ERA DEC A- Now A Groat Montgomery School Electric To Electors farm fox Lloyd Dairy For a recent of the In oca of for Two fall In field and the develop meat at public meeting present a of bordering on lion If reports I in to bo ore tod foofci if TowDiWp will an en- lircjctftBgo or delegation to Iho Jr Life tai tig Bub NEVER LETS BUT GROWS BRIGHTER BRIGHTER WITH ISSUE Era is Printed all at Home on so FRIDAY DEC Toronto Despatch fetal tit Dec ISM Davit Qeta in suspected of old Port Creiit to where and be Brampton to For breaking store rtnd of batter rent to Central lor iingfccl- inside The Prohibiten evening The vote on the Prohibition Ques tion next Monday is an important one Some people ask What good it accomplish The value of it is this The moment that vote s passed we have knowledge- If on the of January the people of On tario manifest by the ballot box the stubborn fact that they are in favor of Prohibition people will have confidence to go to the men in 1 power and demand that the liquor traffic be stopped How many times we have had sympathy the ear nest advocates of prohibition as they have in deputations been met by representatives of the Government who are schooled in the art of not committing themselves and who use all the wellknown sophistry of the country rot ready for it etc- But if the temperance people secure the favorable vole ire believe trill be given they can then go to these men in a manner which will mean action could scarcely hope for the overwhelming majority of ten to one for Prohibition which ihe people of Prince Edward Island have just re corded but do look for two to one in its favor There will be a very broad vote it is practically manhood suffrage and in addition to the in fluence the ballot box will have upon the government regarding future action we may mention the following reasons why we expect such a large majority to make their mark opposite Yes Many young men will vote for the first time What a satisfaction it will be to them to look back from the years to come and say I cast my first vote for prohibition There is no political contest in volved no Grit or Tory pulling this way- or that Because it will be taken on the first day of the week when the people have just come put from Sabbath vices with their thoughts upper most and the benediction of rest ing upon them Because the barrooms wilt be closed on the Saturday night and we have two solid days and three nights of total prohibition It is the first day of another year the point from which com mence right It is very desirable that we all start with a vote that will say arc in favor of our homes and country Vote Yes and it will be seen that the politicians are as much afraid of the paper ballots as lead bullets Shower them in Let us bury the liquor traffic forever Mi is Mr Woollen Detroit is rath Vifa it holiday Mi Forest 2tfiss Browo of Victoria jntro is with illas of Toronto Christ mas with Clara 5lr3- Rhpcc spending Christmas holidays ha ton at Sir and John Millard her in Hfiv Aurora Rev J Christmas eve Miss Penrose got from to Christmas at bam Mr Jacob setting again and also Sir Low is Mra of Ayr her rislor of Ave Miss from where she finm- holiday P Miller school etcher at is op old frirnds wouad Persia of Toronto vndjntf holiday Millie PeH Mr the cut Mr lb J of re Mr aod ferine Mr art their teiUlaioenl alrax oece4i- J barton a to we two Mr Mr Hunt Use aooor Hoofa miller la IS for the P an of SOD over a proportion of a aP aolo by TENTH LINE KING Mr VhO Mr la A eoowrt In the ere lut well aHcaded Of en fa la lio for now ihobeuo iheaa rijrj at are jobo Cberr who at at- tending Knoi Colics a very lt niruft lfr CIiA Grabber pat another pea- for last Monday morning a bx A of SHARON- to twice on Appropriate rra and a food imon cborcb decocted lu aoee On rcck ilra It tioedkia to btarllljr school to Bond Uefdfl home fortbflbolt- baa bean IIW- prooitr aal Mr Mr Martin IVtroll Mr iJillor firmly aod Iter Mr cbtldeo atr Mr UtnBribu and Mr a new flitch a great the jD0e what will give lion CEDAR Grippe is master of the situation out well as other places Mr Joshua Tripp succumbed to it on Christmas day ami ple are from t at andoitr plaints Mr arrived from Dakota a few dap ago He has been away a year and a half and the youngsters are glad to welcome him back again Family gatherings were order last Monday and those who with horse and cutter had to go home through mud and rain Mr J Stephens of Newmarket has bought the Taylor homestead and