Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1893, p. 1

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ERA Friday Morning -DT- GEO JACKSON IT STEAM HOUSE 1teC Era bAifllnid REACHED 1800 SUBSCRIBERS t Media in Irimclloiii GIVE MB LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AND TO BGUK FREELY ACCORDING TO ALL LIBERT NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No of North York paid in 37 Single Copies Cents Newmarket Ont Friday Oct Terms Strictly in Advance within 8 moa or at end of year ONTARIO BANK REST TORONTO SIR gWm Msugs Newmarket Branch GENERAL HI Intercut on Deposits AT HIGHEST DRAFTS ISSUED at Bttrllnir Witt to J a wiser Account labile It ETC for King Wonrj to Court Oaf- to 52 A I Reformer Main If J rtjSOSEW County of York J STOVES FOR THIS WEEK CALL EARLY IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN hole No Wood Cook io hole No Wood Cook with tank Parlor Heater Wood Globe Coal Heater Parlor Heaters Coalj Self Feeders Parlor Heater Coal Self Feeder 8 WHS fivfn for AH Mil it ft d4 Jm the each to to At St rvESTWT the a TERRY PRIGS CUKMICALS It SIMPSON Main TAS JfttCr Work- m rf no3i Ten lo VCllOSBKft York Co- special mm Ion or lQ- tlbCBnirol York on H ktra filc 10 A lil 3lf1UJ- Zephyr WATCHES A JEWELLERY J CLOCK uptlmoppoilio ur JufuO gold IS K I i oq MUSICAL LANTERNS Of Description from to Co My daughter was suffering terribly neuralgia I purchased a bottle of LINIMENT and her face thoroughly The pain left her and she slept well till morning Next night another attack another application resulted as pre frith no Grate feelings determined me express myself publicly I would not be without LINIMENT in the house at any cost J Bailey GA BINNS No 30 done promptly lit a RICHMOND TORONTO BOOTS SHOES ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Photos Photos I PEP PI ATT of Mr la lodranto bo Sign Bed Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store v m Mam Machine JOHNSON Main We have really splendid bargains for you to mis them is simply disadvantageous to you both in the loss of the finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full suit our stock affords the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices Call and sec for yourselves purchased I MAINTAINING to outwork In lo tHy work oca It aid to production of ah picture will use Copying In or OH It A My ului 111 uot bo to tlocd with cheap work but la An Offer If you have Catarrh and desire to cured without risk losing your money call at our agency in New market and get a Inhaler a cent of pay in advance After you have given it a fair trial your own home and you find it a genuine remedy you can pay for same If not satisfactory in every way you need not pay one cent Nothing could be fairer If you have Catarrh call immediately and get this remedy on above liberal terms at Dr Scolls Drug Store our sole agent for Newmarket and vicinity Those who cannot call address Medical In halation Co Toronto log Machine OH to isrracAr at J3ev4tibtPitiMe PHP- w W D MUTCH Merchant Tailor opposite Stans Hook Store Gents own cloth made up neatly and Cheaply I JJ A A THRESHERS USE MACHINE OIL The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled CYLINDER OIL Kate rift Stock b nt iMltt Town hop rnukei JWMAKKr of FI nnirrlo- n I lias no MANUFACTURBD BY WIcCOLL BROS- TORONTO Ask your dealers for jr dine and beware of Imitations BALK J A W ALLAN A CO ALL TUB COUNTRY rv Ml control Quo Her Life J VooiTminiri of il liCtuf liirclilM the jtr to ttlWrf to lo l I stillll n Kol It 10 1 ftuch I no of I piie Fit short iDlCfYalsana the For bra Harvest Homo Homo really hero term ro filled ftiih earth har incrrAio not toiled in in coming So Sill there is nothing No of trw4 inIovcly With rich anil rare The looked a garden Willi flower To earth And aII creation couiod to A of joy and mirth- Now the aro can wo ilonbt Of our Lord Ho And To favor trait And own Him their holds io of AH owns His might Only man If all Ho is right promised ago That tioie should come And id its proper season UmwlUomo Well may we His may coma or go who trust Who all goodness know of corn may wo bo ripe When reaping time come To in lli immediate 0igbt Our final Harvest lioiuo Newmarket Sept A I by on to found It alma- In a abort time nature and I do ALLAN Cor -if- rV aid Life Assurance Co A Ii tor or CANADA LIFE CO CAPITA- AND- FUNDS- DOLLARS WM Main JnprrHaKr KnHoHiInlnK A WblCrrtftiilnK- and South Sl2nCtrlt A MANNING COYtK- MR A STOUFFER CONCERT of Jn Hairing And Violin to McCKACKBN or Main Mrs Baylys Priyato School Wt and ho child iay oral saved tiff- and odivandl do lhat Cherry AYERS Cherry Pectoral