Newmarket Era, 13 Oct 1893, p. 4

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ERA OCT 1893- A SUNLIGHT PILLAR ON ME HIT Justification by Faith Oct IS Ml Text While wore yet tinners SUA for Rom- Paul tot forth in the and the nature jo calico Now ho goes on to set forth of justification Peace to God of the Christina All the blessing of redemp tion inseparably oat of each other are fiedhAvepeaw mth God access to Ms prepuce joy the moat of Gods love and certainty of final Miration The Christian hope them Ml in the world It looks forward to the glory of God in character and in God the Christiana hind ranees and trials into atd and stepping atones From the pillar of stone rises the ladder that reach to heaven By the proved experience of Gods present salvation we have the hopes for its completion- By op earth we are assured of heaven We need to realize more and more the blessed presence the Holy Spirit not merely his occasional an atniospfacro IIow roach better it is to be not merely hut good loving in piety a For Years ttltb loner as too a attacks drops for to per cam suddenly at any hour of ibe day toll Sometimes the dally then few of this I a with lew and I Una I had the irk I fever my mother Pills doctor I tKtter than I tailor ml fee duritS year attack my yielded to the same remedy PILLS Every Dos Effective LOOK and not down if a suffering woman Every one bodily troubles that coma to women only ft guar euro in Pierces Favorite That will bring you cer tain help Its a powerful general as well as and nervine and it builds up and in en tire female ays It regulates promotes all Ibo proper functions improves the Wood refreshing leep and restores and For ulcerations displacement bearingdown sensations and all female complaints and Favorite is fftiaranfetit win If it ever fails to benefit or cure you have your money back Ihal AH been officially notified from of tiU to by death J iL ft over fiorcroorship it not jet A cornea from Winnipeg during Mr A WV bis for if id JMbenU nominated ITr Mario their election for tbo Ontario Reports from district indicate thai Mr Farewell will prove popular Sight Tested Scientifically BY lion Fre are being made P and Col OBrien P to address electors North Perth and districts in rink They expected abbot the middle of October GRADUATE OF O I of C PUREST STROIGEST BEST any Correction by Glasses of Defective Sight -THE- you think of anything more convincing than Ihe promise that is made by lie proprietors Dr Remedy fit Sages is Ca llus a tut tor Liver and ifilocks theSecreUonsPurjflcsthc Stood and remove oil Im purities from j Pinple td thevorstScrofuloUG Sore CUR1S DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS COMSTIPATiCM- HEADACHE SALT RHEUM HEART SOUP STOMACH to Got ft Snjiligiit Send Soap wrappers bearing the words Why a Woman Look Old Sooner a Man to Limited 43 Scott St Toronto and yon will receive by a pretty picture from and well worth This is an easy way to decorate your home The soap is the best the market it will only postage to send in the wrap- pert yon leave ends open Write your address carefully William Murray a St Thom as has received fiye for criminal issault on an girl During his ynprisimiicnt be judiciously At c lock last night Win Ryan three other were taking a load of oats to I when lC Iwg which he was sitting throwing him wheels passed over his lie lived only ten minuter the an unmarried man pa Mr closing day of tin- hatn Fair witnessed an enormous on the fiiound t that of any occasion trains were city and all rjie in was i1 i il the tiu lie- a via with t yiin la with niKns id with I he eiiir The L of wJ town the vMh- tc and the is Kcp in iku c A System organs that Deputy Minister is to be superannuated and that is to be his successor Ordina an that some depart mental official has been superannuated has no particular significance but in this instance illhealth is assigned as a reason for while the official himself declares he never in belter health and ridicules pre text put forth for his retirement This statement has caused comment in political c and now a rumor comes from Otlawa assigning totally different reason for Mr nets displacement and intimating that arrangement has been de vised to tide the Government over an hide difficulty in which they find themselves placed by the nomination Mr Scarth to the office of Lieut Governor of Manitoba instead of ful filling a pledge given to Sir of Winnipeg for the position To make nutters agreeable the latter must be provided for and by superannuating Mr Vankoughnetit leaves the Indian Commissioner ship vacant an office worth per annum into which the disappointed Mr is to be shelved as a salvo for wounded feel ings and a reward for having deserted the Liberal party Were this all it would make but small difference to the country Mr Ross will probably be quite as well to discharge