fe Wash Day AND No Steam IN THE House A wort lint yew ili or Nun do ft You Say HOW1 BY USING Vat be SOAP to Easy en IAj cut tfa a Gown iMJttiTuiiAjfflbrmhooi MENTAL ENERGY AVERS this testimony to iicFttrttof I butt Ibo if I Una to fi le J to trj I bad Cabbed I complete Sarsaparilia -J- Co- othorsiwill cure you Emulsion CureThatCough Prevent Consumption SUDDEN CHILLS COLDS THE l U FEB God a with Feb 11 titer Into to ii col on condition 11 TWO difficulty f re And wind alt right filial to n this fec6rcJ ly i from op hit In prom which rouiof up right the mm who do d deod whn of worldly t the nd iloipIir from aril am who fi op worldly for Mko of will Christian do hit by iked ill wait fun School a At it ImI Mr J their for ricCliOOp Coaoyt of and to of P of I doctloo by A from Stnlfard thai Hon Speaker of Ontario raoaired a from Col- him Ihmt la to a weak if that Mr will for Tar at to remove to New Mexico Iho TOY Ottawa Fn Prat Mr P a u left Church and a j and bow here if can this be the same Mr who form erly ftboat tome year go Of and How to Got a Bend fitinlixht wrapper bearing wordt Why a Woman Old Sooner Than a Man to Dm Limited At cott Toronto and you will by pott a pretty picture from t well worth to botte It the market ud It will only pottago to tend In tho wrap pen open Write addrcti carefully On Sunday evening while the family were at enter ed the residence of the Rev Dr- pastor of the Church and secured in cash several valuable article of jewellery and a suit of ctolhes belong ing to Dr son No clue cor4 la SO Dlurr Lotion JmlS I noon and hour by Haw remedy a grot delight to on accouot of In of the urinary la It of and In It altzmet Hold at for Rhea la to remark able ia at odco the Under above caption a leading article appeared in a late issue of the Hamilton Spectator criticising the Educational Department of OnUrio under the management of Hon Mr Ross and comparisons with ihe expenditure during the regime of the late Dr Certain of the objections urged against policy of the Administration may be fairly con sidered open to differences of opin ion and have to questions occupying relation issues but in rcgaid to others have a strong conviction they are not fairly because of the mislead manner in which the same are presented- For instance our co- temporary state that in 1S74 the grants to public common schools amounted to 228519 in they amounted to shewing a decrease of nearly 7000 and then later on in the same article the statement is reiterated respecting decrease of grants to public schools followed by the further an nouncement that grants to separate schools increased by or So J cent These figures it is true present actual facts but the bald as of in the light of tone and temper of the article front which the extracts are taken are posi tively misleading The drift four contention would lead the casual reader to believe that Hod Mr Ross bad improperly or in order to favor those supporting separate taken from moneys payable to public schools and handed the same over to the supporters of sectarian schools- Such however is not the fact Had our given the data fur nished to the Legislature and the country shewing the increase in the number of separate during the period between and to gether with the increased attendance thereat and bad the fdrther fact been presented that grants to schools ate based per capita of school popu lation would not now be called upon to point out the unfairness of the criticism offered Those not with the factsare left to draw unwarrantable conclusions one having to do with school matters in an official way knows that the total grants voted by the Legislature for the support of public and separate schools have not materially changed from to The total propriUton in the former year was while tp it was increase of only but the increase in the number of separate schools especially in Eastern part of Ontario and in Essex in the West in making the division proportionally according to has bad the effect of lessening the amount appropriated to public nearly 7000 adding the to the separate school grants Besides in 1874 it is quite possible on account of separate schools not then being organized where they now exist the children of Roman Catholics had to attend public schools thereby giving increased thereto but after withdrawal the per capita appropria tion was taken therefrom and trans- to school Not taking these facts and circum stances into account and placing them before the public is think outvote rnporarys article Is mislead ing and the inference to be drawn therefrom unjust to the Head of the Education Department With respect however to the training school the training of teachers teachers insti tutesthe school of pedagogy and the establishment of a school of lical science these arc all questions of Government policy and as stated above are ques tions subject to difference of opinion to their necessity or desirability as factors our educational system With regard to