will move thither In the A goodly number of people turned out to hear Mr Gibson talk on the question on Wednesday HOLLAND LANDING quietly lion wcolr Ilia And are for their Information and Internal in eleclrio poire We arc aorry to report the death of of Toronto of Mr on Thursday of Mr and hare tillage in amotion always full of health and ipfrita took hold of her and away oclock A number of were in tillage over Oar lick long If gradu ally off for and fire for Council lore School Poard eleotect by liou Hharn Morton and Chapman Christmas afternoon in attended and the decoration and bright added to effect offertory to Commute ion on Sunday and Monday about people in all the Mora- meat There ii to be a midnight service to in the New Year beginning at 1130 on Sunday night EGYPT WHAT TO market feci Mar Toronto for ho coming were by taction on Friday and bronght The of West Cattle Market were day to the feed from the tamo k to the man Who so It wld and now hat to resident of Mr A got a Cbriitmat Box the of an from Dominion Monday announced that he had teen Dp Ontario A an telegram from After being out an hour and a half In trial of Conductor on the of in the Or trunk at llatio Creek on October by which live were toil even- In a verdict of not guilty The verdict If generally to bo a a at the of Mm Davis Park Ave Messrs and J aomtupnutd by their Minnie and Clara Latvia of Hill spending Willi their I Mr Harry got hack from on llay and intend remain in loftil till next Spring Mr John Wilson of Midi brother of Mrs is holidays io town and vicinity His entertained her Class at The on Wednesday evening a very pleasant time is reported J Davie Esq P P who in at the political meeting in last Saturday gave the a tall lie baa been laid up with la grippe Ma confined to the with an attack of La which prevent him getting around among electors St Patricks Ward much to bis regret Police tratefor District and a former merchant of Nonmarket was in town last Saturday calling on old friends- He looks hearty dealing out justice agrees wilh of Toronto here nearly all of week and remained till on account father illre3 The has quite lowbot is slightly improving Sep of Barrio was hero for Christ- ma Mr John of West Toronto Junction one of oar former citizens four or five days with town last week During the last two he has been working in the Chicago and ho to go spring though family will still at Junction The following Christmas in Mr J- A- Burgees of St Catharine Mr Will Montgomery of Mr Lloyd of Sudbury Mr A of Kingston Dr Clay ten from Mr commercial traveller Dr of and alio Mr of Aurora Mr of Mr Chu Stock- of Mr Jot Kennedy and wife of Miss Warner of Wei Mr John of South Dakota In his write Wo always enjoy weekly visit of your paper We boo much in the paper about bard and suffering in western tte bat far we failed to any coffering In our community t is true thoro la a falling off aa there Is all through the United State wo feci lei here older settled stitcr there fewer men depending on wane for a living following from Toronto spent hero Mr and Fred Hate I iff Mr Montgomery and family Mr and wife Mr J Slfarker and wife Mr Henry with his mother and brother Mr Silver Mrs Blocking and Miss Mr and Miss Green Fred Knowfei A and Will Oliver Fred Art Low And John Gardner la A folk took in the conceit and as Willi her Via week from W a month or What takes aa many of men to Church bo tfao Van solve the toco from the who lofau driving last Friday Tbey nearly ovarii The cue of a bo Prof- Kent lectured In Tuesday temperance at Holt evening- Sbaronls part of the and family market am Sharon Itellevlllr ait Friday were attendance forjears vbkb could be taken ad pat are present were elected by would hi been elected but as was to bo a vote no the Plebiscite Mr decided to try bis lock once more for seat to tbecounclt An and reipeeted resident of bis away on Friday the of Mrs Samuel Winch after a loo and lever lllnss for Ibere no human aid JT funeral took on Sunday tail to ceme tery The bare sympathy of many In time of trouble pupils of IbHjuoLIni school annual entertainment Friday alter noon and by a number of their parents ad friends- A very enjoyable time At of program a of the pupil advanced to platform aid leachtr with a Family and an addrers by air entirely taken by but roads a very suitable reply very quietly the of will see that the polls on Monday arrived on from foraibort of over a visit to relative The boy very much at present oath lake Silas a