i jgflw w yT NEWMARKET ERA OCT 1893 Overcoats Thompson Son of Oxford A Read Clothing Loud 1ST Stephens Stores A Campbell Property for Piper Cow Pen Lost Card of Laundry To Farmer Alfred Dyke for Sals Smith Cemetery Notice Horses Wanted Alfred Stewart NEVER JLETS BRIGHTER AND WITH EACH ISSUE The Era Printed all at Home FRIDAY OCT Oar Toronto Despatch to tkt Br Oct ISM Bin the will preside meeting of Ctitflrtns Aid Society to in pavilion The of Broadview and street railway track for trolly will bo completed Police few I two employee A store wot down for on ft of shoplifting A frail d to locate city The reopening cervices of the Leslie- Church of which Iter is took place last Son day- the recently undertone improve meal- has presented to the city collection embrtcing ft wida of precious Federal Elections WHAT II TO MOOT Tits of Centre their candidate for coming Provincial It is Toronto that the Ontario GoTtroitnt decided to Issue ftUIIonuy for forms etc to bo it taking vole in the prohibition plebis cite en li Is Booth the denied last Saturday to give opposition to Mr for the Legislator next Mr Jam Wilson of it the tain selected the c did ate debt of Saturday aaj that Ontario Govern ment have for the purpose of to eta in taking the prohibition on let January Tot is is Co a member in the The copies the item When theres a change of come aome will Qibcon and do Ontario baa to make of a complaint that lumbermen of Trenton are diverting the of Hollow Lake and Hollow River to enable to float from to thereby imper- rilling navigation on and milling intereets according to a in the must be a lawless Op Sat- a farmer from Barton town ehip drove In with a toad of hay and while passing along Sbw street set her two from on are visit- their John for a Mr XL of left here on Wednesday to Ihe and alM talta in the White at Chicago Mr and of among the at the ftlethodisk Cborch hereon Bandajr morning tat a former resident of attending the Fair in IhU reiarned to her home in Toronto on Saturday Johnson of Newmar ket Walker and ffm Bond left on Friday night for taking with them SlrAF formerly pro prietor of the baa in town week for the Toronto and reports good mooes Mr Griodatl of Toronto and Mr Wesley Woodcock of iit- AJbert of Woodcock also Mr Cox of Toronto were visiting with him over Sunday Geo Mitchell of Toronto Junction and Mitchell of Saginaw Mich who were here on of their mother death leave for their homes this following from market were in attendance at the Provin cial Sunday School Convention in Toron to this week Atkinson Miss Forsyth A A Miss Jackson Miss Morton Miss S Richard son and Jackson of the farmer of this taction are near through with their fall work The I crop reported very good potatoes ai a are extra large bat not Urge a yield wo hare- We are pleated that Jamea Webster who been to the bouse for the last two or three weeks with a gathered kne rccoaring Mr making extensive repairs to When completed it add greatly to the appearance as well to strength of building- The Box Social in connection with the School which took place on evening of a in every particular The night was all that be wished tor and a largo number availed of opportunity of an evenings enjoyment It was how they did get paired off listening to a well prepared program all enjoyed a few social We are eorry to learn that Sirs is very again bat we she may TOST A Durham la ctjndJdc a Inform a Hot will Cow Three jcr Not ml- EN Sharon- Dims lot At In of Kai lima TWO EWES pjMe wt- PO LAUNDRY Oriental of Life Around to lull NORTH the evangelist who has been with much success this Township was present ed with an encouraging address on fire The lead by a purse and parcel in bat the wagon recognition of her valuable services The presentation took place at the GUARANTEE QUICK it- Hi anil OR SALE t In mating reference to the Federal elections Don in Saturday takes occasion to say on what newspapers call the highest authority that the Dominion elections ate to be brought on next year He appears to the conviction that the Governments policy wilt be to tinker with the tariff during the approaching session and then appeal to the country for the sea of its ap probation This possibly may bo the program inasmuch as it may be con sidered by Sir John Thompson and his colleagues that before another year the financial troubles in the United States may have away while the disaster and commercial depression may serve as a of convincing the electorate of Dominion the dire effects of