Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1894, p. 2

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f t i- J rr r jnca l IRA APRIL 1894 Advertisements Not Co Reaction Roche Co Corset A- To Store Foundry Co Ltd Price A Horn A Bmi Teamen Wauled Property for To Notice To Farmer J Card of Alfred Card of Thanks Mr Phil Card Thinlst Fletcher Atsirtanta Wanted A Blanket Stolen Fred Mills NEVER LETS UP BUT CROWS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE Mr who for join En in declInM confirm on the which v3GXDb1d day QUmonx total election Ex la Printed all at Home FRIDAY- APRIL Toronto Despatch to Br April Tsro terrible accidents eocene on A fell from the lower the Armory and tod over by inslAutly killed it official is its enquiries good Ball A Sinlzel killed at Rob Saw by Lift The while he was the trying to set The Sale look at the Co Monday we con- The attendance was Urge A preach of promise suit for the Civil all yesterday and will be this morning Thi Toronto Star At this day there no necenlty of adrmndnf ftjr in of the proposal to the It than onto the dominant party In affaire ft rallying erf and Sir John and to declare for re form Bat what the of oar vary well that Sir John belong to that of who radical The Fat- rem wall the would be glad to Mm make the Tax criminal for the Coaoty of York will be opened next Mon day The docket although not a lengthy very In the we notice Dr Andrew and who will be pat trial their En an abortion at Toronto The Sharon cJ30 la on the docket for Evans Levi and being Ihenamee on the indictment down for criminal asanlt Patrick larceny of money from a letter Wm and Gtx criminal and John OBrien robbery not any of the named will be called in open tviore they will to go before the to w tree bill a are to and Mr of Toronto and kfr of were on the of Alfred in New York thii wk on of Mr Arthur to take final pharmacy fc Mr Fletcher ha in at that he which of In two tut and mtv for the remain ing two yen In to the of A ThU La con aidering that ha aboot weeks throat aickneat Monday evening between SO and Joinod in ai home and a very Ink Drop Next ii May Day Next j Arbor Day Director meet tonight Day suited on Big Ball Match tomorrow Settled Although the motion MP for North York that alt before the Public Accounts Committee should be taken under oath as in the sessions of and was voted down in the House by a solid Government majority yet it is gratifying to know thai the persistence of the Opposition its in spirit was largely granted When that the evidence extracted flora unwilling witnesses under oath wo directly contrary to what was given before the committee in the sessions above named reveal ing not only gross extravagance but also willful fraud and corruption to an extent which cast public suspicion upon several departments of state it is not to be wondered that the Com- in order to arrive at a truthful knowledge of tie accounts investigat ed should demand that the wit nesses examined in relation thereto should formulate their evidence under lit This contention was resisted by those members of the Committee supporting the Government argued that the oath should only be administered by the committee in special cases where deliberate charges were made The question afterwards came up in the House on Mr motion when ihe Premier Sir John Thompson took a compro mise view of the matter He conceded the principle contended for by the Opposition that the Committee had power and that the House could order the examination of all witnesses under oath All the Government would require would be that in re lation to any particular account a member of the Committee should say that he that there were over charges in i or that proper credit had not been Riven in which case the Committee would be bound to ask power to examine witnesses under oath and in his opinion the request of the Committee should be granted by the House This concession em braced about all that the Opposition really desired and the- amendment offered by the Government to Mr was adopted on this understanding The resilience of the original motion however has not in spired the utmost confidence in the purity of departmental administration If the accounts submitted arc legiti mate and iftoper why resist their be ing examined into under oath The remembrance of the fact that civil servants in arid under oath contradicted previous statements unsupported by solemn declaration furnishes ample justification for the course pursued by the Opposition the more especially as the motion to that effect was so persistently opposed by heads of departments thereby leading to suspicion On the whole however perhaps