EH A JANv Bankrupt Co Notice Creditors to Lloyd Society J Woodcock To Electors P CemeleryM Mfg Co Ltd Strayed DLloyd Site r NEVER LETS UP BUT CROWS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH Eta Is Printed all At Home r no ssat matt FRIDAY JAN Toronto Despatch Bra af TORONTO Warring Kennedy defeated log in lbs contest by a ity of ExMayor 111 with tight hope recovery Bis Excellency tba Governor General Hon Q Fetter and Den Daly are city and trill be present at lbs Board Trade onigbt city papers are mooing Very cartoon vote A rumor is Coaling aroood parlia ment buildings to effect Sheriff Hamilton is ted and Mr made A commercial traveller named Kennedy of city wrested this week at Detroit for engaged in emailing Report his it thai he beaten Government oat in Municipal following vote was given for Councillor St Timothy Trivet A Hooter V Mr Hunter was not a candidate but he did not withdraw until after the lime appointed by statute CO Rosa S3 Cody Starr 5 l Mr was not a candidate as his lease on the Market Stall would disqualify htm J P Hooter J Bennett TO The Council of Newmarket for is therefore as follows J Robertson Reeve S Cane Deputy J Woodcock Councillors Ross Roche Cody Hunter Bennett Kinc- Although the Council was elected by acclamation vote was taken on the question of commuting all the Statute Labor and expending the same by commissioners The ByLaw was defeated by majority The vote was as 3 Total For 2d 11 163 CO 43 for Reeve by majority Deputy by acclamation Councillors Kay Johnson North Reeve Davidson and Deputy by ace Councillors elected Silver Sedore Holland Landing Reeve Councillors Jas Art Duncan Bell and East Midland- week with Ida detained In Toronto on aoconiit of aejioaa nicely lbt week Mr and of Mount Mr David nd wife of Ohio Mr Boole of Bond Head attended of lata Daniel who died at Keswick last week Mr of Toronto over with Mr Chas also Mr and aon of Torooto Mr Bertie of peat the Chriit- Mr Mr Carl Lloyd son of Mayor Lloyd ii home for the holidays and will be her till He a fine and we are to know be giving at Co Any a piano that teaching op will not bo disappointed In giving him the job Toronto Election To those who only read the Globe Telegram and Star the election of Warring Kennedy by a majority of over R J- Fleming will bo a surprise This majority is unparal leled in the history of mayoralty con tests in the Queen City Looking at the returns by Wards it is evident tbat the Conservative vote went al most solidly for a of chief magistrate while ihe existing hard an increased taxbill and the popular to five any man a third term with other forces which Mr had antagonized him of a personal character in coun cil conspired to lead to his crushing defeat In regard lo ihe plebiscite vote the city gave a majority of for pro hibition A curious circumstance is noted in connection with this vote Toronto has women entitled to cast their ballots on ihis question only 1117 Availed themselves of the privilege of these voted anti- prohibition The total vole there is thus divided men women SS or altogether and against it men women or both together making a majority in favor of prohibition of In the Council of twentyfour comprising that body si are Liberals eighteen Conserva tives Among the Aldermen elect is our old friend Mr Sheppard of whom North may well feel proud Recti Hoi borne 02 Peregrine CO St t Around Us Hub SHARON Election being over have assumed aboat form that Ibo Son- of Temperooe are- now actively on move in of holding another of their good literary on Friday oven- Members of Qaaaviila Die will also and J Davis P V- baa kindly consented to attend if possible and preside Admission ten cents to be to Plebiscite Campaign This township on the whole gave a good record on Plebiscite somens vote being more than ten to one KETTLBBY Mr P Fletcher officiated UK the Ctristiao Church last Sabbath Elder hating to attend a special meeting at Village The I OK held their tut meeting for on Wednesday night of list week when the following officers were elected for the coming year Mount VCR S J Edwards FS J Walton Trcas Chap J Crawford Fox jW C A Davis Walton J Campbell RHC M Robinson There is large nt of sick ness in vicinity owing very likely to the sudden En rhej of our oldest residents has passed away in the person of Mr John Spink He departed with the advent of the New Year He was in bis year was a member of the Christian Church for great many years and was a quiet and much respected neighbor Funeral Wed nesday interment at