Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1893, p. 3

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I ON a TOWN Court Church Pastors vill place in Iho Trie licit for 7 n- camber will probably hs and of School Promoted from Mid Promoted Jr to fuller Aubrey WiliMp JEti nl Marshal Light Have you of and fro- bit fcjrascgit3 making which lor bat everything iitjwcsk find night interruption which to School Inspector a month Atbs to thai MheKhooI The and io their work And of if goovl rtilnUco J principles of teaching ii Inching of attention of it is laird St Churcil The attend- hardly a MiisIdirEibit m ft Tt fcWlli doors much to jtf li The well number of the lat to attend- nisnOtcd to Mid will be held itoljinfct p in od it ti Kill of of Now ud Newmarket Last If Krxii members of and tbocburmiaof School Board down to train from Toronto Hon Ross Mr MAim and Edgar School the Model the Town WaterWorks Do- Model School was Minister of ft wordi to In ri iniiooj which were greatly apprtot- were wry prettily fenioi for the The Mack- aiibMr wen ad- ad artistic by aiLi room and Mist q bad in addition ifcnlacdUoeir design on the lit The vhiton highly pleased At jai school at noon Friday in Mis Evans room Hanging a A report of appears on the School Acain All public Rod High whcola Id Wednesday for Dig winter term which without a break till Our A of Mr Win- Willis in Whitchurch I of age it giving the family anilety to born down among tion been to pltM bint in the Christmas In the midst of his Mr ffm did not omit to send for to A J for the ol to bo distributed among the poor of of lady named tflono on the road to was on Wednesday rooming by a neighbor who called to ec hen was around the homo day feeling poorly Drowsed of A wellknown dent of St Mr Edwin who lias an active in fcluo politics of latOyoan peuod away on after a short funeral scrvico ooX place in St Chnrc A Great Idea The enterprise of China Hall in having a photograph of the Model School to aod pistes Bailable for Chriilross of the own a taking card and a few days clMneti the after they Vkrv Who was not at weather on Christ mas Day Such splecdid bad been enjoyed for two or threo previous that no the merry bells would jingle Monday alas snow bad almost entirely disappeared the early morn bid fair for a day by two oclock more set in and it was able Next morning registered neatly zero Separate School- concert in school house last Friday night was a decided success singing credit upon the while precision of their in fan drill sunflower etc was a complete surprise The place jammed full and is to bo complimented satisfaction given At the Wednes day all the retiring trustees were re elected namely Messrs Kennedy and Teal Public Reading Institate for yean been desirous of extending falness to the by estab lishment of a Public Holding Room bo tho of expense greater than they tee their way through Mr Alderman has made a liberal offer to Board and looks as the reading toon beoomo a reality in course of a few weeks of with the movement are ticket at one Industrial Home The Cora- meet the Home All having the the meiti to to come A number ram Aurora the Industrial Friday the their ddos1 cooustiog of uid together with coffee And cilo It enjoyed by them Another death the Home on Wednes day in the person from at age of year De ceased had a sore foot Which ran into blood and mi the of death A Idea There seems fvA of finding fat lie ice the area of lfcra of published in of the Km and Mr itacfc calls oar attention to rumor by tome candidates for office in that is elo some of her territory local exchanges made fecce to the action of the Council as Inbii earplue of farm or lfc w to town 2 wrong are not territory of by soma tie pert of the town was placed le limit of lot Kb the north- J of lot 35 eg rods of within l1ie having Pj Incorporation a road ta and which faUcfnUintdjoiniiy by area to be j j that lle lite known as Huron J of second concession of Second street of Huron street SNcSAtE Roche I a commence a prico Ltir tux of Mantles Overcoats aci Stw Crockery and Jtsl Goods on morn Js Jlthe stock of Messrs Sutherland coats on dollar This is a money 2j and heavy sates may be account tniivn falling- Monday fiatnrday Christinas rXUr