Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1893, p. 3

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yVr l fewroomETRA J AN tf5 the young 5iddfo Christian W the annual m naff York Ac SocV The School The election Bad Lib Mr Stephen piling am ylirftTKwninsthrti Dr rfTorloriooicedtlJoclDOUC ijit sod Wing too Sao Ait JojOdcryt subject in Methodist people ia and Cn fustian morning sad la Iheatentngf A ah- tin It a collections bom daring week atooontod io nearly ISO mora than last at on New Years Social Assembly There was an on stir around the old Federal Bank building lut afondey long alter mall boar of the fallowing had paired a gait dressed flitted lb corridors while tie strains of rannift wafted lbs night from the mansion xztot he ha changed the to Jan from View Board had a meeting ft JJ letter from St- Catharines from Ban Fran crowded i vj Cine factory and Blocktaking The at the fticf Mr Park the of the S7 the J was attended Mr fi to pU a the fned Unit KiatBi4ingihonld make an effort toiuad in neat It is bad that aeoond day by if in which the j fee ara rj ttly Up There was market last lor S3 end aol Chicken rat to and lb Fintclaw itfchii and pa at dry piae W icd dry fcamlcck offered at and green at wood on the mora St Pauls Church fey a The opening moment flying ij 1cjtu gone Jt in Wbtl an living for were fcpat3 good at St will bo fcj ifcc Rev What Kivdof to Ex- lT For the of called htm Wig flu Ik tell them do well tit lo txpeci Mr craping up in and to give his to thou Trsiy Incurious to know riEt It frill tie in ormol a table on jtjtr Mid ratal to cut jftteitft it lift bit ho bail it for find it iK J Stephens wood Fri3y whea fell him the leg ft Mr no attention to cold to bed uQdor4ho doctor tiro to bo tip Can Be Done n trying to their my by down loUcf goodly low price foe you to bay now Jolt think at 275 price a Co At a tegular meeting oa Wfldowdnj wore tor Cp- J 2nd IJeot A Lloyd Ant partridge nod E Butter A regular OTKtiogoi the Club 0c io the Chamber finooi ISO oclock- Commit- who bad charge of re- to a Cbeeao in the Newmarket will report which wo Mr to a of to organize and operate Stock Company It time in addition to the imbject labor will ho Crossing the ifteniooo Roger and wife of Toronto came hero of conveying only to her rUng Deceased was a John Armltigo this town her twentieth birthday and dearly by all her aoqopJnUncM wan qaite an accom- raoddn The took the hero and Attended Worry Any subscribers A Fire The fipimen can thank Mr that True ooi on I Now eve When from the between tod oclock Saturday night of wa M thai Mr de termined to Ho located Church itod prompt appllcalion two tot of proration IS wiiOl end wonld ltt In fliniM by emptying wood into a box v I t 4 I Industrial new and miitron Mr And on JToniUy last hating Eh charge Df The Beard out on Saturday and account of paying Mconnta will bo In operation- having agilml Homo will And a at Bank Board days after cabling npon with formerly Concert tonight night Kaw Fob School Trmtoea meet erg Dont bcariag Mi Epiphany today Female orator Ioga art rolling Into Canea jrd- at Snow New Day a Tory cold day below In to the of York who do for Town men pannant Metut A Brown Pretty and J Following tight Heat A Power Co flonlloy work it Tele phone Co Jai- cleaning charged to lota J ff Smith cartage Nelson Fay The of Win Can Sana Co was referred to and that A Com The J to pay and percoiasion to J Caldwell for liberty to a property into each agree ment in writing may be rati factory to the Council granted day or return The Clark waa to for for of wood tle and for quantity of T granted for Mrtloea as Officer for IBM The Mayor reported the placed In W for parpDeee V The thanks of CoqdoII were tender ed to Mr lor hie faithful ftoasrs Wanted Mr John be at the Royal on to good from On Friday rf t mmbera of in the at rTba arib Mr and tbe jiftjrtrijtealto preterit After pleas Jackson and Mr- making lift I a Chair me re curb which were by Rev Mr JIr licrt- class in Itnni then and expressed at the ty event afforded for a A The inn Bona of fa for tnlus a now filled with riat kcorated over as a fciwlsorae