Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1893, p. 4

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vv V OCT 1893 A KB to cot down or woman cn do a llTtsl Him TO lOT You Say HOW BY in Christ Oct fc Horn Golden Text Iking by the In Rom in Alternating of Iho iboajxwUo gees on to need of Ibis seen among entile God their reach bat they had it Thai down on lb wrath reveal against who hold rfoTD troth The of jollifi cation is Jew In certain general regarding of God mo applied the and it Is that by their practice very Iblnga in which grounded their hopes to bo their condemn a Won After a of objection the apostle proof by Scriptural qno SOAP to Easy Put own cat clean DONT so iUa CI J MENTAL ENERGY AVERS JT- a man to the toother of the After trying viikus remedies I begin before I had first experienced great relief lrcidfcjDfJOAycrOoLowtaUu Cures you Mr For and The member for North Bruce in the Federal Parliament Mr in his notion respecting the Manitoba school question borders on the ec centric to say the least He formed one of the Noble Thirteen under the wing of McCarthy and OBrien when the Jesuits Estate issue was be fore the Commons But has since deserted them gone over to Sir John Thompsons camp and was among the speakers at the political demon stration at Southampton last week His address was largely confined to a labored attempt to explain his posi tion on the Manitoba school question In effect he expressed approval of the Governments course in referring the case to the Supreme Court but also declared that if the Ottawa Premier and bis Cabinet interfered with the educational policy of Mani toba as already approved of by the people of that Province he would vote against the Government Mr McNeils position is unique some what of the politically char acter Just consider it for a moment The Federal Government has referred the Manitoba school case to the Su preme Court what for To ascer tain if Parliament has power to re establish separate schools in defiance of the Local Legislature Mr McNeil proclaims his opposition to any inter ference in this matter on the part of ihe Federal authorities yet he ap proves of the reference to the Courts approves of the expenditure that reference involves and then turns round and tells his constituents and the country that if the legal tribunal referred to decides that the Govern ment has power to interfere and the attempt be made to exercise that power he will vote against the Minis try This kind of political action may be acceptable to Mr McNeils supporters in North to most people it looks like blowing hot and cold with the same breath He must be among those ranging themselves under the wing of Mr Comptroller Wallace who while holding office un der a Premier that orders the refer ence of the case to the Courts and thereby signifies acquiescence if not open approval yet declares that if the Ministry decide to propose legis lation to override the action of Mani toba Legislature he will resign This seems to satisfy his Orange Conserva tive supporters but in reality it is simply a game political sleight-of- hand to mislead the friends and sup porters of the Manitoba minority especially in Quebec and open the way for the Government to get rid of a troublesome question The court will probably decide that inasmuch as the Privy Council has pronounced the legislation of Manitoba within the jurisdiction of that Legislature Parlia ment is powerless under the constitu tion to interfere TO STOP THE of Consumption you will find but guaranteed remedy Golden Medical Discovery In advanced coses it brings comfort and relief if von havent delayed too long it will certainly It doesnt claim too much It wont now lungs nothing cm but it will diseased ones sound and healthy when everything has failed affection of longs thats caused Consumption like every other form of Scrofula and every bloodtaint and disorder yields to Discovery It the most effective blood- cleanser strengthrestorer mid known to medical science all Throat and Lung it ever fails to benefit or euro you your back A perfect and permanent cure for your Catarrh or in cash This is prom ised by the proprietors of Dr Sagas Catarrh Remedy A MAMMOTH HOUSa Ore or and store Is that of The M to is east Occupying as on a aacaiait buAlaeas site the market storeys aura with each one of spacious tax crowd With food is no wonder that this has grown to be one the Toronto this part of country firm is x well It bos been business on same founded by the of the head of On store visitor al most by which ho ihe right side dry and on- the left clothing And what a fiock of and suits four deep vn tables from front to of the building la conversation with 1 of this Mr house now manufac tures every worth of clothing It and Is no looser on the of Montreal and Ham ilton for Its goods Tim department on second floor li a Aim enough and wraps hero to the whole coun- would think and yet Mr Bell gtnlal of in department that the business to this department large that the Is over out of garment stock there will probably not left We recommen1 our readers to a visit to Mammoth Mr Tiresome you think It a very entertaining young They Indeed ve do Wo wish you had brought him with yon Truth North Tori List crowd oat lut and Ram two ftnd over John Cow- P 3rd Mix- 2nd Boy ion 3rd John F nod John Cawlracn John Cowioeon 2nd