Christian Church grounds Mr Fox is home fur his holidays Mr A is home from the veterinary school Toronto for the holidays also of Dakota from the same school is visiting at Mr and other places Mr and Mrs Titos Kirk of To ronto and two children were visiting at her fathers Mr J and other relatives over New Years The last eating and with Wesley wis held here last being to the doors A splendid tea provided Dr Toron to an treat In his lectori Bard Times and Core League Clob the for the FURNITURE OH FOR CASH 34 S3 la Total 52 ifaj9 SI York The made a clean sweep of the old council much to the satisfaction of other the county The council elect is composed as follows Reeve J Hill For Deputies 1st J j and Lucas The who wanted a county council Hansard last year was snowed under North is elected over Mr 1st Dep uty- Reeve Markiiam Reeve man Councillors Morrison Tcflr Robertson Billings This village ft its old representative out in the cold by electing Jacob Bull for Reeve over for Councillors Simpson Pearson Richmond Hill Reeve Pug- Councillors J P Savage J Palmer A Atkinson all by ace Scariioro Reeve John Richard son Deputy J- Chester ace 2nd Deputy Kennedy ace Coun- Cowan Jackson Elite wait to Tut jury in the trial for the murder of Curler Mayor of out exactly on brought in verdict of guilty that the jm racer ho JiincO It reported the be no of in Village on nomination day eight pre for the only four after the time for farther had many tunning a new will hare to be held to fill up hoard In that ana declared for total Sir John ind temperancoaiOfitlo outfit to the Royal Com appointed to collet regard to uro farther vote the public opinion Foists PAAOEAPHED in where council for were elected by hut Ihtir like kicking all driving they that they have done a on that day Mi for in Dot 3fti The of the l0WEi4riiimiaud with the dc- Jrifrtitt whether vv41 effect rculatlop iithe of placet on the aaiver bach that if ihtre no election hotel- dote Jan A fife out this looming in the of -rc- in short time the consumed alone with that of McUan which adjoined it All and vehicles were lived cow was By lh tbe citizen the lite the dwellings The cause of the fire unknown Toronto 1 1 T a Wheat per iihti- per JPoulapr petloav Parte pee pitta 1 in tan DM i an on ICO OH 0 03 oar on r Mr Harry Acton is home a Mr fitiekiroyJ of was home or New Toronto homo account of illhealth ills A Simpson of Toronto a home over New Mr Geo Walsh of spent Kcw Years with here A family took at The New Years Day Mitt Manning of Toronto peat over New Years visiting In town of Toronto Cbridmas holidays with MI is Mr Loa of Toronto was home for and Messrs Albert Taylor and Bolton Toronto spent New Years in town Mr Frank Smith from Toronto spent New Years with bis brother Mr Cbai J Smith Mrs of Toronto the Christmas holidays with her sister Mrs Wright iU Smith and wife nl of Toronto spent Sew Yes at The Mr Jolly and Sew Years in fit Williams his parents now rlde MHirs Frank accompanied by Mr Sfcnl Sew Years Day In Sew- market Mr returned on Tact- day a weeks his He reports hit father very Information from California fa to the effect flat Mr Cyrus Is Improving in rapidity Mr Mm Mirk and daughter of I pent Sew Tears Day with his Thomp son of Mr and Vernon of and two children Years at her old home on Yonge fit Mr John Mr Wilkin and ton of Montreal Mr Arthur Wilkin and wife of Toronto and Mr Chat Wilkin here for a family gathering on got back frooj lidy a feW days ltd by her daughlerlndaw amending a few weks here Mr Frank son of Mr Fins Orchard la Lack from North Dakota for ihtte or ytontha He reports times much the tame at here Mr write from that the and not thaw There Is a great deal of at pre sent especially and grippe A number young Annlo learning that to night and a OTtalng Out liltle burg has been very quiet with exceptions nomination and election days Sleighing very thin and may soon leave- Mr is again around since his wrestle with la grippe Miss Christy Winch has relumed to college to resume her studies Mr and Mrs Wilson and family of Brougham are friends in this neighborhood Mr Elijah Wilson of Iowa is visiting at the Postmasters The lake is fine for skating- Quite a number are enjoying it now School stated Jan 3rd under the management of P J- Stephens EGYPT The great municipal battle is fought and won Mr is again Reeve by majority encourage him to practice the same econpmy in the future that he has in the past Deputy Reeve by ac clamation The Council John Kay W Johnston No- i Egypt their