Newmarket Era, 20 Apr 1894, p. 1

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i f 4v trf A SKEWS THE NEWMARKET ERA IMC GIVE HE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO JO v Every Friday Morning Br LYMAN GEO JACKSON PRINTING HOUSE nx strut Tee of Eat REACHED 1850 cob fluently SUBSCRIBERS Vol Copies Cents I NORTH YORK J Friday A 194 AND ADVERTISER Wo North York fa advance Terms ftl00 Strictly in Advance within or at end of year 0NTAEI0 BANK Toioirro Newmarket Branch A BANKING BUaiNiaa Avowed XT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL rollers Drift old- Oolite promptly to J- SOUGH inijfcr- LEGAL Notary Loan good Farm T SOLICITOR Solicitor for Money to Loud Court Reformer Block loLoia- TJ 50 Main J or County of York is DR A if a 9 JVimorri2a Aindalien lily 031c to lo J P and to P 1 The Leading Stove Depot iii Guaranteed for RAMS ra One Year 20 and gals Daisy Barrel Dash 6 and gals Cradle Creamers Milk Pans Butler Bowls Prints Stamps and Ladles in great variety Eavetroughing Our Special A BINNS NEWMARKET DB Btatlare Hoin8 to I to eod to D ROGERS AI lb MethcOlitCbarcb a- TERRY Block DRUGS AND CUEUIOALS J C H SIMPSON Main and AS 51 Main Agcnl for AUCTIONEERS UOOAflT York Co- Farm CtiUcl talc will 93UtlQ8t PO DUNCAN AUCTIONEER For lha Cocoty of York Good on utile Farm llf to- A trial it 0BT ROSE tea Auctioneer KESTER HEWITT PRACTICAL PAINTER ALd Decorator A toaod price v THE LEAD IN I IN DRY GOODS TheT J House GENTLEMEN have really splendid bargains for you to miss them is simply disadvantageous to you both in the loss of the finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full suit our stock affords the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices Call and see for yourselves D MUTCH Merchant Tailor opposite Starrs Book Gems own cloth made up neatly and Cheaply GEO WOOD Ho- si i of Iindoo AH Block lyittlUCtioaFtrm laolatcdTowo Newmarket FIRE INSURANCE ajCWHAHKBT of V Co of Tendon A Linftilrr Liverpool Atc Corsets not be confounded with those which were made five or six years ago The Corset of today is as far removed from the old style as is from white BUY A PAIR AND YOU WILL WORKS CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS NEWMARKET WIARBLEWORKS The Latest Designs MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Canadian and Granites and Marble A call I rdcrlD ALLAN Cor fe CARL LLOYD TUNKK CARL FORSYTH MARRIAOK At tot Idvmuktl Private J MANNING SON- COYLE SCI MI8CELLAUEOUS Standard Life AssuranceCo of yJna taiDoori Will tola Aw or of J Insuring the Lives of Females TDK AND At low A Att Mrs Baylys Private School III VMt MR A CONCERT rf WF 1 tor In Ravenihoc a 1 HO AG of CuUora a asH44 lor U STATUTES- Photos Photos I Q PEPPIATT jorcbood balneof Wo W be Co InUmato ha Aod to torn THE oat work in rcrj work fax to the prod action rf mo axtlatic picture bo fcQdEiilAnglQCTarOnorOtL Mr will to flood work bat to to tad UafactIo Old I LINI MENT will cure evciy of Mrs Raker I bklieve MINARDS will promote growth of hair Mrs Sun1ejr I MINARDS LINI MENT is the best household remedy on earth MatHias Fony Oil City Ont WE HAVE Received the Finest and Most Complete Set of Test Lenses in this town and by making the a a close and careful study are now pre pared to fit any case of defective eyesight We guarantee satis faction only ask a call to convince you that what we say is a fact LATKINSQH Only one charge That is for glasses Consultation Free Saved Her Life J of Worthing Xia auved by of Cherry Oi0 Croup by our pnptl to bo well control HUM I by the hud and on going to It It ft Lid d to the cotiluioa Ilrcn I reasoned of no part of In ibo h a Ibo child sbort Interval and waited results Teetotal was the new easier end In a short quietly and The and well and do not to say tared AYERS Cherry Pectoral Pput4b7DrJOArtrliCoLwil Prompt Mothers with weakness- who givo nourishment lobabos8hould Scotts Emulsion Cream of Oil and It strength and world It M fci trinity SiksliMitl WirrUifc A In fore goodly land a hardy It if fair of child alonn aingi In loadet dee free lha loaf com pare I And loaf wo oar dear- glory let wo iiroadly wear fair forest id march of Oped hid goma of And ho hot to brightly mils In glow of abMD O the is w Ac Whin lha field to When cornea again Then the inaploa id hare r And adorn O do When grow long and wo the song When the field orchards Then wj the and wo chit leaf And garland a wreathe to dock our maid fair Of the free beyond An leaf our emblem dear The maplo leaf well ever weir Jiii fit CatheiiDet For ftrJ Always Old as the the drops of Yet to Bambino la now new hazy dawn Of early boor A toKeu An emblem of His power Always new the sunset Radiant with colors bright Saying to each tool time for nut Aiwa a new the Spring Varied by and Fostering Into troca and Always though old Autumn of the year Proclaiming Our Fathers laoder care Alwaya new is atory told Ho oft a each repetition More than before The old atory ever new That died for And to To all who on Him call Alfrayt new joy Of the they wondera of lovo The of their King EAL Newmarket April Two coward We