Newmarket Era, 11 Aug 1893, p. 3

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ail ERA AUG Days on and Fridays are Satisfactory but have you marked very Monday -Wednes- and Saturday- we he marked price of Hies Do usua quality If you will notice a difference rite The goods referred Nett a Fine Lace Curtains Sis Wilton BrusseIls and Tapes- Borders Brass Cranes Doorway Brass Stair Carpet Sweepers Gilt mI Window Blinds Fringe Ladies C Scotch Tweeds I Mens and Boys wear Alettes for Fall and Winter Su Goods and Millinery Silks for Dresses S Waists Wool Dress gods Mantle Velvets and Plushes China Dinner Setts China Tea Setts Fancy China flare Art Goods Tidies and Head Rests Silk Swiss Embroidered flouncing Black Silk Lace Summer Prints Wool Delaines Fancy French printed Flannells for Wrap- kjs Purses and Brushes Cotton Underwear Kick Silk Lace Capes Sum- KiPlaid French Dress Goods Irish Towells Napkins mi Table Linen Side Board Irish Tea Towells Irish Glus Cloths Boys Washing SailsHigh Class Styles not Trashy Alerts Tennis Shoes fens Tan Shoes Boys Tan Mens and Boys Com- Ron Boots Fly Covers for Horses Dust Wraps Mens Straw Hats and many lines of goods marked it prices in your favor Our is to sell as cheap as it possible not to get the most we Dont buy your goods until you see ours and find put our am You will save money and that means making money We do the largest How do we do it You answer this question ROCHE CO Young People Ms Local An HSISCOXOON About town V CoirectioSt The price of the lo in bit tuna the was a ma Tit fare is 9148 children Be Frightened Bill wilt It tuna on Thursday the i7ih at iAO am to Jj tor Firemens The at oclock At On Tuesday night fusel tint km broken in a back win- it depot and the premises entered ft Rot nothing for his pains were ramag5 through not tampered with All Alike For some L hat been from drunken drawls and tome of ttdlixaiftlqnit indignant that the in the row on Toes- fajBBlotUitweekahooId be Id off being made an example Rafter being placed Jo the care of a Endeavor A was held In the Tuesday evening the chair After Eider ires the unit of trie iiitjn people in l of welcome J Wo DA of for halt aby re with much interest of Montreal Ccuuttoo Icing followed for the ttity Mr P Fletcher who l of io work end of the gathering had a wry evening foucr dog mid cat cat at the rojunt foe the caw jJrftortridforft week In order The of arc to the St Johns Cemetery A r thai the aw Very In their doty regarding the neglected of and of certain on the with tblitlea and than many them Of it will be attended Co further cocooient Vert Changkaple- the ralnatohn atorday the wether warm a cold on until people wen glad to ail the on On Monday the weather moderated to a bat and heat was again regietering Id the afternoon yester day was the same Correction On the first week of last month wo copied a paragraph from the Toronto which that Mr was affected in his mind and bed been committed to the aaylaco TVs now lean from a private friend that the item was misleadi and that oar old friend Mr is enjoying ex cellent health Hie many acquaintances in this will bo glad to tea correction We are sorry at being misled by we quoted Caught and Cured Some sheep to Messrs were being dogs when Mr to rtop it if accord ingly joaog went on Between two vcd In dogs the tb flock when Anal popped dog One uiiojaI worried it hid to be killed Badly Newmarket went picking of were tearing premises tbe owner end sod ppeatfrj tied the bor Two came off pretty for had pat of beniee in rig were reluniDg lime with only smell but woman Use whole of her forenoon wort dont pick berries on a firm Methodist Church Sobject for next evening wjll The Devil who ho is what faia tori- bow ho performs it ft log scene Pro- The tho poo Board were elected by close tho were the -follow- im remit was the second Geo nd John iUtt C end Mrs J were near MtiNC to be arid we hope the Work been indencod the front for Mr A Smiths lion the got It observed tho brick- work had bolged on the It involving increased the only way to brick fcoDt in block and material is root on Ibca large addition to Mr Dan ford Roche la av a brick- clad kitchen added to hi- nil in i Public SchoolA regular meet ing of Board took place last Tuesday oyeolng Mr- J P to were passed- The Provincial Cheque for legislative put W Eight applications were for of teacher during Model J to salary required The appli cation of Mitt Daffy being the end good J to bare next chance The Finance