the course proposed by the Premier is the better as it is not desirable to multiply oaths to an extent that may result in their being regarded as something merely per functory instead of a solemn ration to a report published in the made by Indiana there appears to be a wide margin in the coat of street ing with arc He aye were from 100 that are applied with electric lights by private and cities their own plants enquiries elicited replies from the former cities showing an average coat per light of an while the received from operating their own plant showed an average annual cost per only 57S3 or a very little more than onehalf that supplied by private in csJcolaliDg the average per light per anonm to cities operating their plant no was taken of placed where the plant ij operated in connection with the water works system or where commercial lighting And it a On an all basis- KESWICK Wr the editor titter about no the Method tit on or at Sept aAer who baa been with for lime ttlorftilo on Win of very oyer John of WltiM Vflla Ing at week No the lime ibe Mr an open floacalm LANDING Fall wheat in this section win tered well Seeding and gardening the principal employment these days Some cleaning and repairing art being done to the here this week- One of fiir by her at her on Wednesday hiring been married in Chicago on Sunday last We extend our beat wishes May and trust your troubles may be little ones Mr be the hap piest man in the Tillage hating bad two of the family on wedding tours in a weeV Daniel Grant who has been con fined in the hospital has arrived nearly Dame Rumor says we may look for wedding here eer long is right Mr Piper baa Improved the appekran of by a of paint on fence and barns It more of the pond time and a little in the tame Hoe would not them through De serted Village when going way fir and led the debate the Club at this week and foreign fully dU- No entrance fee no crowds Mr ii for the May Bit tinge of Grand Jury the got J on the Sharon QUEEN ST Saturday night at Allan- dale Mr Webbs store was into and of the jewellery in the window carried off to the value On Sunday night an en trance into Hotel was but On night Kir Patterson was aroused by burglars in dru store and chased theni id his clothes securing George the real burglar and two vagrants fhe two latter got two months in gaol and the farmer remanded for one week If banket off If ill before bt will be eaWniof In ibimiD yava ihdr lb Jr In of ft3bfcHlBaftla i f Mr id faotrat of daaftl A MaWKiJELUcT April per barrel IS fall per bubal a Wheat per Wheat Belief per b per a Bran per loo TO Bborta per too IS CO per ttubj per lb 9 1iIaioj pertly i U Id Wool per lb- Hay per ton NEWMARKET Mechanics Institute- w OSS W fl DM a a IS a a Oil a s W lhiUit for port Election oi in will fc Oh AT READING ROOMS Coram at a oclock p AtulleUaod of It TOWN FOR SALE bome Dwelling Friday last when the Bay Ship Canst and Power Aqueduct Com- fanye bill up in the it evoked a lively discussion Hon Mr attack on bill and characterized the jcttton of the but a South Sea bubble- He thought the bill in the creation a corporation of a mono- with enormous privileges the territory by it As an Co it would tie up arouoi Toronto lion Mr Gibson on the the other hand did think it be calamity to have the Arpanet as It would iiu mi cm waiter power and an power which would a boon to the city Mr Clarke want the the municipalities safe guarded by them powers to give before could be made Mr Meredith objected to grant ing the charter without proposed route the work defined Mr- Da via urged that the bill be rendered rather than killed A good deal of discussion what farther should bo to bind down the com Two or three amendment were en and and two or three others suggested which Mr Gibon promised to couiider when the bill came for a third reading Hon Mr bill providing for the final Common fund was passed Mr McCoHb bill to the in come tax from to was defeated in committee aud after two or bills the Com mittee its labors for Ibis by thanks to lien Mr Hardy On Saturday tho Accounts Com a field day over the of Registrars of Hast Northumber land and and their deputies The charge that have in ocei appears to have foundation In both the evi dence elicited that the have padded their accounts to as to the net income of the reepoctivt offices come lielow and thus allow them to practice their pro fcsalOns In case on Moo- day ace witness swore he received for earing for the cat and doing an hours work daily In the The entire sum was charged to Of course irregula are not on the Govern but they cannot to and probably will not pretend to Tbo ought to ho bettor pasted Mr Con pi a