both were edge I u logire for the blow I hid 1 1 ruck If I a gentleman do o I wilting I might designate the lime and place and select the wea pon What I do What I ought to do was veiy plain The lessons life which my fond mother had taught me did not mc In doubt I ought to have gone to Adams and made such offer of conciliation gentleman may honorably make to another and it he had rejected that I could bare simply turned from and refused to do a further wrong to right the wrong already done But I not the courage to do that I was coward I feared that my friends would at me and that the especial friends of Adams would point at the fing er of scorn So tn the cowardice of my heart I thought I would be brave before the world and I accepted the challenge The sooner it il over the better remarked And with this sentiment agreed Certainly I responded Let it be on very day at a upon the rivers directly beneath the WhiteHeart I will send a friend to you to make further arrange ments And the weapons Pistols And so it was fiied hour after voids I found John Irict a young physician who agreed to act as my second He did not urge me to abandon the idea nor did he enter upon the work as though be loved it but he did it because he fancied that I was determined and in case of accident his professional services be of value I knew tint Adams was a good shot and he knew that I was the same for we had practiced much to gether so there was no advantage to either party in the weapons After dinner Price came to me and told me that all was arranged bad- been fixed as I had planned and Adams and his second would be on the appointed ground at the appointed time Alter Price had gone I sat down and wrote two letters What a cow ard I was to write them One was to my mother and the other to the gentle being who had promised to be my wife As I sit now and think of that hour I shudder with- horror the hour when I wrote to my mother and to my betrothed What was I about to do To rob them of all earthly joy forever And for what Aye for what Because I had not the courage to be a bold frank nun to obey God and the laws of my country It was to bow a wicked spirit o offer my blood to folly and my hand to murder I WhiteHeart Ledge was a high per pendicular wall of granite rising above the river the top crowned with dark spruce trees It received its name from a peculiar mark where a mass of white appeared half way up the ledge in the foim of a heart I the afternoon I was upon the sandy shore the ledge and almost at the same time Adams appeared We were both anxious to be thought brave men He did not speak to me nor did I speak to him Our seconds conferred a while together and then Price came to my side Must this thing go on he asked I told htm I did not know how it I was a cowards So spoke our old lawtutor Moses Drake And thus he continued had graduated from Harvard laban Adams and myself and he had commenced the practice law Wc were neither of us though could be stopped I lied for I did Only a held back the last fatal word but that word was we raised our pistols a sharp err as from a broken heart burst upon the air and an- other moment two slight shadow flitted upon the scene I was a pris oner Adams was a prisoner Our lay undischarged upon the sand Two gentle maidens who us belter- we loved ourselves and whose love hid led them to deep anxiety In our behalf had guessed the secret Love sharp eyes Clara knew hot when under strong excitement and she hid feared something of this kind from the first She had only to whis per her suspicions to Miry and two sleepier sentinels were upon Those two warm spirits with their cries and tears melted the icy crust and our hearts found the surface in name be enemies no more implored Clara By the love you bear by the of all you hold dear on earth and all you hope to meet in heaven- cast forth the demon from your heart prayed Mary In an instant I resolved to be a man With the arms of my beloved still circling me I stretched forth my hind but was not in advance of As though one spirit had moved us our hands met midway I have been a fool said And I have been a fool and a coward said I was a coward because I dared not do right Aye ciied we have both been cowards And I added had it not been for these blessed angels we have been something worse We returned from the dark ground just as the day was softening into twilight and from that hour Adams and myself fist and they who had saved us from the great crime entered upon the life path with us and have blessed us ever since STOUFFVILLli The of Smith was entered on Thursday night last and a quantity of grain removed There seems to be a had gang in this vicinity Mr Daniel who died last week went for a pail of water and on returning to the taking the cellar stairs for the stepped and fell to the bottom breaking three death resulted from inflammation we both were anticipating that event had a esse in court a case of trespass Adams was for the plain tiff and I for the defendant It was a weak foolish complaint and Adams should not have taken it up It was clearly a case of extortion The plaintiff