of Is spoDdJnje her holidays Miss will each at the neat year Mr will wield the pointer at school- the trtutce of both sections on sneh efflclent teacher John is the happy mother of an box The Methodist people intend hold ing their annual on New Years evening Mr of the township of Whitchurch has rented Mr dwelling on and We and is moving in town Mr Tench of the Htm of Ross Tench lias Klines property north of Mr and has fauuly here Mr Richard Ross has his share the firm of J Ross to Mr Tench and the partnership has been disgolved Messrs J If Ross and Mr Tench formed a joint stock company limited The Royal Company have for an extension of lime of ten days from the council enable them to complete the of the town and make arrangements for putting in plant We are pleased to learn they to have the plant in run order by the middle January at least MOUNT ALBERT acd Terry ore bo cue for holidays A In live vlilsjenn Mr and family are a J io Harris the about Mr Turner and Crosby brothers Monday ielr Mr- bis been Detroit or week forafev days vacation American life to be agretlujr villi On Mr Hnjl at prices to uli the timer We tblok all who Is said bo annual Sunday School entertainment Id Connection ihe socially at ItaiL chil dren acquitted themselves nicely and every thing to aatlsfacloHly to PfCit annual by tresby I will held on palm are belof pre ration of children tor duties for with tue cantata rail it a 1n yeorina Donald McDonald by Mr for Hubert is by Flea running Mr- A for the council but ground that the old council had dona 7WJtotly N and he wall alone Mr lost nine recently and There no to thecal beldberelaslThurs day ravor of pcoblbtloo and by Mr Martin and Mr Jobo ttoj nod friends of the Sunday a tree on Friday very enjoyable speuL dialogue aud Mr art let Uarltn Mr y and wife Mr ani Miss talent tree literally covered pupils of iba Fchool their Mr James Cock- with writing gift very appropriate a Mr has In hi in Sunday School work Mr Andrew Hunter of Newmarket our fair dsubler A few lot loiato it of both to a rinks be resident of brides father where were presented and well eifrvMfd- The left for tbetr heme newmftraello week with of tbo a lUUebettfr ef on wo hop been re garded re ahotd Hugh on tho at of hit daughter Mrs KM red in Stock ton California at Tears and IB days Mr was third son of the lata David of Sharon and was the first white person born In York County of the Oak date being 2nd There being little in days bis radio a common He worked farm with his father and brothers ho attained manhood when after being engaged In boot and shoe business for a tftne ho entered into partnership with Mr Charles of Aurora in keeping a general store ho on hi own account hot being unfortunate was obliged to up all to his creditors and that not being ho sailed Capo Horn to California in ho to meet all claims against and returned former home He tho of Clerk and Treasurer or for a after which ha was appointed to a In in Toronto and also for a tin a ho retained an til when ha Ho then to where bo resided until the death partner lx ago when again returned living bis daughter until his death Mr to Miss WiDsou of Co- New York and tbo rjult of their union a family of ten child run of tfhoni only survlvo him born al so a stage in the history of ho what it to endure the and trials of our pioneers In politic was a life long Liberal His religion wis that which hi lito father viz Children of Peace He waa a true friend a kind and father His charity was boundless lie was a firm believer mercies of an Providence his cod was peace ffeto 9beHiiTei3J8 HALL STOCK TAKING SALE NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT School Books AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES Central Telephone WN STARR i Three colts valued at apiece to Brett were killed on the track near Thompson ville Burglars entered the of Thome of A Don dale secured in cash and a hank hook and then wrecked the household furniture In two weeks we lake slock and arc determineU re duce all Fancy China and Novelties away down Allen Howard Allan J- red Blocking Win Matrons to any ma the next Dominion eke lions In making Inroads on onatilieiicea ly capturing aafllclantteata of the ffcct to they will all the party advantage afforded by prominent hi Patrons platform Conformity of eltctra to county as for municipal so far as of by population this should Whitchurch and will no long fcnovn a Wot On tario and wo would feci a great deal more at home fast annual