Newmarket Era, 24 Mar 1893, p. 3

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Tw- Mr- A fc hole Match next Wednesday a ta far Through some M toon lb tog Monday At ihc Gospel Tern- bvM J- If Attendance jj Sett will open prfOWlD- Christian At a lb Aid Ibe following appointed for yew President- A Secretary Mm Dr Mr I School Ascber si the to which of the St Pauls Church fox Passion Weak begin as follows Monday Renown ol Bethany Wednesday Betrayal Christ Peter Good Friday a and 7 Into Trouble Some young men either load of bragging their strength or eta very to annoy same of oar citfxeni by palling the pickets off their fence as they pass We that two offender bare boas notified that repair are made forthwith they will gel into serious diffi culty An example before Mayor might have a effect Men or Business You cannot afford to have office scantily with stationery of an inferior gride impressions are Strong and famine methods will be edged by yoor forma When lie high grade off print log cad be hid at low A price the poorest grade yon should get the beet The Baa Job Department is filled with modern facilities for the highest elan of work Trier The Annual the fce of the Society will iLiaAeMeihodmCborch on Toes- ft rtl Id P7 ttCbriif The been And gal Tat Cut Al a wurfcflhe lb proposed the the and return the whey head the farm tendered Mr Chi riKtel in Mr John- the Scotland who wee a of this od here There were that tailed he had not The- price te to each hfdaj were bare Sociau The ladies Aid Charrh a kciI tithe come SUrcr Wednesday Tea served from to After arte time will be with and people No lein will he fjand jo the And Good Friday Next Friday being all place of tkael The En will to obKnbut on Is h ub cell for the paper moll to end oclock a no will oat alter the carrier ton the iiVI tee ibat copy In not if Treasurer We to lay rated local CfiiaizaiiciUcaaF4 It mod divide op While we have for who Wcriog io for and betray the in them by their to of a certain tcU throw at the defending a Jibe rait And one ibat line it tofficient form Art Cre- letiet White dro a Easimc Holidays tmnged lor On April In liceuu Ul b at art Rood to rttorn to From Utsvch Slit ticket will said to papilt chooi mud oat firticl arc good to the by K applicant it a bona Friday evening Jaai Kaanh left and t jnu toT- ratvling oat of the Mr K i bono pud around eittft direction of It front fhop aoy doM ma nearly at by wen platform Axe You Going To buy lamiturcT At a Hotel be came be in or till the lit April Encouraging The League parlor at a than any duct by 0JBnOa and A- and Edgar a guitar by Claim Manning tbaLicagaa to 9100 Sr JOHKS Offing to being called to Toronto to at then will only hen on two Holy Friday Way of at p and In tb araning on The Lord by Father morning office of Water in Acaih Next la ftora ap it will a ELaimila t oral will Separajtb Scnooi At in ho latt Mr by aa by of late P J There were of raliobnntan on mini of High School far two or days after lira and badly burnt A phone into Father on at the Centnl II la gratifying to know tbM are being taken to care am vent the before dronatent moving baa It if there to a in neliborbood Jamb Taylor a a few ago Chief of real aetata and chattel property tomorrow offlcn of tba Newmarket Bible meet to night new furnace in the Hall ry Did yon at They A large of new farm machinery the depot If chip and balfado2n who occasionally would their their pottage woo Id not altogether The two man that want to Bradford Saturday and back with mora lhaa thay ably carry had better keep clear of tha for North mat in Newmarket Monday At W Mfjhomm A Junior Mtw on bin t and Wilier Jackaon Millard Edgar Jackaoo WrataryFnnk Cane jiulpH will fe Mr of Toronto re- al hat a great ft in the A teanHrtircwaa to The lb- Helmet were VtftaivJ building and work a fatiraLljr the approach- tha pupiU only w aoqot of the fire which Ifawiui hooka cannot to Xlirwtrk again to JInatiun will J to by The to muaU and apparatoa for the re- rebuilding JJ CAa to determined and it WW will the Ma the S A Hacking a man in Port Hope writes to the Berlin Wo immense faith in readable truthful at- tractive and changed pnt in a prominent position In a good live In opinion there no other mode of to It There money by tbe merchant that and each golden and no per can be received it The bill Forget- Ramsay Concert by the Toronto Ideal Banjo Club on April under the ana of Newmarket Clab Who is to Blame On account of the high wind the time of the High School fin It lone out that only half of the Fin Brigade heard alarm Some time ago the Brigade request to to have alarm bell rang for tan inn tee by living with in vicinity bat it that not bean attended to request gone up again to the and in addi tion the Brigade hat for arrange to be made for tbe whittle on Factory to be