held a tod over the back of the defendant in the shape of a bit of knowledge concerning the private misstep of a former time and the present complaint was only a seeming legal way in which the olher power was lo be used for the purpose of opening the poor mans purse At the trial I exposed the Kick and ob tained a ruling out by the court of a tot of scandal Adams had planned to Introduce as testimony I was severe and as my opponent had entered upon a very bad case my strictures cut home I gained the verdict for my client and people laughed at the foiled plaintiff and spoke lightly of his lawyer Thus it commenced Adams could not forgive me for the chagrin I had caused him He laid It up against me and talked openly about being reyenged This was on the first of August A month afterwards we met at a party where the gentle- men wine Late In the even ing Adams and I met and a third person made some remark upon the old trial whereupon a fourth person laughed and said lhat I bad done a great thing At this Adams flushed and made an impudent rep The reply was addressed to me and I an it The two outsiders laughed at the hit I made and Adams said something more severe than before I replied to him He deliberately told me I was a liar had been drinking wine and my blood was heated As that harsh hard cowardly word fell upon my ear my passion overcame me I struck Laban Adams In the face and knock ed him back against the wall It was a cowardly thing for me to strike him there In that company but I was too much excited to reflect I expected that Adams would strike back but he did not I was stronger than he though this consideration may not have influenced Mm His friends drew him away and I went out Into the open air As soon the cool fanned my brow eased the heated blood away from my brain I was sorry for what I hid done but it was too late to help the matter I might have gone to Adams and ask ed him to overlook the wrong I had done but had not the courage for that On the following morning a friend named called upon me and resented a note from Adams it tad it to bo ft know He informed me that If I would make the least overture of peace he felt sure that Adams would accept it I think he said that Adams is sorry for what has happened You struck him and he cannot retract And he called me a liar I know he did and know that he did wrong In fact there was wrong upon both sides Offer him your hand and I think he will take it without a word of No I would not do it And why not I wanted to do It My heart urged me to do it The spirit of my deir mother speaking In those old love and blessing urged me to do it And another spirit clothed in younger starry love urged me to it The law of Ihe land urged me to doit And I would not was afraid that men would say was coward I O what a precious coward I was You are both good shots added and if you fire together you may both fall But I dared not offer the hand of conciliation I told Mm I was ready He went to and pretty soon they measured off the ground twelve paces We were to stand back those twelve paces apart We were to turn at the word One we were to raise our pistols at the word Two and at the word Three we were to fire I caught the eye of Adams as I took my position and I was sure that no angry passion dwelt therein For an Instant Impulse was with me to throw down the pistol and offer him hand I was sure he would not refuse me But I hid not the courage to do It would rather do the deep damning than do simple Chrtitlan act of love Our seconds rnaltated as though they saw what was passing In our thoughts but wc offeted no word and they proceeded The word One was given I cannot tell all the feelings that came crowding upon me at that I stood face to face with my brother in a moment we were to offer our hands to the Infernal stain I thought of my mother In her distant home I thought of the scenes of ray childhood bright and promising thought of my college days when I jban Adams had been my friend and chum I thought of the holy love which had beamed upon me since hid grown to mans estate and thought that In one short moment more the buck pall might cover it all I was a long time in pro nouncing the word Two He evi dently hoped that one of us would relent But hoped la vain RING WOOD- Mr Foot has rented the firm lately occupied by Diamond who has gone to Hugh Fockler is selling up a saw mill on his timber limit in Whit church Thomas Bruels has rented his farm for a term of years to Rich Clevendon who bis taken possession Mr and family have moved to Stouffville Leavens is upholding the reputation of the west end by building a new fence and sidewalk in front of his premises Mn is making exten sive improvements In her property The cheese factory is to be the comiog season by J A Mitchell Miss Watson of visiting at Mr Fairies and vicinity The Patrons of Industry are pro gressing Oliver Johnson bad his cellar dug for his new house which be intends erecting In the coming summer The ladles of the Christian church met In the basement of the church to quilt an autograph quilt which is now ready for sate The proceeds