the duties of Indian Commissioner as the gentleman whom he succeeds But it is not all hereafter during the lifetime of Mr Vankoughnet country will have an additional per annum to pay him for his super annuation allowance in order to the Government out of a political difficulty Already it is intimated that this seemingly innocent little arrangement will form the subject of inquiry when parliament meets and the country Will then learn the ins and outs of the whole business If the facts and circumstances the case justify Mr VankoughneVs re the Ministry will but if not they will be be open to censure But supposing this story in regard to the probable appointment of Mr Ross is untrue the nomination of Mr under all the cir cumstances of the past seems to in dicate that the Premier is fast drop ping into channels not calculated to jusiiV the large expectations formed on his taking office respecting purity of The numerous unearthed during the var ious sessions of parliament since last general election are fresh in the memories of the people and now at the record of the Government in reation to many of those more or less concerned Arnold has pardoned Burgess re instated to to office absolved and it is even hinted that Sir Hector will become a Cabinet Mimcr Add to all this the recent nomination of as successor of Mr and it looks as if the Premier has lost respect public opinion for the Old flag and the Party Hut apart the foregoing al together the superannuation Vankoughnet with a retiring pension of 2aoDper pi events a striking of the evil of the system In appears In in pubic service pi durng which lie hat lieen yearly Utterly nintm Why should tax piVj this Domini lit 1 he l rened Phis tiling is t in of life Had be 1 Tax weather prophets have commenced prophesying The Ottawa Press re marts An old has predicted that month October will bo re markable for Us calmnesa that the coming winter will a very mild The of Octo ber a foil of Electri cal Convention held iu Toronto month This monthly by Mr- Mortimer Toronto the office and a model ca not a bolter printed magazine in Canada and the cover an almost eiclasira fiolJ point pride to of appren ticed AT SCOTTS PHARMACY NEWMARKET Do yon go in for at v She in oil indirect He How is Wo go in for athletes Tnitb- At Prohibition Convention Id To Mr J J declared that the plebiscite not intra the Legislature a means of h anting bill bnt the gives to ft story not gen erally viz a I signet by members of the Boose presented to Premier las session setting forth that unless he would give them Alternative offer the country they temperance men would support Mr- bill- it tbat Sir Oliver the plebiscite It is only a coincidence but 13 is number voted for the dual of the Bill singu lar wasnt it Mars Scientific idPfictlctl EKtHc Use Gsibh Elqctdclty ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE coatalDsfalleit ILat of sworn nd who cared etc- la Ger TblsrejuaDjA a Ireatlw on Tup- cured Electric any THE OWEN KINO VKBT dM I Pie lirgeil the thcUcrtiTa An not tuft A la ok Sf tce I this NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT In Dear baby thou H left art not lost Hot only before us To join Home is thee quiet and so wo not murmur Fathers will lis true we sadly We mis thee every day days indeed are lonely Since thou art It was to a welcome chance- Freedom from tin and pain to our Our lot to it gain wo but trace thy starlit skies a song of firatitodo And wiM our weeping Therefore aa we lovM thro than words can tell Wo do rejoice that thou aro safe with all is well still and your sorrow each sigh Boon youll your dear one never say bye New arte I Sent A I B SHILOHS s 1 Injector i AT A if FULL LINES OF SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES I r a i SCHOOL REPORTS- TILE Or in or NO- V Howard Morion Clasi Fred Sen Ill Iroiser Drap er Davidson dun Ill Norman Mortou Mary Draper Mor ion Ethel Sen John Bird Ortnan Stella- Laura Morton Carl Morton Ward Delia Alice Scott 11 J Draper Morton Jennie IlMurrie Connell Helen in 2sj j SI 3 J Head a Truth Dogmatic at Iriihi Jleiurf a vnpihtf dtllgbt iroatiffiuflfiJciviiie la It rw tfnlLMi a ADifii or in tim It ktHVlLMt nualfc Colors that Combine- As the season progresses tic brown and black combine ion will obtain vogue and many of the will be trimmed either with own fur or brown velvet A black hair has a plain skirt shoftS full velvet sleeves brown ioden bown belt and a golden blown collar while the bonnet is in harmony Of the pretty longhaired brown many will be noted either as skirt or bodice trimmings on black while the black fur bids fair to be seen on the brown ones but according to the edict of Dame Fash ion it is the black gown trimmed with brown not the brown trimmed with black that basher approval Al though one speaks especially of the brown and black and the blue and black still white and