intclli by giving Mactloiald of a majority and also morality by giving a large majority in favor of prohibition only 14 voting no in this division Mr George is very ill with inflammation Mr Robert is also very sick with la grippe and also his son William Miss Maty Station is also very ill all in Ihe same house many others in the neighborhood The Union Sunday School intend holding their anniver sary on Wednesday evening Jan A good program consisting of addresseB readings recitations dia logues instrumental and vocal music will be provided Supper will be served in the Temperance Hall from to oclock Entertainment in Church to commence at oclock sharp The committees arc nutting forth extra efforts to surpass anything attempted in former years and at the exceedingly low price a crowded house may be expected A cordial invitation js trended to all La grippe has secured a pretty firm hold in and around this place The family of David Rogers we understand are all unable to attend to duty Mr R being very ill Some time ago your correspondent stated that our school teacher Mr J Stephens about to leave This was a mistake as he has been engaged for another year QUEENSVI1XE Queensville No of Sons of hi Id their elec tion of officers Wednesday evening the with the following result Hill Clara Hill S lib J ARS Sis FS Sis M Peregrine A Love Chap Sis Henry Coo Geo Rich A Con Eves I Love S it Peregrine The Division is in a flourishing con dition having a membership of and several more waiting initiation On Thursday evening Nov the Division held a prohibition meeting in the Church and al though several seemed disappointed as they expected an old time open lodge still the meeting was a good success and in the hear future the Division will hold an open lodge and furnish a lengthy program for the occasion I The of Presbyte rian Sabbath School came off on Fri day The ladies served supper in the hall with their usual good taste after an excellent program was ren dered in the church Miss Mortons recitations were deservedly appre ciated he annual meeting of Ctrnetcry Company bo held in Mr Geo Wrights shop on January for the purpose of electing officers All shareholders are re quested to try and attend KESWICK Mr Patrick had the hon or casting first ballot for pro hibition In our Division on Monday No Division- did not give quite large a majority as we expected but we hear lhat there were some who made a mistake and voted No though they were in favor of pro The vote stood for against and id blank ballots Now our Election is over the next question is who is to be the As sessor and Collector We hear one of our villagers was can for either one office or the other He su not particular which We understand that he got good promises but promises are some times broken even by some of our Municipal Fathers The better way is not to make any and then no per son will be particularly disappointed Mr and TH Davis of spent Sunday- and Monday with re lations here The ice on Cooks Bay is said to be about a foot thick now Miss Lundy our new school teach er commenced her duties on Wed nesday She comes us highly re commended The of T Division elected officers on Saturday evening with Mr Jesse W P The S School elected officers and teachers on Thursday evening last for the ensuing year Mr popular sup was reelected with an able staff of teachers The school is in a floatishing condition Next Sunday morning is Sacramen tal occasion in both our churches In the evening Rev J G Manly Permanent Agent of the Bible Society is to give an address in the Christian church on the working of the Bible Society Rev Mr Bell of Roachs Point is also expected to be present and give a short address The new comer at Mr is a boy and tips the scales at lbs AN A SPECIALTY TH JHMILLARD Bankru Telephone Connection- Tho At a of a of llao Hot a t of Mr A winter to Tomb- Al bert Andrew ftdOcoo at tttdny In John in PvtysA At tis ruiilcooo of bh Krololmw Mr Morton on laaL Daniel Id Jan Albert J At of birr MrjCa IV Jan of aged nod on from her lit to AQror On but IS At and Qacensvilto oclock i Stock OF Sutherland Bros Tco fat for RAYENSHOE The holidays are past and gone and with them the usual entertain ments parties and social gatherings that we all enjoy so much at this season of the year The entertainment held our little church was a complete success proving to be a great of happi ness to the little folic A wedding party from near have been guests of Mr John Ryes Miss Ida Winter of Salt spent here Mr A West and family of New