ceiling in clear pi do itrjrumirj of modern design clear ftiotatnafirintiaaalw wry Esq Is and and but a that fibiiileeonlllghta are largest ftwbotTororito We understand ibal ktfc Mr ljJtej are with work miuttats reflect great credit on J fi Mr Win ttl and wcrk wish to renew for need not bother returning one or two marked Refuted as all not paid for in advance will bo dropped living In Riding have not yet renewed abctdd dollar by letter It only costs 3a and a lot beside will foe tetter to know that is paid are not liable to bo called on extra We do not intend to any thing farther boat this matter in tho Concert The Concert under the auspices of tbo Ep- at Mrs on jay evening was a splendid An abandonee of parlor gomes bad been pro vided by the young people which inter spersed program at intervals throughout the evening Three selections were famished by the Glee Club an by Mrs and Miss Jackson besides so recitals Messrs and W The evening pasted that the League this shall not be the last Ten Off Goods In Fell Plush Boxes Albums Photo Frames old at CM a A Regular Beat One day last week a man styling blmself J Groat from near the Lauding called at the Royal hotel and a bag sup- posed to contain his wardrobe with the landlord uaeoarityforboard for A few days Lest Friday morning the new boarder rose up early removed bag to a more convenient place and after breakfast walked off as large Ufa When the proprietor security he that at a trick had been played and he had a warrant for the mans arrest but so far the scamp baa deluded of Her servant la boarding life Council liar Jit The reports for the of Mayoralty have not all been returned but as far as heard from I the past Mayor ts unseated correct statement week- Mr- J Gillies of Strange is now rusticating at the Manse A- has purchased a new evaporator and says he can dry fifty pounds of apples daily Mrs John Dickson has taken a trip Oil Springs for the benefit of her health The annual meeting of the Society place at Grants hotel here on afteraoorj the iath It is that will show their interest by large wife returned Satvxday from spending the holidays Mr John ts spending the winter with hts grand mother A Mis of St Louis Mich Mrs is also here to spend J winter with her JANUARY SALE v Prefesc to run K see nfrt York Lecture Bureau la the Hall and come high auijdel skioltythoild an effort to wlbir She tings as wall charge lor About a month ago tetond tor four nights Ml penihs paragraph appeared a fcril u logical speaker baa had U crowded Motile doers each In she tang eoversK great Ac result JT voree lift hate signed Uii the blue ribbon on Tuesday oven I J by iter Jos The are erpected to music On H Mrs will address a foe In Temperance Hill at a One of our you men left town suddenly about ten days ago not telling- anybody where he going Homo of hit made ent through llttla brothers who replied Didnt the news went way to borne the This liken for gospel truth aril soon the report that he They ware laying for faiia to return and lie appeared in with a young lady lut Saturday night It was in rain that ha attempted her as hie cousin until her identity was confirmed by the family be ought to let know where ho going next Mkks Sou Leather Hand made t Son Comcert can and Mr rilh the of Sena fowler will give an enter lathe Town lfsll tonight that will delight entire better than anything that has been given this stasoD the programs Piano Win Fowler The Classical Washington iWoSoDgtffco Laughing Mart Mr Ramsay RallW of MiiivVasblagton Boss Mr Miss Washington Bong and Mr Ramsay Lorain a Cottage Mlis Washington Character Hong Relics of Mr A Modern Flirtation Miii Washington Inflections after a Ball Song How Drake Pledge- Mr AMltnde of the RmotJont with rootle Mlis Washington To commence at oclock to all parts of 12 ICc PINE ORCHARD There was a mistake in last weeks Era about Bros Hunter and Duncan the officers of Pine Orch ard of Last week was election of officers and installed the officers on Tuesday night Jan 3rd Mrs C Jones of has been visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity Miss Nellie Brown of Ottilia is visiting