JohD 2nd F I AiibA 2nd J Do ion Iod 2nd 3rd Doyle Ram and 2nd 3rd Ram Lamb Thompson Oak Rid- 2nd and 3rd P Aged and 2nd P Ew and T F 3rd Lambs lit and 2nd Boy too 3rd Jos Davidson fiOClUMWN aiikir lit 2nd and it BUI 2nd and 3rd and god Ram Lamb lit and 2nd and 3rd Ed Jeff and 2nd Ed Jeff Yearling 2nd and 3rd and ion Lamb 1st and 2nd and on 3rd Ed Jeff Ram Lamb Simeon Lemon Yearling Ewea Simeon Lemon Ewe Latnbe 1st and 2nd and over 2nd Wilson 1 Witson Stoddarl Ram Lamb lit and 2nd Q Chis 2nd Ewa Lambs 2nd Fat Sheep pen of 2 2nd Joa Davidson 3rd John Bond Toronto and East Light HiUMemnar- 2nd Geo No Cap3 A A Newmar ket 2adAmoaUil Plymouth 2nd Hill 2nd Brimson 2nd J P David son 1st and 2nd Geo Davison Brown Ieghorni let and 2nd A White BID 2nd Ed Cochlne J Bradford 2nd Red Game black Am Bill Game any kind A 2nd Vernon Laugshana and 2nd Any other breed of Geo Davison Bantams A Bra 2nd Frank Flanagan Geo Davison A A 2nd Geo Any other kind of Ducks A dr Win any kind J 2nd Ed Pigeons Goo Newmarket 2nd Hill Hunter Recommended Goose for Sight Tested Scientifically BY DR S SCOTT GRADUATE OF O I of Canada Correction by Glasses of Defective Sight AT STRONGEST BEST THE AND APPLIANCES FOR MEN and WOMEN Quite Apparent CURE OR I DIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DIZZINESS OF HEART ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH OF THE SKIU every Avar KIDNEYS stomach ft How to Got a Sunlight wpir Why l ft IJc OH Man to LWKk Limited ficolt St Toronto ftinl you- will receive by u a true from And will an way to your home The only coil lo wrap if 1 Writ your ftIrjrfii lin ill links from lltW i rlry vntcrcil hlnl- and a quantity Two men John Allen and Alex Stevens have been in with ihe robbery The goods were found in Both men arc old offenders here and will extradited lifts if the Her HE ABOUT Premier Sir Oliver Mow- at to coinpfc for find lit to at will of full original by waltz in fAturca October How Journal about It beginning to bolt of and to ready for the opinion is Mm Kcntr election may be at any lViro hint all thin activity on of iVe LjrnL gOl lit if they were ftvlln riilc ssep- A Cautious Mr In Mrs an I will kg the In long aj rich a qoocr look- in yon bo prowling around out tide At Iho Come ffckat ho in accord with the of the John A on thai It bo extended to women but ho did not He thought how ever that the probably to before III 40 Jtbo For aalo at Mx by a and to put of the it water and It almott at In A Hay for la to ai aod J5woU4ji Cotigbt Kara by conitltucncy hat by a ixirty man local jealousies arc to creato political ajiaji to l0 Iu Oxford remarked week would be auxprlaed if the ruuior were Oliver intended running in North Mlddtcaex next time Instead North Oxford Several local lo Oxford are anxious to try luck and Sir Oliver Is not disposed to Maud In their W Ox mi on trho locate office in last had an experi ence on going home to boarding In Toronto had lan- the house the and the Mr Or JametKobinson of Markham comeniued for trial the charge of fundi of the for do CO- and Aba SCOTTS PHARMACY NEWMARKET NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT I SURE A OWEN CURE DIS EASES WHIM OTHER REMEDIES FAIL GET ONE TOKEUPTHESlfSTEM RESTORE LOS VIGOB TRY ONE A GENUINE CUSRENT OF ELECTRICITY It A A on I he Brit An J CAD bo to toj part as cue or too ai all limes CATALOGUE fullest core of Chronlo Italia ol people who bean cored and Cots of and anil how to ttiullab end Toll Calalouuo bo tree to aw THE OWEN KINO WEST TORONTO SOI TO 111 STATE lit I EltCtHc Eltllllihrctat la the World Fair do not fall to Own Space I PULL LINES OF SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES MANITOBA Notice to lOrediors ltcvbld Statute of tarlolSifCliapllOqiaMkCtvdltoraapd II other having Kataio of of Knit York who died to Arc or before the loot Conn It Of July ISO DUN AT POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND Largest sale in Canada FOR SALE Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS 111 Day to Moil Id lo Then J Hot of Bollclliir toi of Mid chililUn and uroamwj lull of ItftftO tl If nun dor id i0o Iho or un ftod Iho nature of inolr aur nod alter day lts will ho thereto reward of laid had tuld will not bo liable for the aco of lit or any Mil of pail of not of THOU J fcoUcUoAor Sclentlflo American for tut ftis delicate to but and cause 5tf foodHcffcoufc found Bit MARKS outlet to ft Ml aw Ton tor ourtaf la America out iLoiyjCiiobraLoilcarTtaffcooiCiArfalJiiho Mentis low Box Kid IRVING J Rams BAM and Oak Id at Victoria iho of Sur- Ir hit time In of Throat mad a Id act Dr will vMt New from 2 to in Ho el will ho In lit hfid Toronto dnHorf Iho till of iflK4BK8TjiKAttu Chronic tranchliff Vtlw liOUilof any Ob NEWMARKET FALL A Villi Stock of Seasonable HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPRISING BAR BAND HOOP IRON IN AIJiSIZKS CARRIAGE CUTTER AND BUILDING PAPER CARPET FELT AND PITCH FARMERS PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS MEASURES Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows Kept in Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept in Stock PROP I IN ftfilf fi CROCKERY GLASSWARE Fine Line of Lemonade Sets Cheap W STARR M Wltoa TREASURER OF THE GRAND DIVISION R OF So Mr Walton was born at township of King and county of York in October and although comparatively a young man h3 filled