bill to ijc of eeparato schools up week and during the lion Mr two to thereoobuthis health Much sympathy Is for on both aides the Home Toaoro PINE ORCHARD sentiment is booming in this locality and the Lodge is pros paring From one to five new mem bers are added each night of meeting Mr J S Stephens and family late of Newmarket were among the proposi tions We had a visit last Tuesday evening from Mr Hunter and he promised to take the chair at next Gospel Temper ance Meeting It has been decided to continue these meetings once a month through coming summer commencing at oclock- A week from Sunday Rev J Bell of New market has promised to give an ad dress and we look for a large raeetiOg village la A new up lat week by Mr A threat many edlutFlday ua had nut and Wen to ibelr our ac- 4 it Ibat we iblnfc itMy At any Is IKu was ibe lime It ever to rail and the intended to to elo It bU notice hail bakery fast com- will be ready for man the lit of May All same of Ibe boys are afur mean Ladder Co re nearly required on A blue from appear ed to be thereof of Mr Cothbertaons to ttervicM the Church next Hen Mr Allen of Mount Albert Kill conduct lathe Church ii were by the Mr of Toronto Next lie Ellison of field summer will conduct Smith of tar reboot la of her brother week fanners Id this vicinity are to bare a many ortbu by HI late MOUNT ALBERT What is Doing e to Pounce to disturb the J Newfoundland advices that the Governor hat prorogued tho to acting Instructions British Govern Is rcportfri that sine horning ot the railway divisional offices of the Tlt at the Company has decide to remove tho offlcts and from Allendale to or most likely the latter It Is announced thai a marriage has Lady Victoria daughter Mwqnliof Leo ton of the Arch bishop of ar3 to in legislation ecu Ion appears to hare given to mining Advices from Hat are to the that IheCanadUn Pacific has a very low rate from to Lake gold flehU Portage and Arthur Hat Portage people Into that At Ottawa on Mr Unlock made a move In the right direction name ly- to cut down the of all Canada la quite witling to gl re s v and a rcsldtnce to live in but when Itcomts to paying au average of a year since Confederation it savora loo much of at the public Mr- Thomas of was In town on Mrs Dr Watson Miss Ida Pear son of Mich Is home on A visit Miss Berth of Albert was visiting relatives In town a few days last week Mr J It who fa travelling for a Kingston firm spending a few day at home Mr underwent a operation tho past week having a cancer removed his lip Esq P was in town last Saturday and a visit to his farm on Mr P McDonald ot Toronto Force apcut a day here last week with bis Mr McLean Ilia Mr John art of is visiting at the home his son J New and of have the guests ot Dr Patterson recently and Mrs Goo Montgomery of Sunday In town Montgomery will remain a few Allan jr has purchased a hardware at Parkdale and he expects to family there In a tew weeks Mr JaoobPryno Ik at Queens College Kingston and formerly of lantrae spent over with friends la town Mr Alex came back from Texas and California week and baa gone to Philadelphia for two or throe Ills health Is wonderfully Mr of Toronto former ly Em staff was town last Fri day on his way to city Ho had been spending a of with at The Salvation Army has again at tacked the village Miss Rye Motley is visiting friends at Miss Stoddart the guest of Miss Ross returned home last week Mr J C appears to be gradually failing in strength Delegates from Zephyr station vis here last Tuesday New sign over one of the stores- Business roust be looking up The painters brush has been doing good work on Mr Holders house resulting in a greatly improved ap pearance of the place Miss Terry has been spend ing a few days at at the residence of her sister Our photo gallery moved north ward last Thursday The people of Mount Albert must be satisfied their good appearance since appar ently few applied to the power which while delineating the form on paste board seldom fails to correct the blemishes and minimize tbe irregular- of lhat form to satisfy the vanity of the applicant Last Sunday evening the Mr preached on the subject of dancing Those who heard the address say it was well worth hearing and although perhaps few in this locality the light fantastic still we hope the younger members will profit by the advice fitly The open literary meeting in con nection with the League will be held Friday evening Rev Mr Rogers will give a abort ad dress and musical part of program will be supplied by the Sharon choir under the leadership of Mr Hughes notice some of the correspond ent are in the habit of mixing a few latin nouns or phrases in