are for church purposes The Methodist choir are fast hastening into the stale of wedded bliss two ladies and one en- having crossed line We wish them conjugal felicity if the young man had ex ercised alittle more patience and kindness In breaking In the quadruped the animal would not been so destructive to the vehicle Good for the trade but hard on the pocket SUTTON Tuesday afternoon the barn be longing to Thos Taylor went up in smoke It Is supposed the fire was caused by sparks from the house chimney AH his hay grain two bead of cattle etc were a total loss Mr Taylor estimates his loss at 500 insured for Building operations at Sutton-on- thelake are taking an early start this spring Williamson has given P the contract to erect for him a substantial twostorey summer house which will carry away the palm Mr Macklem has also contracted to erect for Arthur Wllmott of Mac- Master University a commodious at the like The anniversary of the Reeves birthday was brought to a very pleas ing close by appearance of the band in full force and uniform break ing In the monotonous round of business with a burst of music that must have gladdened his heart The welcome figure of Aid Tremayne about Ihe same time helped to sub due the embarrassment of the sur prised recipient and a hippy evening was spent in which new selec- lions were finally rendered live the Sutton Someof the granolithic pave ment laid down In last fall did not winter very well and in many places the walks are badly chipped C Pills cure Outwitting tie Exciseman In a little village in the Orkney Islands lived Maggie who kept a sort of halfway house for the convenience of Travellers but un fortunately or otherwise she could not obtain the license necessary for the sale of alcoholic liquors coach passing daily through the village was noticed at various tines to put off a jar at Maggies premises and the neighbors were cruel enough to Insinuate that It conj a stronger than milk Men were noticed to enter her house frequently and leave In an advanced stage of intoxication so clearly the village were correct In their surmise that a shebeen business was carried on Time confirmed the theory and eventually the old ladys reputation spread over a wide terri tory insomuch that the excise officers from an adjoining town devised a scheme to trap her Accordingly an exciseman was de puted for the job who accidentally on purpose as it were found him- self under Maggies hospitable soot Ringing a table bell a character istic figure made her appearance who inquired her visitors wants An order was given for some bread and cheese which soon placed on the table before him Apparently his wants were not fully satisfied so after a little del aggie was again summoned and confidentially asked if she could supply whiskey To the excisemans surprise she replied in the affirmative and a bottle was placed before him with a polite request to help himself He poured out a the liquor at the same time laying a sovereign on the table which she picked up and retired for what he thought was change He flattered himself that his little game was to be but after waiting a con siderable time she did not return with the change so the bell was again rung for her reappearance Were you not aware that I gave you a sovereign interrogated the Beer Yes indeed sir I ken it is a sovereign J and you are a real gentleman Bur he protested the refreshments yon have supplied with do not amount to that returned not a bit disturbed ye must ken that I sell whiskey in this boose The refreshments charge ye for hut what I I an what I get I keep Goodday sir The exedeman was quite founded at the retort as the landlady bowed him out and he had stand the taunts of his brother officers for many a day afterwards in addition to being de prived of his chang with no alternative but to grin and bear it of TO SCUFFLIHO IK OUR EXCHANGE Tottenham is getting ready for a creamery will operate a cheese factory this season people are excited over the prospect of a new railway Ducks and geese are shot a the Holland River fiats Work on the new salvation barracks in Orillia has commenced to cele brate the Queens birthday royally this year organ in the Presbyterian is pumped water motor The Council pro poses to lay some asphalt payment this season The County of Slmcoe had eleven Mechanics Institutes in oper ation in 1893 River drivers are now hard at work on the south branch of the River The Presbyterian Church at North Bay has been entirely renova ted ami reseated is troubled with a gentleman of the road who sells grease for corn salve A large number of the Mea- sloths are now lighted up by the incandescent lights Penctang Mechanics Insti tute bought worth of new books for the library last week K A fog whistle and lighthouse are to be erected on Cabots Head Georgian Bay this coming summer Two years ago there were streetcar horses In Toronto now the number is Building will be brisk in Bee- ton this summer Five stores and some private residences are to be put up a The season for lunge commences on April and ex tends until June both days in clusive Robert