and they both excel last My why too for Toronto I it cot off a com- were 0 I or mi lot for from and from 30 5J was not much or offer Hi Apples barrel and Piles or New Cheaper than Jobbing Goods at The Toronto Legal Candidates for honors most remember that in order to qualify for office their realty mast bo seised for necessary of all liens or also that no candidate can who has a contract with or a tenant or a paid officer of the corporation These points have been decided over and over again in the law coasts As these objections will prevent John and Hunter from taking their scats if elected they both wish to say that they are not candidate Their friends that have already promised will understand situation This leaves St Ward elected by acclamation i St Johns Festival The follow ing officers of Tuscan Lodge A were duly Installed last Wednesday even ing Bra it Farncomb Chaplain T Hiram J E Win James Chsrlcs ERA DEC St Johns Special will bo hefd on Now Years Day at Mr P occupy Hie In hero both In King pm Worlds Fair best slere- country to bo given In Town Heir market on Monday of Jan Farther neat wt Society Annual of Upper Canada Bible Society will bo held In Chnrch on Friday re ports will bo present and for year At the close of the an may be ex pected from Hot Toronto It it hoped there will bo a general attend of their intern in this work What is Time That never called ftpaceaod the on number diya of To many it hsi been a of Borrow and appoint This time to make rood An is to for Prohibitum Mon day and in this connection rcolro abstain from he of intosirAlmg fior9 a from date forth aincerdy trust that ttui year tnay bring health and to all a inciting On afternoon ladies decided to hold two on election day in the factor of the Methodist the of which has been kindly granted by the Morning meet ing from to afternoon Meeting from to a few and interested in this matter invited to rop in it only for a A meeting of the at the rcflieuce of neit afternoon About hill past nine Christ mas eight an alarm of was on the Water whistle There no necessity of the alarm being given aa it was only a chimney Great of Mr Perkins and the engineer of brigade was watching its Quite a crowd collected but it was not thought to even bring and the whistle fire People should exercise caution in the fire alarm The whole town not be thrown a of for a trivial BriefletSo The days will soon commence to lengthen man mourns now becanse ha cant loose grip One doty of the boor it to keep tbe clean While driving down Timothy St a farmer down and pretty nearly polled harness ail to pieces Saw logs were rolling in pretty while the snow lartedMr Geo Partridge picked abnnch of in hi garden on Christmaa day How thai for a cold like Canada Another combination occupied town hall last night If yon can find a country paper printed In Ontario that give mora local news lor a dollar than the we would like to e it thawing and freer- hare made the sidewalks very Mr got a bad fall and we have heard of other who have received alight All bntcbera bad a fine of beef and Mr not behind thereat School had a entertainment last night Sutherland Bros Stock The late of mil commence next Tuesday morning It waa bought at by Roche d Co at 61 cents on dollar Cash Roche Co Intend to remove the atock into their own premises and offer their own at prices with It a A O Ue The election of for took place on Tuesday evening with the following Foremen W Recorder Financier Receiver I Watch- Watch mights W Of Jot It A Jacob Bock J A arktt carried a wr dirtier th0 ma wm tt WeVster rlssof and A VmiriFt BO SK izU W bleieas ISO lsiK I W of butter Collins Oliver Io V Phillips Alt It will take place on hut Reform Meeting The annual meeting of tbs North York Reform elation took place In on Sat- last when the following officers reelected for the coming year Wm Cane Vice Dr Coulter 2nd Vice Chat A Treasurer Randall Randall A rcsolatlon of condolence was passed Conveying the sympathy of the to family of late John Jarala- A discussion thtn took place on the of candidate In the field for the next Provincial Election and it was finally decided to a Public Meeting Hie fttyn Hall Newmarket- on the of January or that purpose Beat The of told retail in sold by