-W- ERA MAR IS GOING OX IS a TOWN The Date Settled The Patrons of will meet in en of April to candidate to ibe Church Regular Fellowship But for the abo Masonic Assembly According to til secennt lbAl Horns in vnolog a litattcalr Dairy- MrWm Willis on lb of Is baa cbuoi a brd of sarin Jarujs la fctm and Rood molt this roer Parlor The completing for a Pallor nail aTanlng Brides game a good program presented Further ahaoaaoed Choral Society ra a good at lie Congregational School Boom on Mr succeeded in cbu with acoompajuent of How will Join The Last If thiols tendering for to Bom for and ha not scat In bis it ii time he sboct it lbs day for lb Inspector to rtodrfl ratal on ftCHRisrUH Elder attending Board to altraharo this and will miuiaoarj at here by Mr in las owning and by Mr to ihi aniDg The floral doorthfii wot creditable Lady Mr Com- and of of World li of of ibis af1rooon in Hall In of a to All cordially i The Wrong bar- mi to rob Brad ford on Thursday of laai were off and being fired two shot at Mr The next day man placed hero on cionof being of be Inordar it be was back to Landing where ha fcl story and mi go bad aoma Ibis Is lb no no pay A Tumble in Prices Erevy time wheel brings good forton to The retiring from air slock of Bros whole sale mark and pnrcbuad bja firm in at a very tow rata on tba dollar Mr who wiU manage the hero has town all week and is gat tug things In order for the boom tomorrow Walt Hand and are engaged as salesmen and the price which are advertised elsewhere show firm means C- U Regular Canes next Tuesday aiter- take charge of Mr Johnson of the principal Bond Salvation Army Johnson mad ftiTftngtmant to rtopen Brad ford nexl Tha Cap still conUnoea to meet with Daring past two weeks firs have been added to the roll Raster Market bad roads but Balarday there was a splendid market dropped to and batter from toS3o a lot potatoes sold and par Maple for per and per jar of wine Apple sold at per a peck Orated raddish per pint There was a lot of pork and appeared to be the ruling prio Town Council Two matters are to corns before Council next Monday first the of person to act as Town Officer and Town at a salary of for tba year the to lbs strMtUghting The regarding of not jet been published thai the ratepayers are not in a position to for on the mints Inert along these Lines Statistics The for Mr Philip Jonea has u the following summary for of the public Koofasree In township a cleared of real pre- Children between 16 897 Total population of Township 9751 Mo of Dogs m Cattle t Sheep 8923 Hogs Horses J n Steam There are acres of orchard and gar den and fall wheat Daring past year there were births and death In the Township The annual meeting for election of officers for will be held in rooms on log next at oclock A fall of members Is requested StJohhs ChuucjltTIus edifice irsa decorated with flower and colored last choir special Ret of Miehaals Toronto preached morning and to large oongrefi lions The Easter were sattsfaotory Now wc to jbo brat Tbb r to tbo Mr tmrotnccd loapcoT- rojcti to bo JKk If hid April would it at Tbo robin thai lifiir lbs a a All aUuiul 1I3M ffUD it IqtlubU to in Street lut Dot gQ w Mr in owl and no week homing fjUirTtaUaViaiTTXacncat wa la uiip Bat in tram wrii tun ui lota to i or fcr lLP eaCQtaaUfO Xrf A raf I CO WTUW I xp La tt from liia port rrouia IpCanafJian ifcroual- IDtta L Ua ition by It Which TO STOCK OF Hard on tub Thurs day and Friday roads were as bad as hay bo and on Saturday they were to throoh the emit with a load On Qacen a mile from the town line load of hay slack feat one day for fear boars On Good Friday morning the of Mr milk two be fore he got Coming market last of Mrs of wee broken to many other that we hare not heard of Hvghis Room If he place for the ladle a A Special Clean- Engineer Warren who great credit tor the end tidy in which the WaterWork all limes of year spent Good Friday In patting on finishing tonxhea- only fa finished steel and born to Its brightness faai ell the end a coat of paint that day a pleaenre to visitor around the WaterWorks yon know before jc j go there that thing la fa presentable condition It credit the town Tee lestad Alarm System yesterday and thing waa to be In perfect voklo order School The In Mis Evans Division on afternoon of lee I we was a for and seat also ranch enjoyed by the visitors who were present the occasion to the nam of discharged the dalle of chairman creditably announcing pieces on the program The Model School Hand of fire piece gae Mere by Roe Cane K Denote J Wright LeilU Jackson l Fletcher by by I floater Hewitt and A by five mental