l NEWMARKET ERA JAN A SUHUQHT PILLAR fact the Stomach Liver Blood rem ova ell Im purities from a to the worst Scrofulous Sore International Lesson THE FIRST ADAM boo Genesis of the covenant of God show ing how they la to developed into a nation The need each aclcc- of a pil ii from ol Ihe world The child ren of men to their the Wrtb of G3 n of lost- The hooknitorailjopeni the beginning of all the of creation of Ihe work creation is represented of fircst creation six days are filially o mean indefinite period a of trial or they may the iocvidive by which of creation worn inspired writer The wonderful harmony of the early record and of one of the clearest proofs reflation in spiration No O dream Of men could invented a record of tho nn front himself All nation row the beginning have light from We study God as well a his word each throw light upon the other and wo not truly un derstand either the help of other- We learn from Ihe wisdom power and God honor can be pot upon man than that with which the Bible him by leaching that be is a child of God and made intake The engine mail oil Hop rainbow of in the sky There is lie may DO ideal on his faen worship and obey hue To give his chid power ami care to portion of his nature To Can for his became is meit of 9 and the temple Spirit The two great of minf and true prosperity were at the very beginning- the family These tiro prim- oral institutions tept sic red and a fed are the remedy of our and moral evils- BE WIS READ THIS I Pikes to Suit the Times iit G WIGflHTS QUEENSVILLE ITS A QUEER WO MAX tbe to bo derived from of Prescription Did ever ivoman with bright eyes clear skid and rosy checks Or a healthy one without them A woman can in fall health Jo work have more pleasure amount to by taking the When tho functions are not regular the woman As a support for nervous overworked women an invigorating a fiootting and strengthening nervine besides it lessens pain Its only remedy for womans weaknesses and irzvgularites thats to benefit or core or the paid for it refunded FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE GROCERIES for Bright Sugar for Good Tea for Diamond Chop Tea per lb fi Tauiuca for Fresh ink Salmon cents per Can tcr White per Canadian Best BOOTS AND SHOES Boots from to hirers worth Mens Fine Lice Mens Mens Rubbers and Sox complete 75 worth DRY GOODS Grey ShnmWy Flannel all to worth from to 311 Meltons at very low prices at 5S cents per suit worth I from lo cents per pair worth to ami Hoys at Cost An of Boys Fur and Cloth Caps we arc clearing out at Cost The above gives you idea what we axe doing these TIMES HARD l In Fresh Good bought in the regular fray for Cash Our aim is Small Profits and Quick Returns A FRIEND of ft sol rtIied tram a Me Pills- and all ft tot pom I taken only Iihlnkthdy are awl ftDjihlogl child win I iixtnpooallwhoaM to try They will do pxl For mil Bowel AVERS PILLS Every in of With the merry New Could I with more than Joy UnrmiredJ Thro the that flow Blight thy pathway go to Rightly In then I Be life a New Year Made ilol by Or chilling Till when are oer then on yonder Thy soul know of what Whits Heaven last I lis Li week of IjrboroDjh at faeU a Nor wood Mr the candidate for the next Ontario election mi OWEN ELECTRIC BELT Trife only CURES -5- DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS SALT RHEUM DIZZIMSZSS SKM HIS EASE WHAT SIM TO Tni Tost at Ottawa lias opened with lieo CoJooiw also with with i view to the of a direct service An exehanj says The salt industry of at Windsor is thriving The daily output is about The Co will shortly go into the produc tion dairy Mid tabic fait cut THUS to Got a Sunlight Ax a meeting of the Federal Cabinet last week a number of barrister in Mani toba and were Queens counsel and Dr Barker was in to Governor Dr Baker formerly represented St John In noma of Commons General lleblllty Lumbago yytiwptlji potency Kidney Inline lfjiek Diseases ETtXtdcity the Urinal will cure other known failed luinfth weak or dLeAKd nifty by d activity It medical men the Owen Bell la thciriutico- of acute ffW how to Older rfc incited to ivldivs The Belt a Co KING St W TORONTO to State St this j THE LEADING BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND SALE CANftpA FOB SALE FALL GOODS Shropshire Rams YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS of Tear A cloud over A bell rang the silent air The ungod berried away to rest Flashing with cloud be And oh bat he day was fair How brightly the year they said The glow of the lingers long the will be over and dead tad hours Its fleet hours lied With of How sadly the year in I they I listened wondered lo night To ma no year that might come instead Of old numbered the dead Could over bo bait so bright The grace pale gray The