inciting of the Conservative Association of took place at Ivy After electing for ynr Col- mrnlr for the delivered an then named to a Convention for ho nomination of a candidate tor West to the Ontario Hernia A confidence In Col as their In the fjomlnlon soptij of In he loader of the In it the candidate In filmed for the and Mr for the In West JJoVU o the have hitherto with ConttfrvaUre Wasnt it lisippoimin sec hare- ground on after the so for a ride only a or Iwo one a drive had to clirnb the wheels The of banquet- on of last week was very good but on account of the bad state of there not a It did nt take to fix the council in place this year Each kept position which shows that they for once Mr spent his Christmas- at his sisters Jai Mfeh give a good temper ance vote Monday Miss of Toronto sirtr is visiting at Mr J an a I tils and vicinity Miss M M is back from Toronto where the has- been for vera months Wonder if ihe and June- lion wedding look place on It made no difference to the young of this vicinity as regards they look their jaunt on day QUEEN ST CHIT CHAT The school on Thursday Stat It was a afTalr and led much credit on thatfaebers entire program was atveo by pup If was appreciated by public as was by the of hall and by hearty to each TbailnslnftCallitheDlo an fancy drills ladlesln broom 111 for future If from lint of doty as they will wallop very little lets In doll drill was perfectly aod Won applsnse and a double a vole of thanks to the for excellent and by Aylward and unanimously carded to replied on and col seuo At of tba pro rata came of A number of young folks a a room I am sorry to die program Mr the Nolb sedtl0J3 had a and bow our municipal look round ktMlng tba as be after eating so rtda Andy you all know Andy took usual rounds Alt well until on On a simple youth from to run by applied the five a and down Atxr to drlrsr and woo but on port holt ha pot hard a port and on the retained his hold on lines nod wltboulxnuCbdimigf of and distribution of astonlibtd for grippe Is taking a Home two wupnd a WO It in wtiipcoy op In whirl of dry A certain of laid totUitDX is rtor To ehcton of York f We o- your vote and If wn take a or It tit trioo to whom arrl ruin tor or sencxattvn grsnnytAlp alio It grip en Sir brought here from Toronto for on Ho formerly to Scott public School pupils a grand at schl op Thursday of last week It was ra On there was or ispxuaso of hotel been spill had tbo two not been parted- A la very a lot of shaking Mr splendid tattling no Tuesday night a good temper to bo Albertnsxt Monday Terry was cut In bend by the day was driving to tba station with tbrea In a In turning the corner cutter slipped other Injury of who vrjiy low The school on Friday evening last was a The children did part well credit on their Waul Ward left for her home Barrio on Saturday election Is not earning excitement In old bury year as both and Deputy aro elected by acclamation but ft ficnef opinion that it will bo a coo test between the Councillors aa are only four to field Mr of Newmarket occupied the Mathodlat Church last Sunday and dare a vary thoughtful aer Is to preach next Sunday morning will bo no vIoelntheOTealng The skating on the bay fa splendid since thaw tea will bo thick enough to carry a team Motion from with parents Ira Morton Mr ana Mr Charles returned home last week from They apparently had enough of lumbering Mr and Mrs from the home for the Christmas boll days Keawlck and vicinity will ff pretty strong prohibition on Monday but to say we have who profits to bo follower of Christ and are opposed to prohibition Wednesday evening Mr Worthy Patriarch of of and Mr Provincial License Inipect a meeting hero in Tent- Hall In favor of prohibition both of these gentlemen are very earnest In appeal to the and carry with them very convincing Mr Brooks numerous speeches down tho As for Mr occupying posh lion of Licence Inspector if he were not very conscientious one would ex him to apeak In favor of inatcad of total prohibition La grippe lias a Arm hold on people In community When once it Into a family It dont respect member moro than another Postmaster Morions family alt affectod our yoQag ladles whoso beauty Is excellence determined If there any fair play to obtain the prUe by a theatrical for best looking show dm not rnatcrisnto owing to Inclemency weather and somebody The funeral of Mrs Winch look on Key Thompson SUTTONp Our municipal election was all finished tip on nomination day and the old