Prompt o in a j J Anal rf f j j ww rtwuKltor I a ri 1 ft Main IW fur all traloii Prop wm that your same Hay to iitcrrttfYJur if t fan of IT CURES A SCROFULA GOLDS and all farm at at Si art I fatten nnrwb Worlds Fair A to Era The people seem at last to realize time is shoit for witnessing the greatest spectacle of ancient or modem limes and are pouting in by the hundred thousand Canadians are here sufficient numbers for their presence to be felt From the province of Ontario alone nearly have registered at headquarters and these do not represent half of those on the grounds The Dearborn sta tion where the Grand Trunk trains arrive is jammed from early morning till late at night and finding ones friends is a task of great difficulty On Sunday the brought in no less than coaches all filled with passengers and it was not an ex ceptional day The ends the earth shake hands each other in the White and the inhabitants of every an opportunity of becoming acquaint ed such as rarely if ever presented before Just next to the Canadian Pavilion is the building occupied by New South Wales whose pluck and enterprise in unking so magnificent a display in all ihc de partments has been the wonder of us all Then the tropical looking head quarters of the Republic of and next to these the India building a veritable storehouse of art treasures Owing to the introduction of Euro pean goods the manufacture of objects of ait has declined to a great extent in India and but for the inter of certain commercial firms would soon disappear altogether The other day I looked at priceless goods till my eyes were weary There were shawls such as arc given by Queen Victoria as wedding presents the wonderful Chadders or ring shawls of such fine texture that one of them measuring yards can be passed easily through an ordinary finder cm- Broideries In silver gold ad silk the latter of microscopical fineness car pets of alt ihc designs for which the is so famous metal work in end less variety some pieces years of patient toil of many hands caved ivory tusks the delicacy and intricacy of which is fairly and vrtod carving of marvellous beauty Any description of these is out of the question The India pa vilion is always crowded in and out among the crowd are passing the native servants of body dark of feature and clad in scarlet uniform wilh snow white turbans These as they are called serve visitors with Indian tea the cultivation of a taste for which is one of the chief objects of the Indian Government at the Worlds Fair Mr Richard of Bombay who represents the Association of Indian Tea Planters is especially charged with this mission To British subjects it is interesting to know the tea- product of India and Ceylon has increased with marvellous rapidity and in the British market at least has practically displaced the China crop It Is only a question of time till the same result is reached in and the United States The flavor and aroma of the steaming tea served in Indian manufactured crockery decor ated by- natives handed round by the native servants In native garb are something to be remembered and a visit to the Indian Pavilion must re- main one- of the most Interesting memories of the fair The Ontario vegetable display since the burning of the cold storage warehouse has been rather scant but supplies of fresh stuff are coming in very freely and the Court is the centre of attraction especially to the famous four adjoining states who are never done expressing wonder at marvelous productions of our country Some varieties of pota toes all of excellent quality are dis played on plates beets carrots cabbages tomatoes and other field and garden products The sen sational features however are a mam moth squash weighing 486 lbs and a mammoth red pumpkin of lbs both grown by Mr Wax of and a long way of the kind on the Major Walker of who charge of the exhibit Informed me that next week the pick of the vegetable pro- ducts from the leading Ontario Pairs will be shipped here So that some thing good may be looked for 1 Quite a number of samples of new grain have arrived from Ontario of excellent quality Nest week the stock pavilion will be given over to sheep and swine In point of the exhibit these animals will far exceed those of horses and cattle the prizes being of a very liberal scale In all and sheep have been entered of which and respec tively are from Ontario The other provinces of the Dominion will not be represented in these classes Mr Henry Wade private secretary to Commissioner who has managed the collection and shipment of the Ontario Live Stock arrived yesterday morning with fifteen car loads of sheep and swine