the total expendi ture by this department of Govern- meat we are free to admit that an in crease of more than per per annum In eighteen years presents a question demanding the serious con sideration of the Legislature the people and when we remember that the charge for departmental examina tions rose from iaoo in to7o- in with the cost of living very reduced It does look as If expense was abnormally largd The legislature however will soon be in session when nails will likely be discussed by both sides of the Home no doubt sufficient information elicited to form an in- tcllixcnt conclusion respecting not ihe educational but all other de partments of administration All along Has political in miking for the coming On South Mr Nicholas party staDdsrdbester campaign Mr Hardy was present at Ihe Convention and received a nearly reception Tint remarks that the of lato Conservative Chieftain Sir to be erected To ronto rapidly approaching completion and will bo ready it unveiling at expeeled for next birth day Mr- Hamilton McCarthy is the AS A of blood nothing U clean u Medical Dit to it tot cry blood n Hut York Society Mr is Sccreiory Ibis Mr Barker Mr of On Whole while may iU in- convenience it lso has advantage Ond official can a other and it the work of Scotia not with money Ha Government what do with it old fogy continuing lativa Council A bill to abolish ila Second Chamber dialed Ibis on a vote of to The who voted wipe a tec true and of the as on riohos Iu it mi em- of Cod oil is good for building np no about I it a builder oven for making in in rotjlt- Dis covery It to work in the right repairing all organs of the body When genus of are round about us wo do not get them Why Some of in too good a condition germs of Consumption Grippe Malaria and all infectious you by if you strong to resist their attack Render yourself germ proof by putting your blood and liver a healthy state all bloodtaints and diseases the Discovery fails to benefit or your money is returned No other Ha b gold go FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT In Arrears for Taxes in the County of York of of bearing Htia of of on tun Ud dm be I MONDAY DAY OF APRIL At ihaboQriioockJaibaroranwQub Court of General Brock biaTlr While at wan honor for We on anil Who for and country In of old look ibofr valor at at and grand do heal for Major band In lb a boor of battle Molted Id Alt of death atarod In faoo lkia thereof rrMritax4 ALL THE FOLLOWING LAND ARE PATENTED OF LOT Waal I part TUTS TUBS Ill- HI Jit it m If 111 lfUUtYJU Si N I aor too is I U S TV OF i aKo luck bo la aolboua9ln Booth wdofM UoucbuSt I 0 Tha a ad warrior with aiatalf pear On ovary flank tbo Clld near Ob I army ao fow and In tbclr to no I TOWSaJUP OF ii to Maria Weal -jJJ- 4 ft Victor 1 -104- V OF ooUiEaati4 Weal l fc I Op J IW1 I i a to From friends mud patted do bravery asiaii and their death dearly bought At last with Joy Iarocbltdltai many a of boy Bravo Major sleplag on Aalda of Ob it not folly bo Mid and depart If In on bright flultoci Weal i7 THE LEADING Or the thirtytwo candidates already various in Patrons of Industry not of bold a seat at preset either in or Assembly Wont bo a up when the elections ate One thing appear machine politics have to take a back in more than one con only Sclent and Practical Current hd readily felt nJ both quantity and flip body- canto at any darin lability llAaet lilUnry oronK0fV0nUbnvtKKU an and cite 1 no an faiUS or by picitii to activity loo Tate c In ihelrvmctlCN tufoniiatlon acute chronic and nervous how to etc FREE to FALL GOODS INCLUDING Putty aUBizod of Glass Saw of the best makers Shot Guus and Revolver Ammunition of all kinds A of Reform convention o Parry for is for the of Mr already an- the rioM as au terra tiros nominated Mr It the Mr Arm strouKi It If tho w ill them Mr the Nottk bo anil if tho want to boat him waul to op ranks stop their as to who ball ha 6n anil out their otrorigeU Local iuslda losing an There it a form of which may be without giving away a rightfully belongs to which the under no but confers fnestimable benefit It consists in the prompt payment of debts Dont let the grocer the dressmaker the the bUcV the builder the butcher the printer the roan who you fish or the woman who cells you frills suffer for the lack of the money you owe to or all of them Pay a you go and the poor shall rue up And call you blessed by of your nimble sixpences prompt payers are the very salt of the earth Detroit Frt Some lime ago in enterprising citiiens of while for water such a as set the town gas craay A num ber of other wells were sunk and fully per cent them struck a pocket at a depth from la feet Although they weresur- wells yet there so much con fidence In their strength com panies were organising and all the principle streets were piped natural gas and the In the estimation of the be the city of We item Ontario Inducements were offered to manu facturing concerns and the town was being boomed for all