reported that be required to meet the current year The Committee on wufatnicted to hare a check damper In the Big Mr John Green wood Br eoId75 worth twwn In place reported week Wioittake and like to hear from anyone thai can It A Day Sooner- On of the we will fi to press a day sooner in inV may also anoy the and Do W Call and made No Ton can get men to on easy OR that larga sckof lite hand Bs car and call Church hie EJ who ap pointed Mr- at town will conduct the bars and Canon In at ton and a A Pest The iaimera report that the are than they have been for A roan In cfanrchfaas op acre of oats Us lornip and hoed are in In- soriio almost destroyed Seeing and ton are back from Chicago No doubt the Dr wOl agreo with thai the man who of goiug to the Worlds Fair to resolts of ft will to rural a harvest fletd It is the hardest kind work to enjoy the the big CRickfiT Newmarket got in match wilh Aurora last Fri day to There aboat it one boja hats had no practice for years and cricket Is ber4 Soma years ago every handled a bat It easy to fill up a team that could least op the feal hare changed greatly in this respect- However we hope oar hoys not foci altogether and put in a little lra practice pest A Bad fivrfr A fine ttyearo1d which railroad at the South cot a very cut In tide between after noon and morning The waa abotit a long and gaped in centra when firs hy along track animal was prop the Injury wa bat yetler3ay roorniug there was good in its body fihowed that the in a rail and for iV rib and off would have injured- Tbe League people for a on the shore near Lsatb the Real Estate Chance Wr Moomol faupotohuad tie properly Stair on Hot OUrYvsfvWe to bare the of the E ana this week It hat thai about the ui4 Soda and for lit which candidal JrMiitdctilalioQ were aiidLatfo BUY i V ia en the of the pUw a from and drank on lio street and and lo McrnlQg a flonq MA A Bhlch lornedap in her was adjourned till ball of tomorrow to portion of which nest week The lo 2 competition Now Is boot lbs and not J j tea A within North York that he has and that ho Is a committee the of depends For this reason family a sad something at the first sffort the J9 Mat contd ana credit op- Wtati of old North iUta good reputation A Great Chance Pleasure Is inch a pleasant thing that men and women travel far and toll bard to find it and few people how delightfully tbeycoold spend a few hours at very little expense by taking a trip on one of Hamilton Gleam beat Companys boats Newmarket Firemens Ex cursion will you ICO miles from Newmarket to Hamilton and return Hamilton Cars and Incline will take yon to Mountain View so the whole trip can be enjoyed toil of walk than one hundred yards Ample accommodation Is provided cold water free for View Park view Is Immense and yob enjoy a sail of oyer eighty miles across Lake whoso cool refresh breezes ere of the most Invlgorallug nature The scenery along the shore is beautiful He euro you go- Say I Are you on When why on Holiday and day the Firemen have their an Where are the going Why Hamilton one the prottlett placet for and tight seeing Jutt of lit Five till on Ontario on one of thoM splendid or Then can op the railway the of Mountain a of tug country 1iw on la one of The that in Iron Iito vfov- Ham- w have xumnier ami ampere day tome or party pacha tod day on chorea ot Lake Simeon The breezes raw attracting sport a we went to ex that root will be put on the new Behoof next week There k a view of and mm tho third vid- dowd Steps taken to or ganize a Brigade in Si- A party greatly enjoyed at raUcajg tot the Bible Society year and aha doipfivjryw The Primary School being and will be neat and clean for little onea after weather or parties Yon never forget it yon meets at to- borrow eaaaOnlr two more whoa vacation- It he gone IWgnlar at fiaghea next at oclock- Mr of Dow Black Silk GlIves Cheap from Tip Extra In fast black bote Try those for hot weathe a The result of received on Alt the candi date admitted by tbo local board ot were duly pan out of that were recommended a total of out of were plucked The number ot obtainable Vera being tho ber required to Wo not been tho number of mirks ob tained only follow a the United Art Crayon Portrait Company reside In Newmarket bat no uoh on the tree in Toronto by the agezrt a the company can be found It the if An agent upon the scene it in oaaea laid Id the people- with a rtH production the photograph framed una a roll of Exhibit big fin the and tha framed UTon inform