which were soon afterwards safely housed in the barns vacated by the cattle and horses The animals had hardly been settled in their new quarters before they were surrounded by admiring and critical crowds The Ontario sheep are especially fine and are in number nearly double They have very carefully select ed not an inferior having been brought over and good judges say they never saw a better lot about Ontario Fruit and other products continue to pour in It it certain that a large business in fresh and preserved fruits can be done between Ontario and Germany In the official list of awards pub lished this morning I find that the Ontario collection of plants in the horticultural building has been well placed as it deserved The large sue and general excellence of this display has been a subject of general remark among experts in that direction since it was installed in the early May days I got a hint the other day from Uncle John Thorpe director of floriculture which is well worth know ing by everybody who has a garden Mr Thorpe stands at the head of his profession in America and the floral display on the wooded island and about the buildings has been one of the chief delights to those who have an eye for the beautiful in this direction Among the foliage plants are many tender species such as carinas and I was a little curious to know how it was proposed to protect them against the early frosts that ate so destructive and ex asperating to florists Mr Thorpe informed me that he watched the temperature very closely arid when there was any fear of frost he kept the water running through a fine spray nozzle all night and tnus prevented damage Young an Hour Prom Ike Chicago Sunday One who would propose speaking seriously transfer a parcel Or letter from New York to San Francisco in hours causing it to traverse the in tervening miles at a speed of miles an hour would be consid ered by most persons to be highly im aginative or grossly unveracious Yet this seemingly impossible task is pre cisely what Albert Leslie Widdis of Detroit professes to be able to accom plished with his recently invented ae rial electric railway a brief account of which has already been given to the public Railway men are marveling much at the fast train the Exposi tion Flyer that covers the or so miles of track between New York and Chicago in just hours but Mr avers that by means of his system of transportation a letter can be delivered in New York within two hours after being matted in Chicago This would bo a practical annihila tion of space and Mr is satis ficd that it is entirely feasible- So confident ii he tho ultimate success of his invention that he has taken out letters patent on it and will con- near Detroit a test line for illustrating hi aerial in Reduced to its simplest terms Mr rapid transit device a model of which is now on exhibition at the Fair is an elevated railway with electricity as in propul sive force In detail of construction and mechanism and nice adiusiment of parts with a view to decrease the friction and increase speed the in venlor has struck out some valuable original ideas in both electricity and mechanism and has recast older dis coveries new and more useful forms The result of these combina tions is Mr contends a car that can be driven forward at miles an hour and yet be perfectly under control as to speed and dis position of cargo of an operator stationed at any point on the line The primary purpose of this new scheme of transportation is to carry mail and express matter and in the extension of the system fruit and perishable freight de vice the cars can be made to stop set their brakes and deliver their loads or any portion thereof automatically at any desired point In appearance the car designed by Mr a long square box terminating at one end in a pyra midal projection running to a sharp This is the forward end and intended to pierce the air at a tremendous speed witha minimum of resistance This car suspended by iron from four wheels a feet inches which in turn rest on a single bar of ordinary railway stretched on arms projecting from a line of poles arranged exactly like telegraph poles cash carriers in use in many large shops closely resemble the method of suspension from a single rail employed by Below this rail Ii another of the I pattern which serves at once as a guide and a support and which prevents the wheels from leav ing the main track In the centre of the car Is a specially designed electric motor of exceeding lightness and power that drives by means of wheels and link belts the driving wheels above The current to oper ate this motor Is taken from a wire above