alio blown at the time of a BvsIness Sioce the firat of February every department at the Novelty hit been running in nil force and notwithstanding the large Mock had made op Co now at lean one hundred ahead of them employ a number of whom have been working orertime every night in tbe week time If demand for Newmarket to tame rata tpring advances the Co will be obliged to farther inornate their ttaff new novelties which are placing on market it a robber tire bicycle for boys which taking like wildfire The for patt couple of at depot fill a car or two Labrador Herrings a dor at Robertsons a Cokcixt The prince of enter tainers Ramtay will bis reappearance before a Newmarket audi ence on Wednesday April and will roceiya a hearty wel come Mr will all incladtng set of J new ones as song by Oulcott in Mr will liavo the pleai of hearing charming Mist Florence Matter Bedford Campbell and tha Toronto Idal wljich include of the clever til with the banjo in America The Newmarket Bicycle Club under the above will have a large hoote as to he the best given here this season Ladies want- ing the stylish goods buy at a After a lingering Mr Alfred passed away to a happier clime last Monday morning six ago deceased was injured by the handle of a plow whils plowing as a of which It was necessary to two ribs from his aide After a he got around again but felt a wea and aide him a great deal Ever aim last bean gradually being out of the bouse since last October He was a man of estimable character and a consistent member of the Christian Church as well as an honored member of A0UW In Newmarket The funeral service on Wednesday afternoon was largely attended Elder assisted by Eld and Ben Bell and Odery Workmen showed their for by placing a hand some floral wreath upon tha casket and between CO and in procession escorted remains of deceased to the Cemetery where Revs and read the impressive burial of which he has been a for over seven years On retnralng to Lodge Room a committee was appointed to draft of and forward the same to the familr Buy now for next winter wear You can do so at less than wholesale price from Roche Co who would rather sell than carry over Reduced prices marked in plain figuresno bantering repaired in price boose a Drops Palm Sunday tomorrow Saturday is Annunciation Day Good Friday next week Big crowd in town last The is on his rounds your hotbed ready If yon want early St Pauls church btuar April concert April Ontario Legislature opens the Snow nearly all gone Expect bd roads soon bclttw zero last Sat morning Maple sap not running yet snow yesterday morning to 111 Six wreka more and ColaiAibiaARipcelHn will be a foil swing Everything being harried to completion for Open ing day on Hay 1st land aa the chief executive of the nation been and it it expected that be will formally start the machinery this gigantic by the pre of hit finger on a button which will put into operation an From that moment City on the lake will converted into a boge magnet attracting humanity from all parts of the globe Only a visit to grounds will give an adequate Idea of the vast amount of work which remains to be dooe in the short time and it requires more than ordinary alive in the existing debris scattered building materials and unfinished enchanting picture of grandeur which will be by this and magical White City in near future When completed its ensemble will impress the eye a masterpainting of a rich landscape ornamented with tasteful shrubbery attractive flowerbeb and winding paths and driveways which curve gracefully about over bridges around and beside the canals on waters of which will float gaily- and fajxufullythaped boats all sat off to by a back ground of architectural magnificence varying with the point of view in its of palatial buildings towering domes and minaret all white and glisten ing in the and comprising a of surpassing richnedi and Owing to the narrow and trammelled action of a Congrats to whom very meagre gift a restraining string has been tied the Exposition will coat the enormous aggregate of Of this sum Chicago raised in subscriptions fruni special city Board of South Park Commission em for special landscape improvements State of or State building and exhibit and the gate receipts have been bonde3 for more by the local corporation and this entire torn of represents Chicago has done for the benefit of the Exposition and and good of man kind When it Is that Chicago bason two occasions in the past the Grant celebration and the Ten plsr triennial conclave entertained visitors when it had teas than as much hotel room now and that Chicago since then grown and expanded at an astonishing rate the caring for people a day for any length of time need give rise to noun easiness Indeed while the Exposition Is the talk or country in Chicago It