Titus a boy working in township for Mr slipped forward off a load of wood and was run over by a wagon His shoulder bone was broken collar bone fractured and chest bruised K C the greatest cure of the age for Indigestion In the estimates for laid before the Ontario Legislature the Asylum for Idiots is on for improvements to the extent of The larger items ex tension of main sever at outlet at lake enlarging boiler house and new boiler house and new boiler and 975 for farm and garden material fences etc Coltieeirood Meat Co have secured forty on which they would erect a main building stories high of brick and stone feet attached to which will be the power house engine room moke house and ice house Ar rangements are also made for a com plete system of and pens The company expect to commence slaughtering about the 1st of Septem ber Andrew Russell ex- Wat- den of the County got badly hurt on Sunday evening Whin driving away from his residence accompanied by his wife and a little boy who was stay ing with them Mr Russell struck at his dog with his whip intending to drive it back and in doing so fright ened the young horse he was driving The colt jumped broke one of the traces and began acting badly Mr Russell jumped out and in doing so caught in the buggy wheel and dis located his shoulder and wrenched his side Mrs Russell also jumped out and received injuries but not so serious as her husband The little boy remained In the rig until the horse settled down and thereby caped The announcement made by Hon John Haggart Minister of Rail ways and Canals lo the deputation which awaited upon him on Thurs day of last that they might soon expect to see the canals of the Do minion operated by electricity de serving more than a passing notice It calls attention to the fact tbat we are living In a wonderful age of Im provement The innovation will be thoroughly tested on the Mule Canal now rapidly completion and If it Droves success ful it will be introduced along the whole of the and St Law- systom I expect said the Minister that all we will have to do In a year or so will be for a man to a button and lock gates and ridges will fly open in obedience lo this force The Superiority Ol floods Is to the Irs- of work and con- III Try of It blood which i of dyspepsia sick Is medicine you PUIS testable tolly prepared from ingredient village is moving have ivciy store close at oclock each evening except Wednesday and Saturday It is rumored tbat County Council 1 will in the future impose a license on wheelmen because they are pedlaTs K The safe of the Queens Hotel was robbed of early Friday morning The clerk forgot lo lock it The farm of acres on the roth of was knocked down on Tuesday of last week 10 for 1 At Man Willie Hus ton aged was drowned while attempting to save a fouryearold girt who had fallen into a creek Writ Taylor a farmer from near Glenmorris blew out the gas in a room at the Market Hotel Gait and was found dead Saturday morning Pickerel are beginning to run the streams for spawning purposes The close season commences on April and continues for one month Messrs Co of llelleville have bought in the last few months tons of hay around Pcneiang and Orillia for ship ment to Liverpool While playing base ball at the day a boy named Dean had his ankle broken An other lad jumped on his outstretched leg as he tan into the base The unrealized assets the Speifiht MPg Co Limited amount ing to 18000 were sold by auction and only brought The com pany went into liquidation in KSu So have named the baby T What does the T stand for Oh that means Temporarily until he gets his Uncle Obadiahi money yon know When you see the old hermit the toad emerge from Ihe cell where he his been ruminating all winter then you may proceed safely in mak ing your garden The toad never roaks a mistake The house Bradford came nearly being burned on Thurs day last The stove door was pushed open during the night by wood falling against it and quite a large hole burned in the floor before it was noticed j About one oclock one night recently a quartette of boys was dis covered in Aikens tannery Orange- by the night patrolman He tried to open door but the boys resisted and during scuffle three of precipitated into a liquor vat Two more crimes were com mitted In Penetang last week Mc- Kinneys cigar was entered on Saturday night and a quantity of cigars cigarettes and tobacco was stolen while the sime night a bag of flour was stolen from McDonalds bakeshop ftUaanlt meat or site everywhere Speaking of artists it takes a rich man to draw a check a pretty girt to draw attention a horse a porous- plaster to draw the skin a toper to draw a cork a free lunch to draw a crowd and an adver tisement in your home newspaper to draw Some people may not know that by allowing blackknot lo remain on their plum trees they are subject ing themselves to a fine of Blackknot is very contagious it spreads rapidly and should be cutoff as soon as it makes its presence known This month and next the best time for doing the work Minuss liniment w jk

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