llB gj Morning GEO- JACKSON At ml HOUSE I GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO TO FREELY ACCORDING TO ALL OTHBB LIBERTY wars REACHED SUBSCRIBERS In NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER A A J- v sept of North York artless paid in ONTARIO BANK 1500000 OFFICE SIR P Newmarket Branch H01UXD Vol 38 I Single Copies Cents rLach Newmarket Ont Friday Oct Strictly in Advance within or at end of year A GENERAL A Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE IT Sterling cd American Note llonf attended to J ROBERTSON Farm if- l for Money to art to 52 A Sfc WOODCOCK MEDI a 10 AJ V ftisT i J- STOVES FOR THIS WEEK CALL EAULY IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN r r a 12 5 I op Entity In lfXTAL Church- ratftM llrfr Extract Jnflr hole No Wood Cook hole No Wood Cook with tank Parlor Heater Wood Globe Coal Heater Parlor Healers Coal Self Feeders 10 do Parlor Heater Coal Self Feeder LANTERNS Of Every Description from to 1 A rare for Irfi l1 iilfr tali 5 lis fct ly cTa tctUn CO 4 tf JW Telephone No promptly A TEKKY Ittfonurr AND CHEMICALS lid SIMPSON Main liiKEtMAXsYMainT fdUPitfriDyo Work fflf York Co BOOTS HOES Richards Co Gents My daughter was suffering terribly with neuralgia I purchased a bottle MINARDS LINIMENT and rubbed her face thoroughly- The pain left she slept well till morning Next night another attack another application resulted as with no return since Grate ful feelings determined me to express myself publicly I would not be without LINIMENT in the house at any cost J H Bailey Photos Photos tea ill AUCriONKRR of York Term olcittO r toil fi IK Sfea ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IF- v J AM CLOCK fUj j 1 IFFIS 1 Sign Red Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store GENTLEMEN A Will kLfoYiJtiiKfiSt lsiroH A4ururonipanlfl CAM IS AT CUMKKNT KMif have splendid bargains for you to mis them is simply disadvantageous to both in the loss of the finest clothing iossibe as well as money It matters not you want a single garment or a full suit cur the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly liraclass Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices arid see for yourselves r MUTCH Stans Rook Store Gents cloth made up neatly and PEPPIATT AVISO Mr to thai MAINTAINING THE LBAD And gaaraolcca turn outwork to work for lotto product ion or ad will bo Copying In Crayon or OH OUR SPECIALITY not bo to flood work but In orory and entire An Offor If Catarrh and desire to be cured without risk losing your money call at our agency in a Inhaler a cent pay in advance After you have given it a fair trial at your own home and you find it a genuine remedy you can pay 3 for same If not in every way you need not pay one cent Nothing could be fairer If you have Catarrh call immediately and get this remedy on above liberal at Scotts Drug for Newmarket and vicinity Those who cannot call address Medical In- halation Co Toronto ih bra Wealth n4 Hornyhanded Daily for Toiling tor your batter- Toiling for clothing Toiling for children to you and often Thau are to wealthy tis gold nor the hearts affection strongest Welds the links of lives together Seeking sympathy and onion Mid their mutual and Toiling its furrows dawn All with dust of labor Riding almost every Tell me now your while toiling In work the world call menial In the work dudes call degrading if labor lowly Eer mind or body Tis i degrades the Labor degraded raorUl troy And on folds a world of To man mind is in you but ft hedges ditcher ploughman One who the One who helps to lumber That build the stately mansion That shall frame the noble Which shall breaat ocean And shall carry vast provisions And tbo food for many From the New World to the Old World From the Old World to the New World Drinking tack a red the best results of Of the finest fabrics woven In the looms of Eastern nations Teas front far Japan and China from tbo fields of Aden fragrant Oriental From Isles of All things goad useful Making homes by hundreds Call not this a labor menial to such great I is not one labor needless In the worlds broad field Commerce lhefuturd fruitier There shall bo no degradation But a list of golden honors Dearth of woe and sorrow a world of peace and Man with man in friendship dwelling Let us then humble Bo the work oar bands are Riven Do it with oar best endeavor Do it feeling Knowing all are likewise builders In contract God has givea well oar own For although perchance it ma bo Scarcely scanned by eye of mortal Yet worlds 8opremeCrektor God the Great AllSeeing Father Sees the work every And rewards all worthy labor Kcswck Sept ri i Knar a MACHINE OIL The Champion Cold Medal Oil which cannot lie Excelled I lias no Equal GYL1ND rijsj or brace Co BY WIcCOLL TORONTO Ask your dealers for Iardinc and beware of Imitations FOR BALE BY J A ALLAN A CO AND AM WOItKK I ALLAN It MR COHCBRT BARITONE TAIIII HBIi i I I p Main I MANNING AT SON in Culture- Violin and riirod A Bright Lad but who declines to fire mine to the makes Uils con to us I year TJio I loo die ami all our even if I not tile would never to to walk wM to Vickie hl jmn A farmed and lroke in arm Hurt my it iiid threw out pieces of bone 1 so to break the akin It to I bad lake lots but nothing his done mo to roucli as Ay liai fiUODK Kaus AVERS Cures others will cure PURE t rjniioar Ml NY A iXAHTYMQ ISS for i Mrs Baylys Private School PUREST 8TRONOE8T BEST ftld fcj- All ami I 31 t LIFE