the track by a trolley wheel much after the manner of the ordinary electric car The electric power is to be applied from dynamo stations at points along the route Very little electrical force is required It is that elevenhorse power will propel a pound car its load at the rate of 500 miles an hour Where the car is to be used for the carriage of mail matter no stop page is needed for the delivery of mail bags at their proper stations In mail car which is bottomless each mail bag rests on a shelf or platform which can be moved up or down by a lever that projects from it through the side of the car As the car by a station this lever strikes against an arm extending from a set up by the track the shelf is de pressed the mail bag falls to the ground or on the platform of station or into a net white the car flies on and the shelf released from the action of the lever returns auto matically to its former position ready for another load When it is desired to shunt cars from the main line to a lateral branch the same principal a used to open and close the switches These devices render the system al most automatic in its operation The advantages claimed for this new method of iranspottaitona are First speed which can be easily forced up to miles an hour second safety because track being elevated accidents are impossi ble third economy the first cost of the elevated track being small and the repairs nearly while the cars can be built for apiece Mr thinks be has overcome the obstacles and impediments to transportation of loads of pounds or less at a speed miles an hour Should the freightcarrying Poject succeed as be feels certain it will Mr Widdis will proceed at once to devise a car in which passengers may be carried safely at the same tremendous speed Then a man can live in Chicago and go to business daily in New York versa Mr the inventor of this remarkable device is a lawyer He Is a young man a native of Canada and has only recently been admitted to the bar where he promises to take high rank For several years he has devoted his leisure to the study of electricity and mechanics with a view to improving present methods of transportation and the electric mail cat is the first practical result of his efforts BRADFORD The Town Fathers met on Mon day night and repealed the ByLaw which prohibited the erection of frame buildings upon our business street A petition signed by over forty rate payers asked for the repeal of the ByLaw and the Council granted the prayer of the petitioners Some of our citizens were inclined to believe that the bylaw was a stumbling block to the erection of new buildings upon the burnt district SQHOMBERG are making concert on The Foresters here preparations for a big show nights- Isaac Brown is now out with a fruit tree outfit Mr J Curtis has been hired lor another term at S No Tecum- at a salary of The picnic here in connection with the C Church was a decided success The grounds were crowded A sumptuous dinner was provided A sports were gone through First came a much Bradford the trophy which was a of Then came exhibition of speed on the turf track Four football teams Bradford Alhlonc and Schomberg bat tled for superiority resulting as follows Bradford defeated AthloiK and Schomberg beat Bolton Schomberg then beat Bradford for the final cap turing another Mr of Aurora was too many for Mr Harris in the five mile bicycle race for the silver watch An exciting contest for a good watch took place between Miss Gobcil of Kliepburg and Miss King the latter win ning by 173 to the 144 Miss Gobeil was also presented with a beautiful silver sugar bowl as an of her services The total receipts will run close to S TOUFFV1LLE Jones Is seeing the World- Fair Silvester has returned from a visit to the Worlds Fair Mr and Mrs started yesterday frr the Worlds Fair Alex Brown of who a few rrionthi ago hired a tig from IV worth failed to return it and went to visit Uncle Sam returned last week to this neighborhood Mr Coxworth took proceedings against hfm and he has been sent down for trial at the next assizes Last Sabbath morning Mrs Jones of Palestine fell asleep in Jesus after a long illness through CO On Tuesday her remains were Interred In the Cemetery Percy officiated In the burial obsequies assisted by Elder Hainer While loading a vinegar tank at the vinegar factory a few days ago In connection with another person Jat was severely injured in one hip by the other party letting go his hold and allowing the whole weight to come upon Mr who barely escaped being crushed beneath it The creamery pays to per lbs of milk and rents the cans at per month Parties de livering receiving