L1i NEWMARKET ERA JAN ft local- rtA OH TOWN Tows A member I ttrm Seat The annual Mflfcclifln of omen trill lake wnlilollon member should pal fn fc A of young fcnj Mr Si en The A- in- new nest ted Municipal Council- itsUieoSceen Ilia 15lh ins end ftcsij metis on the el the night Court His Honor joSge fec o3 w it Ihe On pu hour It mi lSfBtlViiKii1J of contra in which would lC lOWBlSrls of Hi We in Chore this oclock ifwf and imolcEMrs Mauley of To Kve an A meeting wi in the an period a to jCi a lb School entertained by a fcAlifeet in eg A Ibex Til a ten Jidc aoJ the program u by an exhibition of and pointing watt alao Kxw with acconnted for a in Turkey from 9 to fa IK but mostly at Max ana were wry tear better to JU pr lb and Dp to ptrfoz from per lb nJ from to Be fitiMauquilily bat tolho ileinaod At it Again List Saturday midnight Mr ben and helped xtf to a fie big drVe One bad Arcnit all Fall Fair ana that can lot be than four or five Mr Hill intend to keep a sharp and it thou can f will have to aoDTer for their dinner It looks as If PbcnMalockbeelvai needed to oven for week Hurt Willson went to the camp back of to get work while there be had his leg jammed log Tie managed to get lack home but been laid op ever ail to the family trouble ax who was trying to aiiitt clrcanutan- by oat had it- to break her arm about nek ago with the machine Christian Church A of being every rfyl the by the Endeavor St Pauls Church- The Witch l enc- Kew nil iris comb ft bis t mjv to nlnm for A thinks rrn for morel victory Tid lb honors A The nd m be vis d3 of light ftnil Vnnialn Chic iati Fair I O At the helk Pyramid ISA held Jan the tor the terra J vo J ftMnertlUe- tXBosa a JBallard A It Si rul4i School lh ftntfrfainnifnl la roam on of I wtNksriIco1uij the Church A wniM on which mi tor uiiifod by fl od fitf noil BabWifa A Sckne There four JiyJ IXod and ftprKl to ilca the number thinner and hockey anil Id a lis to after- noon Mr to go into when hit from him and toll to ho Iba to rati i from a lor op wik stOe bo all day hid to ho and ho of IfoMotoa lor Irtto eel- ting around ablo few after noon Stock The sale of JIim a fit on dollar by 1 Tic The role On Monday in all of the Province pretty plainly decidedly to the tola prohibition of the manufacture and importation of intoxicanlf Al though the are not all in sufficient known to predicate thai the majority will be two to one And what items remarkable the fact that no considerable of the Province return hostile Active opposition win In some especially in the cities where intercitt ate at stake in manufacture of both milt and nous liauon hut the result even In our cities SAtiifactory evi dence that the masses to a further continuation of the traffic- city except Windsor decided for prohibition The rural district Almost throughout the Province giro in the o that it it impossible to further that been furnished of the popular will far as from majority In the Province for prohibition is tfOjOCKK This County give over Following Is the result of the in the Square With the advent of Year comes time with men should aroint to up and start 1aU even with world possible cay bo bat a ainall sum yea owe bat other small and mechanic their Is a Pay pari and help to keep all of the Where KCAkarerunbetwQ Individuals they every year least al a balance struck Such a save many perplexing troubles aeUtffaH Into the bauds of the water This fa a Wg step towards that tan bo done without Dan Roche Co down the entire at lesi than lor to dewacot of thee The good fit flgnrci Von can price your- Worlds Fair An excellent op- will fcc afforded the and to the on Monday evening Jan In Town Hall when 11 grand given hero under the pen Methodist Sabbath highest order anytfalog of the now before the The views the only colored oca In Canada of Colombian Exhibition and are much to lie shown by otheratero- white both and Hi onga add greatly to the who did not Je White City certainly jo to JowlIaHontbeaboveJateand it pvU vtrMlv brought Wwethfw I a pies The annual of Aid in with in Its Far- lor when tho following were or the ensuing year Provident Mr J AM Cane AMteec llrSMll 1 Koch Ex Com Mr J M John Mr Little Mr Jackaou Herat Com Mr Jackson Mr A Mr QJackson Mr S Cane and Auditor Mr and Mr a At Hughe SKAT Our entire stock of heat er MM at coat Yon will aata from to buying now A a IfotAL ago Mr Albert J on the 3rd of accidentally col tb end of bis finger off while operating