by WftsJ arid The teacher it to be complimented npoa the of the In with the enter St Pauls Euttr on wera Largely attended the by choir bright and well rendered solo In the Anthem The Lord is Strength being song The Easter offertory amounted to seventy dollars Including the School Lenten offering Coosidsring the early season floral decoration wera lovely tag Easter and five Galas At Vestry Meeting on Monday even ing the report of the J The Interest In the Church work mnat be very to Rev Mr The Ch arch- Warden for the year are Mr Roes and Mr McCor- fatore prospects for SI Peals Church are brighter than they hare been for year The worthy Rector la to be on the revolt of bis arduous labors Cottok Iu Black White and Colors another large lot this week at p a Yes The weather a topio of when other scarce What a March wahare bad liking the whole month hi not like a Canadian March of other days holster bat a decidedly cirillred climalio Still past week has exhibited acme of the lions In the lower temperature which prevailed and the contrast between and Beater Sundays was rather disappointing being a drop of degreoe in one week On Palm Sunday Ibe thermome ter registered degree People felt uncomfortably warm with their wfoterundtr clothing and in the open air while we heard of running bare fool that day Last Sunday evening at oclock mercery itood ten above and It sank to aero Monday morning Monday It colder still and this week made a draw the woodpU and coal bine again the two or three weeks of mild weather which we bad shortened the winter wonderfully and a to poor A Article About boose Is a Step alia from to at A- a Tube Corsets Are 1 TO AH kept by If North York Society A of the- directors of the above society look place In Newmarket on Bat unlay last The Mr CbaC Ltindy la the Messrs J W ft Phillip and JB communication i read and disposed of were appointed for Toronto and Aurora also a to look after the Societys tot the corrent year waa Inetrocted to layoff 2i0on lodebudntae Board then the location of when ft was resolved that the aaouel outing some time between the end of neat to In of Woodcock to make all The date of the Fall Show was itol but an In favor and of daiea come on ibaiavlay eid of the end lit If will to In nit to with date at as year both show by being held on iJa date A couplet of the list will be road pec fa ladles department a also it stock Sham i Milk Goods Cream era only each Fall 1 jt each Fan qts each Milk each- A iiam Chirsk Industry The Director of the Dairy in Important meeting all board being present Mr Randall A lengthy took pace upon the and advisability of paying twice a month for milk hat notliing wee decided point however was aettTed rto milk mIU purchased or the season who want the the moat be regular contributors The Secretary was nil rye to some regarding necessary to become with Dairymens decided to borrow to meet maturing end correal eipenet lor Mr waa appointed sab a Bee rata ry tost meted to notify all those who agreed to milk season aad did sot do that will be expected to carry out their agreement Ibis year In default of which the Association will them liable for any percentage of lota that may occur thereby It hardly seems credible that people would to support acooper- enterprise of ihi kind and then of their word we are In formed no than adosen farmers after promising the of 0 did This a lose to the Company of the profit of cheeeo per day for the entire and the Board certainly acted gener ously when they extend the of the pledge another season of milk the of teat year ware to patron and many Intend to the product of raw next and who were Dot i to It at ail are asking This is a good sign and augers for the Locceae of operations the prod act of the Factory gux and wharerer exhibited the Chat took First The same cheesemaker has engaged again end the are ezcaedlcgly An Interacting btler from a oa la crowded out week out for It In oar next been lately by a lot of extra nice goods a Company of New York calibrated in ivrui will to mamorabfc in a thai baa report for of those tohDld itj SUM la doit in o to fond for and to insure again to toa91 tod La a iom which to morrooiia amoonl paid in fixcoed the of rim liar In Mr aMcarad the local it a pleas- or to of Boom Friday ail and modal ion atnd it fleama that noma anfltllsg ft -xnt- la town bow Tr may of id to and tofaUi who an ftorfad to to for lb want of In- food any a In this the aUTt bam loft to world It la not of acbool that baft to world Than bo method batter to and beat than that of a room od In bat good bot litort of day bring tug any approcia that teach with tiring