DOLLARS A If J At J III ft Main Fate ALBIOX j by IV iff Traothf Family HOCK AND HALT AT Alrccf W si Weak Children m A will derive strength and acquire robust health Food Medicine SCOTTS EMULSION Things You Must So CURIOUS FEATURES THE NEW CRIMINAL CODE NOT A LAWFUL EXCUSE CRIME AND INCONSEQUENCES Stalking along the broad and ever- lengthening avenue of time comes that observation handed down through many that where ignorance is bliss it is folly to he Wisdom of kind under certain circumstances in this mundane sphere oftentimes brings misery and punish ment in Ignorance is not a virtue to be pursued and captured in order to wisdom ntr should it be cherished in the mad hope that only the foolish hoTd the key to know lede oilier philosopher lias pronounced thai it takes a wise man to make a fool Ho ofien in then courts of the does a on trial for some con invent ion the statutes in such cases and try to palliate his shortcoming with this apnea to the didnt know I was doing wrong His ignoracce ly made him a victim of the laws his cry falls unheeded The Judge CANNOT HEARKEN TO THE because section of the criminal law says The fact that an offender is Ignorant of the taw is not an excuse for an offence committed by him And he must suffer the of his act owing to his Outside of close students of crimi nal jurisprudence hi the legal profession the statutes posies vy little Merest for that great mass of humanity the general public lives and are usually My the inherent principles and wrong The Taw contains many clauses that arc curious and interesting and with which there is an almost univer sal unfamiliarity No one has a right to consent to the Infliction of death upon himself and a person cannot escape the criminal responsibility for murder If he carries out the bequest of the in- dividual seeks to shuffle off this mortal colL It is a capital crime to for the deihroncmcnt of the reigning sovereign or to conspire to Injure or Imprison or restrain any member of the royal family If any person is convicted of at tempting to intimidate or put any constraint upon any member of Par liament or provincial legislator he renders himself liable to imprison- for fourteen years You must not try to endanger the life of the Queen in any way If you do It means seven years in peniten tiary and flogging as an additional dose to the Crown must be the honest purpose of every member of the army or navy anyone who endeavors to STIR UP or to incite to mutiny can bo given a life sentence If you try to any member of Her militia or the P to deicrt or assist him to Yon must not wrongfully obtain or communicate any information about a fortress arsenal or dockyard belong ing to Her Majesty in Canada It only takes a disturbing assembly of three persons to make a riot and all these three persons have to do is needlessly and without reasonable occasion provoke other persons to fracture the peace tumultously before the police start in to wipe the mother earth with them But there must be a dozen persons engaged in a tumultous attack on quietness be fore the Riot Act can he read and Catling guns brought into action To be caught in a crowd of rioters is an offence punishable by imprison ment for one year Actuals rioters can get double that dove or if they attack any building the judge can send them down for life It is a healthy getting away as far as possible from a riotous demon station You cant train or drill in military manoeuvres without first receiving per mission from the proper authorities You must not engage in a pugilistic encounter that ALARM THE PUBLIC because it is an indictable offence with penalty of one years imprison ment attached The law regards as a dangerous criminal the person who challenges any person to fight a duel or tries to persuade any to challenge another to fight a duel It is as bad to congregate at the ringside of a prize fight as to be a principal even reporters are not exempt from prosecution Nearly everyone is aware that it is wrong to cauy weapons in Canada but it is not generally known that you must not come armed within two of a public meeting without incurring a penalty of upon con viction and if you molest any person returning from a public meeting de signedly either by personal violence or using opprobrious epithets you can be fined or go to jail for six months You must not surrcplitously INTOXICATING LIQUOR on board any of her Majestys ships or vessels or give any liquor to any roan on shipboard It means possibly seven years abridgement of your liberty to bind any person by an oath to engage in any mutinous or seditious purpose You must not say or publish any thing tending to degrade revile or expose to hatred or contempt any where the person exercising sovereign authority over Canada You are not a lawabiding citizen if you try to corrupt the judiciary or by specious promises corruptly interfere with the administration of the law Fourteen years is the penalty affixed If you neglect aid a sheriff in a after reasonable notice or refuse to assist a peace offi cer in arresting offenders after being asked for help you can be bereft of your rights of citizenship for a period of one year You must always tell the truth in a court of justice or in any judicial pro ceedings If you wilfully depart FROM THE PATH of veracity and it is proven off to prison you must go If you conspire to defeator pervert the course of justice the presiding magistrate judge can consign you to penitentiary