi hrlr A Al sefdwniirei Public Notice to Creditors CHINA NOTICE la hereby that Joiph Rob of Kilt firmer bit ma Ill and far the or all Crtrlltorsv A meeting will St on of lha j WOODCOCK h Jan 18W NEWMARKET PREVIOUS TO I KB of he porficiir will be ON EreMlDc Jnuunry iflih At eight for Officers it the irafliacllon or A lot holder Is requttted emo up tor JU- C AND Fancy TO Of EAST I and iholr Monday to I great of I vole or mo l Jo TOtd my tthtll to Ahhd fall fait I hare on and deeUo ai tome lleoe I faopu to b read itd In I pare during ba through which ye hare of a who For rtu a od Year add Greatly StoulTrillc on 14 triilu the Chrinlan Church aodooo made w of both la lha QUI Sabbath School la clan For ha advocated a for which aocompllabecl two ftgo and Mr Id order to work op an later est In work he 8 la the the lie alto took an active part A in both Christian tod at their the la North PH anion a mem of at fiaal public at a of him with in an moral point la a to locality aod an aatUOad made an ex- stHjlpl for tbl JHMILLARD given ilia ANNUAL MEETING Of will be OK Wednesday 18th At the hour oil oclock for Iherroepifnn And adoption of the EieciiOO of sod other a A AlreliEff of board will bo held at the office at on Or Order of J JACKSON In at the jeer Telephone Connection Wbltohureb the vf of a deabier- Id the 3rd luu of J Ac leorre Kat an the 3rd the wife of f a The led Jao at ibo rcildence of Mr of Klg the Iter- white to Joho It of Aurora real- by Mr- Arthur of Wood Id u1tOD dC40e Of tli R P R A SMITH Main ffip Prompt elivery MORTGAGE SALE OK THE Old Jersey Hotel Property in end virtue at a power of said In a ho I Aucilooixrnt the will to will be nil wbolt lime to ho or Lbs The cat a In tbe Mt Throat by of Mich to rfldeit of Mr Mod Mbe Tomb To Tnroatooo Jrd of 3d J MAIN NORTH AH will and Will be In of Dr flOrpMitt who be aitid Jane Mill I l p after mi trip in Citarrbofthi Throat lJoafooi Ch RroortiiriK aftd of the Which at lima thorn Anorloa Hotel In the ol In York Aaiurdtj Iho Hat sit oclock Hotel atnior TTotbipof tjoftfaOwinuiliir of i i hVititl All portion of aaViK K ofsiand In Newborn wife to Thi dated Bret re I and re- til The property Jortor lnJe and mile of or oiher Ob rtnoad knife- Hotel ore of the wlckoad Thereli well flnlihtd hotel a Temtvatsitroe la a moat pUoe for and fall a well a of SALE in on Amf of BO aftar without For and of Or to Solicitor MONEY WA DAVID LLOYD tiiiUttoAav for VkllMIUftVAIDt KsTftlf fire Queen Of Sua Lot Notice to Creditors a A ibrtiiveiip ihni nil wfJU lisviny of t 16 W oi wfl fiM- W Netruarael Hum ef l5 an with foil sod will the Mb I eel Me All law ml fled lalholr to WlddtQeW tutor Ills Mldiur J BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES a STIDL COME No St KU MAK A largo StWk of GoodsAll New and direct Mammal on sale at MARTIN ROBINSONS OLD STAND PRICES ROCK BOTTOM GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ONE PRICE TO Custom Work and Promptly Attended It A Coll Solicited before H H WILSON CO YORK Farmers NEWMARKET f Hits TOWN HALL AURORA ox A Thursday Jaq 11 A Under of the A of IIiiim mi who bid ihe of Qlieil Iteedlrof of the I nnrlleailtUFllI be In Introduce for Mod and alya j the rnnpi Are of lha pure 1 V to lie of from 130 lo fl 9 lo If sad BOOK AND DEPOT BOOKS rf Mr Boss Leave the Sire address on ml I lull How lo faircy lot- CENTRAL TELEPHONE STARR BRUNTON BROS SIX DOLLAR SEALETTE FOR FINE PANTS MADE TQ ORDER FROM 250 UP Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed MONTGOMERY SON NB Ileas Boots for j sold BOOTS SHOES You have listened to a good many boot and shoe lately We do not cater for the low priced shoddy trade this line but if you want thoroughly reliable boots and with every pair at reasonable prices ana largest and best assorted stock to choose we have these requisites BRUNTON BROS

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