luaes of day We for this be of Director and hoodoo Urn to WbUe the from them mere Court There quite a ftttaadsiaco Court lilt and Honor Morgan were two In which In particularly the Tho fint 00004 for 25 entered by Dr Stuart for medical by order of Board facta to A malignant of broke oat and Board of Health in- him to He did but thrM trip the died ho child took be con- tinned la tripe Conned refuted to the bill la loll at is hid not racted to pilItoL to take advantage Id the In attendance being iwlteltor pnaied for the tariff rate cbargeala Heritor for lowaiMp the bat wee for and The other which the Council 5 jo a load gravel got on Mr- Una right of way to pit glfeo the the ftoadandforyeuo the per load paid to tbo tea- u for the premlMf lndgmeni to Mm for mil for loada and flyo oclock kvblppaZrg OsULlelJUO 0 J l Til- till aot nouit I an end to the matttl It Ihi la woUciihe Co to La aeKnj nolar a la the CMJTjit OTCaiBldt- In idrtJt to kef land mora tor tfcrj kaviof lliiCK a Sal ra la and flTOft bare to coo Lit iaeoiecLantil erf The tba muJi ti Ihljtj ihlijfjpM botWasn raaoIL Iha and arbi trary lAe iha of a re tntoibtoonolry to boy for ha know the A a t4 fear la fiwi not Willi the ihBtunbtp aJOiri follow All tbe tbartrore to to of all of Mr a bill Ho to la formal to a of tot to TO bill Rtteraa If It did of yeietr woTjId It oolDttd car by Mr for miliar of of Thai there la no la la by that bis with Chair aod It ai loierre for which AT In Dress Goods Newest Colorings and Effects Another Big Lot of Prints making our stock one of the most complete and attractive ever offered in this Town Gloves and Parasols Hosiery in Stainless Black Cotton Cashmere Hosiery in Black also Tan Shades every size Union and All Wool TwoPly Carpets bought by us from first hands the manufacturers and we will sell at ordinary wholesale prices Lace Trimmings Black White Cream and in great profusion Lace Curtains in great variety from 30c a pair up and their accompaniments Wall Paper Ceiling Paper and in very rich patterns at very little price Like nearly all our goods so cheap that one half the world wonders how the other half lives Our explanation is that our CASH VIVIAN Una Robert of Ibfi celebrated their Golden Wedding or of their mar- Monday rtttdcooo waa lied to two gQaUpreveiitarjJ of own family reprtaeotoi of ware from In different parti of Canada and the United inabUUy to bo ftnd of gold to lha boat and a pair of fold to wile by which wit read br Dr t of Mr and WW nod on to yontiia aemiMnUnotal of nflpllal In meeting lha a afaorladdrexc ft that not that hare rolled into eternity for weal or Jon la wedlock we aee other you with may have had tflaja and dlfllcattlta to con tend we tJi4io that Journey life lo a a and that JJvfidlD fcata who hare enjoyed and who hare ttOaoyoQ and beat can bear to your and honorable u well and cuiHr Id lha half yon wJioceaedmaoy Many who atari ad of and lct ape the like he to have land of at kail wild aula to Mi to autely nod of ferule have la ibide- of your adopted from Pin colony to on of of the ante in and public veo rally la it Ibe which Umelbe of with to your the of mil prlralo you fox honor and It ratifying to yoor to that long and eventful Mirtbatmeaaanofaococaabva bean anablayon the part to your Jo the of aolaacce ao fruna to which you mutt yttaKperUneoibU In ear- roonledby now rcaopy honored lo allow the name of to of vary treat Win which you are held by yean it you which la but on of the yoorfIndi In the nama all me ihti pair NEW Latest Colorings and Newest Patterns Every yard guaranteed Fast Colors at Bruntons The very latest novelties in LacesBlack Colored and White in Point and Irish Guipure for Dress Trimming at Bruntons Have you tried the Celebrated Salada Ceylon Tea at W A BRUNTONS PLAYTERS OLD STAND All good cooVi use Halting Powder- MONTGOMERY trial to Our of of of of to take rank tho of the wtdchooad It la waa oat of by the be OM tow cane aicrrfltmoitbe and national tha a nation would of the of who when are toaraenbuladlabeyood own or the no other raaaon to money Ma bald away the abowi It la that It to hay national I bald of weak It lu la to bay preloaded lu tbeaonounceutot of the tariff roaiaw v lo of the are ft from will date Into of free In n ad a before re- rot of at a wit will made and what ft now a properly To la at prfnelple of wUl La baa tana a tariff raraoaaiiy profwO to Jtaai a few about coat of to the the Armaria of the for Mill Br the very all that Ihoeleerncaa of rally and we that the la at loan lo that MOW tha which capable moth Jo hope you yet that Joy the and John Warden to the their abort apeechaa were