bells buog high Waiting to ring the year away In strains that were ever too glsd For me as I listened heart I that beat In a million breasts Oh 1 1 pi I that otter same that Dover a sorrow rests In word yon utter to friends and In the New Years new days t Is Ii Jest the as it used to bo new only aglsdder sound For ever and it to me That no new to As the old we bare Ottawa that lodge has been appointed or to fill the by the sudden demise of Ron Mr Boyd Judge administered oath to the newly at state that Hon Mr Minister of Agriculture in the Federal has lion for libel of and asking damages to ex tent Both of these gentlemen ban been heard of before In connection with the politics Throat J Mi tor mUI a s papers report that track laying on the Ottawa and Parry Railway flnfthed last at far a Indian a place nice or ten beyond Operatioos will now till spring opens mean- while trains wilt be rah regularly as as the track Is Tax Government organ at Toronto has been figuring up the of the Canada and gravely assures its readers that this to our parliamentary system only annually half a per capital of population The Bonn quaintly remarks most of us would the did is 2 AIM a few to Ill so INCLUDING Putty and all sizes of Glass Sawn BuckSaws Axes of beat Shot Guns and Revolvers of all kinds LINK OK CUTLERY of all the celebrated II arse Blankets Cnttle and Cow Chains Opaque Shades AND- Curtain Poles Is Application Li will to of Ontario at next by the the Town of New- marker for Act to reduce tho areof Town by toe therefrom sod hot tod anil fellow on the luitdary of Huron formerly known own- Hoe between the of burr WbUrhincbl and the half of lot number thirty to LhevetttOdconoeesIoDofMldTowfulilp of thence North degrees chain then South four Wait the Northern limit of Street aforerd more or to IhetJouih West lot one la the of nod plaotcd Pine Well links or less to a one chain limit of the South feveQtyfour more or to the Town Bend Sunlight Soap wrapper the words Why Decs a Woolen Look Old ficoncr Than a Man to Limited pcott St Toronto aud you will receive by poet a pretty picture free from adver tising and worth framing an way to decorate your home The soap Is the best in the market and it will only cost postage lo the wrap If you the cuds open Write your carefully Tut Que contested election case was heard last week before Justices Gill and The election was for Dominion at which Mr wood Liberal was returned Petitioner alleged bribery and corruption sit ting member was the only witness examined after which the case was with against the petitioner Toe volume of dht opens with a strong num ber article which will attract most attention Is that by Hon J- Gibson Provincial Secretary on Child Protec tion in Ontario The Editor contributes a handsomely illustrated article From Olivet to Hebron There are many other articles with engravings at pr year Now Year Now is the time to turn the new leaves and begin an unsullied page If we write with fingers guided by love with pen dipped into the ell of by and ready seals to close the gainst petty jealousies and un charitable talk need not fear the ream of the year The Year- brings so many hopes so many in Air welcome it with zeal with which last year vas welcomed in- look only at brightness of its awaken- as we look at the beauty of an unfolding bud as we know the bud will in fullness and droop long that the year must have its fullness and its fading hour So out hands of welcome lake new t4 close in our linger the dial in a sSijtirrttf of a step alone Mr lff sorrow in- itt he by his pre lire of of all thing in ir4dcal if and cflects They arc very small mat- had alt around lull ao ailnnfeir sale Mx liUdiler relit lr by J to A Wtunt pTcmp4ilareiivJ In of the Wifii in It itm n for Si ify It to lhasystcm sad Hi the cett For fcjHiln fcdftcfj gas of I Li the new candidates for Deputy Reeve of York in discussing the actions of his opponent in county council body organized for practical specific work bad taken up so much time mythical canals to the moon or else that it had neglected to attend to matters of Importance rccify the Hear hear Is is amusfug to note the kind by laws some corporations enact for local rnment Down in Almonte Council have fust added to their code a bylaw which compels dry goods shops not Including tailors or milliners to close oclock la afternoon Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of each week pay day in the Woollen Mills any day before a public holiday and the week before and the week after Christmas Day It they dry goods shops to why not hardware fancy goods boots etc- The London commenting on the crusado now mado In Toronto system as joints out that the paid business is making of mens trousers One works from in morning till oclock at night