black scar let and black and green and black are all in vogue and all lend them selves to beautify new autumn gowns Some Journal Almost the entire forests north and west of Lake Winnipeg have been deUroyed by fiie A terrific gale Monday night at Mobile Ala- water in the river to back up several blocks into the city and unroofing many buildings The damage by the flood is enormous A number of lives were lost Ask for and take no other MS DINNER SET CROCKERY GLASS Fine Line of Lemonade Sets W STARR Central Office THE LEADING Doctors Wife I for Dr No I have given myself up ad way flad mo fit Weekly Ten Slits Dashing It has to often held jalr Truth rn It rctivnif from Why iwiiioh ser vice inert any more art it in not forced io in their is jyr for the service not excessive and they have rouble about getting their wages this superannu ation business is vicious in principle and a vrong to the country With a change of for a change of in regard this 4 Jtfot 41I4 trout in section would not I to hear of Hon the The Hamilton would bo An ftitUitfoit and DoriiliIoii Would much if Jobo would Appoint- incut to that ioiy Mr during tod cocao of his friends to allude to him In hut of lato ho shown a Io sit fa THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LAROCST SALE IH CANADA gclenllllo American MARKSi vrll for sHCarjjt It or Eoa be without A MOWN A CO- IN CANADA UNITED MANITOBA Full Linos of Alice Winch t m r S0 Class Edna Skinner EntilySrigloy Ethel Miller Sen Ill Collin Case Septimus 5 I I si ill U3 c Apply Teresa Johnston Pi Goodwin Annie Frank Johristou Matthew John Em- Tab I George Bishop Florence Har per Omt Moults Bella Present every day Collin Cas Bella 7 GOODS FOR SALE Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Also a Tow Apply to If- Rams A FEW an J grades for WASHINGTON In Victoria fm IliC ft thy Since lr- his Line Jt M III if Throat A of from to fit In hi head Hep llth of Hep IUJ Chronic Jfronchhl td Consumption lttusulof Notes Any FALL Sold by Everywhere Made Wellington and Ann MONTREAL A mm AND SHELF UAH HOOP IRON ALL CARRIAGE CUTTICU TRIMMINGS and pitch FARMERS PLATFORM COUNTER GRAIN SCOOIS measures Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows Kepi ii Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kop in Stock PROP RAKES ROES LAWN MOWERS SPADKS SHOVELS OPAQUE BUNDS AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS GARDEN HOSE IALABASTINE ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE DOORS AND WINDOWS DASH AND BARREL CHURNS Tools a Specialty Also Pftintera Blacksmiths- Supplies J A W ALLAN CO SO K Tab I Rose David Miller Rom Irene Moore Situ John Thompson Norman Willie Thompson Ernest Tab Cecil Grant Tin Tab Ill Oscar Johnston Walter Wright Jon PL Joseph SeJore John Grant Hen It Jennie Oscar James Wright John- BtOD Arthur Herbert Martin ItoyScanlun Jon Ill Scan Miller Jennie Cowie- Lewis- Maud Carrie Wright Miller Sen ill Mary Johnston- Lewis Class Ella Lewis J- Teacher HOUSE LOU iftb i for TO IK in etc of which lGcrara J Sjty I CUAIiLks A Street new Mouo Telephone No MAIN STREET to Hire I1KI1 PIANO ANfl West I op Nil ISO Class IV Essie- Evans Sen Ill Walter Chap- ITT Artie Chapman Ernest Kit- Ethel Grantham Class Howard Ernest Swec- Lucy Foster Irene First A Maud Jc Wright Winnie First II Willie Ben First Archer Edward Foster SO Class Mary Clifford Mary Ill Thomas Flem ing Young Chestlo Sonles Son Emery Young Angus James Jim Stewart Young Jesse rcy Pollock Sen Pt Jon Hoy Glover Hugh Pollock Tab Davy Tab Ill Guy Tab Glover Allan Tab ltloM Pollock day Glover Pollock Glover Avcrgcattcndanco Teacher Liniment TRY OUR PAILS TUBS tip LUMBER Shingles Lath Siding Doors- Flooring Sash Moulding and Blinds OUR AIM t GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PR10E8 SHOULD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN ADOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BUNDS TO LOAN At els cent on DAVID LLOYD oinmlwloner for Mar c Alio Hit follow film for corner of TO and Kill AST cot J sburyICOacrCsi Will give fctd literal lututi val u wTforale rnilKKsit JL of Kin For Joseph at P el or to FOR SALE OR RENT- Micrcftlalliofith con North lot No- AH tfd under No under good No ISO dcres In 3rd con lcri VOfricbnMtiHtfi4tollofrttt- fur IMi tor JtOSTREit PAPER Royal Co to TO NOT A FAtAL COCKROACHES AND wmiS ifl HI Factory imMiltv J and WnlrM of Ion Wo bavu over coo Call for our you Oat the 8AVB AMD BUY BENNETTS FIRSTCLASS PUMPS AND BENNETT butloc4i together for two inamjfacmrlDK Mstpompt In North loOr- and on band I In lb Ij to ibit ihir 111 get goodJObdono jucnilcnlcx I tbo will bo of TRUSS us CMS eauld MV OSTRICH SAFE MNUClg THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN HAIR RENEWS fc of J Tjjifcli tcn saa coot tit tea libra oat sfTM lb dm J of soy say lu p j i I

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