MUkr of otheaall bore to auol of recipient la of the Which bad taken plaoo be MganhowlDf out a home tot to the fortM of old of whom now upon aciloo by a all at the world After of all were carta of life were until dawn the and Aoothtr on Ibo and al ibe place the Of McCormaek to Hawaii by Iter Mr 10 happy rccelrcd are of watch charm tea and with marble let Jnd allrer lolatd with aotO and tray fin tab ad la riLUfjiedJpepMraodiai mi araaetln of fatallye tike vary Jntald withhold lit Cream cold by Mr land J of Ml Albert bowl gold by affaire of Orchard- Vwe with gold Edgar Ofay of by Mr aud of Albert A n- In this Branch of our for March thin doubled our sales over same month year Do you know the reason why make up a lujxrior clan of good and are undone every house in the irttlc See our slock before placing your order and will convince you what we say GENTS FURNISHINGS This new department liai proved a great increased sates- The people the fact that we are selling die end Most Fashionable Goods at very pifcei We hare no old stock everything is new and the latest atyle BOOTS SHOES Our New Spring Joed are arriving and without a doubt they are the cheapest that ever saw Newmarket Our stock will be complete in a week or two when we will be able to show you the Iargest Cheapest and Most Complete Stock of and Shoes ever shown in chit Town GROCERIES Our Grocery Department will he found very complete new Our can rely our goods being what we repre sent them be We that what a cut they it and clean Call and see and wc will please you MONTGOMERY BRODIE AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM Iff WHITCHURCH ma or THE LATE JOHN will be orodqeoi at or there will be offered for lie A a Saturday the 1 day of April at oclock tell at Hotel lo TOWNjor NEWMARKET if I xolalalref about M hi Of lelmlt beJsDf eall Of of la or aod iciiv atrip North aide I to On ihla t arta la a TOmforUbl brick hooe ftbol W of About It of fall a a mile the property la tti of Or HALEID ri at la or It of ceo it ma to iha lrterrat- will aubjeet MHtcUrtaptJr to elnohitniTJO 1Mb fiollollor THE LEADING Goods INCLUDING Putty all of Sawa BuckSaws Axw of the beat Rifles Shot and Revolvers Ammunition of all kinds FULL LINK OF Ml or by ra JiUrwtUi mo of areloiejroLavt iM to he tier of It iriUrt IttlraetqalM rated Moot to i ill whole areloiejrotevt to the woarriijracriat btnBtoTvn lecoootry If cattle of t9 If It ceo by of the The McKay of tfUatar by wlMri by of Toronto by of Mr 3o by Mr of ajid WXartoiaiix China by Wcoduate of J alarm by to by ft4WC0Q Of wood bi Mr aba Bradford dot atwc by iinujj of CUTLERY of all the celebrated makers Horse Blankets and Cow Chains Shades AND- Poles as ford doc Halt lit ALSO BEST BRANDS OF Oil CANADIAN AMERICAN J AW ALLAN CO Telephone No to MONEY TO LOAN At alt Motnily by DAVID LLOYD for tahloa CroTarvjcer of Mar Jaja for the follow Fire Coin pan If a or UTarpool Uplnal MfjibllibM lha Ufa Toronto OR SALE TTl Hem or Ui az A- Voogaeta Oat 1 March Floor per Barrel CO rail Wheat per bubal Wheat per tube pef hash Heeler per per Da Iter tab per lb Wool in 1 per per pale ii co 10 to 0 Ift ICO Oil ISM OlO a a CO CO a SCO HOLT In ches has with on St for a Mr Ellen has bought house by the late was at Mr WiHHiPto Man March John Messenger and Walker Mcpougtll near Kara Station end when Meaieoger etruck latter pulled a and time Meiitoger ARRIVING EVERY WEEK he Latest Spring And nil lo rtll Cuh Priest r Li- Being the only Siorein Tovn that deals Exclusively in Boots I can give you a Better Assortment to choose from than any other place in Town Sign Red Boot S H All ripi in goods sold here sewed J l lil Flower Field and Garden Seeds la all varieties front the most reliable dealers- SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE OUR STOCK now Complete NEW SPRING GOODS In Suitings and Light Overcoatings from Jhe very best makers We have the Goods You require we study your wants and you show your appreciation by coming here McDOUGALL Next Door to Atkinsons MY TAILORS NEWMARKET Burning Oils Canidien Coal Oils American Coal Gill Lubricating Oils Peerless Virginia Cylinder and Castor A OUSE and PAINTERS BRUSHES HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES BUILDING HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL JAS PROP FROM My Entire Stock consisting of DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS PAINTS OILS ETC Must be sold within the next As I am retiring from business All goods to be sold at cost Now is your time to secure bargains in all lines Goods will be MUST BE SOLS All accounts due Oct rtst 892 must be settled at once WIGHT P A