for seven years No matter how friendly you may be with a juror you must not use any means to influence him Compounding a penal acion strictly forbidden fear of a years lodgement behind prison bars If you accept for helping to recover stolen property without using diligence to bring the offender to rial the statutes provide for the imposing of seven years impison- ment You may think you have a right to in a an advertise- mud railing attention to the theft loss of some belonging to you and offer a reward for its return ami as an inducement the thief or finder turn an honest you may conclude the liner with words purporting that questions will hi asked You have no such rights and any can sue you for for each offence and the same amount can be recovered against the paper inserting an as indicated Ifthere Is a difference of opinion between a pastor and his congrega tion and the former desires to DIVINE SERVICE in his pulpit even though he may be most obnoxious to every one of his parishioners the church people must not offer any obstruction to the clergy man or they can be sent to prison for two years You must in the ex ercise or enjoyment of any right to any of Her Majestys subjects else you a common nuisance It is an equal offence to watch in a gaming house as it is to engage in the game It Is not absolutely necessary that a person must habitually prey upon public property to be dragged within the operation of the Act Respecting Vagrancy If dont wort lo support your family the law declares you a vagrant For the same reason you must have visible means of sup port Neither must mendicants wander about and beg or about from TO DOOR or place themselves In any street highway passage or public place to beg or receive alms unless a priest clergyman or J P attests that they ate deserving object of charity When the boys are decorating this bailiwick a bright they must not tear down or deface signs break win dows or doors or door plates or the walls of house roads or gardens or deitroy fences lest the bobbies lay them by the Medicos are not exempt even for hallow een pranks It is the lawful duty of every head of a family to provide necessaries of indictment 1 sick person to death an for murder can be laid No one is criminally responsible for the killing of unless the death takes place within a year and a day of the cause of death If you suspect that a two legged thief is despoiling your fowl house or poaching on your preserves and you set any spring gun or man trap and the interloper comes into it adjudge you liable to three years imprisonment When ice is being taken from any stream the cutters MUST UNCLOSE THE OPENING with a fence of sufficient height and strength to prevent any person from accidentally riding driving walking skating or falling into Fir trees to mark dangerous localities do not meet the requirements of the law If a is detailed to guard the and while neglecting hi duty an other person falls in and loses his life the servant is declared guilty of manslaughter If you find any wreckage or debris of a ruin or even a floating log you must not deface it in any way to change its original character To commend or depre ciate the quality of anything to affect its sale is punishable by three years imprisonment nor must anyone false ly pretend to enclose money in a letter You must hot keep any valuable thing you find Gamblers who cards would DO WELL IN tUVURK to play straight and it is a serious thing to practice witchcraft or sorcery or tell fortunes Being disguised either by day or night is regarded as an accessory to dishonesty and is punishable by five years imprisonment These are only a few specimens of offences specified in the criminal code There are hundreds of others By carefully following the precept live right do right and observing dili gently the golden rule the law no matter what peculiar clauses it con tains can have no terror for lawabid ing citizens deiert Ihe court may jug you for six life for his wife and children mouths at hard Worlds Fair Sptclnt to Iht Bra The first class of sheep taken up by the judges was the claimed by their breeders to be kind ly feeders beautiful of form matur ing early and of good size- They are prolific and good mothers and pro duce a good grade of long wool Mr John Kelly of Shakespeare and Mr James Snell of Clinton won in the aggregate 1040 The rank with the cesttrs and Cotswolds as the largest of the varieties They are a good mutton sheep the lambs weighing heavy at an early age The ewes take good care of lambs and they are good shearers Two prizes in the Lincoln class went to American breeders remainder amounting to 1105 going to On tario- are apparently more in favor with American breeders than or The Cots are easily picked out on account of the huge woolly topknots they have over their eyes They are of sue good breeders and shear well and owing to their being bred so long in the highland region of England arc specially suited to countiy similar ly situated at the side of the water In all 685 in prize money was taken by Messrs Miller and Snell and as was the case with the shorthorn cattle many of the other winners were bred but now in American hands thus establishing most con clusively our province is the ground for fine sheep as wo I as cattle S is the quantity of fruit ar riving daily from Ontario that Super- has been compelled 10 la gc his sphere of operation has from the State of Washington a space some feet I- on to