Newmarket Era, 13 Oct 1893, p. 3

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ERA OCT 13 1893 us EVE you area man perhaps you J just had lea you have of with your bck and your feet have read so far now on as we wish to for awhile mantle perhaps you are quite comfortable you fTeJse re You will perhaps remembeJ fl did an ordered In those days fcidvAtade Clothing got Send only our ordinary one and mostly all hap lies Now and since iip the Tailoring been and are giving Clothing our undivided attention is as far as Mens and toys Clothing is concerned todaft What are the faults Why just this our is treble what it used to to composed of all goods and styles and at rices all pockets from for a mans suit all the up to for highclass Oh yes you will say tat these are tweed suits coil vest and pants all alike So sir you are wrong We give you a Black Worsted Diagonal Coat and Vest lid Fancy Pants Yes and ft you just as well as if made to order for you and very likely jitter Our experience goes to show What about Over- you ask We repeat slut we have said about Suits a great big stock all styles weights and prices leu should ask to see our line for Fall and Spring kit at also a line of Mellon at both highclass Coats perfect in style and We warrant fey would cost you at least ft more than we are asking if you had them made to order We might continue but trough you are quite wel come to come and inspect try en and ask us questions about and anything else for iht matter- even if you are Kt intending to buy just yet In fact we want you to do so ROCHE Co The Leading House Church Another those attractive and Bee- if to be by the realtor next A Test While threshing at Mr Bolt a time with Mr and It lamed GO of cat In Selecting Jurors Last Tues day the Clerk and Mayor or of each in Ontario met according to and selected to act as jnrcra for the Courts for the noil year Attention Be sure and read J Dan tons clothing advertisement in There it a ring of dctcnuin id it which along with wdl- cndoor advertising a great rash for those bargains as they cannot bo repeated Bar Fall A young man named Addition home in town hat who is engaged with the Telephone Co while at work near Richmond Hill fell from a pole last week and sprained his wrist which laid him up a few days It a com bones were broken Free Concerts A travelling medicine company has been occupying every this week giving concerts by way of advertising their wares They are in drawing full bat people are very canny investing the drugs having bid several experiences of that kind already Primary Set too Promoted from Tab to Jr Ft Mabel Roger Mabel Clay Robin son Gertie Taylor Vera Norman Wright Ethel John Sibly Holmes Walker Re becca Claud Shape Stone Katie Football Concert The boys are already beginning to talk np their Annual which will likely bo held early nest month Military the e Bait Shooting held in Toronto ho T only member from Company In winning In all Farm Sold The Wake field teres and Jinnwn lhS Howard Uriah mid week to Ilia of Hew market The Friends Commencing on Sunday evening Win All lha Ohio colored will a of special at ihe incel- will bo conducted over doriog the week- Soma assist ance front a is upecla held Toronto on the 3rd and recommends a PROHiniTiox The which was to beheld to county of appointed a convener for each In accordance recommendation a Of prohibit ion and tern workers in general in county of beldiu the lln Aurora on the inn com cueing oclock to the beet for as a veto as in favor of prohibition on the J a unary nxt Temper men and women rally I forth for God and Coontrj I every worker bo on hand at the hour mentioned The Her convener for the county of York- Millinery Business Boo mi no the leading of I Mi Local lens raitlSCOINC OH IN ABOUT The Co are enlarging their ftntwm by lha addition another en Huron St opposite the hiry in order to provide for Junior Efforts Where you see a hearty cooperation among parents ildrcn ami yon mil sure to ftud a firMdsSs school iu and a musical and literary entertainment contributes a deal toward produc ing that desired harmony For this reason wo are glad to repot I an entertain- in Kellys of the Model School last Friday afternoon which was not only a pleasure but a benefit to the children We understand that Miss Cody also bad a similar at the Primary the afternoon The in room propose to have a Museum Friday shortly It will bo laughable to what the boys and girls will Model School Report Division for September Ill Class Dickson Q A Jones Clublno It Sutherland Cain P Howard Willis Sutherland Jlnnney Wright McDonald Cane Marsh P Clay Fftrucomb Intermediate III Class Gray A Wes ley Dennis P Fletcher Widdis Hunter Fox It Hell Cray Roe Wright Hughes Vernon Keeley Pybus The following deserve special mention for neatness of work Eva Lush Annie Jessie Dickson and Farm The market was col the quickest last Saturday for time went up to 2 and JSP to of potatoes and apples pigs were offered at There were plenty of iraevrre ready to give hut Dont forget the En llo Temperance Hall this A gol program is promised lb jaVtic not only those working or the came of tie overthrow of and mis There Is no limply acollcctfori Let The fait Friday evening and that were