at MrThos Browns Mrs May and Ctafence are visiting at in Pickering MOUNT ALBERT and New has past and there have been a number of our village The last week I notice the number Mr W jr and wife from Toronto Mi John drove back in three hours and half on election day for a vole for Mr Our school has opened up again Mr Ttnsdile engaged for another year Miss Cleland one of Newmarket is assistant Mrs and I fatgh have been down with diphtheria but both are on the mend The at the Church night was a grapd success Mrs Patterson and let mother have been spending a week with their friends here Mr Fletcher of Newmarket at present a student at Kingston College occupied the pulpit in the new church here Sunday- His sermon was highly appreciated There has been an effort to realize something out of the old church building which is about as unsalable as secondhand coffins Our teacher Mr fc as gone to Goodwood our to and our mayor to the other place There was a hustling around here On Monday gathering voters to de- side who should be Reeve of Sanders and Stouffer are both considered firstclass men but experience gave him inside track The candidates worked hard but took it steady and cool and came out dry which was more than could have been said of some of the jockeys This is Mr first race and he will likely do better when he gets more used to the track Mr- and wife from Michi gan have been visiting for the last week with their relatives in Bloom- and Whitchurch Mr is a daughter of Henry the first DeputyReeve of Whitchurch We are pleased hear ibat Mr is in fairly good health and able to attend to office work- Mr J of the has taken charge of the school SHARON A grandson of Elder who is a at Victoria Uni versity spent over New Years with him The excellent sleighing last Mon day made ihe Election livelier than comoion The ladies polled their votes in good season Miss Kate Eyre was at home to her young friends last Wednesday when a most enjoyable lime was spent by those present Charades being the pasttime Miss Millard of Newmarket spent last Saturday and Sunday at lonely Sirs- A and Miss Fletcher spent last Sunday in the city hi Proctor suffered from an apoplectic fit day last week which confined him to his bed and rendered him speechless We wish him speedy recovery Miss of who has been making a lengthy visit with her uncle Mr Boyd returned home last week accompanied by her cousin Mr Willie Boyd Miss Graham is siting m Sutton West this week Miss Tattoo gave a most enjoyable Supper to a number of young people Friday evening Mr Fred Lundy of Napa City Cat was calling on relatives here last week Mr moved his family from this village to Newmar ket last week Mrs Rodney is making her annual visit to her daughter in Mr and Mia Graham of Sutton West spent New Years in Sharon ODS TO BE CLEARED OUT AT fTTiT llll oes iJituiuuHiitiuutuiutiit AT THE AVING ESTABLISHMENT OF XMAS HOLIDAY SALE AT FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES Now tbo time of year when people want their supply Flannel and we have a of them that yon will surety be pleased with both In to quality and price and sea A Large of Winter Dress and Mantle for yon to from Perhaps yon didnt know we did anything In Ordered Clothing Well if yon want a suit or pants jnit call and see oar simple and gel prices going elsewhere It will pay to A large Stock of Mens Underwear at away prices HORSE BLANKETS FROM 75 OK TO GROCERIES We have now en hand all the New Fruits and Feels required at this of year and all our Groceries will bo Freeh and Nothing lh Flavoring kept hero TRY OUR BLENDED TEA AT OUR COFFEE BE BEAT W PLAYTER Telephone Connection St ROBERTSONS BAKERY ATOMV L Now in Stock a Chosen Assortment of HOLLAND This Store is full of goods suitable for in practical ago What could be nicer than a or Persian Lamb Muff or Storm Collar or Cape to a lady or a fine Fur Cap or ton gentleman or ail Overcoat to a little boy or Lamb Muff to a little girl T Then there are Lined Mitts and all of pretty Handkerchiefs and Scarfs Wool Shawls and Warm Overshoes and a thousand other articles eminently useful Wo have not neglected the