the skimmed milk in Mrand Mrs Fred Walton had their girl baby christened in the Christian Church last Sabbath evening by the pastor Rev Mr Some of the farmers in this vicinity have been loosing some of their can ned fruit while leaving the house alone for a short time Some one will be entering a cellar once too often The professional tramp has been doing the neighborhood one was caught in a barn at a late hour Sunday morning and he had in his possession a jar of milk a box of provisions and a box of matches Mrs Jessie Tatton of Queen St was down this way during the past week Fall wheat is showing quite green but needs a few more warm showers Some are getting up their potatoes There are very good ones but not very numerous They have been canvassing this part for milk for the creamery at Aurora but the farmers are now packing for winter use We are informed of the death of George of Collingwood and an old time resident of this pair and brother of of this village He died at Chicago where he went along with his wife to see the Worlds Fair Ei Note The above and other items were intended for last weeks issue but as cor forgot to stamp the envelope it went to the Dead Letter Office before we got it SUTTON One of our business men was out through the country all day yesterday to collect money on accounts hard work and coaxing succeeded in bringing home two or three bags of apples and oats Mr J M has constructed a telescope by using a photographic lens which gives over diameters power By its use on Jack- son Point persons can be seen walk ing on Island Times are bard There is no de nying it Produce is scant in yield and prices are lean Most people arc debt and cannot pay Busi ness men are cramped Stores are full of goods that must be turned in to cash And worse still the mer chants books arc fall of accounts coming due and many of them over due This is the condition of busi ness today A very successful harvest home was held in St James church last evening The service was conducted by Rev Mr Bell of Roaches Pi and a stirring address was delivered by Rev R Moore of Toronto The church was beautifully decorated with flowers grains etc- which gave a grand feast for the eye The music which was specially prepared for the occasion was fine and much appre ciated by the throng that filled the church One of our local ministers went in Gwillimbuty a few days ago to per form a marriage ceremony and understand when he arrived at the house the inmates were full as ticks The knot was tide however and when the rev was about to take his departure he was minus his horse and rig which had been taken away by one of the party while the program was in progress inside Af ter inquiry had been made by the owner a party went In search along the road and returned with outfit Herat AURORA Dr Albert Tracy of Massi is here visiting his parents The bell has been estab lished in the town of Cornwall It warns all children under to be at home at 9 oclock It would serve a good purpose in this town Mr Luke Appleton has purchased the house and lot on the west side of St south of ClitTs blacksmith shop belonging to the late Edward Coltham The many friends of Mrs will be pleased to learn that she has so far recovered from her injuries which she sustained some time ago by falling down Mr Nelsons stairs as to be able to be out again A pleasant social was held at the residence of Mr Chai on Wednesday evening at the close of the union bible class The class has been and its opening was marked by a social The following gentlemen left here last Friday on a ten days trip to the Worlds Fair namely Messrs Wm H J Charles Harry Graham Andrews A G Andrews and Master Charley Clause Mr S Andrews of Laredo Texas who has been here visiting his parents Mr and Mrs James An drews for the past few weeks left for home on Wednesday- evening He has we understand secured an ex cellent dentistry practise in Laredo although he has only been there little more than a year On Monday afternoon an alarm of fire was given and on investigating it was found Mr house on Gurnett street was on fire It appears that some carpet had been left lay ing at the side of the house and a spark from the chimney falling on the carpet set it on fire and in a short time spread to the house The fire was discovered before it had gained much headway and was put out be- fore the arrival of firemen Last week was enumeration week in the post office here Number of letters posted for places in Canada for other countries num ber of post cards posted for places in Canada for other countries number of papers parcels etc posted making a total of letters and post cards or a total