market spent their holidays with relatives litre We are all very much pleased to have our old filcnd Mr Port Huron hack us Our jolty Mrs 1ine is spending a few in the Coles Miss Minnie of the guest for a few weeks of Mrs A most enjoyable family gathering look place at Mr Robert Pollocks on day Our sleighing given place to good wheeling Public school opened Wednesday The Annual Sunday School enter tainment and tree at the Methodist Church was a great success in point of numbers and receipts Mr Smith and bride of don have been spending their honey moon with friends in our burg New Years passes off quietly ex cept for election excitement A flourishing Kpnoith League ha been formed In the here Rev Mr Roger gave a alining address on prohibition last Sabbath people claim to hare put In without loosing one Surely they were Mr Editor could you not give boys a good article on New Years resolve It might help some MOUNT ALBERT A fire broke out in the back shed at the from ashes emptied too close to the building Our siting band went to to attend a party Miss M is engaged at the Franklin school for 1804 The following officers were installed at the A on Monday night KMW John Crone John T Porter Recorder A Jones Financier John Leek Receiver A Guide A Dunn Overseer Steeper Foreman Wallace IAV Geo worth Rep to Grand lodgc I Rose Mr Robinson was elected trustee he school meeting on Tuesday Mrs Geo was in the village one day last week Mr Allinhas a friend spending holidays with him Mr Rowan has returned to Detroit He reports business pros pects very favorable there We have given up the practice of making new resolutions as well as lhat of using the old complimentary chestnut so common during this season All we have to do is to fish in the waste basket for last years resolutions The entertainment on New Years evening was thoroughly en joyed by all present compli ment those who have labored well to produce such a result Good skating on the pond- For the benefit of timid mothers we might say we think the ice has been thor oughly tested in the old familiar way and by persons of no small gravity Some time ago a travelling show struck town Among other induce ments advertised was a to most handsome young lady most man man etc Recently we have some of the results but since the ice cream ieason is past we have no had an opportunity of seeing the presents During the last three weeks our usually quiet village has been some what disturbed by men whose brains were slightly befuddled with aqua vilae Whether candidates or pleb iscite or even the election Itself was responsible or cannot tell but If to we we fhankful that such things come no than are told not to be surprised at anything in this age of the world eke we should have been surprised at the small attendance given to Mr Gibsons temperance rally at those who officiated as stewards at the close of the lecture at the amount of butt ress done of Tuesday and Wednes day Dec and that such a game of not hockey as was plavd on the pond on the first should off without a streak of blood at ihe way some of our people voted Nixie A good many in our neighborhood are still suffering with the Grip Mrs Isaac has been very sick with it but is improving now QUEEN ST CHITCHAT The mortal remains the late Daniel sen were bid to rest In cemetery an Sunday last A raffle was held in connection with a shooting match at lately Those who engaged in it had better read up the law concerning such entertainments and learn to be more cautious Rodhey whose shoulder was dislocated by an accident while on his annual deer hunt Is Retting so that he can use the injured It was a dear hunt for him Mr John Moore sen of Moore- Gelds whose life has beendespaired of is reported to a change for the belter One of the cosiest little places I have seen lately is the lodge room of the at The room is nicely carpeted and well furnished with chairs and upholstered with spring cushions James Wright of may justly be termed the boss chicken raiser He has a number of incu bators and large roomy hen houses with accommodations for about a thousand fowls Nearly all of last years teachers are reengaged this vicinity I hear of but two changes No news of an exciting nature this week All quiet along the Potomac Of course our newly elected council lors are jubilant over their victory Aaron will go to Sharon to sit on council Hope the hoard dont break and let him down May he do all the ood he promised is our humble wish Wanted to know What was the old gray hoss belonging to