a colling bos set in eventually resulting En rockjaw his death on Pay Mr Luady waa In the prime life and leaves a wife and five children to mourn the knot a kind husband and father And troubles of Ibis kind do not always come singly The nut day Mr mother an old lady In her year re siding on St to at tack of la grippe while her husband Mr Is lying very low and not expected to recover from a similar affliction Mr Geo Partridge of this town la a cousin of the late Albert Luady aodof coarse niece of the late Jane False Alarm As usual the New Year In by the ringing bells in all parts of the town which was kept up at Intervals till three oclock Scarcely had the last monotone died away on the crisp air than an alarm of fire was on the waterworks whistle in dicating St Patrick Ward The fire men and a good many people responded promptly and fire alarm was upon the town bell so that everybody folly aroused to the eiuo danger but after dragging the Hose Keel along sever al streets no of fire could be found It was then surmised that false alarm had been given The Chief Engineer with others at once proceeded to the Five Box from whence the alarm rang and by the moans tracks in the snow obtained a which it Is expected will ultimately lead to the conviction of guilty party who has made himself liable to a fine of 930 and coil or There a general desire on the part of the that the offender may be brought to justice as this is the third time a fade alarm baa been given If nuisance I not checked it will go on until there It a fire and nobody not even the firemen will more until whole town Is ablaze with hue destroying the expensive system to Inter cept a blaze at the start The boys who got Into the Christian Church by a base ment window and nearly destroyed the bell ropeamoug other things are going to get into serious trouble If the act re peated The trustees have firmly decided to put a stop work In future Early it North York- In tie obituary of lb formerly of Sharon which in the Eai of last week it was lAtsl ihti be was the white turn in the Comity el York north the statement given to and Investigation Mr Benjamin Cody of this town inform hat in early pail of bis father Joseph Cody emigrated to this county from the State York and settled on Street about half a mild north of Iho present Town of Aurora aud was at the most northerly Mr father referring to their arriv al here told him that the night before reaching their destination they stopped night at Colonel and that Peter and Adam Graham twins were than about three weeks old Their birth therefore be about three year be fore that the late Hugh Mr Cody has hie Church ttecordsj showing dates of- births in of some of the early settler north of the Ridges and the following are all previous to the birth Mr namely Sarah Roger daughter of Olive Rogers King horn April Ann Pearson daughter of and Susannah Pearson King born Deo Elnuley Roger son of Timothy Sarah Roger Whitchurch born September Wood son Robert and Alary Wood Whitchurch Tp bom June Mary Pearson daughter of and Susannah Pearson King Tp born March Augustus Rogers ton of Hutu Roger King Tp born July Anna Rogers daughter and Mary Rogers King born July Speciality We handle the cele brated brand of coal oil Its the finest American oil made a gal A a Veto or Vote Majorities Yea No For Against no no GO lOl YOUD PAY MILLIONS FOR A LARGE STOCK NOW IN OF FINE SCOTCH TWEED FANCY CHEVIOT AND HOP SACKING ENGLISH WORSTED COATINGS 101 Hi iM Aurora lot StootTTille Sutku yd SO VilUa Weston Juucliou Toronto North Toronto aJi Kast Whitchurch It ljjsaaa US York To tei MM Toronto 0 SOW London Si Catharines i3 Ottawa 1018 050 107 pi Bradford 89 03 1st Berlin 874 Windsor- a a loi 70 W a a a a a a I til a a a a a est The vote in local municipalities is as follows saw mast St Winn Men BLACK AND FANCY PANTINGS BEAVER MELTON AND FRIEZE Overcoatings Sight If you were Wind and the money and yet for the saving of a few cenl sometimes you run the of injuring your eyet Why not have comfort safety and satisfaction We chsrge nothing for consul tit ion you only guy for the sties STUART SCOTT WITH VERY BEST TRIMMINGS Your choice of any tailor in town to make the garments up LOWEST CASH PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R J DAVISON 4 a A Ye 10 No a Total Br Men Woueu Ink Drops Welcome a general for calendar lighter lul lit lovely day Dig crowd on toft rain School Board met It Dlry meeting