village fathers good men and will again guide the ship of state- litile interest ii taken in the vote for or against Church etc make busy times for Chutch and Sunday School workers but the weather brought disap pointment in most cases Rain for St James Church on Friday a partial blizzard for Knox Church on Monday a real blizzard for the Meth odist Church on Tuesday and rain for Egypt Christmas Tree on Friday However the anniversary of Knox on a fine and forge congregations listened to Rev J Cafneron of who preached able and sermons full plain practical gospel truth The Monday evening entertainment was a success though the timehon ored tea and cake were left out of the program The Rev Mr Cam erons addresies both on Sunday and Monday long be remembered by those who heard him and he will a hearty welcome whenever ho can pay Sutton another visit The Presbyterian manse notwith standing the inclement weather was filled by a pleasant company on Fri day who came surprise parly to Rev and Mrs After kindly greeting and words of cheer they left as towns of their love and esteem for their pastor and his good wife a beautiful set of dishes and a handsome cutter robe besides other tokens of good will Kind hearts are more than coronets and simple faith than Norman blood Com FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A Embalming A SPECIALTY IN and ALL OUR see goods and get prices TO HE CLEANED RIGHT OUT DINNER TOILET GREAT BARGAIN I REMOVED TO JHMILLARD AWAY DOWN ALSO OUR GROCERY STOCK Is too heavy and must be reduced OUR LARGER PREMISES Where will be able to show you goods to better and a larger than ever You will find our prices to suit the times Remember the Mace So 1 Millards Block OST A Km cuff to rtao ihttoffli Iwo Royal Telephone St Toronto on Sun December lawRJLlolouo I Kln IFio JftVgbtcr Id K tog wlfacfOeo on Deo of a ibotflfo of Jr of Dee by Hot A- ton of Mill of A flIoaUiif EXCELSIOR COFFEE is finest in town and that AN is the beat value offered lbs for Special for Raisins Come and see them R A SMITH LEADING GROCERY PROMPT DELIVERY Main rf Timothy His S WANTED room ooeolAij occupied Apply to To the Electors ORDERED NORTH bit icr4l am fjtrt CLOTHING it unit tfJrv to to VajtllteipAcltallrp JOHN To the Electors OP EDO1H130ULT0NO Holland Landing Art and AIquc4 d0ploO follOfrlaff IMS nil oil iidowilkt J lumber J report ndoduptofbocUofHoa Micoi to held Mot at Halt all read Ddcco- flrajcd ion Council io a road Heidi at on of J on of loti for lownlln north flrovc to fit anlAlllnflUIoKdttcb lOrh coo 1 1 M Jacob Marker of dose error Joha VQKoMraod loin lie and prraa 9Ti cot It- No JIM Jo calt err tut lull and W U- travel for railing gravel Smith lilt TO It No cod J A- A No ft coo wood gravel for culvert coo Oldeia Slake IT gravel for Heal to draper pitted condemning ibo a road for toad bedi of coo of tho ido of road bed town Uvea of luUlo order- lha a to loa to for woof tor correct lax fund of for to and to claim for John to bo ibo pay ibo lector ito aurd of J 3 Hurler labor tax appgtctlog to road Toronto oa of J Co IMS lata On ja aoQ J of ia by ltov Jo at Alfred to of Ibo of Klog en of to Atthartaldenca of father on by Jtav J Hell ot Newmarket Dr WaU0n ibo lato Walton of Ma Mr of hippy coil pi look role oca to la KdworJi of North train atiild to At MooioQooeof villa by to Mhfl Tomb- Klo 16th loit Hutu of 67 Br l Hoot- of on of Jwh- y SrjXHTlEi tho Doc formerly of Holland In her bo hived wjfo cf of iooof Holland Sofa lu BOO Of w married J all but two formerly Iho when In Toronto lit rhumb- on Hun faa by tov w at M J MAIN NORTH or All will and prompt atltotlon NEWMARKET Dairy Association or Stock holder A of tha above In Newmarket loth at oclock p liy order FARMS FOR SALE win JL lAfeottotnuoji NO MORE COLD FEET I M INSOLES I Keep Foot Warm Cure and Id And Invaluable for Had a en a Microbe PER CENT DISCOUNT OFF ALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY TERMS CASH ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES Montgomery Son East YOUR VOTE And Influence are solicited for GE For POLLING M Li for ft Box Vleno UNDY for 1894 lb leal of lb- to I lbs for lie tot taken Groceries All Farm exchange Bakery BRUNTON BROS Our stock is badly broken up but we good bargains still left As we near close of our have plenty of 1 bo fl3h of fiumbdr W ihl Tccdef tQt or IorfatlticrpirtlcoHra apply making still greater reductions in many goods at HALF THE COST PRODU business career we are prices and are selling UNION