AColut week on ll day anercnloit repaired kfoele iqoaey Prohibition Misting Thelown hall about filled on Wed- night to hear Mr Job of on the Prohibition Qa est ion Mr chair and a choir of tang soma gospel bytnna whllo Iheandfencewere gathering Rev John led in preyer after which the speaker of the evening was in troduced and for two whole ha pro arguments financial and historical facta from daily and many other evidences In favor of tbe toteP pro hibiten of the Jlquor traffic well wont to prove that the elector who by fala ballot in granting a license is a party to lata Honor nigh only to Intense the holder to get money beck Ho Sir Oliver that the liquor traffic la respon sible for of the crime in this country and the Police Records of To ronto show that tralo in drink la responsible for per cent of its business Ho roasted the who gave evidence and stated that bo would favor prohibit loo if the were great enough and argument Mr Smith that always was drinking and would bo held to ridicule example of licen sing man to steal he showed the oven to regulate wrong between prohibition and rcttrlction clearly defined and ample given to prove notwithstanding that was contrary to the of the that It ex isted Canada and constitutionality bad never been Tho Of the people of Canada for Infant In- dastrlci In and twice since was turned moat beautifully and mncb that we think the clothes he Is Selected than boy himself truo National Policy fait now fa to protect homes forgot party and the country He gave provincial to that even the Act a great aucceis In lessening consumption and crime and the absurdity of the revenue compensa ting for the loss of COCO lives year in Canada was Illustrated The lecture throughout was exceptionally interesting the speaker proving that be was well op In history of nations and individuate end able to with every objection against prohibition liquor traffic On motion of Iteove Cane seconded by Alderman a vole of thanks given to Mr for his able meeting closed the National Anthem and bcntdlc by Hoy Mr Thompson Municipal Election Members the old conned all re tHTDoI by acclamation as follows J toX lit Deputy A 2nd Deputy 3rd Ji Cherry was held io account the storm the attendance was not largo The following nominations were made For Reeve A Baker For 1st Deputy For 2nd A Haines Raker Albert After the boar for receiving nominations Mr Baker withdrew his name as a candidate for the office of Reeve thus leaving the by ac clamation Chairman and the proceedings of agreeably The sad of of Mr a gentleman who filled the office of 1st Deputy for a of years with the best satisfaction waa in the minds of the elite tor ami a was passed extending to bereaved family the heart Ml sympathy of all present took place at Sharon following candidates lying by the Clerk For Reeve Pegs John A Ha mi den resigned For DcpnlyReavo For 5nd John Carry Julia ft Hopkins For Councillors Mark signed A Uriah Aaron Abb At the etplration tho Mr John A was nominated and each of the There a gootl proceedings very orderly The electors will have opportunity of making fit crosses on each ballot Noam The D John A was elected by acclamation There were nominations for Councillors John Hamilton John John Silver Ira tfortou Drap er The lut two resigned while leaving three to elect out of four For Donald aid and Armstrong for Teunyaon Johnson and John Taylor tho time for closing the nominations arrived there was a good attendance of electors in Town Hall The Clerk then announced the following liit For Mayor J Woodcock J Robertson Lloyd Win Cane For Reeve Cane For J Woodcock For Georges Ward A I A Hauler St Andrews Ward II Lloyd John P Roche Ross St- Patrick Ward J J P John Bennett For School Trustees St Georges Ward J P Belfry and St Andrew Ward St Patrick Ward J Davison Mr Belfry reigned before which left the three trustees elected acclamation As soon as the were dosed a poll was demanded on behalf of several candidite the meeting organized for speaking by asking Mr Allan to the chair Oncoming to the platform Mr- Allan remarked that although he did not vote for Mr Lloyd ha bad made a much better Mayor than be expected Mr J Woodcock the first can- called upon and be was glad that people take an interest In