has already become an incident and the influx of a multitude of will scarcely effect daily life of this phe nomenal city Tbe hotel capacity has been and in vicinity of the Fair grounds alone new hotels and have been erected whose total capacity nearly people a day There are many claptrap hotel and boarding house schemes springing up and lbs confidence men and pickpockets who always follow a crowd am Socking into Chicago The is mating ready to take care of these gentry A variety of estimates has been made of the cost of seeing the Fair has figured that the ordinary of one not Including railroad fare for a ten days visit at the Fair during which he may take in the aids and all the extras will not exceed A rush visit of one day paying for everything including extras may be made for This estimate made on the under standing that there will be twentyone sideshows charging admission Here Is an Admission to Exposition grounds side shows CHEAPEST PRETTIEST IN TOWN SUTHERLAND BROS READY 1 NEW PRINTS in early to talk about Print but we have some beauties all guarantied fast colore Call early so a to have ftret oboiee we to reduoe our of Winter Goods as as before stocktaking we will offer them at the lowest possible price Our of Gro ceries will be found Fresh and Well Assorted Our Blended and Coffee ore still unequalled PLAYTER Telephone Connection 62 St AT THE Sale have Si ll John Will a very Important sale of Town Property at tba Auction Room No For par ad and posters chattel property will be add at the same time end place- And day will etc at his Albert Not on sums Uot7 cash 11 Oclock- Hide on tJeclrio boat elevated railroad eliding railway Hound trip fare FOR THJSPRINQ TRADE r Large shipments have been pouring every week until we have now a complete stock in every department of our Big Store a Id Printed Cottons Delainoa and wo can give you the highest of art beauty of design and color free from the imperfections from 8 up We are showing wonders in Cheap and Stylish Pelt Hate in children youths and gents sizes Our Lace Curtains sell at sight We have imported these goods direct from the Nottingham manufacturer getting exactly the designs wanted at prices that show that the middlemans profit isnt in it selling from per pair up dollar goods are perfectly beautiful Our Wall Paper also direct from the manufacturers only requires the most casual look to satisfy customers that you can get the best appearance for the least money from us and we assist you in hanging it by trimming the edges neatly without nicking free of charge on our machine to fire bad it not beep worth of coal sacrifice Ta manr the of taking JJ for Wall Papers and on to anywhere Slows aver J Silver Wedding A picas ant gathering assembled 18lb at of Mr and formerly of our town and now sea- near it being annivers ary of their marriage years ago- Among the were Mr and Sirs W Lloyd Mr and Mrs George Mr and Mrs Willis Mr and Solder Mr and Mrs Davie Mr and Mrs A Love Mr and Mr Webb Mr Mr and Mrs Williams Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs J Davis Mr and Mrs 1earwn Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Will Mr and Mr A Hen- derson Toronto Mrs and Master Mr J Mist live Rogers Mrs A Mre and Mrs IX A most time the late evening In which many were brought to mind first of which to mention was that bride and groom of years had visibly enjoyed Itfc and had cares and tabors Another was that of those then present not one bad been and a goodly number were present was that the bridesmaid and groomsman had long unco joined that death only should broad geuerositycr Mrs and Mr needs no comment vhcro they are known and twice from our town has a woo motherless tat io home who have never yet felt what it was to want parent- care be wish of cne and all was may lottg to and luany Which wen all excellent was a tea t donated by Mr and Mm who through the Mr wr present Com Still keeps the largest stoclr in town W Tows ex- passed J- lo0 Sloe Root a Irwins horse fitV At yiro Alex- and Brown watching School each J breaking stone Bridge Prior getter do tolets6Sa from Fire Brigade to was Fire and Wales audi referred to to the of be a met lorecnovo their Water Works lxt and pay of The race ssm tailed and Alias Co also purchase Its- port ado plod Mr Woodcock that at nest move to have Bell Tela of ByLaw to appoint an Inspector Ailed with the name at a salary of and asked to sit U meeting All present except and sod Allan in John aarago A B team at School Fire was OesUy and with referent to Hook and Ladder Com was to pro- and for the Hook ft Ladder waaon also to rest of to a at next of to Bell to remove their poles and wires from le pubUo Wsh- of the Corporation and place the or pay wb to for lbs sre enoleg as may bs acreod adjooreod Total There will be in all main buildings and