Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1893, p. 3

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ERA OCT DONT CARE you are where you fmmor where you go find a better Mantles than we are Jo and for is Cheap- fact that they are Tailor made which fit Rerfect perfect style Thnk come and see a I Mantle of this antle you Ives in the Here you will find styles and novelties trimmed trimmed or to be to your order We St now showing some in millinery thatmay to investigate Here Ladies Trimmed A Step and we are in the fens Wear Dept Not much J step this now from to man maybe you think Cerent No matter to con- fe in this department we ffijnddotogout men and tors complete from head to a man or toy wears you find here t forget Boots Shoes and Rubbers when you are buying The weather is coming will bring you out for loth No use to tell you not to forget Clothing you are jt as likely to Forget your inner once you have been in department Overcoats maybe a vexed with you just now So need to be if you visit this fcpt We have all qualities J styles all prices and a great Kg stock to choose from OUR DEPARTAENTS OF Misses Childrens BOOTS SHOES and Groceries Fruits Provisions and and Glassware ire Two doors South of oar Dry Goods Store Li premises lately occupied by SUTHERLAND BROS Come and see us there DANFORD ROCHE Co The Leading House Convention Any Sunday- School in Riding has rot ap- for vent ion at do 4 fit and names to Mr Starr of the Billeting Committed wbicli duels neat Friday eTtningtopftiffJct their and like to know how many lo prepare for Too prospects Contention more New High School was hoped thai rooms on the second story would bo ready for Wed nesday 1st bat in this teachers are disappointed plaster ing delayed other work there is ft good deal to do jet before the painters can their brashes From the condition of the work we do not look for any part to be ready for till the first of December However the contractors are being urged to complete the work at earliest possible moment so that cold weather Will not overtake Halloween The return of this Sainted occasion will be here is what is generally known as All Halloween when boys seem to think they have a license to destroy property and da ftbont as please If the authorized wbnld make it their bo sin ess to secretly more around a boat cue oclock in the morning we do would catch on somcisntly to pay them for their trouble and at the same time ingratiate the good graces of the general this tearing signa3 other was stopped in a town of this size Newmarket team this They have four matches Catch time and only lost one goal The record stands as follows Richmond afraighU Brock Toronto Bradford to Work on the for Water e is grcoioK slowly having greatly owing to quarry from Longford not coming as they However four fivo am trod nfl they pjtpeci finish In to of lAst the Inspector Of to qpthing to do with the con- doc l people the stnet ths and most look them but or anybody will him any reliable against illegsl ha will be only glad to aft promptly thereon i I Mi OH IN TOWN Broken While keeping fcr ife iho at a bone broken his limits it was done to quickly that he nil how It The however is having a Nat they kick against the team the Ontario College Toronto on the Exhibition Park here the ball to be placed at oclock sharp you hare not emq a game this go over and give a shont for home team that has a record worthy of Grand Stand reserved for ladies The Golden State We learn with much that Iter J Smith B who or eight years ago was in charge of the Presby terian Church here leaving Newmarket to become the pastor of a congregation in has returned to Canada on a deliver a lecture on Calif in the Church Wednesday let under the of the P C Daring his residence in Mr Smith became well and favorably known as an active warder and his old friends of all denominations frill gladly avail- of this oppor tunity renewing their acpaiDtance well as learning about a where many of onr fellow citizens health and a home A silver collection will be taken up at the door In silk wool and kid just in at Hughes a Methodist Church If eating meat my brother to offend I will eat no more meat while world stands This was Pauls declaration to the Cor inthian Church regarding personal rifice and upon it the Mr founded his discourse Sunday night J ft was a complete vindication of the prin ciples of the Methodist in refer ence to amusements and social cus toms of day admitting that not a law of these were innocent in them inasmuch as theiuilocnceon might prove and often did prove harmful we should Pauls trample rev gentlemans very pertinent re- amplified by illostrationa in the dally events of life which furnished pain ful illustrations of he cad effect of card- playing ballroom poolroom etc were in such a light as to com mand the approval of the vast assembly and exemplifying that the of the church aro reasonable and in harmony with Psuts theory obedience and duty Kelt Sabbath morning Oriftin of To ronto In the evening the pastors subject will be conqueror a coward a fool Winter Fruits The apple is to move and as the crop