nomin ation meeting even they do not attend meetings Council He thought the office of Mayor be open to those who serve at Council Board and though was not a candidate for position just now he hoped at some future time to have distinguished honor of Chief Magistrate of Newmarket Mr J Robertson in his opening re- cooks ability Integrity Daring the year which he Robertson had served the Town elector to and he would be glad to see the day when all canvassing should be prohibited Be had sought to the best of his ability to serve the town and be felt reason of his services he had a fair claim to honorable position Should the voters see fit to elect him as Chief Magistrate he would take it as a very great compliment IT Lloyd said that It had only been a to him to servo in the capacity of Mayor for past two He alluded to his remarks the last time that ho asked for the of the people that his weak point was in discharge of magisterial duties bat ho Suitings At the A LARGE STOCK NOW IN OF FINE SCOTCH TWEED FANCY CHEVIOT AND HOP SACKING BLK ENGLISH WORSTED COATINGS BLACK AND FANCY PANTINGS BEAVER AND MELTON Overcoatin WITH VERY BEST TRIMMINGS Your choice of any tailor in town to make the garments up LOWEST CASH PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R J DAVISON A QUESTION OF DOLLARS CENTS wanted to nublicly acknowledge that Mr Woodcock bad been bis right hand man and did most of work for him The heavy tinea he tho first year had the of reducing revenue from that source this year but he claimed that moral standard town bad been raised During the past year had been spent on rood and bridges Including the two now Iron bridge The Water Street bridge coat for the super- for the masonry Tho Queen Street bridge cost 9B0O He hoped tho town would continue to and and retired favor of Air Robertson who he waa aura would repre sent town with great satisfaction to the citizens thought there be a young man elected in each ward go that the work of tbe Council would become familiar then they be qualified to take places of when dropped out Ho was a candidate if elected prom hta power town This closed prooeedioga- Tbe following caudidatea since re signed Lloyd electors will there fore have a ballot to mark in favor of three Councillors each ward taking pick from the following St Georges Ward A I A E T Andrews WardJohn BCody Roche Rosa Starr St Patriots Ward J P Hunter John Geo Election by acclamation MayorH J North Ward Coulter If Raid I Ward S Baldwin Jacob Anderson J Knowleal Booth Ward Rogers Dr Lloyd Trustee Thorn Bailey The school were elected by acclamation but the usual election is on for Corpora representatives For reeve and Fort- Art Duncan Bell Hodges Lane and W I Johnson Councillors Price Kemp and by ROBERTSONS BAKERY at Have you had any of those Choice Blue Raisins were offering We only- have a few left Ask for prices That English Breakfast Japan Tea 30C- or lbs for i Is- a ASK FOR OUR SENSATION BLEND COFFEE IS VERY FINE CROSSE I GIUARiys STEPHENS Testers HighClass Candies always on hand Vv Sweet Oranges Malaga Grapes and Valencia Oranges SERVED IN CITY STYLE Sensible persons are no longer carried away by sensational advertis ing No matter bow much is prom ised in newspapers Hie comple tion of a purchase resolves itself into a question of dollars and cents and the wise buyer takes into account how much he can save before patting with his money Knowing this we merely ask your attention to the following you Call Will you Examine We leave the rest with your own judgment It is a question of dollars cents We are showing a fine assortment of Drees Goods in all the newest Shades Glove Hosiery Silk Handkerchiefs Gents Furnishings etc Christmas Groceries Fresh and W W PLAYTER Telephone Connection Main St WE OFFER THIS WEEK lbs Japan Tea regular for 100 New Currants and at 6 AC AH Groceries equally Our Groceries are always fresh Give us a call Wishing my many patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year A3 MAIN St See Wide At Toronto Jobbing laic forget to on Monday playing To Town Council Lonkihl yoar for five oclock Saturday morning a thief killed by policemen while attempting to enter itoit Detroit highly at prospect ol arriving at a on mayoralty without a