one of our red hot temperance men doing lied before the hotel at such a late hour a few nights ago Looks sus picious Perhaps the bad boy was out night Mr Smith our school master is abroad Hasnt returned yet Some says hes going get a Mrs but that remains to be seen Know All J- MAIN orJcra will rewire and prompt attention tfMC BOUGHT AT 51 ON THE DOLLAR FOR SALE ON fa Roche Co ANNUAL MEETING Or the Shareholder of held At I ho Comwoti New- mark Wednesday liutiflta oclock STUART fiCOTTt TO THE ELECTORS VT North I ilncCrctr lb office Cw too for electing mo to Mid Trill to my appreciation TfiER STRAYED lot is North QnlHIm- or a toot tho 1st STEER white Owner It requulod and the J A- TUSCAN AH NO G R Toicao Lodge Jan pm loItcd REV- 1 GO Annual Cera will bo Council Chamber Newmarket ON At oclock for Kloctton of Officers end of A full at of tot holder la of Will come up for To Sid My I rcpcc It llAO ro4llot Able a Eoplo ftuch A I will not will you If wilt CO me cad It to much ORDERED when slab who ere do of WANTED or table at acoond from on Qorhim Street NEWMARKET Dairy Stock will In at p I CLOTHING Order W 1100 A NORTH YORK Agricultural la thai Annual of will bo held to Council Chimb at hour of oclock p for And ailopilouof Annual eel loo Of and other A at tendance requeued order of J WOODCOCK JACK80K 0 Notice to Creditors r A son of Mr of while ride Handing on a bind sleigh thp other wan off wm East To Editor Era in your popular paper which It perused En this for following nomination and election has this fact that of Dili wm- own interests nor Intctcitf of whole In nominating anil electing on tail In travelling to lot Jobber tame a not only to pari if part of la com but also to township fro fact that whatever can to even from ft vlllaco road tax Into general fund of township and Is economy municipality Wo were to learn at the late nomination held In that a prominent nan of our latoCoancil who us In County Council vat not lhat a pert of this Township which pays on mora than taxes cannot used for any other than upend on siretta and roads of that part Township- Wo think If Iho properly cooildex their own Interests ttay would as for ability as well aa men nigral fq from Iho different of the township brought out at our nominations and not look at matters til In the of rot at- it hereby HO ao and thai all crMitou and other ESTATE OF late of Township of Kui whodkd Iho o required on or of iso or by to rtsj of ho a In jinnKT panic their of tho iiMuro and amount of all ur by them further that raid Kxccutors will alter the proceed to distribute the sftacts of doccwed aijioEsctt parties entitled only to claims of which notice been as and that Ihcv will not be for any part to any whoso claim or claims they received notice at data this day of At It If J Executors Notice to a a narrow polo raanV ra as from auch party or Interest taken In the lata election plainly demonstrate that no have not right material In candidate or would 1 mora anxious to aond the old ones back or replace them with something Our township wants to the Rood judgment that gave a hand majority for In select ng our represent atlt and complaining would bo Ac- Jan Of With Toronto s Ian T In the the taUbftht in NOTIOK Is hereby pursuant to and Amending that all creditors and other having claims the OK of thelJth of Novem ber are required or before of poet prepaid to it- ftl Solicitor for the of the Mid a state- lAtot In writing Ibolr dd rotsedescripltons and full mm ic- of their claims of amoual all beM a AotJ noltoo la further that Executors win to the sights of the deceased the parlies thereto only to of which snail have bean as aforesaid sad lbt tot bo for uaata so distributed or aay part theroot any Knooor or or claims they shall not hare received notice at the data O b day of Jan- nary J 831 LEVI Jl LLOYD Of any Shropshire Rams NO MORE COLD FEET ROBINSON ELECTRIC INSOLES WILL Warm Core and la ftn4Lega for A gene NOW WILL PAY FOR THE SUBSCRIPTIONS taken or at follow Weekly Qlobo WoektyKmlro SCO World All to bo accoturnlad with It 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT OFF ALL suits AND OVERCOATS DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY 894- Verms cash GOODS MARKED l IN PLAIN FIGURES Son WAN I men outfit lha leacoraroUhrictrr eat r Call for Will UN TON B Our stock is badly broken up but have plenty good bargains still left As we near the close of our career we at making still greater reductions in prices and are many goods at HALF THE COST OF PRODUCTION RUNT m