at this and prices are low that she make I a and flometimes sarns Itss price paid Is fifteen to seventeen and a half cents for making troutcrs arc fifty cents each for ordered and they say they only half that for ordered by are stock goods What appears lingular to us Is that tlieru will put In riavisb to tarn SI a week out they ttitj Mild as doniuaEicsi with for Gold Men are estimated by their bank account and we actually once heard a minister speaking the success of an evangelist declaring that men worth a hundred thousand dollars had been converted under his ministry standing is often obtained not by honorable descent or merit but simply by dollars A church costing a very large sum better than the little church around the coiner The worship of God even becomes largely a of dol lars and cents lor the minister is secured from a church by a call of dollars the choir arranged almost entirely on a dollar basis and the must be well dressed courtly manners and pay due respect to the owners of dollars who condescend to worship there It is too often alas I the fact that the po litical campaign is a mere question of dollars and whiskey which the dol lars as it is notoripus that men buy nominations and buy votes There must be a radical change in all this or the moral and religious life of our people will be jeopardy Character is better than gold Cul ture and refinement ace better than the clink of illearned dollars which never can gloss over the rudeness and of their owners They that make haste to be rich fall into a snare love of money is the root and we fear these roots penetrate all through our national social domes tic and even religious life- Mans life not in the abundance of things which he bath Gold never satisfies Only Christ decs or can satisfy And many like Judas are selling Christ for pieces of silver or even less An immortal soul is put in the scale against a dol lar and the latter wins 0 that the world would hearken and learn from the higher and nobler views of life and despise the paltry successes of this world which take hold on eternal death ALSO BEST liRANDS OF CANADIAN AMERICAN MAIN STREET Telephone No Jacks Hire ship of Ksl Muth nine decree Hast and flfly or limit and Huron Script Id the Southern limit tbereof decrees lm to Dated at day Do- comber LLOYD awl Clerk of Town There is no Id the darkened west bell in silent in misty air year has gone to its last long real And I who knew aod loved it befit Shall meet it God knows I Paces reporle of Alton McCarthy last week that the people of Durham will endorse general election The Town Hall says the and the speaker was applauded during his speech At the a reso lution Adopted by a vote approving of fall ftetionon and tariff questions SCHOOL REPORTS son or or a no Cists Nellie Lewis fir HI Mary Johnston Jean Carrie Sillier Maud llJamee Wright Arthur TrarlM Jr liny Jennie Heme 0ear Oslo Estells Joe John Walter Jr Pi Ill TabEthel Ross Cecil IE Tab I TabDayld Miller Willi Moore eo to- T J House -ON- ATURDAY 4r Bradford has a debenture debt of About women will vote at coming plebiscite in Orillis Sew The post office at was robbed on Saturday night McLeod aged was drowned while skating in soil lc There is great distress in Thousands of are homeless A woman can never under stand why men and cats prefer to be out to lying on a lounge In front of the Tire Ik hi at Lit Mr McCarthy pointed out out six Dominion bye John Premier foor been by Liberal Ihre Rain for the Opposition Ho atao took to intimate that the Gov ware la a of fearful foreboding as to be afraid to open doubt Card- well Halt to prewoi rumor Qov- have from Ottawa to the daily press slate the Minister Trade and the Minister the two Controllers are now busy looking over evidence collected by the Controllem regarding the tariff They are credited with the determination to a thorough revision The Convention at Ottawa last summer aod the McCarthy demonstrations since have had this effect it no other Raving ibis general tariff in and the Government desirous to see what of Wilson tariff bill In Congre a rumored Canadian Parliament not be summoned for basinets til middle of February The however has yet de8 decided this question a J a fi FOR BALE Oil glX ROOMED HOUSE- To UARMS Mb of bury lot So All UDderuoodculilfAilon ad I luiSJ re la tbe roa i ttuiure Very u POLITIC 0 KtilArQ FARMS FOR SALE it to Jnurj The postoffice at Three Rivers Quebtc was robbed on Wed nesday night of all the letters and about in cash T3P About forty relatives and of their Christmas at the home of Julius of Ring wood which reminds us of the family gatherings of former Mioards Liniment cures Dandruff FOR- NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I A from day last furnishes the following account of regularities