u only about one- fourth the ordinary quantity it will soon bo over are not giving figure and other small varieties of winter apples are offered per whan picked and left in the barn be called for The Northern and such large varieties command I860 per band delivered at depot who to have this clan fruit to cell will do well other prices The Market seems to be growing larger each both and quantity of produce offered Lota of trotter in lt Saturday and prices ran from and clean egg warn picked up readily at pet down but hen or having being pickled only brought and Ha Live Chickens to COo per aria dressed fowls lire ducks 5c Kx per pair live 40 each rested Go- per lb live per and lb- by the quarter Potatoes at per bag Apples per A Big Hotel In Toronto Eve and anon a report appears in Toronto papers- big hotel Daring the put the old again turned up in a new form- The now current that an syndicate together with three known Toronto financiers will make an effort to purchase the Confederation Life Building and adjoining property The present large building it is said only he part of the hotel which will occu py the whole block now bounded by Queen and Victoria streets The manager of the Confederate Life Association however says he not heard a word about affair Like previous rumors it will probably end in talk and in the court of time another scheme will be set afloat meanwhile Toronto will do without its big hotel- New Electric Road The To ronto of the says Work began on Toronto Electric Railway A contract has been let for fivo and a half miles Tbe railway will begin at the corner of Street and will run along Daven port Bead up road to Fore and thence to Park The contract calls for work com pleted by Dec York Association At an adjourned meeting of York County Constables held the Court House Friday evenly thai were BO county present It was resolved to form a County Association and fol the com year Toronto President John Savage Boyd Toronto D- WiUton Toronto Executive Committee Rob Hull Chaiman Stewart James Hodge JTBrown A meeting will be No Pain Lot of people A Terrys Parlor week Mil that their teeth vera extracted without the least pain new preparation does simply renders the gum The fluid whEeh is ejected is said to be free from any dangerous drag anil has scarcely any nor does it produce or other unpleasant after elf acts or At a meeting of the District Cotmcfl of of the County held Richmond Hill on the inkt following unanimously Rtu whereas the effects of seen on every hand in the destruction of life and pro tbe of men and women breaking op of homes and flood of and And whereas efforts by bands of Teen are being pat forth not merely for restriction bat for the total prohibition of the accursed traffic That wo on record out approval of the pursued by the great Prohibition Convention held in the oily of Toronto on Oct and and pledge ourselves to put our strongest efforts to poll Targe a when the Prohibition Plebiscite taken on Jan 1st 1894 Signed Matthews District Councillor Aurora J District Secretary Newmarket THESE IN OUR SPECIAL Vfr WP- NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS WEEK Mens Working Shirts Mens Fine Shirts Mens Cloth Caps Ladies Dress Goods IN OUR i a 35c 35c up 10c up J W STEPHENS Stove Skaps for This Week Coal Heater WO n it or i IB 1 n i 1 Wood Cook No ft Coal or W Q A Water at Last After vexatious trials and delays the wellborers struck water at last on Ttjnrsday evening of last week and has been exceedingly satisfactory roro the firet being beauti fully clear and not than fcvtr hours It has been a very well and the contractors have made day wages It was commenced 8inch pipe but owing to the nature of the strata encountered it could only be driven feet A inch pipe then put and at feet from the top it could be driven no further in the heavy pipe was telescoped gettiog thatfar causing great trouble and delay Then a inch was entered and at a depth of feet it struck the rock About another foot drilled which gave rent to the water and the beautiful flow which we have comes with great force alt the way up the 4inch pipe From the nature its base no further trouble is anticipated and the water sup- ply Is now ample to conie Tbe probable cost well is about Another and in this week at a Sale Register Oct Mra will Coo- of credit joint No John Not Sad Credit Sale of farm slock and belonging Mortimer lyt of of and under over amount month credit will ho on soles the last regular Union the ladies Home on week- The residence of CM Knatly and proceed in a their with them in order flu the inruatca a physical at well Kiel treat There are about In the Match The season iitt when irons are In and all kinds old reel aro brushed op for going all the way to of Mr Mills to an opportunity to try turkeys on lot on crjrtiidng at one Church Mr Hut morning and and sftUritrivcdhy of next week in former popular Jtor ii to lecture on Wfc in following aocjal and thank hrtJn places Following Mr to lead the The Kik Sheep Cask On So the of McClure v Hamilton and were charged with being own- ere of tho dog sheep on the 3rd of on his farm in