several important offices of trust with credit to himself and bene fit to the community His ancestors were United Empire Loyalists and among the earliest settlers in the country After leaving Pickering college his alma mater he entered the gen eral mercantile business established in by his rather Jacob Walton Esq having little intention of permanently engaging in it During the next year or two find the subject of our sketch had qualified for the civil service but still undecided what his vocation in life should be- Soon after this Ms fathers health necessitating his retire ment J assumed the business and is successfully carrying it on at the present temperance career was inaugu rated at an early age when he was initiated in the Cadets of Temper ance of which the laic lamented Joseph Webb was at that time the zealous and devoted Patron Naturally enough on returning from school he became a member of Division No which is one of the oldest and best in province His interest was not long confined to his own subordinate for he was soon one of the most active workers in the District Division With the cooperation of such excel- lent men as C Jos Rogers Chidley and others the Order has been established and brought into prominence particularly in the North Riding of this county The work has gone on to such an ex tent that it was possible this year to organize two Districts Divisions in which will greatly facilitate Throat aMTWlStJ 1 BY nmiKlZ N a it l a USii 4 5 a El ii 1 Central Tele Office Full Lines of J J if HALE OR TO Apply PARM TO WAX OR two bu fiA will cheap TO RENT- INCLUDING rakes lawn mowers SPADES SHOVELS SS GARDEN HOSE OPAQUE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS IALA1JASTINE ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS f DASH AND AND WINDOWS BARREL CHURNS Mechanics Tools a Specialty Also Painters and Blacksmiths Supplies J A W ALLAN CO Rood Apt RGVKOLUi FOR ISAI-E- Lot i hint Telephone No MAIN to Hire STREET the work He became a member of the Grand Division at Kingston in Dec and his attended all sessions since that time At the Milton session in he was elected the office he now holds As one of the delegates from On tario he attended the Worlds Tem perance Congress held at Chicago this year and was also present at the National Division Although his private business de mands the most of his time the not only carries on his work in the Sons Temperance but by long hours and work is enabled to give some attention to other He is Treasurer of the Township of King and was at the time of his appointment probably the youngest incumbent of an office re- quiring the same amount of security in the country In addition to other society and political connections he a member of the Aurora High School Board and President of the King Plowmans Association Mr Walton is not only an ardent temperance nun but one ofthe most efficient workers within jurisdic tion of the Grand Division and hit influence is always on the side of God and humanity Ontario is winning almost every prize at the Chicago live stock show British Columbia vessels will take more sealskins this year than last Argentine rebels have lost two torpedo boats the Govern ment forces J- firSr The Su King temple Toko was burned on the Disastrous ires are lading in Sierra mountains Mexico Several small villages have been swept away and many lives lost K John a plasterer of Orangeville fell under a train at Shelbourrc and had both legs badly The Harvest service at St Johns church Oak Ridges on Wednesday evening was one of the most successful ever held in the church At the Trenton J Fair Clifford Calverley the Canadian tightrope walker fell off a pedestal fee from the ground and received injuries which will likely prove fatal Lawrence farmer of was found dead in a bush a few from on He had been hunting and supposed to have accidentally shot oiiadeok AN AND PIANO I J AND JOHN LUSH Tsr WE himself KSu A careful calculation has been made and it positively stated that if you go through the Worlds and take two minutes of your lime to look at each exhibit it will rcqnire thirty two years to see all the Liniment VALUABLE FARM FOR lywNo xlMi For or Dull ft 0 Executor QoiivXiZLte INARMS FOR SALE OR RENT- IfiMtti COB burr lot No AD rf under In he 1 con it I Id it con churf li D itiurfc Vcrr lo Mil w ml JQUSIOLUXt OLD ROCK TABLE AND AT ItCOlU for r I MONEY TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD for iito of Mar follow OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR Clothespins and Shingles Lath Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIOES LUMBER Doors Sash and Blinds 1 NOBODY SHOULD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN- QUIRING ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS Aod Hon Mutual Jo IKQ ftltofcr CorleratlCD TottDCQ Mate oJ LotatieolKawcDiktL WAMTCnEarHomcwriBQditcAtlr inpoFiiiMtu1lhoiMRUev And of UCycnn every ana territory Wo over ftp Acre of ftnd cad And menu dill for our irld sou Toronto Oct THE Royal nKcjLctrx tb ROACH POM MM TO euro a Montreal Wall Paper Factory tLiftur COW- CO I J- Notice to SAVE YOUR AND BOX BENNETTS FIRSTCLASS PUMPS AND RENNETT a nor on lh pump for Is a to the bit PumsobMrrtbiD lbs bo them cheaper v Wift BENNETT Box PARISIAN be J cool J It aoa fan price bo tier iaj

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