Town Total SI SI 11 1 1 a Women 00 Our Are to clear out all beating store coal and wood at cost rather than carry any over Some big bargains A Burn a 3 CO 1 6 CO A Entertainment World Fair lector night at Ktlborn hall To J entertainment was the J and PJ weather members and M crowded the hall The views and Ibis added to the they were colored lent lo them not yet seen toy other lecture of the J snared no pains or In treparing entertainment and yet placed before the pub- ft lb fator It fodna on Satnrday Wt for ho Pd la his desire With Men it Is at that ho lb of Mr JUmsay gentleman JAonior Into his of the s entertain- ST fatk JMlaCooadaand those who attend see and bear tt Dee Sale Ofovcrcoitsat I and no wonder for he is lag gHre dollar coats for throe eight for five- and sfes at On Boys and prices from filter to treaty Ouituarv The Edwin Hun ter Esq who departed Ibis life on Christmas morning 133 was born near Moll England In the year The family came to country when Edwin was but a boy He was the four sons In early life com the study of medicine but find ing distasteful he abandoned three brothers were physicians One of these died some time ago the other two are Dr New York City and Dr J J Wblteborch who for several terms was reeve of mar ket In years gono by The sister older than Edwin Is stUl living being the wife of Rev Darlington- of Brooklyn The other sisters are wife ot Dr W of Buffalo Maria deceased wife of of Augusta wife of Dr Rouse and long deceased who was wife of Dr Ed Warof Whitby The father of Edwin was for many year a magistrate wellknown in Brooklyn and prominent la rebellion Edwin took a prominent part In politic and in the administration of Municipal matter particularly on Union St East before moving to his late beautifully situated In grove on There his widow Dr A Dallas Rev Hunter rector of Mary Hunter Hamilton Wm Hunter now and Charles Douglass Campbell Hunter airliner Many relatives the deceased were present at funeral ser vice which took place In Pauls Church on Thursday after noon of last week on which occasion Rev Canon preached an sermon The church was well filled The remains were Interred Cemetery Deo Council met to Present Mayor Reeve Deputy Council Hunter Cody Roche sod Robertson Following bills passed J At Allan Co hardware J rent of pound so labor Mr Blue labor Joe Warren labor J Collins A Com Lloyd express station ery etc 31 Wm Brown work at Queen street bridge 17 work at Queen street bridge Cower hardware supplies to account from King was refer red to the Com and that of to the P A W Com Chief Constable reported that the manner in which the Judi cial duties have been administered by Worship the Mayor and Magistrates of the Town has had a saints effect on evil doers The Lockup Is reported to be small and unsuitable for the Intended and now council are asked to make some Improvements The Mayor waa assistance to Wm Carlisle and family owing to sickness The communication of the Collector respecting taxes sgalnst Novelty Mfg Co wa referred to ByLaw Millard was granted a rebate oh dog tag The Collector was granted an extension of time to return roll till dan The Road Bridge Com recommend ed payment of to Dominion Bridge Co being full amount contract price In reference to SI bridge the Com mittee that the Company has erected a most structure but con aider that the factor safety is dent and recommended that or be to si rooted to put In two inord Joist before paying or Following a also passed on rccommeiid- atlon Hodge A Co and Jacob Buck ByLaw recommended pay- mental the accounts I dscksnn Ontario advertising J read for reducing area of Town The Committee also recommended that be accepted by the Collector In full of Sutherland taxes The Finance Committee reported against any reduction in the taxes of the Woolen Factory With refer- lo account Dr Scott for re Board the year pYmeot adjourned till the ot Jan Total In Newmarket there are 502 male voters on the list and female Out of these males voted the Ple biscite and females together with spoiled or rejected ballots Kiso 3 For CO Against 10 45 Wm re ecu Men For 33 63 37 Againttl3 14 Women For 11 Against Eisr Men For Against In cities of the United States there are wage earners in enforced idleness Dependent on these for support are 1956000 per sons- An awful state affairs Onr Newmarket lias CO a Odd a OU a a CO ftTP0fbli4ttvl as COCO a CO BARGAIN REMOVED WE OFFER THIS WEEK lbs Japan Tea