the Old of Al together ilcpiuro had sheep arid lambs or worried left alive all bad The damage at the whole flock Judgment given- for the total damages claimed The owned by and were adjudgl as having along with another dog the ownership which was not clearly proven did damage the dog was proven to be long Lambert Hamilton of Mary Hamilton the charge against the latter and against was white conviction made and Hamilton for cash and proportion of coals lSdaya the balance of claim b dealt with Townthlp Council of King together with liia proportion of the cob La as the law recta value at A The Japanese last Friday nlght proved to a The room was JjioljrdcwraUdJn presided in during the rendering of a ptftin included rtelta JljfMiK by together The jilicrrrtti by Miss w KlVid Mi IKK At cuniij ft decided a to be or Ok trs of next Clerk had JWtysvstilty of Mr town m alw decided and trie way will likely be leal Ji On Main St with it- 11 My islior to w Main w The Street Association on Monday oven Ingtoaettteupfor After ten days buggy returned from shaken up and now he la holding the other until are ftrlJrfwn 10 and attended ad ford Fair last Friday and an aocaw The pantries suffered on their as cat up everything they could got bands on In Bradford 1 1 It bad hot so their would been a crowd at Tuesday night to giro the Jtrty a Dominion Hotel la aomi reialra In front Temperance workers not forget the Convention for York Sunt in Aurora Tuesday ItfsaH by the oldest whoever bo that the weather tills fall ever known In tlils section of the country 7SInco the have been up Mr J A Allarildeco appears to great it It tho wooden atrujturu in Mr if giving outside of his a coat of old K14 cattle at the north end being converted Into a doable ard alout worth improvement are lo 1j puc on It The hill on Huron has Wen and we hope that the Lad road of Spring nay never be Mariis the will be here to next Friday Mr Oliver has firing up boulevard Sudden Death A once interest ing figure in the local history of Toronto who had almost been lost passed suddenly away Monday morning in the Arcade We refer to of Mrs John Cook of Newmarket who is now tho only surviving member of the family an old lake captain and form erly a number of He had been ailing for a yeara and it was thought that the light duties involved in running an elevator would bo a help to Mm In his last remaining year Accordingly he atcured an engagement at the above named building on and went to work Monday morning At about ho waa found in one of apparently dead The fire man alarm and tho patrol wagon was sent for a doctor having pro claimed extinct His remainawere removed to the and the family and relatives of deceased at once of til occurrence in his pockets were found his lunch a of tea quite warm and a the ashes in which had not quite died out The bad been for yeara it was watched the whole brother of the famoua Frank who years ago took a named with a freight of Canadian merchandise to Africa He leave a widow and wren children four and three He a favorite with everyone who knew him GuVFs Boys Gloves and underwear A nice Uaghtt Anotiikr Fine weather and the of a flrstctsss game of drew a largo crowd to to tea match Bradford and tho heme team The came down with a strong combination and not afraid to let the know that expected to do them However homo team out In fall and although forward did not put up their usual team play the defence pot P At csllcd play the teams lining up as goal J McKay J I Irvine I Clark A halve I Graham J I Walt Cain I left Walker J wins centre Ceo Clark MOUNT ALBERT The Methodist church getting re- i Itcv Mr was inducted at the Presbyterian church as pastor of congregation The ceremony per formed by Revs McDonald and McKay Mr of Newmarket baa opened a singing hero with very encourage- prospects Leek is away teaching achoolfor the remainder of year A of boys broke the plate in Mr window which will cost about to and their fathers have to pay the bill Quite a lot of sports have gone North to hunt deer A new fenco is being built around the schoolboo so and not it was needed Mr Hunter hag bought Dr farm for and la going In to sheep raising Miss Darker has opened a afaop for custom Gent With cold weather come thoughts of warmer clothing The question of the hour is eshall I do my Buying With eyes to see ears to hear and tongue to question you can learn that N M ALLS IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOU A Suit or Overcoat We claim to know the quality and value of these goods therefore you can depend upon what you get here being as represented We are too jealous of our reputation to trashy stuff as good goods Call and inspect our stock N N St Newmarket MY TAILOR Our present stock of Clothing being far too heavy we have decided to reduce by onehalf by making ladies SUTTON Miss Clancy pf Michigan niece of the Rev Mr Martin minister Is a at the par sonage came by the Michigan Cen tral far The Michigan Central crosses Trunk at Hat- the of terrible rail way accident of last Friday morning The train by which travelled first passed the horrible holocaust filled with doctor and