abandoning a protective system Reading between the lines it appears us that stumping tour of the hi in this Province close upen the heels of Hon Mr trail may be taken as an intimation that their purpose is to dHsoVc House and go to the country immediately after the coming ii brought to a close Already it i rumored in journals sypportingtli- Administration that he summoned on the January aid if it is rjuite the range of probability as lan suggests that a general election may some time the latter part of April In this another tumor directly traceable to in councils of the conservative patty that a new redistribution of bill nil be passed next session Not many charges will hi but the will a pro nounced Kver sttKC the Jail fairs have cur rent that Toronto a put of the of West York will be added a Western of To- while West York will have its boundaries extended so a to include the of King and thus make that muiucipility a part the old to which it was attached when formerly rf resented by Irjcj Aurora to be transferred to West Ontario with Nemnaifcet still dangling in the between West Ontario and North Voi It- These rumored changes may only be the surmising of local politicians but they are passed around in circles with all the air of promises from headquarters changes in ate evidently intended to make it Mr but there fighting chance stilt Ox Saturday last jury in the Hooper caw a verdict that to her death on September at Station fiospicious and rem entires unknown to this jary Prof who made an reported that be do poison nor which would throw light on the of death Tin disaster at Battle Creek the last week is plainly able to Conductor or the train that disobeyed orders bat which is the question Conductor that bo gave order to engineer to meet train at station while the Engineer declarer CodJ actor informed him tbay bad passed the west train before he proceeded Which are wo to believe The blaoder caused the disaster The Antrhiin rises to remark that the States la in danger of becoming for anil financial If come Canadian journalist bad an observation man would tear at a rate but fact would it to be hoped however that Ihe politi cal lotion rover Cleveland fa Congress to apply will prove for admitted now afflicting Uncle Gam tbe World Monday wo find a very plausible io reference to possi ble freezing Sir Richard ight Oxford aft iu rep- in the Commons A favoring Mr Janes for the Liberal Candidate and a rumored between the Ontario Whip Kir as the freezing Hot tbo the whole story up in Oxford Sir Richard not any iterator A to the Toronto from Ottawa That a va to is to for Lord Aberdeen to in If the Inderal take public money for a purpose this the country is paying on ill debt parliament should voto want of confi dence such occupying the Irrnjury benches All previous Gover nor since and be fore for Jiliat matter could worship with other pupplo of like with them- a and the present do the ho a different heaven Lake House on the North Shore Miss returned her heartfelt thanks to many friends who so kindly remembered her and particu larly to Mr Woods She prayed that Gods blessing might rest upon them till they reached the heaven of rest io with Jesus forever Mr John D and daughter from Lewis ton Idaho over on a visit to Mr John Grahams Our blacksmith was off work last week on account of sickness Miss Blizzard is still very low with slight hopes of recovery The night service in our church have stopped for the present quarter regretted by many Mr Will Gihney has rented his farm to Sir John for a term of years Mr Hodge has relumed from Dakota King Plowmans Association ANNUAL MATCH The Directors met at the Royal Hotel on the and com pleted arrangements for the match is to be on I lea- cocks farm Lot Con one mile of on Thursday j The following committee will su perintend the competition Jas T Ceo Walkingtoii Fox A The of the will not made ill day of match and particular care will I taken no to rtvtallhe nanus of the joung ladies who award prize to the best looking Lunch will be provided for plowmen judges and at tho fin Dinner will afterwards be served at the Royal Hotel Ketllcby full particulars tee large The lis amount to something over of District 1U03 A the York Division Sons of was held here today P Walton Daniel OBrien Wm Perry Miss A Senlinal A P P P respcrtiTo offices P of Ontario J Brooks Toronto and G Whitby were and added great ly to interest and the meet Among those present wcco Hol land Aurora Fred Hall the Tine Orchard Perry George Smith