It worth But a couple of months ago the sup ply of gas was noticed to be decreas ing and in a very short time some of the wells panned out Gradually hey and now there hardly a live well in the town Borne of those heavily interested ate sinking a deep well in the hope of getting a permanent supply but as yet have been The expend in connection with natural gas in the town hits been enormous which wilt worthless unless the deep well succeeds in striking poc ket RAILWAY j Jssassj a tanas a i A mm mm it 1 Tuesday that Mr da the of and vet ran Reform that Province expected to address Toronto Liberals on evening of February lie will With relations Tie Owen BelU Appliance Co KING St W TORONTO to Elate in MENTION the Provinces and attitude of the people of countrymen than with any political topic general to their rather The political pot is boiling much iu Western Ontario than iu the and candidates nominated every Delhi RtfcrUr is informed that A is in field for the Dominion House fn opposition CharJtou and that Jamea Dal ton is a candidate in to Car- for Ontario It is not likely that either of sitting members will lose much rest through of their opponents Why Tommy She was Why did yon atap o good mamma couldnt help It Brooklyn Life Kites calls public alien lion to a swindling now being prac ticed on io tho eastern part of Ontario Speaking of the way the play their our They Induce the victim to allow a piano to be placed in house as a sample and to a paper which torus out a little later to bo a con tract a swindle that has been worked in the United States and the public has been warned time after time to bo careful about mysterious paper A FULL LINE Ob CUTLERY of all celebrate J maker Horse Blankets Cattle and Cow Chains ALSO BEST BRANDS OF Opaque Shades t AND- Curtain Poles CANADIAN AMERICAN J A ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No Jacks to Hire It appears from a legal daclifoti by Solicitor of Toronto that new the as propd withoot aotus months w at had upon another sfirYiw action was taken but as appear of ruay be raised t auy without this legal disability It to us the Act should bo so as to ansble to what will pay during their term of office stateJ month in when changes can bo made If either by way or as peoples may decide without eetopp by legal cililles or disabilities should be removed It up d moat lad foe fall lit Mondays In thooiootb A A Uondssto Friday to lbs Mount Albert 1st A ltd to A lib la lit A la Scbc Tiolof A Aor lit A In Month of aod day In each Hood W tl oil a ft o hi Throat WJWidllWTUupaaGuiJMt Plsitsr ill ait VITALIZE Burns saved irr Try this Remedy Uovo W lor are toM a to It a few ago that Mr for Middlesex did not proposo offering him self for but a report of of the Hiding Cod- sanative last aa he Is familiarly called still anothertcrm A will be held on the Inst to nominate a party candidate During Mr- speech at tho meeting on had a for both the P of I and to a supporter of Mr Meredith Dear reader will not tell you hoi saying to her but that Let hat phs to him when he comes out niOHKSTOItADBOK ORGAN AND PIANO cr CANADAS AND K8TADLieilUKNT JOUK the of the firmer side and manufacturer the other is s hard time it order to get with the Ontario lo Ha bid for the farmer vote by manufacturing Under twine the Ceutral Prison the Federal Government decided on a similar pria at the Kingston Penitentiary As a the binder factory at Port about W has shut down and the municipal of that town are making an effort to have re consider its decision Politics and self- interest have a hard time In adjusting these differences The sitting member for that constituency hied himself off to toedvisa the Government to delist fn il purpose He was told that his pro came too late plant for the inschtnery had already been contracted for and that the Government bad decided it was In the public Interest lo profitable employment fc so as to aid In making prisons as far as possible A la the J I tM Loot and vvie and vut If tell frltpds It towia vat our wo learn Is rejoicing at Manitoba because of the fact that water plenty of It ha secured from artesian welt at a depth of 1915 fart water Is soft and suit able for all purposes When n Mayor Jackson visited In summer of 1691 the work of sinking the Well was underway and a depth was then reached over It is situated In the centre the town and in prox imity to the depot and husineu portion of the place the Federal and Pro vincial Governments as well as the town itself have contributed lowards the ex pause boring Until quite recently most of the domestic water had to bo carted a mile or two to supply the there is rejoicing over the socotss that has rewarded their persistent labors Oh Qeorgot you perauado her Did you she would not leave OhI I K6 It by your facet Puck annas convention of the for Is to be held In Toronto At the Hamilton convention last ad opted petition to the Dominion Pari I a- ment praying that all convents nunneries brotherhoods every