percent Iu years who wished to mono of study In they would com- next month Tho ill be nanus to bo left with Mr before of nest week An adjourned wof the takes place Away Cano nitron Wednesday afternoon so the wen could pay the last tribute Geo who discharged flipping clerk n ft Deceased was Id poor ato Hum time hut did not up till day last week end bit Sunday wife end four smalt children The Big Stores Say too far Sooth to do a trade It will pay to walk yards to save on the Sboeleatb la cheap at the Toronto Jobbing The Thornton livery was captured in Toronto but the tbief made good escape Regular meet ing of Town Council next Monday cveniog The Novelty Company received a largo consignment of rattan from Germany last Saturday for the Spring babycarriage trade All tho cheese made at Factory hero during past has been sold Some of patrons put off ordering too long and got left Pay your and the discount new Hose Tower has a coat of paint Mr ltileya sale noxt Wednesday The date In tho sale register wrong last week Dont think that alt are in Toronto You can save your expenses by buying in Mr Low laid up again on account leg which had to bo set In plaster of this week North York prizes are payable after the meeting- tomorrow Father Morns ia adding a conservatory to residence They made very little at the now corporation well the last week owing to a break the machine Nearly been at Newmarket for the Worlds Fair S Convention The Annnat Sunday School Convention the auspices of the North York Association to place hi the Christian Church Newmarket on the and 10th of next month Tho is circulation this week and should reach every school Hiding by next Sunday It is one of exceptional interest end a Convention of enthusiasm may bo anticipated The Executive baa been successful in securing the services of a galaxy of distinguished speakers and workers On the first evening Rev- Wilaon of Toronto known throughout all Ontario as Move- on Wileou will give an address the of which is Workers for Age On the second evening Rev of a gentleman whose oratorical ability is wellknown in Presbyterian circles will give an address on The Development and Effects of Week On the third evening the Hon Blake is to give an address and merely mention of his name is sufficient to fill the Church Among other distinguished workers who will be present during tho Convention arc Rev A Phillips of Toronto who is to con duct Normal lesson on of St Paul Rev J Rao pf Acton will two other Normal Ceremonial Law and Model Sun day School Also Mr A Day the gene ral secretary whoso devoted and trdent to cause makes his presence an inspiration J A Esq of Toronto will also help- to difficult problem Rev Matthews of Aurora P J Davis Esq and representatives of various Township Associations may also bo expected to work assigned A union choir of or voices tho leadership of Mr A will lead the singing at the evening meetings Mr WN Starr la Secretary of Committee and delegates whoso names are forwarded on or before 3rd of November will have homes assigned t hi- in previous to Convention which will prevent confusion Coin Weather soon be hero In fact yon could enjoy a heavy now Another lot of and overcoat on hand at More on the way Call and Inspect stock Still Going Notwithstanding thai Messrs great ale baa been going on for three months the every Saturday are surprising Over worth of goods stiff remain to be sold and who know value of goods easily see bow wonderfully cheap things are being LAUGHTER Sale Oct will lot sot initio lit con of Yongo Ttrcu or OtOfffor J Mr- UloCf Mr TbU If to at J i An referred eat 5rAtn will We la Kl Ac l oclock 19 on lot la lbo7lh No Terras 1111 Not- or ecot off fur At on oclock- Oct A new and baud boggles will take at Factory oft of no- credit Stewart aacl aloot faim lDjpHcocDt0Q So lha 3rd coool For oo lif lb I I EL fcpOOL COTtqn la running off lively at CM a Another Win The Football boys naturally pleased with their victory over the Toronto team last Saturday A has held the championship of tho Dry Goods League for tho past two years and they claim that is the fust time they have over been defeated to threaten Ingrain the ciowd was not as Jso hoped to see but thoio that wero evidently enjoyed the game At play teams lining up as James Qibney Doyle backs I Clark halves 3- Lloyd A Workmen com- Jowii- the Water St 5uTuielt- and at noon little of S JiW nearly was abutments was tho creek WJ of Toronto t3 lUt had the contract for the kork the High He the day that an it is that the sub- 9 f will be in weeks In the mean- on that iortion of the J wing Cain centre Geo Clark I AVi Cask A we to jiJrcJ conducting ftuen- K of KIni jJriKit audita allied In 4Ua j dosi which com wort owned by L and Jat Jco to v o payable to Mr Mc- iW parties to the and enquiry I the livitt m Irving A IFesrmoro Haullion Mitchell A Montgomery having won tot decided For a time thing looked rather homo tcrn hut was not till the forwards fettled down to good team play and rush ed on tho The atoned and Blur minute play Sco Clark headed ball through During re mainder of hall lima goal keeper and back Riven lota work to keep tho boys from scor ing After change of ends both teams played birder than before and