their items without even reference to correct form Shades of Rome I any thing be more obnoxious than a mix- of bad latin and bad English Surely we get plenty of the latter with out calling in the aid of the former Nixie that an apology is due for the neglect of the past few weeks promise to try and do better in the future We admit that execra tions are breathed on ut and mud thrown at us from quarter and yet we cannot fail to notice the appointment depicted oft many a countenance as soon the paper is received and the person finds out Nixie is not represented Nixie dearie me scarce news is If I for town could a It is just shame there is SO much just a snfferin 10 be scooped in and yet yon town folks dont tell the That anol fair- Mr John has a hen thai one day sal down to produce ome in line- re suit wu an measuring eight Inchea round inched the small way round and four and yet the hen didnt make any great cackle about it Trot out yoar big egg No goose apply Mr Wrights house Is for the brick Mr is nearly and Mrs is her residence tearing down the ancient fireplace etc There is considerable in at principally the elderly folk while fortunate in a ph Her citizens are generally enjoying good health St and Union young are believers The Union boys a high regard for tit guts- tit boys vifa Fall in this locality is looking David an extra fine piece Gardner filltv Rev Rogers in the Queens on Sunday evening much to the gratification of Mr Rogers of Sharon died on Mon day after a Her end was fiue of rivcd this for the Mechanics Insti tute a further supply follow in Fall The institute is proud of its beautiful library and fine officiate Dill jr of Uxbridge formerly of ii tbo proud daddy of boy who is remarkable for having six grand and three granddads cad beat that I John the Sharon good fist at carriage building Look at tho cart he building lis very nobby former bach on this but now of Toronto visiting his He declares marriage Think our bichelorfl to drop a penny in slot a wife The Sutton last week devoted nearly half a column to an a dead calf which wo could beat had we the snaco relating death Bill Reuben on Saturday evening 1130 oclock was homo from Band mounted on old at lively clip when he Bill stumbled fell and broke his neck Master to ground with his the still in possession of a loud voice lie began to call lustily for help when Know All was fortu nately out late arrived to his aid and after effort Matter Bert little for his sudden downfall n teifipest in a teapot by souie items a tout come youngsters week- shoo pinched Mr Titer away in the field this week while attached to toller They kicked up a but no serious fortunately So much improvement around here I cant Io nolo all George putting on stylo in his lawn and John is bound to have things look ing slick about his yard K sow All k I illtllllli bushel per bushel umo per per per per bosh bushel bag Wool per lb Pork ier per per pair per bushel a a a a a a0 Si a W a OH a 0 O J a a on a ON a a 10 to a ID a 30 O TO SO cm tug And old Lot on are centrally Marmot with bare and new brick About sUteoffiOcd lbs front Hall tray i attofli Teresa Of will to For apply to FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH A Undertaking A A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Stallions Badges Trinity A Jik with bone wuoe style ffdDll Iraclog Touchstone Ills the Ihst Eflglsdcaaiupply tle bleu great ffrtut fast eat Vr and Hi to by dam Old tire vt bar old for Sljle power to of These two burses will for reajou at ibtlf own stable were but iha allowed to enter ftod will 1 of ilMolso Oriole Chief Rurloaud QUETTON We trust the public will believe us when we say that when we advertised last week to leave Newmarket on the 30th of May we fully intended carrying out that announce ment but last Monday we were offered the lease of the Store now occupied by Lundy and concluded to move there the first ot next week where for some weeks longer we will con- to Slaughter the Brunton Bros Stock along with thousands of dollars worth of New Goods which are arriving every day So far you have found everything here as adver tised It will always be so YOU CAN RELY on what we say in this column pieces of lovely Prints regular price 12a TENDERS sale Li 45 price 9c 33c 25c it Telephone Connection will be to Including lad Of IS stare price per week to the WATERING sod all street the to distant of ICO therefrom Parlies lendsrloB as follows Water fit Church Sod From Water Strict to Water to the Hall war croaking On Huron tendering raki 1st If Contractor Corporation sain It Contractor own water Br Council LLOYD April radio In town lha lUh wl J- of a At on April the