Inner Man for we are abundantly supplied with First Class Fruits in Raisins Currants Figs Dates Peels and Nuts Our Fragrant Coffees and Teas will give zest to the charms of Christmas 1 of the Season to AIL FuM Men Hose Small for Jo worth at Ho The long looked for ha corneal last and folks will be happy for a timo at for now they can enjoy a in this part as well as our northern neighbors Mr John Spink of Toronto has been up to see his father is very III with pneumonia Mrs Annie Walker and her hus band of Toronto spent New at her Mr Mr- Dentils EUIoit and fahdly of spent New Years at My Mr A has home from Toronto for ihe Xmas and New holidays Quite a hot time here last Monday electing Mr A Dales of Mich but formerly of this part was over on business and making calls as much as time would permit Ho was looking well and many friends were pleased to tee him A few of the members of the order of Forresters met last Monday after noon and discussed the question of their annuel oyster supper Tuesday night fan Is set as the llmei and as that order never do anything by a good time may be antici pated Fine sleighing for election Monday A number of the village boys resi dents of Toronto and elsewhere were home for holidays looking as hale and hearty as ever Miss Maggie Parsons has returned from a trip to her brothers at North and has resumed her duties in the Bradford Model School We are pleased to be able to report Messrs and are able to be around again Mr Charles was recipi ent of the finest New Veaia of all a bouncing baby hoy Mr who has been at deaths door for some weeks passed peacefully away on New Year His remains were in the Aurora on Monday in charge of the Forresters The two little orphan boys ate left in Mrs care The Xmas tree connection with the English Church Sunday School was a decided success every re spect The little folk would ihat Chi is mas came more frequently Election passed off very quietly One candidate very much dlar pointed be didnt know in the race Tariff reform and home rule were the winners strong cards A couple of young lost their about and their return tickets to Toronto on the night of the tree I trust they may recover the as they can ill its loss Mr Hurst of Victoria University Is on a visit to the The Orange ball financially was not a success Those eat report an enjoyable evening MrJno Elliott Manager Stand aid Hank at spent New Years day with his uncle Mr Frank Morton School reopened on Tuesday with a fair attendance The assistant Holmes of St Catharines not yet an Wed Mr has both divisions for a few days If parents only enforce punctuality and regularity in school attendance what an untold they would confer upon their children On Tuesday after school closed the pupils represented by Louie Sheppard and Mabel presented their teacher Mr J A with a beautiful dressing case accompanied I by an address R J DAVISON THE LEADING SHE HOUSE 1 event of season Friday GRAND CONCERT tub or The Mechanics Institute FLORENCE a Assisted Is clearing out a lot of lines in Ladies Mens Boots Shoos at a Big Sacrifice is your timo for gain Now a bar- SIGN RED BOOT Custom Work A Speciality GRIFFIS ADMI8SION IBs HOUSE- TO PHARMACY XMAS GOODS BELOW COST A I Bluck Finest Sultunas Prime offstock Valencia I S rft8 Finest Lemon Orange and Citron Peels r La laaad can bo procured on tho market C A Have you tried our mixed Tea or our I Black they are immense 01 AM f A I P always take the lead in this linu for Quality and Price to Sunday PpMIQ Oranges Lemons Figs and Dates WEDDING CAKES By A NEWMARKET WINTER STORE SEASON FULL STOCK OF LEADING MAKES OK SAWS SHOES CHOPPING AXES SAW SETS AXE HANDLES HORSE NAILS AND BLACKSMITHS BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR BAND HOOP IRON ANDSTEEL NORTH OK TORONTO J JAS PROP ALL SIZES OK GLASS ON HAND I OOK HERE MM Are you aware that r i a 1 GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Offers a better value in LARGE STOCK OF Druggists and Smokers Sundries STANDARD REMEDIES DR CAMPBELL DISPENSINO A SPECIAITV Ordered Thau any other establishment in LUNDY

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