and Phillips Sharon Mrs Leonard Toronto Misses I Elliot Curtis A and Elliott Crawfacd J Johnson J W Elliott A Car fiOD Win Rev It J of regret read from Mr Mrs- Phillips Sharon who wen to and from A J Esq The of the ihe District from the of this meeting is to be a large increase in membership daring quarter PI at were laid for frater nal visitation among Divisions other means of stirring up interest and the order promising full cooperation with the County Convention at Aurora on 31st to posh the Pic- other inlereat to the order A largo public was held in addressed by officers Watt Large with etc merit whole affair The next will bo held at Orchard in January will he tho Annual Meeting and will bo a Ten iocs of near Rich mood Virata all kinds or large barn and Inji EtDDMi acred of In Hen- larii house- 1 accca of fruit Holland HORSES WANTED NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Along with our Increasing Trade we have added a Complete Line of Butterick Patterns ha prepared I GOOD HORSES pounds condition and from to places mood Nov Nov Friday Nor I to mm to In old at rU Hole 1 Hill Hotel Hold Town of Newmarket VfOTfnEU hereby a Court will bo bold to up to date Save time by looking through Our Catalogue and see what you want Delineators Fashion Sheets For November on band at the Central Tolepbone Offi W N STARR pi ISS County Ilia ttioJudiiooniio on bill to of for Council of iaj and and ti 1oalclpAihf of Town lBJi All required to alteod at Dated at lb LLOVin Clerk IhTowa of at the Lie iltuo and Henry Moore a farm laborer of Essex was fatally kicked by a horse Tuesday A was performed Tuesday at the top of Ferris wheel at the Worlds Fair BUTTER IN THE STOVE LINE I HOUSEHOLD KnWnUrlCvI EFFECTS A CAMPBELL AS a new lot of Coal and Wood STOVES cannot bo aodprlca pood with tbo ot wheat LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Ready- Made CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST We also our reputation for Ordered Clothing Superior Goods Excellent Satisfactory Call and be convinced MAIN STREET and SHEEP ASTRAY of Lai I Io the of East or about lit of and four lAtubethoowiM appear lobe also The owner or to property them away JOHN 3w NOTICE ALU to Company FOR LOTS Or of Lola to iiieeaiuolo J- A of or tea At Loom SI tt rlI Alex n i Elm GENTS BR KB- UNITED pAOinocoin ivi IF YOU WANT NiceFitting Clothing Y OVERCOAT CO TO SB at RE QUO ilo KftMGwUUmbur ainxo proving proper and jtog JOHN HEEP FOR SALE private aod II ok n smith FARMERS Bur win be for at for wJo Applrto Lot WIUSONS Si NEWMARKET- Our work Tor Call and Set Samples Price actual count we have in stock today a thousand overcoats too Many That is to say if we sell during the next three moriths as many overcoats as we sold in November December and January last year well still have an extra thousand overcoats to carry over This state of to inaugurate at one ft LAMBS Of- the If wSnOurfa frtiiiUfIur Sire Willi to their JO OS I Modal School ami Wolf Works On ThcDbiUr fc Dr FARMERS worked In the newt Hero a specimen wfafeh lately had Id a journal Ior An the property a and carved To be tare is to young bavin a allb but what the CArvcd Hero another d clipped rota an English For Sale A bull terrier two Wilt cat very fond of Chlldrert Apply at thii ball terrier ft will bo noticed from doge out In the Old Survey Itwill ear anything very fond but bo canine in King kindly to I ilxixMM Hon Mr Ihi liai lu a rumor lUat hit W4 iKvUlical lli hi lib a view lit Iitf ft fij-blecltOlft- Lg l Mr ihu J Montreal J j tvLjc Mr icii lUo At a hi tit AVUjfvraLW Jjcltiwnt Key Or a all Ontario a view lug CoutuuU4 vciku a will twin la our Iciiialora avpptCMLon and lb auU aproacbio will Alto LLhl IO at tarty a a ttaviuUa to ibo illii to ibo great iiiy activtly in oVeptloai aivljii thtr au to A was held in Toronto members of tha and farmers who kH to tbcm respecting rending capacity of Wallace and Wood acting at by were to hold but they bad gradually creased to nine gallon which dealers filled for tight A pretty warm followed at to methods regulating difference- Finally ft appears to boon agreed to directing milk to bo sold by weight weight and capacity of each can bo on side It aa as lha of meet- WOUtd bo complied with Mrs- Groves of was a week with Ida Bin aod was vlsltlog friends at oyer Sunday Mrs W of South Dakota is over on two weeks visit i left on Monday night to enjoy of weeks sport llr J left to villi hi brother at Chicago and la tbo White City for ft few days Mr J It