of of all classes of mail matter The amount received for postage durjog the week was As a result of their exhibiting at the Worlds Fair the Messrs Sons have had enquiries in reference to their goods from several places in the United Plates and also from South America They have sold goods to go to places in New York and in Missouri Their works have been running full time right along and with more than their usual num ber of men They have just shipped cars of goods to Winnipeg and Mon treal and are now loading a car to an eastern Ontario point and are to ship another car to British Columbia on Oct 1st About nine oclock Wednesday morning people in the vicinity of the corner of and Wellington streets were startled by the crash of broken glass and on going to inves tigate it was that one of the large plate glass windows in front of Mr J Edgars store had been broken into hundreds of pieces A crowd soon collected in front of the window wondering how the accident As the store is vacant the mystery was soon solved when a partridge was seen laying among the pieces of broken glass which had lodged in the blind The hird had evidently flown in from the country with such force as to break the glass Banner Sing evening lit Mr Weaver introduce lojioof ot ii work oulaMe the Church bringing out point a moral on of character Creation of a national fooling in fa vor of primary education 3 A tone- given to rela tion- political knowledge Moral preparation a claw which Church ia A on Mr Weaver Inter fit- log was taken part In by Cameron ami the Collection taken and scision closed with prayer by Mr Weaver Second Friday lo oclock Praise ami prayer service conducted by President after which ltev W Auras gave a clear instructive normal lesson on Paul from Tread lo Rome Third session to After de votional exercise the nominating com brought in tho following report which was adopted President Jo KetiUhy Vice- Woods Lloyd town P W Pearson Aurora Tress O Brien Coin It Norman A K J Davis Frank John A Watson and J lesson for Oct 1st taught by A mo J Simpson and addressed the children on Character Building nod Christian Armour President of County A Mr J P Belfry addressed Conven tion an notation of Township to County S Association bringing out tho fact that In do successful work in any line Is neces sary This is truo in regard to work By organization and the facts and atatiattea in regard to S Schools of Township and County can bo readily obtained Work in back parts was being carried on by tba Provincial great importance of thia work was plained In order to carry on this truly and godly work money was requir ed which it was hoped could by means of our thorough bo readily obtained County did not soma receive- from Town ship Association but simply passed it on to the Provincial Association to bo wisely in Homo Missionary S work Mr Amos followed upon Schools to consider matter ami liber ally to this fund dol lar was asked from each school merely affiliated Township and Coun ty organizations and waa placed tow on account oft poorer schools bat many schools conld easily ftiv6 three to Ave dollars Tho Prudent P he was pleased that tho facta of subject hid been so fully put before Convert and ho felt him King would respond heartily to call for lands In aid ot Homo Mission work and that represented by him King Mission would usual dollar Most reports were received from following- Pre OBrien Union Snow Ball Baptist Spring Hill Norman Cbrlstian KettlcbyA Slrangways Union King Minion I flush Fourth Session prayer and by pre elect Jos Roger A moat stirring address was then given by Hoy Jos to which a full gave attention A solo by is was much ap preciated Questions answered by Rev Mr Weaver brought to a close a profitable and interesting convention An exchange bewails the present financial state of as follows Had I but saved the boodle I in other years have blown I might have a little nest egg of my own I might now bo well heeled enough to join the happy throng to spend a month at Jackson Park and take my folks along Oh poverty 1 thou art indeed a ragged mans distress I the robber thief of human hopes and earthly happiness and countless thousands to day the fate one so but some have fun while others slay at home and do the chores So roust I stay and toil for bread and miss the great worlds show but what a mot ley crowd be if every one should go and in a few days the most Im bound to quit the fight and visit lands beyond that beat this Worlds Fair out of sight Thirty people were killed by a boiler explosion on a Japanese coast steamer augiJiusnlisasedbyPhyaicIani

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