remen hastening from KalatooMoto the scene of disaster Ho horrible scene that one of the accustomed from girlhood to flew Buffering and death fell In a dead and had to be carried from the sickening The case of Mrs Van- of fa not horrible first reported to her out of a car window Superhuman effort made for but In vain A failing timber mercifully dispatched before the Are reached her She wag a teacher fa School of her place and sent araemgD to of boyi that alio a and meet her Her last effort in behalf of others A lltllo babe near her not her own was the last for whom she entreated flho her husband and perished In the illfated train Truly they who travel do at tho peril of their Uvea p aaav ST CHAT IN OP Black Worsted Coats and Vests Mens Tweed Suits Boys and Youths Suits Mens Overcoats of every kind Boys Overcoats of every kind These goods will he marked down by Red Ticket and there will bono deviation from said mark but it will be bo low that everybody will be satisfied that they are getting rare bargains and will at see the advantage of early buying TERMS STRICTLY CASH Oar Newmarket Markets Oct la CO COO Floor per barrel Fall Wheat Wheat per per bushel Oats per bushel- Shorts CO 17 a 0 is JO 006 a Bgm doa i Bolter per lb Bolter tab per lb aPotatoMperbeg Apples per bag Wool per lb A per Beef per pair Docks per Oavlr i a a a a 0U a 010 a a a all a a OCO a COM a a a a Oft a to r JoHiNG a a a a a a MLMHfckV Have new right J A- fi j won to kick fnlo about of visitors rnado a drop on jjosl and loins of tho KC- thinking was aside yelled at the goal keeper to It no fit did to and through It went ilils to up and this out wasnt In It Tito two Anting first half Mont- and Clark trick Id although the bail was on the visitors and many hots were one more gsme was adored putting tho hall through When time wan called the sooro st3 JJrsdford 1 A For the visitors flotberland at full back and and left wing up the Lest game and for home teem while all defence In fine form Walter Cain perhaps the Iar of day and his ranting ftnd iolck Iho Weill let see what can give in Cliil Chat this week No chestnuts you Considerable petty thieving is re- ported around this of the town ship Perhaps its a blessing to poor have nothing so recently up business in has taken his departure for more con genial I wonder if he did not give the or It have been vice versa Now supposing just that some of our young couples should go a stroll South of Sharon some dark evening It would l dollar to doughnuts that they would break some of limbs In the numberless holes in the sidewalks It really a shame that such a disgraceful walk should exist a menace topublic safe They are worse than the Bel- haven sidewalks and everybody knows arc the worst In the country About everybody in this district ready for winter Fall work is finished In applepie order The slow had better hurry up or theyll get their fingers nipped The crisis is passed the storm has broken and the wedding season has now Andy set the example Whos the next Know All For some weeks past about tons of hay have been shipped daily from Kingston to the United States and the old country Our Toronto Markets ON- SATUR O Wheat per Oeterbtulit- per bubal Rye per bathe omm roll ptf I tjhc4pakloi -mm- per ton- -p- Pork par pair per pair i I Oil oca on 0 Oil Ble Ofl BARGAINS Notice to Creditors PURSUANT to Itaslsed BlatnUs On- llKl8WChsplWBaoSACrtdflosaad I rto tUtatjolChM of who about iho ltb day IflaTOdlotoWDiUm of full tnluisvri lie the aid auti uu of Wbuurfl to of thill bid R BAM5L A the Price will be Low WILL HAVE- D OF GRAPES O OFFER SATURDAY than was ever seen In Newmarket before We have still a few Quinces and Tomatoes coming in The Best Yet Perfect SelfScaling Jar with Excellent Baking Powder for as ienls j New Codfish and Dried just Our mixed and Blended Tea still take the Old Price Again every week i NEW FALL DRESS GOODS are now our first of Fall Dresa Goods and would ask you to call and for yourselves Our Black Henrietta will be found to be the- best value in town Compare some of them and see Now is the time that people begin to think about Flan nels We have a splendid range of Flannels for the Fall Trade good value for tho price asked Cotton and Shirtings We have a full line of these everyday asked for articles and all we have to say about them is they the best wo can buy for money Our Groceries are all Fresh and Try our Blended Coffee at Also our Blended Tea- at cents Telephone Co Main St BLUE the tba to or Ihf Kara had at We can sell you Soap at Fresh Bulk Oysters us call Two Good Milt ROBERTSON Cows for sale cheap iArc not always a of intellect but they show a heap of sense when the sun is too bright for the eyes It Gives them so much and comfort a chance to get strong in fact and if ieople think youre wiser than you are why perhaps you are for This Comfort or luxury costs only asc v We have all sorts of Spectacles besides a assortment of Jewelry Watches Clocks and Plated Will bo pleased to seo you and you prices L ATKINSON MAIN ST OUTFIT And for W Hosts Power Co lo do

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