that ii ridiculoukly of generally the which he will give in two time aa W am the one ehbwtf and a of photograph which iirronUrgfd The offer eeductirt by Iiioling alio Kfti The i tfacr with the exception of the pi 6 paid at the fibnay id- of Ibe Traced crayon called yield to and a photograph the agent hi for it and cents paid him one of the blanks latter being up with only name and 4reu of the blank ii in fact no ackuowledgeccant of money iweiTed the agent and the left any receipt a thin person a for false wodU WL It If U- most nay that agent departs with 0 cent is gtio the crayon Often rob of alio of ntooh more highly prirod reraainiug of bit lowrf piciurobiirjah and duly anch Of course and add of the con corn are tbo printed blank the agent hie vlotunf but when alter the period ia long put they at that there no number the one and if there number nothing known of concern or acut referred to is old and Is one- been engaged in by an A 1 A AT THE fljaj aft afcaifcajifc To rtr of the Aug- ISM Dei for let eater- I find it to bo as will show A spends anl has J left of share -i- of iliara 81310- if equation by Aa shares Ba Bobtraeting shore M50 Which is and W W W w ffi W W Si W -OF- We still have some very pretty Prints on band Some new in and Navy just in the last we will get this season MITTS AND f- arvest PARASOLS you our Past Black Cotton Hose We guarantee them to be absolutely stainless A full line of Shirtings and on hand at the Bight Prices Our Groceries are all Fresh of best quality Row time you want got the best value in Sugar Wo only keep Granulated tins best and purest that can be go Try our Blended Tea at Also bur LAYTE AT THE Town Ss- NEWMARKET 1 Darker Or car Bronlon Frank John Dickson Ernest Franklin Fogg not Mil Ion Milne Frank Frank Spiers A Bra alloy Clark Wesley Timothy Ambrose Barry Isabella Florence Dunn Andre Fletcher Martha Homer Hoover Howe Jennie Innee Clara La a It Alice Milne Eva Oatoby Rate PlilHipiMtldroa Ada Wilson jiuaeU On Co veil settled to a gat lionie decided to the end If it clear at the flow the machine picked up and on Wednesday morning for the Irving farm on YongeBt to try their lock out titers Regarding the revenue and In connection with the WaterWorks the Clerk the of the Clerk from water for domestlo sopply for WW not in eluding The rev conitsntly end the as oar system la more Improved You will alio notice In our detailed statement of receipt from rates thst no part of these receipts ere made up from charging the corporation IVY lb a for lira bo done provided works belonged to a privets or company CLKARtRO down In prices at Jan A Brammar Welter Kwphlnc St nciiTlif School iiiatft ft rork W oil of hlds ivthtnonamoi IfeioM Kcrs 573 it ArUIunello and Waller hut years of from the Junior form Into ho High with J mirks to Willie hut tmj Dictation and Grammar alio subjects which candidates wore tJmdidstcs claim to have their papers reriad upon the a claim moil bo In hands of the of -Education- on or the end the ground must specifically The shall dispose of all anpeala without delay and o quently bo entertained on any whatever A deposit of two dollars mutt bo made with tho Department which deposit will be to candldaie if his appeal or claim Is Extraordinary It is wo0dtrMtlittiachaUie lire no but tt0 iholr ad- Tid lbf ts oat it feu know it tilt go meeting pres ent except and CommuDicalion from iotormto Would be or County and or the Homo lo ByLaw on Jaa- cartinga IMS Dfiooe coal for Bell Co 0a Began freight Jan valves do J Bob- do Gambles teaming to be to Win labor brush tile A btro for Ara pay pay sheet John GUI for cutting weeds to be charged tola paid for CarlcraliceDH referred to Finance Com The of Frank oa behalf of It of for a public drinking fountain for man aod waa referred to tbo Committee on and Indus ry Petition of If and asking Carters to bo repealled presented and after going into Com- on the aauie they taking acllon Or bo paid for attendance but the of report was deferred till next meet ing Council Tim recommendation of run a pipe from tap at to corner of Timothy adopted A to and and Couimlticoro Town Id no titan every hid to a confer- vIih the hut had teen to obtain a Jlio a day of at a be not auk for privllco of V BIO LOT OK OUR MATCHLESS 25 CENT TEA ARRIVED THIS WEEK ALSO Ceylon Monsoon Congou Pekoe and Young Hyson To be Sold at Ordinarily Wholesale We are reaching out- Belling more and more of our Teas which are the wonder of North York We are buying Tea of all our