ball timet came In dangerous of flas however showed bis ability to defend bit goal and on more than one occasion tho ball from three or four of Toronto boys tut boys kept ball upon visitors and good shots were made but do gauges scored and when the blow the Nevr Toronto For visitors Irving In goal played a grand game he claims that goat on was Hut that baa scored against Gordon MacKay A Cos team will play herb and the boys expect another bard fiame Keen Will call and compare prices They find surprise at Toronto Jobbing House a Harvest Home The usual suc cess attended Aid of the Methodist Church connection with the annual Church was decorated very prettily with house plants autumn leaves and appropriate mottoes the Lecture was elaborately entwined with grain In stniw mountain ash berries etc Largo congregations bath morning evening on delighted and edified by eloquence and argu ments with much proof of Dr of Toronto wbilo the special music by choir was also greatly appreciated At the Festival on Monday evening over sat down to tea tables never looked better and there an abundance of everything that could bo desired arrangements were carried out go systematically that visitors time for the program to commence at oclock pastor Jos presided and after the d- Bell invoked tho Divine blessing The choir under the leadership of Mr A ac quitted themselves excellently and Instrumental selections by Miss Flayter were also highly appreciated Of coarse the crowning event of the was lecture by Dr on Century With a memory most remarkable for dates names and places and occasional bursts of sublime eloquence lecturer held the wrapt attention of his audience for over an hour pointing out the wonderful discoveries and Inventions of this century and showing conclusively that true progress is marked by the advancement of gospel In httf introduction the phenomenal growth of Great Britain was outlined with her and terri tories having an area three times as large and population four times as nil roue as the United Slates and distinguished epochs which led to her ascendancy pa the greatest nation world has ever known on from this point the Dr took his or a journey by the rapid transit of Imagi nation through of heavenly orbs that surround us taking a cursory glance at tho eight largo planets in the solar system and showing by companion of distances the of aerial producing an con ception of greatness and glory of God who holds systems His control Geology Chemistry Arts Science all received doo attention down to latest intention of present year the by Gray an menV which will produce handwriting of the sender of a through the hundred of miles away The progress education and literature Is none the less remarkable nous vote of to lecturer was well deserved The piano was kind ly loaned by Mr gross pro- Festival were ft mount pleasant The Misses Wight friends in Pennsylvania Mr Irwin Hamilton was visiting near last Sunday Mi- George Hamilton jr was visiting friends in week He attended the Markham fair and reports a splendid time Miss Mary Johnson of Scott is spending days with her cousin Miss Maggie Johnson Tie Home service in con nection with the Presbyterian church was held last Sund and was a do cided success The singing of the S children was excellent and re flects great credit upon their leaders Miss Mary Curtis and Miss Rose Phillips If the furious driving that was in dulged in last Friday evening is con tinued some four young men will hare an interview with Squire Our young ladies are great miters of the beauties of the trees just now but one of them thinks pine the nicest Nature ha put on a fall appear ance and trees look fine in their gold en dress There were several prizetakers at the Newmarket fall show from this district- A couple of loads of Mr Canes wares from Newmarket in the fornt of door and window frames sash and other building material were seen passing through this vicinity route for Mr Marsh the sawmill man At a meeting last Saturday it was decided to quit the making of cheese for this year after this week- Fine time for picking apples and getting up roots but it is generally thought that it is belter to gather apples after the full of the moon as the bruises will then dry up The squirrels harvest is now on and beech and butternut expeditions are the order of the day Get your musket loaded and put in sonic convenient place wild geese and ducks will now be passing over Visitors Mr and Mrs Lewis of Newmarket at Mr Milton Terrys Mr and Mrs Isaac Proctor of at Mrs dens and other places ALE FOR Two A T Previous to ALE ATTHE SI GUN NEW FALL DRESS GOODS We are now showing our firnt nesortment of Fall Dress Goods and would ask you to call and inspect them for yourselves Our Black Henriettas will be found to be best value in town Compare some of them and see Now is the time that people begin to think a hoot Flan nels We have a splendid range of Flannels for the Fall Trade good value for the price asked Cotton and Shirtings Wo have a full lino of these everyday asked for articles and all we have to say about them is they are the bust we can buy for money Our Groceries are all Fresh and FirstGlass Try our Blended Coffee at Also our Blended Tea at cents W W