regular for New Currants and Raisins at cts All Groceries at equally RATES f HI lMtSMSMMMI bbl iocs It a s s I I 111 I up CO ISO Old AM 600 IS toil a a 6 a a TO LARGER PREMISES Where we will to show you Roods to better advantage and also a larger assortment than ever You will find our to suit the times MaJ CHINA HALL the Place Xo Millards Block Holland Landing Council Jan I 1834 Present dames Arl Alex Shield Wm Minutes of last meeting read and con firmed Application from Fred Hitching Jacob Keffer presented to have their dog tax refunded also the following bills were presented John Murphy salary Inspector do snow shovelling 3146 Martha Potior rent Council Chamber Moved by Seconded by Art that the Inspector bill snow shovelling bo paid also that he be paid the sum of for bis salary as Inspector for Carried Moved by Arl Seconded by Shields that Fred Hitching be refunded bis dog Carried Moved by Seconded by Art that the bill of Mr Martha for rent of Council Cbsmber 316 be paid- Carried Moved by Art Socondod by that Mr Kecfler bo refunded dag tas Carried Collector reportSathat ha has collected to date Moved by Art Seconded by Shields that Collectors be extended or one month Carried Moved by that this Council do now Carried STOCK TAKING SALE NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT I m i i r MA School Books AND School Supplies In two weeks we take stock and are determined to re duce ill Fancy China and Novelties away down Contra olepjtOo Office W STARR and ALL OUR goods and get prices TO BE CLEANED RIGHT OUT Dsnford it Co offer their entire slock and at prices to- flother with the shoe stock of Mem Sutherland at cents on lhj dollar The groat Manchester ship canal was opened for general ironic on Monday The P In Man- for to acres 353000 American Jan 04 Dear Sir It Is my pleasure to inform yon that times looking here for farmers The market good Wheat a Barley Corn Potatoes not bag Apples per bo Hotter 3o lb and at are for per do Turkeys to per lb per lb Ducks per pair and Chicken lto per lb The Model City la progressing There Ave factories and some houses There Is talk of having a station and a post Model City la two miles from Lovtlslcn Mr Love had a very largo business meeting last In regard to open ing canal They expect stark digging of the canal middle Tbeconlraet has been 1st o company that dug the at Falls elodsl City has a new paper rtnJeri A new car track fox In lumber laid a The first factory was brick the rest of them are stone atone near the Model City Your do DINNER SETS TOILET AWAY DOWN OUR GROCERY STOCK Is too heavy and must be reduced OUR CO O Axoxasoa It Is reported that the city Chicago Ijas been robbed of by mean of fraudulent and la other EXCELSIOR BLEND COFFEE Is the fines in and that 30b JAPAN is the best value offered lbs for Special prices for Raisins Come and see them R A SMITH LEADING GROOEfcY PROMPT DELIVERY Main Gold Watches from Watches from 5 Thimbles Scarf Fins Lockets Necklets Silverware c c ALL AT Lowest Prices GENTS IF YOU WANT NiceFitting Clothing TO Ho St NEWMARKET Oar work for vDd Boo lad WASHINGTON la 1311 hub of Bar to of the Dr A Lumr Of from ttbB07AlU0tl Chrcknlo BfOUblileV ithTOi lc4 Voioo pTiaofthjNo a ATKINSON Jeweler Family Plow ROOK TABLE AND DAIRY AT ALSO for Qty Collars ami Mufta Collars and reduced to and Muffs reduced to a- Pure Silk Handkerchief suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS Reduced in Price going from up STAPLES AWAY DOWN At corresponding rales W STEPHENS A QUESTION OF S DOLLARS OENTS Sensible ate no longer carried away by sensational advertis ing No matter how much is prom ised in the newspapers the comple tion of a purchase resolves itself into a question of dollars and cents and the wise buyer takes into account how much he can save before parting with bis money V Knowing this we ask your attention to the following Will you We leave the rest with your own judgment It is a question of dollars and cents We are showing a fine assortment of Dress Goods all newest shades Gloves Hosiery Silk Handkerchiefs Gents Furnishings etc J- Groceries Fresh and W Connection Main St OUR STOCK a Is all new this Season and by ordering your Clothes from us you run no risk as in many other instances you are liable to get shop worn and moth eaten goods which are dear at any price YOUR CHOICE Of pieces of At prices that will astonish you Main Newmarket A Direct FRESH BULBS AT i0 ij BENTLEYS a