contest- Mr be had always a straight- forward man and his long ex perience Jo Council gave him every Salification in municipal matters to of office In a satis factory citizens we bavo reason to bo of Improve ments and be thought as a rule people were satisfied with the work of last council He not a candidate The Clerk then declared Mr duly elected Mayor for by Mr Cine a short of expenditure past year refer ring to for now School the debenture for which wlilfai due year falling bow tower which added the drilling of the new well which all expenditures to success or the Water- also that figures as esti mates bad been fully realized lie spoke of action of the County Council with reference to the Water bridge and why tho grant was not larger than Although not much Interest mani fested by of at the Council meetings ho paid a totboHfu reporter who was very often I resent and kept lh citizen J Woodcock said the peoplo must In him or not him by acclamation lie spoke of Council and also the for reducing area of the town on the north In order locompelltbe Township East to pay their share of main tenance If Street which will thon bo the Town Lino to tbo corner of Canes Factory Year after year Newmarket kept this up at lis own expense white tho township got the benefit of increased by reason our improvements Last yea they paid M and this year they to pay one third of the amount ex pended- v onehalf We by giving Huron street will bo belter than going into a lawsuit experi ence of Whitchurch In getting stuck for 8700 this year la not plesint to anticipate- Ho then referred to the School Amend- Act of by reason of which received additional grant to Ur W it the first time bo hid honor of appearing before tho electors as a candidate The response the people of given to the demand for Improve meat that our citizens ate gent to the highest Our works are andll would tribute to return all the old Council- Ho was not a candidate Hunter candidate to respond on by lb8 chairman ST- NORTH The entertainment and tree in connection Kith Poplar S- was held on Thursday of last week and was a grand success The Rev Mr ably filled the chair Mr Belfry of Newmarket was present and gave a short but interest ing address The proceeds of the evening was 1465 The school meeting of Wednesday passed off with the usual quietness Mr John Proctor being the retiring trustee and Mr Richard Powell fill ing hi place Mis our teacher has been reengaged for another year at an advanced salary That dont look much like reducing taxes Wonder what theyll do next Sorry to lose a good neighbor and esteemed friend in the person of Ed win Hunter on Christmas morning- to- T J House on- SATURDAY BARGAINS We claim that they pay to reduce the area o a Gold Watches from 10 Watches from 5 Chains Rings Thimbles Scarf Pins Lockets Necklets Silverware c ALL AT J Lowest Prices CHRISTMAS AT SCOTTS PHARMACY Wo have a Fine Variety this year Call and them A Good Pair of Spectacles makes a nice present We make no charge for testing Eyesight STUART SCOTT MD Oar Markets ISO Flour per barrel Ml Wheat per bushel Spring Wheat per bushel 5 Wheat per per 05 CO id CO CO Shorts per ton DO CO a a a a a DM OH Jeweler Potato Apples per epskiss Wool per lb Hay per ten- Fore per Turks pet 1411 t a IMH4 I I It r lit- I1H 1 V I til a IS a a fl Oil a OSO a CO a a 0 TO OH a SCO a COW a ON a a a a I i Oar Toronto a OUfibcJ tar par 0laprboh6l boabfil roll lb t baa Wool per lb oa t Pork wt CUokouper Dock t air a a ON a a a a a 060 a a a Oil a SCO a I WANTED ComfoiUbla aeoommodjon aocood Collars and reduced to Dark Collars and Muffs reduced to Collars and reduced lo 00 Pure Silk Handkerchiefs suitable for Holiday gifts Reduced in Price going from up STAPLES AWAY DOWN At rates K STEPHENS OUR STOGK Is all new this Season by ordering your Clothes from us you run no risk as in maiiy other you are liable to get shop worn and moth eaten which arc dear at any price YOUR CHOICE Of pieces of At prices that will astonish you Main Street Newmarket Direct Importer FRESH BULBS A if PHARMACY CAMPBELL Proprietor- Family Flour ROOK TABLE AND DAIRY AT Lap or Royal ffiSt ROOMED HOUSE- TO Lot tod Ram DEVISED STATUTES fioooJr a I Iba

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