in the customs office For past few days an In speolloa of the books the local customs official has bQ in and Importers have also boon summoned to testify to amounts- of paid speciflo in stances Irregularities have been covered and Collector grant has been suspended It is alleged that the sums remitted do not agree with those received in the one large importer amounting It la said to total deficit fa not yet known There a likely to bo a change and on the strength of this probability some 15 candidates are out among their friends looking for support for vacancy when IheiileotlotoumUr fiablihrwby lion the of Teodou may bo fir the farm eoirdteljr- For ply to SollcllerforeicclcAtf JtmesUixAliuu December Li ttttU Under Stleolifia VAIU DEBIQN stents ftuypauDt train lKSW tes a awe FALL I 1893 aiiiin ward lj yuunvwt l blind iihta vvitd ft t Mr tell of writi I hii Win literary thtlr lalcnts lie be came In authors aud literary matter ard first Indication this was announcement that ho had cured Lady Aberdeen to for his magazine hen It was out aeries offered for tint wait had awarded to Mrs Francis J Moore of London On lerio Mr has Aberdeen Waltzes In honor of Lady and will bo printed En its entirety in the February Istue of Canadian was as making a aeries of covers tut tho Journal Then of J and Lambert became prominent In contents Now Clifford Smith Montreal first Amer ican by this And It looks very much If this young Atnerlean had his eyes tamed and Intended to corn to his Canadian Mr- JioVs Canadian visit cer tainly dldgool relieve good But hi to but fired And fast She MM mJM CURE DIPHTHERIA QUINSYCOLDS And COUGHS more Irian be- The yw J Sons OP Lumber A Stock of HEAVY AND HARDWARE COMPRISING Tint Toronto la after of Education with a big sensation club It says For soma time past there has been a growing conviction that teat book system was being used for pur peso of providing funds at the expense of the of children to pay party Indebtedness Is certainly a grave aoouiatlon and one that must bo answered true tho ought to know It and not true In to Mr Hose should be disproved ami rebuked Tha Star goes on to say Wo demand appointment of a commission of judges to take evidence In regard to this matter and wo promlto that wilt Province These however usually the country a good deal of money Per haps Star will add to its promise that it fails to establish the chargolt wilt ant up cost SA to waj man a tut Neuralgic si BAR BAND HOOP IRON ALL SIZES CARRIAGE CUTTER AND TRIMMINGS TRY OUR TUBS- Cthespiss Washboards Cause toad he could after- effect found Kn BEa Ann i Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and BUILDING PAPER CARPET FELT AND PITCH FARMtHS PLATFORM SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS MEASURES Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows Kept in Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept In Stock PROP TIT A time ago Owen Sound referring to question of government In cities and largo towns by instead of the system now obtaining concludes with this Hon Many towns the ike Owen Bound could bo better and more cheaply managed by than by the aystem of grabbing with Its and corrupting Influences Wo scarcely with remedy or bad municipal government It too much about it that centralizes a power not by the To our towns like Owen Bound Newmarket and others wo could name would bo better governed by either abolish- IngthoWard and number of represent a tires to tho council board or else have but one councillor for Ward mayor reevo and one or two as the case may be with thrco aldermen would secure a better class of men create more direct responsibility and ensure better and more economic administration Royal Co to St NOT A a Blinds HP c 15 5 SHOULD A WITHOUT EN- ABOUT OUR SLIDING BL1N05 a PIANO AT AND JOHN LUSH Tut Joutflat for December fourteenth year with a brilliant Christ- number under the joint editorship Mr and Mils J Everything about the your- not shows new life and vigor New type new paper beautiful new new department specially designed by a Toronto lady and new features all go to make up a publication that is a credit to Canada Beautiful halftone portraits of well- known ladies abound a largo of Lady Aberdeen sitting at a wheel adorning frontpage given of this famous ladys life work together with a full report her fine address to women at the in Toronto in October A special article by relates to Kings Daughters and with por traits Mrs- Isabella Davis and Mrs Dickinson of New York Mrs TiUsyof Loudon and Drown Toronto- A ketch of new movement relating to the order of Is Illustrated portraits of Slater Dora formerly of Ham ilton and Mrs Lucy Rider Meyer We are dubbing the Em and this Journal tor Montreal Wall Paper Factory COLIN a a ostrich W8V0W Sold