Telephone Connection Main St FOR Our present stock of Clothing being far too heavy we have decided to reduce by onehalf by QUEEN ST CHITCHAT great ami only Efttt fair a thing of tho past and a huge it was not Every body seemed happy and predion on Ihc of re laxed lata a broad tore it weather editor all worth leavo It for him to dilate was to bo Bat be rlJH PRICES OP Black Worsted Coats and Vests Mens Tweed Suits I Boys and Youths Suits Mens Overcoats of every kind Boys Overcoats of every kind These will l marked down by Red Ticket and there will be no deviation from said mark but it will be so low that everybody will be satisfied that they are getting rare bargains and will at once see the advantago of early buying TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J DAVISON- QUEENSVIILE of ilia Church hero conducted at am and note of toga by of which creditable to youthful and pastor of St Church fringed Tabic lhil fc coo next our Stock nor mo the largest town aod for priw of and lkota Shoes they are away at Toronto Jobbing House a We under- Itocbo Co putting Id very front la Caldwell Slock as soon as get that will bo a credit to the place They Intend to hare one largo large window and will out ihc ccntro wall end put In Iron pillars and extend build In tho war ten feet When completed It will bo m modern as sny store of Canada also wo noticed very groat number of the youth and beauty of our land who And their affinity at the fair and there they would wander about grounds In and sod that interested spectators wero beholding their spoony actions We look for a lively demand for licenses as a necessary result Two thousand tickets sold Wo nolo with pleasure return of the big man of 11 from the fair at City Wo feared the elephant might get concert of tho Mechanics Institute at was a huge and howling Aik boys the howling hall was to It utmost capacity dozens being turned owing to to lack of space A filled the chair In his usual acceptable style As for performers all did exceedingly welt won the admiration of all lovers of comic song leaving nothing to be desired unlets it as Miss Butcher has a splendid voice pleasing style but Is lacking Iu dramatic action She will no doubbeoomo a great favorite with the public Mr tfbeppard a host of admirers who as usual took pleas- In his solos They fine Mr played the accompaniments a masterly manner Shep remarked that was the handsomest ho over saw for which cheered to Bhepa a Judge so he is from concert about Judging by recent the bottom seems to fallen clean out of reel estate Do you notice whst a Is when be mounts the block The congregation of St James Chnrob at Sharon have decided not to have their usual concert and tea but to have a social later on Miss Clara of Queen St north who has been with relatives In for the benefit of her was very 111 days ago but has again taken a change for the better A daughter of Mr John Moore of Moore- fields who has residing In Is borne on a visit they all come back Dont Toronto Mr Oil ray will deliver Us la and popular entitled A Trip from Toronto to Switzerland on the following Monday Partlcu lara week In bill The creditors of the Paper Company met on Saturday at Napanee and an externa on of three months was granted to the company Oar Newmarket iiiiii re i IS I 4a 14 Oct 11 flour per UK 0 SO OfiO WW Oil DoUerroUpor Lb fl PoUtOMpwUr ban- I sui Ohm lb per Tir1rtrief lb- 9 I Oar Toronto Vail per bushel per bushel Goose Wheat per bnahsl Bailey par Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Bye per bushel per Batter per lb Potatoes per Apples per Wool per lb per toe Pork per Ducks per pair W IS83 a a OK a a OH a OH a at a a a a a WM a a oar a a CIS llltf I I4I IT FRESH 4rVraifc4 a BULBS i AT lot at be BENTLEYS PHARMACY DR CAMPBELL e R B WE HAVE A CARLOAD OF GRAPES TO OFFER FOR SATURDAY And Ihe Price will be than was ever teen In before We have a few Peaches Quinces and Tomatoes coming in The Best Yet a Perfect Jar with lbs Excellent Baking Powder for only cents New Codfish and Dried Herrings just Our mixed and Blended Tea still take the lead We can sell you Soap at the Old Price Again Fresh Bulk Oysters received every week Give us a call A ROBERTSON Good Cows sale cheap This Week w TV a English Worsted foff 2 English Worsted for Worsted Panting for 2 90 TWEEDS FROM UP MS Hats 25o up BOOTS SHOES Equally Great Reductions W STEPHENS BLUE GLASSES Are not always a sign of intellect but they show a heap of sense when the sun for the eyes It them so much rest and comfort a chance to get strong in fact and if people think youre wiser than you are why perhaps you are for the time Comfort or rather costs only K We have all sorts of Spectacles besides a handsome I assortment of Jewelry- Watches Clocks and Plated Ware M 1 Will be pleased to see you and prices ATKINSON MAIM ST NEWMABtfET LUNDY GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Freshly Stocked with Clothing for the Trade Never better value offered in town GRAND ASSORTMENT OF OVERCOATS Ulsters and Ordinary AWAY DOWN Ladies ana Misses Wool for Almost Nothing MAIN STREET RAKERS OUTFIT Ana tot sals at a tin ft J Jtt Dieted iba reolldiaj of art Sow to day

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