leading grades in larger and larger The Tea consumers of this neighborhood are getting and appreciating the advantage of our unique position As an important and grand accompaniment our trade in F I E GROCER I For we are determined to have quality right as well as price has rapidly increased to a point beyond any previous season in our career necessitating Delivery of Purchases to our Customers in Town by Horse and Wagon which will insure promptness so necessary in this department Try ub you will gain in value save money and avoid worry TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE J DAVISON iirocslIjitst adopted Win- on of well Mr Woodcock notice that he will at neat the Council a the appoint a fur torn Council adfoLUDed The annual meeting of this circuit will be in Mr grove Sunday Aug y vices at a conducted by A Campbell of at conducted by Mr W A of the Methodist Young People Societies of Ontario p by both Mr Campbell and Mr Dillon A Woodstock jewellery was robbed of gold witches In broad daylight The proprietor stepped out of the back door for a moment and when he returned watches bad disappeared She a Babbits A young lady from Hamilton a former pupil of the Blind Institute at Brentford had an unusual operation upon her right eye at St Hospital in Toronto The cornea the strong homy which forms the front part of the eye otherwise known as the crystal of the eye instead of being transparent was perfectly opaque from long existing disease and the opera tions consisted removing the and inserting a piece from the cornea of a rabbi A healthy rabbit was secured by the surgeon In charge of the case Bunny was then chloroformed and the portion of the cornea required removed A corresponding part of the opaque of me patients right eye hav ing removed tho membrane from the rabbit was inserted The wound healed with the new piece En a very rare result as although the experiment has been often tried the invariable result lias been the sloughing off of the foreign cornea The patients object m seeking treatment was to improve the appear ance of the eye Not only this accomplished but the surgeon in hopes that the vision will be Improved Four days have elapsed since the operation sufficient to warrant the statement that it was in every way successful It is understood that the patient Is well satisfied she desires the left eye treated in the same way but has been advised to await further velopemenis Another rabbit will have to bo selected for the second operation as the rodent which yielded Its eye to science was to death I v Samuel a man lost a portion of his left hand and four fingers through coming In contact with a circular saw at Adams Sons factory Paris on Saturday Robertsons B We have just received a large quantity of SILVER GLOSS STARCH to a 0 PURE MANILLA Guaranteed feet to the pound JAS PROP JrS JUST ARRIVED New Lines in Jewelry VU which we are selling at per lb No bargain day but we will sell at this price every day until cleared out Extra Granulated Sugar 15 lbs for Beautiful Bright Yellow 19 100 Hare you tried our Mixed Tea it is immense j also our Blended Black at 10 any Tea on the market GOOD BAKING POWDER ONLY lb We ore having a big run on this line it is as good other Powders at per lb We are now handling BAKERS CRLUBKATRD COCOA Try a Can and you will take no other JAPAN CRYSTAL BICE J for ladics No cooking required SugarCured Hams and Cottolcne the best shortning in the market ice Cream Soda Water fllwy on Give us call Fancy Hair Pins Stick Pins League Fob Chains Christian Endeavor Fountain Pens c c At r A people killed out right fully more or less Injured by ft railway on the eight miles Oj Saturday Our Toronto estOCt aplCX a JUatyptrlUihtiM a Oil a hfiirs CI til Oil a t 4 1 15 a SO CO All out- iii a IS Our MarkotB ATKINSON MAIN ST JEWELER SHOES We sell handmade or lea money thai for machinemade alt lips sewed free you rs MQiS3TQOIv1ERY- SON IN CANADA TAt MANITOBA Aug Vodt per W WbMl riot Wb par Ion CM i it a i I Hotter per lb Wool Potto it a a on oco on a CO a a a a a fl on ON a a a a a a a a a a ANTED l4d n ilad a fljsJ TAILORING SIB We have the most stock of Summer Suiting 1 on hand that cannot he NOBBY SUITS FROM U I SON VERY DESIRABLE HOME BALE AUK Id illClUreUi od tad alia and all in food to W Mil POK SALE Solo Agistor Aug- lot at men Mae t iho fit oclock turn of will auction at itio North botch am Roto AMI- A dog was in on Monday -zi-

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