scattered throughout the grounds and Columbia Casino duplicate in architecture of tho magnificent bait and forms one of the wings of the peristyle facing Lake Michigan the lagoon seat and feed people per hour It will bo and handsomely adorned with flowers plants and running foun tains and supplied with all the convent- of a modem hole Near by lies the huge model of the new American manofwar acre lagoon appears the magnificent marble Art Palace and along peristyle with high doted columns and grand Arch under which ships will pass a walk leads to the music hall One of principal attractions will be monster Christopher Columbus which has a carrying capacity for people and which will make regular trips between the lake front city and the Worlds Fair of the trip being but 16 cents pertaining to this greatest of all great worlds fairs is on a scale of hugeness grandsur and magnificence How it compares with the twelve other great expositions of the world may best be by the statistics with which letter is brought to a close There were occupied by London Exhibition of 186121 acres Paris London 1872 ex Paris acres exhibitors Vienna acres exhibitors 167C Centennial acres GO exhibitors Si Paris 1878 acres 100 Paris exhibitors Tho of the Colombian litlon exclusive of Electrical Admin titration and Live structures will cover acres Up to date more than 100000 exhibitors have boon regis tared Every calculation points to the set that the great Paris Exposition will be doubled and can Columbian Exposition TEnyns GASH R J DAVISON Our Newmarket Nimiur Mar per barrel fall Wheat per bushel Spring per bushel Wheat per par bushel Bran per too Butler roll per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per tuieepaklns Wool per lb lis per too pair Turkeys oar lb per Seed per Ttmothf CO ii on 0 SO SO 1 CO CMC a 05 OH on COCO a Oil a to IS WATC H ES I CO 3 on Our Toronto Mar have juat received a exhibiting a Beautiful Line of Ladies 14K Watches at very low prices See our Gold WataU at only a few loft See them before buying MAIN ST ATKINSON JEWELER NEWMARKET Much Queen Vic- tuned from Portsmouth this morning on her to where will spend the lleixEviLLt March Wiggins of Sidney a young man aged was this morning with having on Feb a cutter and robei which he had hired from Curry of ihi city and sold the same at The Accused pleaded and was sentenced to years a penitentiary George Crispin the youthful London burglar was sentenced to five in the Kingiton peniten tiary The flywheel of a sawing ma chine near Tues day and Darius Orton received fatal injuries The Chinese government haa despatched repeating rifles to the troops on the western frontier in the vicinity of the Pamirs By a vote of to the Minnesota senate pissed the senate bill extending full suffrage at all elec tions in that slate lo women The Manitoba immigration Seat in North arrived at on Tuesday with a party of settlers for the Edmonton district Another Urge party from will follow shortly Wheat per Bpriott Gooes Wheat per basket Barter per bushel Peas Bra per per Bailor roll per potatoes Apples bog Wool per lb lie per loo Pork par owl Chtoketuper pair pair tit to fid 0 14 on LOU 1 a a 0 000 a I ill a on Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for goods ANTED Good from four old Sevan vein Windmills Farm 111 suitable or stock or anted Dear for Aermotor I of Dr to at VictorU with the sama Mr iho of the Bar IWO Dr his whole Urns to specially of lbs The eat repretents a patrol to tho power of to two whlob will be lime the tale by public Auction wlUbsoflaredfot by NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL OS Saturday day of April 18 at oclock in the fore proper York I The seres of Lei No 1 iti of the Easterly Otis of North of ln of Tosraahlp Abwqp for We Invite Inspection Of Our New invoices of Desirable Styles Latest Patterns and Very Befit A to some Exceedingly Fine and Durable PRINTS Summer A Splendid of Suitings FLANNELETTES Right AT Right Prices JWSTEPHENS Just Arrived LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Fine Assortment of ReadyMade Clothing for the Spring Trade Ordered Clothing a Specially as usual f A consignment of Spring Hata expected in few MAIN STREET Tendert Wanted war HP UTaO Catarrh of pares Terms Of Bale mora to make to raal toe sssajsdtrr cm per the pflortpal to be paid la apply Taos J he on will be hy to to tie COWIESON- BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES STILL COME No Main St Newmarket Keen C makes PSces A Luge Stocfcjof Good All New and Fresh direct from era now on sale at ROBINSONS OLD STAND PRICES ROCK BOTTOM GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FlGtTRES ONE PRICE TO ALL Work and Attended to Satittaction Guaranteed Call Solicited H H WILSON CO

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