denom ination be placed under Government In- and another petition to tho On tario House praying that separate schools be made In all respects the ssmeespabllo schools teachers to the same exam complied to use tho same text their trustees be by ballot and that ratepayers bo declared ftlmn school they notify clerks of wTicro tbsy before the Grit day of Decem ber yearly that they to be ratci as school supporter above with of the newly about all that has made publloot their They have big contract on hand MinatfTs Liniment is the For hat Bad Cough ofyodrs it recommended o Preventive and Cure of all Throat and lun Diseases i OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothcspihs and Washboards LUMBER had for best I ever ate Thanks to COTTOLENtT bo new and successful shortening YOUR GROCER ton IT Made only by ft and Ann Stieclt MONTREAL p Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and Blinds 5J NOBODY SHOULD BUILD A RESIDENCE QUIR1NO AOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS PAIN IK SIDE ft LAME BACK DarHENTHOL PLASTER Rev Gro M Adams Mas writes I recom mend C strongly in my case it has proved singularly efficient when I could find nothing else to Rive relief it was a prompt remedy I should be unwilling to be without it Free sample mailed to any address C Co Ltd New GlasRow an Slate St Boston M A Turkey Mondays Empire gives an account of an Ontario turkey which has achieved notoriety In Liverpool A gentlemen bought a for bis New Years dinner His wife being ill he undertook to look after the pre of it On examining the crop to see what Ontario people fed their turkeys he was amazed to find a diamond stud valued at 220 with the following engraved on it From two letters to Bob The two letters are for obvious reasons The finder says he will keep it a year before disposing of it should the owner not appear in the meantime the household remedy for stomach troubles Love that It Is not enough that wives must feet that they have the love of their husbands writes in the Home Journal They should know it Thoughtlessness and a mis understanding of the nature of women are at the bottom of all this unex pressed love There is plenty of love in this world and a great part of it ties in the hearts of our Amer ican husbands But it shouldnt lie dormant When it does it is the love that kills It should reach ex pression It should be given voice and as often and as warmly as the heart dictates A good wife can stand a tremendous quantity of love all that any man can give her The danger lies rather in not giving enough than in giving too much It is not on unmaoly thing for a man to love his wife although might readily believe from the way some men go about it Neither is it sickly maudlin nor sentimental for Wnv to show It But even if it were ail these and more what of it Who has a prior claim to a husbands love and who a better right to know it Whit is It that men do for their wives that is at all an equivalent for what wives do for their Pro vide for them Tests a duty and nothing more In some things it is well that we should go a little farther than the duty line The more hus bands remain lovers the belter it will be for the wives of our land It is the expressed love of a husband that makes a radiantly hippy and nothing can take ill place will law ovtd bug IS her blub THE WHOLE FAMILY with but fcvibhcfi tub Dissolution of ihil IhtuoJtr nnder ted firm San V VlvIDln of York this of ISli met wrt- bailoHi M A who Is to d collect la aU la tho btrotobara NATHANIEL BpjneJiafclftdtcd 3wt a A WOO D U POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Alio UKomTEnBa Notice to Creditors in to It- In matter NOTlOKIf Iftft hat ibo JAMES STARR who died on iKo of Decern- on or wort of lSft4 or by to Of ft lq rill on AddrcUM fall of Lhftlr of the ruler AUpOuat of All a tofil ffattbir tb will- bttf the pro- to of dtxoix4 the thereto to lh of which ibAil it will not bo for tbo to to to who thill riot it Hew ill EjUtO nil mi VlciotU Of CttUM bit wbolo llCDDtOlbdlpOCUllYpf iod DtMUOA out ft iMpiLHa of thi Throat A of Toronto will yUII from io Boml Vt Lot of S ihi SON uIh CI STEER lot l6i ibOQl Nor lit Asj Hit ridiTDlibL f nit night if at COoHaUDiNwmfkt Fa or lbs icbM lit In each Tcopcuica or of raoolh BALE OR TO FARM TO RENT or jt Good Farm to Rent Weal Billot li d lOiCMi rom to will plowed to P X floifortb FARM FOR SALE DRUGS A of town of to butter Li Uhet Qntoliii or firm Bold itiWo toppllM cot firm ill wlrowlib flriiliii up Ii Unci for fihorttt filled drlrlcg a TbiroUi itono nd trance on ibi Arm Id a to lhA a Rood chine to PaUI FOR SALE A Improved YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR lSmOQlbj old by Boo And Bow ttQUETTOM I Electric Co I W ROAGH FOOD NOT A POISON FATAL TO AMD BUOS CO fatiuti fla a HI St Put I Montreal Wall COLIN Factory CANADA A m ill Vial cm ri nidi Said MUCILAGE LIQUID OWE MANfa THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN HAIR fold STsryrhira at boo a