display the over- How Besides the regular source of supply in the Niagara peninsula out side points such as Cornwal ville Orillfa Collingwood Owen Sound Leamington An- caster Oakville etc are now shipping freely and others will follow The goo Is are carefully packed and are coming forward in perfect condition Sir Richard Webster chairman of the British Worlds Fair Commission has done the Fair very thoroughly the pat few days and at a recent gathering paid a veiv nigh compli ment to Canada whose courts he has paid special attention in making his rounds The magnitude and per fection of our exhibits had astonished him he said and referring the Ontario Educational court in the Liberal Arts Building he expressed the opinion that it was one of the most beautiful and instructive in whole It was the only one which at all approached his of what our Educational Exhibit be or it was perfect in ar rangement and explanatory in a sim ple and satisfactory way of the finest practical system of public education from the kindergarten to the univers ity lhat the world affords Such a flattering testimonial from bo eminent an authority is something to be proud of The three Ontario shorthorn cows were shipped home last week Thete cows all made exceptionally good records for shorthorns giving as high as solbs of milk daily Lady Bright owned by Wright of Quelph which is nearly years old must extraordinary powers as she rarely In the whole five months give below daily and she has several times been In the C W life tail Joe Hess the temperance evangelist died at Clarendon Wednesday night Squire properly near which him For wilfully child or sold week for J Pollock A graduate of Toronto School of art in Drawing and Oil Tainting is starting a class in velvet and landscape On Friday twolads from the line of Whitchurch came in contact with the rig of Johnson of Whitchurch and made a cross bow his axle Mr Johnson was not much injured Attention was previously called to furious driv ing on our streets a The harvest festival at Mount was a great success financially intellectually and spirit uailty The supper provided by the ladies of Ihe church and congregation was everything we could wish The platform meeting was well sustained by Mr Reynolds who presided and Dr J Shaw who delivered an excel lent address on shams The choir furnished good music The singing by Miss and Master Andrews was so appreciated by the audience that by special request they were asked to render a second time AURORA White slaughtering a heifer last Tuesday Mr J men found a baseball in the animals stomach The ball was full sized and only a portion of the leather covering was damaged Our debenture debt is as follows Thirteen public school debentures twentyfive waterworks debentures twentysix waterworks extension debentures twentynine high school doben- a de benture debt of On the first of January of this amount will be paid leaving the debt at Banner SNOWBALL The most successful anniversary and harvest home that has ever beer held in this took place last Sunday and Monday evening On Sunday morning and evening Rev if Toronto preached the anniversary sermons to a crowded house Although the rev is somewhat advanced in years discourses were excellent on both occasions and were listened with marked attention On Monday even ing the annual harvest home was held and was attended by an unusually large number in fact it was thought at one time the supplies would not be sufficient fortunately these fears were groundless as there was an abundant supply After dinner had been served addresses were delivered by Rev Matthews of Aurora and Revs Large and Simpson pastors of the circuit Excellent music was furnish ed by King City choir It is never wise to bribe a child to perform a plain duty writes Elizabeth Scovil in Home Journal There are many motives to be ap pealed to and we should be cautious how we substitute a lower for a higher one When the bedtime comes it is often a struggle for small people lo go off pleasantly and promptly When we elders have to do Ihings not at all more disagreeable to us we indulge in some murmurs ible or otherwise and a good deal of selfpity It is not 10 be expected that our juniors will take up burdens with more cheerfulness than we do Yet as soon as they are old enough to understand any thing they may be greatly helped or hindered in doing it It is time for Charlie to go to bed now ought to be enough him lo do so without difficulty But jut as we ourselves sometime fail to to the rail of duty so there will be moments when Charlie eh that his de sire to be up longer entirely overpowers his wish to obey and he refuses What is to be done His mother can probably induce him go to bed by means of a piece of candy or a promised pleasure hut the next time the question arises he will want another A quiet talk a gentle argument and persuasion im pressing upon him that every one has to do disagreeable things some times because they are right will usu ally prove effectual if not it be comes a of obedience that must be enforced even at the cost of pain If we can enlist the will on the side of rightdoing so that the child shall conquer himself and yield a willing obedience we have accom plished much Let us teach them by every effort in our power thai virtue is its own reward SUTTON if To for last week Our train time changed very sud denly the beginning of this week nearly killed our parson the Rev Geo gelling on the cars and