and his mother to Tottenham to fttknd tU Mini Wine Mr our head off to to Icy luck at for two or three weeks of Mount Albert has charge of his school during A great many horses died in this nclghte rhoid this fall Mr John lust three Duncan Crawford Peter Kief and P Cole one each Donald a voting man visited a vacant house last Sunday and found a cartridge He was thoutiiilcss enough to hold it his hand fire to it The explosion blew portion of the thumb and forefinger other hand was somewhat Injured and face cut It was rather a severe lesson John had a large hay stack on Tuesday night last It was nearly a mile from any building and was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary We did not think we had any of that kind of be among us but it stums we have Mr- Hugh Tunny has rented Coles farm in this neighljorhood and commenced KETTLEBy Mr Martin Robinson is doing this week with rifle Mr and Mrs Walter arc now the happy possessors of Xhe- apple have hi en around and have secured a few bir The say the land turns over fine since the rain of a couple of weeks ago bells are Jingling but they have a very siund The people will now have fl shed to drive under on the Christ Church grounds an old man who has been living in this village the past year has been obliged to return to the Industrial Home for the win ter Real Estate has been changing bands to some extent in this section Mr Edwin C Lloyd has purchased the homestead of the late Calvin Davis And others hear talked of Wc understand Lot Davis has re turned from a sojourn in Dakota Mr Richard Dales and wife and children of have been spending a week at his brother and the former has also been the marsh with dog and gun Miss of Aurora has been vuliUDg lUfi in vicinity ArBftkahlrD tut atilcooa Hi- 3rt P FOR CASH- 1am liQibarorsslc lo 1 mil mm mills you our Celebrated Dauntless Flour not It will par io do aa vr A SPECIALTY JHMJLLARD GIVES TO Farmers Gristing Chopping atGcxiarhuudtl AB1G BREAK CHINA HALL The latest improvement and the best yet offered for 25c A perfect Gem Jar containing Baking Powder Have you tried it I To be only at China Hall IN Telephone Connection Tho of Mr Wilier 4u8hl wife ilr of a COM KB A8KLATIVE At on M A Mr Comer of Wat to At VIHa on the Ion Mr David lluroitds Of Montical Howard of Mr J- Tomb at realdenoe of the aod ORDERED CLOTHING SEE OUR 10 14 and Suits Welltrimmed and wellmade good value for at least oncthtrd more Overcoat for Overcoat for 16 Overcoat for We Undersell Every House in the Trade PRESERVING I Have you had a pair of our PI Hoots at cents AH rips sewed I Montgomery Son Aurora At at lit and mother of tOi of ToUeobttn on Oct- Mra Bullatl To ffucdir Ibo of aod Dr Interred In Pleuj aat View MAIH T- will cartful an3 atiantlon iin OlS Sugars and Gem Jars Now is the time you want both any quantity at China Hall Quality the best Prices right PICKLING I Spices Pickling be sure you to China v CHINA GLASSWARE I Special Clearing Sale of everything in China Glassware Slock too heavy much he reduced Dinner Sets CHEAP things must be altered and weve decided such SALE OF MENS AND BOYS ve never OVERCOATS as Consists of nearly Overcoats Among them are Meltons Friezes Naps Worsteds Beavers and Kerseys Here are a of them MENS OVERCOATS Men tn tow and lined with lwcd tad held before Our stock afid alo apma with hooJllmvl with wtre jMeoOyccoau lnIalttaudTwllUdMaltoavJoaMaaidfint1t- black with Jia your for and double fe back wera 1Z 511 and your choice lor BOYS OVERCOATS Hoy war to jour choice for with without cap U wool Vclff choice tor W Youth All- and Chorion and O In the latcitauUlo Melton Si hi Hoed checks and and velvet collar choice for few- It s an illwind that blows nobody good money in the pockets of overcoat buyers while these special lines last T THOMPSON SON BRiNTON BUGS FAKE Tea Sets Toilet Seta VERY CHEAP I I Never loose of our 30c Japan Tea lbs for fully equal to most Japan Tea offered at you want prompt delivery leave your order at the Leading Grocery R A SMITH Haiti SI Cfer Some merchants make a practice of selling one or W leading articles below the cost price to try to make believe they selling all things cheap but sensible customers know these same merchants must charge extra prices on other goods to make up the loss are Business Entirely and are making a loss on everything stock but We Must Sell Out and we are satisfied to this loss We guarantee to save customers from cents 100 on every dollar they expend at Our Great Retiring BRUNTON BRO