wife A- of ihe Manner a son on list lest wife of Tench son Tho Alto Hotel on all let ami frotu Mayor of to road re following wore the Council In re of mallets John WWty I TrvEis Itotil Utile and to appvlol anJ commute labor and In- niot a committee frm Wev- bills ordered paid sheep claim ihepolai A stavi Jas refund of w with J- Council to In tibaron ilr as a Court of lib br Iter 1L K A Held Albert of ilaTkbain Ellen John of Whit- On Easter Monday at Illinois Mr Oil It form of Newmarket to At At on the of April advent ot to ltullcdgo of York Out Tomb on Alfred Sruos on lost wife of and It days J WAIH NORTH orders will prompt attention and met with a band was Arnold fortune at wee off wbys stone Mr formerlr of lihl but Mrs Vaodewatr Or underwent Iheotberdir AD A of was sou on here last it rtber a be to bate ibem vild ttome out ibis are done seel- work In end after a weeks Atsnw Allen vu ibe list but to ihe Editor of Era Your readers are no doubt with Ihe as a member of Board Andlt Jut year J Jniitc frilcu- some of of lha Clerk of llio we deducted from bis account for iba further aod for of alien littcMlou of was granttd The decided to lay certain accounts of Mr before for noon which lb JuJo fcravd tils last Thursday in which he iheoplolon W Hall last ear In what he to give you a ibrto set of accounts decided by or Lists Amount Mr 2i Amount by the amount a Zil Li chimed fur of and living ii to Amount by Judje W KxeeeaWftCbaniJ WW Amount Jurort udCopy jAmouolaAcerlalnM by the proper Charges same CO Making a total of for I lb to In addition to this found that turn by lo ihe paid by to ibe from best Jnformuoa they obtalo the Hems bad the for years bare desire to two myself or tout my born- know that a news iLf for urn but it for YsntfiAtton i to lay the facts Ratepayers can decide whaler Cum mil of or not AU lbooouimluocstn now Jo Is to re cortlo Council In and let Coun cil take such action u to TJ A W lHll I of ill at Hewitts Grands OS Saturday April rsMthet linn IT matched Pairs will do to brlW Bitkuu 8UTII It OW AND All wool dark light Union Hop Sacking all shades See our Special Line of Black Henriettas at and They would be cheap at onethird more HERE ARE SOME SNAPS Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs 1 cent each Old Brown Windsor Soap cakes for 10c Full Fashioned Fine Biffed Cashmere Hose Womens Cotton Hose pair Good Pins per paper Best Spools each Large AllLinen Towels pair Lace Curtains 25c to 300 Ladies PlainToe Oxford Shoes 85c Special Bargains in every kind of Shoes Mens Fedora Hats newest at READYMADE CLOTHING We have all kinds of Clothing at prices away down If you examine the goods and compare our prices with others you will buy from us GIVE US A LOOK Mens Good Suits from 400 up Boys Suits from up We move on Monday help us unload the goods must go Come early I Poland Chios for Sale Holland WOR SALE I J S 2nd Con Two AssUtaoisfor trde Par ties of experience pre Apply to OK It Is I Ibis ssLSOf to the l husband reodero- Jllot4sand to the atit iilte OK To thamanfrleo their aid aod my dec wUhto ex MID Wp Kara of as welt bo so teodred stations srrupiihr mothers and ess my faearttelt grail- WARNING No lee that all or TayJora Corner if 111 be sccordlng to law J A FARMERS Hull KID In of t Vbtia lot Whitchurch flrtt t la AIM WILLIS MORTGAGE SALE 2 Houses IN NEW and Lots TjUIiaUANT In r Ihero will NORTH lie Suit of at oclock lbs allow of Tolf Lot on Sontlfildsof Ontario and Lot No oil the North of Queen on of of land In ranted apply K VtDdorib MONEY TO LOAN flntolassfarm DAVID LLOYD for Real U fte Alw or lha follow tiro oodoo and Montreal alwfof the Lot THE H E MADDOGK DRY GOODS NEW CLOTHING HOUSE A great strike is on over miners dropped their pick on Saturday Pennsylvania Ohio Illinois Indiana and Alabama Miners join in the battle for higher wages Tennessee men refuse to go out for fear of starvation The place to order your Clothing for the future is NO 94 MAIN ST fitted up the premises recently occupied by Mr Chas we are now prepared to manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip tion In a manner second to no house in the trade The we have set ourselves is to secure tSe trade of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so are all that can be desired Consists of all that is NEW AND NOBBY AND HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR SPOT A comparison of our Prices will readily reveal this to and our reputation of nearly a quarter of a century is the guarantee of the class 01 work you may expect E MCCORMICK Late Cutter for Sutherland Bros took i- Reduction m COMMENCES NEXT WEEK

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