left Judge Morgan by iw seconds necessitating his t- drive Roachs Point in order to To to hold a Court I for that day Too bad the It give notice the changes We arc looking for a from Newmarket at our Hair which is to come off on the aili and The Grand Trunk have a special train from so that all our friends along the Sutton Branch will have opportunity of getting here at a cheap rate We are expecting to have tome fine exhi bitions of in the liorie and everyone knows we can at the world on horses and Entries are wring in and if old kind we think we will have the be it show we ever had- A very agree but unexpected surprise awaited the Rev Mr and Mrs Martin and Miss upon their return Thursday evening from the Worlds Fair A splendid entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies Aid is promised on Friday 13th inst the second day of the Fair to lake in the drill shed Willie Thayer aged about five years son of Mr Geo Thayer died very suddenly Saturday night The little fellow was on the street that evening enjoying perfect health He was taken with croup and expired by two oclock the dread disease accomplishing its work in minutes The ladies of the Presbyterian Church have a refreshment table on the and day of Fair An editor announces sarcasti cally that ho wants to buy a bag of flour a pair of shoes and a hat and is ready to receive lowest bids for the same He says thats way mer chants do with him when Ihey want two dollars worth of Job printing While Cowan Sons machine was busily engaged threshing at G HatrlckV Pickering the barn was discovered to be on fire and it was with difficulty that the men escaped with their lives The wind was blow ing In such a manner that the filled the air and this catching on tire the whole place was in lames in an instant Some of the men had their clothes burned before they got out of the mow Messrs Cowan will lose about the water tank drive belt as well as the separator being burned Mr Hatrick estimate his loss at as the contents were not insured and he had but on the building The origin of the fire is unknown but the general opinion is that it was caused by a heated boxing at the back end of the machine LI Mm tut tinted by Teach Girls How to Money A practical result or illustration of such teaching is more idling than a volume of mere theory It has just been my pleasure to en a living proof that young girls can bo early taught to spend money to the very best advantage My guest was twelve years of age the daughter of refined parents the fjther a judge of great reputation m hi State the mother thoroughly domestic but a wise ruler in her own home as I learned l fore seeing the daughter On the day of her arrival my young friend showed me a long list of purchases her mamma had given to make I sghed inwardly as I glanced over ii thinking That means a days slapping for me and such a The morning as cares were pressing I handed Timothys quest to my womanly little guest saying The need so much looking after you must excuse me She looked thoughtful an instant then said I think I morning and get it off my mind I thought she had more sense I mentally ejaculated but said aloud Really dear you see how I am situated I caanot accompany you wait patiently until tomorrow As I proceeded the honest brown eyes opened wide and with womanly grace the child in a tone of surprise said There is not the slightest need of your going indeed I do not want you you are so busy your mother surely me to select what she sent for Why no she never thought of imp sir such a task upon you I do nearly all nf the buying at home keep mother so closely confined Then she says I can learn any younger Stiiil hesitated- saying What does a of your a know corduroy I uoticcd that on your list Very she replied Why I the and the mamma use for brothers She I might here Slots to yield the paint I said Where are your samples of silks you want to I havent any I know what mother wants pay and the colors she wauls and I must do the I can just as she would Half convinced give her the name of a reliable firm and awaited the result with luted breath In an amazingly time my young guest reappeared and I was forced to admit that the purchases were really more judiciously made than they would have had aided her She laughed heartily saying It seemed so strange to be treated like a little girl at first they would hardly show me anything thinking I only wanted samples Al home they treat me just as they do mamma show me what they do mamma show me what they have and waif for me to decide No wonder I replied looking into the face of Truly there are girls and girls and mothers and mothers Then I questioned her to her accomplishments She said I commenced to buy when I was just a little girl and now own Papa gives mean lowance and I am trying to save all I can out of it to put in the savings bank Such a daughter is indeeda treasure Is not the example worthy of imita tion NY Observer Hamiltons population has in creased during the past year If the bicyclists keep on bend ing over as they do and the laws of evolution and heredity do their it will not be many generations before the spoiling man will have nothing to do but put a pneumatic tire on himself Monday nights storm caused terrific havoc in and around New Or leans At least lives tost and the damage to buildings railroad tracks levees and rice and sugar cane crops amounts to millions of dollars At Mobile Ala many large ware houses were burned dowo